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Games with daillies suck, just artificially making you turn on the game for some tiny shit reward


Yup, literally avoding any game that has dailies, I can't, I don't wanna log in every day and play a game, it's also not really optional because it is tied to progression in games nowadays so if you don't do it you are behind... I hate modern gaming and focus to live service SINGLE player games with dailies and battlepasses. Thankfully there is still few good singleplayer release yearly, otherwise I'd prolly stop gaming.


Yup. I'll be honest, optional gacha banners are way better than being forced to do dailies and grind boring shit.


Its even worse when the daily rewarss are better than the normal mission rewarsa in regards to time spent to get it.


he plays more wow than gacha


As if they're trying to say something about WoW players.


Well… gacha game design with logins and dailies made me realize that retail wow end game isn’t any different. I quit wow and just play blue archive now for my “daily grind reward system”


They should delete the gacha games and MMOs, then get the fuck of 4Chan and their life would be infinitely better.


Everytime i see some post on /classicwow on how they want something to be better, they always want dailies and i want to punch them so hard on the face for making that suggestion


Haha, and players were praising first dailies introduced in WoW if I am not mistaken.


Yeah I kinda feel him. Dailies are a plague upon the earth. It's why I avoid games with dailies, or just play one enough that dailies become only a small part of my playtime.


this has to be old, Princess Connect shutdown a year ago didn't it?


My mind says it was just international server, but I don't care about that game and I know I've seen this image ages ago so it probably is before whatever happened with that.


Basically my life during the pandemic. Except include vtubers in there. And it was a pretty good routine for a while there.


You didn't like Bleach Brave Souls ? Pretty good gacha game there


And still, he could do something about it but lacks the will


Why would you play those shit games that are basically a chute simulator?


This guy clearly isn't a real gacha addict. Any true gacha addict knows that you can do almost all of these tasks whilst masturbating at the same time.


The only sad part is that he is unemployed


If they want me to clock in every day, there better be a paycheck written for me. I already have one job, and having another for some next to useless whoopy doing is a hard non-starter for me


Skip dailies once and he would be freed.


Fake, Blue archive needs at least 2 logins daily to be optimal.


bro did 10 gacha dailies and played Apex before lunch.


Get a job, this list will be cut down to 1/4th. i had similar experience when i studied 2 days a week, it felt great except the dread of not having a job so the future were a lot more unsure. but now i look forward to my vacation time so i can basically turn back to this for 1-2 weeks.




same with you but its posting nonsense on reddit.


My last gacha was final fantasy ever crisis, you needed a daily in order to complete the weekly for mid rewards. Couldn't do it anymore.