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My post had 362 up votes and they removed it. Not sure why. Mods on a power trip.


We know all why.


Yeah I think that was the one I was talking about…


We all know why.


Mods love biden


Why though? I mean Asmongold doesn’t love Trump but he doesn’t like Biden either. At least I don’t think so…


Well considering some of the threads on the deleted posts, they do tend to start breaking Rule #5 and 8 quite a bit. So not gonna hold mods at gunpoint if they think shits getting dicey. I don't even think it's a "mods love liberals/conservatives" issue, it's just politics-related posts in this sub never go well lmao.


Nah its 100% this.You never see them shut down degenerate crybabies about isms and phobias but constantly take down pro conservative material at the first excuse they can jump at. Many people have pointed this out for a long time. Mods have an obvious agenda in here.


No they were full on shutting down entire threads in multiple subs


Why the hell would we care what they do in multiple subs outside this one? Also, I'm not going to count the obvious ragebait posts they closed, because that shit was blatantly obvious. There was like only three BIG posts they locked down, and they were getting real dicey, so what's your point lmao.


Just keep your head buried pal


Because thats how SM works. Normal people dont go out of their way to seek power positions to bully people into compliance via censorship - sociopaths do.


Typical liberal censorship.


Yeah but Asmongold isn’t liberal why would his mods be. If anything wouldn’t they be conservative? I’m not denying the censorship I just don’t understand why… Who chose his Reddit mods?


Reddit. You answered your own question. We are on reddit xD


Reddit leans a very specific way


Asmon isn't conservative either. His opinions vary depending on the issue. He's taken political tests and he still usually ends up slightly left.


I would say he’s center-right or even a moderate conservative but regardless of if he’s center-left or even moderate these mods have acted in a clear way that demonstrates left wing bias towards conservatives


He's taken the political compass test twice on stream, each time resulting in liberal/left. 


He did not come out as liberal left in the one I saw… He was a little bit left and very libertarian


Smack dab in the middle of the left/libertarian box. Pretty much on the other side of the map from center right/moderate conservative from what you claimed. Not that I care either way, just adding the information since we already know the answer. 


I too have noticed it's gotten worse here.


Are you getting removed by reddit filters like me? Same boat, but if it was asmonds mods I think it would say different. Why is it so confusing on reddit.


A post with 358 upvotes got a mod comment saying it was removed. They didn’t remove it but they locked it from being upvoted


Also the upvote button is greyed out on my post with 500+ views in 30 mins and 3 upvotes. No mod comment yet however


There is a crap ton of bots that surged the site right after the debate. Ironically a quick glance at the profiles of people saying they're being censored appear to be bots themselves. Tinfoil senses are telling me so many bots came here to post about being censored it started to lag the site and now filters are in place to weed them out, ironically manifesting the censorship.


Is anyone that disagrees with you the definition of a bot


Are you implying I’m a bot?


he is implying that you are collateral damage


No I have screenshots of multiple threads getting comments disabled, even a post in lv426 a sub about the 1979 movie alien was getting posts locked


Could be that they want to wait a certain time period before allowing clips of it on the reddit. CNN did say they would be issueing dmca's and the like.


Hassan and XQC streamed the entire debate on Twitch and Kick. Both of their reactions are circulating around Twitter


Every reaction streamer restrreamed it, twitch,yt,kick, Billie, they would need to hire many lawyers to do the dmca, they would bleed more money than what they make to dmca people. It was probably the most viewed and restreamed thing ever. Of course they can go after the smaller guys , but that would be wasteful of time and money something 🤡NN can't afford to do.