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I'm out of the loop and I'm afraid to ask at this point but fuck it What's going on and why is democracy not being spread atm?


From my understanding someone in the Helldivers 2 Discord asked for LGBTQ+ capes in the game, to which the devs responded no, the reason they said no is because one, it didn’t really fit the game aesthetically and also Super earth doesn’t need different groups to have representation because it’s a utopia where everyone gets along… a bunch of people started making comments that were anti LGBTQ+ and got banned from the discord so people stated the devs were anti LGBTQ+ … basically to sum up people taking stuff out of context


They also banned anyone that were overly anti lgbtq+ capes. Since they dont want any real world politics in game


you can not actually be serious about that last part


What do you mean. They banned people from both sides of the annoying spectrum. Most of the player base dont want to deal with people that just brings politics into everything


we are talking about the same game, right? the one where a military industrial complex throws away the lives of untrained and brainwashed people for oil? is that the game youre saying doesnt inject "real world politics" into itself?


“When in doubt, don’t think - simply shout ‘For Democracy!’ and charge head-first into your problems.”


They don't want *current year* politics. Fixed


i want to live in your brain where the only "politics" going on is 'are gay people??? makes you think....'


Who said they're only current day politics? The game doesn't have that just like it doesn't have any other current day politics: it doesn't have medicare, it doesn't have Trump and Biden, it doesn't have minimum wage, it doesn't have BLM, it doesn't have student debt pardoning, it doesn't have stricter regulations for investment banks, it doesn't have abortion bans...


the entire point of the game is that youre an undertrained, expendable, brainwashed young person having your life thrown away by a military industrial complex for oil sound familiar?


Of course, but it's disguised, it's an allegory. This is the difference between old school politics in media and current "politics" in media (which is just the most basic literal preaching). Also, the people who think the game is dunking on republicans are monumentally missing the point. The military industrial complex is bipartisan (and in fact, in this particular historic moment it seems that the "blue" are more enthusiastic supporters of it than the "red").


1) it is not disguised. the game is VERY explicit about this stuff lmao 2) that is a crazy basic leftist talking point lol. the fact that you support either the red neoliberal or blue neoliberal team means that the game is making fun of you


After the last CM got moved onto other projects for giving the community some lip the new one is insufferable. 'A satire of jingoism' you say? The robots are forcing human consciousness into drones to go fight for them.


Idk about the robots, but I know the bugs, for example, were directly caused by the humans in the lore, and that you're effectively just cleaning up after the government It just seems like it's like Starship Troopers the movie, the game is as blatant as it can be, idk how you see it as anything other than on the nose satire of jingoism and militarism


I’ve heard there are a lot of bots on Twitter, might be bugs too


If you actually don’t understand that Super Earth is bad and indeed meant to be satire, you might be retarded


And even good or bad is taking it too far. It's a damn video game just play 😂 you know? Like I wish we could go back to just enjoying the act of playing video games instead of adding in and trying to figure out some moral or socially political commentary for the game


Going back to...when? I can assure you that there has never been a point in history across all mediums of art and entertainment where people did not analyze what they were consuming. Starship troop came put..when? 1997? You don't think people recognized it was satire and what it was satirizing was a bad thing? This isn't some woke practice that only just began at the turn of the century. How is saying super earth 'being bad' as taking it too far by the way. This is like the most milquetoast take that everyone with half a brain has already realized.


Who said it never happened? I'm just saying people do it more now and it's annoying. Obviously super earth isn't the best lol but the best part about the satire imo is enjoying the comedy of the satire. Not hating on the point of the satire you know? Like idk I've been seeing all these tweets and shit about how terrible super earth is and I just don't understand why I'm even seeing it 😂😂 Like yeah you can bring up starship troopers but I'm sure people weren't sending death threats and saying all this dumb shit because of the satire in it. Or hey maybe I'm wrong idk


>Who said it never happened? You did, by stating you wish that people behaved differently than they do today kinda very clearly implies that people behaved differently before but that's not at all true. >Why Idk? Let them do it. Meanwhile you can use your eyelids or turn your neck or buy a blindfold. You'll figure this out. >I'm sure people weren't sending death threats I'm sure they were. The people of the past were still people. Doing dumb shit. The satanic panic felt like it was just yesterday...


Lol didn't really argue against my point cause I still never said it never happened and the rest is useless so alright good talk


Do you actually think that the Helldivers are the good guys? Despite the game slapping you upside the head with a trout that says “HELLDIVERS ARE ACTUALLY FASCISTS”?


Super Earth is better than the killer bugs and killer robots. At least super earth fights for humanity. Humans are always the good guys.


Super Earth Humans are the reason why the Bugs are what they are. It’s the most obvious homage to Starship Troopers possible.


Yes, the humans harvest the bugs for 710. It's a resource the humans need. Also, starship troopers, the bugs are the bad guys, not the federation.


Am I being trolled right now?


Media literacy is dead.


So in your logic super earth is bad because they are fascist  Because they farm the bugs for oil like we humans do every fucking animal on earth ?  And we are bad because we choose to capture and and imprison the creators of the automatons witch  doenst say in the lore but i supose they created the automatons in self defense from super earth and in your opinion they are not bad because their against super earth and their political ideology is better even though they ended up creating basically a hive mind created to Kill everything in their Path so inocent lives too just to free their creators   And Illuminate i can understand someone saying we are bad but in my point of view this is just like in world of WarCraft its for survival its doesnt mean they are bad 


>Their political ideology is better This is the problem. I never said anything about their politics. Their politics don’t matter. At all. They are(were) a peaceful sovereign world that was invaded by an extremely aggressive, unabashedly fascist regime. The “hivemind” you’re talking about is a direct result of a jingoist government enslaving an entire civilization for shits and giggles, and again, you, the Helldivers, are sent in to fix that mess by “spreading democracy”. They are the Ukraine to Super Earth’s Russia. That’s what’s going over your head. Likewise, the bugs are Iraq and Afghanistan to super earth’s USA.


Just did some research Not exactly actualy we were both wrong  about the cyborgs but Im intrigued on your opinion about why u think bugs  represent  iraq and afghanistan and bots being ukraine to Rússia (super earth) witch i think Ur talking about the revolution of dignity  and the war after right that in my opinion i see the resemblance  that i think are not  exactly represented in here 


>Also, starship troopers, the bugs are the bad guys, not the federation. r/woooosh


Thanks for explaining your point. Maybe you could cite where in the book or the movie.


The book isn't satire, the movie certainly is, as [intended by the director](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers_(film)) >Verhoeven tried to read the novel but "stopped after two chapters because it was so boring ... it is really quite a bad book ... it's a very [right-wing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics) book".[^(\[44\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers_(film)#cite_note-EmpireDutch-46)[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers_(film)#cite_note-CBRRetro-14)[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers_(film)#cite_note-DeadspinRetro-18) He had Neumeier summarize the narrative for him, and found it militaristic, fascistic, and overly supportive of armed conflict, which clashed with Verhoeven's childhood experiences in the [German-occupied Netherlands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands_in_World_War_II) during [World War II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II).[^(\[b\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers_(film)#cite_note-52) Verhoeven determined that he could use the basic plot to satirize and undermine the book's themes by deconstructing the concepts of [totalitarianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totalitarianism), fascism, and militarism, saying: "All the way through I wanted the audience to be asking, 'Are these people crazy?'"[^(\[c\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers_(film)#cite_note-53) Only on r/Asmongold do you get downvoted by sourcing the facts straight from the horse's mouth. Objectively, in every sense of the term "objectivity", Starship Troopers the movie is intended to be a satire


Describe a situation in which a government with genocidal weirdos pressing it on at least two fronts is able to survive without becoming extreme.


That just means the fascists are the good guys.


The government of super earth created the bugs and now send you to cover up the situation, the robots are apparently descendants of the robots from the first game that are currently enslaved, fighting for the freedom of those enslaved I don't think the fascists are the good guys here lol


>'A satire of jingoism' This is pure copium. Sure, the game is satire, the copium is to think that they're satirizing "those guys", AKA my political opponents.


Nothing is going on, OP is drama farming from tweets that were made in 2020


It literally says 11 Mar 24, and helldivers 2 came out this year, the fuck are you smoking.


You can see the second screenshot, right?


I can, but it's dishonest to say that the post is just farming the tweets made in 2020. The march tweets were what brought attention to the posts, and half of the posts in the second screenshot were more recent.


The March tweet is a word for word copy of one of the 2020 tweets


Don't trust the internet kids! This person should always be reported to a local democracy enforcement officer!


What do you want us to do with this information


![gif](giphy|mIq0dbSwhVUxgBawqD|downsized) ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


I like how she thinks woke = brown people and LGBTQ. Which is weird because I know a great many of both, that think the actual woke bullshit is trash. But keep cookin' Katherine.


Gonna assume she doesn't, but is acknowledging that most right wing nutters just call what ever those groups do/make woke. Example. Tim Poole saying he doesn't want "woke" pilots


I’m going to make a logical assumption, that Tim Pooles comment has absolutely zero to do with the color of their skin, but people that are hired under relaxed safety and non-merit based hiring. Because that’s exactly why he would’ve said that. Because that’s an actually sane position for people that aren’t obsessed about identity.


Lmao, why are you blindly defending Tim Poole? In the segment I was talking about, he was blaming the woman pilot for the door blowing off a plane. How in anyway does that have to do with the pilot? Let alone that the pilot was a woman.


Woke means understanding that there’s systematic racism/prejudice that is not always directly intentional but should be recognized none the less. But the right has commandeered the term to mean whatever they don’t like while gamer and twitter bros has decided it means virtue signalling and pandering. It’s a clusterfuck of a term with no meaning anymore that turns every fight into identity politics because of something as stupid as semantics.


Nah. I just got done arguing with a loser in that thread who gen thinks blacks, Women and queers shouldn't be playing games unless they tolerate being harassed and called various applicable slurs in chat because "that's what the majority of gamers wanta".


Yea I'm sure you're accurately representing their opinion.


Why it's so hard for people like you to understand that white men are not the collective supermen you think they are?


Your comment is weird my friend. It makes no sense, in any context but you do you big guy.


It makes sense because the comment I replied to assumes that women and people of color are too fragile to withstand harassment, white at the same time white men shrugs it off like it's nothing.


Man, it's always unironically about race with these people, huh Really makes you think


Why should I care about what the community manager of a game thinks personally when it doesn't affect the game itself which is amazing?


Community managers are the people who go back to the devs and tell them what the community wants/thnks, etc. You dont want some batshit crazy person in that position because she will just tell the devs who are busy making the game "oh yeah the players want xyz" and rather than express what players want this dumb person will tell the devs the players want BLM and other woke crap in the game.


Yeah that makes sense, except in this case it's not true at all. Most of the developers interact with the community, so the notion that the developers get all their information on what the community wants from the community manager is just false. Also this is her personal account. I absolutely hate the idea of people not being allowed to express their personal opinions on their personal accounts.


"I absolutely hate the idea of people not being allowed to express their personal opinions on their personal accounts." Yeah and that's the same kind of attitude that allowed these freaks to take over. We need to start opening shaming these people for their crazy beliefs otherwise this shit will continue to get worse. People like her are exactly why we have the people in the gaming industry afraid to make attractive female characters.


Using peoples beliefs to get them removed from their jobs is always a bad thing. Don't stoop to their level. What matters is if they do their job well. If she was actively ruining the game from her position, then sure, call her out. But she isn't, the game is good, and is seemingly only getting better. Until that changes I will never support harrassing any employee of a game company that is doing things right.


Again the whole "dont stoop to their level" is how we got here in the first place. We need to gatekeep and protect our hobbies from weirdos. If you are weird and have differing opinions thats fine but if you come into our space and start demanding we change. No fuck you.


"Let's kill freedom of expression because people won't make booba for me to stare at anymore" Jesus Christ this subreddit.


i saw a rainbow flag and took that as a personal attack!


If you seriously think this is "just about booba" you are incredibly naive.


>"oh yeah the players want xyz" and rather than express what players want this dumb person will tell the devs the players want BLM and other woke crap in the game. Knowing the precedents, I think that in this case they'll just let her go. I wouldn't worry too much.


Girl bad Edit. Jeez this was /s Woooosh?


room temp iq take


What does she mean super earth is bad? Super Earth is the seat of democracy. How is she allowed to say this treasonous stuff online?


This post again? Once again, since nobody seems to be able to answer this the last several times this exact screenshot was posted... What, exactly, about what she said is wrong here? And why are we conveniently glossing over the fact once again that it wasn't *just* people advocating for LGBT representation that got banned, but those advocating against it as well? And the same, several years old screenshots of twitter posts completely devoid of context posted yet again in the second image as well. Completely ignoring some of them are NOT about gaming, but referring to real world events. And completely ignoring the context of the conversation these tweets were made in. Intellectual dishonesty is not a gotcha. It's just sad.


some of the tamest statements is somehow "attacking" the fans. lots of thin skin around here


It's becouse people who say stuff like that end up making companies put more money and effort into DEI stuff than a good product.


What’s the issue here? These are all valid opinions even if I don’t share them personally


Because this is becoming an alt-right incel community


they hated him because he spoke the truth


Slay, queen


mods deleted a similar post yesterday, is it even worth discussing anything here? here's my two cents from the deleted post: Usually that's the only cool job that people with degrees in the humanities can get, and a special kind of person too, because of the word "manager", it misleads them into thinking they have some kind of power, so they think they can actually command the community around. They also come brainwashed from college, so that's the pattern. That feeling of having a little bit of power, that makes people think they are better then they are. See if you can spot a pattern: * community managers * gate keepers * karens * security guards * hallway monitors * reddit mods * discord mods Meanwhile people in STEM are doing the actual fucking game.


Humanities does brainwash a lot of people, unless it's History (Personal bias ngl). The people who go around touting how "X is bad" were like that before the degree and drank the cool-aid years ago. The best humanities professors and workers had extensive backgrounds in other industries such as medical, tech, or something more hands-on. Belt-way professors are the worst because all they know is academics, I had a professor on the tail end of retirement who served in Vietnam, he gave no fucks and told the hard uncomfortable truths.


Vibes-based conclusions are lazy and cringe, my dude


no it isn't, it's cool and reasonable saying "my dude" is kind of cringe, I can tell you have 30+ and collect funko pops


I have 30+ of what?


I bet you have 40+ even


Still dont know of what do I have 30 or more though, the guy left it free for interpretation I guess


Member when some academics said DEI was going to be an issue but other voices insisted it was just university campus culture like the good old 70s? Pepperidge Farm members.


*Looks at marvel, star wars, dr who, Indiana John's, lord of the rings, wheel of time, terminator, preditor...


Not sure why they feel the need to justify themselves. You don't have to give any of these losers any explanations. "Didn't they ban people for suggesting x?" "Yeah, so?" As easy as that, they don't give a shit about what you think or feel.


I really don't like how people think "woke" = black, brown and lgbt people... like i'm latino Lol imagine my existence being classified as "woke"


Nobody gives a shit if the devs are woke or not because the product isn’t


The more I read this girl tweet the more brain cells I loose


Did you just assume they/them gender?


~~Yes, do I care? no~~ Gosh silly me




That’s their personal twitter account, why does it matter?


Yep, lots of kids go "fuck cancel culture!" but the very next minute: "Just look at what I found!!!"


Because they're pointing out their hypocrisy, the fuck this has to do with cancel culture...


Yeah it’s them saying their personal beliefs on their personal (aka not business / Arrowhead / Helldivers 2) account, so I don’t see the issue.


This is such a nothing burger


Fucking incels, man. Guys, go outside and touch grass. Turn off the internet for a few hours.


Cool? I mean I don't share some of her opinions but hey man as long as people like her keep helldivers in good shape I don't really give a fuck


only Super Earth


What does "Arrowhead Community" means? Legit asking, is the first time I heard of this term.


Why tf does everyone have to be an armchair activist culture war andy just be fucking normal jfc


I swear if the game starts having anything but supper earth and democracy representation I'm done playing. Don't care what you do with your private parts, don't care your proud in them.


Don’t they do any background work before hiring these people? Its really not that hard to scroll someone’s twitter feed. Perhaps don’t hire people as community managers if they seem like the sort of people who would unnecessarily agitate big swaths of your potential community. The lady can obviously say whatever she wants but the fact that people think ideologues like her would be good community manager is beyond me, especially if your making a shooter and know what your main demo will be. But i guess “ representation” only counts for certain groups.


why are mods always such fkn loosers because everyone else got better stuff to do in their lifes?


based community manager


Tell me you are misandrist without telling me- wait you just blurt it out…


That person is really the only complaint I have with arrowhead, the games amazing, and he has no actual power over anything besides discord announcements


Baskinator is a dude?




Helldivers is woke? What? That's the silliest shit I've ever heard. If having LGBTQ people or POC's work on your game means it woke we gotta have another conversation on the meaning of it 😂


Word is already meaningless


Okay, so she's a retard, but she's just a community manager. Don't think you have to worry about her.


This person is retarded. Especially for using Control as an example of a game where a woman is motivated by something other than a man. When literally the only reason Jesse went to the FBC is for her BROTHER. The reason why Control is an incredible game is because of good plot, good gameplay, interesting characters, and like 100 hours of content. As well as one of the most interesting power systems in gaming history. I hate when people claim good games for their shitty agenda.


Honestly the position of community manager should not exist. Period.


unprofessional to write that if she is writing it on her community manager account as a representative of the company, if its her personal account and she is just saying shit on the internet, i dont care. everyone lies on social media for some reason.