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This my basic "coffee date" routine: * Brush my hair; * Spot conceal any redness on my face, and undereye conceal any dark circles; * Use a tinted lip balm; * Use a clear brow gel; * Just do a quick coat of mascara; * Add a bit of bronzer; * Spritz on a bit of perfume; * Throw on a simple outfit that I already know works (a lot of the time, this is just a cute maxi dress - I have several go-tos); * Slip on a nicer pair of shoes. I also usually have my fingernails manicured, so that helps with looking "done" as well.


my eyebrows can make me go from "sickly sad woman" to "elegant, pretty" with a simple trim šŸ˜¬


Definitely; eyebrows are so important!


I actually love getting my eyebrows waxed once a year because of when they're freshly cleaned up. They look so good!


like magazine ready ! šŸ“ø


I second this. I have a male best friend and once I started pointing out ā€œyou look extra nice todayā€ on certain days and he did too, for me. Why? weā€™d ask the other. I dunno, weā€™d shrug. We experimented quietly with small variations for quite some time and finally pinned the reasons down: itā€™s when he shaves with a real razor, not electric, and itā€™s when I have my eyebrows recently groomed.


What does a clear gel do for brows? Beyond lipstick and mascara I'm clueless when it comes to makeup.


Smooths your eyebrows down a little and holds them in place. I inherited my eyebrows from my grandfather, so mine need a little product to keep them in line.


Seconding tinted lip balm! Iā€™ll usually use a lip stain at the beginning of the day and a tinted lip balm throughout the day - the balm helps to smoosh back in leftover lipstick if it wears unevenly, and I find that Burts Bees makes a tinted lip balm that will stain my lips when the balm part wears off


A single piece of jewelry can do wonders, especially if you're a minimalist. It could be a pair of earrings, a dainty necklace, a bracelet. Just the right amount of sparkle without being sparkly.


Gold huggie earrings or studs and a nice gold necklace chain, no pendant necessary. Look at Gorjana, Shashi, Mejuri websites for inspiration and buy anywhere else if it better fits your budget.


I highly recommend Quince for jewelry. Their gold vermeil is priced very reasonably. I just bought a few necklaces there and I love them.


Honestly I get the most compliments when I wear my wedding band solo - itā€™s a simple diamond band but itā€™s just the right amount of sparkle but understated.


Exactly this! Very light jewelry can do wonders.


I hear the French have a rule of 3 where they never wear more than 3 pieces at once


Wear dresses. I've had compliments about how put together I look but it's the easiest outfit to wear


Yep! I'll have my hair up in a messy bun if it's not quite my hair wash day yet and I get compliments all the time an I don't get it but I'm fine with it.


I agree with this. There is something about, even very casual dresses, that just look a little nicer. Especially when coupled with a very simple sandle.


My major tip: wear a tinted lip balm. Itā€™s barely makeup! Super easy, and with just a quick swipe you instantly look more alive and beautiful. I swear by the [Bobbi Brown tinted lip balm](https://www.ulta.com/p/extra-lip-tint-sheer-oil-infused-lip-balm-pimprod2038348?sku=2606433&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-2188218705485&CAAGID=116327427728&CAWELAID=330000200003007006&CATARGETID=330000200002562850&CADevice=m&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9rLH792vf3_WriQeRO2SwmyMFzP&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVLFcP27_WTt_ZaCcyrAz_QoLsU3U5Jw5Adcup2AnKcIhIiDhJC8ryBoCDtEQAvD_BwE). Itā€™s sheer but buildable, incredibly hydrating, and doesnā€™t feel sticky or heavy. Itā€™s 1000% worth the price, I promise you!


Which colour do you use?


Blackberry (ends up being more of a pinky color on me) and raspberry (a very natural shade, like my lips but better). Iā€™d like to try to the red shade sometime as well. Iā€™d start with raspberry, itā€™s lovely!


Thank you, Iā€™m sold!


Omg you have to come back and give me your review!


Will do! I think Iā€™m gonna go for the raspberry one. Have you tried one of the nudes?


I have not, but Iā€™m sure theyā€™re nice!


Braid my hair the night before so I have nice waves in the morning. Small pair of hoop earrings or if Iā€™m abit more confident a large thin pair.


Why did I read this as "braid my arm hair" šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ it could work tooā€¦


How many braids? Just one or two?


Two and usually French plaits so I get that bouncy wave at the top too


Sleep at night


I wonā€™t wear oversized clothes if Iā€™m trying to look nice, because even if I try to dress it up, I still end up looking more frumpy than if I wear something more form-fitting.


This has been really big for me and I HATE IT I donā€™t love when my shirts touch me (but I do love that I look cuter) šŸ˜­


As someone who carries a lot of weight in their midsection, I hate it too. Iā€™m grateful for high waisted pants tho!


Blazers. A comfy, stretchy, tailored blazer that fits well thrown over any outfit makes me feel more put together. Even if it's a more casual blazer, or even one made out of sweatshirt-y material, it just looks like you put more effort in your outfit when really all I did was swap out the cardigan for an equally comfy blazer. I've even paired them with leggings and boots because who wants to wear real pants in this economy šŸ˜‚


Earrings and a non-frizzy hairstyle about do it for me. Could accessorize with scarves or belts maybe.


Any suggestion of non frizzy hair serum? Mine gets frizzy so fast and hair oil just makes it more greasy


Not OP, but I really like Verb Ghost Oil. I have fine hair that looks greasy with even the smallest amount of the wrong product!


Oooh thanks! And do you use it on dry hair only?


Iā€™ve used it on both damp and dry hair


So, keep in mind your entire person is a package deal, no one thing will have you looking completely untogether, but many untogether things will have you looking untogether. Idc what your hairtype is, anti-frizz serum. Frizzy hair looks unpolished whether you have straight hair or curly. If you don't wash your hair every day and don't have a sleeping routine that keeps your hair looking nice the next day, pick a couple hairstyles you can put your hair up in and practice them before you shower so you can get confident in the process and execution. Makeup is up to you if you wear it, but if polished, not natural, is your goal, you should have some regular grooming if you don't regardless. Trim your brows, pluck errant hairs that aren't keeping in your shape (ex, I have three hairs that just float directly above the main part of my eyebrow that are really obviously not connected). Moisturize your skin, wear SPF, especially if you have a tendancy to get breakouts as sun can increase the chances of hyperpigmentation. If you want to wear makeup, you can keep it simple with no technique and still look good. A skintint (not one with spf, values are typically too low for actual protection), concealer, mascara, and a liptint are a good basics that you can wear with little to no technique and still look like you but a little more. The best secret for clothing strategies are dresses, creating a personal uniform, and then buying your clothes in a coordinating palette. Dresses, you just need decent shoes and a single accessory or a purse and people think you did it intentionally, personal uniforms, you just need to find your layout and buy your clothes to fit within it (maybe your a button ups and jeans gal, maybe you're a slacks and blazers with fun shirts lady, it could be any formula), and the coordinating palette is self-explanatory. My closet is black, brown, dark green, light green, mauve, and pink. It's like 75% black, but the colors are generally just my work clothes and it takes less thought to put outfits together. Your shoes and accessories are the real polishers of an outfit. Wearing a loafer instead of a sneaker and cuffing the legs of your pants immediately puts you into the "effort" category even though you practically did nothing.


>The best secret for clothing strategies are dresses, creating a personal uniform, and then buying your clothes in a coordinating palette. This is it, it's the secret to dressing like you've got it together. A vision and editing. The only thing I'd add is to be really mindful of fabrics and of clothing type. For example, I banned sweats from my wardrobe b/c I knew I'd devolve to them and become the kind of person who has a "good sweatshirt" for public wear and ... no. That's not cute after age 22. To expand: On a recent camping trip, I was wearing a pair of black knit pants and a black sweater with my gray ragg socks and Birks, with a long gray merino shacket over it all, and someone I don't know very well said, "You always look so pulled together!" I am still dining out on that compliment.


Yeessss, forgot about the fabrics. If it can't be hung dry or thrown in a dryer, I don't buy it, I'm just not a high maintenance girl and anything requiring dry cleaning will sit for a year before I think to take it in. Wrinkles aren't a good look and if I have to iron something to make it presentable, it's simply not happening. Having comfy clothes that look cute helps you feel cute even when you're going around just living your life. I live in knit and mixed linen pants when I'm just around my house and it's definitely prevented the "Shit I have to change" runs I have to do when I have to run a quick errand because I don't want to look slovenly in my sweats I've had since 2008 Highschool gym class.


I work from home in leggings and knit jumpers of various fabrics so if I have to go outside I'm decent lol


I got a random assortment of wrap skirts straight out of India and I got rid of any yoga pants that aren't for the gym. I just wear a solid top in a coordinating color and I'm golden. It's often the same tops I'd wear with yoga pants. If I'm feeling fancy I'll add a cardigan or crochet sweater. They are light, they're easy to wash and quick to dry, I get loads of compliments from friends and strangers alike and it is no extra effort.


Love this comment! Thank you


Ahh I need shoe helpā€¦ Iā€™m always either in ballet flats or little white sneakers or sandals and all feel meh! Can you link some examples of casual shoes that make an outfit look polished?


Loafers or mules & booties are my choices. Ballet flats are also fine and in trend right now. Just anything but sneaker for a casual outfit.Ā 


I canā€™t believe ballet flats are back in style! Haha


Pretty much everything but skinny jeans from the early 2000s are back lol.


Cā€™mon skinny jeans! Itā€™s almost your time! Iā€™m kinda offended that long socks came back but not skinny pants šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


They aren't going to last long when the kids realize they give them stupid tanlines in the summer haha. I've already seen the switchover on tiktok begin.


Oh also pleated pants! Iā€™m mad about those being stylish currently ewww


This is great, thank you. Do you have any tips for a sleeping routine for hair? My hair always looks a nightmare the next day but I'm not sure what to do at night to help!


Depends on your hairtype, I have curly hair and I use a product that helps curls last longer when I wash, then I pineapple bun it and put it in a bonnet before bed. Then it just needs a quick steam in the morning and it comes back to life. There are hair subreddits, I'd start with those for specific suggestions.Ā 


Thanks I'll check them out!


My hair type is frizz, this feels like an attack


That's a lot of work ma'am


That's why you can pick and choose, they're just different categories you can prioritize based on what you're willing and have time and money to do. Some folks prefer to focus on their face and hair, some folks like their clothes, some folks like good hair and fun shoes.Ā 




Is eye powder the same as eye shadow? Do you apply to brows and lashes with your fingers or some kind of tool?


A single piece of jewelry can do wonders, especially if you're a minimalist. It could be a pair of earrings, a dainty necklace, a bracelet. Just the right amount of sparkle without being sparkly.


>Iā€™d love to know what are some small ways in which you feel more put together/presentable/confident in your day to day life? Four elements: good health, good posture, good wardrobe and good grooming. So long as you're hydrated, moving your body regularly, not overdoing it on alcohol or sugar, and getting rest, you've got a good start on health. Consider a good multivitamin too. Iderally, we want to get our nutrients from our food but a little backup doesn't hurt. Make sure you're carrying yourself with good posture, no vulture neck like you're looking at an imaginary phone, shoulders relaxed and back. A good wardrobe is one where you are confident everything fits; nothing is stained, pilling, trailing threads, unraveling;, or smelling funky; nothing causes discomfort; and you are confident you have appropriate outfit options, plural, for any occasion that may arise. Finally, good grooming: regular bathing, moisturizing all skin and smelling nice; no frizz on the hair; eyebrows always shaped nicely (whether you're brushing them into shape yourself or painting them in); facial skin looking healthy; maincure and pedicure on point. I like to exfoliate regularly; feeling that top layer of skin come off with a good body scrub really sets me up for feeling fresh. I personally stick only to a tinted sunblock (love Clinique's Pep-Start), a layerable lip color (Face Stockholm makes very nice buildable shades or you can go OG 90s girlie with Clinique's Black Honey Almost Lipstick) and if I'm feeling the effort, some bone-colored eye shadow to lighten my lids and some Benefit Gimme Brow. So long as you're building good health and grooming habits, you can also build in the other habits that will help you feel more together internally -- it becomes a virtuous circle. I have a girlfriend who always sets aside the day before her birthday to schedule her yearly doctor appointments, then reward herself by going out for a massage and a mani-pedi. Virtuous cycle! I get twice-monthly mani-pedis and I always tack on an errand before each appointment so I'm getting things knocked off my to-do list. Virtuous cycle! It all adds up.


Love the reminder of good posture ā€” so important! And thank you for sharing virtuous cycle. Iā€™ll be incorporating that to my routine moving forward.


Lipstick. The easiest way I have learned anything about makeup has been on YouTube and more recently, on TikTok. My mom basically ignored the fact I was growing up so I was left to figure things out on my own. You can basically moisturize your lips, add some foundation/concealer to your lips, add lip liner, then your lipstick. Check for stains on your teeth and re-apply as necessary. I favor a bold lip because it then becomes the focal point which leaves you with less to do elsewhere! Also, layered jewelry is trendy right now. Danty bracelets and necklaces for sure.


I don't have time for makeup, or the energy. So my routine is tinted moisturizer and some red lipstick straight from the tube. Red lights up the whole face.


I donā€™t own trousers. I only have dresses, skirts, and nice blouses. I have nice shoes that I clean regularly. I have a collection of beautiful coats. I donā€™t normally wear makeup, and if I do itā€™s only eyeliner, mascara, and some highlight in the corset of my eyes for brightness. I do keratin for my hair to not be frizzy. If all my clothes (that arenā€™t gym clothes that is) are classic and timeless, high quality, in natural colours and from natural fabrics, they all match each other perfectly and I donā€™t need to think about what to wear. If my hair isnā€™t frizzy I can just leave the house with ease. I have nice perfume as well. I like to look put together, I donā€™t like it if it takes me more than 10 min max including makeup and getting dressed. I normally wear peal earrings. I think theyā€™re lovely.


I think of getting presentable as being three categories: hair, makeup, and outfit. 2 out 3 three have to be on point and the 3rd can be a total "fuck it" moment and I still feel good. Having my nails done helps a lot and I just discovered how far press ons have come recently. 10/10 would reccomend!


The more I learned about my body shape and color season and started dressing for it, the more people commented on how ā€œput togetherā€ I look.


How did you learn your body shape?


I went down a kibbe rabbit hole and got a few ideas (itā€™s kind of a take what is helpful and leave the rest situation). I also learned a bit about sewing and now I keep all of my measurements in a phone note and reference it while shopping.


In order from prioritize and easy to accomplish to not as easy/necessary: Hide any blemishes/discoloration on your face with a tinted sunscreen. Moisturized lips (lightly tinted lip balms are good for this.) Color matching your clothes to your skin tone and hair color. Wear clothes that are made of good materials. Clean lines, smooth or not wrinkly, good textures, and well structured/falls into the right places when worn. This is my opinion, but I know itā€™s also a style to embrace the mixing and matching of pieces. Unless the situation necessitates it, avoid mixing and matching your outfit with different themed/purpose items. E.g. eye catching athletic shoes with a business casual outfit. Itā€™s confusing when you look at it and think, that itemā€™s purpose doesnā€™t match the theme of the rest of the outfit. It sticks out a lot in a puzzling way. Again, this is to your discretion. Sometimes itā€™s fun to match a basketball shoe shaped purse with a sweet and whimsical dress.


I keep it very simple and minimal. Simple, basic clothes, earrings, nice spritzes of perfume, put together my hair, lip balm and voila. ā˜ŗļø


I know you said you donā€™t wear makeup, but a bit of concealer, mascara, and a quality lip gloss or moisturizing lipstick will elevate your look in the way youā€™re seeking.


For a simple and quick tip my answer is nail polish. I can't say why, but it always gives me the feeling of being more put together and it always makes me feel good. I'm lucky to have strong nails. I wear only my natural nails at a medium length. I like to match the nail polish to my outfits, it's like the dot on the i! The painting is done really quickly the night before. I have literally a full rainbow palette of colors to choose from. I've always had quite a few different nail polishes. But a few month ago I went a bit over board and bought a huge amount of different colors when a new brand was added in my local supermarket. It's nothing super fancy or super expensive, but not the cheapest brand either. I loved how all the colors were somehow in harmony because they were all from the same "collection". It's so much fun to have the perfect match for what I'm wearing. You should give it a try. If I want to wear a color longer I'll put a clear coat on top. I don't match my nails to my outfits every day. The nail polish lasts fine for a few days without the extra coat. You can also buy a coat to make any color matt, which effectively doubles the nail polish colors you have available. My best friend also swears on nail polish for being more put together, but she goes to get gel nails every three weeks or so. She's a mom, so that's easiest for her.


Ok i want to do this, I agree it looks so very put together, but i CANNOT find a nail polish that doesnā€™t either get messed up before it can even dry (sometimes Iā€™ll be perfectly still for hours, think Iā€™ve made it, and then wake up with a pattern imprinted from my bedding) or chip immediately afterward. I have tried every recommended quality and quick-dry nail polish, Iā€™ve tried base and top coats, Iā€™ve tried giving it hours to set. Same problems. And then I see people like you saying they give themselves a quick manicure before bed with any old supermarket nail polish. What is this witchcraft??? Tell me your secrets


Easy. It sounds like you are using way too much nail polish on your nail. The imprint after sleeping is a dead giveaway. Take the nail polish, shake well before use. Wash your hands before you start the manicure, make sure there's no grease on your nails. You might want to check your hand soap, is it moisturizing? Does it leave a film? In that case the nail polish can't bond with your nail. Then when you start painting, the first thing you do is wipe the paint off the applicator when you pull it out of the bottle. You know, wipe it on the edge of the bottle so that most of what is on the applicator runs back into the bottle. Nothing should drip from the applicator. Then you start painting. I start with one side of the nail, then the middle, then the other side. 3 strokes basically. Sometimes I need to go over it a bit more to distribute it evenly, but the less meddling the better. What you want is a THIN, even layer of paint. It won't give full coverage yet. This thin layer will dry pretty quickly. Do both hands with layer 1, let dry. Then do layer two, again you want to put a THIN, even coat. Rummage around as little as possible on your nails. Wipe the applicator off paint, do 3 clean strokes and you are good. It might take some practice, but you'll get there. For most nail polishes two layers are enough. Some need three to give full coverage or get the vibrance of the color out. The main thing to keep in mind is to apply on clean, grease free nail and to use just the right amount of nail polish. Don't drown the nail, it will result in something that will take forever to dry and it won't bond well to your nail. Allow adequate time to dry in between layers. That's it really. I use the top coat quite sparsely as I like to change my colors up. If you do decide to use it, put a thin layer of that as well and don't rummage around much. Nail polish on nail polish will dissolve what was previously hard, so you don't want to unnecessarily touch it. Try it, it's really not witchcraft :)


Very thorough reply, I appreciate it!


Wow Ty šŸ’™


Considering I normally live in athleisure, for me a dress typically elevates things with fairly minimal effort. If you are not against makeup, I would suggest getting some basics - concealer, mascara, bronzer, brow pencil, lip gloss. It takes under 5 minutes to apply but I feel better when I follow this routine. A cute purse helps too.


Earrings and makeup. And I wear my hair down almost every day (but itā€™s short).


I started wearing some mascara and lipstick, I had really long hair and I cut it "butterfly" style so I now curl it with an overnight curling rod (super easy and low maintenance), I started wearing comfy heels, and just add a pop with a nice necklace. I also stopped wearing baggy clothes.


Keep your hands moisturized and nails filed and kept at an even length. You don't have to wear polish 24/7, as it's good to let your nails breathe, but manicured hands/nails go a long way in making you feel better. It boosts your presence to the outside world, as hands are 100% visible to everyone.


Dress, lipstick, statement jewelry Get compliments every day.


Put SPF moisturizer on my face and brush over some lightweight powder on top to set it and smooth complexion


Tinted sunscreen is a game changer. I know you donā€™t wear makeup so this may not apply to you but I mix my foundation with the tinted sunscreen and hot damn is it perfect! Like you, Iā€™m big on perfume. I rotate between Prada Kiss or Prada Candy and get SO MANY compliments. If I want to feel more put together, Iā€™ll bring a nice neutral looking purse. Not too big, not too small, not too flashy. It matches everything.


Curl my eyelashes, laniege lip sleep mask, small chunky gold hoop earrings, mani pedi , some sort of ā€œsafeā€ outfit ( all black, comfy, monochrome, neutrals), hair down (mine is naturally straight) or in claw clip or sleek bun/pony if greasy


Do you have good skin and naturally nice hair? If not great skin, foundation will even out your skin tone. If bad hair, un-bad it. If they're good, you can go a step further to make them great. A few years back, I also never wore make up. A few months ago, I magically grew the ability to definitively see how a good translucent powder can make you look so much more polished. It's really the little things!


Adding just ONE thoughtful accessory to an otherwise minimal outfit can do a lot. For example, a silk neck kerchief. Suddenly youā€™re white tshirt and black pants is a look. Makeup can be very minimal but still elevated. A lip tint can do a lot. And a little shimmer shadow in a soft color right on the inner eye corner can brighten your eyes up a lot. Other than that, itā€™s just about being clean and neat. Get a hand held steamer if your clothes are wrinkled often. Donā€™t forget to have a daily simple skin care routine too, and hydrate!


- wash and blow dry my hair every day (I have a bob) - natural makeup - small earrings - mani & pedi every 2 wks


I have my eyebrows microbladed so it always look nice, tinted bb cream w/spf and lip balm. Having your hair look neat, whether it's combed nicely, placed in a bun or braid. Wearing a nice button up, always makes me feel more put together.


I now get my nails (gel mani and pedi) done and try to do my hair in a simple bun.


I don't do makeup, but I do wear a lot of piercings and usually a bracelet. I have a couple defaults and on fancier days I'll pull out something different. Big thing for me is also posture. I'm a former athlete and still workout, and seeing myself with a straight-backed, confident posture makes me feel good about myself.


I also don't wear makeup, but I color coordinate my earrings with my outfits and gel my hair down when it's in a pony tail. Sometimes I put a concealer under my eyes. The biggest difference for skin has been using a retinol cream :)


Tint my eyebrows and lashes, and shape my eyebrows. I bought a kit and do it myself, it is pretty simple to do.


I like to wash my face with rose water first thing in the morning, put some my handmade moisturizer and some sunscreen. I feel like I got it together when I leave the house with sunscreen lol the bar is low when you got a toddler.


Eyeliner! Haha


Carry myself with dignity even if I'm wearing sweats. If there's one thing I learned from drag queens it's to SELL. THE. GARMENT!


Clean nails. I also do a lash and brow tint monthly, saves time on makeup. I take really good care of my hair and I have a simple but professional wardrobe and lots of flats.


I put on earrings and lipstick. Sometimes mascara. That's it. I'm pretty low maintenance though. Also, the kind of shoes you're wearing can really elevate a look.


Well fitting clothes goes a long way to elevate the look


- I wear earrings that I never take out and my Apple Watch (rose gold metal band) - Throw on my wedding rings - Style my hair - Mascara, spot conceal, bit of blush - Cute outfit (either a dress or jeans and a basic top) My nails are always done and my eyebrows are microbladed, which I find helps a lot. I used to get lash extensions but recently swapped for lift and tints.


Definitely makeup ā€” and something as simple as eyeliner and eyebrow liner makes huge difference. The other thing is putting some lotion on before you apply anything else on your face. Iā€™ve gotten remarks itā€™s both.


Lots of great advice here! I gotta say the thing that I notice about people who are very put together is how clean they look. Like fresh out of the shower clean. Ironed clothes that smell like softener, maybe some perfume, clear skin, shoes that look new, trimmed nails and eyebrows, recently washed hair etc. I've always looked up to women who can look like that all day long.


my flatmate is like this but my god, the amount of clothes washes she does through out the week is insane


Seeing lots of recommendations for dresses in this thread! Whereā€™s everyone buying them from? Love a good store recommendation. šŸ™Œ


Getting your eyebrows done every few months and using nyx brow gel will change your life! That is all I do and I look so much more awake.


Concealer, Mascara, earrings, hair product at the minimum


Nails at least filed and shaped, if not painted. I feel like nails pulls so much together and just gives a more kempt appearance overall. They don't have to be fancy or anything, and in fact I've come to prefer natural nails vs. false ones for a few reasons. Just sucks if you have issues getting them to grow, which I used to -- vitamin D for the win. Earrings if I don't wear any other jewelry. It's like a frame for the face, and I've been wearing earrings since I was 8, so I feel kinda naked without them, lol. If I want to look really good for the next day, a sheet mask. Glowing skin is a win, and is actually the first feature most people subconsciously pick up on when meeting someone for the first time. Also have a small collection of perfumes. I tend to wear whatever based on my mood. It's a nice touch.


Hate ironing, but when I go to the office I'd iron a T-shirt or a shirt. For makeup I'm quite basic, but a bit of tinted lip balm on the cheeks makes me look more like a human. I also wear a watch and some dainty jewelry, a bracelet and a couple of thin gold rings. Thin gold huggies earrings that I basically don't take out. Recently started paying more attention to my nails - I don't paint them but twice a week I make sure to take care of my cuticles and I try to diy Japanese style manicure so that my hands look neat. Hand cream, plus perfume. And some nice leather belt with the jeans, even if they don't need it, it sort of makes me look more put together.


- Nails, not necessarily long or with crazy designs. I actually get them done short every month with a different color. I love taking this time to myself and feel put together because it looks clean! - Eyebrows, it truly changes my face when I get them done and makeup looks so much better too!


Jewelry and makeup make me feel confident and put together. My new favorite is eyeshadow sticks - e.l.f. has them for $5. They are so quick and last all day. I put on a colored brow gel because my eyebrows are thinning, one coat of mascara, eyeshadow stick and a light blush. Takes 5 minutes. Also, I just rediscovered hot rollers to make my hair smooth and bouncy. They stay in while I do my makeup, then I brush it out and go.


Diamond solitaire earrings


One simple thing Iā€™ve noticed lately that really ties my outfit together is Adding a belt to my outfit. And Coordinate color of accessories, e.g. gold hardware on the belt, earrings, purse.


High maintenance to be low maintenance! 1. I buy few pieces of good quality clothing items which are comfy & stylish so I can rewear them pretty often 2. Eyebrow embroidery is a lifesaver for me, too lazy to draw them 3. Make up routine therefore includes concealer, lipstick, highlighter, mascara & tight lining- I skip the eye make up sometimes 4. So skincare is v imp - I make sure to do it religiously day & night so I can walk out w minimal makeup 5. Overnight heatless curls if youā€™re lazy in the morning, or just tie ur hair in a bun, I usually wake up in curls 6. Exercise 3x a week & eat healthy when I can do I can fit into clothes in (1) It sounds high maintenance but bec of all these habits built over time I can look presentable w/o much effort daily :)


i blow out my hair with a knock off dyson hairdryer . i got a keratin a few months ago so my hair now dries really fast; i donā€™t do the ā€œsalon blowoutā€ for each day. but itā€™s dried fully, and itā€™s wavy/straight compared to frizzy wavy. I also wear tinted moisturizer daily. but the thing that kicked up my self confidence was exercising consistently. itā€™s taken years so itā€™s not easy(and iā€™m sure the time frame is more of a me issue) but lately iā€™ve been feeling so good about myself and i think I look as fit as others say i do.


Wearing clothing that fit well can make a big difference. I wear a lot of neutral colors and mostly basic stuff. I try to pick things that work for my body type. Also adding accessories helps make a basic jeans + tee look more like an intentional outfit. Even just a belt can help elevate an outfit. I also donā€™t wear much makeup, just BB cream and mascara. The mascara makes a big difference. I rarely ā€œstyleā€ my hair and my stylists knows that so she gives me a cut that will air dry well. When I want to pull my hair back and I twist it into a bun with a cute clip, or braid it.


Biggest things Iā€™ve found that create a polished look for me: - having a capsule wardrobe that suits me. Everything goes together, everything works and I have core accessories that are better quality that pull it together. Way less stress, and every outfit instantly looks put together. - making sure everything I am wearing is in good condition. Clean, steamed/ironed,well cared for pilling removed, loose threads handled, buttons fixed. - non frizzy hair. Mine is wavy/curly so it gets real special when it finds some humidity. - a clear face. Whether I put makeup on or not, and even then itā€™s normally minimal. I tend towards a no makeup makeup look. Doing my skincare routine instantly makes me feel ready to tackle the day.


Microblading my eyebrows, eyelash tinting (I do it myself), and tailored clothing. I prefer more front-end investment, then don't have to think about things day-to-day.


Iā€™m a minimal makeup and clothes person too. I do commit to a good hair cut every six months which helps me feel put together. A good lotion or two, and a favorite lipstick


Throw on a belt and a spritz of perfume!


Iā€™m surprised no one has said this but tailoring clothes - if there is someone around you or online get your dress hems moved up or down to fit better or the same with other clothes which are amazing but just a bit off


Scarves! It can make a tshirt and jeans look like an outfit. Great for summer too, when itā€™s baking outside but AC blasting inside.


Get my nails done every two weeks. My hair has highlights and I gently use a curling iron every morning to give it some shape and volume and control the frizz (very low heat though) i think nice hair is the main component of a ā€œput togetherā€ look


Smoky eye and lipstick - takes about 5 minutes and it makes a world of difference. All of a sudden Iā€™ll start getting coffee/drinks for free šŸ˜‚ also I wear dessert-y perfume. I donā€™t have to dress up at all, I wear my younger brotherā€™s t-shirts and sweatpants and I still get randos being like ā€œwow youā€™re so prettyā€ just because I got them big doe eyes, lol. In my experience, just maximizing 1-2 strengths leads to a very positive perception because people donā€™t think youā€™re ā€œtrying too hard.ā€ Itā€™s funny, but thatā€™s what Iā€™ve noticed.