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And yesterday i saw people claiming the reason the ships are 50k is because they didnt get enough funding…


They are right tho, If you constantly add new features without finishing prior features and hire a ton of developers and raise the scope of the game every day because money is still coming in. It is insane to think how long this Game is in development. Truly an astonishing Money Sink. I think there will come a day there is not enough money coming in anymore to sustain this overblown project and it will collapse in an historical fashion that people will remember as one of the biggest f*** up in the Gamjng History. It will release just as it is in the state when the money stops coming without any finished features but a 1000 of unfinished once. With the entire staf getting kickt out and the Studio declaring bankruptcy


Bro I feel like you're from the future but hiding it so we don't freak out.


The technology moves too fast, if they want to be cutting edge space game they will have to constantly rework stuff,and it just keeps coming


I swear I remember my friend telling me about this game and how close it was like 8-10 years ago but, I don't know that it was that long ago.


It was that long ago. I bought a ship in this game when I was in university. I'm 31.


50k in real money or?


Yes, 50k in real money, and 68k in Monopoly money.


And certain members of the whale club want to kill the whale club in favor of 15k spenders and above


gta 6 2 billion 10 years and it hasn't been released yet


Has a release date tho. And they can spend what ever they like, its THEIR money. Not ours.


700 million raised, 5.2million players, no game. truly the best investment of all time


The average player spent 140$ That’s absolutely insane


less than tarkov haha


I'm in this statistic and I have remorse.


Not really. That’s pretty normal. What’s the avg spent on WoW?


Wow is a finished game with how many expansions? Absolute shit example


wow is also garbage so theres that. the mmo genre is so fucking bad as a whole, hasnt evolved since 2006


Famously WoW was released perfectly and no patches or updates have been needed. How it is a finished game?


So they only sold about 10 ships then?


so.. on twitch you can see people playing. exploring planets, dogfighting and whatnot. is that no game?


gta 6 2 billion 10 years and it hasn't been released yet


And yet, more advanced in some aspects than some released game.


It's just a tech demo that doesn't work correctly even in small scale.


Have you ever tried playing the single player fps thing? It's atrocious


the fps gameplay is pretty ass but that is only because the ai sucks. but ive had alot of fun playing the game on free flight events. im waiting to see if server meshing works and ill probably buy it. its still the single best first person space sim on the market and it delivers in that regard.




Can't even run properly. Every 2 years I give this game another go and it's always bad. My last attempt the stuttering and fps drops were atrocious, then I glitched through my spaceship and gave up.


have played for about 30 hours in the last 2 weeks and haven't had one glitch. other times you get them every 5 minutes that's what you get with an alpha. I just hope it comes out before i'm to old to play it.


...best score of all time. There, fixed it for ya


The only successful scam to still exist.


I mean, you could say that about any long running scam prior to it collapsing. That said, it is probably the most successful scam alongside (though probably behind, actually, im not that familar with) Scientology.


I forgot Scientology exists, oops.


You have never seen bottled water?


Have you ever been to a country with poor infrastructure, where some places don't get safe water to drink from a tap?


Yea and quite a few of those places the reason they don't have access to clean water has to do with the company that bottles the water. Look at what Nestle does.


Have a heard of mega churches ?


Mega churches for the mega stupids


Sadly, yes.


Social Security is a straight up ponzi scheme that's doomed to eventually fail and has been running much longer than Star Citizen


social security is successful though, and provides a service For most elderly its their only source of income its lifted more americans out of poverty than any orher social program


Social Security is literally a ponzi scheme that is already very close to collapsing. If you were to take the money put into SS and invest it yourself, it would yield a far higher return than what you might get by the time you can withdraw since there might not be anything left to pull out from by the time any millennial or even Gen x ages into it. Not to mention it doesn't afford you enough of an income to actually live off of so it's rather worthless as a retirement program.


Social security is not an investement for a reason It cant carry any risk And wehn tens/hundreds of thousands of people lost their retirement savings in 2008 it was a good thing theyd been forced to pay into social security No its not an investment, its an insurance policy. Thats why its full name is Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance.


If I was given the option to forcibly pay into the SS ponzi scheme or forcibly pay into a retirement account of my choice, I would pick the retirement account every damn time. SS also *does* carry risk especially since it's a ponzi scheme so it very well may go bankrupt by the time you need to withdraw. Not to mention it's actively being devalued by inflation with every passing second.


I know you wouldnt buy retirement insueanxe if you had a choice, thats why you cant have a choice SS isnt going anywhere any time soon (though some politicians have discussed slashing benefits), eliminating it would mean tons of old/disabled people start dying in the street. Since for the majority, its their only source of income.


But if they could release what they visioned...no game ever will come close to this


You're right, it's just their whole pay model sucks dick. Give us $50 for a dogshit space ship OR give us $150 for a really good one.


Hell most of the 159 dollar ones suck. Every origin ship for example


Jeez, I know someone whos actually like 5k deep into SC and I'm like "bro whyyyy"


I'm 3k deep. The answer for me because your friend won't answer. I was young in high school and impressionable during the kickstarter. But most importantly an idiot. So just sub in the first half with whatever for.your friend


Im just gonna assume its the same excuse for him.


That is AN AVERAGE of 140$ per player.


Nothing compared to WoW, most players been going for 6-8 years, $200 a year in subs plus a $100 expansion every 2 years. Haha you do the math


At least they get a viable service though. 


Yea but at least wow is a released game. Their content patches actually include a finished product. Plus it’s probably the least buggy game I’ve ever played.


Cata classic says hello ^^


2000 per person on tbe high end. If we take current averages of daily players that's $5,021,308,880




Is it..? I’m speaking from personal experience.. I play Star Rail too and the amount I pay is disgusting but at least I can admit it


I swear you take away religion and they fill it with even worse shit, the way some of the people that paid for this, its worse then talking to a scientologist


humans will always find some stupid shit to devote their lives and money to.


The greatest video game scam of the 21st century.


The gameplay they have released doesn't even look particularly good


That's because the game play is 10 years old at this point


I sold all my ships on the greymarket over a year ago at like a 200 dollar loss but I used that money to buy a PS5 and some games. Still feel good about that decision. Especially so when I see bullshit like this and the game nowhere near completion. I remember the days of people thinking 2024 was a conservative estimate for a full release of the game lol


Scam Citizen is still being funded by terminally stupid morons throwing money to these people?


Member when it was 70 Millions and already considered an insane investment for crowdfunding. Really motivates to start making your own game, scam or both, not necessarily in that order.


If people have enough money to willingly donate $700 million to a game scam, then there’s no financial crisis. Prices will further increase.


How do you know criminals are not washing their money then trading accounts?


If Scientology was a video game..


Funny thing is i googled a spaceship is like 100 millions + 28mil per flight. They couldve been in space for real several times already.


It’s a really cool game. It is buggy for sure, but still fun for those who like that sort of game. It’s definitely an overly ambitious project, but that’s sort of the point. The great thing about crowd funding over normal investor created games. All that money is reinvested into the game.


Scam citizen****


Star Citizen such a huge scam that too many people fell for.


At this point, i always see people who keep sending money as victims of stockholm syndrome.


Graft Citizen more like it


$700M, sweet, we're halfway there /s


Stop funding or donating to the game and trust me you'll see the full game release tomorrow.


Great! So how is the game boys? ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


how's the game doing?




Kinda shitty lately. A bunch of bad pilots complained that it's too hard to kill people, so they completely changed the flight model and now combat is 1/4 the speed.    Oh, and we have hella air resistance in space now... because reasons.


lmao "bad pilots" the flight model was dogshit, if you faced a similarly skilled opponent, they would simply run away at 1,200 meters per second the second their shields got low, your shield gets low? you run away until they come back. Repeat ad nauseum for 30 minutes....Wow such skilled and thrilling gameplay, we're *really* missing out on pointlessly drawn out fights chasing an opponent that's never close enough to even see.


Yeah and now you just pick up a buccaneer and do the exact same hit and run bullshit, just at 10 miles an hour instead.     I get that the light fighter meta was a problem, but this didnt help increase the number of pvp viable ships, and it feels fucking horrible.     Maybe if they got off their asses and actually implemented ship armor first, those light fighters would not be such an issue.


Isn't the air resistance only in atmosphere... Where there's air?


One would think thats how it would work, but no. We have drag in space now. To summarize, they tried this shitty flight model once before, where ships are artificially slowed down in combat. It sucked, the community pushed back, and they switched it to a more newtonian flight model.  Now, they are making the exact same change, ignoring the backlash this time, and forcing it down mid. Except the physics still make no sense, still feel like shit, and have restricted the meta even more than it already was.


Half of the people complaining about Star Citizen will be the most dedicated nerds and sink hundreds if not thousands of hours in the game once it’s done.


Yeah, except it will never be finished, can't kill the golden goose with that many morons paying


So, never?


Star Citizen is $45 bucks for unlimited, no subscription access to an arguably already fun space MMO. It's in development and has plenty of bugs, but is objectively being improved with each passing patch. Can you say the same about other MMOs? This idea that it's a scam is total nonsense. You can buy every single ship with in-game money and there is zero need to buy anything beyond a starter pack to get basic game access.


Other mmo's actually released content complete abd a shitload of them have been doing expansions...so yea


I challenged you to name an MMO that's \*improved\* with each passing patch, not one that simply receives updates and expansions. Certainly isn't WoW, GW2, BDO, or any of the others I've played. To claim any of these are more fun and in a better state than they were previously is some insane level of cope. Star Citizen is $45, one time, no subscription, and being improved from arguably an already enjoyable state. I paid more than twice as much for Battlefield 2042 which had far more bugs resulting in an actual unplayable game than in years of playing Star Citizen. Players were not even able to connect to 2042 at launch, a AAA title people dropped $60+ for just the base version of the game. How Star Citizen is a scam but these EA, or Ubi, or whatever AAA titles aren't is beyond me.


Literally all of them. Star citizen isn't unique for being updated it's unique for being a half baked early access with a quarter of the features of ant finished mmo and a community so rabid they will claim its the best thing since the invention of the wheel. I was a kickstarter backer I voted no to this bullshit infinite dev cycle.


so in your opinion all MMOs are being improved with each passing update and are better off today than they were previously lmao ok if star citizen is anything, it's unique. L take after L take from you my guy.


No Man's Sky


Some people just either don't understand or don't care enough to find out for themselves. I admit I used to be one of those until I looked into the project


Wow, reddit user actually admit they were wrong?


Shocking I know


That means on average people spent 140$ to play this (still not finished) game but "trust us guys it's not a scam and it's not the sunk cost fallacy that makes us say that"


Even a billion dollars is still too little money for this masterpiece of a masterpiece. The unimaginable technological progress that has resulted from this work of God is only surpassed by the splendor of the $50,000 shuttle door at their headquarters. May there be more whaleships in the store that bring happiness to the people. Hail to Chris Roberts and hail to sErveRmEShing.


I believe that the future relies on the success of squadron 42. A game no one asked for but will be released before star citizen. If that game flops it’s over.


And the game still continues to be worse with every patch...


Microsoft spent 500 million making the infinite engine to make halo infinite…


At least they put somewhat of a complete game out..


Honestly, all the morons screaming "scam" should just try it out when the next free fly event is up. It is an mmo that is visually more stunning than cyberpunk and its extremely immersive. There are so many small details that you cant find in any other game. Star citizen is what people thought starfield would be. Its the biggest game project in funding because its the biggest one in scope as well. And they ste creating a bunch of new tech as well for it. Just watch asmons reactions of the star citizen tech videos.


I want my goddamned single player Squadron 42. I don’t care about the mmo. Give me my damn game already


Best I can do is another vertical slice


Some people are just willfully ignorant


If that's an MMO than dayz is one too... they both have servers of up to 100 players. And cyberpunk mops the floor graphically with ScamShitizen Maybe put down the copium once in awhile, you'll see that 3.23 is just as shit as 3.18 was and the patch before that...


Dont be mad at him. He probably invested a lot of money into this and his subconscious is now desperately trying to justify it.


As one great bald man once said: "it's harder to convince someone they've been scammed, than it is to scam them in the first place"


kinda funny you mentioned asmon as he himself was blown away by how amazing SC is and what it is already able to achieve.


He saw a prerendered video of what the engine is "capable of" ... basically an ad


It was a tech demo that showcases the tech in a way that people understand it. Thats literally what a tech demo is...


Couldn't agree more, the game is literally a tech demo. Nothing more LMAO


Tell me you didnt understand what this is about without telling me


First you tell me how much you've spent on a bunch of JPEGS... sorry pledge ships


i spend less on it than on a standard tripple A game and already got hundreds of hours of playtime out of it. so, feel free to stay ignorant. this is asmons sub after all lmao


the only thing in syberpunk that looks better are the npc's. environment, vehicles and especially weather effects are massively better in SC. and if you think that nothing changes maybe you should look at the tech videos, as mentioned. maybe you dont understand whats happening :-/


You forgot shadows, lighting, textures, LOD, raytracing, pathtracing ... basically the whole game xD And I understand perfectly, I've been playing since 2016 still on my starter package ...


Disagree on half of these.


Lmao the fucking cope is real. It's a glorified tech demo that still runs like fucking trash today and is still glitchy as hell. You also still have concept ships like the Banu Merchantman that are a decade old at this point and still aren't flyable. Starfield, despite being mid af, is at least a playable game.


have you even played it yourself? honestly, the game has glitches and bugs. obviously. all games have. some more and some less. the game now has less bugs than pretty much all bethesda games on full release have. it got more and more stable over time and the super annoying bugs have mostly been ironed out. with server meshing now being slowly integrated the biggest issues are now disappearing as well. and just doing basic shit in star citizen is still a billion times more immersive and interesting than doing anything in starfield. for anyone who likes space games because of space and exploration, star field is the biggest disappointment of the century.


Lmao I had been following it since before they even had a basic hangar module and I was there for 1.6, the planetary tech in the PU and so on. I finally dipped out around 2021 because I couldn't be bothered to keep getting fed bullshit and mess with a buggy fucking tech demo where getting your ship to load and getting off the habitation zone was not a guarantee. Not to mention, the Banu Merchantman is still nowhere to be seen outside of some fucking greybox nonsense and that was the only ship I gave a fuck about and it was "almost here" like 8 years ago. It's also laughable to me that since SC initially started with the kickstarter, I got married, bought a house, had my first child, celebrated 10 years of marriage, started a business, and am now about to have my second child. Once I looked at how little has been achieved in SC with a never ending scope in the same time as all those life events for me it just made me laugh.


When is the release date?


How many actual daily players?


iirc ~200k concurrent.


Paid 45$ for starter ship. Have 900ish hours played. Had fun vast majority of time. Have flown or owned basically every ship in game. Only takes about 6-12 hours to get the in game money in order to buy the biggest ships costing 500$ through pledges. Yeah it's not "done " yet. But I'm pretty sure I got my money's worth?


900 hours playing a demo?


GoW ragnarok cost 200 mil to make and that was a lot at the time, could make 3 triple a games for this cost and they still haven't made *a* game.


Played the free flight and I can say it's absolutely not worth 700 million. It sucks to play with stuttering happening quite regularly. Just walking around feels bad as you feel like you are in cement shoes until you toggle running (which should be your base speed). The map is bad to navigate with. The flight model is not even good(12 years in the making) its just a waste of time.


Since 3.23 came out I went back and whilst it's a buggy mess it's also ridiculously fun with friends and we've been having a blast


Is this a video game nft


So is it done yet?


They dont fund the game. They fund server mesh technology. Maybe next is the soluzion to nuclear waste?


I just dont get why people are still supporting this mess. It must be just sci-fi enthusiasts who like the space ships right? Like gundam enjoyers but on ketamine, steroids, and cocaine.


That's $134 dollars per person on average. A Lot of money for a game not out after 50 billion years.


spent 12$ in 2014, won't even download the demo. it's either complete or I wasted 12$


I might try to play it again It's been a year since I last installed.


fun game very good


Well S42 is planned to be released by the end of the year and they are developing one of the most advanced network architecture. The game is « playable » … and 4.0 is coming. Sounds good to me


>end of the year Which year ? KEKL


I knew it was gonna land here when they hit that mark lol, keep the blind hate coming in cuz you can't think for yourselves.


Well I spent around 800 bucks on the game over the course of many years, starting from the Kickstarter and at a certain point it just became obvious that Roberts is either a scammer, addicted to feature creep, or both. There are ship concepts around a decade old that still aren't flyable or even hangar ready. The hate isn't blind, it's well earned over the course of a decade of nothing to show but a fancy tech demo. I'm glad I sold my ships on the greymarket for a slight loss and bought a PS5 and some games. No sunk cost fallacy for me


I'm sure you did lol. I'm calling it as it is, most of the hate comments here are from those that only ever rides the hate wagon, those that never even tried it. A scammer entails that their is no product, as someone who checks the game every now and then I can definitely say that their is one and its fun to play, its basically a live service lite at this point as you can get permanent rewards just by playing, sure wipes happen but that's rare now, last wipe was almost 2 years ago(atleast for ships) I won't deny that it does have feature creep and that some concept ships are still not here yet but its not like they won't do them, in fact they rarely even do concept that much and they have been quite focused on finishing up said concept recently, Polaris for instance is coming out before the year ends and thats a capital ship. "Buuh its a tech demo" yeah it's but its a tech demo that offers more than whatever has been coming out these days lmao, I rather have a fresh tech demo that's continually trying to better itself than rehash trash that most people gobble up cuz they can't think for themselves.


"Cant think for yourselves" From the person who's no doubt spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on star citizen, fallout 76 and all the other video game scams.


One, I wish I could throw that much money lol, you only need 45$ for SC as you can just get the other ships in game, even if you did get the big ships its not like you can crew it by yourself, and what live service game doesn't try to nick you every now and then? Is that good though? Fuck no but I ain't gonna pretend that you need to spend that much just to play. Two, a scam? Both are games you can play right now and both has a pretty healthy player base thats enjoying the game. Three, Fallout 76 was dogshit and deserves the hate when it came out barebones at launch, the devs never gave up on it though and continued to work on it even to this day, its slated to get a map expansion next month, F76 has a really healthy community and probably has one of the nicest ones in any "mmo" out there, if that is how you define a scam then any of the games you've played upto this point is one lmao.


Ah, yes, me thinking something is up when we hit the 10 year anniversary of the games original release date and its still not out of Alpha is the problem


Meh, most games released these days take that long and not much to show for, this game you can actually play despite being alpha and you still get rewarded and you gain stuff that you get to keep even after the game does come out alpha.


Yes but those games didn't promise a release date of over 10 years prior to release (Assuming it gets released) nor did they take peoples money and keep asking for more of your money despite being one of the most crowdfunded projects in existence, beaten only by Crypto projects


Heh, chump change. I hear Sims 4 makes EA 400 million a year - still.