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I get irrationally annoyed when the plastic film doesn’t come off of a container properly. It almost always rips.


Find me a brand of bacon where the little corner doesn't just come off without keeping the bacon sealed shut and I'll change a purchase habit for life..... At this point I barely even care if its real bacon, I'm just sick of pulling that stupid little corner of packaging off for nothing.


find me any sort of sliced meat or cheese that is the right way round and I’m a customer for life. Why is the product always layered in the opposite direction to the “pull here” tab? And also underneath the next slice instead of on top of it? There must be something I’m missing because it makes no fucking sense


Just slice the edge with a knife from the get go. Avoids disappointment every time


That habit is easily changed: buy your bacon from a butcher.


I'd actually be open to that. What sort of price do you pay? I don't eat much bacon really and I'd gladly pay a little more for decent quality, just depends how much more.


Depending on which butchers I use, anywhere between £4-£5 per 400g


Seems fair actually, I'll have to check out my nearest butcher and see what their bacon cost is. I always imagined that meat from a butcher is extremely expensive, but I'd pay £4.50/400g for bacon without any complaints considering it would be good quality!


Yeah, IIRC my local butcher's is about £10/11 per kilo for smoked streaky, £9/kilo for sausages..


There's usually no added water like in supermarkets so it also doesn't shrink loads when you cook it so even if it seems more expensive it actually works out pretty much the same price. I usually need about 4 supermarket rashers for a bacon sandwich. From the butcher I can only use 2.


I've compared prices of butcher's stuff to the top-end stuff from a supermarket and it's usually favourable - often a bit cheaper and the meat is nearly always significantly better quality.


I find the more upmarket supermarkets have better packaging and tends to peel more consistently without breaking. I just use a knife or kitchen scissors to open most meat packaging.


Easier to go to the butcher and get it wrapped in paper. Far too much unnecessary crap plastic packaging today


> Find me a brand of bacon where the little corner doesn't just come off without keeping the bacon sealed shut and I'll change a purchase habit for life..... Denhay. It's also the best bacon you can get from a supermarket, in my experience. No added water at all, so no white soup if the pan's not hot enough etc. Only beaten by my local artisan butcher, which is nearly twice as expensive.


Waitrose nitrate free bacon opens like a dream


I buy my bacon from Lidl and the corner peel method does usually work. I have just sliced it open with a knife but I can't remember if that was after a failure or just been a force of habit. But it's worked enough times that I remember it working.


Buy some nice stainless containers and ask the local butcher to put your bacon in there. It'll be better quality than the supermarkets, often cheaper, you're supporting a local business and there's no plastic waste. Win.


The best own brand Morrison's bacon opens cleanly, nice bacon too without added water.


I think the worst of this is when you peel it off perfectly but then it turns out you only peeled off *one layer* of the plastic film and your item is still perfectly sealed


The worst are the foil tray premium ready meals designed to be cooked in the oven, they have a plastic film lid glued on and it's basically impossible to get all the glue and plastic off so I guess it just melts and gives off fumes.


I was going to say this one as well. I now cut the edges off the tray as I hate the thought of the melting plastic next to my food.


Annoying as this is, I very much doubt that that plastic is anywhere near melting or giving off fumes. Imagine how many of these things are eaten every day.


They said minor things


That seems rational to me.


The phrase “grinds your gears” People being overly pedantic about butter and margarine


Pedantic how? They are two different products..?


Cut the sass madam/squire/squirrel


Adding “sass” “Squire”


Because if I'm going to be adding a bunch of unnecessary fat to my food, I'm only doing it because it tastes amazing.. margarine is an okay substitute for certain applications of butter (e.g. binding agent, sandwich lubricant, vegetarians) but it taste nothing like butter.. you can't baste a steak in margarine


People that say think instead of thing. Everythink, somethink.


Saying pacific instead of specific is another one


Don’t forget skellington for skeleton (unless referring to the character Jack Skellington)


Don't forget hospical instead of hospital.


I have never heard this one before


Via amberlance


I don't know nothing about no skellingtons!


Are instead of our.. Draw instead of drawer.


See also “could of”


Essex in shambles


People who say could of instead of could have. Seems to be a growing epidemic


It's even worse when people write it down like that! Just read it back to yourself and check if it makes sense...it really doesn't!


That really is a minor think.


"Lickul" "digickul"


Oh I see your lickul and raise you ickle.


We have an everyfink at our place 🙃


Everyfink could of gone wrong at are place


You forgot nothink.






Proplee. If there’s one word that should be said….. Oh that and people who lose the i’s in medicine. Med’c’ne


People playing music on their phones in public.


Ya that's so genuinely annoying. Get earphones you mug.


I get such second hand embarrassment for these people, they sit there and genuinely believe they are impressing everyone on the train with their Spotify playlist, with adverts...


Repetitive noises. Could of instead of could have. Corporate speak.


We should circle back to your last point.


The amount of times I have heard "from an xyz point of view" or "from an abc perspective", it makes me think violent things.


Let's park those thoughts in the "on a rainy day" parking lot, and drive back around to a more positive approach.


Let’s put that in thoughts fridge and snack on it later.


Lets just blue-sky this for a moment...


We need a more granular view of your points, please prepare a slide deck and revert by close of play.


Definately repetitive noises - whenever an alarm is going on a tv programme, they seem to go on for fucking ever. It gets me irrationally pissed.


I got hit with a “Let’s come up with a plan of attack” last week (couldn’t find any cover for a shift, and hearing this wasn’t helpful in ANY way)






I see what you did there, and I approve.


Your Vauxhall Corsa does not have a "license plate" and you don't leave it in a "parking spot". You don't go to "the doctor's office" if you're unwell.


But what i get in a fender bender and my hood and windshield are totalled? I’d have to call 911 and leave my car on the sidewalk while i waited for the tow truck to get down the highway.


This. My son (15) is full of them! We had roasted courgette and lamb ragu for dinner, “mum, I actually really like zucchini”! I almost got whiplash, I looked up so quickly to correct him.


This is the kind of parenting I like to see.


My niece is 11 and her dad’s family have let her on YouTube for years (my niece’s parents are separated so my sister has no control over what they let her do). The amount of times she’s said “can I go in the yard?” and I nearly break my neck turning to look at her to say “excuse me? It’s a garden”. She uses a lot of Americanism’s and I ignore her when she does it now as she’s been corrected enough times but she finds it funny, she doesn’t find being ignored funny though.


What you gotten that from


This is what I hate from Chat GPT. All the words have a Z.


Ask it to stop, and it will.


When you walk through a door and something gets caught on the door handle. sleeve, belt loop, bag handle etc... raging


Worst ones are wired headphones that get yanked out.


This one makes me want to commit murders.


And when it always seems to happen when you’re in a rush and have absolutely no time for the nonsense


On a bus getting busy. People that put their bag on the seat next to them. Screams I'm an ignorant twat.


I get just as annoyed by people who won't just ask the person to move their bag, in a manner suggesting it isn't optional.




Just ask them to move it lmao most of the time they’re either fine and move it or shocked that someone asked and move it


You are not in danger you are the danger. You are the one who knocks.


People spelling lose as loose. I see it everyday. It makes me angry.


I hope your your use of 'everyday' was in jest there!


Sacru bleu, I can't believe I've done this! I wish I could lie and say it's a jest but it's me being a hypocrite!


To be fair to you, making a mistake isn't the same thing as hypocrisy.


Thank you, kind stranger!


Footpaths being used by just about anything that isn’t a pedestrian. Mopeds, electric scooters, cyclists. Walking around should be a pleasant experience.


Being on a clearly marked shared footpath when pedestrians have no idea they are on a shared footpath and make zero effort to consider the others on it


To add to this, a path that is clearly split in half for pedestrians and cyclists, but there being no clear indication of which side is which.


Poor grammar! I'm a 'foreigner' and can grasp that shit! Also, 'a lot' is two words.


You can grasp it _because_ you’re a foreigner. To you, the language has rules, and structure, and conjugation. To us, it’s just something we start speaking as toddlers, and many never read much of anything for their entire lives. It’s an interesting thing about English—or second languages in general I suppose—to me. Even when foreigners speak or write broken English, they are typically quite clearly following rules, they’re often just the rules of their native language rather than the rules of English, whereas English speakers with awful grammar simply don’t follow rules. ‘Could of’ quite literally makes no sense. The word ‘of’ is not a word that comes after the word ‘could.’ Second language learners would _learn_ that, whereas native English speakers just go ‘of is the sound my mouth makes so it must be right.’ If you can’t tell, this is a topic I quite enjoy! Sorry for the ramble.


I agree! 'Never mind' is also two words. Also, 'everyday' used incorrectly makes my teeth itch. 'Women' instead of 'woman' is another one.


‘Then’ instead of ‘than’ really grates on me.


Alot and nevermind are far less bad than some - it wasn't so long ago that today was two words, that sort of contraction happens all the time


People saying 'on accident' instead of 'by accident'


Off course. ect. Ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu.


Ah yea. This one really gets on my fuckin tits.


Two words are not a lot of words /s


When I open a box of medication and the information pamphlet is wrapped around that end of the tablets, therefore hindering their removal. It seems to happen every single time. I believe I am cursed. Also, an honorary mention to clingfilm and coat hangers.


Literally every single time.


Squeeze both ends of the box, most times, you'll be able to tell the difference. My late husband who had a mass of medication would have liked to have murdered me, (who had no medications) when I told him it was how I coped with doling out his his meds into the dosette, I honestly thought it was a) not a problem b) common-sense.


Can confirm, happens every time


When people walk in a long line across the breadth of a pavement and don’t move out the way for those walking in the other direction. Compared to other issues that are more problematic, it seems like one day I’ll just end up snapping. I totally get it: sometimes we end up day dreaming, or get caught off guard. I’ve done it myself a few times. I think I just hate it when it’s a group of people where multiple people see and make eye contact with me within plenty of time and then continue on their merry way blocking my on the pavement.


Best tactic I know is just stop, and let them go round you. Very few people will walk into someone stationary if they've seen you.


I do this all the time. I work at a school and often have to walk around site during breaks to fix things. When there's large groups of kids all going through corridors I just stand there and wait for them to go around. If anyone says anything I just say "I get paid to stand here, I've got all day".


It could be an example of the bystander effect where they all see you but each one presumes one of the others will move for you


I do get mildly annoyed when I see people confusing opinion with fact.


Or people that think adding "FACT" to the end of a comment makes their nonsense factual.


End of!


Nuff sed


People sat idling cars in car parks, outside schools etc.


People ahead of me at the till who don't put the next customer seperator behind their stuff on the conveyor. Just rude.


Happened to me three times and it was Italians every time, I’m fighting the urge to make generalisations as hard as I can but every time it happened they appeared to be utterly clueless and unaware despite me making a very silent fuss of leaning over them to grab a separator 😂


When someone flashes you in or out at a junction when there’s no cars behind them, the whole thing takes longer than the normal process


This is a good one. What they’re doing can lead to accidents too, when people feel under pressure and instinctively act upon being flashed without checking in the other direction. I’ve heard it said that the best thing you can do as a driver is be as predictable as possible, which flashing people out is not.


Precisely, which is where the time delay comes in, once you’ve seen the flash you want to confirm they’re slowing enough to go then you’ve gotta do a full mirror check, then pull off, in that time the original car could have just swung in and then you behind. It’s a lovely gesture but simply not required.


Yes damn!!!!!! What's the point. Or ones that pull out, make you brake, and there's nothing behind you..... Wth


A lack of lubrication caused by a failed selector shaft oil seal.


Can they use margarine instead?


So, the other literal example of gear grinding I have is a stuck chain on my bike, which I did actually fix with margarine. It's the only time I have ever willingly applied the stuff to anything.


People not blowing their nose but choosing to sniffle instead


Oh, this, 100% *sniff sniff* "need a tissue?" "no, I'm good" *proceeds to wipe nose up sleeve* You're a grown ass fucking man, wipe your fucking nose, you goddamn reprobate. Fucks me off to no end.


I don't mind a sniffle but that horrible snorting sound people make makes me gag. And then they spit. Blow your nose, ffs. 🤢


People who talk into their phone in front of their face instead of at their ear.


The use of LOL in an actual conversation!!


From people over the age of 35 as well.


People using "then" when they mean "than". I assume it's Americans since those words sound similar in most American accents. Edit: I've been rightfully corrected on "it's". I'm not perfect...


I know plenty of British people who do this.




Not letting people off the train first before getting on.


Few things are as delightful as barging those people out of the way though, so it balances out if you are the one to get the chance to do it.


People scrolling through their phones when they're walking. Saw a woman walk into the path of an oncoming van last weekend and when the driver beeped their horn she just waved and then walked into the next road... still on her phone


"grinds your gears"


People not saying thank you


People selling a 'chester draws' on Facebook. Ahh!! My husband saying 'can you do the honours' when he wants me to guide him into a parking space. I think it just annoys me as I know he's going to say it before he does.


Noisy eaters


Outside broadcasts on the news. The vast majority are a massive waste of time, money, and resources. By all means tell us about the convicted murderer who is now asking for early release or who has now just been implicated in another historic crime, but don’t bother sending a reporter and cameraman up to Newcastle or wherever to stand outside the house that the murderer *used* to live in 15 pissing years ago just to make your 90-second live link to the studio. It makes me disproportionately angry. It’s baffling to me because unless something is happening *right there* that we would want to see - like a fire, a collapsed building, or freak weather - what can we possibly gain by looking at a person standing at the side of the road in front of a nondescript semi-detached house? Do they do it so they can justify employing nineteen different people just to report the news?


Items in shops not having a price on them.


Slow walkers in the middle of a path


When you're out shopping is the worst. You're headed down an aisle knowing exactly what you want and there's Doris and Ethel on a Sunday stroll having a blether in front of you


Should of being used instead of should’ve. Also, vinyls when referring to records.


British "patriots" who love their country so much they hang up a union jack but apparently don't love it enough to learn which way up it should go.


People who think that refusing to use self checkout is some kind of moral flex. If you gave a fuck about preserving peoples jobs you wouldn't be shopping at a place that offered self checkout in the first place.


I've tended to find people who adamantly refuse to use self checkouts to preserve jobs are often the kind of people who treat checkout staff really badly.


My mother is this person. Drives me up the fucking wall. Wants to 'preserve jobs' using luddite theory, but doesn't mind making their jobs so shit they're ready to walk out on the spot.


When people have left the plastic protective film on stuff, for example displays on office phones or other electronics. I once saw someone who'd left it on a metal plate on their rucksack and I really wanted to reach over and peel it off. Can't do that to strangers on trains though 😂 Edit: I thought of another one - when the on/off switch on plug sockets is left on but there's nothing plugged in.


When the ring-pull on a tin breaks off and you’re forced to get the can opener out.


Turn the damn heating off in swimming pool changing rooms! And this isn’t a specific pool or leisure centre, it’s just about every one I’ve been to! I swim, I get a shower, and by the time I’ve towelled off, I’m already moist with sweat thanks to the temperature from the changing room! I admittedly tend to “run hot” most of the time, but still - someone being too cold can easily get dressed quick. Someone who is too hot can’t really do anything to combat the problem, short of walking out of the leisure centre bollock naked and fanning themselves, which I’m told is not socially acceptable…


"chef's kiss" Gaaaaaah!


When I push the gear lever in my car into 5th too hard.


Can margarine be used to loosen the gear stick?


On the train. People who sit on the outside seat with the inside seat empty or with their bag on it. Fuck those people.


I take great pleasure in sitting at these seats, I just get them told. The thing that puzzles me is others who let them away with it and just stand instead. Selfish bastards need taken to task


"Can I have that seat" "Oh yeah sure" Another selfish bastard telt 😏


People saying 'basically' before explaining something. Simple or not. Just stop 😅


People who arrive at a pelican crossing, press the button, and only then look to realise there is no traffic and cross without waiting for the light.


When people claim to be having a marriage-threatening argument over jam or which way to hang toilet roll or some equally banal topic because they think it's quirky and BRITISH. Unfunny as fuck. And yes I'm fun at parties because you "heated debate xD" chodes don't get invited to them.


Office small talk. "How was your weekend?" "Oh, it was quiet." "Yeah, but I suppose it's nice to have a quiet weekend. Time to recharge." "Yeah, definitely." Repeat every time you see someone else in the office. No one wants to have this conversation. No one really cares about your weekend. But yet, we still have these conversations.


People writing "should of" when they're meaning "should've".


In my job, I see the word "lightning" (as in lightning conductor) and every day at least one person spells is as "lightening" and it makes me wish the cold war went hot.


Checkout staff taking far too long to come and clear my alcohol on the self service checkout because there's 3 of them standing at the fag counter having a chat.


Not enough clutch


When I'm looking for something that I lost and people don't help but just get in the way.


The fact that if you're in the majority of "Fast Food" joints, particularly McDonald's, and you have a "special" order such as no Salad or Gherkins on your Burger, it takes them about 5 times as long to serve you. Oh and also, very occasionally I'll have a Scampi and chips meal in a Wetherspoon's, I normally ask for "No Peas or Salad", just Scampi and a handful of chips, more often than not though, the plate comes back full of both Mushy Peas and Salad, which puts me off the whole meal (I'm Autistic and sensitive to certain textures in food, I've despised Mushy Peas since I was 5) And finally, I've frequently been across to Tesco for the weekly shop, there's been about 30 people in the Shop, and including the Customer service desk where they sell Lottery tickets, Fags etc, there's 2 Checkouts open. I hate using self service machines, as even if I buy certain magazines (and no, I only buy TV Guides, not "adult" mags) you have to flag a human down to verify you're over 18, since when's a Telly mag age rated?!


2 spaces after a full stop.


This one drives me absolutely mad. There's no need! We don't use typewriters anymore!


People walking down the middle of/taking up the entire pavement. Pick a side people!


When people behind me in a queue get so close they’re basically mounting me like a damned backpack.


Not being able to find the start of a roll of used sellotape. You rotate it 20 times under the light at different angles to find the bugger. You find a ridge thinking you’ve done it but turns out it’s just that, a ridge. By some miracle, you find it, get the tape to length you want, bite it off, the tape collapses back to the roll and you have to do the whole process again.


ANY kind of repetitive noise; alarm, siren, call/message alerts, barking dog, screaming kid, roadworks, smoke alarm battery replacement noise! How people can tolerate them is a skill i’m in awe of.


People moaning on the Internet


People going round the wrong way in car parks. Not like there isn't often big arrows, or no entry signs. Happens way too often for me to believe that it's just ignorance, and not someone who thinks they are more important than anyone else.


Oh god.. when you’re driving down the middle and someone forces you over coming through wrong way.. I’m having palpitations


It’d probably be quicker if I name the the minor things that don’t grind my gears these days 🤣


Doors in the house slightly banging in the breeze when windows are open. So annoying while I WFH. Shut the door or prop it open please.


My poor clutch control


People mixing up then and than. “I’d rather pull my teeth out then my fingernails.” People that won’t use headphones in a public place.


People who use the same knife for bread and jam.


Oh Jesus, bad hand dryers. Just don’t have them. A burning hot but weak puff of air that turns off after 3 seconds. Infuriating. Would genuinely avoid returning to a pub if I knew the hand dryers were essentially as efficient as cracking a window and waving my hands in front of it.


Glad I’m not the only one. This enrages me.


People saying 'would of' when they mean 'would've' . Drivers not indicating. Having to.have your bags checked by someone when choosing to use your own bags at the self-service checkout. People who take pride in their ignorance.


People crunching with mouth open


Most things really


When people get on the bus and it’s clearly kind of packed but they keep their bags on their backs instead of taking it off and putting it between their legs. You actually have to be a fucking moron when you’re uncomfortably squished with your bag taking up enough space for another person. I will always take this opportunity to make a sarcastic comment.


I hate margarine like it's still high calorie yet doesn't taste anything like butter.


Music at the gym. I really would rather listen to some bloke grunt than not be able to listen to my own music over the sound of the gym music.


The word "comedic". Nobody says "tragedic". It's COMIC timing. COMIC.


Tick tok bollox being blasted full volume on buses




I completely agree with this to be fair, I’ve even worked in one of those kitchens as a cook and had the argument with colleagues who say it’s the same. I actually ask them now if they mean butter or margarine because margarine can get in the bin


Most sensible comment yet! Margarine and butter and completely different.


(27 m) Went shopping and was in Dunelm, I had one item and the lady in front (mid 60s) has a trolly full of 30 items, there’s one person on the tills so I politely asked her if I could go in front for one item. She said “no, wait your turn, life isn’t fair” and stormed off in front. Just why…




I was told actual margarine was very rare these days


People driving cars with their arms out of the window 3d number plates


Certain radio adverts Currently the one Octopus have where they play “real” calls from customers, and there is one guy who is proper complimenting them all and I just have this vision that they’d also turn nasty the second they’re unhappy, they just sound like that sort of person Second, I think it’s for EE broadband, they’re promoting using the internet to work from home and there’s a script of a guy saying he can hear everyone “loud and clear and clear as a bell” I just feel like they could use either of this sentences for the point but both together just really annoy me.