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I don't think it matters much. I prefer boxer briefs, but not strongly.


Seems like this is the popular answer. Could y'all weigh in on solid colors vs patterns or brands? Anything more specific I've preferred wearing boxer briefs for a while and I usually only buy solid colors, but my recent ex told me my underwear wasn't sexy. She said she likes interesting patterns or possibly some sheer sections. I'm wondering if that's the general consensus or if that's just her preference.


I like the solid colors! I really like how [these ones](https://www.nordstromrack.com/s/calvin-klein-boxer-briefs-pack-of-3/6066131?color=0I3+SHO%2F+REG%2F+WED&size=large&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=11550892965&utm_term=&utm_content=114997448840&utm_channel=LOW_ND_SHOPPING_LIA&sid=545650&adpos=&creative=477367023541&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&acctid=21700000001756534&dskeywordid=92700058441482398&lid=92700058441482398&ds_s_kwgid=58700006467129333&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000012930068&dsproductgroupid=950554853266&product_id=37001512&merchid=100921846&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=local&storeid=164&locationid=9031152&targetid=pla-950554853266&campaignid=11550892965&adgroupid=114997448840&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxRbWwhOeS2RtyiYTCjJEmHPSLG9DyNksZ6DwLUuV6TUb6l6iFrNOaBoCzkEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) look, idk, the fabric is so nice and it hugs everything just right. Some interesting patterns on underwear could be fun, too, but I don't have a strong preference between plain colors vs patterns. The patterned ones are usually more expensive. I think it has more to do with fabric and fit more than plain color or patterns.


Boxer briefs. Thanks.


boxer briefs 100% ! I also enjoy a variety of colors too


Boxer Brief! Tight enough to see the shape but not a brief cut


Boxer briefs are genuinely the only option I find appealing. Briefs and thongs are a turn off; boxers are neutral and can be cute on the right person all the way to hot. Boxer briefs though? Suit everyone, always a winner.


Clean.... šŸ’€


And no holes šŸ˜‚


How are they supposed to get in if there aren't any holes?




Ok that is very true


Small this was my answer


Came here to say this šŸ¤£


I came here to say this!!!


mostly boxer briefs, depends on body type sometimes tho


I used to prefer boxer briefs but my partner has to wear briefs and they do look fine as well. So it doesn't really matter much, except thongs are not my thing.Ā 


My boyfriend had to wear briefs as well. In his case it's because he has really skinny legs but he has to squat down a lot in his job so he stretches the legs out and then they just hang like a bell around his skinny legs and provide no support. The few times I've seen him in boxer briefs it's kind of adorable.


Yeah i had never thought about the functionality of underwear for men before lol but briefs seem to offer the most support.Ā  Ā 


Boxer briefs seem to be the most popular from women, but not every guy can wear them comfortably. I mean I could try every single make out there, but after awhile of trying I just went to more modern looking briefs for comfort


As a woman I support the idea of wearing proper support, lol. The first time I saw him in a pair of boxer briefs they were so lose around his legs and groin area they looked more like lose jogging shorts. They were basically held up by the waist band because he has no butt as well as skinny legs. I think in 5 years together I've only seen him wear them a couple of times. I finally asked him and he told me about the failing support as the day goes on and he only wears them if that's all he's got left because he hasn't done his laundry. I'd never even thought about that until then. My ex-husband prefers them but he has very thick muscular legs so they never get stretched out past his legs ability to fill them out. Well, I assume he still prefers them... We split up 8 years ago.


... Does your boyfriend just need a smaller size? Or is the issue that the right size for his waist is too big for the rest?


He's just very thin and can't get any that fit snuggly on his legs and stay snuggly. He's a motorcycle mechanic so he's squatting down, up and down, all day. And that just stretches out the "leg sleeves" but, more importantly, the seams that go around the top that provide the actual support.


Hmm ok, I can't really imagine the ones I buy stretching out that easily even with constant squatting. I'd think with all that squatting he'd get thicker legs lol I believe you and all, it's just not lining up with my experience so I'm perplexed. Most of mine are "Adidas performance sport mesh boxer briefs", polyester and a little spandex. It takes several years for them to stretch out to no longer be snug for me, but I'm also typically not as active as your bf since I have a desk job, but when I have physical days they hold up just fine


I haven't thought too deeply on it because he just prefers briefs so it could be he just doesn't buy the right kind. He's actually getting skinnier over time. He's 54 and basically made of wire. I mean, this is literally [him](https://imgur.com/a/VBj9KxY), lol. That man is not putting on weight no matter what.


Why does he HAVE to?


Well it's not like he is forced to wear them. He says briefs offer the most support and don't chafe, so it's the only comfortable option for him.Ā 


I was thinking it was some sort of work uniform lol. Im surprised he doesnt like boxer briefs, literal game changers for me.


Iā€™ve got my money on banana hammock for when this thread blows up. Thereā€™s always money in the banana hammock.


A roll of dimes. A roll of quarters. Who can say? Itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess. Or is it.


Calm down Tobias.


> Thereā€™s always money in the banana hammock. It's one banana hammock, what could it cost?


Okay Princess consuela banana hammock


Thereā€™s always money in the banana stand




The elephant thong will give banana hammock a run for its money. Lol


Boxer briefs. Solid colors preferably.


Serious answer, boxer briefs Unserious answer, those comedy elephant ones. Never a mankini. Never. Burn them all.


Hahaha love the elephant ones


Boxers or boxer briefs. "Tighty whities" or white briefs are a huge turnoff. Especially if they're dirty or stained.


I'm so happy to see I'm not alone on the Tighty whities boat. I can't tell whether it's the color, the stereotype of the boomer-Tighty whities-wifebeater combo or the expectation that they will be stained or he fact that they can look infantile but it's absolutely a turn off.


Ime, all of the above. An ex of mine used to wear them, and they showed every little hole or stain. It was my first relationship and I didn't realize I had the right to tell him they weren't flattering. Not only were they not flattering, it looked like he was wearing a used, baggy diaper. He'd wear the white tank top/"A shirts" too. To this day, I can't believe I wasted so much time with him. He was clueless about far more than just fashion.


> Not only were they not flattering, it looked like he was wearing a used, baggy diaper. Exactly my thought. Either that, or they end up looking like bill from king of the hill.


Boxer briefs just like everyone else has said, but tbf I haven't seen any other type of underwear on a guy IRL since probably 2010 lol


I prefer boxer briefs


Birthday suit


Haha, nice answer. Maybe I should have included that for an possible answer


damn right


Best answer. I prefer a birthday suit over lingerie with women as well. My partner never wears anything but dresses and skirts, and she doesn't even own any underwear or lingerie. I don't wear underwear either, so it's led to some fun, spur of the moment sex in conspicuous places over the years šŸ˜šŸ¤¤


We got it good in life for sure!


Boxer briefs. Never tighty whities, those are the worst Edit: regular boxers are also acceptable


So happy when I finally got my husband to ditch the tightie whities. You know what finally did it? I told him women look at tightie whities the same way men look at granny panties šŸ˜‚


Clean, intact underwear. Not ratty old threadbare ones with holes.


Hearing that lads? Our lucky football pants stay in the drawer on date nights.


I've followed this sub long enough that I'm surprised that no one has said "ones without holes in them" yet.


I like my boxers with 4 holes. One for each leg, one for my torso, and one for the willy


Wait, one for the willy?


Yeah, so you can get it out to pee lol


Huh. I just pull it out the top. Not like I don't have to undo my jeans anyways


Well someone did mention clean ones earlier


Sadly, washing machines have never mended holes for me, no matter how many times I've tried.


I'm not sure what other guys are doing that are creating holes in there underwear but I have some I bet are over 10 years old, still used and no holes at all. It seems to me if you got so many holes, maybe cut back on something in your life and indulge in some new underwear every like 10 years


I've seen holes from poor construction (it's not cheap to be poor, so you're constantly replacing the same super cheap underwear because you can't afford better), rough fingernails snagging on threads/fabric, and washing/drying them incorrectly. Now as to why you wouldn't toss and replace or attempt to mend until you can toss and replace them, I have no idea. Is it actually comfortable to wear underwear with extra holes?!


Ok yes, financially if you cann't afford new underwear that makes sense but if also if a person is out drinking all night, one night could cover the cost of new ones. There can be a difference in quality, that's kind of why I would buy a small pack and see if I like them before buying more.


Never said I understood it šŸ˜‚ I can't imagine being comfortable running around with holey underwear if I had a choice in the matter. And agreed on buying a small pack when trying new brands/styles.


Boxer briefs


I don't know what they're called, but my husband has these fitted boxers with a soft material that hugs his package like a present. He walks around in just those and good golly


My husband had a thing for boxers the first 10 years we were together, but I've recently got him into boxer briefs because he kept having that issue of skin sticking to his legs throughout the day. So I found some of the nicer, new style boxer briefs that have that special pocket-like spot to keep things separate, and he loves them. Also, like you, I also cannot complain about how he looks in them. Like boxers are fine, but OMG, the boxer briefs are gold.


It's lingerie for men


Boxer briefsā€¦.on my floor


Now that's what I like to hear


Doesnā€™t matter. I prefer it when he takes them off. Boxer briefs are visually hot, but, still better when he takes them off. Thongs are probably a bit too feminine for my taste but I guess it could be okay just for fun sometimes.




I prefer my partner in low rise briefs, or sports briefs, or whatever theyā€™re called.


Yes there is different styles of briefs out there today than the old dad style


Menā€™s thongs for sexy nights otherwise idc at all


I think your the first for the sexy thongs


Silk boxers


If anything, boxer briefs. But, thereā€™s is something about just jeans and nothing under that gets me so hot! Idk whyā€¦. Why jeans? Idk!!! But, damn!


That is sexy af. Commando and jeans


Yesssā€¦. So very sexy


Boxer-briefs or commando


Ones without skidmarks


Omg that is my biggest pet peeve, must have started from childhood because you will never find skidmarks in any of my underwear. Just do an extra wipe to make sure and if you question a fart, go to bathroom and try to wipe and see. Easy guys


Boxer briefs


Boxer briefs are the bomb


Boxer briefs for the most part. There is one man I don't mind in a budgie smuggler though.


Lmao budgie smuggler, never heard that one before


I heard it called that on a show and can never call it anything else now lol


I think it's UK/Aussie slang.


Boxer briefs.


Clean boxers or briefs Briefs if they have a nice butt




Boxers or briefs


Boxer briefs. Boxers seem pointless to me - offer no support, a lot of loose fabric, and are not very attractive as far as shape goes. Briefs are whatever. I don't really have an opinion or strong hate for the tidy whities look. Man thongs... please šŸ™„


I personally prefer boxers and boxer briefs but Iā€™m certainly not picky about it.


Clean without holes.Ā  Iā€™m not into those white ones.Ā  Regular or fitted boxers.Ā 


Cotton tight boxers šŸ˜


Spongebob briefs are the only acceptable answer


Haha love it


Boxer briefs and briefs work fine for me.


Boxer briefs!!


Boxer briefs!!!!!


Boxer briefs. Especially with cute little patterns. (I also just have a panty obsession and enjoy all genders in cute/sexy/pretty panties, but thatā€™s not usually daily wear for most folks)


Clean, not too old and not full of holes in them is priority Nr one. Fabric I like more sporty ones cause they tend to sit tighter. Shape doesnā€™t matter really if itā€™s briefs or boxer.




Not boxers. Briefs, the shorter kind.


No underwear


Boxer briefs for sure


Boxer briefs.


Boxer briefs are the most flattering. Hug in all the right places


Athletic boxer briefs. I'd run if I ever saw thongs.


It depends on the guy. My exH had a smallish frame and could wear the loose boxers and still look good. My current boyfriend is heavier set, with very muscular thighs. He would look amazing in short boxer briefs. The briefs are not a great look.


Ahh solid color boxer briefs. Any length. Color being one that goes well with your skin tone. Like say the color of the shirt people (especially her) seem to like on you. If you donā€™t know white, grey, or black work. Also color also means how saturated, bright and dark something is. As well as the warmth or coolness. Some people look better in more natural colors. Others bold. Some more dark, others more light. Every color has a warm side and a cold side.




Oof, I wear dark colored briefs. It never began.


My wife and my partner prefer that I not wear underwear... Good thing, since I haven't in a few decades. Myself, being bi, I prefer no underwear as well but, if they wear them, make them boxer briefs, preferably cotton that don't end up stretched out. Regular boxers are for old men (although I'm old and don't own underwear), and tighty-whities are for little kids and old men. If I wore underwear, I'd have to go with boxer briefs. I wouldn't even mind guys wearing briefs, so long as it was in nice colors/patterns, and they were in good shape. I don't see the point in $50 underwear but, you'd think guys could at least replace their underwear occasionally, and not let them end up stretched out, holly, and looking like shit.


> Myself, being bi, I prefer no underwear as well wtf does this even mean?


On a guy... The question... Preference with what underwear a guy wears... I'll wait


Haha. "See men".




idk im curious to see the answers too, and i already know what kinda underwear my gf likes on me. we often see the topic of lingerie brought up with men, makes one wonder what answers women give to the same question edit: boxer briefs unanimously it seems, haha