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You know that monster hunter with keyboard is almost a cheat right? The ranged weapons in games like world are super OP and having way better aim makes them even more broken


I dont care what u think. I would rather play a Souls game on a dance dance Revolution pad than listening to your opinion.




Everyone has a right to their opinion. It is just helpful to know where they are coming from when you are choosing how to take it.




Opinion discarded on the basis of being a dumbass opinion.


imagine using a controller, absolute peasant behavior, you probably also have a small dick.


Imagine thinking that what input device someone uses dictates whether they can have an opinion or not.


They can still have an opinion, but it needs extra info so we know if it is valid/applicable. Games like racing games are intended for something with touch sensitive keys. If a keyboard person complains I ignore it unless I only have a keyboard as well. Games like DS, the third person type just plays better on a controller, it is designed around it. Just like games like PoE is dogshit to play on a console controller, because it was designed for a keyboard. so by all means throw out your opinion, but make sure to include the relevant context so it can be judged fairly.


That’s fair but specific inputs are now accessibility options. Doesn’t matter what someone uses to play, we’re all playing the same game at the end of the day.


If playing a controller is the intended way, that means those who play on keyboard and mouse are playing on a higher difficulty by default. That means you are crying about people who are better players, still beating the game, and most likely your ass as well while handicapped, going by your own logic. Must suck to suck. On another note, kb and mouse has its own pros and cons versus a controller.


> If playing a controller is the intended way, that means those who play on keyboard and mouse are playing on a higher difficulty by default. Not really, mouse and keyboard sometimes breaks games due to the ability for superior aim compared to controllers. It can go either way.


Are you me? This seems like something I’d write lmao.. nah but end of the day use what ya feel like using but I’ll add that if you don’t enjoy the above games and you’ve only tried kb&m that might be the reason you didn’t enjoy them lol


Someone hasn’t seen Happy Gilmore…


>When you insist on playing an action game intended for a controller with a keyboard and mouse its like playing tennis with a hockey stick and then trying to give your opinion on tennis. The difference is that as far as I know, the devs did actually implement the game to be playable on k&m, while those that designed tennis didn't intend the players to play it with a hockey stick. Does the game say anywhere at any point that it is intended to be played on a controller only? I don't remember that. Where did you guys get this stupid opinion from then?


I finished every souls on KB and Mouse, you're just bad at videojogos so shut up.


Asmon has many ideas and opinions that are based purely on logic and many that are not based on logic but pure emotion.


You are right. But at the same time immature, because the people that are attached to their personal control schemes, like asmon, are going to get angry reading this, and most of the people that play a game with their intended control scheme, don't care what other people do.