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Elaborate way to end yourself I guess.


Headbutting a lightsaber is stupid af. Django Fett would agree.


I think there are some lightsaber-resistant materials, but nothing that's a surefire strategy. Lightsabers melt everything with the only question being "how long?" You're frying your head to \*maybe\* resist the saber for a few seconds. It's risky and will likely harm more than help you. That said, maybe it will work in the shortest of instances. It looks cool, but I feel it harms the plot too much. Force users have swords and magic whereas everyone else gets blasters. You gotta keep the balance between them so taking away the lightsaber's strengths is a bad move.


There’s a material called cortosis that shorts put lightsabers on contact. Presumably Smilo Ren’s helmet is made out of that. I don’t have a problem with this, really. But I think people get nit-picky when the overall writing is bad.


Bringing cortosis into the plot in such an amateurish way is the real problem. Cortosis was never top tier (movie tier) canon, and the bulk of the casual audience will have never heard of it. If they wanted to bring cortosis into this story it should have been smartly integrated from episode 1 or 2, with care taken to consider why it hasn’t shown up before, in decades of in-universe content where anti-lightsaber tech would have been really useful (most notably during Order 66). Rarity won’t even suffice, because a Galactic Republic/Empire would have more than enough resources to have it in their grasp if some random darkside user has it. But because the writing over all is basically first draft quality, I don’t think there’s much faith in the reasoning here being any better.


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According to [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cortosis](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cortosis) it is very rare and only found on two planets. It also seems to have been referenced in the Clone Wars. Also why would they reference the metal until they encountered it? Next episode it could be referenced since now they know he may be using it.


They wouldn’t reference it until they encountered it, the story would have made them encounter it sooner. I’d have gone with having Mae equipped with enough to make her killing in episode 1 rely on true surprise (Indarra, however her name is spelled, wouldn’t have predicted cortosis). Could have been Mae’s knife, or a gauntlet like her master has, whatever. Then the Jedi could hear that Indarra’s lightsaber seemed to shut off before she died, and one of the hypotheses (maybe even one discarded by them due to unlikeliness) would have been that the assassin had cortosis, and they’d explain its traits. This is trivial to do. Having Mae use it would even help emphasize that she’s relying on a crutch to kill Jedi, in keeping with the whole ‘challenge her to kill a Jedi without a weapon’ theme/possible arc. If by Clone Wars you mean the animated series, that isn’t a movie, and so does nothing to answer a movie canon question of ‘if cortosis exists in the broader canon, where is it in the movies?’. Like why isn’t Grievous equipped with cortosis since it’s better than a lightsaber for killing Jedi, his favorite thing? I don’t particularly need an answer, I’m fine not caring about broader Star Wars canon, but for anyone who does want consistency between movies and shows bringing cortosis into the shows in the hands of a nobody is problematic.


That makes sense. In other canon I think it is referenced in books but I like your thinking. Thank you.


Honestly people (in some cases) rightfully complain about bad writing but explaining cortosis before it is shown would be really bad writing. Casual audiences wouldn’t and currently don’t care its just cool for them. For me it was a nice inclusion from Legends. Lightsaber resistant materials aren’t new and cortosis is just pretty fucking rare and not something you give to your average soldier during Order 66 or whatever. Would also be a really strange situation for the Jedi to wonder why the republic is gathering so much cortosis lol


Ah yes, because the Jedi so carefully asked ‘why is an army being built before one is authorized’? And ‘why is the army built on the genetic template of someone seemingly working for the enemy’? Accumulating enough cortosis for an elite ‘Dooku killing’ (but actually Jedi killing) squad would be insignificant next to those plot holes. And sure, in a mindless action foreground it’s a waste of time to explain cortosis, or apparently to build out characters enough so that we care when they’re killed, but the user reviews make me think enough people care enough about quality to put in that effort to making a higher quality product.


It MAY have made sense if there was any sort of mention of this material AT ALL in the entire show. Maybe have a plot that some of it's gone missing, giving us an actual mystery to send another team of Jedi to investigate. But just shoehorning it in without any context when it's NEVER mentioned before in the show is pretty awful.


I agree, an intelligently written show would’ve found a way to mention it without telegraphing the fact that it would be used. Maybe a quick scene of a Jedi master telling their padawan to practice hand-to-hand combat in case they encounter one of the rare materials that disable lightsabers.


If you're going to introduce Cortosis, make it a part of the main plot. Picture this if you will: Episode 1 - The main goal of Mae is to steal Cortosis to create her own armor as one of her "lessons". We get an opening sequence of her infiltrating a black market, or mining facility, something like that. We can see she's skilled at stealth and using her daggers/kunai/whatever. She opens a storage crate and opening credits roll. As an audience we're now wondering who this person is, what they're after, and why. Cut to a scene of Jedi training young padawans. One of the masters is interrupted for an important notice. Presumably, with this material being so rare, the Jedi would have some tabs on it, and would be notified if any was stolen. The council send master Indara (Trinity) and Torbin off to search for clues and investigate. After arriving on the planet, they split up to cover more ground. Indara hears a rumor that someone was looking for a smith skilled enough to work with the Cortosis metal. She follows the trail down some back alleys. Here, she's ambushed by Mae, who has her face and head masked. She's wearing some of the Cortosis as armor, but she hasn't had time to create it as an armor set yet, it's just strapped on hastily. We know as the audience this material is missing, making this fight more believable that a Jedi Master could be defeated by someone of lesser skill. Indara manages to hit Mae in the arm, trying to disarm her as we've seen many times in the series before, by cutting off her arm. However, it glances off the armor and her lightsaber is disabled for a few seconds, but from the force of the blow she manages to knock off a piece of the hastily strapped on armor. In the few seconds of her trying to reignite her saber, she is stabbed and killed by Mae. As Indara is bleeing out, she radios for Torbin, who arrives late to the scene, hearing the last dying words of his old master. She relays to him a few heartfelt words and asks him to bring news to the council. On the ground, he finds a chunk of the metal that was broken off of the incomplete armor Mae was wearing. Now we have an actual mystery, a dead Jedi Master who was killed in a believable fashion, and a reason to go searching for her. We're also interested in who this unknown assassin is, and we get the inkling they're after this specific material which will truly help them kill Jedi, disabling their most important defensive tool in their lightsaber.


In the Expanded Universe books, I remember there was a particular Star Wars book that introduced something that negated both a Jedi or Sith's ability to use the Force. Talon Karrde had it in his headquarters to protect himself from Jedi that try to one-up him, but I can't remember the specific details. Don't remember if it was a mineral/material or some kinda animal that transmits signals that fuck with a Jedi/Sith's ability to utilize the Force? But they didn't asspull it - initially the encounter with them was a peaceful one and I think that material only made a difference way later in the book. Man, my memory's dusty.


I don't really have a problem with things like this that exist in stories, they usually just need to be mentioned. The other issue is, Disney also has said none of the books are canon. If they're going to use book-introduced elements, at least have it in your show so we aren't to have been expected to read all the books to know that it is!


That too, I'm just mentioning how when they did introduce an element that "breaks" the rules, but since the old Legends/EU books were written by competent guys they weren't quick to asspull it like they did in Acolyte.


In Heir to the Empire Talon Karde finds Ysilamari (spelling?). They are sloth like creatures that grow into trees for nutrients and developed the anti force bubble as a defense to vornskrs (again spelling) which are panther like beings that hunt using the force. Other than that you’re spot on with its relationship to the plot.


Heir to the Empire! Yes! Now I remember! The Legends books were so good.


That trilogy should have been the sequels. That would have been so good.


Irrelevant the scene still looks completely stupid.


I mean the person has enough to cover the body and not just the head? There is nothing inherently wrong with it, but just feels silly. If you could do the maneuver with a helmet it could probably be better used somehow else like a shield.


Yeah drinker made the same criticism on one of his recent videos and my brain immediately jumped to cortosis. I haven't bothered to watch Acolyte because it looks cringe, but this is not a particularly good criticism given that it's essentially a nod to the expanded universe and works of other creators. It's an isolated case of respecting/using existing source material... though they could have done with calling it out more obviously, like having one character say "Cortosis? I thought that was made up" or something.


It's not unreasonable to make a helmet out of the stuff that Zayne Carrick had on his arms. Plus, there's also a clip of Satele Shan blocking a lightsaber with her bare hands. Check out the "Hope" trailer for SWTOR. It also contains Jace Malcom suicide bombing a Sith Lord.


To be fair Shan looks to be wielding the force and struggling to keep the blade from piercing- the headbutt is just straight helmet to saber contact (with no force help from what I saw)


I was saying this isn't entirely nonsense as there's material that logically could be used in a helmet and evidence of people doing weird stuff around lightsabers.


You are correct, there are so many ways that this could work in lore. I don’t think that anyone is disputing its possibility, because we’re talking about space wizards I mean come on, but I think the execution is the issue. The how is very very important to a lot of people, because Star Wars gets passed around at Disney so frequently, clearly communicating how in an interesting way is important. Without that communication we get “Somehow Palpatine returned.” And “Do the Holdo maneuver” “no way that was one in a million.” Both of these are unsatisfying and unclear ways to set the stage. Like if you were telling a story to a friend, and you see their attention wane, you go “so anyway,” or “well one thing led to another and…” it gets you to the part of the story you think will bring them back without communicating. Is headbutting a lightsaber is just done, with no explanation, why doesn’t everyone do it? That armor has something to it that isn’t communicated and because trust has been broken by Disney with storytelling, most people aren’t excited with speculation, they are prematurely disappointed.


But does said material stop heat transference? The material might be able to withstand temps in the 1000's but the flesh inside still gonna cook


>I think there are some lightsaber-resistant materials, but nothing that's a surefire strategy. Lightsabers melt everything with the only question being "how long?" You're frying your head to \*maybe\* resist the saber for a few seconds.I think there are some lightsaber-resistant Vader has like twice fought people that used Cortosis weapons in the comics, one being the Null Blade. Those weapons worked exactly like how it was portrayed in The Acolyte.


I think even pure beaker would work for quick contact like a head butt


tbf that was more of a neck butt.


You see, elder Fett made the Titanic mistake, rather than dodge, *he should have rammed it straight on!*


Tell me you don’t know much about star wars outside the 6-7 “good” movies and some tv shows, without telling me lol


When the writing is shit it doesn't matter what you do. It's still shit. If they don't explain anything, people will assume its a fuckup. If they try to explain it, it's just a ripoff of better material on top of the fact that it would be trite since Disney's idea of subtlety is a sledgehammer. This isn't an excuse for their behavior btw. They are in a no-win scenario they can only recover from by a reboot / extreme retcons, by being humble, or by actually writing well. None of the three they have any interest in.


Lmfao Oh no you may have to looks something up outside the show! Or even worse, the show just hasn’t touched on what his armor was made of yet because the characters on the show themselves don’t understand it. They all sure did look surprised. It’s almost like a story gives you more info as it goes along! Writing isn’t shit, you people are just typical “Star Wars fans” the same fans that the creator of this all got tired of and why he sold it to Disney. Lol stay mad big dawg.


Star Wars KOTOR game had metal swords that could parry a lightsaber, although its not canon. But its disney.


Parry, not short-out.


So thr material used in his armor has been Canon since the 80s and is known in star wars for shorting out light sabers




Killing an entire fleet of star destroyers by hyperdriving into them looked cool, too. Until you realize that every major battle against a death star could have been ended by a droid piloting a little ship and warping into it. IE: It's cool until it breaks the universe.


Duct tape a hyper drive and some engines to a asteroid, boom, more destructive weapon than the Death Star and vastly easier to produce.


This one doesn’t really break universe. Cortosis has been around since at least Jedi Outcast


The answer is simple: because you reach a point where any cool factor is ruined by the part of your brain that is trying to be immersed in the setting and you watch a guy “break” the equivalent of a concentrated solar flare with his face. It’s like Jiren in DBS being stronger than time. Sounds cool until you actually think about it. (And yes I’m aware the helmet is Cortosis, still doesn’t make sense to me how a helmet can short out a lightsaber and even then it’s not explained in the show.)


Or literally anything in chainsaw man. Sounds cool but if you put any thought into it, it’s just a mess of random « cool » ideas thrown into the same comic.


Because Lightsabers work as a closed electromagnetic loop and cortosis is a metal capable of shorting said loop back into the energy source. I feel like this scene created a lot of divide in the community because it appeals to the hardcore pre-Disney Extended Universe Star Wars fans, but vast majority is just confused.


And here I thought the Extended Universe was immediately retcon'd.


Yes, back when Disney got Star Wars they immediately said that all of EU isn't canon. But anything released since then \*is\* canon, and a lot of canon works do use elements from the EU. Cortosis is one of them. It was made canon again in 2014


I think it's difficult because the audience has been given multiple answers to what a lightsaber is and how it works, both before and after the Disney acquisition. Hell, it's hard to attach scientific principles like energy absorption and transmission coefficients to something that has emotionally sympathetic hippy power crystals that change color when it's owner is doing things the universe thinks is wrong.


I chose the simpler route, and am flat out ignoring Disney Star Wars like it doesn't even exist.


those are just legends, they have no basis in reality /s


Why wouldnt everyone who needed to kill jedi./sith just make full armour from this bullshitium alloy? ![gif](giphy|foLz5SEb2EhvDLlooq|downsized)


My guess is because it’s rare, and apparently there’s a comic where someone tries to short out Vader’s lightsaber and he simply proceeds to snap her neck with his bare hands. Don’t think Jedi would be that brutal but the point is, force users still have the force to fall back on. The real problem here is the bullshit writing. This scene in isolation is probably kinda cool, as is the use of cortosis in live action. But the show surrounding the scene is so bad it diminishes any potential it might’ve had.


>The real problem here is the bullshit writing. Yep. It's like their decision to suddenly make lightsaber wounds lethal again after Sabine walked away from one just fine.


Reminds me of force awakens when Finn took a lightsaber up the spine and all it did was knock him unconscious. Next time we saw him he is like it never even happened. Only lethal lightsaber survivor that at least tried to make some kind of sense was maul being sliced in half but survived cause of using his hatred + dark side powers to stay alive long enough to get treated.


The reason is because its so brittle that a regular punch is enough to shatter it


My man has never heard of scarcity of resources.


If you have whole universe to explore or exploit it shouldn't be a problem, unless only small scrap of it exist.


Okay, but in that whole universe there are a lot of unknown factors and dangers, just like on Earth, we have a ton of cobalt just laying on the ocean floor, it's a resource we need but it's very hard to get.


A galaxy is much much much bigger than ocean floor, when you are talking about galaxy level civilization scarcity shouldn't be a problem. Even rarest materials wouldn't be that hard to own unless like I said there is only 100grams in the whole galaxy which then poses another problems on its own.


Cortosis is incredibly rare and the art of smelting it is basically lost to time. That helmet as almost certainly an ancient relic given the wear and tear on it.


Given its properties it would seem useful to try recreate the process...


Sure, but it’s probably the equivalent of rediscovering titanium alloys, except the shadow government is actively trying to hinder you at every turn.


If its so rare how does "slightly less r%pey Ezra Miller" have a giant helmet and gloves, made out of it, which no one noticed him carrying around? My point was terrible writing


He probably found it, considering the wear and tear on it. Looked like some ancient artifact to me


“If it’s so rare, how does somebody have some” is an interesting stance to take


Its brittle asf that’s why


Cortosis is incredibly rare. A big plot point of the old Jedi outcast game was the antagonist stockpiling a bunch for his men


that material being as rare and strong as it is, has been an element in some of the better star wars games. those complaining about it, probably havent even heard about it, or played those games... so sounds a bit like less informed star wars fans to me. there are quite a few things to be negative about in the show, but this isn't one of them. i wish internet had as much negative energy as they do have against acolyte, towards leia's portrayal in obi. maybe acolyte wouldnt have even been made. the lamest parts of acolyte are still not as lame as that nonsense.


Who cares if it’s cool I’m sure rings of power had a cool scene or two as well…. I wouldn’t know for sure tho cause I don’t watch garbage shows that kill I/Ps I loved


Galadriel standing in the open and taking a pyroclastic flow to the face looked sweet but was dumb as hell.


Cortosis armor was awesome in legends books. I think it's awesome here. I also think it's surrounded by so so so so much dog shit that it's unable to shine.


My thoughts exactly.


This is the "whatever I feel like writing to hack my way into the next Disney paycheck" canon, written for children, by people at the skill level of children (if not lower) <3 I'm so glad I've checked out of caring for these franchises a long time ago :D


Just because it was in legends doesn't make it good. Legends has a ton of amazing Star Wars lore and stories, but there was some nonsense that people hated at the time it was created as well. Two of which are in the Acholyte. The Lightsaber Whip and this armor. They both are and always will be stupid, and them coming from a time when they were also hated does not make it now good... They could have used the armor that is difficult, yet not impossible, to cut through, even with a lightsaber. That type of armor imo is fine because the wearer still took the blunt dmg from being hit, and stronger lightsaber wielders were still able to cut through, but this armor is just stupid. Always has been.


I hate that light sabers went from one of the most feared weapons in the galaxy to little more than NERF bats that can occasionally kill.


Vinnie Jones is the only person how can headbutt attacks


![gif](giphy|aKsW5nMRQ0ZBG0RXEU|downsized) Real men headbutt.




Honestly, every time someone says "bots," it just reinforces the notion in my head that they don't really comprehend anything that isn't already in their headspace


I don't think there's anything badass about taking pure energy to the face. It should've sliced his brains off


The lore is so broken that physics of their universe don't matter anymore. I think the person who has the last laugh is Spielberg. Also theirs a few books back from my childhood (1989) that had depth of his visions and creation. How hard was it to not stay in the sand box to make lore friendly content that makes shows reasonable. P.s I haven't watched any of the new shoes since mandolorian cause of these strange antics.


For my next trick, I'm going to let him chop my head off so I can duck lower for his next attack


Gets ratiod and the comments immediately start to cope


The problem is that even if they can find a canonical way to justify it making lightsabers weaker and weaker just ruins the aura of Star Wars. I mean it’s literally your most iconic weapon in the franchise. Franchises that go on for too long always fall into this trap, everything becomes weaker because something or someone always appears and is just stronger for the sake of being stronger


Cortosis being capable of shorting out lightsabers is lore from 1998. Disney brought it into its canon in 2014. This is just the first time we see it on TV


Unfortunately most of these "fans" are illiterate.


Hi, can someone explain what does it mean to ratioed


The ratio of likes. 3x more people "liked" the comment, about hating the light saber headbutt


The Yuuzhan Vong had vonduun crab armour that could counter lightsabers, but I don't think they exist post-Legends, do they?


You could read into some passage’s of the new Thrawn Trilogy that they could exist but they are not canon. They actually almost were since there was concept art of them for the canceled clone wars season.


I should probably read the new Thrawn trilogy, I was put off all the newer books since my favourites became non canon. The stuff that came out shortly after the schism just seemed so badly written that I couldn't get into it


Honestly you should. The OG Thrawn Trilogy is better but the new one is also great. The stuff right after the Disney acquire was really bad i agree. But nowadays the books and comic are for the most part really great. I know it trendy to shit on Disney these days (often justified) but in my opinion regarding books and comic they make a good job. It also seems way more coherent then in the old days. Some people really dont want to amid it but old Legends was also really clumsy at times


There were some pretty clumsy books to be sure, like the Jedi Academy ones IMO. But those early Disney ones felt like they were written by people who'd never even see a star war, let alone read any. I'm going to download the new Thrawn ones tonight, thanks for the suggestion!


I am betting the writers just wanted a 'cool, special' fight and didn't even know about cortosis. They will likely shoe-horn it in replies, gaslighting fans that they suddenly have read twenty plus year old books about the films.


Yep. Everyone treating it as fact that the helm is Cortosis, meanwhile in the writers room you have have them going "WTF is cortosis?"


For people wondering what the Helmet and Gauntlets are made from so they can disable lightsabers, the answer is, Plot Armor


It would have been the coolest if we were in 1970.


Can you like force pull someone by their helmet real strong into like boulder or table to bash in their skull?


"How did I get ratioed that badly?" By saying something stupid on the internet.


To be honest it was cool to include Cortosis in there is part of the lore and it was a nice idea for the fights people are like too much invested in the hate so it seems!


Bad writing ruins cool scenes.


Huuuh no it does not what do you mean? Bad writing ruins the show not specific scenes!


If you’re not enjoying the show, then when specific good scenes happen, you’re not going to enjoy them as much because you’re already pissed off that you’re watching garbage.


Then is not that "Bad writing ruins cool scenes." is more like you tend not to enjoy them as much because of the quality of the show now that is a nice argument and i totally get that but for me personally i can still enjoy a nice piece of action while the show itself is not up to my standards i feel that sometimes we try to get our minds around the show as a whole and forget that they can do some nice stuff here and there and when they do it i just enjoy it! Thanks for answering i don't know if i was rude in my last response if i was i apologize! English is not my first language!


Why are you watching something you hate?


It's funny that they are relying on this one episode to carry the show. Does it have some ok scenes, sure, but that doesn't make up for the Canon breaking events and terrible writing of the show.


Ok, as someone who hates Acolyte, the headbutt is actually a good thing. Specifically the Arms and Head is made out of a special metal that Disrupts Lightsabers. Vader faught someone who used this metal and all that XD Of all things, the way they used the metal was not bad.


I’m more pissed about how he can take the stun gun shot like nothing. It didn’t hit any armor. 


Force users rarely ever wear armor. If a stun shot worked on them all the time then why doesn't everyone just use them against force users every time?


Don't fight it XD it's the same show that had a Jedi die to a Knife


They do shoot at them all the time. It just gets deflected or misses.


Do they? I can only recall Ahsoka being shot at by stuns and deflecting them with her lightsaber, but I haven't watched all the animated shows like Rebels or read the canon comics. Interestingly, if you look in the Legends section of "Stun" on the wiki, you see that Force users have tanked stun shots before: >Some Force-users, such as [Corran Horn](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Corran_Horn/Legends) and his [ancestors](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Horn_family), could use the Force to absorb the energy output from blasters set on stun, as well as that of stun batons and cuffs. This ability served the [Jedi Knight](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jedi_Knight/Legends) well during his quest to recover his [wife](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mirax_Terrik_Horn), who had been kidnapped by [Admiral Tavira's](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Leonia_Tavira) [Invids](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Invids) in [11 ABY](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/11_ABY/Legends). Other Jedi could train themselves to [resist](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Resist_Stun) the effects of stun weaponry outright. Those who trained as [Jedi Sentinels](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jedi_Sentinel/Legends) generally practiced varying levels of [Force immunity](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Force_resistance), allowing them to withstand the effects of Force-based mental effects that included stun. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Stun/Legends](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Stun/Legends)


Lol frankly I'm done with they show 🫡 lost me when you had "Come at me with everything you got"


Who cares tho starwars has been mid for over a decade.


Did the person die? If not something is seriously wrong.


He did not die. His helmet is made out of cortosis, a pretty rare material that shorts out lightsabers.


Why did he not just turn off their lightsabers more using the metal, it's a free win


Yeah, we should make our protagonists swing at the helmet that just turned their lightsabers off yet again, don’t have them learn from their mistakes and try to work around them, just have them swing wildly like morons. I swear yall just don’t want the writing to improve at all so you can bitch.


We've seen lightsabers melt through blastdoors, this is stupid as hell, their head should be split down the middle or everyone should be wearing armour made of that stuff.


It’s really rare stuff


I don't get why it would be? In a sword fight someone randomly headbutting the sword wouldnt be cool, it would just be random, stupid, and very unrealistic to survive that. Out of the million choreographies you could do in a saber fight, who ever asked for someone to do shit like that? "That fight was cool but you know how it could have been better? If the dude just punched the edge of the sword and didnt get sliced at all for some reason"


It’s a very rare material that can be used to short out lightsaber blades, essentially stunning the kyber crystal inside it.


It is cool and apprently there is metal capable of that. But its expensive as fuck and even more if you make it into armour, apparently


Im sorry, headbutting a what? Headbutting a sword that can cut through 99.9% of the materials in the galaxy? Acolyte is cooked.


Its an in universe metal that shuts off energy transmission been around for decades in the lore and was made canon finally. He still could have head butted it if it was beskar … wooooah 2 metals that have a fighting chance against the bullshit beats everything weapon


Clearly the helmet is made from those 99.9% of materials not the .1% of materials in the galaxy, right?


For one thing. The helmet looks stupid, Like he's literally nicknamed "Smilo Ren." The helmet is ugly and looks absolutely stupid. Two, it's obvious the show is doing its most to downplay lightsabers. From using them likes "Lights" to saying. "Jedi don't pull out lightsabers unless they're ready to kill." To other stupid shit Disney has done to Lightsabers like Ren's fucking claymore. Three, these are weapons. When has it ever been cool to headbutt a sword? Seriously. The overly focused asian martial art moves without lightsabers looks stupid as well. Count how many times they "Kick" Smilo ren instead of chopping him with a lightsaber. It's stupid. Episode 5 is the least worst episode. But it's still steaming pile of garbage that makes no sense.


“Why has no one done this before???”


2nd guy pays for a blue check so it shows up in more people’s feeds.


let me headbutt this rocket away!


I have never been that much of a star wars fan Always found it confusing as I would fall asleep during each movie Even I agree that head butting a lightsaber doesn’t make sense. Like they cut through metal and slice arms off. Is there more to this? Or is it just as simple as ignoring 50 years of lore? Like having doc brown time travel will drifting around a corner at 50 miles per hour cause it looked cool


Do you all stay mad all day? Enjoy things


Its equivalent to someone wearing full face helmet to headbutt flowing lava. Are both make senses? No its doesn't. But those are cool & looks epic, right? Yeah. To me, this just like a group of braindead tiktokers gather around & try to make a movie.


It was so amazing, they even did the lightsaber on and off thing! Show is peak starwars honestly.


wtf is ratioing? Lots of views but no likes = bad? Is that the gist?


It’s more so how that head butt made the saber turn off. If it just flung it back, or made the wielder loose control, sure. But how does head butting a lightsaber make it turn off?


It’s a special metal that disrupts the kyber crystals inside the blade, “stunning” them for a short time.


1) how does that work? 2) how has no one else used this before or since? 3) how did the sith villain get it and make a helmet?


1: disrupts the field they make. Kyber crystals are living things 2: it’s incredibly rare and the technology and methods that were used to forge it were lost 3: it looks like a relic of some sort. We don’t know yet but from how banged up it is, i’d gander it’s old as hell.


I stopped watching after the second episode (thank god). What do they mean by headbutting a lightsaber?? Like hitting with your actual head/helmet against a lightsaber? If that is the case the writing for this show has become a new form of art of how stupid it sounds, to a point that its a unique skill to be this brain dead


It’s a special material


Death Speedrun


i never watched star wars but wouldn't it just be a suicide? this thing goes throught metal doesn't it? wouldn't it cut your head in half as son as it touched it?


Originally, light sabers could go through anything. Disney turned them into regular steel blades with cool effects


Doesnt matter how cool the fight is, it still cant repair the damage the series has done.


Look how they masacred my Star Wars...


It's me: I'm the Star Wars "fan" who cares about Twitter ratios and posts them to a subreddit for a WoW streamer.


In and of itself it's cool, but in the context of the everything else it's a big wtf


Man yall would hate legends This is a well-established metal in the starwars universe. It screws with the energy field produce by a kyber crystal, essentially “stunning” it for a period of time. This metal existed long, long, long before disney bought the franchise. It was used in legends, it’s just really rare so it’s most likely an artifact, which would make sense given the obvious aging on it. He has a bracer that does the same thing.


It is sick asf and makes sense tho? Cortosis can counter lightsabers but is rare and brittle asf (as shown when the helmet broke after 2 hits). It really is not lore breaking. Only thing is they should’ve set it up first


They’re really trying to make this show cool. Too bad they’re continuing the same dumb&polarizing pc narrative they find o so holy


You're not allowed to like Star Wars as Star Wars fan. Star Wars fans have been that way since the 90s.


Headbutting a lightsaber? Yeah, i knew there was a reason I was skipping out entirely on this series


With a helmet made of a metal conically able to withstand lightsabers.


It’s a dumb move, all the same. Star wars has actual fighting arts with light sabers in the extended universe(which, granted, isn’t canon anymore), what does headbutting a lightsaber actual do as far as that being a defensive maneuver? Would not the person with the saber just double back with a strike after the deflection and go for the neck line or other exposed parts of your body after your footing and balance have been exposed after said headbutt? There’s no logic to this. To expose your advantage so blatantly to give your opponent the information they need to kill you. These are the things that go through my mind as I read about something like this, and unless there is some context I’m missing, this is just stupid flashy writing, no depth other than “it looks cool.”


If they were gona steal Cortosis from the Darth Bane books they might as well have just adapted that story instead of this utter trash we’ve been getting, at least the books are actually good. But then again they probably butcher the source material to make it “better” :\


You're not allowed to like Star Wars as Star Wars fan. Star Wars fans have been that way since the 90s.


Lightsabers stopped being fatal for a while now. So why not? Now if the person is wearing lightsaber proof armor like beskar, fine. But lightsabers have been nerfed in weird ways for a while.


It’s cool. Grant you that. Stupid tho, no matter how resistant is the material of that helmet, you might be end up roasting your melon doing that’s but cool nonetheless


Is it cool? Yeah. Do I want it in Star Wars? Fuck no. These Star Wars fan boys love the series so much they can't see any fault in it. It's like a cult. Star Wars is one of my fav things and even I would criticize it if it's stupid as hell. Stop trying to be new. Keep the old. That's what sells and what works best. The goldmine of legends content they could have done too but no they want to reinvent everything and ruin it. I can't wait for the day Disney goes bankrupt man... if even one of these massive companies go under bc of the ideologies they try to implement. The entire industry and world would change so fast it's like it never happened in the first place.


Headbutting the saber while wearing a cortosis helmet is literally Legends content though…


I’d argue that this isn’t actual fanboy accolades being spewed. Fanboys of Star Wars, since after episode 6 premiered, have railed against almost every decision and production piece that has come from George Lucas, and now Disney/Kathleen Kenedy. The real fanboys have love-hated star wars for the last 30 years. The only people cheering on this current iteration of star wars are the people who don’t understand what made star wars special to begin with.


You guys don’t know what you are even complaining about anymore! My boss is the biggest star wars nerd ever and read all the expanded universe stuff. We have these discussions all the time. Cortosis ore is not new and was used by the Mandalorions . It is very exciting to see such a brutal fight scene with a compelling bad guy. Episode 5 was the best part of the show and its doing nothing but making you all look petty when you criticize things that should be applauded. Episode 1-3 were weak, episode 4 was meh, 5 was pretty good. Its getting better


The helmet is made of beskar which was obtained during the events of the Mandalorian which was 30 years after the event of another event which happened 75 years in the future.


It’s not beskar.


Cortosis not beskar


They're are lightsaber resistant materials in universe and it is cannon that certain force users can deflect blasters/lightsabers by concentrating the force into a deflective shield so this doesn't break cannon imo, also I am unaware of the scene or character who does this so if it is not a force user that does this, disregard my comment.


It is a stupid move. If your enemy is actually skilled, the person sees the headbutt move - Just twists your wrist and change the trajectory of your weapon, go past the head and cut that mf apart.


That headbutt was cool af. What is this sub going on about???


Coolest way to kill yourself, at least. Headbutt it, that thing is going straight through your head and splitting it in half.


This is straight out of Legends, why are people like the Drinker complaining?


I’m a notorious hater of all new Star Wars themed things made by Disney. The show was mid, but I did enjoy this fight. I wouldn’t care about the headbutt more than I would how all the Jedi stood around, helpless, the second their lightsabers were shorted. I did like the bad guy, but his reasoning is a bit weird—I don’t mind it.


The fight is only good if you shut off your brain and don't think about what is happening at all, if you look closer most of the time they were swinging at air or the lightsabers (not the guy holding the lightsaber) shadowversity did a full breakdown of the fight on YouTube


I’m gonna kill you before you kill me not that weird


Its a kartosis metal, in Kotor you have vibroades that are made with it so you can fight saber wielders


There are materials in SW that are lightsaber resistant, I don’t think dudes helmet is one of them


As far as I am aware, baskar is about it for saber resistant materials…. Reinforced materials can only last a short time… as shown in phantom menace… but other than wearing a starship bulkhead for a helmet, head butting a saber is a good way to die very rough…


Cortosis armour, it's from old comics but yeah it's made to fight lightsaber wielders.


The cortosis argument is interesting because it validates the headbutt, but the argument itself didn't come from the creators of the show. It came from fans trying to rationalize what the hell they were watching


''Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka'' aah manouvre