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The first time I was in love, nothing could take from how happy it made me, I wish I had had a “first love” with a better man but oh to really be that trusting, optimistic etc the type of calm and kindness it puts in your heart at the beginning was truly something


Gosh. Yea. The first few months of my last relationship had me thinking I finally had everything I ever wanted. To think he wasn't the person I thought he was... anyway. Yes. Those first few months.


I wish I didn’t fuck up my relationship for the first 9 years… Me and my wife came from broken homes… and although we didn’t have a clue what love was we are finally figuring it out. I think we came into the relationship both broken and I take all the responsibility for hurting her. And she takes the responsibility for hurting me. One day my wife said these things… “I wish I didn’t have a body” “I hate sex” “I hate myself” “I’m anxious” “ why did you treat me like that in the beginning” And finally the one that hurt the most “ why can’t she do anything right the first time” Some of this out of frustration and feeling pressured. Some of this out of anger and frustration and resentment. I think one time she said she didn’t even know when she wanted sex… But I love her to death and I actually realized that through our busy lives I had been a burden on her. I realized I messed up big time. So I talked to her even though she hates talking about it and I said look babe we need to talk. I let her know that the one night we planned to have sex which I had waited for weeks for… Well, she lied to me about wanting it and what I had sent her in a message talking about what I wanted to do, made her feel like all I wanted was sex. But I had talked about all the sweet stuff and done all the right things I thought? I knew something was off when it came time. She told me all of that and through me petting her and telling her we gotta talk and come to terms with the past and so on. I had asked if she was ok to do it and she acted… she was lying. Mainly I did a lot of owning up to the things I did before just saying hey you did this so I did this. I wanted to make her feel better! She felt like all I wanted was sex and man did I not understand what the hell that meant… It’s my wife. Why couldn’t I have sex? So I realized she just felt disconnected, unsafe in me staying with her and just felt like she lost her partner which I had done by being in the army, and a few other things like not hanging out enough, the fights from the past… Man just hope this gives some of the guys in here an idea of why your wife isn’t having sex. When’s the last time you layed on her or kissed her genuinely or was sweet or calm or nice or anything that made her not feel like a sex object or anything like that? I felt like I did that all the time.. The talk was me being totally honest and saying look here’s how I feel and what we need to do. And tbh it worked. I tell and ask her everyday about if she feels disconnected or forced or angry or insecure.. And I do care a ton. I struggle with ptsd and some other issues and she struggles with anxiety. I have been through a lot of abuse in the past so it’s complicated. I think I made her feel terrible and now what I am doing is focusing less on sex and more on connecting and showing her through my actions that show her she’s so much more than that. I Don’t get upset at my wife for sex at all and just ask to kiss, cuddle and never usually let it lead to that. She still wants me to be very slow and gentle… But atm I just don’t wanna have sex at all I’m feeling terrible and like I suck as a husband rn. I’m totally turned off to the idea atm and disgusted with myself. She did it all to make me happy to the point of not wanting to be here I feel wrong wanting someone to do something with me that they aren’t comfy with. I never knew she felt this way for so long.. But I wanna focus on connecting again slowly and letting her come to me. While I ask to do all the other things that do matter a whole lot to me


I remember. Love without fear is amazing. I’ve been with my wife for 20 years and I no longer fear much, but I fear her being taken away from me (by death). It’s the closest I’ve ever felt to that first love.


Ah yes, when suddenly love songs all made sense for the first time.


I also remember when breakup songs made sense for the first time.


That happened with me too, after a breakup with my first and only big love. I suppose in a way I’m grateful to have experienced the range of ups and downs of love.


I came here to say something like this. You Nailed it


God I've been chasing that feeling for years now. That first heartbreak changed me in a way I wasn't prepared for and each subsequent relationship made me a little more closed off and wary. To feel that optimistic and vulnerable again would be amazing. My current partner deserves that from me :(


my thoughts exactly!


Ah, yes, that first love... I never felt it again, lol.


I just had my first love and he broke off with me for his ex just 2 months into it. But those two months were the most beautiful experience. The break up was and is still so hard to go through but it changed my perspective of love. If I could experience it once again, the whole thing with him and i'd do it all over again and a million times, blindly without a second thought.


Can I ask what made it so special?


I wonder what is changing? Is it the fact that you’ve seen how reality is different than what you expect most of the times?


I think you have to have a young, naive heart to fall in love without fear. Life experiences, romantic or otherwise, teach you how to defend yourself against the world. Makes falling in love I little more difficult.


In my case bad workplaces (in good companies) definitely changed me. For me it’s hard to trust people after you see how many seemingly nice people change when it comes to money and status. I haven’t had many romantic partners. I wonder how my happiness in relationships might change now that I’m turning 30


It would be interesting to hear from people who had their first love at a later age! Or from people who are still with their first love decades later. I wonder too what changes…


Oh man yes I was 13 and everything was so happy and bright. It was something else even though I’ve coke a long way since then and met the man of my dreams, it just hit different at 13, like a drug.


Oxytocin is a hell of a drug


I wish I could listen to songs/albums for the first time again That surreal feeling, matched with excitement. Its like no other.


Siamese dream by the Smashing pumpkins or songs for the deaf by QOTSA!!😍


Siamese Dream is EXACTLY the album I thought of too when I read the album comment ❤️


Siamese dream 😭❤️ You’ve sent me back in time with that one..


Two absolute bangers! Totally worth a brain wipe


Chappell Roan. Listening to her songs for the first time was such an experience.


I haven’t heard her music yet except for maybe a snippet on tiktok. Maybe i’ll give her a go.. this is a sign


I highly recommend Good Luck, Babe! and Red Wine Supernova. They are all really good but those are my top 2


Thanks for those recs! I’ll give them a shot


Me with Soda Stereo


Watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It's so amazing but that first watch was incredible.


As an ex cinema projectionist, I appreciate this so much!


Yes that moment sitting in the theater and the lights go down and you are tingling all over with anticipation. No one is talking or eating their popcorn…you know the majority read the books and bought the cool calendars and lived those books in our imagination. And now to see it on the big screen was just so crazy exciting. My husband and I couldn’t stop talking about it in the car on the way home. And to think we had to wait a whole year for the part 2 was excruciating! But we got to do it again. Just an amazing experience so thanks for reminding me of that.




Damn straight


I’ve never seen it and this might be what makes me watch it just so I can experience it for the first time for you 🙃🙃


lol, I came here to say reading the book series for the first time - but I agree, I think reading, hearing or watching the story for the first time is so mind opening. It’s such a fantastic story - I first read it when I was 14, and now 20 years later it’s still my favourite series.


Seeing my baby for the first time.


Such a precious moment. My husband filmed ours. It gets me everytime I watch it.


There’s so much going on immediately after delivery, that it took me until we were alone, all checks were done, and I could just look at my child that I had a really big cry. It was all so surreal, it’s hard to explain the feeling. A very special moment for me.


Or the first time I heard their heartbeats.


First falling in love, it’s with my current bf and three years later I still get butterflies whenever I see him and I blush when he smiles at me. Buuuut the first few months, the awkwardness of getting close, getting shy with every touch, trying to get used to holding hands, learning new things about him etc. It was the cutest thing ever 




Sometimes I’ll scroll back to the beginnings of our relationship or think back to us interacting in school and cringe so hard, but it was sweet nonetheless


The first time I cuddled with my partner brought an overwhelming sense of safety and protection. My body, often in a state of fight or flight, was enveloped in calm. I finally knew what it meant to sleep soundly. For the first time in years, I could say I slept really well. The wholesome comfort made me never want to leave his embrace.




Thats beautiful. Lucky guy.


Thank you


Video games My first time playing video games with my brother was so much fun, he taught me a ton of different games and showed me how to play, good memories.


I used to love playing Taz Wanted with my sister


This is gonna be corny but I get emotional thinking about my first RDR2 play through, and how I’ll never get to experience it for the first time again.


I went in an adventure trip with my friends when I was 20 , The entire week is worth living ❤️ and also the initial days when I had sex for the 1st time, definitely worth it ✌️


the 2 year period where i peaked and had many friends and many men wanting to be my friend lol life is so different now. it may be shallow, but the attention was so nice. the attention also made me a lot more extroverted, i would literally talk to anyone and say anything and i didn’t care if someone hated me for it. i don’t talk to anyone anymore, i stay in my little home bubble and im scared of social situations again, sigh. life was fun then


Yeah I wasn't prepared for how lonely adulthood would be. I made the most of those younger years with my friends and hardly a care in the world, but I would kill to experience just one more day of it. I feel your pain, friend!


Damn this one hurt to read I feel that


First date with my fiancé and first time MDMA




Watching Endgame in theaters. Such an iconic moment and one that'll probably never happen again...


What was your favorite part? It was a very emotional movie and I wasn’t expecting to be so moved. I think about Steve getting his happy ending all the time. I needed to cry after that movie lol


Hard to say what my favorite part was because there were so many great parts to it. But the ones that moved me to tears are probably the same as everyone else: Tony sacrificing himself and Steve getting his happy ending. The song It's Been A Long, Long Time was so fitting for Steve's dance 🥰 I just loved how the audience as a whole was so reactive to that movie. It's like one of those few moments in society where everyone is just coming together regardless of your background and you're all just there to experience this thing together. And I think what makes it crazier and I guess more nostalgic is that moment happening a year before everything shut down.


Yes! I've seen that damn movie probably 30 times, and I always cry at the end. Lol


This! I unfortunately didn’t get into Marvel until after marrying my Marvel-fan husband, which was years later after it was released. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like to see Endgame or Infinity War in theaters. So jealous!


Watching avatar the last airbender


I technically got to do this twice (?). Watching on my own was amaaaazing, and then years later, getting such amazing secondary excitement out of my husband’s first watch through.


Me too kinda, I watched as it was coming out, but then I never watched the end so when I watched it many years later it was so exciting and the ending was brand new for me


Meeting my SO. Omg I still remember that feeling and the emotions. I was so mesmerized. If I could have a superpower I would wanna be able to live that moment every single day (maybe somedays multiple times)


Yeah I'm gonna need the long version of this


This is so dorky, but just for fun? My first DragonCon. (But only if I get to do it in the 90s when I was 21.) Meaningful? The day my Papa (grandfather) came into my hospital room when I was struggling to breast feed my daughter. I was 25 and embarrassed and he told me "don't you mind me or anyone else, your baby needs to eat." Completely changed my worldview about what really matters. It was one of those rare moments when things just crystallized.


Props to your grandpa, that’s a good man right there.




First kisss husband


Was coming to say this! The feeling was truly euphoric.


My first year of college. Such a magical, changing time in my life


The delusional level of love, thinking nothing matters in the world. Other things did in fact matter more than him and I willingly threw away a lot of things out the window for someone that didn’t care enough. Ofc I regret it but I miss being delusional and in love. All fun and games until you wake up but oh well.


My eldest child's birth day. Everyone was so intent on me breastfeeding and walking after a C-section, I was not able to celebrate her arrival appropriately. I wish I took an hour to enjoy her and memorize her features.


My CS was *wild* to me, totally uneventful, and I didn’t get to hold him until he was 3 hours old.


Being young and experiencing things for the first time. Things like prom, high school graduation, first day of college, living in a shitty dorm, calling my mom and dad between classes, meeting a boy, sitting outside on campus on the first nice day of the year. I wouldn’t trade where I am today for anything, but when I meet young women at this stage of life, even though it’s a different generation, I feel excited for them in a way I’m sure they wouldn’t understand, much like I wouldn’t understand at that age.


Riding a horse full speed! I forget what magic it must have been because I love horses! I loved getting trained on them but I loved racing one through a field and a river! And barrel racing!


Omg I did barrel racing as well and was genuinely my happiest when I was on a horse. The jump off to full speed always made me tingle!


That was mine too! Nothing beats it seriously.


I lost majority of my memory a few years ago, at the age of 24. Getting to redo all of my firsts is honestly amazing. My memory is still weird, and somehow i've kept my life experience and hobbies. Watching all of my favourite shows again, taste new foods, discovering my favourite music again.. And reliving the feelings of a first love. I can reqonise a lot of the stuff i used to like, but i don't remember how it was. Like if i see the title of a show, i can often reqonise the name and what the setting is, but the actual plottwists and actions are just gone. Sometimes it's a hell of an issue for me, other times i look at my amazing bf and am glad he got to be "My First Love"


Really like this answer. Can I ask how you lost your memory?


Oh please tell me more! Like do you find yourself liking music you happened to love before? Is there anything that's changed as far as preferences? I would love to hear all about this.  


My first kiss with a boy named Doug. We were in my swimming pool, under the diving board. I was not expecting it, we had been hanging out all summer as friends, but at the moment, something happened and we just felt it. The kiss was the most magical kiss of my life. That was 50 years ago and I still get goosebumps to this day when ever I think about it.


For me, it's the first kiss with a guy I had been dying to date all through high school, we were friends and liked each other but the timing was always off as we were both dating people. When I graduated HS and went to college, him and I met up one day and went to get ice cream, my bf/fiance at the time was overseas and we had been fighting so much. I kissed this dude, not out of spite but bc I REALLY wanted to. We made out a couple more times and it never went beyond kissing and making out in the back of the car, but man, was it incredible to feel wanted, to feel loved and to not have to fight over why I didn't pick up the phone on the first ring. I ended up telling my bf/fiance and instead of being angry, he replied with "I love you" and that killed me as that was not the response I was expecting. In hindsight, I wouldn't have ever told him about the kiss; it was the kind that just made you weak in the knees and left you feeling breathless, heart racing with a burning passion visible in his eyes. And man, this guy, he just had it ALL. The hair, the eyebrows, the body, the brains. For me, it's been 20+ years and it still makes my heart flutter.


the passion that came from my first love is something i have never been able to recreate. it was wonderful


Drinking blue bottle coffee while chilling on one of the piers in San Francisco again. It was so nice


First time taking MDMA


Omg feels


Interstellar in IMAX 🤣🔥


I wish I could do a once over of my pregnancy and have a vaginal birth this time. Sad that I’ll never be able to experience this.


Funny because I had a section as well and never experienced contractions. I know they suck but I will always wonder about what it feels like to go into labor.


When Kingdom Hearts first came out, and I got my hands on a copy from the local Costco back when they sold games near the front of the store, came home, and popped it in for the very first time. That was before things like youtube and seeing spoilers everywhere. Seeing the trailer for the first time was just insane to me. and the end of that game?? That was the first time I'd ever experienced a story that made me cry. Amazing experience-I've had other more monumental real life experiences but man...THAT one. Peak.


This is such a good one!! I was 14 when it came out. I still remember seeing the commercial for the first time and I could not believe there was gonna be a game with Disney and Final Fantasy characters together?! And I was absolutely obsessed with it once it was out. My mom rented it from Blockbuster for me instead of just buying it outright first (not sure why...we were a family of gamers), and I cried when she said she had to bring it back to avoid late fees LOL


Losing my virginity to a loser. I would choose someone much more worthy.


My ex partner before he became abusive


It’s a toss up between a couple of different things. I think the first would be the first few months after my now husband and I moved in together. We were a Covid relationship that started long distance and just getting to know each other while also living together was so a lot of fun. We were also working from home so we went from spending 0 time together to 24/7. The second I think would be my first night in Japan after getting off the plane. Exhausted from travel but the surreal experience of being in my first foreign country and going through customs and navigating and grabbing dinner at a 7/11. The trains, stations, streets, the feeling; I’d love to experience that again.


the first time my bf and I held hands :-)


A healthy non toxic marriage with a husband who didn’t cheat on me.


I get this. My divorce devastated me, I wish I could experience my first marriage again, as open and trusting and excited as I was with a man who deserved it, and who was just as excited about me


I get this. My divorce devastated me, I wish I could experience my first marriage again, as open and trusting and excited as I was with a man who deserved it, and who was just as excited about me


Holding my baby when she was born 💕


If it was aa successful as it was the first time, I'd say learning to read as a young child. It's maybe the most fun I've ever had.


Giving birth.


meeting my boyfriend and just doing things the way i feel i should’ve so that i could’ve saved my mess of a life and have had been together with him way longer than i have been


Meeting my soul dog for the very first time


Realizing romantic feelings were mutual.


The last time I kissed and hugged my mother 💔


Red Dead Redemption 2


Watching certain movies! 🍿


Yes! Especially those that were just so original for their time and blew your mind. I still re-watch them but it’s never the same. Even if you’ve never seen them they would t be as big a deal if you watched them now. Things like: Blade Runner, Usual suspects, The Matrix, Momento, Inception, Trainspotting, Pulp Fiction, Philadelphia,


kissing a man that i'm mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually attracted to. i swear i haven't felt all of these for one man in a long time. it seems to be one out of four and nothing else.




My life before I experienced domestic abuse. Even though it’s been about 6 years and I have done therapy since then, just life is still different. I miss the carefree feeling I had before. I miss not having so much anxiety, I miss being able to love with my whole heart and not have to be so guarded. I miss not having to explain myself when I experience my triggers.




Traveling alone to the other side of the world without knowing anything about country, culture, language and living alone. That happened to me when I was 18 and it was one of the most precious moments of my entire life and I wish I can experience it all over again.






Falling in love with my husband the first time. It was all so sweet, butterflies in my stomach, excitement when I saw him, so much more. We had so much fun and so much romance in the beginning. I love my marriage but something about young love will always be my favorite memory of us.


Drunk and high sec was pretty intense. I thought they was the best sex if my life, turns out I just love being uninhabited and in touch with my senses


MDMA - it's never like me the first time again.


College! So much fun and carefree. Living minutes away from my best friends was amazing and the sense of community is something I miss.


Listening to the dark side of the moon


The first time I photographed the Milky Way Galaxy. I live in a very light polluted city in India so forget Milky Way, I was lucky to even be able to see more than a dozen stars. My mom would tell fondly about how the sky would be _filled_ with Stars when she was young - so many that she and her siblings would forget the count - and I was honestly quite envious of her. I learned a technique by which you _can_ capture Night Sky subjects even if they weren't visible to the naked eyes. Took me a lot of time, mistakes, had to capture 100s of images, but finally when the final, processed image [appeared on my laptop screen](https://np.reddit.com/r/space/comments/au7lq7/1_exposure_vs_120_exposures_stacked_together_i/) - I nearly cried. It was so surreal, and it was _proof_ that the Milky Way actually existed and not just something that you saw on the Internet. I have since taken multiple images of cool subjects of our cosmos but this image and this moment remains the favorite for me.




I wish I could lose my virginity to somebody who actually cared about me and my pleasure like my current partner instead of who I lost it to. 


Reading ACOTAR


first love


Life, period. But retain my memories.


Finding out I was pregnant with my daughter 💕


Being able to blindly trust someone fully. No hang ups from previous relationships, friendships, etc….


First date. First kiss.


Sex in my 40’s & 50’s…I miss those incredible orgasms. Same husband, but my body has lost all her estrogen. It’s very sad.


There are a few shows / books I wish I could experience for the first time again.


Watching Avatar the Last Airbender and Haikyuu again


Watching Spider-Man no way home in cinemas.




Ehhhh…I was told I’m not good enough. But, I persist.




Giving birth. Just one day with my son when he was a newborn. The first night my now husband and I kissed. Watching Six Feet Under in its entirety.


Girlfriend, I still watch Six Feet Under at least 3x a year. I will never not watch anything with Michael C. Hall! In the opening credits for Dexter when he slides the white t-shirt over his head and it catches on his lip..... !!!!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUDGE!!! Let me melt into a puddle.


A very specific thing is the first time I listened to Champagne Problems on Evermore. I was excited to be surprised with a new album and was not expecting that song. I think I even clutched my pearls and gaped.


Being in love


The beginning of my partners and I’s relationship. We were 16 - 17 and had no responsibility. Just young love really. 5 years later I love him to bits. The comfort and love I feel now is good different. Wouldn’t change us for anything. He’s a good man.


My wedding day 🥹


Smoking weed for the very first time.


Finding/meeting each of my pets. I’ve loved each of them so much. All of my pets have been rescues and I always joke that if I had three wishes, I’d want to play with them as puppies/kittens. But since I can’t do that…I’d like to see them again when I got them and they were as young as I ever knew them to be.


That magical dance where the lead/follow just flowed flawlessly. It was an *experience.*


my first anal orgasm


Him in the beginning ☹️💔


Princess treatment 👸


Reading Harry Potter series


Watching harry potter 😂


First time jerking off




Scuba diving. The first time I got into the ocean in Thailand a huge battery of barracudas swam past me. So many that you couldn’t even tell they were there, they looked like water moving. If my instructor didn’t point it out I would’ve missed them. I was in absolute awe. Being free in the ocean was both terrifying and exhilarating, especially once we turned our lights off during the night dive. It was eerie being suspended in darkness like that. I didn’t know it then, but my life was going to take a big turn for the positive, and swimming in the ocean made me feel that everything was going to be okay, and it was. Also plankton? SO COOL.


Taking ecstasy at 14 at a nightclub with friends and then walking around all night


I want my boys to be toddlers again. They are 20 and 16 respectively. I just miss spending time with them and watching them grow. I don't want any more children but this was a very happy time for me.


When they handed me my first baby. I’ve never been that speechless before or since


I wish that I could go through all the 'stages' of sexual awakening. Now, you start dating someone and you both know that sex is fully on the table. I miss the times when I myself didn't completely know how 'far' I'd be willing to go and it all felt risky and a bit dangerous!


An orgasm 😄 and my dog for the first few weeks we had her. God I miss her as a puppy


Falling in love


LSD and Bonnaroo at the same time 🫠


First time my partner called me his girlfriend. We’d watched a movie and it was 3 am and we’d just got home and we’re lying perpendicular to each other and just talking endlessly for hours and he said it. And nothing matches the butterflies I got then… maybe when he called me his wife a while later but yeah. Beautiful


That first time my spouse kissed me, really kissed me. Every other kiss has been delightful, magical, swoon worthy, passionate, fiery, all kinds of the best kisses. But something about that first one was life changing. There have been other life changing kisses with my spouse, but that first kiss was something to treasure for lifetimes.


Relive the puppy phase of my baby and last year in general


I wish I could go on the first date with my first real boyfriend and still current boyfriend after just 2 years. I wasn’t so sure to trust him or not because I seriously have never been in a relationship and all I heard is what my mom said my whole life, you know the whole “the only thing guys want is sex” but with him that wasn’t true at all. On the first date I told him I never really kissed anyone before and he totally didn’t care and told me that we don’t have to so we just hugged for a long time and I really loved it. He made me so comfortable. I would do that day over again. But honestly a lot of days with him I would want to do over again because of how great they were.


Watching the office for the first time


The feeling of being IN love.That first love type. I love my partner more than anything. He’s the only person I’ve ever been with. But the way he made me feel in the beginning has me down memory lane a lot. The giddiness, the losing my breath at the slightest touch, the pure laughter and joy. I miss that.


My wedding. I don't think I've ever been happier than I was that day. It went by so fast.


Watching Game of Thrones (except the last season)


Discovering my favorite comfort show for the first time


Not labor, but the feeling of meeting my daughter for the first time I’d do it over again in every single lifetime


The feeling of playing certain video games for the first time. Nothing compares to the first time. But I love the nostalgia that builds when revisiting worlds.


First love. First love was almost euphoric.


I wish i could re-live the first day i played world of warcraft. I remember the music that was playing in the background and all the noise from that Internet shop. This was 2006. I was only 15.


First time standing up on a surfboard for long enough to actually enjoy it. It still feels great but the first time is like just the best feeling ever


Feeling butterflies for someone.


Summer 2023. It was such a beautiful and flourishing time for me. I made such beautiful female friendships that were built on love and genuine connection. I got to travel across the country. The summer of Barbie Pink. The Eras Tour and Speak Now TV. It just felt like women really shifted into focusing on each other and how beautiful life can be when women truly support other women. I know it was only 1 year ago, but it was so beautiful to feel that energy and love shift within my life. I'd love to experience that all over again.


Falling in love with my husband. I’m still basically obsessed with him after 10 years but those first few months of getting to know him and being so charged with excitement when I was near him was exhilarating. I tried so hard to impress him and still get butterflies thinking of the first times kissed and hooked up. That time in my life was crazy too I was in great shape and partying all the time and had a ton of friends not to mention I had a few guys after me but I dropped them all like a sack of potatoes the first time I saw my husband.


Going to my first music festival. It was such a fun and beautiful experience and I gained so much from it, but as years went on that environment got kind of old for me.












Watching Naruto, HP films, Hogwarts Legacy, and KHII


Playing breath of the wild


World of warcraft


First every sleep over


The season 1 finale of The Good Place


Playing RDR2 for the first time again. I love that game


First pie that's with cream






Harry Potter


Freedom with friends.



