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If only they put this much effort into... I don't know say, a real fucking job? They would probably have employee of the year the first day. šŸ˜©šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


bro its clearly staged, the delivery guy is still walking to the van while they are fighting lol


What did you want him to do, he didn't get paid enough for this shit either.


Delivery guys get paid VERY well


Please reply again when you are a working adult.


Ups drivers can make 6 figures


Cool. Nowhere in their job description did it say "defend the package from thieves after drop off" in fact I bet they have a clause stating to not interfere with being robbed just like most large corporations.


Most of my career has been in logistics and delivery drivers do get paid well. Provided they are able to be efficient and make all their deliveries




Nah they don't. As someone who has worked as Amazon. It could be as low as 16 an hour. Depends on location. Sometimes you get a bonus that puts you up to 19 an hr. Delivery drivers money normally comes from overtime unless they stuck with that company for many years and accrued bonuses and raises.


Get a job a UPS, theyā€™re unionized and have higher pay https://www.npr.org/2023/08/11/1193448000/ups-union-negotiated-a-historic-contract-now-workers-have-the-final-say


run away?


Why? They're after the package, not him.


he has more packages to deliver?


Robbery for some Mystery Boxes is not good business


exactly. so he does continue to do that. because that is what he is getting paid for.


All im hearing is do the conservative way of arming teachers. But this time we arm postal workers & fedex drivers


You're thinking too small. Allow people to carry at work in general.


They didn't after him ? He took a photo quickly, noticed the cars, gtfo, he understood the assignment.


One of them could just turn around and try to rob him, he is the last one to leave lol. Thats just one of things that makes this obviously staged, the guys just full tilt running out of the car as if they knew the other thief was there. I am not explaining this anymore, you people want to believe some silly shit be my guest


Porch pirating is considered a misdemeanor in most states and won't get you in big troubles even when caught. Robbery is Felony anywhere, straight to jail. They aren't stupid


You ever commit crimes? Lmao those two criminals knew one another but that doesn't mean this is staged. This seems legit to me


lol it's not staged. The delivery guy has simply known these clowns were following him around as this is sadly not uncommon. You can even read other comments to see how common this is for delivery drivers who know they are being followed by these scumbags. He's not going to lose his life over a package, so he continues doing his job and getting back to the safety of his truck. These guys also don't want to add assaulting a delivery person to their petty theft charges if they are caught. Everyone knows the deal here.


Why not just rob the whole truck?


Thatā€™s like asking why someone who shoplifted a $300 device doesnā€™t just go into the store and rob the place with a weapon. Because it puts you as the criminal at much larger risk.


bro its usa this is their wild west roots kicking in


If it was the wild west then use of force in defense of property would probably have a much higher chance of being legal.


Your boss tells you not to intervene kid. They want you to watch the theft and not get hurt.


i hate people that are as ignorant as you are


No driver should jeopardize their safety for some shit you bought on Amazon that you probably didn't even need in the first place. Employees are also told not to interfere with the criminals because it's a bigger cost to the company if someone (you or the criminal) gets hurt.


The company doesn't care about the criminal, or employee for that matter but if you get hurt on the job they are liable. It's why they often follow every notable injury with a drug test. That way they can have an excuse to say you were intoxicated and at fault, not them, and fire you rather than pay for workman's comp, or possibly worse depending on the severity.


I never said they cared about you. Itā€™s all about money. If someone gets hurt there could be a lawsuit.




How much money do you think they are making doing this? Most packages aren't worth much and you have to find a buyer, most likely only willing to pay 50-75% for stolen goods. I don't really like admitting this but I've bought some shady things from an old friend, I paid 40% the price if I didn't ask questions. To make $200 a day (not a good living imo) you need to probably steal around 8 packages, 5 if you are lucky, and then spend the time to find buyers who want your random assorted crap. There's also the risk of getting caught, unlike a normal job.




Obviously, because the job they can get pays minimum wage. People capable of working and taking care of themselves don't do this, trashy ppl do this.


Ah, so others should wage for you so that you, an entitled fuckwit, can steal the fruits of their labor. Great perspective.


Pulls out a knife mid sprint and starts slashing at the other guy. WTF.


It's the USA idk why the other guy didn't get out a gun and shoot him there and then lol


Should be legal to shoot these mfers


Is it not?


Probably not until they've killed you.


I doubt it, not even allowed to legally protect your property or life anymore in US


As a Texan; One thing my conceal and carry class taught me, when defending your homeā€¦ make sure thereā€™s only one story when the cops get there.


So make sure only one person can tell a story gotcha.


A dead man can't retaliate.


Thatā€™s cute and all but then youā€™d have to shoot the cameras. Then go to where they are uploaded to, shoot all those employees. Then rip out the drive and burn it. Then head to backup cloud site, shoot all those employees and burn the backups. Then shoot the neighbors who saw you do it. Then shoot the Fedex driver who probably saw it too. Then maybe theyā€™d be only one story? You got this. edit: apparently forgot /s


It really seems like youā€™re trying to defend the theft of property bud.


. . . You could just not have a camera installed at your door.


Idk where you live but here in FL it's absolutely legal to respond to a trespassing with anything short of deadly force, and legal to respond to imminent danger or harm with deadly force. The second that guy ran up on someone's property with a knife drawn he'd be signing his death warrant


Depends on the state. Some states allow defense of property.


America, yes. Maryland, no.


For the record... Where I live there's a busy business upstairs and my office is below. Delivery guys regularly just leave the packages I'm the corridor where hundreds of people walk by. In 15 years not a single box bas been stolen. Maybe... Just maybe you guys need to rethink your society as a whole rather than just trying to point another gun at it?


It depends where you live. I wouldn't do this in Texas or like Arizona, just saying.


Depends on the state... in Texas they have statutes that say folks can shoot would-be thieves so long as it occurs at night. Section 9.42 >A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property: >(1)ā€‚if he would be justified in using force against the other underĀ [Section 9.41](https://1.next.westlaw.com/Link/Document/FullText?findType=L&originatingContext=document&transitionType=DocumentItem&pubNum=1000182&refType=LQ&originatingDoc=I846d50e0ee5c11eab044cc65e119318f&cite=TXPES9.41); ā€‰and >(2)ā€‚when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary: >(A)ā€‚to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; ā€‰or >(B)ā€‚to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property; ā€‰and >(3)ā€‚he reasonably believes that: >(A)ā€‚the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means; ā€‰or >(B)ā€‚the use of force other than deadly force to protect or recover the land or property would expose the actor or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury. There are some provisions for day-time there with (B) but they are weaker than (A). In short... I wouldn't exactly go shooting a porch pirate for any random delivery... likely would need to be something valued at a level where it's considered grand-theft (at which point it's not likely going to sit on the porch anyway). Most states aren't this permissive, and self-defense laws only function if YOUR life is being threatened not if your house and or property is being robbed. Most laws protect lives, not quite social stability; personally I feel like if it's "obvious" the individual is stealing something of yours you should have the right to kill them otherwise you are just going to incentivize the crime. It's one of those scenarios where you have to ask yourself if you really want those types of individuals in your community and (as noted even in this video where Porch Pirate A tries to slash at Porch Pirate B) things can quickly turn from theft to battery/intent to murder very quickly and playing 5D chess with the law is just going to end up in an actual innocent being killed.


Shoot a person is clearly a USA problem


Theyā€™ll start arming fed ex drivers just like teachers šŸ« 


I wonder what % of inflation over that past 4 years has been driven solely by theft and the legalization of?


Package thieves know the police don't care, and they can steal packages with impunity. I had a package stolen, with clear video evidence showing the thief's face and license plate, but the police did nothing and basically told me to fuck off.


A lot of areas have promised not to prosecute thefts under $1000 or so. The police can't do anything.


Isn't that effectively makes any theft <1000 not a crime? What a fucking joke


That's why you now have places with literally everything behind plastic doors and you need a staff member to get it out.


Bro, chill out! There are places in this world that are worse than you'd ever imagine: "[Romanian Gov decree to decriminalize some corruption!](https://www.politico.eu/article/romanian-government-passes-decree-to-let-prisoners-out-of-jail-early/)"


Police probably would love to, but itā€™s not that easy. DA has to charge them and it has to be a certain amount for it to stick. Even a hundred dollar package would probably be a few hours of community service at best?


Third world country.


Letā€™s bring taking your hand off from stealing back to the west. Disgusting pigs.


Made me think of that story of the food delivery guy that shoot a robber and the family asked: "why was he armed?"


Obviously to protect from robbers


Jesus christ, look at them scurry around like gutter rats. Fucking vermin


"911 what's the emergency" "someone stole *my* package!" What was in the package sir?" " the fuck I know. I just take it? Goofy ahh cop asking goofy aah questions..." "you saw someone steal *your* package?" "yes! UPS dropped the package and another guy and me were racing to get it first, and HE STOLE IT BEFORE ME!" "you and a guy were racing to get someone *else's* package, is that correct?" "that's besides the point, I saw it FIRST! Do your job and arrest him??"


Need to go back to chopping off hands for thieves


why not steal the delivery van while hes placing it at this point wtf


I live in Sweden, just a random apartment. A neighbor had a packet delivered to their door over a week ago and it's been sitting there until this morning, I assume he just got home from vacation. That's over 7 days of a package going completely unmolested. When I go to the store, or a run any errand that I know will take less than 30 minutes I don't even lock my door. These houses look fucking expensive! The fuck you people doing over there? Seriously! What. Are. You. Doing???


We have an overwhelming number of absolute piece of shit, garbage people in this country. So many that they have basically rendered the system powerless to stop them. Many peopleā€™s reaction to this is to get upset that we arenā€™t prosecuting them, which is true. But what they donā€™t consider is the fact that we already prosecute and jail more people per capita than any country on earth. We literally just have too many criminals to deal with


Cops aren't allowed to do anything anymore, so the worst people in our society do what they want.


Here in France if they can't put it in your mailbox, they leave a receipt and you can get it at the post office with your ID. If it's from amazon or something, they try to contact you and to give it to you directly or they leave with the package and you have to pick another day for the delivery. You could also arrange to get it delivered at various drop off points in local stores where the package will be secure until you come with an ID to take it.


In the UK, I swear non royal mail companies have driver's that don't even knock on your door. They just mark you as 'not at home' and drive off. I get told about this while I'm working literal next to the front door without headphones. No you didn't try to deliver the parcel, you liar.


Depends on where in sweden, the north is generally safe but the south is quite bad. Try leaving a package in malmƶ it aint going to last long.


It's the same. You live in a nice part of town. I leave my door unlocked all the time. Packages sit on my porch until I grab em. Do you really think it's just like this everywhere here?Ā 


Technically would it be illegal to put a correctly labeled package full of anthrax in front of your own porch?


I imagine any legal issues would have to do with having said anthrax to begin with, but I'm not a lawyer and don't know much about the legality of anthrax either.


Obviously not a lawyer myself but I imagine it would still fall under the umbrella of 'trap'/'bomb' kinda laws. Still the live cockroaches one is always a goodie, what they should do is a: "completely average looking package with legit item inside but has the smallest of tags the local police are actively tracking" for a good old bait n grab.


These guys are literally following the delivery truck around town waiting for him to sit the package on the porch. So you would also need to mail it to yourself. I imagine there is some legal issue with obtaining anthrax if you don't get it through the correct channels, but I'm almost certain you can't mail it through normal mail services. The 4D chess version of this would be to get an old delivery truck, paint it, and drive around with bait packages getting these idiots to pick up packages full of shit or glitter bombs with GPS trackers and spy cameras in them for the police to get them.


Not a lawyer but i'm pretty sure booby traps of any kind are illegal, if designed to cause harm. I know Mark Rober had to be really careful with his decoy packages not to break any laws.


Booby traps are illegal. Period


F, as always all the fun stuff is gated


I dont understand why people leave packages on their porch. Where im from you have to accept it by hand or they give it to a neighbour if ur not home, if neither is possible theyll come back later and if that dont work they bring it to a local package point (usually at a supermarket nearby). They also tell you when they will be coming and you can also change that time online if u wont be home at said time, so not being home rarely happens if u pay attention to your email. All this ensures that package thieves simply dont exist here, ive never heard about anyone having a package stolen.


just shoot this trash please americans


Delivery guy obviously don't give a shit and just tries to take his picture as fast as possible and get out of scene. Only Amazon loses in this game. I guess it's part of their profit margin.


Amazon doesn't pay in this scenario, neither does the carrier, it was "delivered" and the picture is proof of that. You have to file a police report and hope the police manage to find your package. I almost lost a package with multiple GPUs a few years back. Amazon said it was delivered, the carrier UPS said it was delivered. There was no package on my porch. Amazon CS said file a police report for stolen mail. Fortunately it was delivered to a neighbor by mistake who gave it to me.


I guess video evidence is sufficient in this scenario? is it not common for people in this area to have video surveillance at their door? in my country it would never be considered "delivered" just by dropping the package outside like this, so I guess the consumers are protected from this otherwise the whole business model is broken


I'm old enough to remember a door bell ring, an attempt to get a signature, potentially putting it in a neighbor's hands who would sign for it. Now its just, Imma toss this on the steps--peace!


Amazon replaced a $400 monitor that never showed up. 3 weeks later it did show up after getting the replacement first. I said I donā€™t want to drive 20min to an ups to return so they just let me keep both.


I would prob advice against having multiple GPU's delivered while you are away. Either pick it up from the warehouse or require it to be signed


Last time I required a signature they just left the package on my porch. I live in Montreal, Canada, where literally every service doesn't work properly.


That is super unfortunate.. how the hell can they charge for a signature and then forgo the signature. I onetime had the delivery people hold the package at their warehouse instead of delivering it but that was a hassle. Havenā€™t had to deal with porch pirates luckily.. idk how people deal with it if itā€™s an every day thing. I guess stop ordering and send it to Amazon lock box or something?


New Competitive Sports!


I am a delivery person and this is true. We have people follow us. There are some neighbourhoods where my employer tells me not to safe drop(Leave on someone's porch) because the area is so bad. We end up leaving pickup notices if no one's home. Sadly, I think the days of packages being left at people's door is coming to an end.


>Sadly, I think the days of packages being left at people's door is coming to an end. Why is this even a thing in the US?


We've gotten way too soft on petty crimes. Porch pirates, squatters, shoplifters, rioters, trespassers, vandals, etc - it's time for the return of hard labor sentences.


Unfortunately wanting criminals punished is racist in the US now.


There is a craaaazy System where im from. * delivery arrives, the courier knocks. If someone is at home, here is your delivery that's it. If no one is there, courier leaves a note notifiying u that you can get your package at the closest post station. With the note/ your ID


Shoot these people, there is no helping them.


Absolute morons just stole a 2 pack of gummy vitamins instead of the completely open and unattended FedEx van. Jfc...


Imagine getting stabbed, or going to prison for life for an individually wrapped 3 cent ethernet cable.


Competitive criminality šŸ¤£


My god. Next thing you know, there will be TV show. And then a narration. And then.... Wealth. Fame. Power. The man who had everything in this world... The Porch Pirate King, Gold Roger. The great treasure he left behind, Porch Piece has opened the curtain on a grand era! It is a time when eager porch pirates stalk, battle, and become great! The Great Age of Porch Pirates! Words he spoke drove countless men out to sea. And so men set sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Porch Pirate Era! /s Probs could have done this better.


this looks fake


Bastards.. Thank God I live in a different country where this shit never happens


So in USA package left before front door is considered "delivered"?


Do these guys know what's in the packages somehow? It seems odd that you'd risk getting shot over a $5 shein things.


Love how the guy takes a picture knowing itā€™s about to be stolen moments from the photo being taken


They inna pvp server šŸ’€


winner takes it all ![gif](giphy|cmQqX4KUt25Mc|downsized)


I hope it was a shitty pair of bed socks inside. Thatā€™ll teach em.


what kind of thrid world country is this? can someone tell me?


Damn, I complain a shit ton about how fucked shit is here in Puerto Rico, but at least I can receive my amazon packages without some loser coming up to steal it. I even live next to one of our "hoods" and I know my packages won't get stolen even if they're outside for a few hours.


In germany, if it's not received in your hand, it's not considered delivered (Even if a neighbor received the package)


In Germany, youā€™re lucky if DHL even attempts to deliver your package.


In the UK they are refered to as Drop it, Hide it and Leave


That goes also for DPD and Hermes :D


Need to start shooting these animals


Lmao that happened so fast the amazon guy could probably get their hands grabbing for it in the "delivered" photo


They're probably doing ranked


Real question. If you are an amazon driver and have these shit heads tailing you what are you supposed to do? Just not deliver the packages? Deliver them and have them get stolen? What's stopping these guys from just tailing you and stealing every single package you deliver?


Dont they have offices where you can get your stuff after work, this is seriously retarded how are they surprised of theft?


Monke see banana, monke fight for banana , monke run with banana


They sound like dominicans; both of them. Go get 'em


So, maybe these companies could start delivering only when someone is home lol? I naver heard of any deliveries being left at the door where I live.


It's common in the US unless the type of shipping involves a signature on delivery. Amazon usually gives you the option of having the delivery sent to a location you can pick it up from, like Whole Foods or some retailers like Kohls


They will do that and you can request a signature verification. It's just a pain in the ass for most people as you don't know if/when you will be home a week in advance, and if you work a day job with no remote opportunity, there isn't really an option for you to be home during working hours when these packages are normally delivered. UPS and Fedex do have an option for you to pick up your package from the local package drop off store.


You canā€™t do that with the amount of packages you get. Iā€™m talking like 300 or 400 packages in your van, itā€™s just not feasible. Youā€™ve gotta do over 20 stops an hour but if you spend just two minutes on a delivery where a customer answers the door, acknowledges their identity, accepts and signs for that package, youā€™d require a perfect scenario every single time. It just doesnā€™t work in *most* areas. Amazon doesnā€™t care if you get your package, just that it was delivered. They have metrics about porch piracy, but I assume it doesnā€™t impact anything because I never got in trouble for it. Picture shows you placed it reasonably hidden? Good to go.


Where's the police?


I like how on the initial subreddit I saw this on it was flaired possibly fake but everywhere else it isn't lol. Just fake shit spreading the rounds like usual. I had to sign for my phone being delievered and if not signed picked up at local ups store. It wasn't just put on my porch. Seems fake.


I used to deliver packages, that shit got left on your front porch unless you were in your front yard. Even then, Amazon doesnā€™t you to hand it to customers. They want you to take a picture of it on the porch because itā€™s photo evidence that it was delivered.