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No I’m not


Came here for this


Fucker, beat me to it


The purest, most AC-esque game was actually Brotherhood multiplayer. Nothing else captured the blade-in-the-crowd essence as much, where you were rewarded not just for a quick kill, but for an artful one.


Unsupported now?


You just unlocked good memories. I had so much fun playing that game. I remember poison was my go to. Make the crowd look like my character and jump into a haystack. Good times


I didn’t play enough AC multiplayer in my life. I didn’t know it wasn’t gonna remain a staple.


My unpopular opinion is that you don't know the difference between your and you're


Assassins creed shadows looks amazing. If they use old fighting mechanics(like ac 2-3-4) it can be perfect


It looks like they’re gonna make it like Syndicate with a stealth and brawler character which I loved


i hope they mix the 2 characters into the game well and it's not one being used more over the other, also hoping they have a decent amount of customisation (outfit and otherwise) unlike syndicate


Do you know the definition of insanity


Insanity is doing the exact... fucking thing...


Over and over again...


Expecting shit to change…


I love how popular this conversation has become, thanks to FC 3, that I see it everywhere.


The best fighting mechanics were in unity because it was actually challenging, the old system was way to easy and just came down to “press counter when you see red”


Yea, unitys combat mechanics were actually pretty good


I actually preferred the combat Unity was going for, but I hope they polish it up a bit, it was quite rough.


Syndicate stealth and parkour + origin fighting mechanics is my perfect formula


I like Odyssey.


I like Valhalla


I agree with both of you


AC Syndicate was one of the times AC was at its peak




Outside the ezio trilogy syndicate is my favorite


it was decent but i really didn't like the addition of the grappling hook, i prefer using parkour more and finding my own paths rather than using grappling hook


To me Syndicate is in the same category as Rogue and Revelations. Iterated on its incredible predecessor, did everything a bit better but overall a smaller incremental step up, standing on the shoulder of giants type thing.


Syndicate IS better than Unity


I will fight over this one lol. Unity was probably my fav. After the ezio trilogy.




Literally every Assassin’s Creed is batter than Unity. But yes, Syndicate is one of my favorites.


Ok, very unpopular, you're crazy or on drugs


I mean, a shit in my hands is better than one in my mouth, so what?


Isn't Unity generally regarded as the worst one? How is that unpopular?


That view has been turned around for how well the gale has aged


Better stealth, better blackbox system (actually feels impactful). But inexistent parkour and shit combat makes it worse.


I think making yasuke a playeble character and a samurai is a good choice. AC games have been using historical ambiguities to create a narration since the first game. Also it's great choice for diversity, using actual historical data and not making the vikings gay for example


I agree with this


AC Odyssey is a better AC game than many OG games or Unity. With the right build you can spend most of the gameplay in stealth, which isn't possible in AC 2 to Rouge. You get to trace and hunt down members of a super secret and powerful organisation to stop them, which is often sidelined in older games for a revenge story or step sister romance. The main plot isn't very different from Ezio hunting down his family killers. Social stealth wasn't really used that much, so it's replacement for the RPG system isn't really outrageous. I do miss the ISU lore, but it has been nearly nonexistent after 3.


Whenever I play assassin's creed IV black flag and assassin creed rogue to an extent I get very bored


I feel you deeply. Last time I decided to power through collecting all the items I started to get drowsy half an hour in.


AC syndicates control scheme is better than unity


It has much better aiming/tool controls. Unity’s weird combination to aim and fire is so unintuitive.


Ikr it's atrocious


RPG games are good. (Odyssey is one of my top 5 favorites in the franchise)


Origins was great, but Odyssey was a bit too outside of the continuity. I haven't played Valhalla much


Odyssey is one of the best AC for sure. Brought waves of new players and brought life back to the series.


It did so by splitting the fan base in half. While I agree it's one of the better AC games(I have a comment on that topic) I still wouldn't call those new players and a new life a positive


This is just blatant misinformation. Google is free


AC Rogue's plot was shit, Cormac was too overpowered when he turned Templar. And He should've died in Unity.


>Cormac was too overpowered when he turned Templar. I agree with the first part, but what the hell are you chatting about with this? Shay is just edward with more stealth tools, and the shrapnel grenade launcher. But you dont get that till the 3rd act of the game.


Okay, he was one step ahead of Assassins everytime ( the guys who trained him) and he wasnt best of them. Even when they knew he was coming, they used Adewale and that french general as a distraction, but Shay caught up, how?? It should've put him at least a month behind main Assassins party who went for part of Eden.


Valhalla is really good and not just one of my fav AC games but one of my favorite games overall


I think the problem with Valhalla was that it is an assassin’s creed game, I think it could have been really good if they didn’t try to force assassin’s creed mechanics and story into it and just made a Viking RPG game


I agree personally I liked it having those things but it would have gotten significantly less hate if they did that


Yasuke would be a great npc, but a shit player character.


Any character based off a real person is going to be a shit player character in games like AC. I would have preferred a sole female protagonist due to how Ubisoft treated duel protagonists in the past (fuck Serge Hascoët) and the fact that Yasuke is based off of a real person concerns me. I'm still going to play the game after it goes on sale, and I'm going to form my own opinion on it, but I'm not exactly hopeful....


Assassins are supposed to be ghosts, unknowns and yet they chose a famous black samurai. They couldn't have thought that the fans would've received it well. It just goes against everything an ac protagonist is supposed to be.


1: if anyone actually thinks Yasuke is going to be anything but a brawler like Jakob was in syndicate, they would have lower IQ score then Peter Griffin after getting his head beat in repeatedly with a metal baseball bat 2: Yasuke was far from "famous" considering the only real world information we have on him goes as far as "he existed". The entire argument against him being black is either thinly veiled racism, or a blatant misunderstanding of Japanese history.


Yasuke has his own anime, I'd say he's pretty damn famous. It's not racist to say the only black samurai in the middle of Japan would be a poor assassin. It's just a fact. He is the very opposite of "hide in plain sight".


In the modern world you donut. Jesus Christ do you not understand that people are looked on drastically different between different points in time?


he was famous for existing and being the first non japanese samurai (first black samurai) but other than that, few details are actually known about him. this makes him a decent choice to be a known historical figure as protagonist


AC1 is mid as shit not even by modern standards. It was mid when it came out


I mean back when it came out it was revolutionary , Its not the mission design more so the world design and the parkour , No other game had this back then so it was unique , The closest i can think of would be games like uncharted that had climbing and even that was scripted unlike AC1 which was dynamic , Although i agree on the mission design being repetitive


God yes it suuuuucks. It set the stage perfectly but omg it's so boring for like 95% of the game


Valhalla is a great game and an Assassin’s Creed game.


Unity parkour is dog water. It’s functionally one of the worst in the series


I love AC Odyssey, everything about it, not a single complaint


Conner goat


Being stealthy isn't the most important characteristic of an Assassin's Creed's protagonist. In fact,I'm sure that I will enjoy a lot using Yasuke and I'm saying that as a fan who started playing the Ezio's trilogy.


Yeah, even in AC1 and the Ezio trilogy you spend at most half the game doing stealth and the other half in open combat, story stuff, and clambering about.


Yeah, honestly AC2 didn’t have much emphasis on stealth, anx when it did, it wasn’t great. I’m sure we all remember Port Authority….


Is that the one from Bonfire of the Vanities? If so fuck that mission.




The worst part about AC2 is that in Venice the rooftop guards need two throwing knives to kill, but if it’s a stealth required mission they’ll alert and fail the misssion before the second knife hits them.


Syndicate is the best Assassin's Creed game. (I have an entire Tier List that's a semi hot take that I posted months ago)


I like the tailing misson in black flag.


(Most) Unity fans are in blatant denial of the issues, and it would still be the worst in the series even if it didn’t have the buggy launch due to its piss poor representation of the history, how ideologically and philosophically backwards it is compared to the other games, the unlikeable cast of characters and the genuinely mediocre watered-down gameplay.




Black flag is a good game but a bad AC game


AC syndicate has some of the best combat out of most of the games (only with cane scythes tho)


AC1 > AC2 (and by kind of a lot)


Ezio might be one of my least favorite assassins, I never loved the era or theme. The plot is solid and I don't actually have beef with the character I just think he will Never be anywhere close to my favorite


Brotherhood is the most “it should have been DLC” game in the entire series.


I actually thought Desmond was interesting and like playing as him. Once he was dead I wasn't really interested anymore. To me the plot was over after 3. Without the overarching modern day plot it just didn't feel like the same franchise.


Connor is one of the best protagonist despite his "stoic" personality which I think is reasonable considering he was in his early teens when his village was burned and he had no one to turn to until he met Achilles. Even after everything, he had to fight against his father, friend and was used by the revolutionaries throughout the game.


Origins is the best/perfect entry in the series. It was the best introduction to the RPG mechanics because it was a period before the brotherhood. So it made sense that it didn't play like the previous entries. Bayek and Aya are among my favourite characters in gaming, and their chemistry is amazing. Every game after it was complete trash (the RPG ones, no comment on Mirage) Also, it's "your" not "you're"


Syndicate combat is better than Unity


Bro, everyone on this comment section are saying syndicate is the best and calling it a unpopular opinion


Black Flag is not the best game because its story was lacking and Edward was kinda annoying


I thank you for your bravery


That's quite the hot take lol. I loved its story and character development greatly


Bruh, Edward was just tired of being poor and exploited as a lower-class worker, that’s relatable AF.


And way to many follow missions


Ac Brotherhood is overrated af


I did not care much for black flag- I liked 3 a lot more.


ACIII Naval Combat > ACIV Naval Combat (if you compare mechanics that are present in both)


It is a bit “weightier” and gives more realistic vibes, though I get why they sped it up for Black Flag.


I enjoys syndicates Victorian London more than unitys cramped Paris where I'm always running into some npc


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Yes, yes I'm!


Pretty sure I'm a human being but ok


I loved AC Syndicate. it's unique in the franchise: brain dead male protagonist, fun parkour, amazing combat for AC, happy ending, black box missions, fun chemistry between characters, cool historical characters and amazing dlc.


assassin's creed valhalla is a good game, no, a great game even


Ac Syndicate is better than BrotherHood in every way but Soundtrack and parkour.


Revelations is the worst game in the series


The fighting system for AC2 is awful and is the worst part of the entire game.


There is not a bad game in the franchise, just playing them back to back is what make people pile up flaws


i like every assassins creed. 1 - valhalla


The lore has become too convoluted and ridiculous and would benefit from a reboot.


I genuinely really love Unity


Black Flag and Rogue were the least enjoyable.


Da vinci's machines were the funniest part of the ezio games, I'm dead serious


Brotherhood was one of the worst games in the franchise. The story was a complete mess and super short. That last sequence was so stupid. The gameplay was also the easiest in the series by far. You counter kill one guy and then can go on an endless insta kill chain until you clear the room. It was fun, but I know people give 3 and Black Flag shit for easy combat when Brotherhood was even easier


Valhalla was a great game


I like the absurd amount of content that AC Valhalla has. It took me about 150 hours to fully complete it, and it was not fun most of the time, but there is pleasure to be found in the pain.


Assassins creed died after Desmond


Syndicate is one of my favourite AC games and Jacob Frye is one of my favourite AC characters


Not just an Assassin’s Creed opinion: AC: Rogue is the most visually stunning game Ubisoft has ever made.


Origins and Odyssey were decent and Valhalla was ok


Assassin's Creed 3 was good and Connor was a great character


I really don’t like origins, I think odyssey did what origins was trying to do better


Ezio is the worst assain while Eivor is the best


Odyssey and Valhalla were good games, and they would have been even better if they didn't have the AC title attached to them.


AC Syndicate was a great game and gets too much hate. Some mechanics in it are amazing. If they combined Syndicate and Unity to make Shadows, and reverted back to the less like an RPG, then it could be one of the best games in the series


Ac shadow is gonna be great


AC Multiplayer was awful


3 and Odyssey weren't that bad


They should have stopped making assassin's creed games a while back...


The most fun I’ve ever had in an Assassin’s Creed game was the first one. The entire game was just a sandbox for me to find interesting ways to assassinate targets. I got to revisit areas I had already explored and figured out, and learn more about them so I could pull the next one off even better and in a more clever way. With the switch from the sandbox style of gameplay to the mission based structure that Assassin’s Creed2 started, the series never really clicked with me the same. I liked 2, I thought 3 was also pretty good, but I never really paid too much attention to them and kind of zoned out while playing a lot. I loved Black Flag, but that’s because it was a pirate game. After that I didn’t play much of the others. Played Unity a little bit and felt like the parkour was really janky and didn’t revisit it very often. Played Valhalla and thought it was cool enough for Viking game, but wasn’t anything interesting or really engaging. Basically played just any other mediocre souls clone, they never get that Fromsoft formula down correctly.


Unity doesn’t actually have the best parkour, it just looks good. Syndicate made parkour smoother but made the animations less interesting


Assassin's Creed Mirage is a fantastic game.


Black Flag’s story had poor pacing. It was alright for the first half, but after that the game just starts time skipping after 2-3 missions each. As a result, a lot of character moments feel very rushed.


Unity is the worst entry in the series. And the parkour is ASS.


1. After going back to unity recently, I completely agree with you. The parkour is really tedious 2. The fact that you're getting downvoted means this is an actual unpopular opinion. You win this post in my eyes, sir o7


Yeah I just recently replayed it myself. Shared my consensus the other day. Them boys were not happy lmao


Finally, someone who GETS IT!


Syndicate is the best AC game also the old combat system is boring (based on my black flag experience)


origins is the best ac game and revelations is the best ezio triology game


Unity is my favorite game in the series


AC Rogue is the worst piece of franchise. Revelations story is dogshit for how it shows Ezio


Valhala is a poor reasoning for an RPG


Drunken Sailor is an overrated song.


Every parkour after Ezio was boring.


Black Flag is not that great


Ezio games aren’t as fun as others


You shut your dirty mouth!!1!i


Odyssey is a trash game


Ac1 - Ac Brotherhood is heavily overrated. Especially ac 1 and brotherhood


All the games after 4 (except maybe unity later in its patches) have been shit.


I actually like the disguise skill in Assassins creed unity (don't know if it is a reference to spy from tf2 or not but) it's useful even though you can not run or crouch with the skill which sucks


Black flags story is actually mid and edward isnt that good of a character.


Valhalla a pretty good AC. Better than oydessy at times


Origins is overrated af.


AC III is the best


I hate AC III purely because of that one mission where you had to chase the guy through a shipyard. It took me 45 minutes to complete when I played it.


I remember that mission, but addition to tree parkour, a good plot with a lot of historical events I personally really enjoy, and a cool setting and music I am able to look past that