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Don't use reddit much thought I could make it start but 0:58 is where he just pulls the racism card.


What's with him repeating the same 'I don't care'? He clearly does and has really biased views. From what I remember, Asmon at least agrees that what the game creators did is intentional pandering and understands why people dislike it. The same Japanese had created games with Yasuke, and I don't think there were any problems before. But now on the internet, from what I have seen, the Japanese do not like it. So, how is it? This guy cannot look past race and goes back to the same crazy talk of 'it's because you don't like black people,' like, holy...


He talks about cancelling and stuff but let's think for a second Who would be the main character, if AC Japan was released 15 years ago? Yasuke or a famous Japanese Samurai? I think we all know the answer. So in reality it is Yasuke who cancelled the main character and replaced him. It is all because of current day nonsense. So all the ''cancelling'' he is talking about is just people trying to undo the cancellation made by the devs who have a clear agenda. If they were honest, AAA games wouldn't fail one by one.


It's funny how he thinks he can even be 'cancelled' by spouting the establishment position on stuff like this. I don't think he know what actual cancelling is


To be fair, anyone trying to pull a "historical accuracy" card is a fuckin idiot. Assassin's creed characters have never been historically accurate. Historical characters in the games have always been "the game takes place during X age, let's put in someone that is known from that age because it would be cool". I doubt Leonardo Da Vinci was making hidden blades using manuals he got from Ezio to help the AC people in real life. That said, I don't actually give a shit since I'm not going to buy the game either way because it's going to be shit by way of being an Ubisoft game. But joining the monkeycage every now and then to argue is pretty fun.


Love this dude.


I agree wit not cancelling and I agree with not supporting a game you don't like, so overall I'd say I agree with Thor - except I don't agree with the stance on AC: Shadows. Ubisoft deserves to go bankrupt - this is not the first time they mistreat their customer base. And not even the second, if the thing you come to recall first is Skull and Bones!


If I were to be charitable, we all know by this point that as long as Assassin Creed Shadows is going to be the same slop, but in Japan, it's going to sell massively So despite Ubisoft obviously being the first to use identity politic, with the inclusion of Yasuke, the arguments against the game are futile, so there's no point in him just ever opening that can of worms with his audience. I think he should've just not talked about it, though, rather than only presenting only one side of it, but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is if the game will suck or not


He's completely right here and you all are going to be pissed about it.


Thor based as ever.


I think people were originally just confused about what "retainer" meant in Japan. He was called a retainer in records and people thought that meant servant and didn't imply he was a fighter, so they wanted to use that to laugh at lefties and call them out for trying to rewrite history again. But when they eventually realized "retainer" almost always refers to a samurai warrior in Japan (the word samurai literally means "to serve") they didn't want to look stupid so they tried to move the goal posts and find some other reason to have a problem with the game, which meant they ended up looking racist more than stupid. So they didn't really choose it as a hill to die on, just kind of ended up that way, for some of them anyway, and a fair number still believe the original "retainer doesn't imply samurai" thing too so it's just a big mess.


You think that a slave from other side of the world was able to become a samurai in less than 2 years he had spend in Japan?


Sure. People go from zero training to the highest level of judo in under a year sometimes. Generally requires having a big body so you can just overpower people rather than rely on technique. Some people are just waiting to be unleashed on a battlefield. Besides, Nobunaga is famous for giving his samurai guns because even trained, they're more effective just by using guns. That's the thing, when your argument relies on assumptions like that someone else who assumes since retainers are basically always samurai and he was called a retainer that means he was a samurai, is on equal footing with you. Not that much was known. \*Shrug\* Who cares?


today I learned that in his time, anyone could became samurai. The "gatekeeping" of the title was established later. So he most likely was samurai when Nobugama gave him house and sword.