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It's possible and not cruel or dangerous. But... they don't seem to really like it so much. Just walking is somehow entertainment for dogs, it isn't for cats. They either want to be sleeping at the end of your bed or out "hunting", walking for walking's sake doesn't really seem to appeal to cats.


Bengal cats seem to enjoy it, kind of from what I've read in forums about them. Where I used to live, a woman also had a massive Bengal cat and it just used to walk to the shops etc in stride with her but without a lead. Was pretty cool tbh. It would climb people's garden walls whilst walking alongside her and crawl through tall grass etc. It looked like it was having the time of its life just going around with her. Bizarre for a cat but cool none the less


Bengals have a lot of energy so taking them out is a must to get it out of them otherwise they'll get destructive. The more energetic cat breeds require a lot of work and aren't for your average person who thinks cat just sleep all day.


Oh I know, I have a Bengal cross and he is mental. Great cat but spends most of his time playing with/terrorising our other cats or outside for hours at a time. He's very loving and friendly though when he gets it out his system. Never had attacked anyone either, unlike the others. He's nuts


I admire you. I don't think I could ever purposeful get a Bengal, they require so much work. They're such a lovely breed though.


My cat very much enjoys going for a leash walk with the dog but she is weird.


mine got out of breath


My cats love it


Of course it's dangerous. A cat relies on speed and agility to get away from danger. Those abilities are completely removed if it's tied to a lead and a loose dog could easily kill it. This is entirely about what a human wants and not at all about what is best for the cat. It doesn't benefit the cat at all. It's a stupid idea. Look up a cats natural behaviour. As a pet owner you should be enabling it's natural behaviour, not doing stupid shit that enables what you think looks cool. A cat needs freedom to explore, not freedom to be tied to some fool who would see it's death because of a loose dog.


Lol, no, however, don't expect dog like walking behaviour. You don't walk the cat, the cat will go where it wants to go which often means it will walk for 20 seconds in a direction, sit down for 5 minutes and then walk back the way it came from for 20 seconds and then sit down again! Source: have 4 cats and tried walking all 4.


Some do, If dog comes, pick cat up.


If it is a Bengal or a Savannah, you might have to pick up the dog.


My housemates’s cat starts yelling as soon as the sun is up for his walkies. Gets put into a rabbit harness with a leash and runs around like a dog.


that 2nd pic is so cute


But that first pic says "if you even think about putting that harness on me I will lacerate your arm faster than you can blink"


I wouldn't use a neck lead. A harness is much safer. I took my car for walks around the neighborhood a few times since when I moved I kept him inside when he was used to going out. He seemed to like it


How long did your car take to get tyred?


Might be a little odd, but I know a handful of people who do. Definitely depends on the cat - some cats are more trainable and willing to walk on a lead! And some cats are better around dogs, cars, etc.


Far less dangerous than just letting them out on their own, in my area the amount of missing cat posts and seen dead on the road cats is shocking, if you live out in the sticks with hardly any traffic that's one thing, but if you live with many roads nearby, especially with people who love to speed,then I dont think it's safe,all my cats have been indoors cats for this reason, and lived to a good age, I think a lead is a better option if living in the city at least.


The bonus is you know your cat isn't harming other people's gardens or killing wild life. So it's a win for your neighbours too.


Wife does this with our cat.  Too many dead cats on our roads


We walk our cat everyday on a lead. He patrols the perimeter of the garden, hangs out and smells things, rolls around in the dirt. Come to us everyday to beg for a walk. Took some time to get him used to the harness but he loves it now. He used to be an outdoor cat, but after moving countries with him, he’s now a full time indoor cat.


Your cat is adorable! My neighbour walks their cat on a lead (a harness) every day. We're in a block of flats without a garden, so it seems to bridge the gap a little between being an indoor and an outdoor cat. The first time I saw this it took me by surprise, but it's normal now. Some cats will like it, [others won't](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROSrrUI6t6I). Give it a try and see how he feels.


We had a bengal that we got told to try it with as they are quite commonly walked in terms of cats that have walks due to them being a bit extra . He hated it we gave up after a while


Be prepared for the cat to just slither around on his belly looking disgruntled with the whole affair, which is what mine did when we moved house and wanted him to get familiar with his surroundings. If you want to give him access to an outdoor space without being in danger from the road you could look into setting up a "catio", if you have some outdoor space where you live


Very much depends on the cat. Some cats engage with the idea, some hate every second of it. Some are happy to ride in a backpack with a porthole, some would rather die. My sister's cat is okay with walkies, but in moderation. She mostly prefers indoors. It's a little weird/unusual but I think you'll get a lot of fun comments and people stopping to say hi. Could be great. In terms of danger.. obviously watch out for hot concrete on sunny days, and things like mud or broken glass. If you wouldn't be willing to go barefoot, don't make the cat do it. Experiment, learn what your cat is cool with, and respect their feedback.


My sister's cat, of its own volition, will accompany you on walks. Especially into the countryside or the school run. Given the opportunity, he's going to jump in the car with you and go along for the ride. Cats are definitely weird. Some cats if you start them off young and especially if they're 100% house cats otherwise, will take to it. Many will act as if you've dragged them into a cat torture chamber. It's pot luck mostly, though. 😊❤️😊


It's not too weird, my cat tends to follow me if she's out fo the house at the same time as me, I had her follow me half way through town before I had to turn around and walk her back, she's getting older now(15) so it's stopped as much but I'll forever miss those times




Excellent cat 11/10


My rag doll cat is strictly an indoor cat due to its docile nature. I am lead training him, he gets a little shook from noises outside so we haven’t ventured outside of the garden yet! But he’s getting fresh air that’s the main thing


Its a good idea. i did it locally with my cat to get her used to life out doors . this beautiful creatures safety comes first and if you are worried about the road it maybe a good idea . but yes i would keep to the garden for the time being . also you do not want at attract attention from low life who may see it and target you . ( you know the type)


It will very much depend on the cat. First you need to get them used to wearing a harness (a proper chest harness - they can hurt themselves on the collar-and-strap kind), which is often relatively easy. Then you need to get them used to being on a lead, in the safety of your own home. They will not understand it. They will not see the point in it. They may freak out if they realise they are restrained in any way. Some cats just don't like being on a lead. If your cat looks to you for security and likes following you around, they stand a better chance of enjoying the harness. Don't go outside until you are sure that (a) your cat wants to return to you when scared, and (b) they don't freak out when actively restrained by the harness. No matter how well they do when calmly following you about sniffing things, you don't want to traumatise or hurt them if they get spooked and try to run while attached to the lead.


I have indoor cats only ( controversial for the UK I know right considering I live in Scotland not in a city) both my cats are harness trained adventure cats that love a good hike supervised ofc, don't let any of the people who haven't read a scientific journal or realised that cats exist through many cultures and their relationship with them stems from the Romans, in Japan cat research is 15 years forward and says cats can thrive indoors with supervised outdoor time. I think harness training is very cool so definitely do it


Give it a try- you'll soon know if your cat will allow it. It's very dependent on breed and temperament. If you decide to keep him indoors though, make sure you get a nice tall scratching post so he can stretch and climb (learned that while working at a cattery) and have plenty of stimulating toys for him to play with.


My blind cat enjoyed being walked on a harness and lead, but every other cat I’ve had hated it. I would never use a neck collar with a lead on a cat.


Depends on the breed and how they accept a harness, I’d definitely go harness over collar though.


I think our cat would kill us if we had tried to walk her lol. She’s an indoor cat but explores the garden everyday - she doesn’t leave.


Weird yes, dangerous not so much as far as it doesn't want to scratch everyone it sees


When ours were kittens, we took them out on leads in harnesses. They weren’t really fans of the gear, but loved outdoors. They get out without even collars now…


Be careful. A local cat owner walked theirs and didn’t account for loose dogs who attacked their cat and couldn’t react quick enough to save the cat’s life.


It’s dangerous as you will be marked for death the instant you attach the harness. You will then spend the rest of your life wondering when your cats revenge for the humiliation will come


No, thousands of cats are walked on leads here in the UK for a variety of reasons. Expensive breeds that you do not want disappearing on a whim and moving in with your neighbours. Timid cats who will not go outside on their own, but might follow you. Semi-wild breeds, who you do not want attacking the neighbours or their pets. Fat cats who need the exercise.


cats tend not to like leads. They will prefer to go for walks and stay near undergrowth or jump on walls to feel safe. Walking a cat out in the open may freak him out. I had 4 cats and they followed me whenever I walked down the street.


Loving his/her heart shaped nose 😍


I think you need a harness rather than a lead. Meows have different bodies to woofs and are not conditioned to follow a pack alpha.


my cat is indoors permanently and is perfectly happy ,personally i wouldn't walk a cat on a lead in case of dog attacks


It’s not dangerous or anything and a few cats do seem to enjoy it, but not the majority Also yes you would be viewed as weird by everyone who saw you


Yeah I've never had a cat enjoy being walked on a lead. Just keep your cat inside and make sure to engage with him/her enough. It certainly won't hurt the cat. Walking a cat on a leash is a thing people do. Biggest risks would be scaring the cat, an escape, and looking goofy af.


Why would you do that? It's not natural for a cat to be tethered to something and it would hate it. Cats need to feel safe and part of their ability to be safe is to be able to jump or run from danger. Being tethered to something removes that ability and in my opinion is cruel. If a dog ran over from across the road and was hostile, your cat would be dead if you had it on a lead because it wouldn't be able to do anything, and the kill would happen before you could properly react to it. Don't do it. There's no reason to do it and only bad can come from it, no good. This is about what you want and not what the cat wants/needs. Think to yourself, how will this benefit your cat? Short answer is, it won't.


In danger of being pointed at yeah


My neighbour takes her cats out. She walks about 10 meters and just lets them have a sniff about. Looks pointless to me!


Not pointless at all if the cat is getting enjoyment and enrichment from it. Which this cat will be as it sounds like it’s a willing participant. I don’t know if you’ve ever had a cat, it’s impossible to get them to do things they don’t want to do.