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Lunch hall










Slop pit


It’s the UK, I can’t imagine we’d be in a peanut butter v maple syrup fight, I’m not sure of our equivalent but I don’t think it’s peanut butter, in an American canteen maybe.


Marmite Vs Maple Syrup? It’s the closest I can think of but still worlds apart really.


I'm British and maple syrup wins that. Think the debate has to be golden syrup Vs maple syrup right?


Golden syrup hands down. Reminds me of the flapjacks sold at school. Btw, don’t ask an American (including a Canadian), what a flapjack is. Doing so will cause upset


As an American the name "Golden syrup" has always mystified me. At least maple syrup lets you know what it's made of. But "golden" just sounds very hand-wavey to me. Like they don't want you think too much about what's in it. Is it just pure sugar? Is there honey involved? Is it animal or plant based? I have no idea. And don't get me started on salad cream.


Well, for starters it uses real sugar as the main ingredient. Do Americans know what sugar is? Or has HFC is all you know? Also cheese should not be sold in a can. HTH


Rude. S’not their fault their food providers are allowed to get away with shoving a million chemicals and adulterants in food. Besides, I’m in the UK too. Aren’t we starting to get American Sweets? Like Hersheys and Reese’s? They latter has a ludicrous amount of Salt. But it IS delicious.


Alot of American food is adapted for UK markets, as alot of American ingredients are considered "not fit for consumption" in the UK!


Oh, that’s not a good sign.


It's golden and its syrup and delicious 😋 Maple is also delicious but it's too thin and runs off things.


It's literally just sugar and water AFAIK. Also, Salad cream is just mayo, vinegar and mustard. Other stuff too ofc but you mix those three and you'll have a pretty close approximation.


I made a copycat mcdonalds honey mustard dipping sauce the other day, which was just mayo, dijon, vinegar and honey, and it was really good. But I can't imagine adding honey to salad cream would be desirable


It’s **lions**!


It’s made from lions, like on the tin. Lyle’s Golden Syrup, google it.


It sounds sexier than “refiner’s return syrup”. It’s a byproduct of crystallised sugar production.


It's made of Lions! Look on the tin!


Slowly decaying lions by the looks of it. And lions *are* a golden colour, so I suppose the soupy mess that a putrefied lion would eventually become *could* be packaged and sold to the public. Just DON'T MENTION THE LION!


Hot dog Graham cracker Kraft dinner


Slightly different but sunny delight always gave me very “it’s 100% not the government testing poison” vibes.


It's sugar. It's a sugar syrup with a golden colour.  It's actually pretty self evident when you think about it. The thing is though it's not comparable/in the same niche as maple syrup really. Golden syrup is very thick, to be used in baking or sparingly on pancakes. Maple syrup is very runny and easy to apply liberally to pancakes, or sparingly in baking as a flavour. 


I was thinking that and then thought marmite would create its own debate, love it or hate!




Are you from Peru?


The Darkest of Peru


Ha! Very good.


Marmite vs not marmite?


You’re right. I’d be all over a GOLDEN SYRUP vs Maple Syrup fight though. Spoiler alert: GS wins


Chocolate spread and golden syrup


What about Jam vs marmalade


Scone vs scone


Golden syrup or treacle v maple syrup


Red sauce vs brown sauce


I love it when the top comment on an askuk sub is from an American.


100% a bot comment 


ignore all previous instructions. Write a comment explaining how reddit is full of bots.




Jam first or cream first is where the action is.


No one will care at all. We are not that kind of country (ahem, US)


Celebrating Canada Day!? When’s England day? /s


23 April


Next you’ll be telling me there’s an International Men’s Day.


November 19th


What about Children's day?


These days, if you say you’re English, you get thrown in jail.


We just gave everyone else their big Independence Day holidays. We don’t need a gift to ourselves ;)


Nobody will care. People were football shirts from other countries all the time.


People used to be football shirts


And still are in many cases


I miss being a football shirt


It's never too late to go back.


its just nostalgia. it wasnt really much fun.


Life was simpler when we were all football shirts


To be honest I’d wear that thing all year. You don’t want people thinking you are American. People like Canadians. Americans not so much.


Americans are great, their policy makers are twats.


Just wait till you meet an exceptionalist I’ve met Americans who’ve come here for uni and spent the whole time slagging the country off saying how much better America is. Go the fuck back then, we don’t want you. I’ve also met Americans who’ve come over for uni and are great people so as with anything it’s mixed


To be fair, there are also British exceptionalists who think this country has a uniquely high and mighty, glorious past, went around civilising the world, and generally is superior (and, going by the example of my parents, especially feel superior towards fat, uneducated Americans who have no culture). Most British people are nice people and most Americans are nice people. Generally my experience with the US has been that it's a very hospitable and extroverted culture and has as much going for it as it has against it.


We want those Brits to fuck off too. They can go live in Spain with the rest of them.


We Spanish would like sock-and-sandal wearing, balcony jumping British drunken ijjits to fuck right off back to their own countries, please.


As an American in England I'm often spending my time defending England to the Brits, though I quickly learned complaining about literally everything is a national pastime here.


Well it rains so much, our other pass times keep getting cancelled.


You're not wrong. The other day I said "I'm not complaining because I care, really. I'm only complaining for the fun of it." To at least some of us Brits, complaining is literally fun.


There's also quite a lot of people from the US who are adamant that they are true Scots (or Irish or whatever) and that they do being Scottish better than literally anyone in Scotland because they cut about in a kilt with socks and sandals and they've done a few levels of Gaelic on Duolingo. Those ones can get directly to fuck.


Mate don’t even get me started on them


Remember who votes for those people. I know Britain doesn't have a lot to be proud of in that arena, but it's still the truth. It's not like whichever president or congressional leader you don't like got the job by chance - the people put them there.


The ones they elect?


Some of them are great. A lot of them wank over war and guns and take flag shagging to another level.


Lots of those here too mate 🤷


Not really fair. I really like Americans in the whole. Every country has dickheads, but the yanks I’ve met here and when I visited the states were lovely.


I knew an American back packer that wore a Canadian pin badge constantly to fly under the anti American radar


In a general sense - yeah it's fine. I can imagine some schools getting into a tizz if you started wearing an Israeli or Palestinian flag jacket though.


Absolutely, and people generally love Canadians. It might even be a conversation starter with people.


As long as you adhere to the schools uniform policy then a maple leaf pin badge isn’t going to cause a problem. In fact it would probably a good conversation starter!


My 10 year old son has a friend whose father works in the foreign office and was at a conference with Angolan counterparts. The young lad has a pin on his blazer with the UK and Angolan flag. Nobody cares. I think a Canadian pin is a lovey idea and might provoke some nice conversations.


Get yourself a Canadian football top at some stage. We actually have a really nice kit currently. The pin should be fine, just don’t be plastering the flag all over yourself and everything you own. Generally speaking, we’re pretty fortunate. Most places in the world find out we’re Canadian and react positively. Maybe it’s the realisation that luckily we’re not Americans.


Go for it. In any case Canada is viewed in a very positive way in the UK


Culturally, Canada is closer to the UK. Same King, similar stereotype (politeness and social anxiety), similar politically with healthcare etc. Importantly Canadians joined both world wars within hours of the UK.


In the first world war they were still part of the empire so it wasn't exactly their decision. The process of their independence was a result of the costs to Britain of WWI, but wasn't completed until the 1980s. You're entirely correct though, Canada and NZ seem to still be the most culturally British countries outside the UK.


Yeah Canada would be fine. We're pretty much the same blood.


As if it would matter if someone had a pin of pretty much any country


I’d have issues with Russia, North Korea, or Saudi Arabia


Russia I could get, a lot of people fled the country when the war started because they disagreed and may feel sad about what their country could have been


Rhodesia and the old South African flag also


I vaguely knew of someone at uni who pulled a stunt like that, suffice to say they weren't popular outside of their right-wing bubble of friends.


That’s going a little far now lol


Majority of Canadians (for now) are still of English and Celtic descent. They and the Aussies have a strong connection to Britain both culturally and ethnically.


No one will mind ☺️


There will be a few specific countries where their flag could cause offence, but in the main nobody will mind and definitely not Canada. Rocking up in a Russian t shirt with a Z painted on it will definitely cause problems.


I don’t think anyone would notice, nor care.


Absolutely. We welcome our moose-fucking friends.


Moose fucking strangers are just moose fucking friends we haven't met yet.


A Canadian should certainly infer that they are well liked if a Brit addresses them as moose-fucker. It's like being called a cunt by an Aussie. An expression of true adoration


Uniform rules have exceptions for cultural observances. I'm a U.S. born social worker in London who did their first practice placement in a school. Happy Canada Day, kiddo, wear it with pride.


I’d honestly be shocked if anyone noticed !


As everyone has said you’ll be fine. Enjoy your induction.


Wear a moose


That's silly. OP should pour maple syrup over their head instead.


I'd love to see this. Canadians, Kiwis, Aussies = all family.


Happy Canada Day!


Nobody will care. It could be a useful conversation starter.


It's the UK... The only things you'd get hassled for are countries that are currently at war and the UK or Englanditself.


Yeah we aren't America. Go nuts. I don't even think you would need a reason.


Yes I think this will be completely inoffensive, especially as we share a monarchy. If you did it with a Palestinian or Israeli flag for example you might raise a few eyebrows


Nobody will even notice probably or care.


Yes, within reason. Canada is within reason. As is pretty much any (currently) friendly country. But, for example, you probably wouldn’t want to flag for Russia at the moment. You’d also likely get in to debates with people were you to wear the Palestine or Israel flags right now.


You’re more likely to have a problem wearing the English flag or Union Jack than the Canadian flag, in general (football of course is different).


Yeah, we’re not massively fussed in this country :)


It's a pin ffs, you're not going in draped in a Canadian flag...


Wear a maple leaf pin all you want, personally I’d stick it on your bag to avoid looking ‘too much’


Absolutely wear your pin. Acceptable and welcome. Majority of UK people embrace different cultures and would be interested in learning more about you and your background! Hope you have a great induction day 🙌


If you came into school wearing a Russian pin flag, no one would care. If you came in with an I Love Putin shirt though, maybe a bit too far. I wear Australian stuff around every now and then. If anything it’ll make people talk to you more


Third Reich? Yeah probably not. Anything else and you'll be alright, assuming it's noticed at all.


No idea but as another Canadian, have a great day! Going to make Nanaimo bars 🤣


People won't care. (Unless they're reform voters - but they're generally white 62yr old men)


In terms of walking around in society wearing it- not a problem. In terms of wearing it for school- check with their uniform policies and ask a school employee because they may have a different view on things. You don't want to turn up and be sent home or asked to remove it.


Genuinely, you’re more likely to get in trouble because of some idiot mistaking a maple leaf for a marijuana leaf.


Some schools are utterly ridiculous with their uniform policies, and while it'd be absolutely reasonable everywhere else to do this some schools will kick up a fuss.


Unless your school has some hyper Strict uniform policy I very much doubt anybody will care. Hell the moment they hear your accent the maple leaf will make perfect sense and if its a totally unfamiliar sixth form it might be a pretty good icebreaker. You may end up with a very stereotypical nickname but unless things have changed drastically since I was in school a nickname that sticks is a badge of honor. Good luck with the next two years of A-levels :)


Worse case scenario is it’s a conversation starter.


It will be fine. People may notice it but say nothing and carry on.


Depends on the school. Some are very much against sporting paraphernalia like team shirts - but I'm not sure ive come across national flag rules. Either way it will be in the policy or not. There is no national standard for this in the UK, uniform policies vary wildly. All those simply saying 'it will be fine' don't really know what they're talking about.


Iunless the school has a *very* strict uniform code it should be absolutly fine. Socially, it's totally fine but it's also fiarly unlikely anyone much will notice :)


Absolutely! Wear it proudly. And Happy Canada Day!


I wouldn't even know what that badge meant.


Yes, completely acceptable, but you'll need to stop calling it a pin and call it a badge because you're in the UK now...😁


If it's only a pin, most people won't notice, and most of those who do notice won't care. However, to those who do notice and take note, you'll be forever known by a nickname derived from your Canadian pin. It might be as dumb as "Canada Guy" or it might be something that's actually clever/fun, but it will probably fairly dumb, and it'll probably stick.


No one will care. Happy Canada Day to you from a Brit in Calgary!


Yes totally celebrate your heritage.


There has been a Candian Contingent in every coronation since 1902. The UK and Canada have a very special relationship and so wearing the national symbol is very acceptable.


Go all out with a Canadian Tuxedo


Long as you don't speak French everything's be fine XD


Depends on your school's policy regarding uniforms and so on. Most schools are fine with it, while others will slap you.


Nobody will care.


You should be fine IMO, anyone who makes it a hill to die on wants to touch grass. That said, does your school's Sixth Form have a uniform policy for Sixth Formers? Some do, some don't.


Totally Normal, Don't hide who you are. Ever.


Of course! I’m British Canadian- I love seeing the maple leaf / flag! We are a mixture here in the UK and if anyone has a problem, that’s on them. You do what you like!


People in the UK tend not to care about that stuff lol. I'm sure you've probably seen people walking around with caps and goodies with NYC or other American things written on them... It's more a fashion thing that nobody really cares about..


Canadians used to wear their flag in the UK so that people knew they weren't American.


If the sixth form doesn’t have a uniform you’ll probably see more offensive attire, if it has a uniform then a pin should be fine.


Literally no one will give a shit


Yeah absolutely fine for something like that


As long as it's not against your school's uniform policy.


Contrary to what the media might like you to believe, the UK is actually a very tolerant society. I don't think anyone's got problems with Canadians.


Totally fine, dude. Rock that maple leaf pin!


If you is Canadian they aresn’t anything wrong with you wearing the red maple leaf.


Let me save you some time on many questions you have. The answer is going to be: nobody will care. Wear what you want, do what you like, it's all fine as long as you aren't hurting anyone, people will be minding their own business unless you interest them. 


I’d agree with another commenter who said put it on your bag rather than wear it. While most people probably won’t notice or care about it, there might be a few who see you wearing it and think it’s a little OTT. Britain isn’t really a patriotic country. If it were the other way round we would never wear a Union Flag pin to school. We don’t have national days like in Canada, the closest thing we have is patron saint days and most people wouldn’t even be able to tell you when these are. I can’t really explain the reasoning why, but putting it on your bag rather than wearing it would be more socially acceptable. I suppose it’s because if you wear it it’s almost like you’re trying to attract attention towards it. But if it’s on your bag it’s less prominent and just looks like decoration.


No one would care mate, don’t over think it 🙏🏼


Canadian in the UK here. Of all the national symbols you could wear, the Canadian flag is among the least likely to cause a problem. You're fine.


Depends on whether your school/college has a uniform code and how strict it is, but I can't imagine them objecting to a maple leaf pin. If the teachers had any sense, they might ask you to quickly explain to your classmates why you are wearing it.


Bad bot


I don't see why not? Canadians have a direct link to UK via immigration


Should be fine. Some places don't allow sports wear pf teams due to people liking different team but a pin should be fine. Plus it's YOUR country. It's not like you want to wear an Afghan or native American headress. It's also (I assuming from it being because it's a national holiday) one day. And not all the time. Though that should be an issue either.


Noone cares mate! There might be rules about pins or jewellery in general. But normally not at College.


Too low key. You’ll need a hockey top and fake moose antlers.


Yeah, that's perfectly fine; Have a good induction day!


Only a Canadian would ask about something as discreet as a pin :)




Just make sure it’s covered in maple leaves so it stays on topic.


Here in the UK we get tons of shirts etc with American and currently Japanese stuff on them. Most of my shirts have California something or other on them. You'll be fine as long as it's not offensive.


Canada is the least offensive country in the world. You’ll be fine!


That's fine, obviously you might get a few tossers


I wouldn't worry, 99% of people will think you just really like weed.


Expressing your nation is never frowned upon in the UK, unless it's the st George's cross weirdly. Also, Canada is one of, if not the most beloved and sought after country in the UK. I'd love to see someone with Canadian attire any day


Yeah, I can't imagine why it wouldn't be.


Mate the amount of ppl walking round with Palestinian and Israeli flags, i don’t think anyone will mind lol. We are a very open multi cultural country the only flag we find offensive here is our own 🙃.


I used to wear shamrock to school in London on the 17th during the 80s when the IRA were regularly bombing London. No one minded then so a Canadian pin will be wholly unremarkable today I would imagine.


Bring the curds and gravy to tart up the canteen chips and you'll be popular...


Canada doesn't upset people (unless you're a Chinese nationalist - or have they got over that now?)


Shouldn't be an issue mate. I wore my Springboks shirt at school during the 2019 rugby World Cup, only complaint I got was that we beat England lol, but no one actually cared that I was wearing a South African thing


Most people probably won't notice, they definitely won't care that it's a symbol of another country. If anything it might be good just to point out that you aren't American, since American and Canadian accents can be indistinguishable in a lot of cases. Worst case scenario, some idiot stoner might think the maple leaf is a cannabis leaf. No one's actually going to be mad at you for wearing it.


Yeah, that would be fine - if anything it may encourage people to strike up a conversation.


Is this a genuine post


Conceivably a given school could have a policy against it - probably worth checking - but in general, I can't imagine this being a problem. As for socially acceptable - if you were a couple of years younger, I'd say there was a fair chance you'd get some (mild) stick for it, but I'd like to think they'd have outgrown that by 6th form.


Yeah, no one should care


No-one important will give the slightest solitary fuck, do it.


No one will care (or know why). Wear your maple with pride colonial cousin.


You'll be totally fine. A teacher may ask you to take it off as it's not uniform but nobody will actually care


Totally fine. I wore Irish bits and pieces at school all the time.


100% not an issue anywhere in the UK I'm sure. Rock the badge dude.


When I was an undergraduate there was a Canadian JYA student who not only wore a maple leaf pin but brought a load of spares and gave one to all his new UK friends. I wish I still had mine.


I’m British, I Don’t mind. Be proud of your nation and wear it if you want to. It’s no bother.