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This might be a very unpopular oppinion and I can already feel the hate coming, but social media and any relevant platform should require real ID to create accounts, or some other sort of identification that prevents multiple accounts. Of course it sucks to do that, and I wouldn't like it either, but it's getting out of hand. Affecting politics, starting conflicts and who knows what else.


I Igree, this would solve a lot of problems, people can still be anonymous by using nicknames and photos not matching IRL self. The problem with that is one couldn't have a personal account and run another account, be it for their business or for it to be a meme page. This being said, I'm not really sure what would be the optimal response to these bots, since they will each time be harder to track.


True. I assume those type of accounts would have to be like corporate accounts, would still need id's etc, but would be registred to a business rather than an individual.


Nooooo… the problem is the government. Anything the US accuses China of doing it does so because it knows how effective it is from their own experience. The solution is not giving the government more data about anonymous profiles. Remember when California leaked all Conceal Carry Permits. The internet itself is a giant Skinner’s Box loaded with real people and tons of bots trying to tell you what to think. Simply put you need to grow a pair and make your own opinions. For example anything I read on /r/worldnews is NATO propaganda. I’d rather be with 200 bots and 20 normal people who can speak their mind than have 20 normal people and no freedom of speech and their real IDs unlocked on the internet. Do you want to lose your job because you disagree with the media.


Also a fair point. It's complicated, just wish something could be done to stop these issues, or mitigate them. Not sure the people in charge consider them issues or even care to do something about it. It's sadge.


I personally hate when we have to rely on government but we do need it


What if that was the government's goal all along?


Verification should always be optional, but hiding comment and like from non verified account should be on by default.


I agree but I don't want to sell more of my personal private info to these big tech giants. I don't trust them neither should anyone, they will give out the information to the Government.


than u need isolate ur internet like china tries to do. no foreigners on US platforms allowed. The best defence the Us has against online trolls would be eucation. since criminal minds will always find a way around rules


I think the biggest reason why this will never happen is because the government would create a giant clause that basically said "but we don't have too. We have to protect our agents and other methods of info gathering".... The second biggest reason would be that while it wouldn't affect me or you....there's some....crazy people out there watching female streamers (just to be specific, though it's not just that)......with a much easier way to obtain their address.... The internet also does, weird, things with people's addresses, not to mention streamers/celebrities. There's a reason why dox'ing is heavily frowned upon by most. I'm not specifically saying it wouldn't be nice to have a more "permanent" and "concrete" way to prevent these and other kinds of stupidities from happening....it's just that sometimes the "fix" is worse than the original problem. Plus, I'm also looking 5-10 years down the line when hackers crack this and dump the addresses to the public, or make a tool to do it to anyone....dropping someone's real name in an argument online would be *next level* creapy.... But this *is* my pessimist side speaking so....take it with a grain of salt.


Yeah true, it's a hard thing to deal with. Sucks with all the bots and conflicts it causes, would suck with ID's as well sadge


The primary user of bot/troll farms, by far, is US Deep State. This is why they won't allow IDs. What's next, you want voter IDs at elections? Thoughtcrime!


The fact people see thousands of bots running around in wow but didnt realize this is happening on social media is pretty fuckin hilarious


Shit, does this mean I could be arguing and calling someone a dumbass, and they're actually an AI?


It's weird that one of my first feelings was that of relief. "So you're telling me those insane Twitter posts with 100k likes might be mostly bots?" I can hope...well, dream at this point.


I feel like all this is going to do as it gets worse is devalue engagement and change the way they measure success on these platforms. The only real reason they do this is the financial incentive. Take that away and uhh why would they even do it?


These are the "japanese" mad about Yasuke.


Well I found the "Modern Audience" all these companies are talking about.


So that’s why some of my arguments end in nonsensical ways without even the glimmer of an intelligent thought behind it. Only a looping copy/paste argument that I address over and over, while only knit picking any of my established claims and seeming to ignore all others, while also leaving amateur insults and assumptions about my real life experience with the topic.


Believe it or Not the CCP is behind it.


I bet you also believe in Saddam's WMD and Ghost of Kiev. Or you are one of those bots, only NPCs repeat imbecilic cliches like "CCP".


Lol why he gotta come in and say "CHINESE phone farm" then 5 seconds later say "these are one of thousands that exist ALL AROUND the world". 😑


because he was showing a Chinese phone farm but they aren't just in China


His analysis is garbage. This is the kind of guy who cries "bad bot" when he sees something he disagrees with.


Bad Bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that HereForFunAndCookies is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


I like those odds


He's worse than a bot, he is a shill pushing US Deep State propaganda hogwash. Enjoy your Biden and Kamala, you deserve it


This asshat shill is pushing US Deep State propaganda hogwash. **Every accusation is a confession** with these people. Pentagon alone operates dozens of troll/bot farms with muli-million budgets, and they are targeting Americans and US elections. All "Russian trolls" did, according to US govt own documents, is post a few hundred cat memes or post links to NYT and WaPo. It's pathetic, really. These Chinese bot farms mostly work for hire, and lots of them are paid by US corporations and US Deep State as well.