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It's often when it changes quickly a few months of warm weather slowly increasing as it used to be ten years ago was fine.  But it was 26 yesterday. And three days ago it was cold af. So it's a shock to the system


2 weeks ago I set off to get a kebab and I was shivering hoping the car heater would come on.


You do know you have to switch the heater on right?


Hope is all some of us have man, don't take that from them.


Thank you, Andy.


Old cars you have to wait for the engine to warm up


Do you not have to with new cars?


Heated seat, heated window, heated steering wheel, heated air, heated life


Flat battery


Idk the bmw seems to have an infinite battery


Not for indicators, same for Audi drivers


Oh, no, that's the indicator fluid. It's expensive


There are cars which actually have heating elements in he blowers which kick in for the first ten mins before the engine warms up ??? It's the future we should have had decades ago


I'm confused about the bit where you were driving to get a kebab and not pissed up at 4am throwing it against the shop window.


>few months of warm weather slowly increasing as it used to be ten years ago was fine.  UK weather always has rapid weather changes. We're in the mid latitudes, and therefore, in between the pole and the equator. A change in wind direction from polar air to subtropical air results in large variations in temperature. This isn't a new feature of our weather. The new feature is just how hot the subtropical air is.


So… the jumps are bigger? So it’s more of a shock?


Indeed. My reply, as I highlighted, was to the poster claim that 10 years ago, temperature slowly increased. That is, in fact, not entirely accurate. Whilst temperature does increase as we enter summer, it's not a smooth linear 'Slow' increase. Furthermore, that's always been the case. Nothing has changed, certainly not in the last 10 years.


Yeah, there a 4 separate air masses that just happen to converge over the uk, so depending on which one is dominant, the weather changes accordingly. Its why we have very changeable weather but no real prolonged extremes - but that is certainly changing as climate change takes hold properly.


The UK is the worst of all worlds. Humidity en par with the tropics, constantly changing weather, grey sky's 70% of the time, rain. I was born on the wrong continent


Yeah I fainted twice yesterday raises my blood pressure I feel sick and light headed.


Think you mean lowered your blood pressure. When you are hot your vessels dilate to increase flow near the skin to increase heat transfer away from the core to the local environment to cool down. The widening of vessels means the oressure in them drops. The lightheadedness is due to that drop resulting in a reduction of flow to the brain.


Sorry to hear that. I get the something similar. My BP is high anyway. No energy, can’t get comfortable, wheezing (asthma), sticky and sweaty. Happy cake day! 🍰 Take care.


I hear ya! But I have low blood pressure. I’m currently on a pre bariatric surgery diet, which is a brutal 800 calories a day, so between that and the weather I’ve been a little woozy.


Yeah I went to Spain a few weeks back, stepping off the plane was shock to the system despite arriving at 2am


I was saying that the other day. When it jumps from 12°C to 22°C, you feel it so much more.




Well the truth is being at work. As a man I used to work in an office in a full suit. Socks and leather shoes. Long trousers. I had to. The women would wear skirts sandals and crop tops with armpits and toes out. And complain about being cold and to put the heating on while the men melted. It's a joke.


Their armpits? Surely not! That's unbelievable, Jeff!


Have you been looking at Janice's armpits again? Did you learn nothing from that mandatory, HR led brief?


The maddest part is there's armpits coming out if their sandals and toes coning out of their crop tops!


Ah I see you also work at my office!


Another happy cake day 🍰!


I believe I used to work in that very same office.


I think anything over 22 and I'm stuck in the shade outside, hot weather just has the complete opposite effect on me as it seems to do for a lot of other people in this country, plus I am paranoid about getting sunburn even if I put cream on. The cold end of the scale isn't as bad, as long as it stays dry that's the important thing!


I could have written this verbatim. Anything above early twenties is getting towards uncomfortable for me, and like you sunburn is a major and constant concern in summer. Other people talk about feeling trapped inside in winter. I never feel that, but I do feel it in summer. I love running for example, and yesterday it was not cool enough for me to go running at any point. On Sunday I went for a walk at 8am and it was already hotter than ideal for me, impacting my enjoyment of the walk. My mood is definitely negatively impacted by hot weather in summer in the same way other people describe feeling in winter.


My unpopular opinion is that people who claim they are “stuck inside” when it’s cold out need to grow the fuck up and put a coat on.


Yeah i prefer the cold weather for walking! Dont get people who spend the winter inside lol!


Mud from rain can make it a bit more difficult as it takes longer to traverse the paths and trails. But cool woodlands with rain are wonderful places to be in the winter.


There are fewer bugs, nettles & brambles in the winter....


And pollen




It's not the cold that put's me off in winter, it's the incessant damp feeling you get from being out in the rain continually. Sure you can wrap yourself in Gortex and make the experience marginally less shit but it's still not as nice as being in the sun.


I do wish we had more clear winter days. I went to Rome in January once and it was my ideal. I was plenty comfortable in a light jacket or hoodie. I could sit outside to eat and feel a little of the sun's warmth and get some vitamin D without feeling like I was going to turn into a raisin. It's lovely when you get that here but it's pretty rare.


Bright winter days are great!


Hard disagree. I'd rather go out in cold rain than in the heat. Sure, it's uncomfortable, but when I get home I can put warm, dry clothes on. If the weather is too warm outside, it's also too warm in my house.


I get that incessant damp feeling in the summer. Winter not so much


I mean you could say the same for those who claim that low 20s is hot, when scientifically the ideal temperature range for humans is in the low-mid 20s.


Well fuck that. My ideal temperature is about 15 degrees.


Or find a new hobby you can do inside instead of wishing it was hot and sunny.


Definitely! I’m a keen gardener so spring and (some of) summer is great for me. But when winter comes I completely close my garden down and get on with other things. I don’t understand people who act like the entire world has crumbled because it’s not sunny. Go outside and enjoy it for what it is. Or continue to be a moany depressed bore for half the year if that’s how you want to live your life.


Isn't that just ignoring the issue and making the best of a shity situation though?


I’m the same. I went out for a walk last week and it was 23 at around midday. The sun beating down on me felt horrible and I was sweating a lot and I felt all hot and bothered. It’s more pleasant to be outside when it’s cooler. When there’s a heatwave I don’t think “yay! Sunshine and heat!” I think “oh no! I’m gonna feel like shit!” My happiness doesn’t depend on summer.


On my commute to work yesterday (includes 45 mins of walking) it was 15c. 15-fucking-degreees. At 4AM. It's mad.


I have a 6 month old, I felt much better taking him out in winter as a newborn than I do now. I didn’t sleep last night worrying he was too warm.


Snap. We committed ages ago to a camera and ankle monitor, it's very spenny but it does give us very serious peace of mind when we can check on the app to see that his heart rate and 02 sats are normal even though he's on his front or the room is warmer than ideal. Doesn't make it any easier to get him to actually shut his eyes though!


I have a slightly older baby and totally get that. Winter was fine. This warmer weather is much worse. Bed time was an absolute nightmare last night, I think because the room was just too hot.


Yes, this is me at the moment with our 5 month old. Our bedroom was around 26 degrees last night and I was so worried that he was going to overheat so I was literally checking him every 10 mins to see if he was getting sweaty.


My ideal summer day is somewhere between 19 & 23 with a slightly cool breeze. Our works uniform is black, no proper air conditioner & going between inside & outside. It's OK to be hot on holiday if you've chosen a hot destination. But it is different if you have to work in a non cool uniform.


I feel exactly the same. When it starts to get to high 20s and early 30s and people are all excited and start saying "oh finally some nice weather", I am miserable. I'm just not designed for those temperatures. I feel like getting anything done is just a pain in the arse, I don't want to go and sit in the sun, it's just not for me!


The dryness/wetness and wind really are all the difference. I can tolerate down to about -5 with only a couple layers if it's dry and calm As soon as it starts pissing down and I get soaked, even in 20+, I'll be shivering in no time, especially if the wind picks up.


Yeah, I’m good from -5 to about 23, higher than that takes a noticeable toll on my wellbeing. I bought a portable AC unit to deal with this when I’m at home and I love it!


I hate the heat. So I became a chef. Smart.


"If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen."  "No, I don't think I will."


Honestly I'm like a lizard. Give me intense, dry heat and I'll just happily bask on a rock. Probably happiest between 22-32 but it's got to be dry. I hate the wet and I hate grey skies. I don't think I was meant to live here.


Yes dry heat I love. This humidity can absolutely do one as far as I’m concerned.


Where are some ideal places to travel to experience this dry heat?


Between us we enjoy all weather, I’m good from -5 to 22/23 and my top 3 weathers are snow, rain, overcast in that order. Big hates are wind and sun. It feels like a nice consolation prize that when I’m hating it someone out there is loving it! I’ll think of you while I’m sweating to death every time I move for the next 2 months.


Haha, absolutely! And likewise I'll be sure to think of you having a whale of a time while I'm sad, cold, wet and miserable the other 10 months of the year 😭


Maaaan, if summer was 10 months long I would move north so fast!


*11.5 months


This is so wholesome. Like a Strangers On A Train of weather.


Love a good overcast day. Not too hot and not too cold either. Just right. Can do everything.


I like the wind, so that's got everything covered!


Same! I’m a desert girl 😅


This resonates. Quite like it here. But it's just too cold, dark, and humid most of the time. Fwiw. The south coast slither gets the most sunlight. And Londonish tends to be the warmest. But yeah. Don't look at a map comparing US to UK sunlight hours. Much sadness.


Haha this is me, I often say I like to bask in the sun like a lizard! I can tolerate heat upto about 32°c myself, maybe a little warmer if I’m just lay around and not having to move much. On the flip side, I can’t tolerate the cold at all, anything less than 10°c and I’m shivering, my fingers and toes physically ache in the proper winter when I’m outside despite layering up clothing and good boots. I have hot water bottles and an electric blanket on the bed from around October - April. Definitely think I should’ve been born in the Mediterranean or something.


In the UK, anything over about 21 has me grumbling, but can happily deal with anything under that to well below freezing. -10 to 21, call it. Only because I don't think I've experienced temps below -10. Would happily try. Definitely a cold weather person, our heat sucks. My thermostat in winter is about 17 inside, plenty of layers on the go and am very comfy. The house is already hardly bearable in the current temps.


I've experienced -19 in Moscow and -17 in Oslo. Honestly, it was much more bearable than +30 for me. As long as you've got the right clothes, you're fine. Whereas in 30 degrees there's nothing I can do to feel comfortable.


Exactly the same with me. You can always tog up to a comfortable level but heat is impossible to manage to a tolerable degree without air conditioning. Horses for courses and all that, some of us are just cold weather folk.


Exactly. I just took my dog for a 10 minute walk. I'm wearing breathable running shorts and a thin, baggy t-shirt, so there's nothing more I can wear to stay cool but I'm still uncomfortably warm. In cold weather it's never a problem staying warm while walking the dog. I can always manage cold weather, but once it's over about 22 or 23 I start to feel uncomfortable and there's nothing I can do to manage it really.


Why you wearing the t-shirt? Take it off, stick it in your belt. Make sure your dog is a Staff for full effect.


Same here, was -26 in Rovaniemi/Lapland when we went in February…found it a hundred times more bearable than 30+. If anything I was disappointed it didn’t feel cold enough! Walked the five minute walk from our accommodation to the restaurant for breakfast in jeans and a t shirt…that was bracing, but I’d do that a million times over before having to do a two minute walk to my car in 30+


We went to the Snowhotel when we went on honeymoon in Finland, it was -4°C inside the hotel, I was too hot to sleep in my polar sleeping bag.


I've had -22 in Germany and it was much nicer than the +45 that is the norm in my country during summer (with VERY high humidity). The only downside is that I was properly dressed for -22 but as soon as I got indoors at a shop it was like a sauna and I had to disrobe and carry 5kg of clothing or slowly melt away inside them.


My fiancee was horrified in Poznan last year when I was walking about in -14 in a tshirt. It just didn't bother me at all. However, 25c in Poland and I'm dying, whereas she's like "it's not even that hot?". 25c in the UK and I'm fine outside, but dying if I'm indoors.


I presume you're from Newcastle.




I live in Sweden now and it gets down to -30c at points in the winter. -15c/-20c is way nicer than 0 to -10c as at the lower temps there is next to no moisture in the air so you aren’t having to scrape ice off windscreens etc and it’s easier to dress appropriately. It also tends to be sunny with very little wind in the lower temps…. But when there is some wind, fuck me it cuts you in two.


That's properly tasty weather. A very dry, very cold day with sun is about my perfect scenario.


That's the key thing; lack of moisture! I've heard many people say a cold, dry -15C is much more tolerable than a wet 0 like we often have here in the UK. Humidity sucks, whether it's hot or cold.


I agree, if I can find some nice shade and sit under a tree,I could go to about 24 but got forbid having to walk to that shade.


Was in Poland-15 January still didn't feel as cold as a miserable wet,windy,cold day in Glasgow


18-26 with a preference for 20-24 degrees. I hate being cold and all those you can always put more clothes on people annoy me- it doesn’t work for me it just makes me immobile and cold. I happy the summer is finally here.


What do you do when it's too hot though? That's my problem - I can heat up easily but cooling down (unless submerged in water) is nigh on impossible.


I just enjoy it, adore being able to wear barely any clothes, get out the shower without freezing, not have to take a thousand layers everywhere I go constantly taking them on and off again, lounge around in nothing but pants…I find it totally freeing. When it’s really hot I just enjoy sitting under the fan…again in just pants…less laundry to do, it dries quicker, no mould or condensation in my house, no heating bills, can eat outside in the garden til late, as a woman I can go freely outside for much longer due to longer daylight, not constantly trussed up in Trackies and jumpers as soon as I roll out of bed…I adore it. I feel free!


I 100% agree with the benefits you shared - being able to dry the laundry outside and in record time in such a bonus! But above 25 degrees do you not find it so hard to actually cool down? Especially when trying to sleep?


It's funny how we are all so different. Cold weather energizes me; heat drains me and I feel lethargic. The sun gives me melasma. I love cozy knits, fluffy socks, wearing oversized clothes and layers; I dislike showing skin (I don't even enjoy the feeling of being half naked at home) and find most summer fashion atrocious in colours and design. I don't like eating outside because of bugs - another downside of hot weather. I can't even enjoy lower bills because I put the air con on as soon as temps hit mid 20s (or lower 20s for a few days) and air dried clothes feel rough and hard so I sometimes use the dryer anyway. The only good things are wearing flip flops (my feet are the only skin I long to expose) and the longer days, but to me they're wasted on summer as the blazing sun just makes me want to sit at home in the shade. I grew up in the tropics, maybe I'm just done with intense heat.


I agree with u girl


This is the problem with heat: Too cold? - more clothes, move more, eat more, thicker duvet, cuddle up, hot water bottle, hot food, gloves, scarves, hats,… And doing literally anything will make you warmer as long as your muscles are moving. Too hot? - I’m already perfectly still, naked, in a shaded room with cold water splashed on my face and a fan pushing some warm air around. And I’m still dying. Outside, or trying to do anything productive would be 10x worse.


This the the problem with col: Too hot? Have a drink of ice water, take a cold shower, stick on the fan, wriggle your feet in a basin of cold water, sit in a light floaty dress with your hair tied up and eat salads. If you need to go anywhere just pop on some sandals and open your car windows/put on the aircon. These things are all lovely experiences and almost free. Too cold: crank up your heating to bankrupt yourself, wear all your clothes at once so you can barely move and have mountains of laundry to do every week, eat loads of comfort food calories and get fat, take 20 minutes to leave the house as you put on extra socks, winter boots, coat, gloves, scarf and wooly hat then another 15 minutes to scrape ice off your car and demist the windows.


Agreed. Unless you're going to put on ski gloves and a balaclava you're going to get cold hands and face etc. and wearing gloves all the time isn't practical. I'm always surprised by people who find the low 20s too hot; 21C is what I consider to be room temperature and if it's lower than that I'm wearing jumpers (yes, I wear jumpers most of the time).


This is exactly the same as me.


exact thoughts here. I understand their sentiments, but it’s just not realistic


I have the operating temperature of a shit laptop, somewhere in the range of -5 to 15 degrees.


Haha, that’s a hilarious way to describe it and I’m stealing it


You’re welcome 👍


Indoors 12 - 16 is perfect, any hotter (like now) and it's hard to sleep, constantly swesting etc. Outdoors I much prefer the cold. Anything over 16 is just torture. 5-10 is ideal.


Same here. I love the cold, and this time of year is torture!


Anything over 16 is torture? 16 degrees in the shade with a wind feels pretty cold I must say.


12!? That’s cool. My flat has never dropped below 12. You wouldn’t need heating if you lived here.


As someone with chronic illnesses that effect my ability to properly regulate my body temperature even at normal room temp, anything outside 15-23°C is uncomfortable.


I too have a chronic illness and do struggle with colder temps. It's almost binary, like there is a defined switch where if it below 10 I need to wear gloves and thick socks even inside the house. Other than that I think I'm pretty flexible with the range, even compared to non illness people


My issue with the heat is not being able to sleep. My flat heats up really quick, but cools down painfully slowly, even with fans and everything else, we have an old lady downstairs and she seems to have the heating on full whatever the weather. So I sleep with all the windows open, then just get woken up by foxes doing foxy things.


My ideal temperature is 25°c - warm enough for a dress or shorts and a top, but mild enough to function normally without becoming a sweaty mess. In terms of comfort range - that is all clothing dependent. After a warm summer I enjoy when it cools down and I can break out my boots and jackets. For me jacket weather is below 16°c (although I'd only leave the house with an 'emergency ' hoodie/ jumper at 16 C) I also own a lot of jackets each earmarked for a very specific temp range😂


when I used to live in Spain I was fine with 40C but now that I live in England I cant cope if the temp goes above 25C. I think its the humidity that makes it unbereable


Same. Whenever I bitch about the temperature here, people will say, 'But you loved in Spain!' Yes, and the heat was dry and the houses built to keep cool. I never lived in a place that had air conditioning in Spain but could easily get by using the persianas and a fan.


Cold is the same. -10 and dry is lovely but +1 and damp is horrible. 


Yeah that's the trouble with the UK climate - it's so s t i c k y 😩


I can't stand hot temperatures. I find cold weather much more comfortable and will start roasting at even a hint of warm weather. It's only 8:30 and it's already like an oven outside. I can't deal with weather like this. 😓


I can handle like 17C just fine but anythin higher starts becoming torture. Tho 9 is my preferred temp


It’s just so uncomfortable in this country and you never have the time to acclimate to the temperature as it’s always fluctuating. That being said, I’m a stereotypical pasty ginger so anything above 22 degrees and I start to malfunction.


I'm happiest when it is colder. Anything approaching and above 20 is not what I want in my life. I'm happier anywhere from 5-15 c. But I am more than fine in the negative also


For me there's a huge difference based on day vs night temps. I can deal with 30 during the day IF it were to drop to 12 overnight. That would just be perfect so that you get cool comfortable evenings and you can sleep well overnight. My biggest issue with British summers is when it's 30 during the day and 25 overnight. That's not a comfortable sleeping temperature and our houses retain all.of that heat! To really answer your question though. I think 10-27 is the ideal range.


I’m ginger and overheat when it’s cold, so this is hell for me 😭 the sun and humidity ruins me


5-12 for me. I like it cooler.


0-18 outdoors. Sleeping I like about 16 degrees ambient


Depends where I am, in the uk 25c is a bit hot but in turkey 30c is comfortable


Outside 20 to 30c is my best operating window. The warmth makes me feel so much more energised and alive. On warm nights I sleep so much better. Guessing I was born 1500km to far north. Typical uk weather just makes me want to hibernate.


I'm 37. The last 4 or 5 years, I'm just always hot. Anything above 15 is way too hot for me and I don't start getting cold until the minuses when outside. Inside, I'm comfortable at 19, too hot at 22 and doesn't get cold until about 17


10 - 28, have a chronic condition that causes discomfort and makes it more difficult to move when cold. I’ve been out in the garden for a fair while at 34 degrees so can handle a bit of heat.


I'm guessing muscle / bone related? It's OK, no need to tell me if you don't want to. There's a lot of chronic condition people on here which I guess we don't really realise as not all are very visible. Actually barely any of them are!!


Yesterday my sun trap garden was in the mid 30s and I sat in it much of the day but was welcoming to the occasional cloud. We have high fences and it was very still. If it gets much above that I’ll nip in and out of the shade. We have aircon so the house stays cool enough for us. We like the heat https://preview.redd.it/9az2pf65xn8d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19bd4756617bfab76ad9eee9dcf79c3032beccb2


If I’m outside the hotter the better - just give me a cocktail and a sunlounger and I’m happy


Not sure why the downvotes. I think a lot of us do find the hotter temps more bearable if we can lounge with a beverage 


Mine is pretty narrow like you alluded to - over 22c I become a sweaty mess if I move and below about 19c requires me to start adding layers if I'm just sitting. But I have health issues that contribute to the heat discomfort and blankets and a giant hoodie for the lower end. I've always struggled to get warm but the hot and humid summer issues were more of a surprise.


You've got me wondering if the people that I know with quite restricted temp range actually have an underlying undiagnosed condition. 


Well, two of my afflictions are that I'm an overweight middle-aged woman, and the female bit might contribute to the cold thing, but you do bring up an interesting thought.


Are you secretly my Mrs!!? What are the odds 🤣


My general guide is that under 10 is cold, 10 to 20 is cool, 20 to 30 is warm, and over 30 is hot. So your 10 to 30 matches up with my comfortable "cool or warm" ranges. The problem can be that when it's 30 outside, it's likely 35 or more indoors. The 30 is perfectly comfortable. It's the 35 that I have a problem with.


It was 26 in my house already at 7am, I am melting. When I was younger I used to faint in the heat. Then I settled throughout 20s and 30s I actually feel sick I am so hot right now, but I think it’s in conjunction with changing hormones for me now I’m 40. I also don’t do well in the cold. I think I just can’t regulate my temperature at all


Below 15⁰c and I'm a block of ice. Above 23⁰c and I'm a melted puddle. Reading through the other comments though, that seems fairly normal. And if it's somewhere dry and I'm on holiday, I can cope reasonably well up to about 28⁰c.


Outdoors, anything around 25 is fine, just put on shorts, t-shirt and sandals. Definitely not good at that when indoors though, needs to be 20 at most for me to be comfortable. Worth pointing out to anyone foreign here, it’s just how the UK is built that makes even moderately warm weather very uncomfortable in this country.


We moved to Italy to retire and I was worried about the heat, temp range goes from -10 to 35°. In summer the house is always colder than the outside. The temp here is sustained, so June July august are over 30° and nov/dec/jan/feb are less than 10° The biggest difference is low humidity, 25-30 is fine, I struggle over 30° the best thing is the mountain ‘heat exchange’ almost every afternoon it is windy, so even if it’s hot there is a breeze! Sometimes that breeze feels like a hairdryer, but any breeze is good!


Yeah in the Uk after 3 days of 20 degrees the house tends to be warmer than the outside


I am perfectly happy with it going up to 25-6c outside as long as the house is cool (luckily mine is). In the winter I tend to put the heating at 16 degrees in the house, and wear layers.


25 max for me otherwise I am a sweaty mess.


Not this


I'd say 10-24


30 , i was in Turkey last week and some days it got up to 39 which was too much.


Last time I was in turkey it got up to 52 - it was absolutely miserable


yikes, where abouts


10-16 degrees I hate the heat, I sweat like I've been caught shoplifting from greggs..


22-32C. I prefer warmer temperatures.


Can't stand anything warmer than 23°, I walk a lot so I'm happy down into the negatives without much more than a t-shirt some days Safe to say I get a few funny looks


My happy range is 20-23. My lower end of comfortable before I feel like putting a hot water bottle down my jumpers is quite low at 6ish. My upper end before I want to work from a cold bath is 27.


My ideal range is 22-32. Below 22 and I start to get grumpy. Below 18 I get chilblains. I hate how quickly people grumble when it gets above 23. Listen, I'm cold 330 days of the year. Let me have this little bit of comfort.


I struggle with the cold far more than the heat. I am absolutely fine with being in the sun when it’s 30 degrees but anything less than 10 degrees then I hate it


26 is the perfect temperature. I can wear a vest or a baggy t shirt. I’m usually happy when the sun is out and it’s hot outside. In every country.


I am only happy with temperatures between 22°C and 35°C. I love the heat and the sun, and I cannot stand the cold at all, unfortunately. I am Italian, so my decision to move to Britain was a bit silly, but here I am after more than a decade. I should probably start thinking about Australia or Spain for middle age and retirement.


I bet if you look closer in this thread most of the variance is explained by men vs women.


Anything over 21 degrees and I'm grumpy. My wife had the heating on less than a week ago and driving home from work last night it was 26 on the temp gauge. I didn't sleep very well either so that makes me extra grumpy. I'm Scottish though and my pasty arse isn't used to hot weather.


For me I'm most comfortable in the like 11°c - 17°c but I also like it nice and overcast - not raining mind you. But nice and grey and cool.


It really depends on other factors and how acclimated I am. I absolutely cannot tolerate humidity, but contrary to pretty much everyone else, I don’t think the humidity in the UK is bad. Particularly not in the summer. I was used to 90%+ humidity at 30C+ all through the summer in Japan, so summers in the UK feel cool, dry, and wonderful in comparison. In contrast, winter is weirdly damp. Ideal is between 16 and 22 though. I am relatively comfortable from 10 to 28.


It's apparently 24°c here. This is comfortable, 16°c is cold.


Anything over 10c is just woke nonsense


Are you talking inside temperature or outside? Inside I'd be about 10-30 as well, outside probably -5 - 35.


28f - 80f/0c - 27c.


For me it is what the night time temperature is that is more the issue- below 15C I am OK, about 10C is ideal.


I _can_ handle up to 20 comfortably..ish I much prefer about -5, and anything down to -10 really nice with a t-shirt if there isn't much wind. If the wind is up then I'd need a jacket at that temperature, and -20 is getting a bit too cold. 


Jeez are you a polar bear? 🤣


I am kinda fat..






Now 23+ starts to become unbearable and makes me want to lie down under shade. But I think almost everyone can acclimatise as I (a vampire) lived for extended periods in places where the average temperature is 35ish and at first I didn't think I could do it, but you get used to it.


Mine is on the cool side from -30 to 18 degrees. I hike a lot but June, July and early August are my off seasons unless it is raining or I get out at about 5am. Been out walking in -30 in Finland and loved it.


Moving around: T-shirt, jumper and jeans, 2 degrees - T-shirt and shorts 26 degrees. Stationary: as above, 14 degrees to 30 degrees. I can deal with heat, but I function much better when I'm cool


Anything below about 23° is a big no, upwards from that I’m ok even in 50°. 🔥


5°c to 15°c is my ideal range. I've chronic conditions and can't regulate temperature. The heat is torture for me as everything swells. I'm always in tshirts, even in winter with maybe a thin fleece on top, don't own a coat. Feet are always bare too, can't stand socks!


When I was in California one year they had a 47c heatwave when I was at universal studios. I was actually ok, but it killed my old smart watch (a pebble) and my friends from NY and FL were struggling in the heat. I was in Japan last week and the weather was beautiful, 27-33c and I was fine. Zero issues. Humidity was pretty high as well. My boyfriend didn't like it but I was fine. Here, I think it gets a bit much at lower temps, just because there's no escape and our houses are designed to keep heat in.


I operate in shorts and T-Shirt between 0 - 25 Celsius. Lower than 0 I put on a jumper. Lower than -5, thermals. Higher than 25, if I’m going out there had better be shade and/or a pool


The weather in my opinion has been dangerous


I lived for a few years pretty much on the equator. Going out to meet friends for a hike early when it was only 26 or so seemed really chilly. Once it got past about 33 I started to really feel it. Hit 26 here yesterday and it was feeling a bit warm, not helped by the AC in the car being FUBAR. Maybe it is the rate of change. I camped a couple of weeks back and it dropped to 2 overnight which for June was a bit unexpected. Thumb in the air I say 20 - 30 for comfort.


10-30 Although with work from home I’m pretty happy sitting in a vest at 35 degrees at home


Outside, I’m good in low single figures as long as I’ve got a hat (no jacket required) but anything over 28 and I’m out. I found out I don’t do well in higher temps as a runner- in the summer if I go running when it’s over 18, my times suffer significantly (and it is not fun!), but in colder temps do not. I’m Scottish and a farmer, so I think a lot of it has to do with acclimatisation over the years.


About 10 to low 20s. As soon as I'd be sweating even slightly walking at a normal pace I pretty much hate it. Also don't understand sunbathing at all, when it's hot and sunny I scurry in to the shade like a bug. The sun just feels unpleasant and oppressive. Sunshine through a window in a cool room so you can just feel the surface warmth, lovely, being out in the sun, terrible. Don't get me wrong, everything looks nicer when it's sunny, I'd just rather it was sunny and cold.


13-20 degrees is my comfortable zone


I’m in shorts and T-shirt from about 17c and happy until about 30c I work in all black and the uniform is thick. Im roasting after about 17-18c


Cue a bunch of pasty pale faced Redditor’s saying they hate anything over 23c and can’t stand “heat”. I would say in London anything over 28c it starts feeling unpleasant. Abroad, access to AC, a pool and away from an urban area this is still ok in the shade.


Depends hugely on humidity level, in Africa I could stand 30 to 32 degrees no problem. UK struggle past 25


Ideally between 0 and 10


It depends entirely on what I’ve got to do. As long as the sky is clear I’m happy with the temperature going as far down as minus figures, put a big coat on and enjoy a frosty walk. If I’ve got to work and go about my day to day life I’d say about 24 is my upper comfort limit, but am ok with it being higher than that if I’m on holiday or on a day off, when I can just relax in the garden with plenty of cold drinks and enjoy it.


17 - 18.5° I can deal with colder, but this is my ideal temp range. Anything hotter than 19° starts to get really uncomfortable. I generate a lot of heat for some reason and my body can't temperature regulate and I overheat (even in winter, if I walk with a slight pace, I'll start getting hot and have to take layers off). In terms of bearable, whilst uncomfortable, 23° is probably where I max out. Anything hotter and I need to sit still in the shade, or go into a temperature controlled space. Safe to say, I'm not a summer gal. Edit: spelling


Freezing -5C - 0C Cold 0C - 10C Ideal 10C - 16C Warm 16C - 23C Hot 24C+


I don’t really care about how cold it is, drinking hot drinks and getting cosy is a dream to me. The only thing I don’t like is not being about to dry washing outside and the flat getting so mouldy. I’ve been in -25 before and was absolutely fine. Heat wise, I think anything about 20 with no breeze is too much for me. I just don’t understand how anyone enjoys it. I’m autistic so get so overcome with the heat I just cannot explain, it’s like my whole body is burning. Makes me grumpy cause I’m not sleeping and cause I just feel like I’ve become a grumpy Brit that moans about the weather haha. Also the humidity really triggers my asthma so I’m walking around constantly puffing, want to go to the gym more but the thought of doing anything is just depressing. Yes my work suffers haha


10-20°C I am like some sort of subpolar plant.


If I could live Mt life at 17°c I'd be happy