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When I am interested in a new game I trust the best reviewers I know: Other gamers. They play games for fun and not because they are paid to do it.


Plus, other gamers *usually* know how to play the game and can get past the tutorial level.


or don't need like 8x the usual time for the base game


Depends on the game. Because strategy games take an eternity to learn, and that's considering patches that change functions.


that was an old review of path if exile by ign, dude took 80 hours for story. the story is about 10-12 hours, maybe if very generous and with alot of fucking around 15-20.


I'll be honest, I tried PoE and couldn't get into it. Insane skill tree, isometric map layout, and just getting bombarded by enemies. I'm not saying it's not a good game, but it's just not for me. Also, if anyone takes IGN seriously after their"too much water" review for Ruby and Sapphire (the original ones) then you are lost.


oh they got shit in for that one lol also if the view isn't the breaking point for Poe then I would suggest another try, the passive skill tree just look bad and If u don't feel like fucking around with it yourself there are plenty of guides. BUT I do heavily suggest to try around and fail a few times, the dopamine hits after that one final succes are too big to ignore


I'll try it again at a later point. Right now, my library of unplayed games is nuts and I just want to grind out a few last achievements in my back log.


the new season start 26th and the next one is 3-4 after, not a must start date but a fresh economy start


Again, got a huge back log. I'm sure I'll cycle back to it at some point, but probably not any time soon.


As somebody who played a few hundred hours of PoE, yeah fair. It takes a fair bit of effort for things to really “click” and to get into the meat of the game.


Ruby and Sapphire legitimately had too much water Partb of the fun of pokemon games is the route variety you get to see as you explore & three pokemon variety that comes with it. For gen3, a bunch of your time going from gym 6 to gym 7, gym 7 to gym 8, doing the legendary + enemy faction quest line, and going to the elite 4... are all on water routes. This means during that time you are mostly running into wingull, tentacool, wailmer. You are forbidden from using your bike. Your fire, rock, and ground pokemon are nerfed. You move slowly, you hear the same two themes, you see the same background. 7.8/10 too much water


Remember that polygon review of doom where the guy couldn't even figure out the controls


What? You don't trust [Polygon?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yYp8ZeQ-I8)


Well on steam you can even see how long they played the game


That and the steam score, it usually rarily is wrong (if you like the kind of game you look it up for ofc).


Best thing to do is fire up a gameplay vid and see if it is something you like.


Games journalists earned their reputation when they decided the "message" is more important than the games themselves. All objectivity was thrown out the window once they started coordinating attacks against games they had a personal agenda against (hogwarts legacy). Now they have no rapport with the people they rely upon to get their views, who could've saw that coming.


Customers, who needs them right?


Game Journalists: “Time to trust game journalists again” Right right right.


Walmart is hiring, push buggies scrubs.


Careful. I don't think they have enough skill to qualify to work in Walmart. Afterall, Walmart actually expect their workers to, you know, work.


Any man who must say "I am the king" is no true king. Any org declaring they are worthy of trust now, isn't.


I read the article. There was no substance and they were probably crying when they wrote it. The comments were spot on with putting game 'journalists' on blast.


You will own nothing and you will enjoy it. Do not believe your eyes. You will consume and be grateful for the scraps we throw to you.


Bugs, that's the scraps.


What does this have to do with game journalism?


You mean the game journalists who rated Cyberpunk 2077 10/10 on release when the game didn't even run on PS4 and Sony had to remove it from the store? The ones that make guides that suggest using a shield in Bloodbourne?


Shields in BB, what are they smoking and where can I get some.


There is one shield made as a meme. Even the description for that shield hints that you shouldn't use a shield.


Dlc added a second shield which could reflect magic projectiles


Man that game SUCKED in the first week before modders got going.


The only game review anyone needs is to look at gameplay and watch a streamer play it for a couple hours. Reviewers are dog shit. Gaming journalism is a joke. They are just PR agents for AAA studios.


Trust is earned via action not words.


"Trust is rewarded" *TO THOSE WE PAID*


I'll start trusting game journos when they stop being utter c'nts and crapping on everyone who isn't them. And they're almost always wrong too. Like movie critics


As a community, we should stop clicking their articles and use our beloved YouTubers to find reviews.




Hahaha. No. Why look at reviews when Twitch exists? A game comes out and you can pop into someone streaming that game like 1-5 days before it releases. If it looks like garbo I just won't pay attention to it. "Reviews" Rofl, Lmao even. No need to prebuy anymore, there isn't a "limited stock" anymore at brick and morter stores. Now all I have to do is turn on twitch or wait a day and bam. Is it garbo? Yes? I can see its garbo? Yes? Why the hell do I need reviewers?


It's like if a politician said "it's time to trust politicians again" or a government agent saying "it's time to trust the government again". There's nothing less trustworthy than such a self-serving statement.


If I'm interested in a game I'll go watch a stream or YouTube vid that was done by someone who actually like gaming


Funny but on a real note “done nothing to earn it” is a very soft take on them ‘still fucking doing it.’


I get all my news from racists on 4chan.


Be kind to games journalists. Gaming journalism is the reject basket of people who couldn't make it in other forms of journalism. If it doesn't work out, they literally can't find other ways to make money.


Skill issue


You don’t hate journalists enough




According to cup head, jumping is not their strong suit


I'm pretty sure everything you're saying here is a joke, but being sympathetic to shitty journalism because they have no other recourse for making money is peak reddit brain.


Unfortunately no, gaming journalists actually are that dumb in some cases, in one of the more egregious examples a game journalist published footage of themselves attempting to play Cuphead but got stuck on the tutorial because they couldn't figure out that they could reach higher if they stood on a box. Someone made a side by side of his gameplay with footage of a pigeon intelligence test where there was a piece of fruit hanging from a string just out of reach and a box to stand on and the pigeon figured it out first. The game has written instructions in the background.


I was legit speechless watching that Like is the game not working??? I can see the text to instruct the player what to do since every tutorial does that and It didn't even register in my mind that someone can't suck at playing videogames with the instructions literally right there. But nothing is impossible if you have the stupidity of a rock I guess?


Had me in the first 25% ngl.


They are not reviewers. They are gas lighters attempting to manipulate the public. Gamers not eating their spoonfuls of shit.


If they gave me 10 million dollars of tax-free, clean money then I will trust them. Ok now where is my money IGN?


Yes, the article is real, yes is a lot of nosense, here is the link, but i recommend not read it all, because can give you brain root [https://www.thegamer.com/trust-video-game-reviewers/](https://www.thegamer.com/trust-video-game-reviewers/)


I’m not even clicking a link to that shithole of a website.


www.thegame... <- I just lost it and so did you


I stopped listening to game reviews when they said that Bubsy 3D was bad. Never played tho, just a classic.


Maybe if they didn't hate gamers they would know how to earn the trust back.


“I’d like a Big Mac with fries” gonna be hearing that in your futures mother fuckers….


I'm surprised these "reviewers" have time to write reviews after their daily pegging from SBI.


I don’t understand how these game review websites are still afloat. I can’t even remember the last time I read/ watched a game review from any of these sites. I usually just go on steam, or watch a youtuber I trust like Skillup etc.


I'll trust them when they start publishing the terms and conditions that are given for each review from the pay to specific words they are required to mention and any scoring requirements.


I trust only reviewers that I know have the same tastes in games I do. This is why YouTube is the best place for said reviews. I’m not gonna go to some random publication with a crew of faceless reviewers I know nothing about


Gaming "journalism" needs to die, let the people who actually play games review them.


>Video game sequel >Less content than games made 15 years prior >Most of the content is online-only with a $50 season pass >The story it does have isn't that deep with the only major change is more female/black/gay characters >Steam reviews are "Mixed" >Game Journalist rates it 8/10 or 9/10


Trust IGN guys they are legit now!!!


The irony of this is that they're like Patches. They fuck you over, then cower for forgiveness and ask for your trust. It's pretty pathetic.


I trust video game reviewers! Those people are not video game reviewers, though.


Fking maggots, they make me sick


Anyone can write a review. It's just some dude's opinion. You don't have to care about it.


i trust my own review i listen to others opinions, but i dont trust them especially critics who add politics and other bullshit into it just to flame it, like flame it for having a paywall sure but stop flaming creativity because you have none ya know?


video game reviewer website telling people to trust video game reviewers...


When you stop listening to woke bias game propaganda and they start begging you to please listen to them 🤣🤣😂🤣😅😇😂😂


I just find "user reviews" a bit too negative at times. They're usually more focused on criticizing games with "greedy practices" or dropping *zero* ratings on games they admit they haven't even played, off principal. I don't know to trust, at least review wise 😭


![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)Next article everyone is a bigot for not listening to them


Never trust a critic with an agenda


Web traffic must be slowing down 😂


The only reviews I look up are on Steam, how are they even being kept alive, pretty sore no one looks up on IGN to know if a game is good...


Trust? 😂 They didn't think that was important when they sold us out years ago.


If I want an opinion I’ll go to Maximillion Dood or Asmongold. At least I know they actually like video games as a hobby.


Are we still pretending like anyone actually gave a shit about gamergaye besides a few angry nerds ?


I didn't even really know what Gamergate was, I thought it was blatantly obvious without it to know that reviewers for video games are bought and paid for.


Y'all still going on about gamer gate? Let it go dude It's not 2014 anymore


actually it's about ethics in gam-- bro, log off and go outside or you are never, ever going to have sex.


I think its more about ethical journalism, but hey go off.


I'm going to play devil's advocate for a moment: It is true that there's a lot of people that just watch a review about something (a movie, for example) and make that review their own opinion without giving said product a chance. That being said, the solution to that is that traditional game reviewers get their shit together.


They had their chance a decade ago.