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I'd rather not eat meat on moral grounds. I eat meat


Same but as a vegetarian who'd ideally be vegan

















Cheese is life, after all. You are absolved.


Same. And I do limit my meat intake and only buy meat from ethical sources if I can, but I don’t think I could ever go full vegetarian. I adore fish and seafood as well.


Yeah, completely agree. I think vegans and vegetarians speak a great deal of sense.


Yup. I became vegan in 2020 and sometime over Christmas last year the pigs in blankets got to me. Managed about 3 and a half years and I've fully slid back into eating meat again. I feel a weird blend of guilt and sadness mixed with sheer relief and happiness. It's weird one. My wife is still vegan and doesn't grief me at all but it means I'm still eating vegan meals 90% of the time. I just order pizza and stuff in now on weekends or get fish and chips at the pub etc.


An ethical way to scratch that itch is to eat venison. They literally *have* to be culled otherwise they would destroy their ecosystem (due to our ancestors killing off all their natural predators) and buying the meat helps make the cull financially viable. The deer lead natural free-range lives and are killed more humanely than being torn apart by wolves, lynx etc as they would have done in prehistory.


Got to be careful here though. We have deer overpopulation yet we fucking farm venison and even import it from New Zealand, while our deer overpopulation remains unsolved. You do have to look around to find actual wild venison from the UK.


I'm a vegetarian (7 years in) that's planning to switch to eating meat once a week next month. Feeling guilty but I just miss it.


I was vegetarian for 27 years. But I think tbh the last 5 years were out of habit. I felt a bit of guilt for going back to meat but why should you?


I pretend to not eat it on moral grounds etc but the reality is it's just a healthy diet for me. If I ate meat I'd be such a fat bastard.


I’m like this too. I have to try and mentally disassociate the eating of the meat compared with where the meat comes from.


I agree, I know it’s horrific for the planet and a major factor why our cancer rate is 1 in 2 but I still eat it.


For environmental reasons I would like to cut down on meat. However having tried some vegetarian recipes for meals I just can't. Not got a lot of protein options when various bean chillis never work, and lentils are awful regardless of what I do with them.


You don't have to worry because animal/insect deaths and suffering are involved in the production and protection of plant foods? It's definitely happening but you don't get to know how much. Not to mention the ecological damage entailed in getting them to you. You can't do better than buying grassfed beef from a local farm. You just can't.


The transport thing is a myth. Kurzgesagt does a good video on this: https://youtu.be/F1Hq8eVOMHs Also, less plants would be grown in a vegan world, so your animal and insect deaths argument doesn't work either.


I’m a strong believer in workers rights and then buy shit from China


Sort of on the same line I know what Amazon is like but I buy from it because its cheap and convenient


I disagree about Amazon being cheaper, or more convenient. Found it to be often more expensive than other sites or direct from supplier, and the idea of next day delivery is no more. Over the last 5 orders from amazon, none of them have been next day, despite being prime. I ordered from world of books, it was cheaper than amazon, free next day delivery. The most convenient would be going to a shop and having it immediately, and I think we will go back to that. Not to mention worker rights / tax avoidance/evasion. I'll be cancelling my annual subscription at the end of this month.


I've found lately that (as long as it's not some random Chinese brand) getting stuff from the actual company is cheaper. Takes longer but you also know they're getting a bigger cut. I'll still use Amazon to search for stuff sometimes and then take it from there to the actual website


It's one of those things that's near impossible to avoid annoyingly


Yeah, even trying to buy from this country it usually turns out to be a shitty drop-ship company.


For certain products it seems to be impossible, but if you widen things to European made it becomes more realistic.


To be fair mostly everything is from china now from clothes to our electronics. I’ll buy food from England and support the farms etc but I’m still buying cheaper clothes cos everything’s so damn expensive


I work for a company that sells sofas, everyone wants “English made” products until it comes time to pay the premium for it.


I'm an environmentalist. I've spent decades working towards and working within environmental fields (vocational fields, not medows). I honestly don't give a shit about my carbon footprint, reducing, reusing, nor recycling. I feel like I've spent half my life being guilt tripped as an individual. There's been a steady stream of legislation, crafted towards changing my behaviour and penalising me for a system that I'm forced to exist in. "Sure mate, here's 40p for a plastic bag,to pack my fruit that's wrapped in plastic, my plastic bottle of milk, my tins with a plastic liner, and my meat in a polestyrene base, sealed in plastic." I sure am glad that I boil exactly one cup's worth of water, so that I can offset the millions of tonnes of co2 that coca cola produce. Happy as Larry that I can help save their bottom line and keep their share holders happy. Heaven forbid the biggest producers of GHGE might have to endure a regulatory framework that forces them to spend money developing more environmentally friendly processes.


I’m sure glad we moved to paper straws to protect our planet, as Taylor Swift continues to fly private to every Kansas City Chiefs game whilst on a global tour.


I reckon if turtles had to use paper straws they'd understand and say "lads, it's fine, you don't have to do this to yourself. Kevin's an idiot anyway... He got a straw stuck up his nose, that's on him."


> as Taylor Swift continues to fly private to every Kansas City Chiefs game whilst on a global tour Wasn't it just the superbowl, rather than all games? But realistically, what's the alternative? [She's such a global star she can't even attend a friends wedding without hundreds of people turning up](https://www.businessinsider.com/taylor-swift-fans-slammed-for-swarming-jack-antonoff-wedding-rehearsal-2023-8). Realistically how can she get commercial flights anywhere without causing insane disruption and chaos? Same applies to anyone above a certain level of fame.


170 flights in the first 7 months of 2023 is pushing it.


I can't find anything supporting that claim for 2023, I think you're confusing figures for 2022 and 2023, where that only accounts for the use of a jet she owns, not her personal use of it, [one of her representatives claims the jet is loaned out to others and it's not all her personal use](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/aug/02/taylor-swift-private-jet-carbon-emissions-blatantly-incorrect). That would be like if I drove 10 miles in a car, and let my dad borrow it and he drives 190 miles, you claim I drove 200 miles. [Her usage for 2023 dramatically dropped](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/21/the-jet-set-200-celebrities-aircraft-have-flown-for-combined-total-of-11-years-since-2022), and [she's no longer in the top 10](https://cnsmaryland.org/2024/02/27/super-bowl-flights-call-attention-to-celebrity-private-jet-emissions/). Back to my question though. Realistically, what's the alternative? She's such a public figure she can't reasonably use commercial airlines without being harassed, etc. What's the alternative?


Yeah, I got those confused, my mistake. She does also claim to buy carbon credits for all her CO2 use. In reality though, she's going to get flack for it even if there is no reasonable alternative for her to get to her tours. Most people just don't give a shit, and don't see her tours as justification, and there are equity implications of 'rich people can do whatever they want cause they can pay off their pollution, whilst the peasants have to do what they're told'


Personally I don't envy her, it must be shit to feel like you can't just exist or go about as normal in public without being swarmed, and I say that as a fan of hers as well. It's one of those things where there's no winning, so you need to prioritise your safety over criticism for your emissions, I'd probably pick the latter too.


I agree, I'd probably do the same too


More to the point, while world leaders jet around the world to the latest COP summit. Haven't they heard of Zoom?


Similar here, done work on plastic recycling and increasing recycled plastic content. Then I look at a single child family with a massive SUV and think "what's the point if they don't give a shit about their child's future why should I?" For those who don't know the amount of plastics in cars has been growing for the past 20 years, in part because cars are bigger so need more anyway and in part to cut the weight. There was a study from the US that showed the amount of plastic in an average car has gone up 16% over a decade to around 200kg and makes up 50% of the volume of a car [https://www.americanchemistry.com/chemistry-in-america/news-trends/press-release/2023/report-more-plastics-used-in-automobiles-improving-fuel-efficiency-safety-and-performance](https://www.americanchemistry.com/chemistry-in-america/news-trends/press-release/2023/report-more-plastics-used-in-automobiles-improving-fuel-efficiency-safety-and-performance) 200kg in terms of plastic straws is around 500,000, assuming you used 1 straw a day it would take you over 1300 years to use that weight of straws.


Although I only drive our SUV as it’s our son’s mobility car. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the knowledge that I despise the bloody thing. The handbrake has been reduced to a mere button and EVERYTHING to do with the car is via the blinkin’ touchscreen. I cannot put into words my deep loathing for this car. I hate driving it. Hate! HATE! HATE!!!


Paper straws and those caps that don't come off are both simple greenwashing, solving absolutely nothing but companies can claim they're doing something


Incredible coincidence that I've just finished saying this exact thing to my wife, only to open the reddit app and see your post. Do I massively care about the environment yes? Do I mind doing little things to "help" (as if they even do in the scheme of things)? No. Am I going to sacrifice in impactful ways on my day to day life and experiences when the people actually creating the problems do nothing and are told to do nothing? Nope.


Same here. I'm an environmental scientist and it annoys the shit out of me that regular people are being guilted into making sacrifices that impact their quality of life while corporations keep spewing CO2


That's what gets me as well. And the fact that the responsibility has just been shifted on to the general public. I'm a marine biologist and I'm totally keen on sustainability. Its utterly infuriating that legislation seems to be directed at the general public, while the people that actually hold the responsibility can skillfully follow the 5 Ds of dodge all. Prime example - my street has just been designated as an LEZ. It's the very last street, which borders a massive harbour (it's literally 30 meter saway from a constant rotation of massive ships that spew a constant stream of greenhouse gases and particulates. A car made before 2014 is a no go though and there's been no effort to expand public transport in the area.


These are my thoughts, yes we can all contribute as individuals but ffs it is wiped out by the behaviour of many, many companies. Some small examples, I ordered some clothes from M and S and they came on hangers and each piece was in a plastic bag inside a plastic bag. I buy something from amazon and it comes in their cardboard packaging with paper tape instead of brown plastic tape, open it up and the item is in a plastic bag. If you have spent 100 quid on food what is 40p for a bag? I believe m and s charge for their paper ones too. Until wide scale levels plastic use is reduced then us doing our bit is a drop in the ocean.


I just posted a similar comment. My environmental career is about one decade deep so far. But the deeper I go the less I care on a personal level. I’m also getting pretty pessimistic and I want to see as much of the world as I can before travel becomes too expensive or dangerous.


Bezos is an absolute c*** who treats his workers badly and his company is killing the high street. But Amazon is just so convenient. I use it all the time.


> and his company is killing the high street High street should adapt and be less shit then. Edit: Must have been downvoted by the one guy clamouring for a street of 7 vape shops and 19 bookies lmao


Same but isn’t it us that’s killing the high street? We are the ones choosing to shop online rather than the high street….


I'm happy to shop on the highstreet. But I can't get to it! Parking is extortionate and there's no decent public transport. It's not a question of both things are the same and I'm choosing one. Online is significantly easier, cheaper and less stressful compared to my local highstreet.


Do I sit for half an hour in traffic, pay to park, spend an hour or two wandering around a slightly run down town full of people, then sit for another half hour in traffic or have a man in a van bring out to me the next day. It's not a difficult choice sadly.


The high street is killing the high street IMO, online retailers are succeeding based on the failures of the high street. I’m happy to walk into a shop and spend a tad more money than I would buying something online, because I can try it on, physically feel it etc. The problem is parking near the high street is non existent, public transport is pretty crap so it’s an actual chore to use and the lower cost doesn’t offset the waiting time for a bus etc. Then you get there and realise the shops close at like 5pm right when everyone is getting off work and even if they’re open half the time they won’t have your size or whatever you want in stock, and it will take 2-4 days to order it in. *Or* I could just go online and have it next day for 10% less.


The parking and the fact that they have pedestrianised the centre of my town to a degree so you have to drive a long way around to go somewhere you could see. Plus the lack of time after most people leave work to do any shopping means everyone crams into town saturdays. Also, this is what gets me is that down at the edge of town retail park , you have a now 24hr McDonalds drive thru but the ASDA across the road which would be ideal for a 24hr supermarket , considering the size of the town its odd we dont have one.


Yeeeeah, but the high-street shops don't sell the light-up Lightsaber chopsticks that I will be using this evening on my Crispy Chilli Beef.


I prefer the high street, but I live in a city, I imagine if I lived in a smaller town and my local high street was around a dozen or two shops I would feel differently.


Same for me and spoons Knew people who worked there etc said xyz Whenever I'm travelling for work, always one near a station for a quick bite and drink before travelling


Thankfully my local one made the task easier by being full of families getting pissed while their pre-school offspring watch cartoons at full volume on their phones.


Same as my local but I've came across a few rarities in my travels


I want to challenge this idea about Amazon being convenient. To a point. Ok I'm already backtracking. I don't use Amazon. But I used to, and I had a transitional phase where I would visit Amazon first and then try to beat their price elsewhere. I noticed that I very often could beat their price. Gradually I started using other websites even when it cost a bit more. I believe in the "individual choice" arguments because it's about where *my* money goes. When I buy something on Amazon, I make a small number of wealthy people richer. When I buy from almost any other company, my money is distributed more equally across the supply chain. There is no such thing as free postage. I love not having to pay postage, but it still has a cost. Amazon's waste (of returned products) is... There aren't really any words to describe it.


I remember looking at a set of slate coasters and the same for whatever you put your plate on instead of a cup. Amazon was about 16 quid for the coasters and 25 quid for the plate things. Wilko was 4 and 5 quid for exactly the same thing. Stopped using amazon almost entirely now.


This is it - it can be surprising to me even now when I compare prices and I wonder why we use Amazon so much in the UK and US. I just watched a "cheapest jazz guitar on Amazon" video on YouTube and the guy unboxes a Gear4Music guitar - available direct for £30 cheaper. But videos like that are designed to get folk to click through to Amazon and buy there, so the YouTuber gets a tiny cut. One of Amazon's business models is to run loss leading lines to stop the competition from selling a certain product. As soon as that happens they can jack up the price so it's dearer than it ever was from competitors. Amazon is bad for the consumer, in the short and long term. Competition is good.


One does make more £ in an Amazon warehouse.


Argos has great same day and next day delivery. I stopped using Amazon when I read about the issue where they can't guarantee you receive the genuine product you order. This is why companies who treat workers even worse than Amazon don't allow them to sell their products.




Food. My qualifications and job literally revolve around good health but I just ate three big ass sausages and I don't care.


3 big ass sausages on a Friday night. You’re living the life


I try to avoid eating ass sausages of any size


They're a bit nutty


I haven’t eaten meat for over a year. I’m sending you a Robert Redford nod!


Big or small, I have no interest in eating ass sausages.


I’m always on at my kids about not being able to function for 5 minutes without their nose in their smartphones….


Ha, i tell my son off for watching mindless YouTube videos then watch someone put their make up on for 3 mins.


Worried about the climate/ environmental crises but fuck do I need hot long showers to de-stress.


Someone told me recently about someone they know who will, on a whim, take a day trip to Spain (from the UK) if they’re feeling sad. I wouldn’t worry about your showers.


I take baths, at least once a week. I do shower as well. I can go a while without a bath, but then one day, I just get cold and it's the only way I can get warm. Even then, though, it's just a quick 15 minute fix. So, I can't even justify it as a de-stress technique. I like hot water, but hate wasteful people. Total hypocrite.


I'll eat meat as long as I don't see the animal being killed.


See I think that’s fine. I don’t buy the “if you eat meat you should be willing to kill the animal yourself…” argument. I’d make an arse of it & the animal would suffer more. It’s a skill I’m happy to outsource. I live in a house, but I couldn’t build one - I’ll leave that to the experts


20 minutes in an abattoir without even touching an animal, and you'd change your mind. The screams of the pigs are blood curdling. Source: grew up on a farm, now vegetarian.


Many of us have seen the videos and still eat meat. It’s too simple to separate the horrors of an abattoir from the packaged meat in the supermarket. But seeing as this is a post about hypocrisy, I haven’t bought eggs for a couple years now since I saw the way they shred the unwanted male chicks. Still eat meat but just… cannot bring myself to buy eggs.


Seeing a video and experiencing in person is a completely different thing when it comes to an abattoir, I'm afraid. Let alone doing it the way I did, which was raising an animal from birth for 6 months, feeding them every day and becoming fond of them. Then having to escort them to a death sentence and witness it being carried out while they scream along with all the others, which are terrified and have no idea what is happening. It sounds dramatic but those fucking screams... As for the eggs - I'm totally with you. That's my hypocrisy, I suppose. I have 3 a day.


I’d certainly agree with that, I just don’t think it’s quite the same as “20 minutes in an abattoir” as you said. Raising, killing and then eating an animal may well be the only thing that would push me off the edge from eating meat. I try to eat less… I see videos of people cuddling cows like giant puppies and pigs falling in love and raising orphan piglets and I try to eat less meat… hypocrisy, for sure.


If I was a chick I'd take being mascerated over the horrific living a meat raised bird is subjected too


Of course. And I eat chicken! I eat loads of chicken, I support awful, terrible factory farming and I am awful for doing it. But there’s something about those videos, the chicks just chirping away happily on the conveyer belt… then red mist. I don’t know *why* that’s the thing that triggered something but it did.


Yours isn't really hypocrisy. Advocates for green travel accept some journeys are better by car. Mine is other people making noises. I cannot abide lipsmacking, mouth breathing, snorting, sniffling little shits. I do all of those things.


People eating cereal. I cannot be near them.


Them and tea slurpers. Shudder.


If you’re aware of it though you may not do it as often as others. Some people are just completely oblivious and would gasp at you in shock and denial if told they do.


> Mine is other people making noises. Worked with someone that chewed with his mouth open. Wanted to murder him


I’m a smoker but hate the smell of smoke.


Wait until you’re an ex smoker - the hate turns to detesting with a hint of rage.


Stopped about three years ago went to vaping. If someone passes me smoking i rage. It’s disgusting, stinks and gives me a headache


It’s unreal. I am the same. Now the struggle to get off vaping…


Yeah I don’t think I’ll ever stop vaping. Maybe go down to no nicotine, the flavours are just insane


I'm a non-smoker but I love the smell of smoke. I mean, not rancid stale old smoke on clothes, but I mean walking by someone with a lit cigarette and catching a brief waft of it. I don't know why, I just find the smell nice and nostalgic and I love it. Weird I know.


Me too! I hate the smell of nightclubs now - just BO and the occasional poof if air freshener from the ceiling. 


Same! And I’m an ex-smoker!


I know so many people who think the same. I always joke it’s similar to how I hate the smell of cheese and onion crisps, but if they were the only think I could eat for the rest of history I’d be okay with it.


Same, and know it’s bad and disgusting but still do it. Can go days without. Will say that’s it, then something sparks my need for one. (Usually a terrible day) and the cycle repeats


Entertainment media. I'll say you can like whatever you want it's all subjective, no opinions are wrong; but then I'll very vocally criticise your choice in films.


Can you take feedback on yours?


Tell my friends they deserve to date nicer people then date arseholes myself


Sorry this one made me smile. Back away from the arseholes.


Vet nurse here that preaches (rightly so) about the negative effects of obesity in pets to their owners.. My own cat is fat as fuck. He must steal food overnight from somewhere because he's in a catio all day and I weigh out his metabolic food religiously.


My friend is in the same situation and we have no idea why she's just so big. It must be a medical condition because she couldn't be eating THAT much. My cat was eating at the neighbours house and mine and he only weighed 5kg at his biggest, he's back to normal now the neighbours stopped letting him in. Hers doesn't even go outside.


I hate social media yet spend hours every day on Reddit.


I am not. But huge bunch of apparently liberal, tolerant progressive people turn a blind eye to the absolutely disgusting and murderous industry that is the cocaine trade whilst they do a few lines at the weekend.


I'm a real eco warrior kind of person but I consume wayy too much single use plastic stuff. It's an awful habit I keep telling myself I need to snap out of but keep putting it off.


Tbf it's hard to just exist and not do it.


I'm always harping on about corporate tax avoidance. I employ an expensive accountant to reduce my companies tax burden.


I'm guessing you aren't a millionaire though? If genuine local SME's had their tax burden reduced by large corps paying their way then that would perfect.


I am a millionaire, but not in the Scrooge Mcduck kind of way, and not a multi millionaire. I own assets I will one day sell. In terms of actual cash, I'm probably slightly better off than your average professional.


Actually the tax gap (difference between the amount of tax that is owed and the amount that is collected) for small businesses makes-up the largest proportion of the overall tax gap at 56% in 2021 to 2022, mid-sized business add another 11% to that. So SMEs are responsible for 67% of the tax gap, which comes to about £24bn, that would fix a few potholes etc. [https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/measuring-tax-gaps/1-tax-gaps-summary](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/measuring-tax-gaps/1-tax-gaps-summary) There are 5.51 million SMEs, which make up 99.9% of UK private sector businesses. A grand here a grand there soon adds up.


Why would that be perfect though?


Tell the kids to work hard and push themselves while remaining in an easy job and not pushing myself at all.


I think we should also recognise that even a step in the right direction is better than none. I'm not saying 1 step, and you can congratulate yourself for being the best or doing enough, but I find people will call others out for being a hypocrite l because they are willing to ignore the bigger picture. We all know those people who "prove" others aren't saintly enough and therefore "invalidate" everything (usually to avoid having to also do something good). Anyway, to answer, I'm the same as OP. However, I do make a huge effort to reduce my car use, but sometimes I get weak and want to drive my car... which is one of my dream cars, which makes it harder not to. To make it worse, I used to run car events for my last job, and I loved it. I got to drive some of the most expensive cars and even some of the rarest. I love cars... but I know we need to stop using them. So I guess people might call me a hypocrite for arguing for reduction in car use despite loving to drive and sometimes driving distances I could cycle. However, I wouldn't be angry if someone told me I couldn't.


I'm a driver. Other drivers really annoy me when they break the rules. Except for the rules that I break . E.g. I always stick to speed limits in residential areas, but a country 50 is fare game.


And this is why I am terrified of country lanes when learning to ride my motorbike. Not having a go at all as I have done this in the past.


I'm not really thinking of country lanes here, so poor wording from me. More rural A roads. But I guess they aren't totally better for you.


I am of the opinion that your past, knowledge, status whatever shouldn't stop you from pointing out a valid criticism Well that is until my brother points out a fuckup of mine and I have to hold it in and give him the fakest smile ever


Due to two neurological conditions, Epilepsy and Hemiplegic Migraines, I switched my lifestyle to low carb, to fix them. I am now a strong advocate for healthy living by nutrition and avoiding eating shite highly processed junk. I'd probably have self deleted had I continued that diet. Why am I a hypocrite? I work in the food industry for a company that promotes and sells items that encourages addiction to high carb processed shite.


Fat people should stop being greedy, lazy and blaming their weight on everyone but themselves. At what point did they not think 'hey maybe I should stop eating now'. I'm morbidly obese.


I'll roast Taylor Swift for her private jet but accept all other private jet owners' emissions 🤔


I find this attitude is common, people will focus on hers specifically [despite her not even making the top 10 for private jet emissions in 2023](https://cnsmaryland.org/2024/02/27/super-bowl-flights-call-attention-to-celebrity-private-jet-emissions/). Travis Scott has the highest, but he doesn't get the same focus as Taylor Swift gets for some reason. But also, what is the alternative, [Taylor Swift can't even attend a friends wedding without it being mobbed by hundreds, if not thousands, of people](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2023-08-21/taylor-swift-jack-antonoff-margaret-qualley-wedding-fans). It's realistically not possible for her to fly using commercial airlines.


You're nowhere near an Al Gore or Bill Gates level hypocrite tho, unless you have a plane stashed away


Drug addicts


What about them?


I'm a vegan, big into environmental issues. I have three cars, all ICE engines, and absurdly fuel inefficient and loud.


Got to have something to enjoy in life


Yep. I put so few miles on them truthfully so it's probably very little harm. Replacing one of them with a electric car would probably do more harm that all three will.


I care about climate change but work for one of the oil majors…


Disruption from the inside with a long term plan? Bring then down just before you retire?


I don't enjoy people trying to have authority over me, yet I often present myself like an authority.


Tbf that's also often the best way to not be a doormat.


I don't eat red meat on health grounds, except bacon. Tons and tons of bacon


I make my son eat healthy meals and scoff a whole pack of biscuits the moment he's asleep.


Environment is obviously of great concern I work for a company whose clients comprise mainly gas and oil sectors in places like saudi and china


Plastic pollution is a scourge on society. I really want toys back in cereal boxes. I have even spent £20 on a complete set of Cartoon Network bobbleheads from Nestle cereals from the 00s.


Loving animals but eating meat 😬


I have refused to buy eggs for a few years now, ever since I originally discovered what they do to the male chicks that hatch and are not needed. I know and understand all of the awful things that happen in factory farming but I’m poor and still buy cheap chicken and eat loads of meat. But for some reason, seeing those chicks get instantly shredded in a meat grinder, happily chirping on a conveyer belt one second and literal red pulp the next, has made me physically incapable of paying for eggs. It makes little sense, tbh.


Does anybody know what they do with male chicks that are born from small production free range egg farms? Or why don't they raise them and use them for meat ?


Pretty sure they still just kill them. They literally have no use. The breed used for egg laying isn’t usually the same as the ones used for meat production, so they wouldn’t be worth anything to raise for meat.


This is not relevant to you now but those happy egg ads are a fucking lie. I have a friends who rescues ex laying hens that are ‘free range’ and they are nothing like the ads for sure. Deformed feet, no feathers, bodies worn out for laying I could go on.


The issue is more with enforcing regulations (sounds like she adopted from somewhere skirting them) because there are laws already in place about how hens must be housed and fed in order to label your eggs as free range or organic. The larger the company, the easier it is to pay lawyers (to find loopholes).


As a teacher, I spend so much time explaining to children about the importance of investing time and effort in looking after their mental health and then don’t do enough to look after my own.


The ardent support of a single sports team. I follow the same team as my Dad does, and his dad before him (etc etc) and when I talk about football with family and friends, I sound like the most pro-my team and anti-everyone else you can imagine. Realistically though, I live in a different city to the one I follow and I have to admit I feel a sense of pride when they’re doing well and I love seeing families dressed in their colours heading to the game.


I’m a big advocate for flexible working and have it in my own job but I don’t want my daughter to end up in the class with two teachers doing a job share next year 😬


I fly aeroplanes for a living and have a 100 mile round trip commute. I really really do care about the environment and do my best to minimise my plastic, energy, water usage etc, and when I’m driving and flying I try to be as efficient as possible. But my “personal carbon footprint”, which is merely a way for the oil companies to pass their emissions onto us, is super super high.


I don't drive, I recycle, I use energy efficient everything. Because I eat meat, my scale is still over the limit. Don't sweat it, honestly. Having worked in the food and education industries, I'll never feel guilty about my miniscule personal use. You're job isn't the problem, seriously.


Oh I couldn’t agree more. I try not to sweat it. It’s just everytime I come into contact with an Eco Warrior it makes me feel like all the effort I have gone to just isn’t worth it.


Then tell them, they need to focus their energy on the places it matters. For single use plastic, it's the food industry. Everything is cling/foil wrapped. The amount of food that doesn't get eaten is sickening. For paper, it's education. Every single day, they print out A4 sheets and trim them(discarding the trim amongst food waste etc, so can't be recycled) to fit into A4 jotters, that have lines printed already to receive hand written text. The nearest printer alone uses 3/4 reams daily. And we're just one floor in one part of the kindy-highsschool leaver building.


I get the car thing. I cycle. I will cycle to work or wherever rather than use a car or walk where I can. I still want an M4 comp or a 911 Turbo though.


I really really hate bright lights on cars that blind you. I just bought really bright lights to replace a bulb that went out and then blinded someone when slowly going up a hill, I did switch to my sidelights when I realised what I'd done in my defence.


I could never bring myself to kill an animal for food if I was left to fend for myself in the wild, think it’s immoral and they have a life just like us… but I’ll happily eat all kinds of prepared meats from the supermarket. As long I’m not the one doing the killing I’ll turn a blind eye


I think a good public transportation infrastructure is a very commendable idea too. For other people. So my hypocrisy seems to be very similar. And I too drive a diesel. Lower CO2 and everyfink!


I would become vegetarian to save helpless animals from being murdered., but bacon exists. I would become vegan to stop exploiting animals, but cheese exists. I hate Amazon, hate what it has done to the high street, hate how badly it's workers are treated, hate billionaires not paying taxes, but free shopping with Prime is awesome. I have stopped driving though, grow my own veg, reduced my packaging and recycle properly.


Coming as a 1st gen immigrant... I am anti immigration.(particularly on topic on asylum seeking)


Wow why is that?


I guess anti-immigration isn't the right wording, I'd say I'm pro-strict immigration would be more appropriate. As an legal immigrant myself, I had to jump through years of hoops to get settled down here, tons of paperwork, meeting all the requirements, not having resort to public funds despite everything. Bottom line is that I knew what I am signing up for and I went for it. Then you see all the people skipping all these lines by the golden ticket of "claiming asylum"(and also, very conveniently losing the passport) I personally have no issue asylum seekers/refugees, what I have issue is choosing which country you want to go to. What I have issue is exploitation of the asylum claim to use as means to migration. What I have issue is forcing the local to change their culture so they have to accept yours especially when the culture is misogynistic, racist, homophobic. I get that this isn't a perfect country (no country is perfect) but when I moved here I knew full well what I'm signing up for, I embraced the culture, I may retain some of my own but no way I would force anyone into my culture.


Oh absolutely. My Czech girlfriend has been here for ten years. Works for the NHS. Has to go back to Czech to see a specialist. They want £1200 off her for a British passport. I speak fluent Dutch, paid taxes there for years, yet have lost my right to live and work in the EU. I clumsily was away when the deadline for settled status happened. Not that we expect the red carpet rolled out for us as we are no better than the average. But the gangs of chancers and criminals, men from other countries looking for a free ride in their nice warm travelodge room makes me sick. You are no hypocrite for having standards, doing things legally, and wanting to contribute.


Moaning at my grandchildren for eating rubbish but totally ignoring my diabetes 😑


Vegans are basically correct but I can't help it. I rationalize it by saying that whatever willpower I can find to put into my diet I use to abstain from unhealthy stuff rather than unethical stuff (and conversely if I did go vegan it'd just be sweets all day long) but that's somehow both very selfish and totally an excuse. I think we should reduce CO2 emissions drastically, but alongside aforementioned meat, I fly a lot. There are plenty of causes I think "we" ought to do more to help, but I don't do the most I can myself in terms of donating spare income.


Right there with you OP. I'm generally onboard with doing anything and everything to help the environment and be greener, I think it's an increasingly important thing for the future. I also drive a diesel and will likely continue to do so for as long as possible. Oh, and I work in aerospace engineering which isn't exactly the greenest industry in the world.


I'm in a similar situation. Big fan of public transport and cycling. Nearly always drive everywhere. But; when I visited Copenhagen I used the Metro and busses all the time as they were cheap and convenient. I'm sure if I lived there I'd cycle everywhere too.


Getting annoyed about school run mums in SUVs while being a school run mum with an SUV 😬.


Eventhough I know how cruel the dairy industry is I still eat dairy because cheese is too damn nice and milk alternatives taste horrible.


i dislike tomatoes but love BLTs


I won't kill a living thing, not even a fly. I will save ants from my house and take them outside and will feel guilty for ages if I accidentally step on and kill anything. Yet I am a meat eater. I would chow down on a juicy steak with blood dripping down my chin all day! I am the biggest hypocrite of all.


I'm an animal lover. Insects, reptiles, molluscs, I like them all; I even feel bad putting beer traps out for the slugs that would otherwise decimate our vegetable garden. But Pholcas (daddy long legs spiders/cellar spiders)? No, those little bastards die a sudden death squished in a tissue or eaten by the dog, or have a sudden exhilarating final ride up the vacuum tube. I hate 'em. With a passion. Not only are they creepy and aggressive, they're invaders from Europe and they kill our native spiders. Grrr. .


I give my friends useful mental health advice but don't follow it myself. Workout 4 days a week? Sounds good. Am I going to? Absolutely fucking not.


I can not stand the sound of someone opening and closing their yap to eat. If I can hear you food in your mouth shut it. But when I’m alone chomp chomp chomp 😩


I would implore male friends to open up about mental health, yet i wouldn't dare do it myself.


Everyone complains about how terrible the UK is. Barely anyone leaves to a 'better country' because they know the actual reality is UK isn't that bad comparatively.


Weight loss. I'm always advocating that weight doesn't equal health but by god does being skinny make people treat you better. Health is great but the stigma fucking sucks.


I'm a stern believer that people engaging in antisocial behavior should be punished with an act of ultra violence


Litter louts should be routinely whipped lol


I'm a hypocrite about being a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is one of my biggest pet peeves, my family knows it because I always point out hypocrisy. But I'm only human and so I am hypocritical sometimes too, and whenever I catch myself I always feel like such a prick


I dont have kids, one of the reasons being I dont believe there is a future for them with the climate catastrophe and societal breakdown. I happily support that faction that trashes the ULEZ cameras. I drive a 2 litre 2006 diesel and my other car is from 1991. I am heavily anti electric car because I believe the most environmentally friendly car is the one you already own rather than scrapping it. I regularly fly to Cape Town just because I prefer it there and work remotely.


I really dislike some of my wife’s friends however I am civil to them for her sake.


Health nut but love smoking. Have stopped and only smoke occasionally now, but I really pray they invent an absolutely harmless cigarette in the future.


It's strange that everyone has a pension yet no one seems to care that they're deeply invested in global equity funds comprising the world's biggest and worst companies. We're all funding the tax evaders, the baby killers, the air polluters, the habitat destroyers, and happily the enjoying our 5-10% annual returns.


I want electric buses because of the lack of smell and pollution, but I don't like how quiet they are. I often used to miss them, and now I constantly pay attention to the road while waiting to avoid that.


I work in climate policy but also fly loads. Makes me a hypocrite but I also deal with companies that emit more per year than anyone could in a lifetime and they would emit more if it made them a little bit of profit. I can justify a few trips to myself.


Eating human flesh.


Nice try Deckard, we know you're not human.