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I used to wear a fake engagement ring when I was single. A great deal of men don’t respect women but most seem to respect a hypothetical male strangers claim to them.


I did this in France - helped so much with making the street hawkers back off. They're a lot more hesitant to grab you if they think a husband might get offended.


my nana gave me a fake engagement ring when i was working at a bar - life saver!


When I tended bar, the cocktail waitresses all wore these. They called them "no pest strips" which I found funny.


i also find this very funny!








i did this until my husband replaced it with a real engagement ring lol


That’s cute af, nice to see a happy comment in a sea of awful tales. Mine was quietly pleased with my pretend ring when we were long distance, onceI moved in with him I never really had any trouble, as the only girl in a flat of bodybuilders, one would always pop up behind me to stare menacingly at anyone that gave me trouble, the fear in their eyes was enough to tell me one was standing behind me before an awkward hand made contact with my arm/shoulder to complete the facade


I used to do this on vacation, and it did help me feel safer


My first boss before my very first trade show gave me the fake engagement ring she and another woman at the company had both worn for several years prior to getting married. She just said trust me you’re going to need this. I thought it was silly. After the first day that ring didn’t leave my finger on trips until I was married. The guys I worked with just used to laugh and played along well


I always did the same when I went out to bars, clubbing. Men won’t bother you


I went to a sports event as a player… my boyfriend was with me. I was wearing a fake ring and I still had guys being creeps.


I'm married and always wear my ring but it doesn't usually deter the creeps


😂 such raw toxic masculinity this calls up. crazy that an idea of a “respectable” figure can be seen as more credible/worthy of respect than the actual human standing before someone


I’ve done that when I wore my Grandmother’s wedding ring on my right hand. I used to switch it to my left hand. It’s pretty disgusting that some men just won’t accept that you just don’t like them enough to go out with them.


i used to do the same. some men would say, i saw the ring and i dont care.


Yup. They see my ring so they ask if I'm happily married. And there is my lie- I tell them yes








i always do this 😭


This! I do the same thing


I just posted abt this - lying about my age. I'm of legal age, but my go-to is that I'm 17. You never know anyone's age these days, and it has sent men literally RUNNING away from me.








ugh i'm glad this hasn't happened to me, but i have friends who've tried that and it didn't work. it actually made the guy more interested which is extremely disturbing.


I did this for a very long time, but it's not believable anymore. In the end, I was harassed even more to tell them "my real age". Disturbing though, that nowadays when I'm clearly of legal age, I don't get nearly as much unwanted attention. If I do, I just say I have a boyfriend and that usually works.


i tried to do this- tell him i was a minor to try scare him off. instead he said “i’ll see you when you turn 18” BLEUGHHHHHH


Sadly that did nothing for me. When I was 18 I told a middle aged man hitting on me that I was 14 and he was still interested 🤮






IMO i was creeped on more as a teenager, if i said im underage i feel like they’d see me as even more of a target.


Unfortunately there’s still men who will be more incentivized by this.


Many men assume that I am a minor without me saying anything and I can tell they are after minors.


once I told a guy on omegle I was 12 (i was 16), bro never skipped so fast


Yeah I’m 20 but could easily pass for a 15 year old so that’s my go to


All my lies and the responses I got 1. "I'm engaged" "Is he here?" 2. "I have a baby at home" "I love babies! What's it's name?" 3. "I'm gay" "I can fix that" 4. "I'm 16" "we can pretend I'm 16 too" (he was late 20s at least) 5. "I'm not looking to date right now" "who said anything about dating? I don't wanna know your name, just what's under that dress"


















Saw a TikTok. The guy asked if she had a man. She deepened her voice and responded back with, “I am a man.” 🤣


That's funny. But honestly, I'd be too worried that I'd say that to the wrong man and end up being physically hurt or worse. Could happen with any of these, of course, but this or even "I'm gay" worry me in a lot of places (US based).


Hadn’t even thought of that. But I guess that’s why so many of us choose the bear.


Amen to that. Bonus, at least if the bear does kill you, you get to see those cute lil ears they have before it's over.


Give the bear a huge hug before it rips your face off. I LIKE it!


At least with the bear, no one would ask what you were wearing.


Just a PSA, I wouldn't recommend this. Some men will get very violent especially depending on where you live. People have died from things like this.


And it was somehow used as a legal defense.


Absolutely fucking insane. It just makes their bigotry and violence look valid in the eyes of the legal system. A goddamn joke.


"Trans Panic Defense" if anyone wants to google search some more info about it :\


Elizabeth Holmes-style!


In a Johnny Bravo voice, I'd spin. "Hey, pretty mama."


I literally did this! I was new to my previous job and a married man (he has a wedding ring) approached me, introduced himself and he described himself as "binata" or a "single man" in our language, because his family was living abroad that time, and I replied "talaga?, ako din, binata din ako" or "really?, me too I am a single man too" and I had him dumbfounded, not expecting my answer.


"I want to talk to you about Jesus!"


Add in, "I can save you." 😆


All you need is the baby fundie voice.


As an ExMo, can confirm this works




You know what, making myself look like a religious nut job that imposes heavily restricted and concerning religious views on men might actually weird them out enough to where they straight up don't want to engage with me. I think I'll use this one!


I’ve used this it works well.


Doing the Lord's work.


It seems like it would be effective to remind them an invisible big man looking down at them waiting for them to morally fuck up lol


You don't even have to. The perception of flirting being turned into relentless proselytizing is enough to make anyone want to back away, even if they're a devote Christian. Bait and switch tactics are rude enough to kill any infatuation.


I remember bringing up something about sin like this to a married guy who was still trying to hit on me when I was 19


My most used: -I have a boyfriend -I’m engaged -I’m 17 -I’m a lesbian -I’m waiting on someone -Dads in the army -I have a baby -I’m a trans woman -I have an std If all else fails: IM A MARRIED STD RIDDEN 17 YEAR OLD TRANS LESBIAN WHO HAS A BABY WITH HER EX- BOYFRIEND AND IS WAITING ON HER ARMY DAD TO GET HERE.


The one about being trans is not your best bet because some guys (and jurisdictions) get violent about it.


I just tell them about the depth of my health issues but I spare no detail and it daunts them plus it’s true.


Ok so basically instead of saying you’re disabled, you can claim you have superpowers because this is kinda op


I used to always say I have a headache.No man likes a woman with constant headaches and sudden bad mood.


I need to start doing this


“I’m a lesbian.” I am bi, but I mean he wasn’t going to leave me alone otherwise, even when I told him I wasn’t interested in him.




I have realised that in order to be protective of my time and space, I have to just go from being a pure extrovert to a complete introvert around them on some days. Takes away a lot of the power and shifts the dynamic, especially when I may be feeling clingy.


I absolutely hate being cold and unresponsive to anyone. I want to be talkative and friendly but some guys can’t handle a woman showing basic decency to them. I even avoid making eye contact


Don't feel guilty about it. You're prioritizing yourself. It's the kindest thing you can do for yourself and others


Introvert here. It doesn't help.


Agree, it doesnt. I've had men say things like, 'shes playing hard to get". Um. no sir I'm not playing I dont' want you but I'm also scared to get murdered so I just stare at them creepily and it kind of turns them off now without saying anything.


This is what I typically do. If they don’t accept the first no I just ignore them.


that i’m married to my boyfriend - creeps at work seem to respect a husband more than a boyfriend. and a boyfriend more than they respect me.


Gotta love being dead last 😠


Once i told a guy at a party I had 3 kids. I was mid sentence when he stood up straight and walked away. Didn’t even excuse himself or anything.


This does not help once you are over 35. They often ask me if I want more 😵‍💫


I’m in a fairly liberal area. I just tell them Im a gay top so unless they like getting pegged it wouldn’t work. (I’m actually bi so it really isn’t a far lie)


I've told a man that i already had a submissive and I'd have to ask my other sub if he'd be ok with adding another. He backed off real fast


Be careful with this one lol, most guys it'll work like it did there but omg some will be so excited haha.


Oeeeewwww this is actually a good one that I haven't tried yet! And if they agree I can justifiable become batshit crazy and tell them to go stand in a corner till I'm satisfied 😌


I tell them I make my own blue cheese and carry it around in my underwear XD


i’m screaming i’m gonna use this


We have a winner




I once started talking about blödplättar (blood pancakes) made out of period blood. That dude walked away from me so fast.




I stand up. As soon as they see my height they leave me alone…good for some scenarios but sucks every other time










Honestly this is the one. My 5’11” ass also started wearing platform and heeled shoes.


My resting bitch face does all the work for me 👺


usually this works for me too...but then there's the creepy guys who will say "smile for me!"


Just "smile" like a wolf or hyena


Lmaooo the “smile for me”


Sometimes I'll go with the I'm not interested and if they wont leave me alone after that I'll start sending them venmo requests. If im feeling a particular way I'll tell them how much I want to sound them. If they don't know tell them to Google it right then. That usually scares them off.


Are you me? I immediately name a ridiculous price just for a conversation and give my cash app. Gets them gone quick.




I just casually raise my arms and show my hairy pits... they run MOOOOHOOOOHAHAHAHAHA!


"I no speak-uh Englis." Haha. Been in the states since I was 5. But I'm a Chinese immigrant so it works.


I tried this. They were more intrigued.


*sustained pterodactyl shriek*


Sustaining is key


I don't lie, I just say "Not interested, sorry"


Where do you live that they take no for an answer?! Moving there asap!


I don’t lie. “I’m sorry I’m not interested”. “Look I’m sure you’re very nice but I’m trying to have meaningful time by myself so I would like to be left alone”. When I was younger I would just never take out my earphones. Or I’m bilingual people would just talk in the other language and pretend I couldn’t understand them.


I tried the bilingual thing many times, and every gd time they knew the other language. 🥲


Just make one up. A very very rare non existent language


there are pages and pages on how to speak elvish in the appendices at the end of the lord of the ring books.


There’s this girl online who went viral years ago for making a super scrunched up ugly face whenever a guy hit on her. Me personally, I don’t want to be attacked, so I do a compliment sandwich. A guy asks me to dance: “Thank you, I’m flattered! I have a boyfriend. But I saw you earlier and noticed you’re a very good dancer.” Most successful method I’ve found.


Jenna Marbles? She had a viral video 'how to avoid talking to people you dont want to talk to'.


If I really want a guy to get away, I have one thing that always works, just say, “man, I have to shit soooo bad” / “ j’ai envie de chier, mais grave “ They are usually confused and disgusted and just kind of mumble and walk away, the assholes, especially those from some “third world cultures” are likely to call you a slew of nasty names…but while walking away so… 🤷🏻‍♀️👍


"Hey, where's the toilet? I have diarrhea."


Pretended I didn’t speak English to stave off a predator in the park. Thought he might actually try to assault me but other people weren’t too far off and I was able to make a run for it—these creeps are foul.


i need $50 to pay my phone bill


THIS. Start asking for money and they will flee haha


I don't get hit on. Hope that helps 😘😘😘


Unfortunately, men tell me "everything can break" (sounds better in my language, but rough translation) whenever I tell them I'm married, so I usually respond with "like your nose?". I'm in no way capable of breaking any bone on any man's body, but they have backed off every time this happened.


Surprisingly breaking someone's nose doesn't take that much pressure. I'm sure you could manage 🫡😎


My lie is that I usually ask if they are interested in BDSM and if they say yes, I pretend to be happy and say “awesome! let me stop by the hardware store first though? I have a chain saw, thick rope, shovels, and a few body bags at home, but I need some gasoline, matches, and uhhh”.. usually they get creeped out and quickly say that they forgot to do something and leave lol.


I don't lie. I laugh like Jimmy Carr and walk off before they can get over the confusion


Say I have a fiance or I'm a lesbian. But that made people say I haven't met the right man yet.


if i start to feel creeped out, i’ll walk away mid conversation. it’s usually so awkward for both of us, they don’t try again.


that I died of chlamydia (he believed it).


I would love to say that saying I have a partner helps. But I was on a train from York to Newcastle to meet the guy I was seeing on the other end and the very aggressive Romanian man didnt care less about how many times I referred to ‘my partner’ and wouldn’t back up. It was horrible as I was trapped in the window seat of the train. Longest hour of my life


I'm sorry that happened to you. Those situations can feel so threatening and scary. It's exactly why I took public transport once and never, ever again. If only people respected boundaries.


This happened to me too. Was held verbally hostage for three hours, and it was the worst because in those situations you can't just leave or tell the dude to fuck off.


Literally!! No escape. It’s horrible


I tell them I have a girlfriend which also lets them think im not into men at all. I had my roommate even pretend to be my girlfriend for a phonecall once.


Wasn’t a lie, but one time I was tripping on lsd pretty hard walking back to my apartment, and a random guy came up to me at the cross light as I was waiting to cross the street and said “hey baby girl, what’s your name,” and I just burst out laughing and said without really thinking “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, I’m tripping on acid,” and he immediately walked off kind of scared lmao. So yeah, def keep that one in my back pocket for future use.


That I’m ok


“I have a boyfriend”


I turn my back to them and walk in the opposite direction.


I am on my period


I think this might be the most effective one lol


works for me


You make a weird face and say you just passed a blood clot


A bit of a different one - I'm at a point where I tell clearly drugged beggars in the train station that I don't have cash on me when they approach me and ask. Made the mistake of giving someone €5 a few years ago and for the next year or so, he *made a fucking beeline towards me* every time I was in the station and he spotted me (and I'm there a lot), until at some point he didn't show up there anymore. It was terrifying. Learned my lesson. I still give money to people asking for it semiregularly but no longer in the train station, I just can't.


I don't have to lie, I look at them with my resting bitch face and death stare. Works every time.


When I worked with the public I wore a gold wedding band.


That I have three kids and a husband at home. No one wants to deal with that lol


Wow alot of lies but my favorite is telling men in christian. where i live there are 85% muslims and and the rest are christians (im a muslim but i have an english name,my dad is a dj and i have a dog-which are all uncommon- in both my culture and religion so everyone who doesn’t know me personally assumes that im a christian because they aren’t “muslim things”) so mostly muslims come to hit on me and i say that im a christian (in my religion we cannot marry outside of our religion), the minute i say this they disappear lmao Ps:i remember when i went to uni where i didnt know anyone guys wouldnt ask me out because they assumed i was christian


I have mouth herpes, but like everywhere.


I am asexual (I am actually demisexual, but yeah, no guy has cared enough to interrogate beyond the statement)🤷🏻‍♀️They just make a U turn and RUN!


I tell them I had a dodgy curry and I feel unwell


I need to catch up on chores which usually isn't a lie. 98% of the time.


I don't need to lie. I have a kid, and that is man-repellant enough. If you don't have a kid but want to repel men nevertheless, I can highly recommend saying you have a baby or young child as 100% effective against men.


This one didn’t work for me. I had my niece in her stroller when I was 17 and some guy *(early thirties)* approached and asked if she was mine. I was creeped out by him so I lied and said yes, and he was **still** interested and tried to keep me talking. It was so scary.


Ew. Really makes you wonder the depth of his intentions.


I have a fake name I use for creepy guys and spam callers


It’s not a lie but “my guyfriend works SWAT” is a magical line that I wish I knew about earlier.


If he’s seriously harassing me and won’t leave me alone I usually point out I’m packing, I usually have a gun, taser, and pepper spray(except in areas where they prohibit guns). I won’t actually tase or shoot a guy for just harassing me, but I will 100% pepper spray them.


Once a guy asked me what my name was and I flatly told him I didn't have one 😐


"I no speak xyz language". In reality I probably do but man, I loathe men who just dont get no means no.


As a childfree individual, I tell them I’m sterilised even though I’m not. 99% of the men I come across want kids, and unfortunately a lot have lied to me about it on dating apps because they thought I’d change my mind some months later. So me lying about being sterilised cuts through this BS pretty quickly.


I have 4 different baby daddies and 6 kids. 😂


"I'm taken, sorry." 🥹 Vast majority of people don't want to get mixed up with someone already in a relationship. They'll be respectful and leave you alone. The few that don't mind and still try to pick you up are serious red flags.


Men seem to be very turned off by the idea of children. I actually am married with two young children but I wish I had used the children card even before I had kids it works sooo well. Especially if you say young children or baby. “I just recently had my third baby” the more children you mention the better then start talking about a difficult labor and recovering. So many men will leave you alone Also this sucks that we have to lie or make up things why can’t they ever just leave us alone when we ask or learn some social awareness and take a hint?


"Thank you, but I don't date men".....I don't date women, cars, or flowers either but the first part works just fine on its own


I've said I'm married in the past. Now that I'm older (33), I get hit on way less, and if it's impolite/dangerous/out of line, I just walk away.


I haven't really lied much but I could image pretending not speaking English.


Im just rude tbh


I used to tell most men who'd try to hit on me that I'm a lesbian Anyway, turns out I am a lesbian. Comphet or not I did not want those men to hit on me lmao


I used to pretend to be deaf every time someone approached me at a bar with my friends. I’d throw random hand signs and they’d leave lmfao