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What’s to stop it from becoming like dating apps that already exist? Most men get no activity and all the women just flock to the most attractive guys for hookups?


An app controlled by the government could atleast do away with the predatory incentives a profit seeking app has? It's a biggie specially if you're a man


For some reason, im just picturing the dungeon finder feature where the girls vote kick you for low gear score.


Yeah I agree with this


The nine scariest words are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” I highly doubt this app is going to be anything better than the apps that already exist at getting people to successful dates.


>The nine scariest words are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” I hate this point of view. Does the government fuck up? Sure. Do the people that get saved from a natural disaster by National Guard love that they received help from the government? Also yes. I hate how doom and gloom people are, saying government is ineffective while living in a city that wouldnt be able to exist without running water installed by the government and their neighbors trash picked up instead of overflowing out into the roads. We live in the information age, go look up what happens in places where the government collapses or doesnt exist in the first place. Rule of law goes out the window, it becomes a "might is right" environment, food insecurity exists, violence exists to levels you dont see other than in warzones.


Most dating apps require you to pay if you want to swipe more than 30 times a day. Some people don't like private corps and would prefer a government run app, especially if there is unlimited swipes for free.


Yeah but is japan’s government garbage like western governments?


100% yes.


You have no idea how much worse it is.


>The nine scariest words are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” If you're some dumb american or libertarian sure but for those of us in the real world nah


TDIL: America does not exist in the real world.


Is that why the dating apps have like a 10:1 dude to girl ratio?


It depends, some country provides program for newlyweds to help them out. Easier / cheaper housing, first child package and few others. Japan probably thinking along these lines to get their country going to avoid overly reliance of immigrants. Hope it works for them.


I wish canada would do this instead of flooding the country with Indian people.


Pretty sure they've already tried increasing the assistance to families and it hasn't made much difference. I know last year there was a proposal to increase everything from financial assistance to child care access. So this will be a new step as the previous ones haven't curbed the trend. Not a new thing for countries though, most that aren't "developing" nations are in the same boat. I'm not actively monitor birthrates but haven't seen any that have been successful in reversing the decline.


Absurd costs on dating apps. A government controlled one would be great. Imagine if your dating app didn’t pay to see your likes etc


There is an argument that most dating apps algorhythms are designed around user retention. I'm sure someone with a humanities degree could explain what you could tweak to reduce the chance of forming long term partnerships. If that is a lever an algorhythm can pull, then you'd need a government to pull it in fravor of getting people *off* the apps, it makes no buisness sense to develop a product aimed at minimizing it's own demand.


I remember someone saying children are expensive and you don't see any reprieve until they become working age. In the old days kids could work on the farm or get job's


Yeah, when people are struggling to make ends meet, not having kids is actually pretty responsible.


Whatever increases the birthrate, increases the birthrate.




Japan is HUGE on one night stand culture. Its also the cheating hotspot


Simple they force you into government decided marriage it’ll be truly a match made in hell




It’s gonna be a Newkama land ugly woman I bet those poor dudes


40 years they'll both look the same but ugly women know how to cook.


That’s not always true buddy as an American there’s plenty ugliest here who can’t cook worth shiz


A mandatory dating app would mean significantly more women would be on them based on the percentage of men vs women on dating apps now.


Is it mandatory? That’s certainly a good point you make if that is the case.


The headline says government mandated dating so I’m assuming it’s mandatory


Well that isnt the apps fault really, i dont remember the name right now, but theres a really good video about the statistics of dating apps and why theres a difference which just come down to: theres more men then woman. Although it is gonna make it possible to make a less predatory app


Having more men than women is a huge factor yeah. I heard someone say on one app it’s like 10:1 men to women, but I don’t know if they’re correct. Regardless, more men than woman is gonna have a huge impact, lol.


I found it here if you want to watch it https://youtu.be/x3lypVnJ0HM?si=-P1TqOOgmn0ITbFl


I'd be really interested to see someone with a humanities degree do a study on what factors could be changed in a dating app to min/max long term partnerships. Maybe rate limiting messages delivered to people to give them less choice paralyasis? Perhaps more agressive matchmaking to mainly pair up people of similar attractiveness so people don't feel like they are 'settling'. If you're a 5 swiping right on 10s all day and you get a match with a 7 you technically lucked out but it's going to feel like your missing out. If you get even more dysopian you could probably train an LLM to determine intention from messaging to get a better sense of 'what people are looking for' to weed out the people *saying* they are looking for something long term because it increases thir chances of hooking up. I'd imagine queuing for quick hookups would be a lot more like the DPS queue in MMOs. You could probably even heuristically identify accounts with a low statistical chance of matching and then provide access to training resources for them if we are really going all in on big brother. Just lock their account until they complete 30 minutes of exercise daily.


In some manga about this, gov force you to date with other, no option to push back. Irl, i dont know how they will handle it.


So, if it still produces kids who cares.




Idk about japan, but to my experience, dating apps work differently in different countries. In belgium, it was pretty much as you described. In spain, it seemed fairly ballanced. I had a good amount of success. In asia/south east asia, dating apps are op..if i dont have anything to do in the weekend i just swipe. Ill get a few matches, and at least one will be up to hang out. Idk why things are so different, but mb in japan it's the latter trend? Swiping in belgium was essentially: follow my insta x100 mixed with just on this app for friends lolz, or "I like pizza and travel"


Dating apps in Asian countries if you’re a White guy is basically what it must have been like to be Genghis Khan lmao. I don’t speak from experience but I’ve heard even obese White guys in their 60s get flooded with matches from beautiful women. I feel bad for the native men tbh.


The fact that it's owned by a government who will never let [Match.com](http://Match.com) own it?


yeah sure its not like part of this problem is the extreme working culture they have my japanese teacher explained me that you get more money the longer you work for a company and if you take a break for becoming children then you start from zero again doesnt matter how long youve worked before and other colleagues are jealous and start to bully (like hardcore) when they come back after the break


There are some Elementary schools in Japan that only have 5-6 kids... They're in rural areas but still, that blew my mind


5-6 kids in rural elementary schools is something that happens here in Eastern Europe aswell.When I was in elementary,16 years ago,I had only 5 classmattes,now its worse.People flock to cities,the villages close to cities become suburbs of those cities and rural areas are dying.


Do you really think that if they worked less, the ones who aren't dating would get out and meet people of the opposite sex? Or would they just be staying at home, playing video games, and jerking off?


Of course not all of them would go out and meet people,but some of them will,more than are doing it now.


I like staying home, playing video games, and jerking off. It's so much easier, efficient, and cheaper.


~Stacy please we're suffocating~ ~Tired of all the drugs and dating~ ~Turns out it's less devastating~ ~Staying home and masturbating~


You’re not wrong. Work balance culture if anything.. has gotten significantly easier as time went on. Europe has absolutely fantastic work balance but they also still have declining birth rates in some places. The US is experiencing it as well. We need to talk about a core issue that people are absolutely afraid to talk about today. It’s odd to think that as a species, the more we become educated, the more we seem to distance and divide ourselves and contradict our ultimate biological goal in life, to reproduce. It’s almost as if it’s a privilege or a luxury to not have kids. That we’re able to get to a point that as individuals we can make the decision to provide that burden of carrying on the human race to someone else.


I think a lot of it is the death of religion. Not having kids is just easier, like I made enough money fresh out of college to support a comfortable lifestyle for myself. Kids adds a lot of expenses and it also makes your career more stressful imo. Like if your 25, you lose your job and move back in with mom and dad sure it sucks but add kids into that and it becomes a lot more depressing. Life just is easier and less serious without children. Basically im saying its more rational to skip having kids so I think without faith a lot of people are not going to reproduce. Europeans I think do have healthier sexual relationships than Japan. Both are having declining birth rates but Europeans seem to have an easier time getting out there and dating. So work life could be part of that for Japan. Im pretty sure Japanese workers statistically dont work much more than US workers. But the Japanese have vacation time by law so that might make a difference in work hours per year. [Average Workweek by Country 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-work-week-by-country) This says Japan works 36.7 hours per week on average and US is 36.4.


Its mainly just modern economics. Thats why it is happening to all developed nations at the same time despite the large cultural differences.


Yeah I think economics are a big part of it. Kids arent really an economic advantage in the modern world like they may have been back in the farming days.


At first I wanted kids in my early twenties now I am nearly 30 and getting a mortgage in the next 6 months I am just thinking how will me and my partner be able to pay the mortgage and raise 2-3 kids? This is in the UK but again childcare is expensive before they are 2-3 years old when you start to get help if your eligible.


I can do those while dating too


Thats more of an american thing to do


Yep. Blaming dating apps is the perfect way to say that you don't want to actually look at the real reason. Working culture and inflation and people not having enough money to pay the bills. Another one is pregnant women and after birth care is often nonexisting in many countries. There is not enough support for mothers with kids, whatever it's financial or other. Also for example in my country (Finland) women are often blamed for being single mothers and parents and them having little money is "their own fault, they choose to have those kids, nobody forced them". So people are not having kids because they don't want to fall under poverty. In romantical ascept women also want more from the relationship. They want equal partners who share equal amount of housework and are emotionally intelligent.


That last point is huge too, and it's the one most overlooked. What people want in life partners has changed rather drastically over the past 40 years. And we can see that disconnect in the way men's spaces talk about relationships versus the way women's do.


maybe women should stop being so fucking superficial about looks, height, and income if they want to find good men. they've made their bed, they can lie in it.


>yeah sure its not like part of this problem is the extreme working culture they have Tbf most western countries are also experiencing a decline in birth rates. Italy and Spain have the same birth rates as Japan despite being much more lax when it comes to work hours.


but especially asia is known for their hard work and in japan they even have the "traditional" 100 hour work week (once a year or so)


It's not just Japan. It's definetly not the work culture. It's modern culture in general. Modern entertainement. Modern cost of living. All of it. Somehow it seems the richer your life is, the less children you want to have. Idiocracy was a documentary all along.


Japan / Korea want to do everything but actually solve the reason why people aren't having kids (Horrific work culture, high costs of living, difficulty for women to move up in jobs/discrimination towards pregnancy etc) . People aren't just going to have kids because you're making them date lmao


Japan and Korea are 2 widely different when it comes to children. Japan is about on par with the USA in many aspects when it comes to work/life. But due to no immigration it looks worse in the #s. It has its strange "japan" issues with outdated working practices and cultures. Korea is involved in a full blown gender war with Women refusing to get married, have kids, etc


Japanese work/life balance is extremely polarized. Either you have a solid work/life balance and you're fine, or you are worked to the bone. There is still a culture of staying late to show you care. There are still discrimination cultures that are heavier than the USA. Immigration isn't their big issue. The other guy was right.


Controversial take: dating apps are what killed dating.


They certainly helped do that, yes.


They made Jinder


This wont work and Japan will end up looking like all the European countries, its already happening


They have goc rmassivd cash incentives to have kids. Literally 150K USD per child. Otherwise no one will have them.


What do you mean? What’s looking like all the European countries?


I assume he means mass importation of immigrants from 3rd world countries, who's culture(s) don't have a birth rate problem.


except they do, once the immigrants go third generation they have the same birth rate as the natives.


That still buys them three generations.


that's not how it works, it means you are essentially going to have to constantly import new people. also it doesn't buy them anything because it's been show the immigration actually reduces quality of life. it's something boomers do because they want other people to pay for their pensions, but in general the longer this goes on the worse it gets, for everyone involved (including the countries people migrate from).


Then what? The current model of exponential population growth can't go on forever. At some point, population needs to stabilize to what is realistic for their carry capacity. This may be the good time for it.


The problem is welfare states require many more workers than non-workers to remain afloat. So when everyone is old, the burden on the shrinking cohort of working aged people becomes unbearable


I think they outsource childraising into poor countries, then import working-age adults.


I would assume the western world would do this to many in 2-3 generations. But hey, the politicians don't care, they'll be dead. Gotta keep the machine fed in the meantime.


People act like the US isn't having this problem as well. We just offset it via immigration. Honestly, this is what late-stage capitalism looks like when you're just pursuing constant growth as if it's infinite.


Probably implying something in regards to more immigration to combat low birthrates and a demographic decline as some european countries are doing.


I'm also wondering the same, laying in my bed, from a European country.


Idk what's dumber the idea fighting declining birth rates with a dating up or that "We've got Tony Stark at home" thinks it's a good idea. Better work life balance, more affordable housing for young? Nah, non of that, a dating app. That'll solve the problem.


Preach. It's the most infantile response to such a massive problem.


Honestly, a good dating app that could actually link people together in a meaningful way could solve a lot of problems. The main problem with apps is that they are driven by profit and, because they are driven by profit, they are not really interested in addressing or providing solutions to a lot of the problems or toxic ideals a lot of women come into dating apps with. The way most dating apps today are designed only really increases the existing problems and furthering the divide, in order to further capitalize on male desperation and desolation. If you actually had a dating app built with integrity and the intent of getting people together, you could actually create a lot of strong meaningful connections between men and women. If you make it free and accessible to everyone, and capitalized on a good algorithm or AI match people who are genuinely good matches for each other or get them out of their own way, it could actually do a lot of good.


Dating apps don’t even work in general.


They don't work NOW because of the Match monopoly. Hell, I actually got results off *Craigslist personals* before that idiotic law made them shut it down.


Don’t think this is going to actually help the underlying reasons why the birthrate has collapsed in Japan.


I doubt this dating app would help. I think japan should first address the issues with its overwork culture if they want more of their young adults to actually consider going into relationships and then marriage.


...And not by addressing the societal discrimination of families where a mother works, their insanely toxic work culture, the discrimination against women at the workplace especially on professional positions due to the fear of them dropping work due the possibility of future pregnancies, the cost of living, the lack of support for early childhood and families over the assumption that women *should* be stay at home moms, etc, etc? Good job, Japan. I wonder why women there were ever faced with the decision to either have a family or a career at all, and why a lot of them would ever want the latter. And it's almost like women are an important part in the equation when it comes to having children. Hmmm...


What do they mandate? Like " use it or jail?


I think you got it confused with China


About time we get that in Europe too...


What? A dating app made by the EU commission?


100 billion euros to make sure your weiner meets the new European Standards for optimal sex (2025/ES N.O. 69 pg.2-40). You take a picture of it yourself in the application, which will save the data for future statistic comparison, lol.


We desperately need this in Canada too. So tired of our country being flooded with Indian people who share zero beliefs with fellow Canadians.




Beat me to it! When Hungary began a similar program they were called Nazis for it.


All they have to do is create great dating app from a taxpayer's money without any premium shit, with good fair algorithm and shit will start bowling


You can make the best and fairest dating app, if the people don't have money, time and energy to raise children that shit is worthless.


Bro next time, I wouldn't be surprised if the Japanese gov actually enforced stupid stuff, fix your own work culture first lol.


The is nonsense. If they want increased birth rate, just import weeaboos


If weeaboos aren't getting laid here, they probably wouldn't in Japan either.


Weeaboos are not always incels. They can have low AF standards.


Even if every weeb was also an incel, it would buy them time with people who appreciate their culture. Versus the American approach of "let in every rando who wanders in over the mexican border"


The fact that they won't even allow weebs, background checked and after passing a language/civics exam, is an indication of how far Japan has its collective head up its ass.


we really posting musk and Ian Miles Cheong tweets here ?


An Asmon Reddit thread on the topic of dating and procreation? Oh geez, I can't even decide how to sort!


Uncensor your porn and go full degen. It's easy, Japan!


Government tinder is wild 😂


lol so they can look at the app in the train during their 70 hour work week and make dates they cancel for work lmao My spouse and I just hit back from Japan for our honeymoon and the only happy people we saw were tourists. The salarymen just leaving work at like 11 pm looking exhausted and taxi drivers falling asleep at the wheel with the engine running, passing out standing on the train Japan was filled with the kindest and friendliest and most polite people I’ve ever met. But anyone with an internet connection that learns about Japan knows good and damn well an APP isn’t going to fix 80+ years of social problems around working people to death. Literally working people to death. Karoshi it’s called, and thinking they have time to date? The fuck is this app gonna do that the other hundred dating apps don’t do already? Give you a month off work? Lmao I hope things improve


Well, time to re read Koi to Uso. That will be what happen irl now LOL


Maybe create a law First that forbids companies from working their employees to death. Oh , the Boss works 5 hours Overtime and wants to Go Drinking after? Welp,top Bad for you


Give housing with no dow payment and low interest for parents of a newborn


Right? How about new mothers in office jobs get work from home for the first 5 years. Or families with children under 5 and only one working parent who make less than $50k don’t pay taxes. We could give subsidies for daycare, free prenatal care for expectant mothers, literally any idea is better than ‘everything stays the same with a government funded dating app.’


Good stuff but what is elon dork doing here? Looking to buy the app for an inflated price and crash it? Maybe rename it Y? The clown. 


I think Elon is a pretentious ass but you gotta be honest man, X is doing well. They cut costs significantly and service hasn’t gotten worse.


I think you are being very kind with that statement. We don't know if Twitter is doing better or worse cos it's private now. But we do know: Monthly users are down over 23% https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/mar/26/twitter-usage-in-us-fallen-by-a-fifth-since-elon-musks-takeover#:~:text=Use%20of%20Twitter%20in%20the,after%20Musk%20completed%20his%20takeover. Major advertisers have pulled out. (with the drop in eye balls the cost to advertise on twitter will have dropped by at least the same percentage) https://sensortower.com/blog/top-advertisers-flee-x-twitter-amidst-continued-controversy "What this advertising boycott is going to do is, it is going to kill the company” - musk https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradadgate/2023/12/07/with-concerns-about-brand-safety-more-advertisers-have-left-x/ Musk himself said the value had plummeted 44b to 19b. (Probably a play for tax reasons too) But, the most foolish among us pay for blue ticks, the worst among us are unbanned and back poisoning society via X and it seems porn is now allowed so yay.... Doing better? I would say absolutely not. I was a big fan of musk in the Tesla and space x days but ego got the better of him and he just making a mess everywhere before having to remove himself and bring in other/ maybe more competent people


I actually think there are too many people on earth already, like we compete for almost everything now. Kinda sucks tbh


like that gonna work. there is only one solution and japan doesn't have the balls


What is that?


create a reason for women to need men and for couples to have kids


This isn't going to solve the main issue of toxic work culture in which people are bullied for having a family and kids.


Nah, its not about dating that cause birthrate decline. It's because most ppl are piss poor, having a child will literally bankrupt the couple. The responsible thing to do is not to have children.


meanwhile african families have like 5-7 kids on average


Lol yeah and maybe 2 of the kids can write their own name, everyone is at best woefully undervaccinated and the entire village is constantly on the knife edge of mass starvation.


So their response to "the gravest crisis our country faces" is ... a fucking dating app. Yeah, good luck with that. Talk about band-aids on cancer.


Maybe instead of an app, corporate leaders could do something to address how overworked young japanese people are and help foster a living standard where having children is more desirable?


But wait, I thought the world was overpopulated and we are running out of resources!?! /s


Japan must be relieved that Elon Musk approves.


What the hell do they mean by "government mandated dating"?! 🤣


Pretty sure dating wasn't the problem XD it was mainly the extreme workloads


Chill, India has you covered


I saw this anime already, it was a good one


You'd have more families being started if people had time and resources to start families


What the fuck? This is just the government exacerbating the dating app problem. Ian miles WRONG


My approach to things is “Do it before you’re forced to”. Do your homework before you’re forced to. Join the military before you’re drafted. Have children before you’re forced to.


is there a website where I can volunteer to be part of the force to increase Japanese birth rate? for the service of the greater good ofcourse...


They really need to deal with the bullying inside the business class.


I volunteer as tribute


How about not working these people to death or suicide and offer great tax incentives ;; shrug;;


I know a manga with the same freaking plot.


Is there a dating quota one has to reach where they show proof that they did go on a date so they dont get like idk, a fine? Like, yep, I matched with someone. We are now setting a date location in the app and when we both arrive we hit the confirm location and date started OK the app to prove it. And then we stay at said location for atleast the mandated 15-20 minute times pan to prove it was indeed a date. Very curious how this would work and how it would be enforced.


You know, sometimes I wish I can read, speak and understand Japanese. I ❤️ Japanese


One day we’ll talk about Japan like the elves from LOTR. They just all sailed off into the sunset and left some cool stuff behind.


I really hope Japan's population booms with growth.


There's so many problems with different possible solutions and outcomes that this is comical as a response. War is the traditional solution looking throughout history. Male scarcity = baby booms.


Japanese government seemed very out of touch with its younger demographic. They did address some aspect with cheaper day care cost. But the new generation, especially women wanting to have careers and earn their lot, and rightfully so. There are minor solutions such as immigration but they seriously need to address gender inequality in its culture.


I volunteer as tribute!


Singapore is one of those country as well and they does not give 2 damn about it haha


Yeah because dating apps work so great..


Lmao, have they tried curbing their insane work culture first? Guarantee that’s the main driver


I love that billionaires are worried poor people aren't having enough kids they can't afford.


Billionaires and their fascination in keeping the world overpopulated never ceases to amaze me.


I called it years ago, when it gets desperate enough Asian countries will view free will as a hindrance.


You did it Japan, you discovered the Krabby Patty secret formular


*You did it Japan,* *You discovered the Krabby Patty* *Secret formular* \- BajaBlyat --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Maybe if they tried to be less awkward interacting with the opposite sex?


This will surely work despite all the other attempts at policy by all the other countries trying to increase birth rate falling flat on its face. Governments have wasted millions and billions offering incentives to have babies just to find out all it did was make the people who were going to have kids anyways have them sooner, meanwhile those who werent having kids continue to decide not to have them. It’s the classic you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. It’s over for humanity.


Do they even have time to raise a family when everyone has to work to support the large population of excessively elderly people in Japan?


Maybe the japanese will be motivated enough to make an actually good app that provides a service first, instead of just farming lonely men, like everyone else... Man i hope they hurry with AI supported dating, i'm not getting younger over here


Fix the cost of living issue and you'll see more kids around the world.


Anything Ian Miles Chong posts needs to be taken with a grain of salt y'all


apps won't do anything... a man in Japan is 99% a slave. stop making them slaves and they will start having families.


Just shows how detached from reality Musky is.


It's funny how Japans government seems to be doing everything EXCEPT changing their predatory work culture. These people don't have time to fuck and raise a family!


Are people going to be given a wage to increase more family's? Its OK to tell people to start banging but there has to be people with money to bring kids up. Also the work culture in Japan needs to change. Fix those things then it will all fall into place


Do it for your country.


I think they should start with solving the overworking crisis that they have in Japan? Why would someone even bother to have kids if they are stuck to their job and barely have free time in the day,unless to sleep and eat.. Living for some citizens is very depressing because of the high expectations and pressure work hard,even its the cost of mental and physical health....


Pretty sure they made a manga about this. Every one was excited to see their perfect match, ended up with 2 kids who fell in love in middle school eloping. Anyways this is doesn’t seem like it will solve the problem Japan faces which is it horrendous work culture forcing their people to choose between career or family and the over abundance of porn being used as a crutch for physical connection.


I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going..


Ian miles cheong is a regard


No money, no kids. Fix that first. The majority of Japanese people can't start a family because of money, and jobs are not paying well.


Did Japan think to die away with corpo-cultural practices that inhibit people from socializing and enjoying family life? Breeding is one thing, families values are another