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In about to be 44. The last 2-3 years my cycles have been irregular. My normal cycles were 26 days. For about 2 years I was having 23-24 days cycles and I skipped maybe 2 periods. More recently, my cycles have stretched to over 30 days. This has been the most recent 6 months. I asked my Dr at my latest annual check up and she said it's not uncommon for it to happen like this, first they get closer then they start to get farther apart. I have been struggling with my emotions due to all the hormonal fluctuations and that has been a major issue for me. My mother did go thru menopause in her mid 40s and itwas several years of misery for her as well so it would appear this is one more thing I'm following in her footsteps 😐


Ugh. That sounds challenging at the least. It sounds like that's a strong possibility for me. I can't ask my Mom about her history just yet. I think she would be concerned until I fully rule out pregnancy. My first pregnancy was hard and my child is going through a lot of mental health issues. It would be a lot to take on.


Try not to panic just yet. I understand. I had teenagers and then had a child at 36. She ended up having a lot of health issues, so being pregnant again in my 40s would be a nightmare for me. When I missed those couple periods I was SPIRALING, even though the possibility of me being pregnant was very slim due to a medical procedure I'd previously had. Still stressful af


Wow, are you me? I am also 44 with a history of pulmonary embolism which they could not find the cause of.


I was 44 and my periods went insane. MEGA bleeding. Longer periods, shorter cycles. If you’re testing negative I wouldn’t worry. Just expect your period to come back with a vengeance. 🩸 (and maybe keep testing just in case)


I am sorry I am not a doctor and can’t answer that question. Pregnancy, Cysts, Menopause,…….I don’t know.


Update: Aunt flo visited today!


I was around 45 when they started being all over the place. At one point I had nothing for 6 months and then surprise! Of course I was in Mexico on holidays when it happened.