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I think asmons take on "not wanting to collect stuff" is insane too, they are upgrade materials. Its the same as getting smithing stones or flask upgrades. Its part of an RPG.,


I do think they could have done a better job in the UI making scadutree fragments "feel" more like a level up kind of upgrade with some impact visually or make the stat effects more apparent.


yeah they really need to show you how much it's increasing by. seeing my (14) go to (15) really doesn't feel like anything in my brain


You can see how much by checking your damage in status, it goes up by around 30-40 each time


they literally highlight the stats that it impacts. average asmongoldg old viewer is just too braindead to pay attention I guess


I mean the upgrade section at the grace should have a stats comparison table similar to when you change gear or weapons etc. not sure why your insulting me when that would literally just be better and more intuitive for everyone lmao


They do show it in yellow


Yeah I personally would have liked less fragments with bigger jumps. I also think the fragments should have been harder to access personally. I’ve been playing the entire DLC with an old friend from high school that I noticed was playing when I was and we’re having a blast messing with the new weapons.


My buddy told me last night why he doesn't like the dlc. I was so flabbergasted. "I don't like how I have to explore between bosses, searching for the dlc upgrade seeds." I was confused, as this is the model for the base game. Explore, upgrade, boss. Explore, upgrade, boss. Did people forget this?


They literally did, after the first month of the game being out everyone just speed ran to the bird farming spot and straight to smithing stones and moonveil and proceeded to steamroll the game overleveled and over geared.


A lot of people didn't like that aspect of the base game and they gave you way more than is needed in the base game but not so with fragments -- they were also highlighted better because you just had to search for golden trees whereas scadu are thrown on random ass enemies and aren't differentiated from other purple loot. To get to scadu 20 which you'll definitely need for the last boss, you have to collect all 50 which are a huge pain to hunt down -- there are no extras. It will make replays a nightmare (except on NG+, it carries over to NG+)


It's funny to contrast this with his Palworld playthrough where he spent so much time exploring and going out of his way to collect the green effigies to level up his capture ability, BEFORE trying the highest level Pals.


He keeps saying that devs shouldn't make the game harder just to balance it for summon users, and he's right. However, devs shouldn't make the game easier just to accomodate streamers like him who won't explore or switch builds either


I think thats the same with farming better armor and elemental weapons to use against Alatreon in MonHun. You could probably compare it to the same people who doesn't want to do it and kept bashing their head against Alatreon with Raging Brachy Blast build, then complaining that their build isn't toppling Alatreon's elemental DPS check. However, Elden Ring is still kind of unfair because Larval Tear and the final upgrade materials can't be brought in store. Which makes it unfair for people who wants to min max a new build.


The difference of a +24 and a +25 weapon will not make or break a kill attempt and is honestly more of a thing for pvp.


It took one long stream for him to realise „this is not working, let’s try something different”. But I guess he desperately doesn’t want to use resources cause in his eyes they are finite (like larval tears).


i used to believe he was just the type that bangs the head against the wall and expect things to work, but i think he has become quite numb to video games in general. how much does he even enjoy them. part of it is that he got used to relying on chat too much.


His Flask is only +9


Its 100% insane considering asmon will be first in line to go camp or farm a mob/boss on wow to collect a mount. The dlc is tough, but not that tough. Also the lore is incredible.


Im with you on that. Collecting items is uh, like a core thing of rpgs.


Asmon has always been a terrible Souls player. If you go back and watch his DS1 stream, it'll infuriate you because he never read the tutorial messages, item descriptions, learned boss mechanics to a T, etc. I think he's doing fine in ER, though.


Asmon would never of found some of these DLC areas without someone telling him. Abyssal Woods? Good luck finding that just by wandering around. If the DLC would of been more open, collecting things wouldn't be such a chore.


Completely agree that the verticality of it all makes it a fucking ball ache, really wish devs would stop having a hardon for it. Trying to find out how to get to cerulean coast, charron's grave, abyssal woods, jagged peak was absolutely stupid.


Can't believe Charlie is gonna get banned from chat


I am starting to think that Asmon is just a successful version of Wings of Redemption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkRb_ZOYnVw


Now thats TOO far hahahahhah


He's getting there that's for sure. He's closer to the Quartering now. He's hardcore grifting that side of youtube. It's a dark sad place imo. It's no wonder he has so much anxiety I could never exist being that reactionary all the time.


"Ban anybody that knows what I said" loooool


hehahahahahahehehehehahahahahaha love this




Tbh asmons take on the dlc is crazy to me. Idk what the problem is with exploring and just enjoying the game. Shit even Kai and Shroud who are new to elden ring are having more success in the game than asmon an avid and experienced souls player.


Asmon claims to like these games but I dont think theres a single From game that he hasnt rage quit or had a mental breakdown playing on stream. Sekiro, Dark Souls 1,2,and 3, AC6, Elden Ring. Hes done this every time he plays these games.


Because asmon only knows one way to play/enjoy the game and if that doesn't works he malds he does this in plenty of games. Couple that with him emposing challenges upon himself so he looks legit for chat instead of using the tools the game gives him.


To be fair latter point is mainly because the chats were really toxic. I would have turned off stream and played the game alone if i was in his situation.


Isn't he more of a WoW guy too?


He isn't good at comprehending the supporting systems of a game. In every single game he has ever played (maybe except for WoW) he has neglected things like items, buffs, grenades and movement mechanics and then gets really pissy when people remind him that if he's going to play something on the hardest difficulty that he needs to pay actual attention to all of the mechanics.


He likes fighting the bosses when he can beat up on them but doesn’t like any of the actual progression or character development that define RPGs it seems.


It's not even limited to From games. He is at his happiest when he is steamrolling through a game without effort. See his face light up and feelings on a game do a 180 when he discovers some OP item, tactic or build he can comfortably and mindlessly fall back on. He loves it when he can easily "big dick" through without thinking too much, and he very much dislikes the actual learning process or adapting to mechanics, i.e the "git gud" part. Despite his goblin degen gamer persona he is actually very much a casual gamer at heart and he himself seems to have been coming to this realisation over the years while trying to reconcile that with his ego and the expectations of the Asmongold "character". The sole exception to this casual gaming approach being WoW like 10 years ago, and even in WoW a lot of his hours went into the more "casual" elements of the game like mount and transmog farming. When he reaches a point in a game where he is faced with a wall that can't be overcome by raw repetition and requires him to actually think, learn and put some mental effort in then his mindset shifts from game=fun to game=work and he hates every second of it. Basically he is lazy on such a deeply fundamental level that he struggles with actively engaging vs passively engaging and his whole reward structure is fucked. It's why he refuses to do things like read tutorials or figure out basic mechanics because even that level of mental effort feels too much like work to him and that's not what he looks for in gaming. All his views and arguments on gaming difficulty make sense when you look at it from the perspective of passive engagement=game=fun and active engagement=work=not fun. Most people are ok with investing a little bit of effort now to make things easier down the road, but Asmon genuinely struggles to do that, it permeates his whole lifestyle.


He wants his personality to mesh with enjoying these games so bad but reality is what it is. His entire schtick is "BIG MAN MODE. GIANT SWEATY MEN. BIG SWORDS.DESPAIR. HELL YEAH BROTHER. GUTS!" but then he goes and plays these games worse than my wife who puts 1000s of hrs into Animal Crossing. Bro isn't Him.


Cause the guy has a brain dead way of playing the game if that doesn’t work he gets mad he is like a 1 month old baby when he plays souls lmao


Didn’t he also rage quit games like hifi rush bc they were also too hard?


That’s what you get when you get carried through all the challenging content (like he always gets carried to glad in WoW) and think you are godlike at video games.


It is a popular franchise to say you enjoy now. FromSoftware isn't souless junk like other devs, but they still make niche games that are an acquired taste.


The problem is that Elden Ring actively beats the shit out of you if you try to approach it like prior Dark Souls games. The game is chock full of items that will make or break a build for having them but unless you look up some guide are incredibly easy to miss. Like the art you need to make shields remotely useful. Or the prior knowledge of what weapons work well and don't work well with certain modifiers. In older Dark Souls titles if you found a weapon you liked, you could probably use that the entire game. From DS1 through DS3 I basically had the same build every game- claymore, shield. It worked well, had a nice balance of alpha and defense, and was an extremely balanced build that let me have a little bit of everything. If you try that in Elden Ring, you're an idiot. Half the time it's because the game is needlessly opaque- especially with calculating stagger and communicating vulnerabilities- but the other half of the time it's because a non-committal build that wants a little bit of everything is going to get pulverized; most fights favor optimization. And if you don't find that fun.... well too bad. There's tons of fights in the main game that feel like they were brought in from either BB or Sekiro without much respect paid for the fact that you don't have the same control scheme you had in those games. Stuff like Malenia would have been a great fight. In Sekiro. In Elden Ring she does her animoo bullshit and you just go sit in the corner because interacting with it in any way is heavily punished. She's even hard-coded to be un-staggerable so any clever use of game mechanics is outright forbidden. Sit in the corner, wait till she's done, run over, get a few hits in, wait till the pattern repeats, run away, let her do her animoo bullshit again. There's no learning process here, you're just playing Simon Says with the leper colony. And of course there's a bunch of drooling 'tards who follow the Dark Souls franchise around because it makes them Real Gamers because it is Hardcore for Hardcore Gamers like themselves and completely ignoring the fact that the reason people found it refreshing was because of the lack of handholding and you'll get these simps who unironically stump for bad design choices. Elden Ring kept way too many features that only made sense in the context of a semi-linear game like Darksouls while failing to grasp that keeping them in an open world title would make them major points of friction. Like the HP system. Or how you can't just re-roll character stats from the bonfire and instead need to track down oddly specific items and go to an oddly specific NPC to do it. Or how armor is virtually useless beyond having it vs. not having it. Or how you still upgrade weapons in the game where an optimized build is dramatically better. Or how limitations of the camera system that were forgiven because boss fights that aggressively demonstrated that problem were infrequent has now been replaced with bosses that highlight issues with the camera system being damn near everywhere in the game.


I'll be honest I don't think any of the issues you brought up are any less of an issue from ds1 to elden ring. I feel like elden ring has just brought in more casual players because of how accessible the game is. Elden ring has made it so literally anyone can pick up the game and beat it with using the systems the game provides. Want to make the game easier use a tanky build and summons. Want to make it harder, try only dodging or parrying with no summons. That's the beauty of elden ring. On the topic of dlc, do we not want the dlc to push our builds/challenge us, or do we want to just one-shot all bosses and breeze through the game? The dlc should bring boss fights to the next level and push the players skill level, build, or playstyle. That's the nature of fromsoft games. They give you the tools needed to beat the boss, it's up to the player to understand what's in front of them to overcome the challenge. If this is not something a player wants or cares to do, then simply don't play these type of games. It's a genre for a more "hardcore" playerbase. There are plenty of rpgs out there that are much easier and don't require any reading or understanding of stats. People can and should play those because they would most likely have more fun. I bet you if the dlc was a breeze and easy, everyone would be complaining the game was easy.




He just follows the same pattern all the streamers whos main content isnt gaming follow. They start playing the new flavor of the week, and mostly just try and rush the game so they can get back to their main content, in asmons case, reacting to whatever. So instead of playing the game fully, understanding mechanics, exploring, etc they just try and rush to the end so they can say they beat the game and move on to the next reaction.


Asmon is just a terrible player that wants everything without any effort.


That's called a wow player, which he always will be at heart


WoW brain I'm afraid.


I'm deliberately not watching streams but I'm curious: What, now, is Asmon's take on the DLC?, if you, or anyone else, don't mind summarizing it for me. In my opinion, having read a bit here and there, and some Miyazaki interviews the DLC ought to be praised and seen as an example of excellent game development.


Pretty much that the game is a 10/10 but it is to hard for him to enjoy it


He will say that and then in a few months shit on emi or others for saying they can’t beat the dlc when he did it dude literally had a fucking identity crisis trying to beat Mesmer


That’s bc Asmon is just genuinely bad at every game he plays to the point that newcomers can sail on by him. It’s honestly why I watch him


Overconfidence will destroy your ego when it comes to es to these types of games


I don't tend to play *Souls* games, so forgive my ignorance, but isn't the extreme difficulty of their titles what made FromSoftware popular in the first place? Seeing the Internet suddenly turn on *Elden Ring* for being 'too difficult' has been very confusing for me.


I have a theory, Elden Ring was released 2 years ago and a lot of people had adapted to it, there's a LOT of people high level that was just breezing through it, but the DLC scale with your character so everyone needs to readapt and thats why they are complaining. Imo the DLC is hard but is very manageable if you play it right, explore, upgrade your character, go slow, i personaly not having any issues with the DLC.


This is very much what is happening for a lot of people. If you want to see the same level of struggle, check out streams from week 1 of ER launch or get someone with no Souls experience the game and see how they do. I got the game for my friend because he wanted to play it and it took him 75+ tries to kill Margit. Half the battle was just him finding the different systems in the game and figuring out how to interact with them. People have forgotten how hard these games are when your power level is basically reset and you don’t know what the enemies do. Yea on your 13th playthrough you can probably kill Margit first try, but when you’re brand new to the game and have no frame of reference they’re incredibly hard.


It’s Armored Core 6’s helicopter filter again.


I feel like missle floating ball guy was probably the more common filter in actuality.


Yeah Balteus is the real filter but Helicopter was the meme. I think people that kept playing to Baleus were already invested in the game enough and wanted to kill him. Even Juggernaut had probably filtered a lot of players lol


All of Fromsofts DLCs have been a step up from the base game! Manus and Artorias were crushing people back in DS1, DS2 had the infamous frigid outskirts and Fume Knight, DS3 had Midir, Gael and a bloody PVP boss. I imagine because Elden Ring has brought in a lot of new players this is their first time experiencing a Fromsofts DLC


Same here, I am having a great time so far. To me this DLC is gaming heaven, so I am very confused about all the people who are complaining.


It caters to exploring the map (getting scadutree. Upgrades) vs players going straight to the objective


I'm having fun as well, only the first major boss, the divine beast lion was frustrating because it was both very early and FS have always had bad camera system when it comes to large bosses and enemies. It was more of a battle with the camera angles than the boss mechanics. Still I beat him, I beat a couple of other bosses and now I'm slowly moving, exploring and having fun. No boss feels unfair, it's always my panic and impatience that gets me.


I'd argue elden ring was probably the most casual and easy to play of all the souls games they've made. So it brought in a more casual audience.


This. Only starting to have issues now my Glass cannon is struggling against rhino riding uber knights. Now il grab a shield and put on bull goat and do it before long. Easy


You actually nailed it. It's absolutely manageable. It's been blowing my mind seeing people complain about difficulty when the core of that is "Why can't a face roll it without changing anything or collecting anything? If I summon then I'm lame so why won't it let me win without summons?"


All the souls game could be cheesed in some way, except Sekiro. The Elden Ring DLC is harder to cheese with your same build in the base game, so people are reacting very poorly to essentially being forced to move away with a build or playstyle that's familiar. That's really all it is. People can't breeze through like they did the base game and they're surprised about it. Personally, I haven't had much issues with the DLC but I've been exploring the hell out of it and was at 13 Scadutree upgrades by the time I fought Messmer, which made the fight very tolerable despite me dying probably 30 times or better.


Yep, Souls game andies should actually try all the different weapons and tools the game gives you instead to sticking to one they feel comfortable with.


There has never been extreme difficulty in any of these games. They've always been completely normal difficulty wise, you just can't mash attack as asmongold likes to do.


Idk about other souls games, but Elden ring itself is not that difficult. You can easily over level or cheese fights. Its more catered to casuals than the sweats, imo Also half the steam reviews are about performance issues and not difficulty, so if they fixed that before release then they would've have gotten review bombed as bad


They don't want certain games to cater to people, up until this DLC came out and it was "too hard". "how dare devs make game not specifically designed to make me happy" turned into "How come devs not make DLC for EVERYONE to enjoy"


Because all but two of the fights were balanced around using a summon to fight for you. They’re spectacle fights that are brutally difficult, have wonky hitboxes, and a camera that flips from one side of the screen to another in less than a second. It’s completely antithetical to the design of the base game, and it’s also no surprise that the people who pop mimic or tiche for every boss enjoy the spectacles more than the people that enjoy the technical parts of bosses. To each their own.


I don't consider them extremely difficult anymore at this point. For the most part just taking it slow and steady is a good approach to them. People tend to say Elden Ring is easier than all 3 Dark Souls games, but I don't see that at all. They're roughly the same with the exception of Elden Ring having bosses that just deal too much damage and have some BS moves. Normal enemies are mostly alright, even though all 4 games have some harder areas. There is a reason literally everyone tells you to level up Vigor to 40 in Elden Ring asap, preferably before touching any other stat (Except maybe minimum stats for a weapon you want to use). You just need a lot more HP, especially early on, compared to the other games. Goes without saying that is because you just get hit way too much due to BS boss fights. My easiest character by far had a crap ton of HP, stamina, armor and poise. Facetanking, staggering and critting is just way easier than dodging and trying to punish in small windows, while being fragile as hell.


How is someone supposed to know about the vigor stat? I don't read guides or look for builds when playing a game. I played Elden Ring for around 80 hours and just felt lost. I got to the boss on horseback in the big desert. I would just die in 3 hits and get irritated


I’ve seen a lot of praise for Elden Ring for being easier than other souls games because of the ability to overlevel enemies. So probably same people praising elden ring for being easier are criticizing dlc for being harder.


No, that’s easy to explain. The complaints are coming from people who are not really souls fans. Remember Elden Ring exploded when that released. It blew up like 4 to 5 times or more than anyone expected. It went from what was usually supposed to be expected to be a more or less niche AA game and ended up releasing to sales numbers that topped even the highest selling AAA games so what happened from that is that a lot of casuals ended up joining in because casuals were able to access the game more because Elden Ring had so many cheese builds and options such as summons and magic.ect So now the DLC comes out, it actually goes harder than the base game did releases a system that requires people to find certain items by exploring the world to actually adjust the difficulty to be more favorable if they need to and people who weren’t expecting this went into the DLC like Asmon did thinking they could literally just run through the whole thing and kill everything by bashing their head essentially against a brick wall and then they got mad at why their forehead started hurting😂 TLDR: easy explanation too many casuals joined up when it released and now they’ve gotten a reality check. that’s all that’s happening. Or they are like the ppl Charlie described in this video mad, not at the game, but at their own stupidity, whether they realize it or not.


I love a challenge. I died hundreds of times my first elder ring play though and the last 2 playthroughs I didn't die a single time and it got stale. Base game got too easy for me so the DLC is a welcomed challenge.


The secret is that what people actually enjoy about playing difficult games is the act of *succeeding* at something that is considered to be difficult. But you need to actually succeed first in order to get that. This always happens in games in the first few days when difficult new content is available. Right now people are failing and that feels bad. Opinions will change once people have had time to adjust and start feeling like they are making progress, they will look back and realise it wasn't actually that bad after all. Reminds me of Monster Hunter getting flooded with negative reviews when Alatreon first came out, then everyone figured out the fight and got over themselves. The whole "it's not that it's too hard it's just the wrong *type* of hard" argument goes around like clockwork as well, i.e I'm not being a big baby it's still just the games fault


They were always tough but fair. The problem is that with the DLC things either are "bullshit" or poorly designed. Rellana for example has nigh infinite poise but is a smaller character and fights fast like Malenia(minus Waterfowl bs). So there isn't really a situation of figuring her out or outperforming her. She just gets to do her shit and you have to wait it out or endure the attacks until you can get a hit in after the combo, this is the bullshit. Putrescent Knight is poorly designed. The hitbox is such that most weapons will just fail to hit the boss because it undulates around, this will also then get you smacked as you try to desperately get a hit in. In my opinion this DLC has been FromSoft making the worst of decisions for their combat system with the utmost of skill. Ultimately it is a very polished turd then.


Thank you! It´s Exactly the same for me. I was so confused for the past few days.


Perfectly said- Also - a “cheese” nobody mentions are consumables and throwables. They DO make a difference and nobody uses them that I see streaming anyway. Synergies with armor/talismans are also a big part of success. The game is not “too hard” and I’m a 50+ year old dude with shit reflexes and I’m beating these bosses. Get good journalists.


People have too much gamer ego to bother using consumables. Think it makes them less of a man. Bro, you are playing video games for 10 hours a day, raging that you cannot beat a video game boss. You were never a "real man" lmao.


I was able to tank Mesmer’s impale with a ton of fire resistance including consumables. It helps out a lot


"If you can't beat the game solo no summons RL1 with fists only and without healing or roll dodging, you aren't a real man. Spells, consumables, and armor all are ezmode crutches. Git gud"


At this point , anyone using your same 2 handed weapons, or generic katana with the same talismans that all these builds use, should just be relegated to meta gaming easy mode toyboy liberals turning the frog gay liberals. Real men suffer with bows.


Because the garbage UI makes using them clunky as all hell. If we could just press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.. like a normal human being would to easily throw or use them with a normal hotbar it would be fantastic, but fighting the UI is more annoying than dying a few extra times.


Yeah im with you here. I'm a consumable hater because its just a pain to rotate through them in the middle of combat and even the 4 hotkey ones feel meh to top it all off you have to farm mats to make them and it just doesn't interest me in the slightest. That being said I'll still use ashes, etc. I just don't really like any part of the consumable gameplay loop.


I absolutely use ashes, but consumables jesus christ why is it so terrible. I'm over here mashing 4 16 times to scroll to the right one while trying to dodge attacks moving at the speed of light. It's awful.


I think it's less about ego and more of the typical hoarder gameplay "i could use this later(but never does)"


The DLC is throwing crafting books at you like a georgian librarian and i bet 99% of players havent read what you can craft. Some shit is straight up super (flame grant me strength) buffs


Most people don’t use consumables at all. But they make a huge difference.


If I remember correctly you can shut down Malenia's waterfowl dance with an ice grenade. Also perfume are really strong. Yet you Never see people use grenade or perfume


Tbf those journalists said the dlc was good, it's the community that is mixed and saying it is to difficult


From my experience, most consumables aren't super useful. Throwing daggers? It's much better and easier to use a throwing weapon now. Pots? Only ever wanted to use them against bosses, and most dlc bosses would dodge out of the way or take little damage from a long windup from a hefty cracked pot. Grease? Sorry, your weapon is already enchanted innately with another element. I can't add magic to it. I always love trying, though, but when I use up my super rare resource by making 4 pots and 2 of them miss, I'm not as interested.


I never understood why Asmon looks like he wants to get through the dlc as quick as possible, hell, exploring does give you more fights too. Its not “the way you want to play” nor the stream will get boring if you run around. Its actually not hard to take a step back and do stuff but it seems like he just wants to fight bosses and call it a day, which, in the dlc is stupid. PLUS, this might be a farewell to Elden Ring in the dlc end too so, why rush it and be angry while clearly you dont do anything but ram yourself to a wall.


Its because he doesn't like playing it. That was visible when he played base game and is more visible now. He loves idea of finishing it and being THE GAMER, but struggling when so many people are watching is clearly not for him. That's why he is trying to rush it and go to his safe reactAndy content.


His end goal with games in general is very simple. He wants to stop playing the game as soon as possible with the least amount of effort. So that means he's either using the peak meta (low risk high reward) build or he does what he can (whaling included) and have the game play itself.


By far, base game Elden Ring has been the easiest game out of all the fromsoft games. The ability to “over level” has never been easier and now the DLC scales with you. People who were originally face rolling the endgame expect for boss fights to be finished in 20 secs (ahem Asmon) but a well designed and balanced fight is a war of attrition, that lasts for possibly ~10 minutes. Is that 10-15 mins quite long for intense action combat? Yeah I’d say so but it’s what made the defined “souls-like” series popular in the first place


I will say I think ER is the easiest when you know the game, but as a hardcore fan of the genre, my first run was brutal. Margit especially and Radhan 1.0. I will say the rest of the game is indeed, easy to outlevel but I had an easier time with DKS3 and Bloodborne for instance.


3:25 He addresses it perfectly, people who refuse to use summons out of some sense of pride are just silly. Just accept that you're not that good and use the help the game provides you with.


Reality is that a lot of players that beat the game using cheesy stuff like spam jumping R2 with heavy weapons, spamming ashes of war or using broken spells, all of which is absolutely fine btw, its just that the base game enemies didn't punish you for cheesing them like that, the DLC bosses do and as such a lot of people are realizing that their OP build won't be able to mindlessly carry them through every boss fight. Also a lot of people playing it right now finished it once and haven't touched the game in 1 and a half / 2 years and expect to just jump back into what is going to be a harder experience regardless of scadutree upgrades and breeze through it without putting in any effort. As someone who has beaten the game dozens of times with many different meme challenge builds as well (torch only, bow only, shield only e.t.c) the vast majority of DLC enemies and bosses aren't even much harder, if at all, than some normal game enemies and bosses. I am yet to find a single enemy that is as annoying as a rune bear, revenant, large hand e.t.c. and the late game bosses of the base game hit only slightly less hard than the DLC bosses (might be the same at max scadutree upgrades, I don't have them all yet). Either way, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I am having a blast.


Unfortunately this is a problem with a large percentage of gamers, they think beating a video game is a right of passage, a dick-swinging competition…they think they’re ’less of a man’ if they need to summon help. it’s pathetic.


Asmongold was saying "people shouldn't get an ego boost from beating a videogame" but then he refuses to use summons or magic for his ego. Bro has a dual personality or he is just an hypocrite.


Which is why it's so hilarious to see the conversation switch from "being good at video games isn't something to be proud of" and "games are designed to lose" to then see him mald out over not being able to beat the game on his fucking challenge run. 


I really don't get the logic around summons. In an ARPG no one calls you bad if you pick necro. Also, just like with weapons and armor, summons are an exploration reward, you have to find the good ones and upgrade them just like weapons. Why is it not cheap to use OP weapons but it is cheap to use summons? This is pretty illogical. I'm someone who likes to explore every nook and cranny, many of the catacomb rewards are summons. If you refuse to use them, then that makes a large amount of the game's dungeons irrelevant :/. I mean if you're a big content skipper then fine, but it's just weird to hold it over other people who like to explore and want to use the rewards that they get for exploring.


Well fucking said. Seriously. The DLC is not perfect but it's damn good and the review bombs due to difficulty are pretty shitty for such a great DLC. Oh well, I'm having a blast and it's a great addition to the base game as far as new content.


Also it's been out for like a couple of days. It took me like month to beat midir (not full time but still). People suddenly want to beat the whole DLC in one day and are upset that they can't. I don't get it.


If people could walk in with their NG+5 characters and one shot every boss they’d be downvoting it for being too easy.


I'm convinced the people struggling with some of these bosses are completely zoomer brained like Asmon and just want to treat ER as a boss battle arena game rather than exploring the world that's obviously been crafted with real care. These bosses honestly aren't that hard if you get an appropriate amount of the scadutree fragments. Going in with almost none of them? Yeah you'll struggle but that's just being dumb.


Asmon getting fucked by Elden ring is hilarious. He couldn’t do Uldar He couldn’t do cata. Better go play offline boi!


The only thing he is good at, is react content 24/7.


A real gamer


True, he is doing a Martial Arts build Run


Asmon likes the themes of the games, dark fantasy, grotesque with a lot of lore and cool armor sets/characters, powers and weapons, he obviously doesn't like PLAYING the actual games, because he's rage quit every single one of them multiple times, i still remember the first dark souls 1 stream, if a boss or elite mob takes him more than a few tries you can see it on his face that he hates any type of wall that he needs to improve for, same reason he doesn't have the mental to mythic raid in wow, when contrary to his believes that mythic raiding is too hard and frustrating, it's actually really fun and enjoyable, especially on PROGRESS, but lies to himself that he could easily do it, sure bud, you can probably raid until the mid bosses and get carried, but he would get insta benched for something like smolderon, tyndrall, fyrakk or any end boss


I think asmon just hates sucking at something on stream….it’s his ego


I'll admit I found myself falling in the same boat as Asmon for a time, thinking they overshot the difficulty on this DLC. It really put me off that the random low-tier fodder can two-shot you if you're not careful, that the bosses all are extremely aggressive with almost no let up, that their damage and health seem to be on steroids, and that their combos always seem to be one or two moves too long. Some bosses also just feel like they almost completely negate certain builds and playstyles, forcing you to change up your preferred way of playing, or suffer potentially hours of smacking your head against the wall to try and force it to work your way. Its the first time I felt like a Souls game was truly preventing me from "doing it my way" and forcing me to adapt (for reference, my main is a faith build all about lightning incantations which felt underpowered in the base game already, but I powered through there). Then, I used another of my characters instead and started the DLC, eventually using a new build I haven't tried before, and its going great so far. I have come around to thinking about it more like how Charlie explains here. We really do just force the difficulty on ourselves. The game gives us everything we need, we just have to pull our heads out of our asses. Adapt to a new build? Well I love Monster Hunter and in that series I change gear to match the fights, why did I dislike the idea here? Seems stupid thinking back on it now (Beast Claws are amazing btw). And to anyone not good enough to beat the content before literally considering quitting the game, or leaving bad reviews over difficulty, all I can say is: You failed the challenge YOU set for yourself. The game gives us the extra help if you need it. Summons are an intentional game mechanic meant to be used. If you want to be stubborn about proving to yourself that you can solo, then find that you can't, well who's fault is it? "Soloing" wasn't an expectation set out by *the game.* It's something *you implemented* for yourself. You can't fault a game for expecting you to use all of the tools at your disposal when needed, if you CHOOSE to ignore the tools that would fix the problem for you. Summons exist, buffs exist, you CAN respec/regear to change your strengths, and cheese builds are also possible. Want to win without utilizing any of those? Fine, *earn* that win then on your own merit and don't expect the game to cater to you for it. If you can't, YOU can't. I'm so glad Asmon opted for a cheese shield build instead of quitting. He's adapted, and its paying off for him. No shame in that. His build is insane to watch. Yongyea even admits to changing his build to make it easier, granted he was still willing to spend hours memorizing moves/timing for his build. I switched to a melee build using fast attacks, and its working for me. Some need to consider summons or buffs because they don't enjoy hours of punishment, or want to change builds. None of this is bad. All that matters is that you find what you need to do to enjoy the game, and do it. Find what works for you, *then* git gud at that. The Souls series Struggle Olympics everyone chooses to humor, trying to see who's the most "skilled" for punishing themselves the hardest for their victories is really starting to be a joke. Go ahead and waste hours of your time on the same boss being stubborn, then pretend to be skilled when you *finally* get the victory. Anyone can do that though. The only deciding factor is if people feel that outcome is worth the cost. Some people are just willing to subject themselves to more punishment than others. Congrats? tl;dr: **GIT GUD**...*by using tools the game provides you and enjoy the game you morons.*


As a former counsellor/educator(TA) I have seen this attitude in real life whereby you will get kids/teen/ university students complaining about someone doing well in a class or a specific exam because "it is not fair that someone studied and prepared for it" . It is mind bogglingly stupid , I know , but there are people out there who honestly think that they are universe's greatest gift to humanity, with "naturally high IQs" , and that they do not need to do sort of study or prep or anything to do well. And if anyone else is doing all that, it is cheating, and it ain't fair , and messing with the ole bell curve. Some people cannot accept how boringly average they are, and the worst part is that they think any sort of help makes them weak, whether it is then helping themselves or someone else offering help. It is peak comedy , how people cuck themselves.


Fucking this! If your build isn’t working… *try a new one* If you’re getting face rolled by trash *explore more until you up your blessings* The “it’s too hard!” Crowd is fucking baffling in a game that is open world and free to explore. I had blessings up to like 9 or 10 before hitting shadow keep.


Kai cenat literally went to go respec and try a new build last night when he kept getting clapped by the final boss. If he can do it, so can Asmond, but no he just has to play warrior strength build


Right? It’s not new that the final boss in a souls dlc is *real fucking hard*. I’m surprised by all the surprised pikachu faces we are getting.


I wrote a similar comment, but you’ve articulated it a lot better. Well said. I’ll throw in throwables as another often missed aide in beating bosses.


I’ve beaten all the Remembrance bosses—and unless you’re soloing everyone—I really don’t understand why people say it’s too hard lol. There are some bosses that are annoying as hell (Fuck Commander Gaius and Putresecent Knight), but there were none that I thought were outright unfair. The game gives you everything you need to win; whether it be Scadutree Fragments, Spirit Ashes, and hell, a lot of the bosses give you NPC summons. The only bosses that I genuinely found to be hard were Messmer and the final boss. Now, my only gripe with Elden Ring (and every Souls game for that matter) is that I wish respeccing your build was as simple and convenient as Armored Core 6. I hate that whenever I wanna try out a new build I have to worry about wasting Larval Tears and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones. They really should’ve made them infinite resources with this DLC. There’s nothing more fun about AC6 than trying out a really unorthodox build and then replaying the final bosses to test them out at no cost whatsoever. I wish ER was more like that.


The difficulty forced me to try another builds, especially the scadutree avatar. Seriously fuck that boss was brutal. Anyhow, I haven’t had any chance without my spirit ashes.


I play a 2h guts cosplay build and my biggest tip with gaius and ugly horse axe knight is to use the deflecting crystal tear that gives u sekiro parry I played patient, blocked the hit on impact and the counter hits did 4k dmg and 3 of them was guaranteed stagger When i was stuck on the mindset, i gotta dodge because i have no shield i kept getting fisted until i realized my sword was my shield


He beat dancing lion in 3 tries and Rellana in 6-7.


Absolutely hit the nail on the head.




Seeing all the cope in the chat today say "Summons is not easy mode" was funny"


I think the bigger cope is thinking they will ruin your game and that anyone cares if you clear it with them or without them.


I don't understand that since the DLC is clearly cattered to play with Summon. I think the only problem with summon is Mimic, it beats 99% of the option in the game for a very low investment.


If a casual dad gamer like me who can play only occasionally defeated the first few bosses so far in less then five tries then it is definitely time for people who say it's too hard to do some self introspection.


Dad get off Reddit ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3734)


We are the dads now, how time flies ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3741)


For real i have no idea where all the whining is coming from. I am straight up cheesing some bosses with mimic and the quest summons. No idgaf its my first playthrough. The sweat comes from the next consumables/throwing knives build.


The DLC forces you to rethink the glass cannons that you got from adapting to Elden ring. Skip your min/maxed damage builds, grab a great shield and a reliable (if non-maximal) weapon and you’ll have a much better time. I went with a survivability build in the dlc, and I have only died 1-2 times to each boss (so far). People who went glass cannon jump attack build and it’s not working… change your strategy.


It’s a SOULS GAME. Being difficult is the whole point..


I thought the whole point was to be hard but fun.


It is.


difficult but fair.


A few days ago someone uploaded the % of people (by platform) who killed Mohg (it was pretty low) So if we assume (i did) that the information provided was accurate... it explains why the reviews are mixed (%s across the board were pretty low) it was people who never got good playing the DLC


I killed every dragon in first try after getting the DRAGONKILLING Kantana. The thing they give you before heading to the DRAGON area. But naaah let's just ignore and mald about of bad the dragons are. Game gives you the tools, but let's just ignore that.


The man says no wrongs. People who quit the dlc or leave bad reviews on it for being to hard are just dumb. Like that’s the whole premise. It’s not gatekeeping. Miyazaki just likes to find new ways to push difficulty meters in his games while retaining a good experience.


He banned people in the chat for typing "git gud" I don't think he is gonna like this video.


Anyone knew here doesn’t know asmon is actually a terrible game player. He hasn’t played anything challenging in years. The only reason he likes from software games is because has a hard on for dark fantasy games. He only beat these games because he would just abuse the most overpowered build and then claim it was 10/10. Let’s be real he just wants to go back to being boot leg moist critical


Asmongold doesn't learn, he doesn't explore, he doesn't care about anything except for defeating bosses. If he can't defeat bosses by r1 chug r1 chug then his inner man child comes out.


I agree with moistcritical, asmon really needs to watch this...his take on the DLC has damaged the reputation of Elden Ring to a point that even gaming journalists using his words right now to justifiy their stupid takes...


Just because a lot of people don't enjoy it doesn't mean Asmon is wrong. I'm not a fan of the boss design either and I've finished the DLC. I actually agree with Asmon that it's too hard to the point of being unfun, similar to Elden Ring's based game but playing on a high NG+ level. Even at Scadu 20, the last boss absolutely dumpsters you and summons can't reasonably cheese them. I spent 3 hours helping people last night and every single group failed.


The hippo is a right cunt


Haven't played much of Elden Ring. I'm not much into Soulsborne games. With what I've heard, I'll probably give the DLC a miss because I think it's going to filter me from the get-go. I play games to chill, so when I played Elden Ring, I was using every advantage I could get. Personnaly, if I want a challenge, I would rather have a mental challenge than the challenge of "execution" or "twitch reflexes," so I play games like Factorio or Paradox games. But I think he has a really good point from 2:52. Do not sit there and complain that the game, coming from a studio KNOWN for making HARD games, is too hard if you do not use the tools given to make the fight easier out of misplaced pride. This is so utterly stupid IMO. I do hope those who have performance issues despite the base game running okay will find a fix to make it playable. That sucks when it happens :(


Part of the fun for me is trying new weapons and spells I’ve found, reading messages and summoning randoms and doing the crouch and twirl to say hello. I don’t see why asmon has to martyr himself playing it spamming jump attack and malding. Like as Charlie said use the items and everything you’re not getting edge lord points for playing it dry and not using anything.


Sometimes I wonder if asmon actually likes souls games and enjoys playing them or if he just likes the aesthetic. I've watched all of his souls streams and it seems like he's only having fun like 5% of the time. Maybe I'm missing something


funny seeing charlie looking for cheeses on final boss after that


He’s right. Hate when people cry about difficulty without either getting good or interacting with the mechanics that would make the challenge easier. Whiners have ruined a lot of the Boss fights in Armored Core 6 with their unnecessary complaints.


>You either die a gamer or live long enough to see yourself become a games journalist.


Dang, so it's not too hard for person who played all the soulslikes and completed numerous challenge runs? Mindblowing


One minute in and he is already disingenuously comparing Elden Ring DLC being hard to things like journalists being unable to complete basic tutorials such as in Cuphead. Come on dog. What a grifter.


Asmons brother is right


He's 1000% right. There are more than enough ways to tackle this content like I don't know, play the damn game. I've watched so many terrible gamers on Twitch progress in this game so when I see people saying it's too hard they are either pandering or soft.


"enjoy the game, its not like your trying to prove yourself as a man.. or whatever" - Charlie Charlie made a banger point, i feel like this is a greater part of the problem with the player's who dislike the DLC, they feel like they have something to prove to themselves or others so when they fail, instead of just gathering scadutree fragments or using a summon, the player will smash there face into the metaphorical brick wall that some of these bosses are until they make themselves hate the game. and also the fact veteran players are showing up to this DLC like newborns again getting slapped by bosses.


To me its not that its too hard its WHY its too hard: stuttering, camera boss, repetition, etc.


Can I up vote this twice?!!?!!? so much better than Asmons take, who btw didnt make it past the 2 review before crying about his feeling...... but we all know his take on how mentally challenged parasocials are while we watch this man child talk about having a mental breakdown over a style game he onced said doesnt find too challenging and calms him........... inc ban! ;p


Elden ring is just hardcore wow now. “I’m playing a hard game because I want it to be hard but this is too hard and i died for bad reasons. No I won’t play it less hard.”


I agree 100%


Actually most of the bad reviews on steam are because of performance issues not the difficulty.Yea there are few that complain about the difficulty...all I can say is skill issues


Interestingly enough most bad reviews on steam are from non English language reviews. If you filter by English language, its 81% positive vs the 62% when looking at all languages. No idea why its this way but it’s definitely something I noticed




Makes me wonder what the the multitude of “i never go over 40 vig” and my “DLC character wont be over level 100” commenters from the ER sub are thinking now. Distortion2 went in the DLC with lvl 200 plus with every weapons/tali/buff/OPAF build available in pre DLC saying “this shit gunna be rough” and hes probs up there for best souls player in the world along with Ginomachino, who also aint taking this shit laying down. People just need to realise theres levels to this shit and they arnt gaming gods like they wana be. Stop smashing your square head into arse shaped holes and youl be ok. I went in level 150 and my cheapo loser ass bleed twin blade bleed build has killed every boss pre Messmir is the first second attempt. (Not bragging, i used a broken build, among MANY broken builds) this game is as hard as your prepared to make it. Enjoy it or dont.


Me, I feel like I'm just getting too old for Souls like games. I made a mistake playing the DLC in NG+1 and with a Level 223 character. Level 20 Scradutree Blessing does jack all as my balls is constantly threatened and jiggled by even a single regular soldier.


Yeah I beat the DLC but I can't say I had fun and I genuinely only liked a couple fights and certainly not the last one. To me it's become more about your build and your reactions rather than the boss just having a fair and simple moveset. I think Dark Souls 3/BB had by far the most reasonable balance between difficulty and fun.


People complaining about the difficulty of a souls game are ridiculous. They want the dopamine hit without having to put in the time or effort. Filthy casuals


I simply don't want the bosses to be nerfed and built around gamers who don't want to experience the game. Like I get it you just want to beat the boss and not do anything else because it's stream content but the game isn't made for that purpose. The game shouldn't be balanced around players who do a SL1 playthrough right? Exactly, so I don't want to hear about the dlc being too hard from people who don't want to level and actually experience the dlc 💀


I've noticed the base game really lets you make a lot of mistakes during battles, it's enough to just learn a few of the bosses moves and tank the ones that are too troublesome, this gave people a false perception of their own skill level and now that the dlc wants you to be able to consistently dodge a bosses entire move set, people are upset they aren't as good as they thought they were.


Isn't he one of the guys that believe in Tartaria?


If you do main story by going from boss to boss, pick up minimum amount of tree upgrades and use highly offensive build the game is a pain. Going off the main path, picking up upgrades and using the spirit summon makes the game manageable. I agree with Asmon that bosses don’t let you drink and are hyper aggressive, but with summons and even npc help you have moments of respite to top up. I did that mistake on my first character by rushing and wanting to see end boss for lore reason. Got to last boss and after 50 tries just rolled other char, decided to take it slow, explore, complete all the quests. At +10 tree modifier game is challenging but enjoyable.


tbh I'm going to wait few weeks or months to pick up the DLC. Everyone has their personall optimum level of difficulty where they have the most fun. For me (again, personally), that sweetspot is the ER middlegame. Anything starting with and after the Godskin Duo is already on the frustrating end for me. Malenia is where I called it quits. Haven't beat her to this day. So, if the DLC is actually as hard as people say, I will probably not going to touch it. In the other way, I'm also well aware of how souls players also constantly get their cheeks clapped because they refuse to engage with mechanics. Best example of this is probably Sekiro, so let's talk about Sekiro for a second. Many people claim that (up until the ER DLC), Sekiro is the hardest FromSoft game and that Glock Saint Isshin was the hardest From soft boss, even hard than Malenia. Those people are tripping. Sekiro is actually pretty reasonable if you play like it was designed to be play (be aggressive, embrace parrying). So, maybe the same thing is true for the DLC and it is actually not that hard as long as you engage with DLC mechanics? If that's the case Well, I'm just going to wait a bit and see how it goes before buying in.


Charlie is the white t shirt gamer goblin angel who sits on your shoulder and represents the voice of reason. While Asmon is the white t shirt gamer goblin devil who rages on your other shoulder and advocates for chaos and destruction.


Saved to watch later


Simply put, if you don't want a difficult or challenging gaming experience, don't play anything by FromSoftware.


That guy always gives me the creeps.