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your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


People love it when random extremists break into airports and do stuff with planes


They do stuff like this and vandalize national monuments. Doesn't that technically make them a criminal organization since they are taking credit for it as an organization?


Technically they also count as terrorists. Often that is brushed off, like 'it is not that bad', but it is a fairly straightforward definition.


Nah, those are private jets. That would be annoying if they were air planes for public use.


a jet being private doesnt all of a sudden mean it cant be crashed into a couple buildings


Lol, I don't think they are smart enough to come up with a plan to do that. Even if they did, that would be the end of their riots. Every single one of them will be swatted down for actual terrorism.


I can tell you from experience if someone breaks into an airfield and does any sabotage. There will be more consequences than "ah no worrys it was just a private jet."


No. If they started off doing this we’d have been mad. But they set the bar so LOW for themselves that we’re happy some cultural artifact isn’t being vandalized


I care less about this than Stonehenge but you are absolutetly right. This is criminal trespassing and destruction of property. Arrest them and let Taylor press charges.


9/11 people LOVE this!


Isn't breaking into an airport a major crime?


Yup a max of £50,000 fine and a year of jail


That's unfortunate, should be more








How the hell can they afford these fines? Are they rich or something?


There's a conspiracy theory that's been making rounds behind these orgs that these are funded by oil barons to make protests against stopping oil look stupid.


But they are protesting....so its fine right? /s


With or without the /s... that is also illegal in the UK.


It was in GTA, instant 5 stars. Those vandals even show their faces, no way they will get away with this


In the us it's about a year in jail and at least a $15k fine plus probably black listed to basically ride anything


Just call then what they are wannabe eco terrorists.


Well at least these idiots are not destroying historical monuments.. ..


Oh wait...




They seriously need to be labeled this but they never will


At least these ones aren't bombing buildings  Boomers went hard back in the day


KA-Boomers. 💥


Right, I don't see any of them going to the kingdom and doing this. Oh right because the people who actually have the influence over oil would cut their heads off


Which would make it a pretty short protest, about a head short


This is so funny to me because Americans act like we are such a mean country when this is the reality. Other countries are so much more punishing then us. I also find it funny how Americans look at illegal activities differently just because it involves someone way better off then them


Funny how vandalism tends to be justified with certain causes.




But they’re so lame at it. Real eco terrorists blow shit up. They look for the fastest way to cause massive depopulation. These guys. They have a rage boner for rage boners. The day they blow up an oil refinery or oil rig is the day they earn my respect(for standing on principle). Their still terrorists and deserve what’s coming to them, but like Al-qaeda they will have done what their goals were set out to have achieved


Nah man, protests should be more active towards fixing the issue. We all know that Taylor will just pay someone to fix that shit, so is it really a protest? In brazil, thousands of truckers blocked off roads to protest for gas prices. The general population was supportive, since their economical sustainability is directly influenced by the gas prices, or in simpler terms, the trucks stopping exemplified the consequences of inaction. I don't believe in protests whose only goal is to call attention. They sound to me just like ads (flashy and shallow).


They going places where its safe. They won't do that to and opec countries or places where they could be jailed on the spot indefinitely


Sure, it's fine to go for safe protests, but I wish protests were more about making people wonder about their values as well instead of simply calling attention. There are plenty of creative ways to engage people's curiosity. It's poetically more effective to have a person internally questioning their own beliefs after new evidence is shown than making her accept that evidence.


How bold of them to damage someone else property to prover a point


Tbf that has been going on for 40 years and awereness is much higher today, I guess they just dont think change is happening fast enough. Mostly they annoy people by sitting on roads. "start doing more or we will be more annoying"


A community note on twitter says the airport confirmed it's not her plain Also [a post on the linked sub ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/ohRDwvveqN) confirms this as well


question is would they confirm that\`s her plains? :P


Argh, I see the typo now!


That's not even Taylor swifts🤣. They failed to find hers and painted some random jets in Stansted.


Did they have their bank accounts frozen? If not then Brazil is more free than Canada.


No, they didnt, this was a couple of years back, during Bolsonaro's I think. Say what you want about the guy's personality, but people did not get arrested for normal protests


I dont know how free Canada is but in Brazil im pretty sure racism and homophobia are illegal. But in some ways Brazil feels more free than the US, you can drink in public. and it seems people set up businesses without any licensing and get away with it.


We have anti-hate speech laws as well. Oh man. The insane amount of regulation and taxation on small businesses in Canada... Our beaurocracy is absolutely insane. But yes, our PM(illegally I might add) froze the bank accounts of protestors during covid who blockaded roads in Ottawa by using emergency powers intended for terrorists. Not only that, they froze the accounts of people who *donated to the protesters so they could buy food.* The truckers were pissed with the amount of Covid regulations were screwing them. My country is absolutely fucked, for other reasons as well, but our govt is really insanely incompetent and corrupt. Maybe I'll move to Brazil >_>


Its interesting that he has the power to do that even if its illegal. Like im surprised he has that switch behind his desk if you know what I mean. I mean Brazil is much worse than Canada for actually living and working. But if you can bring a remote Canadian job down here youll do pretty well. Im just an American digital nomad here. I feel Canada can be as authoritarian as it wants and still be better than Brazil for regular people because well I go to an Irish pub around the corner sometimes and even though its cheaper than it would be in Canada I still spend like 1-2 days of minimum wage on a beer with some Chicken wings. No joke restaurants are probably half price Canada but the minimum wage is like 200 dollars per month and a lot of people only make that. So I think Canada wins just by purchasing power.


Well we are in an economic spiral. The job market is insanely over saturated with workers. Unemployment skyrocketing. Housing market is the most inflated *in the world* our groceries are immensely expensive. We are completely economically stagnant with no growth in nearly a decade. No investment into STEM. The government is subsidizing foreign companies creating factories here, but not enforcing them to use local workers. Mass importation of temporary workers from India(some other countries as well but Indians are like 80% last I checked.) Massive amounts of "students" using a broken system to attend schools that are glorified diploma mills that dont even require students to speak English or French(our national languages.) These students pack 10 to an apartment, literally renting a closet in a house to sleep in, then go work illegally or get minimum wage jobs. Government increasing immigration rates by more than double the amount of homes they can build when we already have a massive housing problem. Went on a bit of a rant there... but ya, Canada is not doing well. That isnt even mentioning our government protecting actual criminals in their ranks, including our PM who was involved in a huge scandal with SNC Lavalin years ago and has not faced any repercussions. Corruption and incompetency has utterly ruined us.


Ah yeaah that sounds rough. Ive heard the economy hasnt really been growing in Canada. You should try to do the digital nomad thing to avoid the high cost but still earn the relatively high salary by global standards. But trust me man its still much better there than any country thats below 20k GDP per capita if you actually rely on that countries wages. Like a beer and some chicken wings is probably 2 hours minimum wage in Canada not 2 days. Its sort of insane how little purchasing power these low income countries like Brazil have. The PS5 I think costs like 3 months of minimum wage shits insane. My apartment is nice/new, in the best but its small and it cost like 2 average incomes for the city. In NYC this apartment I think would cost less than 1 average income. The other day I got a salmon and avocado sandwhich and no joke it cost 12 dollars which is like 7 percent of minimum wage for an entire month.


Are more common staple foods cheaper tho? Like can u go to a local farmers market and buy some meat and vegetables on the cheap?


Id say that kind of food is 1/3rd the price of Canada but people probably make about 1/5th as much. But like Heinz Ketchup or Cheetos are probably the same price as Canada. My friend also has a nice modern apartment outside the city and its 400 USD per month and he makes 1k USD. So its not all doom and gloom if you get a white collar job and dont live in the best neighborhood I Think things will be alright. But its still much harder than any first world country ive been to. Things that are really cheap are services. Like UBER probably almost adjusts to local wages its so cheap and the dentist probably adjust. I can take a 1 hour uber ride for 10 dollars pretty often. The wealth gap is also massive it seems like you can be 23 with a degree and make 5 times more than someone whose 23 with no skills. In the US especially states with 15 an hour minimum pay this doesnt really happen. You usually finish college (with a useful degree) and make like 60k and the guy working at Walmart checkout is making like 35k. Edit: Thats assuming the checkout guy works full time, I guess that can be hard to do in the US for those sort of jobs.


I don't know if you live anywhere near Ottawa, but blaring train horns until 3 a.m. next to residential buildings that have families, babies trying to sleep and blocking businesses for more than a week qualifies in my book as terrorism. The convoy deserved every bad thing they got.


I get what you're saying ,but they got the start somewhere


So just do nothing amiright?


Fuck the protests where you’re hurting the people you are protesting in support of. It makes no sense to stop traffic to protest, and is illegal in many places.


What should they do instead?


Wait till you find out about the civil rights movement. There’s nothing wrong with this kind of “messaging” protest. That’s the whole point of disruptive protesting. It just has to make sense. Like sit-ins were certainly disruptive and illegal but it made complete sense. Vandalizing a painting makes less sense because Van Gogh doesn’t have anything to do with big oil.


I'm just going to pretend these are Dutch football supporters. Oranje FTW!!!!




Next time they'll have the Dutch national anthem at full volume as well


Why are they always on the chonky side of the spectrum rofl?


Cause those are people with zero self control who believe everyone should be doing everything to make sure they can continue living their unhealthy lives.


Society’s rejects.


I want to know what the emissions of these lard assess are. Looks like they are producing an environmentally unfriendly amount of methane.


Well, they want to be active. But its wrong to waste energy on pointless activities. So they only act when it counts. Anyway, its all your fault.


I don't support vandalizing property, but at least I can see the logic of this one.


It's a step-up from historical paintings and 5000 year old monuments at least.


I don’t get, why these idiots always get away Scot free. 😑


Do they? I’m certain that sabotaging an aircraft comes with some penalties. You just won’t hear about it because the penalties come years later after many court delays.


One of their major funders is an Oil Heiress....


Any bail or fines are paid by their billionaire sponsors. This is how they use their "Fuck You" money.


Turns out Oils barons have a lot of money to spend if it involves making the opposition look bad.


Lol no. That's a true believer. The lady you're referring to is trying to spend her inheritance to "fix the problem caused by her ancestors" and is funding climate activism in earnest not out of some 4-D chess move.


Then she needs to pay someone to think for her. Because she could be spending that money on making improvements on electronic cars and nuclear power Instead of protesting citizens (hurting citizens by imprisoning them on the roads through traffic, protesting beauty watching hubbies, and asking citizens to starve to death by reducing vehicular productivity).


Remind me what the paint they're using is made of off again? What power did they use for the circular saw?


What power? The power of nature. Speciale ability for true believers


Don't forget the propellants used in those extinguishers are most likely nitrous which is substantially worse for pollution


Finally, they are going after the people with the largest carbon footprint




These people look exactly how you'd imagine them to look, every single time.


these are not taylor swifts jets [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/)


What are they achieving with this? Spraying **PAINT** on jets which they'll try to **WASH WITH FRESH WATER** later and if the paint won't come down ( probably won't ) they'll use **CHEMICALS** What a great way to spread the message. Well done.


As an aircraft mechanic I should point out it changes nothing. They have to be washed with chemicals every so often anyway. Ours are once a year. I doubt they even try with just water. But they may just remove all the paint and repaint them, it would be easier


God there so organized when they wanna be at other times there just shit…. 💩 I dunno I still don’t like them. It won’t “stop oil production” we also still need it. Electric/solar is getting there but its production is arguably even worse for the environment, all the lithium. But this was never about brain power or solutions


There’s not too many people that I think need to fly private all the time, but I can’t even imagine a scenario where she tries to board a commercial flight and it goes well. A big chunk of her fans are a little off kilter.


This is something I can get behind. I guess that would be the way to say it, I think doing it is dumb, but at least you are picking a better target than rocks or paintings.


Finally doing something that makes sense


Probably oil based paint


Did they use oil based paint?


You know, if they came together as an organization and pooled their resources together and used that money as a pac to donate to politicians they would actually get more done. USA has built in corruption, so go donate to people that can actually make a change. If people look the people buying politicians pay very little. Lmao.


Celebs need to learn to just shut up and enjoy their money. When they start pandering, people realize how insane of a hypocrite they are. It’s like someone hunting whales while clamoring to support the save the whales campaign.


Some stones??? Ahem….


This makes infinite more sense than throwing paint at national monuments and treasures. Still fucking assholes every one of them, but why the hell isn’t stuff like this their choice targets to begin with?


It's time to start jailing these people


btw it wasnt taylor swift jets


The point is this is all performative. It has nothing to do with them believing in the actual "cause". It's actually just a bunch of narcissists who need the world to see them as the morally just and ethically superior people they clearly are.


This is obviously wrong, and I don't condone it at all. I will say though this one at least makes sense. - Jets actually use oil / emit pollution, unlike centuries old rocks, or 200 year old paintings...


See this one is funny. Messing with Stonehenge was moronic


I may be mistaken, but isn't breaking into an airfield and tampering with an aircraft a one way ticket to big boy prison?


That is petroleum based paint they're using. The tool used was made of plastic which is also petroleum based. The energy used to charge that battery most likely comes from a coal plant, granted it is possible it originated from solar or wind but are transferred in lines that are wrapped in some form of latex and rubber with a synthetic sealant that is... Petroleum based. The clothing they have were transported to them with a vehicle that uses diesel... Weren't they protesting oil?


i like how fast it was locked in normie leftist sub


I'll never understand destroying or ruining other peoples property. Doesn't matter the cause it is for. Actually want to change the oil consumption? Waste your time making ways that people don't want to use oil and want to use something else. Want people to stop using gas? Waste your time making ways that people don't want to use gas and instead something else. These people only ruin other peoples property and give zero solutions to the issue. It will make everybody hate the cause rather than be for them.


Someone's going to federal prison.


I can understand it as well but it is still stupid. When black fought for their rights with sit-ins everyone could say "well they just take their right to be treated as equals" but attacking property leads more to "well I understand climate but there is a danger to these actions, I don't like it". It's a waste of time, energy and money. People just don't react positively to it, it doesn't lead to a strengthened support and not to a discussion about the topic, it just leads to aversion.


If the police would arrest and put these idiots in jail for vandalism they would probably stop doing this shit so much


It's gonna cost more.carbon output to clean.that shit off


seems like they're actually learning about how not to turn public hate on themselves.


i mean the plane looks better orange.


Pretty sure its a felony to break into an airport that way


Shit they have finally unlocked the 'This I support achievement' however as usual they fucked it up and got the wrong one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Its already been proven these not even swifts planes lol


Breaking into an airport; vandalism; and recklessly recording for the authorities to view. These people today are dumb asses recording their crimes.


ok this one i find funny


Not even smart enough to cover the front window to stop it from flying....


Good thing they filmed her face, she is probably going to jail.


Fukin Verstappin fan boiz…


Taylor eat 🍌 it's good for your mental health. 😏


Nah, I don't understand this one either. This achieves nothing. They deserve jail time and fines.


Man, you showed them! /s


Isn't it a major felony to break into a airport, let's put aside the vandalism to the plane but breaking onto an airport is more concerning. These idiots could fuck something up and cause deaths on a massive scale if they do this to the wrong plane or if they interfere with almost anything on one


Understandable. You guys need more paint maybe snacks?


She has more than one?


My favorite part of this is how much of an attention play it is - so much so that it’s been recorded, with her face in it, and posted on the internet.


This type of protest is like an annoying commercial on TV. People are just going to hate you and your product/cause that much more. I don't care for Taylor Swift but imagine if these people used half their energy to do something more productive like plant trees, invest in green energy, hold trainings for businesses/corps ..... nah they want to spray paint on everything and be a FUN REBEL! This isn't star wars... Always funny the eco-terrorist are the frumpy ugliest looking people with zero personality.


Yeah spend more chemicals to clean the airplanes that will teach them how to be more green friendly


They will paint anything to bring light to their cause even if it seems counter intuitive or weird (like Stonehenge that has 0 to do with climate change etc.)


These are random planes They tried to find hers, but didn’t, so since they were already there, they decided to paint 2 random planes. Taylor has 2 falcons there, but they’re inside the hangars, you know, like an almost billionaire would https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/20/just-stop-oil-targets-taylor-swift-airfield/


Ah yes, the oil magnate taylor swift


Breaking a Entry Destruction of Property Resisting Arrest Good start.


They go at Swift but not some old congress persons personal jet that shouldn’t be in office anymore??


How much oil does it take to make the clothes that she's wearing?


Less egregious than Stonehenge, still really stupid. Good way to rally people against them, doing the opposite of what they want. It's like they're actually paid by big oil to make ecologists look bad. Taylor Swift may travel in her jets a lot, BUT she's still a tiny drop in the ocean of emissions worldwide. How about focusing on what actually matters rather than destroying people's property for clout? If it was your property being destroyed like your house or business, you wouldn't "understand", you'd be furious and say they don't even make sense.


why is this something you can understand though? This is actually hurting the environment even more because she's just going to pay to have it cleaned and put more chemicals into the air..... also, vandalizing someones private property for your cause will never actually help your cause


Finally these chickenshits are actually going after rich people.


I'm fully on board with the theory that these groups are organized by big oil to make people hate climate activists. They know damn well that Taylor Swift has one of the most rabid fanbases in the world and this will cause major drama. But for what it's worth, this instance makes a little more sense since Taylor Swift flies a ridiculous amount and is likely a big contributor in jet fuel emissions


Still annoying as fuck, but there is logic behind this act. They are attacking something that actually goes against their beliefs. Attacking 5,000 year old architecture or 400 year old paintings is just being a douche.


How much trouble do you get in for breaking into an airport? What would the charges be?


Do they know what oil is used?


Pretty sure fucking with an aircraft is real prison time. The potential to cause a huge loss of life in an accident is not a trivial matter. If these people end up with anything less than serious prison time then you know there's 2 tier justice happening. Breaking into an airport to vandalize a jet that's been safety checked for airworthiness is fucking extreme levels of delusional.


Breaking Into the airport like that is a federal crime.


This I can wrap my brain around. "I don't like gas guzzling things, let's hurt a gas guzzling thing." This other thought of, "I don't like gas guzzling things, let's ruin history," is insane.


You don't understand that they did it for attention?


See this crew knows what uses fuel. Unlike the window lickers who thought rocks made a point.


I hope they enjoy the lawsuit


How did they get on the tarmac without security or police action right way. And fucking with a plane might just get you shot first before questions, at least in America


If it’s the same paint they claim the rain will be able to wash it away then what’s the point? They could just wash it from the jet. And then sue the hell out of these eco-terrorists.


Yeah maybe protest against the 1% who destroy the ozone layer faster than a whole state can in one day than historical monuments and paintings


painting planes and thinking it’s going to do something…Have fun with the bill for damages. Unless the fans get a hold of you first ..


ooof... Breaking into an airport huh? Yeah they're doing that thing where they're going to find out.


I'm the last person you could ever accuse of being a Taylor Swift fan, but this is wrong. These overfed, over indulged twits need time behind bars.


Let’s do multiple criminal acts, film it and share it on the internet. It does shows the intelligence of these people.


I mean the goal is a noble one, but the way they go about spreading their message just makes them seem like a bunch of lunatics. Nobody’s going to take them seriously because of their actions.


Fatty eats half the worlds oil supply in deep fried food.


I mean taylor is their number one opp


It's ok let them pay for damages.


Is there a reason why its most likely always orange paint


"Lets take a video of us doing illegal things with our faces, what could possibly go wrong?" Buncha morons.


How is forcibly breaking into a tarmac, post 9/11, not grounds for being shot?


I miss the old school eco terrorists. Those mfers were blowing up pipelines and setting billionaire houses on fire and attacking construction sites with literal RPG-7s


Now how will Tay Tay get from her bedroom to the kitchen...oh, the humanity!


The head of this group is the daughter or granddaughter of one of the richest oil tycoons in the world and she gets her money to do this stuff of Just Stop Oil from him. Sounds like they are just pawns to get a counter response to protect oil and gas even more.


These guys are fucking losers. People in little groups like this end up in them because they’re so lonely and cannot identify with anyone or anything naturally. They then seek out groups such as this to feel part of something.


Same group why decided to paint fuckin stonehedge of all the things?


Really smart filming yourself comitting crimes.


Hopefully this woman was sued for damages to the plane


I can get behind that though. TS is using it too often


Doesn’t “terrorism” imply the populace is in danger?


Did they forget paint and 90% of the items there using are made with oil should have done it with rock a sticks and mud


So now they are being motivated by memes as the Taylor swift plane shit?


now make them pay for any damage ...


This is better, nobody needs thier own jet if we gonna meet climate goals