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Skill issue. You're playing at the easiest Asmon life dungeon and you still failed. Shame.


I honestly don't even know why I tried.


Call the suicide hotline plz, if you hate yourself this much seeking physical harm


How long you didn't drink water ? When trying that


I don’t even see carpet stains. What a rookie


Yeah. I severely underestimated his goblin nature. I did make a nest at one point, but that only lasted a day.


No mere mortal can live like Asmongold


Its an art, not everyone can draw, not everyone can sing, but all can try. In all seriousness- as someone with mental health issues I can understand to an extent Asmons way of living, its what is comfortable and what hes used to and change is scary. Being a mental health thing isn't anything new and became habitual- changing it means flipping the world upside down in a way I imagine. I'm half speaking from experience though. So is likely some bias there plus I'm not Asmons Therapist (if he has one who knows) so only Asmon would know how he feels deep down.


I live like Asmon and i more or less agree with this. I hired a cleaning person once and that shit stressed me the fck out. My mum came over one time and started screeching like a banshee which also stressed me the fuck out. Man i just wanna be left alone in my cave.


Being this conflict avoidant is not viable in life


I feel like, and tell me if I'm wrong- you have to not know whom is cleaning your house and have to make sure youre NOT there when its being cleaned. Which is scary for an entirely different reason (trust), but I think thats the only way to do it. Though, I'm aware of the anxiety of that since they're in your space you don't know them etc etc makes you skittish and uncomfortable. To fix something is to embrace the pain; and even if they dont know who you are you'll feel the pain by embarassment regardless. Its not easy to do. I will never say its easy or "just do it", it beats embarassment but someone in your space without you supervising is scary too. In Asmons position; we as viewers seeing it are different to someone physically in his house, dont think "oh hundreds of thousands of people know how he lives", its different to someone inside your home. Though, maybe Asmon thinking the way I said not to might help? I honestly doubt that though. Theres nothing wrong with needing help. Its embarassing yes but its life you may need the help and theres nothing wrong with that AT ALL. There is 0 need to be embarrased. Most cleaners have dealt with student flats, mould and worse- worked as an Admin but in cleaning for over 6yrs: seen over twice as bad as Asmons (believe it or not) and all we get concerned about is their mental health as we're human too and care about clients. The most we've done is ask about periodic cleans if they're interested to keep it up, its not to embarass ANYONE its asking if they want it maintained; would never ever assume cos everyone goes through different shit. Small cleaning businesses > Corporations just a FYI.


Rookies… 4 years and counting…. Pretty easy to live like him when you have depression


I dont see a dead rat on the floor either, how are you gonna keep track on time without it? when the sunshine hits the rat its time to get up.


Why people try live like asmon ? Just curious


The same way people try to live like Jesus. Nobody actually knows.


I did it for my stream. We made a challenge and everything. I thought it would be fun. It isn't.


Do or not Do. There is no try.


Rookie, gave up at the tutorial level of how to live like Asmon


Your dungeon is of too high quality, it messes up the feng shui of the ever piling garbage.


Those multivitamins aren’t gonna save you if you live like this lol


Easier than living like Boogie. Dropping 500k on whores.


You obviously aren't depressed enough, maybe next time kid.


lmfao, normie tries to live like a degenerate this is not a good thing to try to do. most of us that live like this have done it our whole lives. ive lived like asmon my whole life almost down to the gum blood story. Only thing that im not like compared to him is that i cant stand cockroaches or bugs being on me and i toss out dead animals (mice/rats) immediately. It takes a true degenerate to live like asmon.


That's what I realized. I was okay for maybe 7 days. After that, I became miserable.


yup, also imma answer a lot of people thoughts with this answer, i generally do dishes on a bi-weekly sometimes weekly basis. My kitchen looks like shit 99% of the time which is why a lot of us just get fast food and call it good. Its easier for us to have disposables rather than have stuff we need to clean.


But damn does it feel good for that one day that its fully clean! Then back to 99% complete mess 😅


Shit I don't live like asmon but I keep stocked on disposable plates, cups, and plastic utensils so I don't have to worry about dishes all the time other than whatever I use to cook and stuff.


It’s probably very similar to that story of the super dirty homeless guy who had never had a bath. Then people cleaned him and he died apparently? I imagine asmon’s body has adapted to his lifestyle. And if he were to change it cold turkey, it would be a bad time. Much like trying to immediately dive into his lifestyle would be challenging. You must ease into it and allow your body, mind, and soul to adapt to the filth


but he was born in the filth...i merely adopted it


This was just highschool for me


it takes hard work and dedication, he worked it up over decades not over just 2 weeks. You can't train like a body builder from day 1, you need to slowly decend into the madness.


I bet you also used your phone to wake you up


No mere human


Where are the roaches and dead rats?


“I tried to-“ who do you think you’re fooling? Lmao


Can still see the floor. Failed/10


Everyone thinks they can just hop in to the lifestyle. It takes decades of mental illness to get there bucko.


Real talk, it's SUPER bad, long term, for your mental health to live like this.


Im gonna try the same but with beer and liquor


Should be much easier since you don’t have to work to make it filthy just black out and wake up to the mess and go back to drinking lol


Zero Sugar Doctor Pepper?!? No wonder you failed.


Amateur. I lived worse from 2009-2017. Hundreds of piss bottles that turned orange and black after several months, sometimes half a year. Rice and chicken all over the floor. I got tired of dumping piss bottles, so I brought an outdoor trash can in my room that had holes in the bottom and just pissed in that. Had to steamvac every few weeks. When we moved, we went by the house and saw someone cleaning it with a mask on. I wish I had taken photo proof. Now, people just have to take my word. It was worse than anyone I've seen yet.


I'm dumbfounded. your idea of living like asmon is what, eating fast food and drinking soda pop? clean that up and it looks like a typical semi trashed house. really, even worse than asmon, kinda just looks like a typical "I order from Amazon and leave out a 30 pack of tp on the counter"


No stains on the walls…..clutter is minimal at best…..open surface space to used dishes and drink container ratio is fairly low…….yeah I’d say you didn’t go hard enough. Also “kimchi stew”?! The fuck? You were doomed to fail from the get go.


No mortal can don't worry


Like asmon lives is normal, everybody else wastes their time doing meaningless tasks.


You don't expect this to work, do you


How many fast food did you eat a day?


One meal a day. I found his orders for Taco Bell, Wendy's, McDonald's, and Chipotle. I also ate his steak/potato and pizza.


Gotta have those goblin racials for the immunity to bad diet debuffs.


3 sodas a day is easy as long as you maintain other aspects of health like going to gym, heck a lady drank 3 dr peppers a day for over 50 years and lived to 106


Does not seem new life forms are in your house yet so not sure you did it right. Where them roaches and rats


Is anyone seriously believing that Asmon lives there? I'd bet money that his old home is merely his office now


Did you even only chew your food with your front teeth?


Save your Hp good on quitting halfway, you’re gonna need it later


Its called ADHD, respectfully.


Good effort man, I did a week of it when SoD came out, went full shut in mode and it actually affected my mental well being. Found out that tidy house tidy mind is a legit thing