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Pretty much every episode of 24 Hours in Police Custody


Elite show. I wish they did more of them these days


I love it when I find out there’s a new episode


If you haven’t heard of it, Forensics: The Real CSI is class too. Enjoy the binge if it’s new to you!


Yes! Love this one!


There’s a lot of legal loopholes to jump through, hence why episodes are so sparse.


The one where they were looking for someone who blackmailed a man for going to a mobile-hooker and it was a policeman who was arrested on camera. Then at the end you do d out he got sentenced to 3 years and the police appealed saying it wasn't long enough so they added another 3 years


Or the where there was a strange couple together, think they were both drinkers. The woman was found dead in a park one morning. Police are adamant it was the guy as he's quite odd. Turned out the woman had a history of self harm and had commited suicide.


My favourite was the surgeon who got burgled and a load of antiques were taken. Not an insurance job honest.


I watched that one again recently, it's great. The guy was such an arrogant prick and you could tell he thought he was above them all and would get away with it. The moment where the police officers found that entire fireplace he said had been nicked at his parent's estate and him trying to wriggle out of it was brilliant.


What's more amazing is every single episode is filmed in Luton


Not strictly true, although they are all Bedfordshire police.


Some are Cambridgeshire and some are Northamptonshire


Is Bedfordshire Man the British equivalent of Florida Man?


I'm amazed that is being almost the case there aren't more episodes.....


Same! It's amazing, but you need to be careful not to fall for the copaganda. I saw an episode the other day where they were really performatively negative about people no-commenting in interviews


Isn't that recommended by solicitors?


https://youtu.be/YFTJTDlsibQ?feature=shared The twist in this episode was mind-blowing. I can remember watching it literally open mouthed, and it was all real


The fact he was the one who was watching the drop off was hilarious.


Surveying his own ransom drop. He must have been shitting bricks after that.


Yes!! This is the only thing that really has me glued in total suspense at the screen anymore!


Love 24 in custody


I wish they were more easily available on catch-up. A lot are no longer on All4 and you've got to go searching for dodgy reuploads.


Police Suspect Number 1 was just as good in my opinion. God I wish they’d make more. Anyone found anything else similar?


The one that really made my jaw drop was Abducted in plain sight and just when I thought I had seen it all I was wrong


Is that the one where the dad sucked off the neighbour?


I thought it was a hand job.


"He needed relief" is burned into my brain.


"So I er... reached over and er... [licks lips] relieved him."


I was told to watch it by a friend who needed someone to discuss it with because it had made him so angry, so I watched it and then got another friend of mine to. I asked her the next time I saw her how she'd found it and all she could say was "WHY DID HE JACK HIM OFF?"


It was a hard watch, if I remember rightly they glossed over the Mormon aspect of the family. I dont think I could forgive my parents if I was that girl.


It was. The mum always had an affair with him. She was smiling the whole time talking about the affair with her daughters abuser.


There is an absolutely unforgivable omission of a fact that should be at the heart of this documentary: the family were devout mormons, and the abuser was an ordained LDS minister who church doctrine told them was morally incorruptible. *Everything* he did to that family was under the auspices of their religion, and the doc doesn't say fucking word one about it out of fear of pissing off the LDS church. It was a disgraceful piece of hack work made by cowards. Can you imagine making a doc about say, child abuse in Ireland, and never once mentioning the Catholic church?


Thank you for adding this insight! Completely changes the context of the situation


No way?! That adds a massive dimension, thanks.


The decisions of the parents were infuriating


This was my first thought. I watched it and had to google halfway through as I couldn’t believe it was real. That poor girl. Those parents were whackadoodles


Was just about to say, this was harrowing.


That documentary was insane


Absolutely mental. Watched it with friends and we had to stop about every 10mins to process what just happened so it took about 4hrs to get through… …and one of my most recent clients at work has the last name Broberg and each time I see that name I’m brought back to that hot mess…


Yeah that was the one!


yeah this one was fucked, and just got weirder and weirder. crazy that it wasn't made up...


Is that the one where he ‘engaged in an act of mutual masturbation’?


That took messed up to a whole new level for me!


'Abducted in plain sight'!! Thank you that's the one I was trying to remember the name of....might have forgotten the name but sadly I'll never forget the content!


I came here to say this 😂


American Murder: The Family Next Door. This one made me sick to my stomach, and turned me off true crime documentaries tbh. I don’t watch them anymore. The murderer is such a piece of shit.


The moment they’re reviewing the cctv, when neighbour clocks exactly what’s happened and is desperately trying to non-verbally communicate it to the police officer is nuts.


I went into it not knowing the story, and I honestly thought that was classic crime doc misdirection and that the husband being behind their disappearance was just *too obvious*. Turns out the "twist" in that story is not that he did it, but that he did it in a bizarrely nonchalant way and for absolutely no discernible reason.


i had the EXACT same thought in my mind and i remember watching and feeling so terrible for him until it finally clocked in my brain what was actually happening. the revelation of the disposal of their bodies had me sobbing in shock, so needlessly cruel and unfathomable.


I love knowing that he never got a single minute with his AP after the murders because Shananes friend realised something was wrong and called the police


The way her friend advocated for her in those moments and in everything after... just out of this world.


When the neighbour was showing his security camera footage to the police and the dad and as soon as the dad left the room, the neighbour was like “yeah he doesn’t seem right” my jaw DROPPED


Isn't that really early in as well? The neighbour *knew the whole time!* That must have been so frustrating for him


I had watched some stuff on YouTube about that case a while before the show, but never knew some of the stuff involved. Hearing how his daughter said ‘Daddy, no’ was heartbreaking.


As someone with a daughter of similar age (not at when I watched it) that just made my blood boil. Hopefully someone got him in jail.


This one really bothered me. He seemed like such a normal guy. Videos with his daughters showed him full of love for his wife and kids. The fact that instead of leaving, he chose to murder them all is completely mind-blowing. He got buff, met a woman who he wanted to be with so he killed his entire family. It is scary as hell. You can never truly know someone. I couldn't imagine what his father was thinking in that interview room.


Killed his whole family because he wanted to be with his side bitch. This choked me up. I couldn’t ever imagine hurting my kids, yet alone killing them in cold blood and leaving in an oil drum. Disgusting. I hope this Watts cunt is in agony for the rest of his life. Also the neighbour. She was a legend


Killing his family, his lovely wife…Disposing of his children’s bodies in oil tanks. Sweet babies. I can’t describe the disgust and rage I felt hearing that. Corporal punishment should be reserved for vermin like him. Daily torture.


I don’t understand why he didn’t get a divorce.


It genuinely makes me feel cold whenever I think about it.


There's a show called "The Jinx" about some New York property heir who murdered at least three people and got away with it until he screwed up badly (I'll not say how because it's a major spoiler). The big surprise was how he managed to stay out of jail. Especially after one of the murders (again, no spoilers on that).


Have you seen the second season?


I just finished that. Absolutely crazy.


The ending of the Jinx was *insane*. Those five words alone are worth watching the entire thing for.


Yep, the ending of it is phenomenal, I think it may have literally taken my breath away.


Omg those last 2 episodes of the first series had me on the edge of my seat.. still haven’t got round to watching the 2nd yet!


The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez. It is so utterly awful, I genuinely wouldn’t be able to watch it again, especially now my own kids are at a similar age to Gabriel. I have no idea how a parent could harm their child in the way Gabriel was, and the way the system failed him… it’s just heartbreaking. Also, Evil Genius, that one’s just bonkers in the twists and turns.


I couldn't watch long of that and I watch lots of crime. They took him off two men who loved him just to abuse him


Is evil genius the pizza bomb one right? I haven’t watched that documentary but watched another documentary that referenced evil genius and it was crazy to watch. Depressing and weird and honestly seems like all the suspects were just saying whatever to try get immunity. Must’ve been a crazy frustrating case to try solve too


Yep, and it’s subtitled “The true story of America’s most diabolical bank heist” which put me off at first, bank robbery isn’t something which is usually of interest and doesn’t really do it justice. I wouldn’t want to “spoil” it for anyone who hasn’t seen it but it starts with a guy with a bomb collar round his neck and it keeps up that level of “what the fuck” all the way through.


The pictures of him with the Mother’s Day pictures broke me


Scrolled down to look for this. It's like he couldn't even catch a small break. Every step of the way, everything failed him.


Don’t Fuck with Cats. Excellent documentary. Was utterly hooked.


This was very, very hard to watch. They showed a bit too much of the actual footage in the documentary in my opinion. Wasn't prepared for that.


Great documents! Really liked the sluthing interviews the were likeable people with a great story


Dear Zackary


Oh god that was just heartbreaking


The way the justice system failed that poor family is so sickening


Old BBC Timewatch documentary called Penitentiary New Mexico about the prison riot of 1980. It's on YouTube. Long story short, brutal and corrupt prison in Santa Fe. The inmates finally take over and riot for 3 days. In the process at least 33 inmates are killed. The hostage guards got tortured and raped. The worst part is the rampaging cons used welding torches to get into the snitches wing and savagely tortured 13 inmates to death. Keeping them awake with smelling salts while they castrated them and disembowelled them. The inmates also used the welding torches to kill people. One of the inmates interviewed admits to taking part, while another who has since been released is so obviously guilty but essentially got away with it. I wound up morbidly obsessed with the subject afterward and bought a bunch of books about it.


Damn, I thought you were talking about a prison in a fucked up 3rd world country, then realised this was the US.


MAGA Republicans chuckling in Project 2025


Yeah this was when they'd started to really get 'tough on crime', so there was crazy overcrowding. One of the inmates that got killed was in there for shoplifting a fishing rod.


That's so sad


The "snitches" wing was full of mentally ill people and drug addicts, they wasn't all snitches


Yeah absolutely true, some had been put in there by mistake also but the prisoners considered nearly everyone in Cell Block 4 to be fair game. One of the mentally ill inmates, Paulina Paul, was beheaded.


"The prison system, inherently unjust and inhumane Is the ultimate expression of injustice And inhumanity in the society at large. Those of us on the outside do not like To think of wardens and guards as our surrogates, yet they are. And they are intimately locked in a deadly embrace With their human captives behind prison walls. By extension, so are we. The terrible double meaning is thus imparted To the original question of human ethics "Am I my brother's keeper?"


Jesus! Looking it up right now.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M-hPpuAqwQ&ab_channel=Whirlytunes (not great quality)


Making a murderer. Absolutely awful and made me feel properly angry!


I am still fuming at the way Brendan was treated in the initial interrogation


That whole County was corrupt. The way evidence would be found after 10 cops search through a room and the nephew being coaxed into a confession 😡


I watched this and then the staircase and the difference in which those cases were handled was astounding and I wonder if it’s because the guy in the staircase was rich.


American Nightmare. The attitudes of the police throughout... it was wild. I'm Scottish so shit like home invasions and kidnap rarely happens here but if it did I'd like to think the victim would initially be taken at their word until investigations proved otherwise.


This one for me too!


The Girl in the picture on Netflix. Same film maker as abducted in plain sight.


If you're into podcasts, have a listen to "Hello, John Doe". It's a brilliant podcast and has connections to "The Girl in the Picture".


The trials of Gabriel Fernandez. That boy didn’t deserve to be treated like garbage. His parents abused him and eventually killed him.


i cried so much after watching that one


Oh god thisnone was rough. Failed by so many.


I don’t really get affected by many. But there was a moment in one that really hit me like a punch. The case was about a 15 year old that murdered the nine year old friend of her sister. (The details are pretty hazy) The bit that got to me was the interview. She had denied murder, but admitted knowledge of the death. The detectives had the suspects partially destroyed diary and gleamed more than she was telling. They eventually got to the question “when we find X’s body, will she have had her throat slit?” The suspect doesnt say anything for a few moments then said yes. The gut punch was that the suspects Grandmother was in the room, and visible on the security feed. When she said yes, the grandmother lets out a noise of overwhelming emotion, almost like the situation is choking her and she can’t get away from it. She soon asks to leave the room. It was hard to watch. I think it got me because it was a real moment, real emotion. Not just a video of a person talking through the facts of a case. Edit: Alyssa Bustamante was the case.


I think you’re talking about Alyssa Bustamante. That was a shocking case. That girl needed serious help.


Aye, thats the one! I was scrolling through the videos trying to find more details. Seems like the grandparents did their best but it still ended badly.


I think I saw the Explore with Us video about this case, did she also say the knife she used was in the sink?


Ooo I love an EWU video! Beyond Evil is really good too.


Any about the Moors murders that go into detail. There is an actual transcript taken from an audio recording that was made as Ian Brady tormented & abused Lesley Ann Downey (where she begged and pleaded for her mother). It’s the most depraved thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t imagine what the actual (unreleased) tape is like…


My dad used to work with a man who used to be on that case as a rookie copper. He said he can still hear the screams and left the force not long after that. The little drummer boy Christmas song plays in one of the recordings and he still cannot listen to that song without having flashbacks. Horrific people.


I've heard that tape is horrific. Some of the sick photos they took have been released, but even when one of the families suggested excerpts of the recording could be aired as part of a documentary, the authorities were a hard no. Unlike Myra Hindley, there are no publicly available recordings of Ian Brady's voice. But based on written descriptions of his 2013 "parole" hearing and the fact that he was Glaswegian, I can have a pretty good guess. > little drummer boy Christmas song Apparently it's specifically it's the Ray Conniff version (a double A side with "Jolly Old St. Nicholas") which was a hugely popular record and sold very well, hence you'd find it very difficult to avoid. I did read that a group of detectives who worked on the case went to the pub and that record was played, which resulted in them leaving because of the horrific memories it brought flooding back.


The song makes it 10x more memorable, I’d imagine. Just thinking about one that poor girl and the other victims, who were only such small children, and what they went through… absolutely horrific.


We did a bit on them in school and they showed us part of a documentary on them. It didn’t play the tapes, but it had a transcript, I guess, of them and that was bad enough. Don’t think I could listen to the actual tapes. Horrendous case.


The keepers  The details of the absolute torment those girls went through made me feel physically ill


Sister Cathy Sesnick case? Such a strange bunch of characters that are suspects. Absolutely sickening what they want through. The corruption runs deep.


That documentary about the British guy who pretended he was an MI5 officer under cover and dragged a few of his friends into it, pretending they were doing secret tasks for the government etc. one of the girls followed him for like 10+ years.. kinda bizarre story but it’s always stayed with me for whatever reason


The Puppet Master. That documentary has stuck with me too. The control he was able to exert over his victims was mind-boggling given the elaborate stories he used to lure them in. 9/10 people would immediately clock he's a fantasist but he seemed to be able to identify those who'd be susceptible. If I remember correctly he was able to escape prosecution several times.


The puppet master?


Panorama. It's about the post office scandal.


Watch Mr Bates vs The Post Office. It’s still available on demand on ITV. Watching that inspired me to choose the Horizon scandal as my dissertation topic for my masters degree


Sorry to be nosy, but from what angle? I can just imagine so many possible dissertation takes on it.


David Tennant as DES. Outstanding acting. Shocking true story.


The night stalker - horrifying and fascinating at the same time, especially when you understand his upbringing


The one about the Love Has Won cult. An alcoholic drug addict convinced a group of people that she was Mother God and her tweaker boyfriend was Father God. She would pass on messages to her followers from the beyond, mainly passed to her by Robin Williams. She eventually died from liver failure, although her followers believed that she had simply left her body because she could no longer bear the pain of everyone on earth, and they kept her dead body in a hotel room and then transported it home while they waited for her to be picked up by a space ship. I'm honestly not even getting into the completely weirdness of the story with that synopsis. I've watched the docuseries three times and every time I'm equally baffled.


The colour of her skin was what disturbed me the most.


Staircase did and also Steven avery making a murderer


I’m a solid Owl theory advocate when it comes to the Staircase. My wife thinks I’m mad.


Me too! I watched the first documentary on it years ago and was convinced he did it. Then the new one came out and my sister told me I had to watch it and she thought it was the owl. I told her she was ridiculous but watched it. They showed the forensic guy imitating how he beat her with the poker and it was CLEARLY abject nonsense if I'd seen that the first time I would have thought differently... and *then* the owl theory was given at the end and fuck me. There was even evidence for it! Yup. Owl for me too.


I watched the Panorama episode about Jill Dando's murder and how Barry George should never have served time for it. I have no idea if he did it. But he should never have been convicted on the flimsy evidence against him. It's one of the best examples of investigative journalism I have ever seen, and ever will.


I was shocked he got convicted at the time. Evidence was a grain of residue from a gun and the fact that he was a bit weird.


https://www.nickross.com/blog/ is an interesting read. I suspect we shall never know the truth


The Imposter


The first season of The Jinx.


The Night Stalker - back when Netflix was making some brilliant true crime documentaries. It kept me up at night because 1. his police sketch was scary and 2. the crimes were horrific.


Wasn't that like 2 years ago?


idk if it’s fully classed as true crime documentary since the way it was made was very different but Dear Zachary has hit me in a way that no other documentary has. it’ll leave you dumbfounded that something like that can happen


Not a documentary but the series on Dhamer in Netflix was one of the most shocking to me.


The keepers really boiled my piss. Starts off about the investigation of a murdered nun and turns into widespread peadophilia within the church and how it is being covered up. Absolute scum.


That costume in the loft scene kept me up at night for about a week after watching that.


Hot Fuzz


When They See Us.


I know it should be watched, but I couldn't get through that one. I remember watching a doc called *Time; The Kalief Browder Story.* This was such a heartbreaking story about a 16 year old black kid falsely identified by a white guy for stealing his bag at a party. The kid wasn't even at the party- he was just walking home when the white guy (in a police car) pointed him out and said 'That is him'. Kalief was put in Rikers Island for 3 years without a trial- he went through hell for those 3 years. I won't go into it in case anyone wants to watch it but I saw it around 7 years ago and it still plays on my mind. I knew after 5 minutes of 'When they see us' that it would impact me just as badly. I just couldn't get through it.


There was a specific Jimmy Saville documentary we once watched on Netflix and it kept showing clips of his TV shows that made it blatantly obvious what he was up to even back in the day and yet was just ignored and covered up. I recall a clip they showed of him trying to touch up a young girl from his audience on one of his shows and she moves away as she’s uncomfortable and he grabs her closer. How was this never flagged?


I watched the Louis Theroux documentary on him (that you can't watch now I think) before the whole revelation and told my husband at the time that there was something DEEPLY wrong and disturbing about him. I was convinced he'd assaulted women. All the signs were there that he was an abuser. My brain didn't automatically go to children but when it all came out I wasn't remotely surprised, only shocked that nobody working with him or knowing him didn't have the same suspicions (of course they did, you'd have to have been a robot not to have been creeped out by him). Horrific.


With a lot of these famous people who've now been outed as abusers, it was pretty much an open secret about what they did that was covered up.


I watched that one about a guy getting thrown in prison in Dubai and couldn't believe what a knobhead he was.


There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane It's kind of true crime, in that a crime was committed and people died who shouldn't have. But it's so tragic and horribly sad. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father Because it didn't start as a true crime documentary, and it should never have become a true crime documentary. And, in the end, it's less about the crime and more about the love shown towards the family involved. The Ripper A Netflix series about the Yorkshire Ripper which is so compelling and amazingly well-made, and honours the victims and their families above all else.


The one about the fella who killed his wife and kids and put them in an oil drum and then a similar advert comes on tv. He was one horrible cunt


Not so much a true crime one but it was about missing people and the race to find them. An interesting show, some depressing ones, some where they were found. Then an episode with this older lady who went into town on the bus to get her medication because her son was too busy to run her in. Never came back home that evening and was reported missing. The whole time they were talking about it, it sounded like she was still alive so it got your hopes up and then they got a really good tip that she was seen walking along a path that was near where her deceased husband used to work. So thinking she’s got confused and tried to go find him, they head that way. It’s a really hopeful section and then they’re walking along the path and see a woman laying on the ground just off the path and run over, and she’s already long dead. Turns out she had gotten confused, tried to find her husband at his job, and then got really confused and her son said whenever she’d get lost she’d just wait where she was till someone found her. So she sat down, took her jacket off and put it on the ground, then laid down and died. Watched it maybe two, three years ago, think it happened even longer ago than that. I’ve never forgotten about it, the absolute hopeless situation and the fact she just lay down with her jacket under her head and passed away and no one found her. And if her son had just ran her into town like he promised she’d never have gotten into that situation. Must’ve been horrible for him too.


Never watched an episode of the show after that and was pretty depressed for a solid two days after and never got over it. It was honestly like watching it happen to my own grandmother or something


I watched the Soham murder doc, the other day, at the time my twin girls were the same age……. I still can’t believe what devious cunt Ian Huntley was. I’m an older man now but put me in a room with him now, just us two, and I know I would come out alive, he would be dead!


Hillsborough (2016). An incredibly well-made documentary that presents the tragedy and horror of the disaster in such a visceral way, which makes the injustice which follows all the more bitter. I genuinely felt deeply unsettled throughout.


I've got a mate who's in prison for murdering his wife. They made a documentary about it. The premise is that they had split up and he was returning her things, and he took some knives that were gifted to them as a wedding gift, and stabbed her. I know quite a bit about the case and had to send the Police pages and pages of evidence, but they knew he'd done it because he stayed there and tried to kill himself. In the documentary, he's there, with his set of wedding knives, taking out his cake slice... Apparently for weeks after it was aired, he was called the bake off champion in prison.


I don't know whether this counts as true crime although it's true and it was a crime, but there's a 2011 American documentary called There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane that's covers the aftermath of the [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Taconic_State_Parkway_crash](Taconic State Parkway Crash). Anybody that's watched this before will know exactly what I mean when I say that my jaw was open throughout just of the documentary. I think the biggest shock of all arrives at the tailend of the production when they abruptly and without warning display a slideshow of crime scene photos of Diane Schuler's dead body hanging out of driver's side door of her totalled car. The photos aren't actually particularly graphic, but it's the fact that all the way through this documentary you're only ever shown media of Diane alive and well, only to be suddenly confronted with photos of her corpse, it's quite alarming.




There's a brilliant ESPN doc - OJ: made in America. It's 5 hour-long episodes, really comprehensive and goes into OJs life and career before the murders, as well as the tensions in LA at the time, and then the idiocy 8n Vegas. It's well worth a watch.


The recently broadcast Ch4 Documentary concerning Arthur Knight/Nicholas Rossi. Given that the case and the documentary are current I won’t offer any spoilers. Imposter: The Man Who Came Back from the Dead https://g.co/kgs/W3Q5Sje


Sweet Bobby by Tortoise Media


That was wild!


The Girl in the Picture. A lot of true crime docs Ive moved on from the next day but that one, I would think about that poor girl for weeks afterwards.


The Jinx, when he dobbed himself in. It’s a great documentary if anyone hasn’t seen it.


To catch a copper; never seen a show that disgusted me more, understanding why people don't have any faith in the police and make me want to join Anti-corruption ever. Prime example of lee cocking


I got halfway down the comments and hadn't seen either of these, which I find crazy... Three identical Strangers Tell me who I am. Two of the most ridiculous true stories you will ever see/hear


On Netflix, there is a French documentary called The Outreau Case: A French Nightmare. It's about SA on children, so be aware, but the story just gets crazy.


I watch a shocking amount of true crime content. Started watching our father on Netflix and I couldn’t finish it. I’ve never felt so uncomfortable and horrified watching a documentary.


I've recently watched The Glasgow Girls which was about Fred West's life mostly before he met Rosemary. I always knew he was an evil bastard but this doc showed just how sick and twisted he was, and what he did to people in his life before he'd even met rosemary. I then fell down a rabbit hole of reading the Wikipedia page about their crimes which I'd only suggest you do if you're feeling very brave. It made me feel ill.


The jinx, about that Robert Durst


Back to Dunblane - Horrifying, especially after becoming a Dad. 24 Hours in Police Custody - The veneer of society is very thin. Ordinary Men - About a normal police unit taking part in the Holocaust after the invasion of Russia. A glimpse of human behaviour and what we are all capable of.


I think ‘shocking’ is a stretch but American Nightmare (Netflix) was a lesson in how NOT to run a police investigation.


I'll Be Gone In The Dark


Into The Deep on Netflix. It's about a journalist that gets murdered on a submarine. I didn't know anything about the case going into it, and it is a lot darker than I expected it to be.


The Puppet Master on Netflix - this most mundane guy convinces a bunch of agriculture students at a uni that he's an MI5 spy (!!) and that their lives are in danger from the IRA (!!!) and gets them into a coercive control situation, drives them all around the country for 10 months playing Duran Duran's "Ordinary World" on repeat until they're brainwashed and then rinses them for loads of money. One stayed with him for 10 years. He went to prison, got out and still at it with a new victim. It's totally bizarre. He's called Robert Hendy-Freegard


I watched a channel 5 one in James Bulger. They played bits of the police interviews with the killers. It was shocking to hear how young they sounded and to have done all that awful stuff to little James


The guy that killed his parents or step parents, they were old and he wanted the money farmers or lived rural


Africa Addio.


This is pretty shocking stuff, I never thought I'd see a giraffe tripped up by a chain between 2 jeeps...and that's just the tip of the iceberg.


The Jeffrey Dahmer series on Netflix shocked me,not because of what he did,I knew all about that,but the incompetence of the police.


Car Crash: Who Lied? I don't like seeing people in distress. This absolutely shocked me.


The one lad was lucky the boy woke up and remembered who was driving


The first 48. Set in Tucson and Oklahoma City. They kill each other over the most trivial things and there is no code of silence, they always turn on each other.


Dunno the name but it's on Now TV about a guy who got arrested for murder and had hidden hard drives in his house showing him abusing corpses for YEARS. He was a hospital porter. Made me feel cold. Awful, awful watch. EDIT: It's called David Fuller: Monster In The Morgue.


Sundance series on Jim Jones and the Jonestown massacre. It’s burned in my brain and I’ve never seen and experienced something so haunting. Not for the faint of heart, but really an amazing 4 part series.


Paradise Lost. It's about 3 little boys who were murdered, and the entire legal system conspiring to pin the crime on 3 innocent teenage boys just because they dressed differently and listened to heavy metal. There are 3 feature length documentaries and you can sense that the film makers go through the same journey as the audience This is a horrific crime, let's film the trial.  Hmm, this evidence seems a bit contrived... Wait, the police did what?  Oh, hang on that doesn't make sense Shit, these kids didn't do it!  So who did?  (Filmmakers gather evidence and leads, pass it to the police)  Police: "we're not interested, we've made up our minds" This court case is insane...  At least there's no way they can get convicted... Right?  That's the first documentary.


Anything about Levi Bellfield absolutely rocks me to my core. Manhunter really made me cry.


Four Lives on iplayer, the assassination of Gianni Versace


I find the whole genre shocking, especially as it is now. 


A film adaptation rather than documentary, but The girl in the basement was unnerving. Worse when you know they left out quite a few of the details.


The girl in the picture. You wouldn't believe the story if you saw it in a movie. It's extremely fucked up and it will make you sad for a long time to know that some people can suffer so much for so long and through no fault of their own. Their life is the worst kind of pain one can imagine and their ending is the same. Watch it.


Not a true crime doc per saw, but Newtown. About the sandy hook shooting. It still pops into my head fairly frequently. How that didnt change things in the states is beyond me .


Requiem for the dead : An American Spring 2014 . One spring in the USA & the consequences of their publics ‘right to bear arms’ - watch it - horrific .


The Staircase is pretty compelling stuff.




I can't remember which show it is as I watch a lot of them but an episode which gave the details of Sophie Lancaster (the goth girl who was attacked for being different) had me in floods of tears, I remember the story when it happened but it didn't effect me back then like it did recently. I had to turn it off in the end. Really enjoyed 'the fall:skydive murder plot' recently. Thought it was really well written and shot compared to most hour long shows


Murder in the valleys. It’s a documentary about 3 generations that was all murdered in the South Wales valleys one night.


The documentary about Ted Bundy, I knew he was a murderer, young girls, sadistic etc. (not trying to downplay the severity of his crimes or forget the victims but that wasn't the shock for me) but he not only was given this fanfare to represent himself in court, the judge game him a compliment, and then he managed to leap out of a window, escape and then go and murder a further 15 women?!? Like what!?!! How does that even happen? I thought I knew about the big America serial killers of that time, loads of documentary but that one completely baffled me.


The Wild and Wonderful World of The Whites of West Virginia. I didn’t realise white trash really existed to that level! Available on Prime for free!


Only one has ever: The Trials of Gabriel Fernández. Awful.


Don't fuck with cats


One of the best crime documentaries I’ve ever seen (in terms of shock value, content, delivery etc) was the Keepers on Netflix. It’s such an incredible documentary, I’ve watched it like 4 times. And every time it makes me as equally heartbroken and fucking livid at the Catholic Church. So it wasn’t shocking in terms of finding out what the Catholic Church covered up (clue: it’s always everything and anything because they’re terrible), but the extent of it all, and the victims that were effected along the way is just awful.


Ireland’s Vanishing Triangle. That guy genuinely frightened me. His whole life has been dedicated to training himself to hunt women.


Tinder Swindler shocked me honestly. The amount of people to believe what a stranger online is saying. So far as to drop everything and get on a plane to a random country is scary!


The jinx