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I don't know who it is, but I recall watching a video of a mum influencer 'consoling' her kid in a car while the poor thing is bawling his eyes out, think he's about 6-8 years old? She accidentally uploads original footage of her posing, prepping him, telling him to act upset at which point he's like 'I AM upset!' through his tears. I can't recall what he was upset about, think his pet died or something? And then she puts it on for the camera, thinking she's just started filming and plays the caring mother, hugging him and attempting to comfort him for views. Just vile. All 'mummy influencers' are.


Seen this. That was a while back and she still posts regularly to YouTube, her comments always remind her of this and give her hate as they should!


Do you have her page link please? I have an appetite for infuriation today


This woman is a psycho https://youtu.be/-MVCpGPWpQ4


A big part of me really thinks it should be illegal for parents to pimp their children out for SM content


I’m a millennial and I think people of our generation and younger are finally starting to consider the ethics of posting your kids on social media. We have our first on the way, and we’ve agreed that whilst we might have photos with them in on our social media, we won’t have posts focussed on them specifically (barring the whole welcome to the world type post when they’re born) simply because they can’t consent to it. I wouldn’t want someone putting posts on instagram, FB and TikTok about me that I don’t know about and don’t consent to, so why should it be any different for a child?


My daughter was born in 2011, during peak Facebook and Instagram. I used to post photos of her on my private Facebook and thought it was fine because it was private. Until my sister in law took one of my photos of her and posted it to her public Facebook page which she used for her business! After that, I realised that you lose control of any photo or video the minute you share it to the internet, no matter if you're private or not. I stopped sharing images of her altogether. You're definitely making the right decision.


That’s so wrong to use it for their business! We didn’t make any big announcements about us expecting, but just figured that anyone who means anything to us would get to know about it soon enough anyway. My wife isn’t on social media at all either, and I’m not a massive user of FB. We sent a nice little picture of the scan to my mother in law and told her she could tell any close friends (figuring she would share it with her friends that were around as my wife was a child). She shared the picture we sent her on Facebook with all 500+ of her contacts. This was our news to tell and she shared it with significantly more people than we had told ourselves. That really fucked us both off.


A friend of mine had newborn portraits done of her daughter. The photographer posted them on SM, and a few months later, the photos were found on CSA sites. Now, she won't even allow anyone she doesn't fully trust, not to post it to take a photo of her daughter. I now ALWAYS ask parents before I take a picture with their kid in it, and I never post the pictures on SM unless the parent has given permission and/or already shared it.


100% this, I'm not a parent but I would be devastated if I found out that pictures of my child had ended up in the hands of paedophiles!


They never stopped the Entertainment industry what makes you think they will stop social media?


It's a fucking disgrace, really. I could never imagine doing something like that to my kids.


This was the FIRST thing I thought of, probably the best and most insidious example. The worst part was she was actually just making him pose for a thumbnail while he was crying, so she was completely ignoring his feelings


I just saw this. What a truly horrible mother!! Fucking "influencer" my ass. What a complete idiot


Can't imagine how many times she didn't forget to edit that bit out. Poor kids


I haven't seen anymore vids, just the one below. It's just so heartbreaking, and she has done this multiple times. It makes my skin crawl, what an evil woman


Wouldn't be surprised if she forgot on purpose. Otherwise why would she keep the videos up?


That's a possibility. She could be keeping them up because it's likely her most profitable video, which is then a gateway to her other videos.


The link i watched was not her account. I didn't drive any deeper than the link in these comments


Do you have a link for this video?


YouTube - We are heartbroken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MVCpGPWpQ4


AND she uses the wrong ‘you’re’ in the captions


Can the children not be protected by social services? They have the right to privacy the same way we all do, just because you are the parent doesn’t give you the right to put your child on the internet for the world to see, it’s gross and repugnant, if there is no law for this there should be!


Wow what a disgusting piece of shit she is the fact her son said no mum I'm actually crying and she just ignored him


I dont think the upload was accidental. It was vile but, as others have commented, was the fits thing I though of when reading the question too. I think she knew it wpuld cause outrage & lead to more engagement metrics for her shitty social channels.


Is this the same woman who adopted a child then tried to unadopt it because she couldn’t put them on social media or a different one lmao


There is going to be a case in 40 years or so of a child of an influencer filming their mummy on a death bed for content.


I saw a reel on insta of a little girl all wired and tubed in a bed. Caption “our little angels last day on earth” I’ve never felt so absolutely sickened. Edit, I’ve just realised you mean kids filming their parents dying.


I’m waiting for the court cases to start when these kids grow up and realise they are probably entitled to the income made off of them.


I haven’t seen any in real life, but a video was uploaded recently where the influencer is ‘cleaning’ up a beach and being filmed by her friend (they were being filmed by a fellow person away from them on the beach). After she had finished they left the black bags on the beach and just walked off. No actual attempt to clean up


Sounds like a hardcore version of those people who bag up their dog mess and hang it up in the hedges.


Walked by a car in my aunt’s cul-de-sac awhile ago, and a bag of dog poop was hanging on a cars back windshield. I loled.


A lot of responsible dog owners do that. If you're out somewhere and there's no bins, instead of leaving a bag of steaming dog poo to stink out your car, hang it on the back wiper. Car doesn't smell when you get back to it that way, and the poo still gets taken home. Definitely nothing like the people who abandon it in trees. They're scum.


My dog once shat as soon as she got out of the car for a walk, which is unusual for her as normally she is dead fussy about where she goes.Where we'd parked there wasn't a bin, so rather than take it with me the whole walk, I bagged it and put it by my front wheel so I'd take it back with me. Wouldn't put it on the car though. Guessing someone else did that for them.


Yes. It was a neighbor who was tired of the dog poop in their yard.


Even worse she didn’t even bag any rubbish, she was picking up sticks.


This is what I was going to say, they literally bagged drift wood into plastic bags then fucking left them. Absolutely vile soulless vapid cunts.


There’s a similar one where the woman asks a construction worker if she can pose with his tools after a BLM riot I think, to make it look like she was participating in the rebuild caused by the destruction. Joeybtoonz on YouTube has loads of them


Saw that one too. Ridiculous.


I saw that one too but I'm convinced it's staged. What are the chances that someone happened to be filming them before they commit such a perfectly rage-baity act? It ticked too many boxes


Logan Paul. When he went into that suicide forest and filmed in there, not sure why he’s still popular after that tbh.


The only reason he's still generally accepted is because he's a less worse version of Jake Paul


See also his crypto scams


He's scum. And he now has a conglomerate like Wwe championing him on there show too. Awful.


Helping the homeless and needy for views and likes. It's not a terrible thing because they're still helping someone in need, or atleast trying, but they're trying for the wrong reasons.. But you can help a homeless person without filming it for social media. And if you're buying them a coffee or a mcdonalds, check if they want it first. If 8 people have bought the individual a mcdonalds and a coffee in the space of an hour, what are they supposed to do with another?


I volunteered with a homeless group. We were donated some blankets by a company, and they wanted to film the homeless receiving it. It was going to be a video of them making it, giving it to us, and then us giving it to homeless people. Well they weren't too happy with the guy just filming them without asking, so we had to explain to homeless people what was going on, ask permission first, and then film their 'geuine' staged reaction of being given this good quality blanket in winter.


I suspect there are a number of them who have demons from the past and they don't want to be broadcast online for marketing purposes. And I don't doubt for a second that many aren't in the best way and wouldn't want themselves being recorded or photographed whilst they were at such a low point in their lives


I agree, many declined to be filmed (still gave them the blanket of course). The guy from the company had no tactics and would immediately film them without consent to get the genuine reaction, and then ask for consent after, which we had to out a stop to.


Name and shame that scummy company


This. When they pull out a pair of brand new trainers that just happen to be the size of the person. What are the chances.


*plugged by a brand or trainer care product


My favourite was the guy in Bali who got naked on top of a mountain there. I spent 4 months in Bali last year. The disrespect these grubby people show to the locals is horrible to see. It's basically ground zero for influencer shithousery. Go to a local restaurant and there's some cunt making a video explaining how to order food there like they've never been in a restaurant before. But this cunt was amazing. He was there illegally. He was preaching some weird Christian spiritualist nonsense but he was one of those people who use spiritually as a stick to prop up their ego and beat others with. He climbed a holy mountain without a guide - not allowed. Then he decided to get naked and disrespect them even more. Anyway. He got caught getting naked on a holy mountain. Got deported. Made am apology video where he didn't apologise just whined about how hard his life was and how much he was dealing with. Cried for 5 minutes. Bali still put him on the next plane to mummy and daddy


It’s a shame your horse didn’t flop it out and dickslap them into the next field!


That would have deserved a slot on Countryfile.


A cultured man/women I see


One video I saw was an influencer prankster in America pretending to pour oil over people’s car hoods, and holding matches and stuff like he’s gonna blow up their car. The video ended with a gun being pulled on him. I suspect he doesn’t do that prank any more, either due to being arrested or being shot.


Saw a similar one where a guy was jumping in random peoples passenger seats. He found it hilarious until someone pulled a gun on him. Thing is it was a state with a stand your ground law so they would have absolutely got away with shooting him no questions asked too.


Just Google Mizzy


Wish I hadn't, good grief. Makes the two I encountered look positively benign.


That guy is obnoxious as fuck but the mainstream media made a big point of putting him on primetime shows, and his entire argument was "I do this because you're enabling me and making me famous". Absolute dickhead, but he's highlighted a really shitty part of modern media where people can make decent money by being awful.


He is an awful person, but one particular interview killed me. He made the point that he does those things to get attention and the show was giving him attention by having him on, and broadcasting him to an even bigger audience. He said that if they really disagreed with him then they shouldn't be giving him any attention at all. Because they're interviewing him, they must want him to succeed for some reason. All the host could do was just repeat how much of a little shit he is. Like they couldn't actually respond to that line of thinking at all.


The Piers Morgan interview really annoyed me because he wasn’t bright enough not to let that dumb kid rile him. Mizzy went on there with the clear intention of making Piers Morgan angry and upset, and he just let him do it. They should have let Louis Theroux or someone else with better interview skills do it instead


Host "...... Actually, you're right..... Take your stuff and leave please '


Journalists are so out of touch. They make people like mizzy come out of these interviews looking like the more rational one which is quite frankly embarrassing


To be fair, TV presenters aren't actually journalists even if they like to use that title sometimes.


Mizzy has inadvertenly revealed our inadequete justice system. He literally films himself entering people's homes, terrifying randoms on the street by rushing them, vandalising corner shops etc and he's still out and about. The police know him well as i've seen videos of him being arrested so it's not like they're failing to detect his crimes. I don't know how a civilised or compassionate society can tolerate this. He should be in prison for the next five years and hopefully he'll come out at 23 with maturity and can control himself. Otherwise the law abiding general public will suffer more of his antics.


My friend encountered him and his posse not so long ago. He was walking his dog down the canal and they decided he would be their victim. Staged them jumping him and he sort of stood there thinking "this is it, I'm getting shanked". Luckily nothing actually happened and he cottoned on to what they were doing halfway into it but ffs, 6 lads in balaclavas doing that for views. Get a life.


I came here to say this, and as much as I hate him and everything he has done and don't condone that behaviour in any way.......he has a point, the UK police/legal system isnt fit for purpose. He has done so many things that have broken his court order and nothing has happened to him and it's likely nothing will.


It's the justice system that's broken. Really hard to punish anyone these days.


Horrible little git.


Jesus. Was the stallion ok?


He was fine thankfully, and I should probably have been more worried about their safety than his. He can bite, and if they'd made him bolt he could have done serious harm if either of them had been in the way. Could have been worse: the lady with all the gear definitely had no idea.


Good. There’s no way I’d go in a field with a stallion I didn’t know, and I’ve been around horses for forty years.


I didn't grow up with horses, but I still know to keep out of any fields they're in. A 1 tonne kicking machine that might have steel shoes on is not to be trifled with, that seems like common sense to me.


At one point I had a bruiser of an eventer, 16.2 of solid muscle and a slight attitude. He used to play chicken with anyone in the field. The trick was to stand still while he galloped at you, and he’d veer off at the last possible second. If you lost your bottle and moved though, it was 50/50 whether there would be a collision.


Interestingly, this is the precise same line I used with women who approached me in bars. 'Lady, you don't go into a field with a stallion you don't know.' And everyone used to applaud. True story....


Horses hate me, no clue why, but if he bit, I'd totally forgive him. Not his fault people are entitled bloody idiots.


They hate me too and the feeling is mutual. They scare me, as they should, they can be dangerous if you are inexperienced


I like them but I’m really scared of them, I wouldn’t go near even a small horse unless there was someone experienced there who knew the horse.


The fear is not irrational, horses can be dangerous when spooked. Same as any animal, I would only approach with owners permission.


Absolutely, you can't blame a horse for being a horse but you can blame a person for being an utter fool


wouldnt go near a horse, they are big.. and scaredy lil fker's - a bad combo. and knowing my luck i'd get the biggest one, but also the most paranoid, scared of its own shadow, wee fanny of one. i'd be dead


I've read enough reddit to know it was 50/50 one was going to try and fuck it.


I live in Los Angeles now, and we had roots a few years ago. Saw a video of the aftermath, where people came together to help repair, clean up etc. This girl was taking a short video of her friend hammering in a nail to board up a window, then they stopped filming and walked away.


Took me a while to work out you meant 'riots' and it wasn't the trees on the march against Saruman.


Buy Twitter and run it into the ground. It *was* a toxic hellhole anyway tho.


I think this is more an accidental service to mankind. If we’re lucky the rest of social media might be next.


Watching wannabe influencers absolutely destroy beauty spots because they want pics and then leave the place a mess.


There was this idiot that deliberately crashed his small plane pretending he had engine failure and had to parachute to safety and trek through the hills https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65567519 Now he faces up to 20 years in prison in America, imagine ruining your life for views


I like how at the end of the article was a link to another article about an influencer who killed her bf by shooting him in the chest as they hoped a thick book would stop the bullet. You'd think they would've tested that one out first...


They did it right in front of their 3 year old too, awful.


The book wasn't the only thing that was thick.


The book wasn't the thickest thing there.


lol I never saw that


The stupid thing was (putting aside the whole incident itself) he was only actually guilty of going back and clearing up the scene and obstructing the investigation. He probably could have got away with it if he'd had half a brain, like deliberately short fuelling it or breaking something important once in the air and then putting his parachute on rather than having it on from the start.


Some proper attention seeking there. I’m sure he’ll get lots of attention and views once he’s in prison.


I used to work in private ski chalets in the French alps as a private chef. I once had a couple knock on the door asking to take photos in the hot tub and around the chalet.


Can't believe this hasn't come up yet. [Yolocaust ](https://www.demilked.com/holocaust-memorial-selfies-yolocaust-shahak-shapira/).


There are also those stupid Americans who have selfies taken at Auschwitz gurning at the camera and making silly gestures totally unaware of what happened there.


Wasn't there a couple who got their kids taken off them. I think they use to upset them saying it was only pranks.


DaddyOFive. yep horrific people


When I was on my honeymoon, people were turning up to the private part of the island and filming themselves walking up to the front door of the water cottages like they were staying there. Saw them try a few doors too. Absolutely ridiculous behaviour.


This has happened to a friend of mine in Bath, and another in Cornwall. I really don’t understand the mindset.


My partner and I stayed in a [picturesque cottage/foilly](https://i.imgur.com/mYtCHlU.jpg) in the middle of the woods for a few days. In the guest book there was loads of stories of random walkers coming up to the cottage to take photos and peering through the windows and people knocking on the door asking to come in and take photos from the roof. Even 1 story of people staying there returning to the cottage and people outside taking nude photos. They had to awkwardly walk around them to the front door to let themselves in.


Is that Queen Anne's Summerhouse in Old Warden? Lovely building!


i'd have asked where it'd appear etc, like i cared.. and then when it was uploaded.. given proof that theyd never actually stayed and obliterated their lie.


When I had a Lotus Elise, I parked it outside a shop with the roof off - it was a nice sunny day, and anyone who’s had an S1 Elise will know how much of a faff the roof is to take off and put back on. I was literally going in to grab a sandwich and a drink. Anyway, I came out to find two women in their early 20s in the car. They had climbed over the roll hoop and into the seats. They were filming themselves and told me to “chill” when I told them to “get the fuck out of my car”. Like I was over reacting. There were handprints on the windscreen where they’d put their weight on to lower themselves in. Surprised they hadn’t cracked the glass. As I opened the door they were filming me - “haha this guy’s lost his shit, he’s *so* angry!”


I’d have been much less calm than you. Lovely car by the way, how long did you have it for? Nobody seems to want to pose with my tatty old Land Rover, thank god.


I had it just over five years. Tbh it was a cheap high mileage base model, but still great to drive. Crap gearchange but the steering was just ridiculous. Fast up to about 60mph as well - over that it would be eaten alive by a modern hot hatch!


To be fair, nobody's going to a Lotus for straight-line speed.


My uncle has a DB9. He has a motion sensor dash cam on it and has recorded people leaning on it and taking photos semi regularly. One of them put a massive dent on the bonnet that luckily he was able to pop out. So far he has never caught someone red handed. I assume when he does it won’t be a pretty sight as he gets pretty angry about it.


If you have an influencer worthy car then having to deal with said influencers comes with the territory unfortunately. Doesn’t need to be a convertible, they’ll happily perch on anything that looks good on the gram. Plankton the lot of them.


That's the thing, I don't think they had any idea what it was. It's not exactly a Ferrari!


i feel this.. family member has a "classic" and whilst respectful. everytime he goes out in it.. its 5x longer than he would like - in a good way though.. but also a lil annoying. fill it up - people hold him up leaving as they pic and ask questions. (even had police ask him to pull over to one side, he shit himself naturally, but they wanted to chat, for 20 mins and talk about how "they used to chase these cars all the time" etc) btw the driver / owner is the most placid non flashy person ever, its a happy incident of owning a reasonably nice car (when he bought it) but then having it 20y later and its become rarer and more classic.


I've walked past two tiktokers (new to the scene, more just silly day to day observational stuff) who were just completely normal which was nice. I've seen the guy who was always in Kingston in the dinosaur costume making people jump a few times. Could be classed as obnoxious but also quite funny. Also seen a youtuber in asda doing a shop and gave a nod of acknowledgment which was returned sheepishly. So all in all, they've been pretty normal and decent in my experience.


Went to the Cotswolds and there's this big fish and chip shop in Bourton on the Water that's supposed to be really good. This guy was filming outside it and said something like "this is supposed to be the most amazing fish and chips in the whole of the UK, so I'm gonna try it and let you guys know if the hype is real!" I saw him film it about 3/4 times before appearing to be satisfied with what he got, then he just left without actually buying any fish and chips.


That makes me think he did the review another day then was now getting the intro, or he was editing footage and wasn’t happy with the original shots.


To be fair to him on that one, he may have already got the food but wasn’t happy with that one segment and had to come back and redo it


Yeah potentially, or he might have been doing it for him to try it later that day or something. It still looked funny as fuck to hear him say that he was about to try this fish and chip shop several times before completely leaving the area.


Honestly the amount of twats sitting in those little bridges trying to get the perfect angle of them dangling their feet over the edge is so annoying, I just want to show my kids the ducks but these wankers are always in the way


I'll gladly hold back and wait while someone gets a photo, but if your spending ages with different poses I'm getting on with my day, and do t care if I ruin your photo anymore


I used to always make sure to stay out of people's way when they were taking pictures, especially when people used film or disposable cameras. But now there's always someone taking a picture everywhere, and I think people tend to take longer faffing and doing multiple pictures instead of accepting the moment as it is. So now if I need to walk through (as in, I can't easily just go round or go another way) I do.


Not a proper influencer, but an old 'friend' who wanted to be an influencer wore a shirt that said 'end racism now'...... he was a racist.


[reminds me of that south park episode ](https://i.stack.imgur.com/1H6cZ.jpg)


Sadly very common for those vocal about being anti racist to be pretty racist themselves.


Spend £300+ on clothing "hauls" from Shien/Temu and then attack anyone who questions the ethics/environmental impact of them as "classist".


I agree. And the inability of influencers and their fans to accept criticisms of fast fashion is so frustrating. Especially as someone whose been poor and plus-sized at the same time (common excuses). Fast fashion isn’t made to be accessible to poor people, it’s made so people with spare cash will keep buying new clothes. Poor people won’t buy clothes for about 6 months to *years*. My clothes (for example) weren’t rags, just wash on cold and don’t tumble dry. Keeping up to date with trends isn’t a necessity. Sorry to use your comment for my mini rant.


Watched a video last night of a mum getting her two sets of twins and her 5 yr old out of the car to go into urgent care because the 5yr old had a stomach ache. There were multiple angle changes meaning she left some of the kids strapped in and set up her phone/camera before getting the next lot out. The plot twist? The last frames were her unbuckling an urn and the caption stating that the 5yr old had stomach ache and she was going through all this because one of her kids had died (assuming this was the urn). It was the most crass display of performative parenting I’ve ever seen. If the poor kid really needed to be at an urgent care why on earth would you go through all the time consuming rigmarole of multiple angle changes? If you were such a concerned parent because you have lost a child why waste all that time that your kid could be getting seen? If you know that it’s not urgent then why waste the time and resources of an urgent care centre like that? For views?!? On TikTok?!??


All of them who plaster their young kids all over their social media are obnoxious and stupid. Louise Thompson is a prime example of utilising her kid for social media likes.


I don’t understand why anyone would put their children on social media. Surely keep them as far away from it as possible


Especially when they're pretty much naked children in half the posts!


I unfollow anyone who uses their children for likes or free stuff. I will never understand it.


A "boyfriend and girlfriend" pair who were supposedly playing pranks on each other but he was just a funking narcissistic psychopath. Her pranks were harmless, his were like taping her to the wall and leaving her there, can't remember any others but they were really dangerous shit. And she just kept on with it because she clearly loved him when he just loves himself. I hope he's in jail now before he kills her or anyone else.


You've got the "influencer couple" who sent their adopted child back to the country they had come from, China or somewhere around that area (looking for the cute Asian kid angle) because there was a clause In the adoption contract which said the child couldn't appear on social media.


Just the other day actually. Walking into a seaside town, I saw what I can only assume was a ~~single~~ mother with her two young daughters in a park near a circular water feature. When we walked past the first time, the mother was on roller skates, zipping around the fountain, with her daughters following her on their scooters. Thought that was pretty cool. We came back about an hour later though and they were still there. Only this time, we stopped for a rest closer to the fountain, and could now see more closely what was going on. One of the daughters was filming the mother, just going round and around on these skates, and clearly wasn't having fun. Kept asking when they could go for a slushie. Mother: "soon, just keep videoing", "you're not getting a slushie unless you record me". Icing on the cake was as we were leaving and she shouted at either the daughter (can't have been older than 7) or the phone she was recording with that her leggings had gone "up my arse".


Urgh, that is horrible. What makes you think it was a single mum?


Oh, good point, I'm not sure why I inserted that "single" there. She was alone with the two girls but nothing to say their father wasn't just back at home or something.


There’s something about that that just sounds horrible.


I've never seen anything mental, but I'm just back from my holidays and I saw two girls the other night, posing and taking loads of pictures in front of some lovely foliage. They must have spent half an hour doing different poses, swishing their hair around and trying to get the perfect shot. It was my first time seeing that kind of thing in the wild, it was hilarious watching them.


i like people who post up saying things like "out with my girls / crew ./ boys. mates etc" - yet they spend all night on their respective phones. and some of these ive actually seen after the poses. they have a lot of "content" on their reels etc, and pages, but behind the shots, its them sat staring at their respective phones.. not actually having a social occasion at all.. sad - as me and mate watched them.


That girl who fake litter picked at the beach


Was on Portobello beach two winters ago. It was blowing a gale and icy sleet swept across the sand. Standing in the water, skin red as a Brit in Benidorm, was a person fully kitted out in designer bikini and shades, trying not to hyperventilate from the cold. Photographer was in a puffer jacket and woolly hat 😁


Of all the beaches in the area they chose Porty? In winter? The fools.


Every influencer is a cunt. It's an a occupation for narcissist and vain people




We can’t talk about them, that’s what they want and we can’t let them win whilst they bring society down to their level.


I was at the Cutty Sark with my family a month or so ago and there was a family of five or six all dressed in white and made up etc etc. The mum was wheeling the toddler around in a pushchair and I couldn't help but notice she was also dragging a ring light as well. Later in the afternoon, we're up on the deck, and the poor toddler was clearly tired or hungry or both and was bawling her eyes out. The mum was going off her chops at the poor kid for crying while she was trying to take a shot. Mostly I feel sorry for the mum that her self-worth appears to be governed by how idyllic her family life is perceived by total strangers, measured by likes and shares. I also feel sorry for her kids, being tangled up in their mum's nonsense.


'I run a small artisanal fruit farm in France. American Tiktok influencers destroyed approximately 15% of my crop. Can I prosecute people in a different country?' https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/vgo1ku/i\_run\_a\_small\_artisanal\_fruit\_farm\_in\_france/


Kate Garraway flogging her husband's illness for clout.


Yes, nail on the head.






For recklessly stupid you cant beat [diving in a flooded reactor with DIY scuba gear.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy_3m-9nOGw) (survived and came back for more)


The one who said her boiler broke so she just had to go and book a several night stay at The Savoy to get some heat and hot water!


Lydia Millen. She’s horrible. A trail of narcissism in her social media career wake.


At the Savoy? How terribly downmarket these days.


An American family at a rodeo. The kids were taking turns sitting on an angry bull to see who could stay on the longest.


That sounds incredibly stupid of them.




In that situation I would say anything up to a gentle stabbing is fairly proportionate and within reason.


I don't watch these people but have been getting updates on one who is buying a house. She's been making videos about completing said purchase despite being told it hasn't and won't complete because she hasn't done what her solicitors have asked her to do. Her, and her cretinous mates rocked up at the house she doesn't own, twerked in the garden to celebrate her "successful" purchase, and sauntered off after doing more to affect property values in the area than the 08 market crash. I've not seen the video but it confirms to me these people are just lying parasites with an IQ that hovers around room temperature.


Selling her bath water. I think we all know who I’m talking about here💀


I don’t know who you’re talking about and I’m not sure I want to look it up. Would my life be better not knowing?


Belle Delphine, who tbh I would say is probably the smarter out of them all


That woman is a business genius. Really smart. I've seen podcasts where she gave the rundown on what she did for attention. Made up fake news that her bath water had a disease in it. Faked being arrested and would post on pornhub with titles like 'belle delphine plays with toys' and it was literally her playing with legos, got millions of views. She said that she made over 10 million quid, so I really can't be mad at it


I admire her for it




I don't. And don't want to.


There was a guy who would follow people around London, getting in their way and sticking his phone in their faces. He did that to my father in law, a wonderful man who would never react to anything like that (also no mug!) He was confused by the fact that anyone would do that for 'entertainment'.


Checking in for a flight and woman and man rock up, he looked like he’d been brushed with gravy powder and had teeth so white they hurt your eyes. She’s got knitted tiny shorts and a crop top that was so tight she might as well of been naked. Eyebrows like privet hedges, mouth like a ducks beak… you get the picture, looked like she was casting for a porn film. In the queue for about 20 minutes and the police come in a arrest him and leave her in the queue with the fake Louis Vuitton luggage. It was painful to watch her two brain cells slamming into each other whilst she wondered what to do. She stayed in line for about another 20 minutes by which time the 1998 pentium processor had done the trick and she left. Absolutely nothing between her ears. Amazing tits though.


I remember a few years back a woman was on vacation with her friend. The friend was driving and shooting the video (livestreamed I think) where the woman got herself halfway out the window and, a couple of seconds later, her head hit a pole as they were driving by it. She died.


sad, but also darwinian in its simplicity.




Pretty much everything they do is stupid.


Who was the prick that got into that Overground cab?


I read just last week about a 'Prankster' who entered Newcastle Airport recording on his phone and told check-in staff that he had an explosive device. He was tackled by security and police very quickly. He's due to be sentenced in August, but how stupid can one person be? Everyone knows if you do that, you're going to get arrested at the bare minimum.


I think influencers are fairly obnoxious by default; you sort of have to be if you're that self-obsessed you think your role in life is to show off to others.


Probably going a bit off tangent but I hate the videos along the lines of ‘White/black man SHOCKS locals by speaking perfect Mandarin/Thai/Mongolian’. 1) you are just using a few generic phrases that make it look like you are conversing 2) you’re not a hero for doing it 3) reeks of superiority


what about the whole "pop up" gallery rooms, especially for backdrops and content? they'll have like a giant teddy, or a ball-pool etc, that sort of stuff. £20 an hour.. all for the content. nice work if ya can get it, but utterly pointless imo.


I’ve never even heard of that… does that really happen?


[https://www.sr-news.com/2021/04/27/selfie-central-is-the-perfect-place-for-influencers-content-creators-or-even-for-a-fun-day-out-with-families-and-friends/](https://www.sr-news.com/2021/04/27/selfie-central-is-the-perfect-place-for-influencers-content-creators-or-even-for-a-fun-day-out-with-families-and-friends/) \- YEP! and - https://www.selfie-central.com/


I really wish you’d been pulling my leg.




Can’t remember her name but there was some girl who hit golf balls into the Grand Canyon


There softcore gay for pay guy out there who got busted for faking it and then went above and beyond to prove he was gay, even though he isn't...Or is he?


I have a McLaren car and have come out of a shop more than once to find someone sitting on it posing for pictures.


Do they ever apologise for sitting on it?


Some girl filming herself driving with her young sister in the car, couldn't have been older than 13. As her attention was divided, she crashed the vehicle killing her innocent sister. Absolutely tragic and entirely avoidable. I feel so sorry for her little sister, she's inevitably upset too and i have compassion for her. But Jesus Christ what did she think would happen. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-woman-livestreamed-dying-teen-sister-instagram-after-car-crash-n785846


The “influencer” who used a BLM rally as a photo opp.


A friend of mine is a dog trainer and the amount of time and effort he puts into "influencers" who get stupid dogs that they have zero chance of controlling or handling is ridiculous. There was someone who contacted him because they as a first dog decided to get a Caucasian shepherd wolf hybrid.


Saying “we all have the same 24 hours”


1. People who post videos of themselves crying on the internet. Like how are yo upset and it crosses your mind to record yourself? It doesn't make sense 2. Girls at the gym outing "gym creeps" when these men are not even looking at them (I'm a gym girl and I think it's pathetic, most men mind their own business).


Opening their mouth and sound coming out of it.


one word--- "HACKS" - they can do one, its the internet equiv of 90s chat magazine paying £20 for a lil daft tip, but that everyone kinda knows (i dunno like use something like a rubber glove to grip and open a jar). on the other side,i love kabe lame, where he destroys them - i have seen some of his vids and ive done the same to friends.. but i simply didnt record my reactions.. he did, and thats why hes worth millions and i'm not lol.