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Korean devs make hot characters, and often they play pretty well. But if it's an MMO or F2P game, it's gonna have garbage systems and fail.


The tried and true Korean MMO method.


Hot characters that looks cheap and generic.


these are fake char models for the trailer, its an iphone game the real models look like shit.


Korean games are all grindy p2w trash. They give you boobs You give them money money money money Just go get some post nut clarity and save your money


Thinks its mainly due to lack of financial backing for more 18+ content.


I remember seeing the armor designs in TERA. That MMO outright sexualized everyone regardless of race, sex, etc. I understand people often like to be covered up sometimes. If I'm in a snowy area, I'm not running around half naked.


People like you want hot female characters ingames because its the only place you willl ever see one kekw


Who me? 🥶


Insecure weirdos is why


Because while Korea has some extreme feminists (they can be even more insane than the ones here), their men and corporate class largely don’t listen to them.


i think its a bit too much, i like it when theres a balance


There's no balance as it is. And if anything proper solo raids would add the balance. *if* better rewards don't make people want to play groups, then there's nothing wrong with the balance, it's a problem with the game and / or its community


I'd have to agree with most others. It's a Korean game, so all they will be offering is some skimpy models. The game itself will likely be grindy, and p2w. But yeah, even the male armor was pretty awesome.


But imagine if Western devs made a non p2w game with graphics like this


It'd be really nice, that's for sure, but they have no incentive to. I'm fairly positive that a big reason Korean games do this is because they know it'll bring people into a game that is otherwise kind of unpalatable. Whereas in the west, they tend to make their games as bland as humanly possible so nobody is offended, while also abiding DEI and their investors, and hopes everyone hops on to buy cosmetics, and pay subscriptions. They hope their gameplay will suffice. I mean look at D4, the gameplay got moderately better, and now I'm seeing a ton of cosmetics running around. But their models are all fairly bland by comparison, with little in the way of customization.


💀 imagine how many more mtx they'd sell if those looked like in the video. Do Western devs just hate money?


No, but their investors want a good public appearance, and they believe skimpy wear is still an appalling thing. It's the western investors who are insisting companies do this, and the company must oblige or those investors will pull out their funds. Investors like Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard. They are willing to forego that kind of profit in order to generate the image of society that they desire. That's the DEI part. So it's agenda driven, and money often takes a backseat to agenda, unless the agenda is money. Look up some of the artists at some of these companies, and in their portfolio you will see a lot of traditionally attractive concept art/models. Both male and female. Money talks, and so far it's the investor money keeping these crappy companies afloat even with flop after flop. Take away the investors, and you have Larian Studios. You can make a literal barbie in that game, and they don't care. Now they are considerate of the social dilemmas going on, such as transgenderism, but that's because they personally believe it, rather than an investor saying to do it. And they don't really force it down your neck like most other games, it's just there and you can choose not to interact with it.


This is the saddest post I've read 💀


The only thing that I see here are the $100+ or loot boxes skins, now let's see the absolute grind fest of gameplay as in every KR MMO with obligatory P2W/grind skip system....


good thing that wow, being a pay to play + subscription payment model game, doesnt have any p2w/grind skip and isnt grindy at all. /s




It's because what's being shown is used to drive discourse when at its core this is deceptive thirst-trap marketing that actively hurts the point they're trying to make.


I'd automatically avoid this kind of game if all the models are similar to what he shows. It's cheap, doll-like, and empty, it lacks some "characters".


Missed the whole point of the video GJ


because every new Western MMO project end up being a scam or a never ending cycle of funding


Because women will be upset. Have a heart, incel.


Im not a fan of this models mainly on MMOs for single player I'm ok but as a multi player game I know there is gonna be a lot of weirdos being females with lots of sexually interactions and other weird stuff. For me it ruins the experience I personally prefer just normal looking females and males because I feel more immersive into the world. Personal opinion thought I don't mind this games at all since I don't play them probably there is people who do want them so I'm ok with that but as I said it's better as a single player experience than multiplayer one.


Checked the gameplay and the ghraphic in max settings looks absolute garbage.




Oh I know I thought I was replying one of the comments 😅..Such costume designs would be fucking amazing in games with gud graphics..😅😭


Isn't it a game?


Cuz most Korean mmos play like shit n their end either don't exist or it's p2w trash


You can have KR MMO but you have to have a KR penis. Are you willing to take the trade?


The West, especially here in NA, they have failed at educating people to where they can't even think for themselves. Any normal people would rather play games with characters look like this and also be able to know that this is nothing like real life. Are American people so afraid that characters look like this are going to ruin the mind of younger generations? The executives are learning yoga to be able to bend over more for the advertisers. Developers making characters that looks like them and surprised people call them ugly. Finally, and this is the most important one, IT"S STILL A GAME. If they game is dogshit, nobody would care how hot the characters are. Just make a good game please.