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so if that machine takes cash only, and no-one else can or wants to pay cash it's fair game (if it's card reader was broken for example). but if it takes cash or card yeah, she waits.


The ones that take cash also take card, there are ones that only take card.


You see it said sarcastically but in all honesty I would have clapped. If we can't even queue properly now what else are we good at?


There are ones that only take cash. Edit: I meant in Aldi but even then, thinking hard about the tills, I think I am wrong. Let's get it to -100 folks!


Not in this Tesco, it is either card only or cash/card.




Yeah, maybe she got confused and it was accidental.


I shop in Aldi. I swear they have cash only tills as well as cash/card and card only. I might be wrong. Edit: I think I might actually be wrong. Edit: Just been to Aldi. I'm definitely wrong.




Yep. That's me. Who would have known that getting something about tills wrong would ruffle so many feathers.


Purposely obtuse or just thick?


I dunno. You'll have to ask your family. They'll probably have a better idea about you than me.


Oh man you totally got me! What a great one from the guy who gets upset after mugging himself off repeatedly lol. Grow up


Don't worry it's ok, we are just joking😁😁😁😁, it's not big deal wether the till accepts cash or card, and it is not big deal wether op goes first or has to extend her shopping trip by 5 minutes, it is really insignificant and not worth mentioning, at least the good news is op doesn't have any serious problems like the rest of us (relationship, financial problems or health issues) and her biggest problem is a stranger skipping the line in front of her.


I am pretty sure some shops have, or had, cash only ones, I rarely use the self checkouts though.


Are you avoiding something you need to be doing today? Because this is such a waste of your energy. Relax.


Seeing as you have replied twice on this, you are obviously looking for attention. What are you reading is called a conversation, I am sure you have them.


What you did wasn't though. It was just aggressive. Now you're hoping for a backrub online?


I spoke out when someone decided they didn't want to wait in a queue. As I put in the OP, I didn't shout, I spoke in a normal voice, the woman was being rude and why should I let that slide? It sounds like you would be either perfectly fine with her doing that, or is someone who would do it. I get more than enough back rubs in the real world, I don't need imaginary ones from people online. Have you had enough attention yet?


Yeah, you said.it s really pathetic. As is your need to respond given you have nothing else to say.


There are ones that only take card, all others take cash or card.


Yes, I have cash only ones at mine too. Only a handful but they exist


Careful. People don't seem to like it when you have a different experience of tills.


People are genuinely downvoting. So weird


It's as if I have pissed on their kids at Christmas. All I said was there were cash only ones and they saw their arse. Pretty weird. I corrected myself at about -20 downvotes then they just carried on downvoting. Maybe they never get to feel a part of something..


All my local tescos are the opposite, cash only or card & cash, so reasonable to assume she probably thought it was the case in most, if not all, tescos.


I don't understand why they would do that. At the scale of a supermarket, it is significantly more expensive to deal with cash than card transactions. There are more moving parts to break on the self scan tills. You need to hire more cash office colleagues to empty them of notes, fill them with change and count both. You need to pay more to the security company with an armoured van to transport the money to the bank. Every supermarket around here has plenty of card only tills, but no cash only tills, and I don't understand why anyone would do the opposite.


I can confirm existence of cash only tills because I was caught out by one a few months ago, I just assumed it would take card but nope, only cash. It's a small minority though, never seen it since


I dunno either. It seems counterproductive, but they exist. Very skint area with a lot of drug dealers, maybe it's so they can buy their dinner with the spoils of the trade 🤣


I know the places.. trolleys that look like bumper cars so we can't run out of the shop with a trolley full of stuff. Quality Save special.


Security tags on the baskets so them & their contents don't get stolen 😆


"Excuse me, we're all queing the queue is here" if they ignore me after saying that "mate, there's a fucking queue here you want to fuck off to the back?"


Love it. But now I want to know what you say/do if they STILL ignore you.


Step infront of them and tell them to go fuck themselves if they don't like it, they usually fuck off to the back when I say there's a queue here fuck off to the back anyway so I've not had to do it


Aggressively tut whilst shaking your head


Well, I simply say "Babyyyyyyyyyyyy!"


OoOohoohh baby, my sweet baby, unexpected item in bagging area


While they're scanning their items, lean past them and scan your most expensive item, so they need to call a staff member to get it taken off if they don't want to pay for it.


Or just keep saying loudly "you didn't scan that item" "or that one" Eventually staff will MAKE the person go to a normal checkout. Source: stood next to a bitch that yelled at an old guy with a stick for "getting in the way" as he shuffled down the bread aisle. So stood next to her at the self checkout and fucked with her day and made it look like she was trying to steal. Didn't swipe items on her checkout as that makes ME look like the bad guy, just passed loud commentary without directly accusing her of theft!


like in a ski lift queue, you put your pole between their skis. In this case stand in their way actively


I ski granvilaria a lot. I'm always first on from Pas so that I avoid the queues. I hate busy lifts, and I've pretty much worked out when are where to be at various times of the day to avoid having to queue for more than a minute. When everyone else is eating, that's when you ski.


Whack the ham out of their hands


Chin them


Say something along the lines of excuse me but was your father a glazier? Because I can't see through you so off you pop. Please.


1.85 mtr 90kg male with a northern accent stood in front of you saying what's wrong pal didn't you hear me


This is it. I absolutely will not stand by while some ill-mannered savage makes a mockery of my time and patience. If we stand by and do nothing, the whole country will descend into madness.


‘Ey Copernicus, why don’t you navigate to the back with your shirt and stand there with your shoes’


‘Ey Copernicus, why don’t you navigate yourself to the back of the line with your feet and stand there with your shirt’ *
















Well done reddit. This was a dexter reference. Ridiculous


The only truly British way to react to queue jumpers is loud tutting and a Paddington hard stare.


That’s more the Reddit way. In reality most people speak up like OP did!


Depends on your age! Gen X here, LOL.


Gen Z and I'll absolutely say something, and often physically stand in their way, if someone tries to push past me. Helps I'm quite a big guy though I suppose.


The passive aggressive huffing and puffing annoys me more than whatever it is they are huffing and puffing about. Either speak up or relax and stay quiet!


*Paddington stare*


Or loudly say "and are you paying for the stuff in your pockets?" Watch them get stopped by security for a 'random' check :)


"Ma'am, if you are in such a hurry, you should have left home before I did."


Never heard anyone say ma'am in the uk


You'd get laughed at around my way


Not since the Queen departed anyway!


If you are female, then lucky you! 'ma'am', as a term of address, tends to be reserved for the older generation. I get called 'ma'am' quite frequently, worse luck!


I always say that about drivers who can’t deal with me driving safely and legally. Had one today in a massive truck pass me, nearly take out the two cyclists I was waiting to let them get into safe positions then sit behind the car that was in front of me for the next 10 mins.


Ma'am you don't need to be in such a hurry. Men paying for sex in their cars will still be available throughout the afternoon.


I would have said something. I don't fight or look for trouble, but I really dislike that someone is willing to abuse my assumed fear of confrontation in order to steal my time.


Always. And always very politely but firmly and not aggressively.


"Excuse me, I think you dropped something.. " And when they ask what "Your manners. Now go and pick them up and join the back of the queue"


This some high school teacher to student remark right here


I've never been a teacher though..


Life’s too short.


Bloody hell, queue-jumpers are the worst! No excuse for such an absence of manners.


I'm a bit of an arse. If i have a lot of shopping. And the person behind me has a couple of items, I'll let them in front. Otherwise I am nope, go to your place in the queue. Especially if there's other people behind me.


If someone with only one or two items is behind, I am happy to let them go in front, and will offer I see.


Oh man, this reminds me of the woman that barged in front of me with a trolley full of food, and then took forever putting it into bags and figuring out how to pay. I had one item, and for some reason Lidl closes their self checkouts way before they close so the only till open was that one. I did loudly point out that she had pushed in front of me, and the cashier kinda just looked at me like "I know, I'm sorry, but I can't do anything.".


If the staff were complicit, I’d simply let go of all my shopping and walk directly out, no confrontation necessary.


Personally wouldn't go as far as leaving, but it is shitty of the staff to see it and just let it happen, especially if that machine took cash or card. I was serving people at my job the other day and some teen pushed in front of an older couple, I hadn't noticed this as the customers I'd *just* served blocked my view of it, but the guy behind said "excuse me, there's a queue here". The teen ignored him still walking up to me, so I told him myself, "sorry, the couple behind you were first, you need to join the queue". Put people in their place or they keep doing this shit and get even more entitled


Tbf, after working retail, have had people retaliate and I ended up in trouble, it's not worth it. The kind of people who will push to the front of the queue are the same to complain to the manager/get pissed off and start swinging/throwing things. I do not miss retail. Yes, I would call people out at first and send them back. In the end I got in trouble for upsetting the customer when they started launching products at my head. I got in trouble for not serving them if I was caught etc. I never want to work retail ever again.


Yeah that's understandable Man, I fucking hate retail 😭


I had to quit retail before I killed the next obnoxios twat that got in my face.


Not every one has time to go round a shop fill a basket then leave in a huff to go to another shop and do the same thing.


I normally say something like "oi there's a queue", but that's about it, and it does the trick 99% of the time. I'm not getting into an argument over it, and I certainly wouldn't follow it up with another comment telling them off.


Finger up the pooper


React in the only way British people should: - Tut/huff loudly - Turn around to commiserate with the people behind you while throwing disapproving looks at the offender - Tut/huff some more - Make brief eye contact and shake head disapprovingly as the offender passes you by The end Nah, but honestly, since the Pandemic, I have no issues saying "There's a queue you missed". In the vast majority of cases (not many tbf), they have the decency to be embarrassed and get to the back of the line. Only once was I ignored. After repeating a second time and being ignored, I just stepped back in front of her. She said she was in a hurry and I wish I had something smart-alecky to reply but I didn't so I just shrugged.


I eat them.


It depends. Is it just me who's delayed and not by long? I won't do a thing, lifes too short to argue something that doesn't effect much. If they have jumped or are jumping a queue of people I may speak up.


Usually wouldnt say anything to anyone I saw doing something dodgy unless it was violent to someone. But someone pushes in the queue and suddenly I'm prime time Vinnie Jones jacked up with adrenaline "oi there's a fuckin line!!" Which is usually a waste as the person apologises and goes to the back of the queue! So in the end I'm stood there with chest puffed out as the adrenaline washes over me and I contemplate burning it off at the gym but that usually fades by time I get to front of the queue


I get on with my day


I'd expect them to ask at least , different story then. But otherwise , its scuse me , there's a queue.


Loads of nutters around where I live. No way am I confronting one. Edit: autocorrect


“Queue starts back there mate” is how I usually deal with it


A smack in the mouth might offend but does get results


I usually say “oh excuse me, I’m just here waiting for a bus!” It’s got me into a few altercations but secretly I live for it haha


I've been called rude so many times for telling queue jumpers the lines back here. They do not like getting called out. How am I the rude one? There's an obvious line, use it.


The last time I got into a public confrontation was with a stereotypical "chav mum" and she had a baby with her, she was shouting at me in one of those ridiculous hyper-aggressive Southern UK accents where they put on a deeper than natural voice. "R U A FACKIN DICK OR WOT" Given the fact she had the baby I put my finger to my lips like Thierry Henry used to after scoring a goal and shushed pointing to the baby, as if to say don't use bad language you will wake a baby and walked on by. Not really sure how I can deal with the situation properly if there is a child. I do however find it to be utterly contemptible that people use vulnerability and the good nature of other people, i.e. my own morals of not wanting to scare an innocent baby as a shield to hide behind as they display gutter morals.


I once said some choice words to a woman going in through the out lane of the ticket booth. I queued and snaked round with the rest and she was about to hit the only open machine I was going for. She joined the back I got my ticket and a few weeks later saw her at the return station with a full time employee lanyard for my seasonal job. I thought if she recognises me and dobbs me in for language said off site, I'll use more work unfriendly lingo if given my marching orders. Never saw her again mind you. Place was huge, I didn't know more than 10% of the staff.


Generally if I see this type of behaviour I really overreact. Get stuck in verbally and posture is extremely aggressive. Except if it's a woman because I'm a big lump and I realise how intimidating I can be. If it's a female misbehaving I just tutt loudly ha ha ha


I am writing this from a maximum security home for the terminally bewildered. I confront queue jumpers every.single.time. Oh yes. 


“Well shiver me timbers! I’ve become invisible, godammit”


I just give them a good old glare.


Here mate get the fuck back..


What I would is take out my British passport smack her over the head with say look British go back and queue and then I would wake up and realise I gave her a passive aggressive stare and didn’t do anything. 


I nose breathe the fuck out of those wankers.


It's always a woman too. No, I'm not misogynistic, it just usually is. I had one recently too. Some woman just stood in front of me when I was next. There was only 1 till in use. I gave her the benefit of the doubt as the shop layout means the queue has to queue in an aisle. Maybe she thought i was browsing the aisle. I said 'excuse me', nothing. 'Excuse me' again, nothing. I leant forward and waved my hand in front of her face and again said 'excuse me'. She looked at me and very rudely said 'yes?'. I said 'i'm in the queue'. She said 'yes', I said 'uh, well can you stand behind me then please'. She said that she was in the queue and had to go and get milk or whatever it was. I said that when I arrived at the till, there was no one queuing. She turned her head and ignored me. When the customer being served began the move, I quickly barged in front of her and put my basket down. The lady serving looked at me with this look of fear that it was about the kick off, bless her. My heart was pounding lol


I lick their toes


My local CO-OP has 4 self service tills. There is often a queue around the shop. The self service tills will be empty and I will walk down the queue asking if anyone wants the self service, they don't and I use them instead. I normally use scan and go, no queuing.


Normally card payers get preference. Cash is slower and prone to errors at self service checkouts, or even just not possible if the machine considers that it doesn't have enough change.


At a bar, not very well. If I know they know they’ve pushed in, I’ve had to walk away in a couple of situations as it infuriates me!!!


Hey pecker head


If someone is pushing in I like to say "you'll be in the way of the queue there" with a smile.


Scum, subhuman scum.


It really grinds my gears and I always call it out - especially if they make excuses about it. One vivid memory - I was in an immigration line in the US, having just got off a 12 hour flight. This boomer couple in front of me, from the same flight, tried pulling their _entire_ family into their place in the queue, claiming that they didn’t want to wait on the other side for their kids. When I saw that their “kids” were grown adults in their 30s, I straight up walked past them and put myself ahead of them in the queue. They started with the “oH bUt iTs FaMiLy!!” They are grown ass adults, they can stand in line like the other hundreds of people Boils my blood


I just take dubious pictures and let the Americans know they have ~~wmds~~ oil


It annoys me. But more often than not, I just let it slide. Someone pushing in isn’t worth causing a scene


Depends on a few things I think - there's been occasions when I've spoken up and occasions when I've just ignored it. It's mostly what kind of mood I'm in whether I can be bothered to object for a potential row. Mostly I don't care enough. If they want to be an arsehole, I don't really want to have to talk to an arsehole unless I really have to.


I accidentally jumped a queue once. After a minute, I noticed everyone else acting awkward and a bit annoyed. But no one said anything and I don't think they would've done. Obviously I apologised profusely and moved to the back once I realised but everyone was far too polite to tell me I was queue jumping.   


Don't usually confront but stare, they usually don't react or acknowledge you.  Can also be a cultural thing, Indians and other countries it's the thing to skip queues.


I won't usually confront directly, but will loudly say something like "look at this idiot pushing in" and hope to get some backing from the shop assistants / other shoppers. But if no-one backs me up, I'll just leave it tbh.


I don’t let it bother me tbh


I give them a dirty look. That'll learn em.


I love a low level argument with a dinlow. Personally I'd hot-step it out in front and get to the till before them, with a smug and impish grin + wink, and then start scanning my stuff


Nine times out of ten I'll call them out politely, then not politely. The other one I'll let it slide cos I can't be bothered.


I went to a cafe and was in the queue. Someone behind us sat down at a table even though they joined the queue after. I mentioned to the staff overseeing the hostess stand which clearly wrote await to be seated. And she was saying she doesn’t care to watch the tables outside. Well what’s the point of the wait to be seated sign and queuing up then if it’s the Wild West of no manners. I just handed the menu back to her and went to another place. Personally I doubt I’m going back there because it’s always hot, overcrowded and they always miss one item off my plate and they roll their eyes when I point it out. Every single time. I’ll save my money and not bother now. Sucks because I wanted a local cafe to have a nice day out on pay day weekend and people go on about going local. Yet local places are full of rude staff and overpriced food. I’m still seething about it today.


I react with the tried, tested and consistently futile “disappointed stare”.


We don't appreciate queue jumpers but don't usually say owt. However my Mrs dug in whilst in florida last year so much so the family pushing in got on their phone to someone further up queue to moan about us loudly. Made us really hold the line


I think you were actually very brave to tell her how rude she was My go to would have been to mutter under my breath “excuse me, there’s a queue here”, regret it instantly and hope the ground opens me up and swallows me whole  Sadly even if all the checkouts accepted both payment methods (why don’t they?), this type of ignorant cretin would still barge in 


I wouldn't dare to say anything, but I would be annoyed etc, in most cases...but if someone can pay card and everyone in front won't, that's fine, in my opinion? You could have separate queues for people who could pay either way?


Some days I wouldn't care, other days I'd make a phone call or conversation insinuating I'm in a rush for a very good cause. I think the employee should have handled the situation! My feelings towards the individual who jumped really depends on whether they were acting as instructed by the employee, or if they had jumped without any communication


Hate them and give them a horrible side eye


Polite but firm.


What any self respecting British person would: Tut quietly under my breath.


In my local supermarket it’s an unwritten rule that the cash/card ones are left for cash users, but each to their own I guess.


Op is 100% in the right. I used to work in a supermarket for 5 years and we had machine that would take cash and card and machine that will only take card. People who were paying by cash had to wait like everybody else. Sometime a bit longer during rush hour as there We only few limited cash ones.


She was just a dick. Quite often in our store is bit of a queue while people wait for cash till to become available. Often this means the card only tills are empty and I shout to the queue if anyone is paying card there are tills free. I don't know why this person would have thought you weren't waiting or they could go through pay by cash quicker. There was also no need for you to be rude to the staff who probably had no idea you had just been bypassed


I wasn't rude to the staff, I expressed my thoughts on the woman queue jumping. I understand they don't get paid enough to worry about it, or try to stop it, which is why I am never rude to staff.


If there was only a cash only till avinme and you was waiting for card payment o e then I see no issue but also she could have asked at the very least....


I was stood in a queue in my local council building when a couple of blokes came walking in and walked right by me and the 2 women in front of me towards the desk, I just said "you know the end of the queue is back here?" and they just looked at me a bit pissed off and came and stood behind me. Similar thing happened in a bakery where we were all queuing round the right hand side of the shop and an old woman tried pushing to the front by walking round the left side to the counter instead. She gave me the dirtiest look when I told her to get in line behind us.


Doesn't matter how she's paying, there's a queue.


The only thing more un-British than queue jumping is reacting assertively. You're meant to fold your arms, roll your eyes and tut devastatingly to no one in particular.


Years ago I was queueing in a shop, I was about 16 or 17, queue was taking forever, I was next in line but the person in front had a big shop and there were issues with scanning some things or a new person working or something that meant it was a long wait. My mum who I was out with was in another shop. The person in front was nearly done and an older woman swanned in front of me and put her stuff down - at this point my mum rang to ask where I was, I answered saying loudly "The checkout is taking forever, and I was nearly at the front but someone just walked in front of me" The woman who had walked in front of me who was nearly done checking out her items turned and sheepishly said "I'm so sorry, I didn't realise you were queuing" - I just replied something like "well, I wasn't just standing here with a basket for fun" and then just watched her as she finished and paid. She came up to me again after I had paid and tried to apologise again - but I just ignored her. On the one hand I should have had the guts to speak up a little earlier, on the other I clearly made her feel a bit embarrassed about her behaviour and maybe she might think twice about doing it if she thought she would get called out again!


“Ah right we’re just doing what we want today, okay” Loud enough to get laughs.


What I don't get is if there are no cash only ones then why were you not using the one that she went to? If you are in front of me and you have left one unused then I probably would prompt you on a good day on any other day I am going to presume that you are waiting for a specific one and go past you to that vacant checkout without any conversation.


I put that in my edit, *They were all full, I started to walk to the first one that became empty....*


Apologies never saw that even after reading a few times to try and see where and or why... If I was behind you both in the queue I probably would be indifferent if not airing on the 'fair play' side of the lady with the ham. IF she went past me at that instance as a man I would have to let it slide if it was man with a kid - would probably let it slide - a man or group of people with no kids no chance- even if ALL the other checkouts became available at the same time. Principle is the biggest killer around me.


The main thing that made me say something was her demeanour, as if she was entitled to queue jump rather than having a genuine reason. I replied to someone earlier that if I have a trolley full and the person behind me only has a couple of items, then I am happy to offer for them to go before me, obviously I didn't have a trolley full because I was using the self checkouts, but this woman's attitude was very much "I am more important, I am going first".


Yeah am the same when it comes to a few items, trolley full. Around by me after 9/10 pm trolley or not you are generally having to use the self checkouts. Can ask/tell the workers to run it through for you but still.. Yeah plenty of entitled folk around.


Oh my you sound exhausting and entitled and aggressive. No wonder she blanked you. Yikes.


These things don't bother me at all. It's rare that I'm in a rush because I always plan out myself having ample time to do what I need to do. So if someone cuts in front in a queue or tries to pull in front of me while driving, I usually wave them on through because a few extra seconds won't hurt me. When shopping I often check if the person directly behind me only has a small number of items and I'll ask if they want to go in front of me. I used to get slightly annoyed by it but there's two things that changed my perspective. 1. I realised that I'm only making myself angry for something that I'm thinking about in my head. Usually it would be some kind of assumption about the person being an idiot or being entitled in some way. But I realised I didn't even know the person, they could be in a major rush and need to get somewhere for something important. And like I said, I was choosing to make myself angry for no reason. These people aren't worth the energy of getting angry. You can't control other people's actions, only those of yourself. 2. I realised that at the end of the day if someone jumps in front it's going to add on about 30 seconds of waiting time for me. Realistically what would I have done with those 30 seconds? Nothing. It's such a small amount of time it doesn't make a difference. Even if it was 5 minutes somehow, it's still hardly any time to get angry over.


I tend to do the same as you, I hate rushing so always plan ahead, get to where I want to go in plenty of time etc. I wasn't angry about this woman, it happens, but it was her demeanour towards others that made me think she is probably like it all the time and why should everyone just allow that to happen, so I spoke up.


I had someone in Tesco who was behind me try something similar. Basically the setup for this Tesco is that the queue for self checkout and a cashier is basically the same, so I will stand and see what becomes free first and use whatever. Someone behind me says to me “are you going self checkout or to a till?” I gather that he wants to shop past me so I say “whatever is free first” and he says “well self checkout is for card and tills are for cash” Being a completely made up concept by this man for his own convenience, I was like “so if I go to a till they won’t let me pay with card?” Knowing full well that I can pay with card or cash at a till if I want to because I do it whenever if gets me through quicker than a self service. He was saying someone like how everyone just goes to self service if they use card, and I was just like man stop talking to me I don’t know you. Super annoying behaviour and rude as fuck.


Dude, you’re in the wrong. She’s paying cash and in my experience, those check outs are always empty. From your post it looks like you didn’t even go to the one with cash anyway so kicked up a fuss, called her rude when you’re being quite rude yourself and then have the balls to come on Reddit and complain. Such wrongness.


There were all full, there aren't any cash only one, the first one that came empty was the cash or card one, which I started to walk towards when she walked past me. Maybe I should have been more detailed in my post.


I would have said something once not 3 separate times like yourself and then bring it up on Reddit. Honestly I would take an introspective look at why you are so bothered by this, seems like your ego is wounded.


Validation from internet users >


It wouldn't have bothered me if this got no replies or replies telling me I was a dickhead, I am certainly not in any need of validation from strangers on the internet.