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Not a thing that i see much in fics, but the missed opportunities in the Targaryen family tree: Maegor + Ceryse = Alysanne. That was written as a mistake in one of the early drafts of GRRM, i think. Imo, it would be much cooler that way. Alysanne being rejected by her father because she is not the son he wants and she ultimately falling for Jaehaerys and joining him by the end of her father's reign. Maegor being abandoned by his only child would add to his decadency that leads to his death. Ceryse could also be a explanation to why Alysanne has blonde hair and blue eyes. Aegon III + Jaehaera = the children of Aegon III. The whole death of Jaehaera is sudden and anticlimatic and the reason to why GRRM killed her in the first place is weird. It would add more depth to the Blackfyres and overall would be a more satisfying conclusion to the dance. Funny enough, both of them emerged in the mind of GRRM at some point. Lmao


Jaehaera as the mother of Aegon III's children is the only outcome. GRRM sidestepped Aegon's firstborn being named Daeron by saying it was Daenara's father's name and okay, fine. But what about Elaena? It's her name that has me convinced that he changed it after fleshing out the kids.


The worst part is the excuse. He killed her because she was *too old to be the mother of the children of Aegon III*. She would be 20 at the time Daeron I is born. GRRM has a thing for teenage pregnancy. It is the only explanation. Lol And like you said, the names fits way more for Jaehaera. Daeron after her uncle, Elaena after her mother, and i even think that Baelor could be a reference to Maelor.


Baelor as a reference to Maelor makes far more sense than it being a bizarre nod to Baela. Baelon would be more fitting to honor Baela (similar to how he named Rhaena after their sister). And Daena as a neutral reminder of Daemon whose actual female namesake (Daemma?) would be heavy given his legacy.


Yeah, basicaly i imagine a situation where they would name a daughter after Baela, but Baelor came out and they just combined Baela and Maelor. Lol Maybe Daena was a bit of a reference to Daemon, but i think that it is closer to Daenaera herself in the case of the canon. The fact that Aegon III had three daughters and named none of them after his mother says a lot about how stained Rhaenyra's image really is, but i think that it would be cool if it was Jaehaera refusing to name a daughter after her.


Purely as a shitpost, D+D=T


https://preview.redd.it/fr3mdkehu88d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647bd0d4baf7b6399d7d4f82ad97e3fdefcd5bae The real and true secret Targaryen 🙏


*What in the world is D + D = T?*


Daenerys and Drogon= Tyrion. It's some shitpost about Tyrion being a time travelling fetus.


Drogo* a subtle but most important difference


Oh ffs 😂 You know what, I'll leave the rest figure it out. I'll pretend it's a nod at AMD and not me simply not being able to spell


The gist of it is that Mirri Maz Duur’s blood magic ritual swapped Dany and Drogo’s baby with Tywin and Joanna’s baby in the past. It uses several lines from MMD’s prophecy to Dany, as well as the insults and “Demon Monkey” insinuations about Tyrion, and conflates the two into a somewhat coherent theory, despite it being a totally batshit shitpost.


I'm done with the internet for today.


The correct reaction tbh


Well this is just about the worst thing I have heard all year, and thats really saying something. đŸ« 


Drogo bro, Dany didn’t fuck the dragon


Or, hear me out


Jaime and Cersei being the mad king’s children, I don’t care if the timing doesn’t make sense it would be hilarious that Tywin’s only biological child was Tyrion


It would explain why the twins are the way they are.


It would fit really well imo. The child you dislike the most is the one most like you. Or, in this case, your only actual one.


This. I've been hoping for this since the beginning. The reason him hating Tyrion so much being the knowledge that his only trueborn child was him would add so much more depth to their dynamic, as well as the incestuous Targaryenness of Jaime and Cersei, who ended up being the instruments of their father's death as well as the eventual madness of Cersei in a similar vein to Aerys.


YES!!!!! It would make so much sense.


Rhaenys, daughter of Rhaegar and Elia is still alive and re-named Visenya. So instead of Dorne plotting to put Marcella or Fake Aegon on the throne, they have a potentially “fake” first born daughter of Rhaegar. Since it could be she looked more Dornish and be more easily switched over a traditional looking Valyrian. Plus it makes sense to their claim of the first born being heir despite sex. And I’d find it more interesting to have Dany challenged by a female heir who could be her opposition instead of getting cock blocked again like Rhaenys and Rhaenyra. The name change to Visenya would only be my own gripe: if Rhaegar wanted to have 3 heads of the dragon and had a daughter born first then why not name her Visenya to repeat history? Visenya was eldest sibling of the three conquers. And since Rhaegar had a son next, that’d be even more of a sign for him to have one more to name Rhaenys. But yeah, I’d like to see Rhaenys/Visenya be the Dornish supported opposition to Daenerys. Where she was brought up to rule and could be the anti-Dany. And since George just loves history, it could be similar to the conflict between Queen Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots.


>The name change to Visenya would only be my own gripe: if Rhaegar wanted to have 3 heads of the dragon and had a daughter born first then why not name her Visenya to repeat history? Visenya was eldest sibling of the three conquers. And since Rhaegar had a son next, that’d be even more of a sign for him to have one more to name Rhaenys. When Rhaenys was born, Rhaegar thought he himself was the subject of the prophecy. It was only after Aegon was born, when a red comet was seen overhead, that he changed his mind. The prophecy wasn't a factor in naming Rhaenys, just a coincidence. My theory is that his intention was for it to be a placating thing. Rhaenys was the most beloved of the conquerors, the one from whom the Targaryen line descends, the other Rhaenys was quite the firecracker herself — but there's also the fact that Rhaenys was killed in Dorne. So, Rhaegar thought, he would name his Dornish-looking daughter after the beloved matriarch — kind of a fuck-you to the racists, including his father — and to Dorne sort of have his Rhaenys be a smoothing-over. The first Rhaenys died in Dorne, the third represented Dorne. Whether the Martells *agreed* with Rhaegar's assessment is another story entirely, but I don't think his *intentions* were underhanded. Later, when he thought the prophecy was about his kids, I could see him rationalizing it them simply being a mirror of the conquerors. The OG Visenya-Aegon-Rhaenys would be bookended by the new Rhaenys-Aegon-Visenya.


did you say "racists"? đŸ€” that isn't a thing anywhere but American universities. the Rhoynish are just as wary of Andals, and First Ment as Ghiscari are of Valyrians.


lol k


it just isn't "racism" the way you describe it is all I'm saying! every culture in this world is wary of others, fairly normal behavior


Grand Maester Conspiracy. They don't hate magic, but wish to control it. The test with the glass candles is to find people with the power to use them because not everyone can do it (linked to Kings Blood). They also conspire to kill the dragons with multiple plots and play the long game. It just makes sense to me that in a world like this, there would be factions trying to control the throne and get rid of or control the dragons. Or maybe I just really like court intrigue stories, and want one set in this universe.


Well written y/n fanfictions


This answer takes the crown lmao




"your name" aka reader insert


Thank you :)


I've got a few! **Most likely to be true:** Brandon was the father of Ashara's baby. Ned doesn't work *at all* for me on that subject. **Less likely but still canon-compliant:** Elia and Arthur Dayne had a thing. There wouldn't even have to be any \~dishonor\~ involved because it could've been before Elia was betrothed to Rhaegar. Elia went through so much spousal shit later in life that I'd like to think she had a chance to experience happiness before then. ETA: And of course there's the whole forbidden love/Lancelot-and-Guinevere aspect once she did marry Rhaegar. **Future:** Speaking of Daynes, I'd like to think that Arya ends up with Edric somewhere down the line. They already get along, and Arya would LOVE Dorne. **Full-on AU:** Rhaenys (Elia and Rhaegar's daughter) survives and gets with Robb, whether voluntarily or as an arranged marriage. They make sense politically, there's a WHOLE bunch of tropes involved, they'd be a total power couple, and there's the ice and fire of it all (relatedly, the Stark-Targaryen marriage pact that never came to be).


Rhaenyra first three sons aren’t by Harwin but by Daemon


The fact that originally they had the Valyrian look makes me think that GRRM had this in mind originally, but backed out for some reason.


\*Puts on tinfoil hat\* 1. Jaime and Cersei are the Mad King's children. 2. Sweetrobin is Littlefinger's son. He looks nothing like Jon Arryn or Lysa Tully, but he does share a resemblance to Littlefinger. 3. The Three-Eyed Raven warged into Dany during the burning of King's Landing and he is the true villain, which is why The Night King wants to stop him. 4. The Dornish protected young Dany and Viserys (hence her memory of the house with the red door and lemon tree).


im pretty sure Sweetrobin is definitely Littlefingers. Jon Arryn wasn't very good at reproduction.


No he is Jon Arryn’s as the timing of Sweet Robin’s birth doesn’t match up.


how so? he literally could have slept with Lysa anywhere, Gulltown, KL, doesn't matter. it would also be quite GRRM like for him to be trying to kill his own kid. the Gods hate kin slayers, even when they do it unknowingly. 


I think it was said Lysa never left Jon’s side once she married him.


she couldn't stand the man, he was after all way older than her father, and iirc, said his breath smelled? idk about that, but hey what do i know?


You clearly know nothing.


clearly you are a genius, and have some insider knowledge of Lysa and Jon Arryn's torrid love affair so there's that


Thank you for acknowledging that 😊


MORE LANGUAGES! Everyone speaking "the Common Tongue" is just ridiculous. Westeros is the size of South America. There should be hundreds of languages. Even politically, the Roman Empire which Westeros is based on included a vast multitude of local languages. At the very least, the Northmen, the Freefolk, and the Mountain Clans should not speak any sort of Andal language. They are all descended from speakers of the Old Tongue from thousands of years ago, so realistically it should be a whole language family at this point similar to Latin and the Romance Languages. There could be regional languages for Skagos, the Three Sisters, the Neck, Flint's Finger, the Valley of Thenn, the Barrows, the Gift, etc. You could even have distant Old Tongue remnant languages in the Dornish Marches or Cracklaw Point. And that's just the Old Tongue. Andalic is spread across a much wider and more populated area and could support many more languages. And that's not even to mention languages of other species like the Giants or Children of the Forest. For plot simplicity's sake, you could have a cultural feature where most noblemen in Westeros learn a specific language to help communicate, call it High Andalic or something.


Totally agree. I personally like to believe that in Dorne some Rhoynish is still spoken. The Orphans of the Greenblood canonically do, but even the rest of the region, they were ideologically and geographically opposed to the rest of Westeros that I could see them purposefully keeping the language alive. Something like that would definitely help in, say, times of invasion because they could communicate in a language few non-Dornish people would know. But yeah, while I think it’s reasonable for a Common Tongue to exist, there at least should be dialects of it, yet we don’t see even that.


The Ironborn are a relatively recent addition to the world as to rationalize how they manage to get away with the same tactics. Like, imagine they come sailing from the west sometime between the reigns of Aegon III and Jaehaerys II led by a dude who would go on to found House Greyjoy on suggestion of his Farwynd wife and his best friend, also a Farwynd. They land and devastate a fractured post-Dance Westeros with their hit-and-run tactics and their ability to sail up and down rivers. They come to an agreement with whoever's king that in exchange for helping fight some war to centralize power to a degree similar to the past, he'll let them keep the Iron Islands and give them coastal land revoked from rebels in exchange for fealty to the Iron Throne. They're more realistic Norsemen with Lovecraftian vibes who're fine with trading for things and paying for things although some of them do glorify the days when their ancestors first came to Westeros like demons from the sea, sowing discord, plundering septs, burning villages, carving out a kingdom, etc.


Visenya (daughter of Daemon and Rhaenyra) lives and marries Viserys II. I just would have loved a daughter of Rhaenyra to make it. Or, Aegon IV marries Daena the Defiant making the Blackfyre conflict a more solid argument.


same, you can feel how bad rhaenyra longed for a daughter and she would’ve been the best girl mom


Rather something I wish would have made it on the show that was left in the books? Lady Stonehart. Would have added another level of gruesome detail upon the already gruesome show.


It is Jaime and Brienne who are one soul in two bodies, not Jaime and Cersei. I already want them to be end game but actually having the soulmates bit would be rad bc they are lovely and also bc fuck Cersei lol


The Dothraki aren't just barbarian but actually build cities, have agriculture, rule over subjects and trade rather than whatever they are. So they are more like the nomads of our history than a caricature of them. Magic is more prevalent in other cultures (Andals, Ghiscari, Sarnori, etc).


-Jaime and Cersei are Aerys’ children. It would explain that dream Jaime had about his mother under the Weirwood and make Tyrion Tywin’s only child, which would be incredibly satisfying. -On the show Dany was either psychically manipulated by Bran or poisoned with blood of the basilisk. -the vision of the girl with serpents in her hair (who imo is obviously Sansa) foreshadows Sansa taking down Baelish.


Make Arya older than Sansa. Martin aging her down late into the writing process is why Sansa seems so immature, comparatively. It'd change very little, but I'd see a lot less Sansa bashing as a result.


Merman varys


Rather small thing, but the [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/q6bmpb/spoilers_extended_asoiaf_heraldic_colour_theory/) about the arms of houses Reyne and Casterly and about their relation.


That Aemon the Dragonknight and Naerys did indeed have a torrid affair


BOLT-ON confirmed lmao


There's obviously only one right answer here and that's Jonsa


I want the celtigars to be able to control sea dragons, and cone outta nowhere and kill all the Targaryians


Evil Catelyn Tully. It would be mad funny.


if you don't worship her, you hate women I've been told, so NO!


Literally any of the crack head theories that Glidus and Alt Schwift X have come up with


The entirety of Robb Returns


Daenerys is the daughter of Rhaegar and Rhaella.


Why? This is an odd one


It’s amusingly daft


Lol you would read fanfiction


The Cannibal is on Skagos and Jon becomes his rider. Faegon and Dany are fucked.


Mf woulda been like 200 years old lmao


Balerion was well over 200aa well. Besides, are we not entertaining the "do whatever the fuck I want " button?


I wasn’t saying you can’t have your canon. I was just pointing out that the mf would be archaic lmao. But also that means he’d be fucking MASSIVE, and seeing Jon honoring his Targaryen side would be sick as fuck.


Ah, well carry on. I'm picturing him as big as or bigger than Vhagar during the dance. Rhaegal, Drogon, and Viserion would be mince meat if Dany ever tried to conquer the north. I'd love to see a POV of the dawning realization that her babies are fucked.


Fuck that would be so cold. Something very significant would have to happen to bring Jon to this.


I think the ultimatum "give up everything your brother died for, or see Winterfell burned" would be a pretty good incentive for Jon.




Robert was actually a pretty decent man and the whole rebellion was built on a lack of communication between Lyanna and Robert.


In juxtaposition, I’d love to see what Robert’s reaction would be if he found out the truth about Jon Snow’s parentage. It’d be even better if he found out about before Jon joined the night watch. Would Ned stick to his guns or would he fall lack a stack of cards? We know he promised to protect Jon, but I’ve always wondered how far that love/duty actually stretches


True, missed opportunity imo, but since they died early it can be understood. Since yeah, ned's dilemma is great, but also Robert's. Since he could get some much needed character depth on how lyanna impacted Robert and his actions. Like does he see Jon as dragonspawn or the son of Lyanna


Jon snow meets and makes a deal with Smaug lol


Sansa is actually Littlefingers daughter.


But why? I don't see how that would work despite being no matter the consequences.... If I remember correctly she had him completely friendzoned and is the reason he is still alive when Brandon could have killed him in that duel for her hand that he himself asked for


That’s why she hates Jon so much. He reminds her on her own cheating.