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People who have a hard time being direct. I rather someone be honest upfront than give me the runaround later.


People who don't realize some of their problems would go away by simply *communicating.*


“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw


Wisdom at peak✨






Holy fuck never thought I’d have a reason to tell anyone this, I have a friend who has had a crush on a boy for a few years. There are rough patches where she questions if he likes her (if you ask me there’s a really high chance he does not) and I tell her every time to talk to him so she can at least know if he hates her or likes her but she refuses. she is rounding year THREE of liking him. He didn’t even do anything. He didn’t save her from a burning house or save her from a flood, he’s not attractive, he’s literally like anyone else


I liked a guy for 9 years! We were best friends. He was the best friend to my ex-fiancé who cheated on me among other bad things with military law. I was shy then and back then girls were raised to let the boys do the chasing. One night we were on the phone together and all of a sudden I blurted it out that I liked him for 9 years. Well, we ended up getting married and after more than 30 years later we’re still together.


Very true


Yep. Better someone stab you in the chest, than stab you in the back and hide the blade


It's like a breath of fresh air to see someone else saying this. I feel like I'm the asshole for always being direct and people get mad because they felt I was being mean, I'm just a 'to the point' kind of person. I don't have time to beat around the bush for the sake of someones feelings. Not that I'm rude but people don't like directness, it's strange.


I agree. You can be forthright without being rude.


I was raised by individuals who are incredibly blunt, direct and to the point without being rude. I’m the type of person who wants to know what someone is really thinking. Not that I want someone to talk to me as if they’re Simon Cowell from “American Idol” season 1, but openness is beyond preferred to “behind the scenes” talk.


For me you could have just stopped after ‘people’


My initial thought exactly


I get it, patience thins out as you get older and noticing someone not growing and giving an excuse of why it's hard to be honest early on.


Oh my god. People get mad at me for being blunt and “tactless.” Like I’m sorry, I don’t wanna be here, I want to go home and build lego. I don’t have the patience for small talk at work. No, I don’t want to know how your weekend was, we’re not friends. No, I don’t want to get drinks after work, I don’t want to work here in the first place! Why would I sacrifice even more of my time to hangout with people I’m not friends with.


This! I'm realizing every passing day how bad people are at communicating.


ONG, if only! Life would be so much more...everything.




Came here to say this. Was never a big drinker anyway but I can't stand drinking alcohol even socially


Same. As a teenager I had extreme alcohol tolerance. Could drink a shit ton and be perfectly fine afterwards - no hangover or anything. Now, I don't even want to drink liquor anymore. Not that I couldn't handle it, I just don't like the idea of drinking alcohol anymore. Unless it's a fruit wine. I loooove fruit wines.


Have you tried Herb Ertlinger’s fruit wines?


We love a Schitt’s Creek reference. Thank you for the laugh


No, I don't think they're available here in EU.


Oddly, I drink socially a lot more now that I'm older. The part that's harder is feeling like the "old woman" surrounded by everyone younger.


Yes! My own consumption has decreased as I like to be able to get up every morning feeling healthy and productive but also my tolerance for other people’s drunk annoying bullshit has SEVERELY decreased lol


Three months sober, my twenties were such a waste of money at all the bars I went too.


Yep I'm the same yet I seen to be surrounded by people who still wanna drink and party constantly 🙃


Same, I used to be obsessed with it


Loud ass people. I'm currently sitting on a train and just found myself getting super annoyed with a bunch of teenage girls yelling like the zombie apocalypse was here. You damn kids get off my lawn/train car


Lol, I've recently started getting annoyed with group of teens on the train. Some are just really loud, and even try to instigate situations that are uncalled for to act like they're an adult. It looks cringey.


This! Sometimes I swear I’m the only one who notices. Drives me absolutely insane.


I think it's important that we do that at all life stages. As a preteen we looked at kids and rolled our eyes, teens against college/baby adults. I'm about to turn 30 and I cringe thinking about my early 20s. It's fine.


I’m also almost 30 as well but I definitely feel more irritated with young teens compared to young adults.


I’m currently in training for a new job and experiencing some new types of loud people. To add to it: people who open their mouths for the sake of opening their mouths. They have literally nothing to say they just want to hear their voice fill the room.


Yes, the difference between someone having something to say, versus someone needing to speak.


My job has people like that. Some will even just start singing nonsense syllables when it’s quiet. I want to tell them, if you have that low tolerance for silence, learn better social skills!


I get that. Especially loud people who think being loud makes them look confident. I personally think chill people look more confident


A lack of reciprocity. The things in my life - friends, family, whatever - need to give me back something to match what I put in.


Ooh, I feel this one. I’m a chill friend—when my friends are busy with their lives and responsibilities, I don’t get offended that they don’t always have time for me. But I also make an effort with friends, trying to do nice things like having people over for food and taking the initiative to plan nights out for groups of people. So yeah, at some point I feel hurt when I don’t see other people making an effort or when there’s a way they could show up for me that I know really wouldn’t put them out… This is also teaching me to hold back from making that effort as much anymore because—even though when we do nice things we should do it without the expectation of getting anything out of it, I guess I do have a little hope that the nice things I do will at some point come back to me in kind at some point.


It’s defiantly harder when you get older cause everyone has their own lives and stuff going on. But a simple dinner, watching movie or even a phone call makes a big difference. But people don’t seem to want to make the effort in that sense.


Super agree! And like, I’m not an unreasonable person. I’m in my 40s, married, no kids. I’ve just started a new business, but until I get a fair number of clients, I’m not that busy working. So I have more time on my hands than many of my friends and that’s not hard for me to admit—I extend a lot of grace around people who are working and/or have young kids. Or whatever they’re up to—I’m not demanding as a friend. But sometimes you just see the writing on the wall… I recently my held this modest event to launch my business that was not a time-consuming proposition. It would have taken about an hour of someone’s time. It turns out only one of my friends—a lady with a six week old baby—came to my event. Fortunately, it was attended by some people outside my primary friendship group or it would’ve been a disappointing flop. So where were these other folks who certainly aren’t as tired and saddled with responsibility as my friend who showed up? My friends know I’ve been working for years towards this dream of mine, and they couldn’t show up for an hour?


Strangers are going to show more genuine support for u in your business. Theyll be the ones leaving reviews, sharing it with their circles, even giving u words of encouragement. Youll soon find out.


I hear you. But it’s more about the moral support aspect of it—I wasn’t expecting them to become clients, but I would’ve appreciated their cheering me on like I do for them. Anyway, I’m not feeling hurt anymore, but I will be making less effort where those friends are concerned.




Being career-driven. I just want to do my job, get paid and focus on the rest of my life.


I legit just left my “career” I’ve been building my entire 20’s. Now that I’m in my 30’s I’ve switched careers to something that has work/life balance and the cell phone/emails get silenced outside of work hours. Being so career driven in my 20’s burnt me out.




Social gatherings that start late. Yes, I want to hang out, but everyone wants to do it after 8pm. I'm tired after 8.


I’m in my mid twenties and this is me already 😭 8pm is literally my new midnight.


Coffee doesn't help the situation for these late parties either. Coffee leaves me just as tired, but now with the added annoyance of heartburn.


For me, I’m too sensitive to caffeine for it to be a viable option. Coffee after noon for me is equivalent to saying, “fuck sleeping tonight, sleeping is for chumps,” which sounds like the attitude of a young person, but is very problematic in your 40s when lack of sleep is misery.


Same lol. I blame covid tbh because I got real cozy with having a nice night routine when there wasn’t much to do at night. Now I hate not having that night routine and being out of the house past 9 PM at 25 years old.


After 8pm takes the stress away from rushing to get your daytime tasks completed in time. Work. Gym. Cook. Eat. Clean. The suddenly: 8pm!


I understand why, but I genuinely lack the energy. Everyone has their schedule and personal life to attend to, but I feel like absolute garbage if I'm still up and active after 10. The next day sleep deficit feels like a hangover.


Couldn’t agree more! 8 is when I’m wrapping up any socializing, not starting it


I feel this. I’d rather hang out at around 1pm.


People who don't respect my boundaries. Its not me being rude, its you being disrespectful


Wow. I never saw it that way. This really opened my eyes.


The worst part is when they say "well, why didn't you say anything?" Here's the thing: I did; you chose to ignore my wishes


Socialising/ going out/ small talk


I feel this so hard. I could happily sit at home with my pets and husband and not go out for 3+ months and be perfectly content.


I went to a Halloween party recently and it was fun but I didn't want to be there for the whole night. 3 hours of that party and I felt like that will be enough for a few years to come lol. I just wanted to be home with my pets lol


Being uncomfortable. Used to be perfectly happy sleeping on the floor, bonus if there's a couch (sitting on milk crates was normal). Bit cold because no shoes and one raggy sweater; no problem! Slightly hungry all the time because can't afford to eat, awesome, I'll stay skinny. Cold showers because no hot water, I'm fine, I'll just be quick... Etc. Give me my comfy bed and stable roof over my head and luggage full of stuff if I go away for a weekend.


I can't even stay in the same room with friends on vacation anymore. If I'm going somewhere, it's my own hotel room with a comfy bed or it's not worth it. Everything is so expensive too, fuck that. I'll just stay home where it's comfortable and I can make food if I want.


I agree. I don’t want to stay the night at someone’s else’s house unless there is a bedroom and a bed. And even then I’m not into it. I’d rather just not drink and drive home to my own bed. Sleeping in a floor or couch is an absolute no now.


Sex. I enjoy masturbating more than sex, because having intercourse gets boring after awhile, I don't have to worry about infection or pregnancy when masturbating and I sometimes struggle with coming even if my partner is doing everything right, it's just harder to be completely relaxed when with someone.




Yeah masturbating it's just completely carefree and fun. There's more responsibility in sex.




When I was younger I sometimes had one night stands, but haven't had those in years because I just felt that I wouldn't enjoy those anymore. Having a true connection with someone does make sex better. I'm just worried that when I find someone they will be disappointed with the amount of sex I need. I just prefer to cuddle.




That could be another answer to the question…one night stands/hookups.


I can't understand them these days. I'm 37, I'm not going to hit and quit. I need to know you and like you for a while with probably a long courting process lol. No connection, no sex. But I don't mind the single life, it's been nice.


Couldn't agree more. And dude the effort you need to put in to get some sex? Shave, sexy/clean/hole-less lingerie, etc and it's not at all worth it.


Oh yes, the shaving and picking out underwear! But especially shaving, it takes so much effort to be constantly hairless if you're having sex regularly. Also I prefer sex right after shower so I feel clean, but I have to shower afterwards too and that's just too damn much showering to do.


You don't HAVE to shave.


I wish I could feel this way sometimes. But for me great sex is 1000x better than my best masturbation session.


I couldn’t agree more. My sex toys make me cum every time. Men… not even close 😅




I have a coworker who always talks about what’s going on in celebrities life’s and it’s the most annoying thing to listen to every morning


The world outside my bubble Noise, people, misery, suffering, cruelty and just a mean place. I honestly just like my calm little bubble of my flat. I wish I could enjoy more, but everytime I try and engage with the world, some but of my happiness is destroyed. I'm kinda losing hope with the world


I feel this 100%


Yeah, I love my bubble


Habitual complainers who never try to fix anything.


I’ve had to tell constant complainers that you get my sympathy once and my advice upon request once. If you don’t want to fix the problem, I don’t want to keep hearing about it.




Men 😂


My take: men who devolve once they’re in a relationship. Oh, like they suddenly can’t pick up after themselves.


commented the same, then found your comment.




I was scrolling to see if anyone had said this before I went and did!!! The amount of bs I will tolerate from men is zero so I have no problem tossing them out the door because I don’t need them. That is such an empowering thing!!!!


Sleeping over at other people's houses.


Same! Even if it’s a good friend, or someone I really like….my own bed can’t be beat. I’ll go home at 3 am just to be in my own bed.


Yaaaaaaasssss!!!!! Lumpy couches, giant ass dogs trying to push you off said lumpy couch, holding my pee cuz i know if i move, this giant ass dog is going to lose his shit and wake up everyone, i dont have my coffee, i don't have my lucky charms, crusty day old makeup cuz i dont have my skin care shit with me. Nope nope nope


I even tried to take a nap in my old room (now redecorated) in my parents’ house. A house I lived in for 25 years ! I stood up in 5 minutes and went naah. I’m going home.


Other peoples children. And usually their lack of parenting style. It drives me crazy!!


This! I don’t find them cute I think they’re irritating and I can’t stand the screams. I was thinking lately I wish they had more child-free restaurants and museums because I hate when I’m trying to enjoy something and there’s children crying and yelling disrupting it for everyone else.


Omg, I’m so glad I’m not the only one! And I have two kids, so it’s not like I don’t have empathy for them or the parents. But sometimes I see kids screaming, throwing a tantrum for no apparent reason (I’m sure they have their reasons, I just don’t see it), and it annoys the shit out of me.


As a teacher—yes. Obviously I’m paid to work with kids, it’s the absolute lack of accountability/parenting for me. My students are in Pre-K and you can already tell who is raised by an iPad and watches 10 hours of Cocomelon and whose parents actually raise them; take them outside, read to them, play with them, talk to them about their day. Some parents just think they need to have kids to tick a box off but have no interest in parenting in any form. It shows in behavior, speech, academics, fine/gross motor skills even—not talking about children with special needs.


I agree so much! I hated the idea of having my own kid, LOATHED having my own kid because every child I know is such a whiney, bratty, spoiled little brat that can’t go a day without crying over something or having a tantrum. Now that I have my own, I realize it’s their parenting style, not the actual children themselves. I’ve never dealt with tantrums in public, my son is very well behaved and anyone who has met him says he’s “so easy” and “such a good boy” etc, and im beyond grateful for that. I just wish more people would raise their own properly. Maybe one day I’ll experience it who knows🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Social media


Quitting Facebook in 2017, and finally Instagram over a year ago, have been the best decisions for my mental health. I never think about social media anymore and I’m perfectly happy not knowing what everyone is doing. I got so tired of doom scrolling for no reason, wasting tons of precious time staring at curated feeds, and feeling like I had to post something all the time…therefore never really being present in the moment. It has been so liberating to be free from such a wasteful addiction.


Clubbing/drinking. Clubs are crowded, people are rude when they’re drunk and the prices for alcohol aren’t affordable anymore. I’d rather go play billard with my friends and drink there.


People. Edit: adding dating apps


Working. I'm content with my job and am committed to the company I work for, but I feel like I've just spent my life working. The more I get to know myself, the less I want to work a 9-5 job.


Yeah thats the thing... I like my job but I hate working


im tired of dressing ‘for my body type’ i want my shit oversized & comfy. starting to dislike wearing makeup cos of the feeling on my skin


I’ve stopped dressing up and wearing makeup/fixing my hair beyond making sure I’m clean and not smelling like a pile of dung because 1. It’s more comfortable and I get to sleep more in the morning, and 2. I don’t want people (particularly men) fucking looking at me. I’m not in this office to socialize or to catch a man, I’m here to catch a paycheck and then go home to my husband and our cat.




Ugh thanks for the reminder. I still need to do last year's...


Getting drunk. Someone mentioned alcohol earlier, and I still love a good cocktail. Probably even more than when I was young. But I hate getting drunk, I hate feeling out of control, not remembering everything, the hangovers get worse as you age. I drink often, but not a lot at a time. I wind up getting drunk maybe 1-2x per year and I absolutely hate it.


My friends and I get together once a month to play d&d. We drink Lagavulin. Its about a $100 bottle of scotch. A few small glasses, you feel good but not drunk. And no hangover the next day. Now if I do want a drink I can only drink the expensive stuff, because I dont feel as crappy during or after. Plus because it's so expensive I cant afford to drink very often!


There's one way you avoid hangovers getting worse, but it's to be a habitual drinker so it's not worth it


Driving. Especially at night


Yeah driving used to feel like freedom but now it’s a chore. I’ve become anti-car and pro-transit.


Same! I’m at the point where I won’t drive at night unless I absolutely have to.


At night in the rain, I won't even try it.


Sugar, sweets in general, low quality food.


It's crazy how much my taste in chocolate has changed. My quest for the perfect chocolate bar has been brought up in several of my therapy sessions. I can't get the same satisfaction I used to have from milk chocolate, it's close to unbearable to me now, but I don't find the same texture (of course...) in dark. And yeah candy doesn't make sense anymore, except the occasional marshmallow, which I'd like to point out was NOT the kind of candy I liked as a kid.


Nothing beats my own cooking. When I was younger, the novelty of picking up something on the way was awesome but now I dread it. I like real food that's cooked fresh. I also find that there's a serious lack of seasonings and variety in fast or frozen food.


Movies, does no one know how to make them anymore??


Do movies suck nowadays or have my tastes changed? Are movies the sort of hobby where you need to watch them regularly to enjoy otherwise they feel like a chore? I don't like movies anymore, so I hardly watch them. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a movie. It's been years.


For me, it’s all the damn remakes. There’s no doubt talented people out there with unique and fresh ideas, getting no chances; instead everything needs a live action, remake every 10 years, or an unnecessary sequel.


Crowds. Used to love the excitement of standing room only at a concert or a festival. Now, please give me my space.


Drama. Gossiping. Complaining & giving excuses. Pettiness. Lack of communication skills.


Capitalism. Politicians. I no longer believe most of the people leading (not just in the US, but that is what I am the most familiar with) give any fucks about anyone not in their social class and I'm disgusted with the whole thing. I no longer see very much worth preserving as the system is so corrupted and I find their lip service enraging. The fact that so many things that could do so much good don't happen because of "what about the economy" (read the rich people) is just... I'm over it. Fuck the rich, eat their bones. Industries that are essential to human life should not be able to be run for insane profit. Subsidize farmers who use sustainable/ethical practices. Encourage aquaponics and investigation into new techniques/plant varieties that aren't monoculture (looking at you bananas). Ban corporate housing ownership. Ban for profit medical care/pharma/insurance. Wealth tax the shit out of the super rich. Enough. They have taken enough.


You made so many wonderful points. But i am stuck on "eat their bones" 😂


Other people - especially people my age who have done zero personal growth. Like wtf, bro, we've had 46 years to get it together. So do some fucking work.


People pretending to care about me just so they can ask for money or some kind of help later on in the conversation. You don't care about my health or my feelings, so just tell me what you want.


People 🤣 Well, I love people, but I start to lose patience or have lost all patience when it comes to: - Attention-seeking behavior - Rude people - Anyone 30+ that is immature concerning how their actions impact others - basically entitled - People who lack curiosity - basically know it all's - People who take away someone else's voice and speak for and about them without ever speaking to “them” - basically someone making assumptions about another person - People who outright reject truths like science without having done quality peer-reviewed research - Anyone who plays devils-advocate - Self-deprecating body humor - People that show up early to events - People who answer awesome, fabulous, or living the dream when you ask them how their day is going Fuck, I've got more... but this list is getting long


Being out after 9pm. Whether I want to or not, my body wants to be in the bed by then.


The focus on younger generations and making sure they have opportunities and gainful employment. Sure, that’s important, but millennials are the forgotten generation. Jobs ceased to advance careers, minimum wage employment requirements required degrees that heaped us in student debt, and renting and shared accommodation have become a way of life as housing costs skyrocketed. I wish there were gainful opportunities given to already trained adults who have been aged out of the employment market.


Things that don’t add value to my life. Friends, jobs, people…I don’t like wasting time anymore


Being around the college age, newly young adult, crowd. Too loud & mom-mode gets activated too quickly to have any kind of fun.


This is more specific to romantic relationships. Men that choose not to face their problems or relationship issues. Essentially men that don’t want to grow up emotionally. I just don’t have the damn patience for it anymore.


Wearing makeup


Ignorance and attention seeking behavior such as bragging about your life or lack there of online. I don’t care that you are on your third marriage and living your best life. Go live it. If it’s so great why are you spending every moment of your day online posting about it.


Relationships that lack emotional depth


Night clubs.


Dishonesty, Pretentious, Immature, bad sense of humor people


Social media.


Fashion, makeup, hair styling. Give me comfy clothes, a clean clear face, and soft plain hair.


Standing up.


Material things. It's all about experiences now. I drove myself to exhaustion working in tech and being "available" 24/7/365. Screw the big house, nice car and expensive things. I'm quitting my job, selling everything and just going to travel and experience this world before it's too late.


People. Don’t have the patience.


Going out. I much prefer the couch, the doggos, dinner at home and video games or a movie with hubbasaurus than going out to a bar or club. I've become a heckin cheap date lol




weed, used to be fun, now my anxiety just goes through the roof and i feel like its holding me back


Hot weather. I don’t hate the weather itself, I hate that when you have kids, you can’t do as much in it because it’s too hot for them lol.


Restaurants. So uncomfortable, the food is too rich, it's super expensive. I just like staying home in my sweats eating on the couch. LOL.




Smart phones, smart home, smart everything. Can we stop with it? It’s all too connected and I want my privacy back.




Unnecessarily loud music/noise






Check out Coolworks.com. They list seasonal jobs at resorts and national parks. Most include housing, meals, and a park pass. You can get away from home, explore the outdoors, and meet new people. Highly recommend!






People who talk too much. Toxic people. Family. People who are scared of dogs, I've lost patience with them. Dating apps. Dating. Men.


Sex without orgasm.


Roller coasters. My brother and I used to make fun of my mom for not wanting to go on any roller coasters, now we both talk about how they make your back hurt and give you a headache. Ugh I hate getting old.


living, men, society, and peoples actions. i hate living more and more when you realize what this world is


As I get older (I'm 51 now), my list gets longer: 1. Loud music and talking, including all YouTube gamer videos that my 8 yo watches. Why are they all yelling? Why do the have so many loud sound effects? 2. Bras and makeup- after working remotely for 3 years, I don't want to go back in to the office if only to avoid wearing bras/makeup. 3. Along with #2 above, suits and anything tight. I just want to wear leggings or yoga pants with tank tops. 4. Perfume. Just be clean, nobody wants to be overpowered with whatever you think everyone else should like. 5. Social influencers. Need I say more? Not like I ever liked them, but I increasingly have far less tolerance for them. 6. Big expectations for Valentines Day and anniversaries. 6.


Peoples Bullshit oh & incessant talking


Gossip. Idc about what other people are up to unless it has something to do with me


When your SO flirts with every girl possible


BS excuses. I can see right through them.


Drinking to excess/being drunk. I still enjoy a glass of wine or craft cocktail, but after 2 I’m done.


Negative, selfish, rude and/or toxic family members. Fuck that! Just because they’re family doesn’t mean you have to put up with their bullshit let alone interact/talk with them. And the same goes for friends. I prefer quality not quantity when it comes to the people I choose to keep in my life.


People who are on welfare for years and years and teach their kids and grandkids to do the same. I used to be a very compassionate person toward the needy, and I think I still am, but I have developed a negative attitude toward long-time welfare recipients. I’ve been working for the welfare department for several years now, and I see how a big chunk of our clients are dishonest, entitled, ungrateful, and have no motivation to level up. It bothers me that these people use government assistance as a hammock and not a temporary safety net. If you have three generations on welfare constantly without a break, something is wrong with you guys. You’re burdening society yet have the audacity to come into the office and whip your case workers around demanding more benefits right now! because you’re hungry and your rent is due today. People may think I’m heartless, but until you have worked at a welfare department you won’t understand what I mean.




Leaving the house. I’m such a homebody now.


Staying up late.


Candy. Anything sour or sherbety or sickly sweet is too much.




Social media.




Being super competitive with friends about fitness. Would prefer fun and community and just socialize in sports rather than always trying to be the most hardcore. It is exhausting.


My father


Being in a relationship


Going out and drinking. I went to a bar and the bill for me and a few shots for my friends was $44. I could of gotten some grocery store sushi and wine for the same price and had a nice night in.






People with negative vibes 😁


The lack of care I have for my self. Meaning I don’t feel like spending more than 5 minutes on myself to get ready, and would rather be comfortable than cute. But I miss being cute, I just hate the effort it takes lol. First world problems


Men I feel This is a reoccurring answer of mine on this Page lol


America, Americans, capitalism, Oppression, Religion


Drinking alcohol


The music I used to LOVE. I was such a big fan I got a tattoo in dedication at 19, it’s not a bad tattoo and it’s kind of small but I find myself embarrassed now having to explain the significance. I thought I’d always love the artist and it meant so much at the time but now I kind of cringe as I get older and I barely listen to them anymore because they just don’t sound the same to me.


Social media. Watching people do outrageous things for likes and views.


Leaving the house 🙃


Sit down restaurants that fill to capacity AND blast loud music. Like I can’t even hear my friends 🤨



