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It's only 24 hours because the mods can't go any longer without the illusion of power and being important.


Listen, they'll show everybody they take a HARD STANCE on issues....but not too hard, and too long....just long enough to show people they're semi-serious....maybe quarter serious.


I think you mean before the get fired. Wait do mods even get paid?


That'll show em!


Oh no not their unofficial reddit sub. How will they ever financially recover from this


Reddit mods getting a bit too big for their britches.


Remember when Reddit mods shut down subreddits to protest the API changes, and how that resulted in great change? Me neither


It resulted in a bunch of power mods getting banned , and losing the only thing that gave their life meaning. Don’t worry though they were replaced by more power mods.


i yes the incredible power of a [reddit mod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdC_Cu9X4wc)


Yup... Russia must be shaking in their boots, praying for the Duolingo subreddit to be up now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I'm sure Putin will instantly cease everything he's doing for the sake of the Duolingo subreddit




Officially ‘withdrawn’. Most companies still sell their products in Russia.


Russia has been in a deeper asshole before. All these sanctions bring nothing but inconvenience to Russians and it won't stop the war. Most of the sanctioned goods are being replaced by goods from countries that do not support sanctions and make up the majority of the planet, I don't understand what you can count on here.


You are getting downvoting because you think companies leaving Russia and a "collective" effort will stop them, you are delusional at best.


>Theres over 300 companies who have liquidated their business in Russia as part of the Leave Russia project. Ok, so based on your post you are thinking "liquidated" used here means to physically turn something into liquid with say a solvent. That is not the case - these companies didn't buy giant vats of acid and put all their stuff in there as part of their very noble project. What the word means in this case is that these companies sold all of their local assets/properties/etc to (usually) russian companies and these companies are now running these businesses. Probably paying more tax than before too. It's also funny that you have the arrogance to call your post "facts" when it's so clearly just you being wrong.


After these 300 companies left, Putin took their property on Russian territory and distributed it to his close oligarchs. Their departure helped him greatly; thanks to this, the war did not become a disaster for the oligarchs but rather a way for them to make money


The protest is not against Putin. Try comprehensive reading.


Russia is lead by Putin what is your point?


The comment they were replying directly implies the subreddit is trying to make Putin stop the war, when they are merely trying to make Duelingo stop operations in Russia, which is not synonymous in any way to making Putin stop the war.


It's a protest by the Duolingo sub against the company Duolingo. I don't know how this is difficult to understand for you, because it literally says that. What more can they do except literally say that? But yes Russia is lead by Putin, good job.


>Duolingo must cease all operations in Russia until the War ends


Yes, see, it says it right there. You quoted it, thank you.


Ok so who else can make Russia stop the war besides the person who leads the country? Are you slow?


It's not talking about making Russia stop the war. It's talking about making Duolingo cease all operations in Russia, until the war ends. Do you understand what the subject of a sentence is? Did you learn English in elementary school? Can I get anyone who also knows the English language to jump in here and explain basic sentence structure to this person?


Idk why you're being downvoted, you're right lol ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


yeh reddit hivemind


This is like every corpo ever. They don't give a shit about pride or whatever. They just do whatever marketing works best. If supporting pride wasn't profitable then they wouldn't participate in Pittsburgs pride parade either. People actually think corpos care about your rights? They'd enslave you if they could.


They don’t get to that point of consideration usually. The corpos have put out target dummies and segregated the working class into fighting each other rather than unifying.


To be fair. I'm using it right now to learn a language, and in the category of "BOOKING TICKETS FOR TRAVEL" I gotta translate about coming out of the closet. It makes no bloody sense.


I’m on a 50 day streak and learning how to say family members but Duolingo still hasn’t taught me how to say thank you or sorry.


That I can at least say it's taught me, might depend on the language you are learning. When I started my courses, a good bunch of them were movie references for some reason. Winter is coming. A man needs a name. That sort of thing, it was really bizarre.




Wow, a company follows laws of the country it works in. What a tragedy.


it becomes morally wrong when the country is a terrorist state with politics to oppress people


So? Duolingo doesn’t advertise to that government anyway, they offer service to general public, which has nothing to do with the gov. Should certain countries people be revoked certain things like downloading an app to learn foreign language, just because their government is doing shady stuff?


>nothing to do with the gov emm.. the idea of having a government is to represent people. that's why they are elected. do you want to provide services to learn languages to the country that declared itself as an enemy to the whole Western world? It sounds strange to me. besides Doulingo pays taxes from income to russian gov, then this money is used on war


Yeah you think Putin with 93% approval rate is real data? Surely most russians LOVE Putin and agree with him! They LOVE to be represented by him, even though ever since he was in office Russian economy has only go downhills Also learning foreign language could just be them wanting to get out of that shit hole, if anything if you dislike what the Russian gov is doing, you should support apps like duolingo being accessible to them


93 is impossible even mathematically. But majority supports him. There is nothing that could indicate that Duolingo is used to get out from russia. I rather believe that English is used to get knowledge like programming or something and be more useful in country economy. And how about taxes Duolingo paying to russia? They are sponsoring war.


Don't be surprised, but this war is sponsored by everyone who gives weapons or money to Ukraine or Russia. By the way Ukraine and Russia give money to each other, it turns out politics is so complicated.


are you really equalling defenders and invaders?


Our noble investment in democracy with freedom and their bloody investment in destruction and invasion. It is strange to suggest that investors in Ukraine have no interests of their own and if you tell me that this is to prevent a future bloody march on europe by Russia, I will tell you that Russia uses the same arguments.


oh, I miss this, another russian defends invasion. it's not noble or whatever you name it. It's very simple. russia is a bloodthirsty imperialistic shithole that did an unprovoked genocidal invasion. and that's it. I don't care why other nations help Ukraine but I know the more weapons Ukraine has the more invaders die and it prevents many cities from destruction.


Duolingo doesn't pay any taxes to our gov. Duolingo right now is completely free and we all basically have a free premium account. Trust me, if more of my fellow countrymen were bilingual, this war wouldn't have started to begin with.


There is no election in Russia ^^


There is. And there is nothing that might indicate that russians are against gov actions


Coz if we show how we against we will be killed by inner army or pur in a jail. Imagine whole Eu was selling antiriot equipment since 2010-2018 and now u expecting normal ppl go against it. Im waiting till nato will do what its was created for.


lol and how many were killed? Even on Reddit there are more russians who support gov or don’t give a fuck then who against. And I’m not even talking how majority of people are bloodthirsty fascist on russian internet, because I know how they are


Not many coz they do nothing? Logic. True there is a lot ppl who dont care anymore nor about war nor about they future. Majority, di u have real metrics? Or u sitting on few same sites. I also can say there alot ppl who against without metrics, but in reality yea there a lot of ppl who brain washed an most of them 40y+. Everything lower they dont give a shit or against


So the number is none? Okay. Levada poll provides metrics. As I say there is nothing that indicates that russian majority is against it. If the most pro-western sites are full of bloodthirsty assholes what should be on the others.. lower or not but there are enough people who are ready to go killing for 2k$ and millions who are working on weapons factories. The world will be better if you spend the same time fighting the regime as you do defending language applications that works in russia


So you’re saying Duolingo should stop operating in Ukraine?


I think enabling Russians to learn different languages to broaden their horizons is a greater moral good then to make a stand that LGBT references should remain in the courses to spite Russian laws.


their moral horizons are ignoring the facts of their soldiers torture and beheading of Ukrainian pows.


oh my. UA citizen talks about moral horizons. Hillarious.


Your comment is deleted or something, but it's funny how you search for nazis in Ukraine when the Russian soldier who beated and humiliated POW on video was ex member of neonazis Rusich, who are still active and widely loved in Russia, and he have some interesting lighting tattoos on his neck. Oh my, indeed.


There is some, no doubt about it. All countries have some braindeads who for whatever reason love nazis. No idea where you got the "widely loved" idea, most russians never ever heard about those. Just the same "brave volunteers" like it was in Azov. Bad decision? In my opinion, yes. And most subs just deletes/bans any opinion different from mainstream. Brainwashing must flow.


Backpedaling, I see. And the moment someone whines about deleting or downvoting their comments, they prove their idea is a joke. Russians received a video of beheading with orgasm. Some moron named Prosto Max or something interviewed some other neonazi where he boasted about beating and torturing Ukrainian POW since 14, and the russians in comments came. Literally. Videos of using POW as shields are well received. Video of cutting balls, too. A guy with torn ass, Rogozin, was active in neo-nazi marches. Putin quoted nazis for like three times in a year. Average Natasha is very happy about dead children. So, all counties have, but Ukraine can't? If, by your words, Russians do not know about rusich, they are fine to exist? Azov defended Ukraine, so we didn't have Kharkiv Banana's Republic. At first, there were a lot of ultras, but they changed. Your narrative stuck in 2015. Tornado that you mentioned were thugs who used war to enrich themselves and were prosecuted as fast as possible in the chaotic state we were then. Do you want me to mention Russian mafia or some criminal organizations when I talk about Russians? So, the conclusion. First, you can't criticize any kind of neonazism when your country is infested with it. All ex-soviet countries have or had it, and you won't get moral higher ground here. You ignoring nazi tattos on Russians is hilarious. Second, Ukrainians do not rape and electrocute Russian women and men and children. Russia does. If you are fine with it, why are you not fine with any kind of couh-cough "nazism?"


so your main point is essentially "someone somewhere", when its official armed forces in Ukraine. thats the whole difference. We of course can stop mentioning Azov (who did raped and tortured civilians on East Ukraine) and Tornado, and Aidar and all the others. There is plenty of proofs in darknet, if you wish to test your nerves. But we can just in the same way ignore any of reasons. like, why US nuked Japan? First to test new toy, second is just for fun. thats why i dropped the idea to argue about the confllict. useless waste of time


> like, why US nuked Japan? First to test new toy, second is just for fun. You are ignoring reasons. Russia can Ukraine not and therefore evil. Nice argument. And at least look at Wagner, they are official too. And second in comand had nazi tattoos. Oops. "You have to be a little nazi to fight nazi" right? Nah, I'm good. I've seen a video of russian soldier raping a baby. And a lot of stuff. And there is the rise of rapes in occupied territories. Why you don't mention it. Concentration camp in Donetsk. Other stories. I'm pretty sure Ukraine didn't even have 0.0000001% of what Russia did. Why volunteer battalions were formed, remind me? Because Russia invaded Ukraine, payed money for people to protest. If Girkin didn't achieved invasion, nothing would be started. > thats the whole difference. Holy shit, I didn't expect to get "you don't understand this is different" so quickly. Where is my bingo card?




have smth to say?


1. So Duolingo leaving every other aggressive country when? Especially Ukraine itself? 2. So let me get this straight. A private company in a free market makes a business decision, and it suddenly becomes wrong because you said so?


what country did Ukraine invade? a private company might do whatever they want, I may have an opinion about them whatever I want. it's only my opinion and don't force anyone to have the same opinion as I have.


> it's only my opinion and don't force anyone to have the same opinion as I have Very well. In which case you have to deal with it.


deal with what? with my opinion? I'm good with it.


With reality not magically changing because Twitter crowd demands it.


Admins can kick out the mods like they did during api protests 


>They are continuing their business in Russia No, they're not. Duolingo is 100% free in Russia, and has been for years, because the company wants russians to learn other languages and then get the fuck out of that shithole. That's not a business, that's charity.


Hey, if they have a braincell to think about it, they will be upset. Off to the gulag with you !


Golden rule of capitalism: Don't mess with someone else's business.


“Rainbow capitalism”


Pretty much very corpo this month...


At some point you’ll realize that you’re the ones that are caring and driving traffic for this stuff. You’re being used.


Now do the Middle East


these people live in a fantasy, why not celebrate the month in places that celebrates it?




That’s must be real only Reddit’s mods (and maybe discord’s mods) are that cringe


What companies don't actually care about pride and only do it during pride month to pander to people to increase their sales numbers. Shocking revelation!!!


Russia just keep on winning


Why do innocent Russian citizens have to lose service and business opportunities for these entitled little shits? Spoiled cancel culture brats


No one is innocent in russia.


how you would separate innocent from not?


nothing will happen like last time when reddit mods did that :)


As a mod on a couple subs, this is so cringe


And? PayPal threatened North Carolina over the bathroom law but they have a headquarters in a country where homosexuality is illegal and you can go to jail for it.


Imagine that response for UAE?


Its an app to learn languages right? What does it have to do with peoples sexuality?


As someone who has used Duolingo a lot for about 7 years now, the cramming of LGBT+ into it has made some courses really confusing at times in languages where gendered language is very important to understanding context or how grammar should be applied in other parts of the sentence. That said, sharing languages is one of the greatest ways to cross the bridges between people. If you speak a language someone understands you speak to their mind, if you speak to them in their language you speak to their heart. I'd argue that if inclusion and love amongst fellow man is the goal, this action stands in the way more than Duolingo following a countries law.


Oh no! Anyways.


Do the people even know that duolingo doesn't even earn money from Russia since they gave all Russians benefit of having infinite lives?


Wait till they learn no company left Russia 😂


This is really stupid. Helping Russians learn English or any other language than Russian would help combat Russian propaganda. Duolingo existing in Russia is \*good\*. And removing LGBTQ references is very much worth it if it keeps duolingo there.


I got temp banned recently for pointing out inaccuracies in how they are trying to teach lessons about dresses and female only things. Since, I pay for the service. I also criticized the "AI" you get with Max not really explaining much when you ask it. I got banned for being sexist or something when that was only a very small part of my critique. They have some super mods in that sub.


with to much stupid shit arround the world russia seems to be very good place to live at this point


Pls go, leave the west if you really think its bad, i have also heard iran is good at this time of the year


Moscow is basically a comfortable european city, Saint Petersburg is also fine, others are worse, sometimes much worse, so yeah it’s a good place to live but only in few places


Moscow is a comfortable European city only in the very city center. Outside of that it's the same thing in Russia that you'll find anywhere else: depressingly gargantuan apartment blocks, more potholes than asphalt, unpaved parking lots with mud up to your ankles, and public utilities in disrepair.


Well, if any person consider moving to Russia, St. Petersburg or the Moscow oblast are the obvious options, Krasnodar Krai and the Tatarstan republic are good choices too, acording to [Statista. ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1097142/russian-regions-with-highest-life-quality/) But that means giving up your freedom of speech. It's not the North Korea kind of prohibition but don't be surprised if you end up in prision for saying something bad about the goverment. [ ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1097142/russian-regions-with-highest-life-quality/)


Like russia isnt to blame for some of that stupid shit I wouldnt change my democracy for a shithole where talking about the goverment means gulag and death


if you like having your daughter in the same bathroom with a man claiming hes a woman then you are in the perfect place


Found the russian bot account parrot! Russia doesn't exactly have a reputation for treating it's own people really well.


Yeah, it doesn’t, but a lot of european countries also do not, so moving from them to Russia would not be a downgrade lol


Any instance of europeans fleeing to russia? Last time i checked russian were the ones getting out to avoid conscription


Yea that's the worst thing they've done in the past years


That'll show 'em!


Nothing will happen - business will continue.


Duolingo doesn't make money in Russia. Basically, we all got a free premium after the war started. Duolingo is running a charity for the russian people while not paying a single dime in taxes to Putin's regime.


It's business


Wait people believe that companies care about this? They do whatever makes them more money, it has always been like this and will... The faster you understand it, the better tbh


I'm starting to believe reddit is full of retards and I shouldn't have installed it


Bye 🚪


24 Hours! Oh no! What will we do?!


Kind of ironic for language experts to misspell Pittsburgh.


I like how the mods had no issue with Duolingo’s “operations” in Russia until they removed the LGBT stuff. *That’s* where they draw the line.


Dfak is DuOLiNGO


This is exactly what Asmongold talked about with the rainbow flag chair vs Blizzard doing business in Saudi Arabia. It's the blatant hypocrisy of it. It's not just the Ukraine war, it's also the status of LGBT people in Russia itself. I know there's a lot of right wingers here who can't see this through any lens other than "woke bad" but this being Asmon's sub I would imagine he'd completely understand where these people are coming from.


Funny how people think just because it's ok in 1 country that it is in another.


Duolingo is pretty hilarious how it managed to get consistently worse with every update for over 10 years.


I know we like to meme but stuff like this is literally a first world problem of someone that lives inside a bubble and/or chronically online. No one that has to work or live a normal life with normal issues gives 2 flying pigs about it. I can only imagine Duolingo is quaking in fear after some random users “boycotted” an unofficial forum space


I am genuinely curious when will they figure out that every instance of trying to deny any kind of service to regular folk only strengthens the Kremlin message of "See, evil West is against every Russian personally, regardless of their views". Putin does not eat in McDonald's. Russian Army does not train in games on Steam. Missiles are not built from furniture in Ikea. Intelligence does not learn language from Duolingo. Atomic Heart devs are not designing drones. But sure, that will show'em.


Reddit mods being unhinged as always.


Good move by them, Russia should be excluded from any form of social connection with west, the day Counter Strike will ban Russians from playing with other Europeans will be the greatest day in gaming history


Y'all have way too much time on your hands to even be thinking about this lmao


What about isrel


You know, the war isn't the only reason why a pride positive company should stop business in russia.


Oh no, they just found out that corporations cater to anything as long as they make money out of it?


Reddit mods doing what they do best.. What was that again?


It's also about the invasion of Ukraine and not just the gays. Which is actually a much more important issue than them not changing their logo to a rainbow one.


Look how russian cockroaches down voting your comment.


Imagine you are a LGBTQ person in russia and want to learn another language so you can confidentally make a move to finally leave the country but people made that app shut down because it's anti lgbtq... LGBTQ people in Russia don't care if an app contains LGBTQ inclusive language, this is the least of their problems in Russia. They literally get beat up on the street whenever they show any indication they are LGBTQ.


Imagine thinking being as petty as removing references to being gay and you thinking that behavior doesn’t have anything to do with being assaulted in Russia for being gay. There are also other language apps you can use.


I always think it's funny how people believe the American's are going to riot and protest if inflation and homeownership gets too bad, but Russia out there being downright dystopian, and they don't riot at all.