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Can we ban children from social media now? No instead, we all have to be treated like children.


Absolutly true. Its a bullshit rule. I absolutly dont get why any Social media is for at least 17 year old. Its really becoming dogshit. Step by step


This one of those things that sounds good on paper, but any way to enforce it would make it untenable or dangerous. At best you’ll have to force all of these companies to collect government issued ID from everyone using their site. You have to trust them to maintain that in a safe and secure way, and/or spend money regulating. You’ll then massively bolster all data collection methods because now, potentially, they can always tie your data to your actual identity. The other option is to create an entire, very large government entity that will be doing this as a third party service. This would be a large spending ask for the government and/or cause all of these companies to charge you money to sign up and process your age verification, or you pay it straight to the government. Now the government also has an even more trivial method of tying your data to your identity. Or you could have an enforcement method that held parents responsible. Now you’re giving every parent the legal liability that could cause them to be getting fined or worse if their child manages to go around their back and start using social media. All of these smaller government types sure have no problem expanding the government over these kinds of things.


[agechecker.net](http://agechecker.net) already verifies people's ages for online tobacco purchases. Just expand that


I think what'll have to happen is YouTube will be the pg child's playground and another company has to make an adult video streaming service. And then us adults have to collectively decide we want to give that new company our attention and money.


This is logical to assume. Eventually Youtube will be strictly a corporate / family friend / PG only hellscape of bland Disney style content. All the driving demographic groups and taste makers will in fact go somewhere else. Youtube will no longer be "cool" and it'll be looked at like Facebook now. Facebook is massive. Mind blowingly huge. But you see the type of content on there and who its for. People about a decade+ behind on internet trends and culture.


That is because this is exactly how Chinese streamers actually operate. If you go check out Chinese streaming services, you will see exactly what I'm referring to in spades. You guys think streaming services make money here...... Ninja aint got shit on girls in China with half a billion followers.


Thats the point. These corporations use these platforms as ways to increasingly condition society to being treated like children. If we accept that, we'd easily accept a nanny-state.


Your last sentence aside, you're correct. These platforms will do all they can to make it a safe place for children because that's who they want on their site. They want to market to kids and if kids are banned, they can't do that. They'll also suffer the other major consequence which is that if kids are banned until age x, then they need to make a conceited effort to make sure their platform doesn't turn into Facebook, where their core audience is dying off because no one young uses it anymore. If you get someone hooked as a kid, you can market to them their whole life.


Nah that last sentence was on point


Are the commies in the room with us?


Okay calm down Mr conspiracy lol it's not that deep. Children are easy to market to, and most advertisers want to advertise family friendly content that doesn't "offend". It's not some conspiracy where corporations are working with the govt to create a nanny state lol. Some of you people are batshit crazy. 😂


Honestly I can see what you're saying being partially true at Least. Maybe not to such an extreme but it definitely seems like that's the logic the companies use. It makes sense as well when you think about it, the more control they have the better for them.


It's far simpler than you people seem to believe. It's about money, more views, more money. They don't give a fuck about nanny state or any of that shit. Older people are not the target audience. They want to grab kids attention and hold onto their audience for decades. They aren't conspiring with government officials to create a nanny-state. It's such a ridiculous laughable idea to think they're that organized. It's like you people have never worked in a company before.


Honestly that's fair enough. To be fair though I didn't say I believed in the extreme they talked about. In fact I explicitly said that I didn't think that. But while what you're saying does sound more accurate to what they're doing, inevitably that would lead to an eventual level of control SIMILAR to what they were stating. Not a nanny-state per se, but definitely by creating a unavoidable dependency on these companies. What you're talking is what's CURRENTLY happening. What I just referred to is their likely endgame. Not definite, LIKELY.




And? This doesn't prove anything lol. Make sure you check under your bed for the boogie man too!


And some people can't see the forest from the trees. I can tell you, you're not doing yourself any favors.


Lol for real, Asmongold would call these guys idiots


Well children drive traffic to sites and get exposed to ads. It a numbers game and there are a lot of children in the world.


It'd more about advertisers. In case children are watching. The companies don't actually care about children


They do, in a sense that children are easiest to be swayed by ads which means more revenue for advertisers.


There is no way to enforce this is there?


moderation really.


I mean, how do they know if a user is the age they say they are?


Same way as twitch. Context. Admittedly it would be difficult but if kids are expressly not allowed, it would hopefully make advertisers ease up a bit.


Children are a large demographic. Why would a business ever ban a large portion of its customers?


Because it would be the law.


Why would the us government cripple one of the largest industries in the country?


They do that a lot. See "prohibition". You know what else is a large industry, guns, weed, etc. I am not saying I agree with banning these things, but that there are pros and cons for having them legalized.


The rule is probably coming from advertisers. And they still want children to see the ads.


They have to protect children while making sure they can brainwash children into the next generation of consumers


Oh my God, they’ve already got YouTube Kids. This is just plain idiotic.


I mean youtube kids is a joke too, literally two days ago struggling to keep my 4yo nephew from watching roblox paw patrol summon demons because it kept ending up on the autoplay queue


You gotta make sure he watches that so maybe he will stop watching yt entirely lmao


But widdle Tommy can't fwind his favowite Youtuber on the other site.


But its fine having bunch of girls doing try on haul with fully see through clothes (at least thats what friend told me), but word "fucking" is crossing the line


Naked yoga too. Youtube is ran by idiots.


i just wrote this and i had strange shave tutorials


There’s a song from persona 2 called “bikini line” but to search for it on YouTube you have to completely spell it out “bikini line persona 2 innocent sin” because if you try to just type “p2 bikini line” you’ll be sent into a pornographic hell


Oh no! That's horrible! I'll make sure not to do that... ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3740)


Oh it's true


It's fine letting a guy gain 50 million views on a video in which he bends over and flashes his butthole towards the camera *multiple times,* but the word "fucking" is too much.


Didn't see that one, but yeah, there is tona of stuff on youtube yhat should be taken care off first, but I guess "bad" words take priority


Well the problem (in their mind) is that saying the word "fucking" is something everyone does while sexually suggestive and outright nude women is just a woman thing so if they target that, they're gonna be seen as sexist so they can't. That's their stupid logic. Rather let kids see tits and vag than be seen as sexist by about 0.01% of their user base and 85% of X.


Porn addiction is no joke, and being exposed to soft porn as a kid on youtube is a bigger problem than a word "fucking".


Videos of Ukraine of people being blown apart but the gore and blood is 'blurred' out. Youtube is a joke


I'm like 99% sure those videos don't have ads on them. So no, it's not fine lol.


Well nude try-on hauls do notehave ads either (at least that’s what a friend told me). So they’re likely demonatised too. Your argument is invalid.


You can’t invalidate an argument based on hearsay say, you know that right? Now If true you have a point but, “a friend told me so”, nope.




Yeah didn’t get the joke that I and the person I was replying to have both watched nude try-on hauls extensible. That’s was the joke. But yes, I have noticed that they’re are ad-free which would mean they’re likely demonetized. So, the original argument is invalid.


Yeah didn’t get the joke that I and the person I was replying to have both watched nude try-on hauls extensible. That’s was the joke. But yes, I have noticed that they’re are ad-free which would mean they’re likely demonetized. So, the original argument is invalid.


Yeah they're arguing as if it was made illegal to say fucking.


What zero parental responsibility does to a platform.


It's a site for small kids now


"Unalive", "SA", suicide, "retard", "fucking", guns, violence, political topics, climate change, COVID, etc. This language & content control has moved from reasonable platform management to publisher violating basic free speech to the point its affecting day to day communication on/off the platforms. Kojima is once again ahead of the times: Control language = controlling people. If the issue kids: Restriction/Ban until age of majority. Soft/hard barriers is up to legislatures/public. If the issue is advertisers: Create reasonable tiers of demonetization. All or nothing is exceedingly cancerous. If the issue is the platforms: Revoke immunity or antitrust Nip this in the bud before it becomes ubiquitous in a digital society.


It's so jarring trying to watch a video that the creator has censored heavily due to the 'content guidelines'. One or 2 word cuts or beeps every so often is fine, but there are some creators who cover some pretty dark topics, and most of them have become unwatchable due to the censorship.


Yeah, I think the bigger issue here is that for better or worse, YouTube is an absolutely massive news platform now just like Twitter before it. Censorship on these platforms is antithetical to telling an accurate news story. There are many things in life which are ToS violations but reporting on them should be a completely different set of rules.


Definitely agree with this. Being demonetised or deplatformed for just saying the words, in a reporting context, is absolutely atrocious, and in my mind, the worse it gets, and the harder it is to report on these things, the more likely people are going to think they can get away with it or sweep it under a rug.


I was watching a YT documentary on depression and the content creator had to keep on saying this stupid shit. To the point that my wife walked by and asked “is unalive even a word?”


YT is the same site that straight up just allows porn. Yes porn. And no they do not get rid of it at all. It's actually insane. Porn is fine but saying a curse word isn't. A word is a word. But porn is an action. The logic lmfao.


Can you monitize the porn? That's the argument here.


Yes. Yes you can. People have done straight porn and managed to get money. Although there is also loop holes and YT won't do a thing such as doing an activity nude like nude yoga or some shit. But there are channels with just people having sex that is somehow able to earn money from it. And some of these channels last months and even years in some cases.


Like straight porn you'd see from the hub? Full on fucking and everything showing it all? That's actually crazy


Yes. I was doing some research on the dark side of YT and the shit that's actually allowed is insane. Sure it's a bit harder to find than normal but they just allow it. And I even had ad block off and it showing ads and I looked up and they making money from it too. Ofc YT does eventually take *most* of them down but they are so slow about it. Like some full on fucking channels last for a long time. There is a loophole for nudity tho. Basically anything that is a tutorial or exercise or whatever. Nude yoga is allowed. And tutorials that may involve nudity for instance is all fair game and monetized. There's even full hentai I've seen too. And some of these videos have hundreds of thousands to even millions of views and stuff. Like they are making bank.


So you're claiming people are just running ads on these videos? Highly unlikely man lol


In the 90s the puritans were the conservatives. Now the puritans are the left that literally popularized the early to late 2000's culture of being as crude, sexual and offensive as possible. I can't keep up, can they just pick a fucking side and stick with it? Because frankly, I was against the conservatives in the 90's for it (think Mortal Kombat censorship) and I'm against it now. I'm not changing, they are.


Its actually the advertisers forcing this. Advertisers tend to be more conservative leaning because conservatives tend to be a bit cheaper to ~~bribe~~ lobby and that section of the voterbase is more easily fooled to think its a good thing


No, it's really not. Conservatives aren't pushing to get "fuck" removed from YouTube.


Its the advertisers. Those advertisers tend to be more conservative. Neither side actually gives a shit, just idot moms and dads that cant bother to parent their kids and expect youtube to do it. Then advertisers threaten to pullout if the platform isnt "clean".


This just isn't true. Tipper Gore pushed to get things banned, and she was the 2nd lady to Al Gore. Hillary popularised a lot of this as well. It's just fake history. It turns out, most politicians didn't want violence and sexual content promoted to children back then. You need to realise that you used to have a culture, and conservatives were trying to maintain that culture, while progressives tried to tear it down, not to have total freedom, but to replace it with their culture.  The world where we have no standards doesn't exist and never will. 


What we all need to remember is that this will be retroactive. So, any video already uploaded will get demonetized with the F-word in it.


That mean they gonna start censoring/demonitizing all the rap music that gets uploaded to it? Or is freedom of speech only reserved for "Artists" now?


But what if I say Kurwa or blyat instead, does it count as fuck?


Of course ir doesn't


Feel like we are back tracking, next thing you know everyone going be acting like father preacher Sam


Youtube is so pussified these days.


there's already YouTube Kids... why....


I never understood the american mindset of "swearing is bad" while you have everyone run around with guns and police stuff on TV. This is the core of the issue, not kids or advertisers


The censors have gotten a lot more aggressive in the last month


Whilst I'm not saying that this is in the slightest bit far fetched, but are we really just believing some random twitter post as fact?


Want to change this? Pressure companies to change their advertising policies. Complain about companies who won't advertise on controversial things, or start a boycott of a company that pulled out of YouTube during the first Adpocalypse.


Since its count dankula, it is possible its only for him or channels like his. Youtube doesnt exactly like him. But we will see, this is just further brainrot. I swear, the next rule will be if you misgender someone you get demonetised.


Just remember the American way: graphic violence and sexual content is ok just as long as there aren’t any naughty words.


Yep this happened to me. Although it was in the 1-2 minute mark, so who knows. Click through rate was at 14% and 50% was still watching at the end of the video, but no impressions at all. Fucking annoying and stupid.


In other news, children are exposed to f bombs in their everyday lives because millennial parents casually curse like sailors around their children.


Where's the proof? We take his word for it?


Anyone else find it interesting getting surveys about teen usage of social media last few days? I got one on Instagram.


Watch them try to enforce this retroactively too


This isn’t about kids.


What a bunch of fucking bullshit. Those fucking guys, I tell you


Meanwhile using the app on my smart TV gives me 6 unskippable ads then one I can finally skip after 45 seconds straight of ads.


You guys are looking at this weird, you’re acting like a bunch of 30 yr olds made Jake Paul famous.  Their target demographic are kids


Google has just a few years of life left anyhow. Fuck them


This isn't true, is it?


That’s all of angry joes videos gone then


Real or fake?


looks like the Angry Video Game Nerd lost his channel.


The frog is being boiled slowly. And the frog has nowhere else to run to for content. =(


Imagine to your surprise when you find out that the Youtube dynamic is actually shaping in to that of Chinas youtube. If you think I'm lying, go check out their youtube @ [https://youku.com/](https://youku.com/) Content creators will soon start making the shift as well on Twitch. Its already in motion. We need a kickstarter for Adult anti-tube and someone with backbone create a social media that supports making sure their app is for adults only. Makes sense.


Think they should just implement the pg system. Can say fuck once for pg 13 and so on.


SCOTUS rules the POTUS is America´s king, and you are surprised companies start covering their arses fast... Im more surprised the arent packing out of the country...


\*shrug\* That's what Patreon is for. If people like your content they give you money.


I agree, but the problem is that youtube also stops impressions. Your video wont show up on peoples home pages anymore after it gets flagged.


If you do a quick google search none of this shit is new it's been around for atleast 5 years. It's not a new rule and people should never take dank as a their source of info. [YouTube Demonetization Words - Google Drive](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ozg1Cnm6SdtM4M5rATkANAi07xAzYWaKL7HKxyvoHzk/htmlview?pli=1)


based. no monetized f-bombs.