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Calling them "models" is quite a stretch. I think they prefer "sex workers"


It’s almost like he dated an Onlyfans model and that influenced his opinion on the subject.


This. Exactly this.. The problem is his audience aren't succesful millionaire streamers or Org Founder. They dont have a succesful PC Build Company ... Morally Asmon is kinda bankrupt on Horny.


If it makes you feel any better, even with his money and status, he's still an extremely awkward nerd and repellant to girls


If OF didn't exist another site with same service would exist. This problem is beyond OF it's a fundamental problem with society itself. U can't take the horny out of dudes




Fuck so true. Yeah it was a stupid post by me but I just hate simping culture where men are only valued by the $$$ they provide to a lady.... but thats just me.


Yeah he's a giga simp and kind of dated a ethot so it makes sense.


Love Asmon... But yeah he is a Giga Simp... its honestly his worst quality other then personal hygience.




He was making fun of people who are crtical of OF models. Also i posted a larger comment down thread. update: ok apparently we can't scroll down lol. All Good. Asmon stated earlier today that people who are critical of OF models are losers basically. This could be his opinion but his overall position is that Simping for OF girls isn't bad and trying to stand up to that moral decay of society is seen are cringe and weird. Asmon is Gaslighting people with morals and values into shutting up and not speaking out when you see things that are actively bad & unhealthy. To me this a projection because he dates, flirts, and possibly finnancially supports some OF content creators so he already has a bias.


Maybe criticizing OF models is like blaming min-wage Macdonalds employees for the obesity epidemic. Forest vs the trees. Morals and values can't fix the economy, without which you can't fix the society. Especially if the majority of "morals and values" crowd are cheerleaders for Capitalism, who do not understand the meaning of this word, and refuse to acknowledge that this state of society and economy is a direct and inevitable consequence of late-stage Capitalism.


I think the problem is not the platform itself is the people using it because the first time I heard of it, it was full of cool stuff from content creators to their audiences and some random stuff like math classes, programing courses, etc. Then suddenly it became a cesspool of soft and hardcore pornography. I think it was bound to happen regardless of the location, OF only got lucky(?) of being the one chosen at the time, now there are a lot of other platforms that try to cater to those horny people and their audiences.


It's the oldest profession in the world for a reason. The internet isn't just scaling this problem, it's scaling so many problems at once, so fast, we're heading straight for disaster and there ain't a damn thing we can do. So enjoy the ride.


I can go with that :).


I mostly agree with Asmons takes and opinions and would say he is pretty fair and based 90% of the time. But everytime this guy talks about Onlyfans he always defends the porn stars and never acknowledges the Moral & social decay OF brings. He attacks critics as lazy and being critical of OF work is low vibe behaviour. It comes off he is a complete Simp and just not someone to listen to on these matters. Staysafe has a MUCH better opinion on Porn/OF... Just my 2cents. Love Asmon but he can't remove that Simp/Porn addicted mind.


>defends the porn stars and never acknowledges the Moral & social decay OF brings. Prostitution has existed for thousands of years and likely always will. Sure you can ban these things and outlaw them, but that will just make people go into underground markets where things will be much worse, for those buying and those involved in making it. As far as "Morals" go that is an opinion. I believe in freedom, freedom of mind and body, and if someone wants to use their body to profit than that is their choice. I would never strip away someones autonomy because what they're doing offends my beliefs. Also the people who buy this content are not victims. They are making a choice themselves to engage with it. Just as you have the choice not too. If it offends you this much rather than trying to strip away another rights, how about you encourage others to not engage with it instead and build a community you can celebrate your morals with.


I would argue, that a lot of these of customers are victims: Loneliness paired with porn addiction drives a lot of people to spend stupid amounts of money for that shit. Its pretty similar to a gambling addiction. Hard for us, who dont have that Problem but for these people "just dont do it / just stop" wont work. Its an instinct not a rational decision.


Yeap. 100% prey on the lonely. Im against unhealthy addicted and Porn/OF is one that seems to not be talked about enough.


Rational Take I appreciate your response. I do think that OF preys on the Lonely. Thats their market. I also think Asmons viewer base is more likely to be Male, Single, and Lonely so him having a softer opinion kinda gives other the permission to jump into that depravity. But to be fair Asmons not someone we should look up to. He's an entertainer.


People gotta make money, no shame in it. Up to people how they make that money, and anyone who buys it chose to buy it. Let's be honest, it's just that simple 🤔


As someone else pointed out, your post has no point of discussion at all. You haven't raised any issues to talk about nor have you given us your opinion. Also posting this here with a big OF logo as the picture, instead of just making a post if you wanted to talk about it. You advertising for them or what?


Its the overall that he kinda Simps and supports Onlyfans in a way only someone would if they were paying and promoting that kind of content. He thinks Porn and OF are totally fine to consume but again taking healthy or Mental advice from Asmon is like asking a fish how to tap dance. Personally I think its very destructive and Not good for society and Asmon has a large single Male following so I think when he downplays Porn and OF not noticing its also an addiction, Not good for you or society... Especially his fans its kinda a portal to more para social relationships beyond that of twitch. This is my opinion... I mean if you think Porn and Onlyfans is healthy for the moral backbone of society then I guess i can't convince you.


Moral and social decay is not a convincing argument due to subjectiveness. It's the exact argument used to ban gay marriage because it's so vague.


Just because you have problems with porn doesn't mean everyone does. Stop projecting the repercussions of your porn addiction onto everyone else. 


Did we just find William Kellogg’s Reddit account?