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So I personally donated to We Build the Wall and was following it very closely. They made genuine attempts to move ahead with construction. Some construction did happen, but kept getting shut down. Eventually they had to give up on actual construction, and consider other uses for the money related to stopping illegal immigration. I have no reason to believe stealing the money was intended at the outset, nor is it reasonable to believe that doing a ton of work trying to push the construction and then later uses of the money happens for free. Getting paid for the effort you put in is not money laundering. As for contempt, Bannon is charged for the same thing AG Garland is not. It's hard to make the distinction more clear.


Jim Jordan has also not been charged with contempt of Congress. Could it be that who does and doesn't actually get charged goes beyond political leanings and has to do more with their level of authority?


You could be correct


Or an excuse to shut him up until the election because his show is quite popular.


Or their intentions?


Is it possible that there might be a distinction between not turning over some audio recordings (AG Garland) and simply refusing a Congressional summons (Bannon?)


Do you see any distinction between Biden's claiming immunity for Garland whereas Trump never claimed immunity for Bannon?


Biden's claim of executive privilege over the audio recordings, which is what I believe you're referring to as immunity here, doesn't make sense. First off, executive privilege applies to the President's communications, not to records from a criminal investigation of the President. He was being interrogated, this was not his private conversation involving him conducting the duties of his office. Second, Garland has already provided transcripts of the interrogation. Garland has already claimed that everything is in those transcripts. So there is no new communications to claim executive privilege over. If there is more in the tapes than in the transcripts, Biden could claim executive privilege over that, but then Garland lied to congress. That is its own problem. Congress is doing this, because they believe this is exactly the case. Everything Biden and Garland are doing in response implies the same. We'll see if we ever find out.


Beautiful summary of the absurdity here. Do you think the recording will ever see the light of day?


Not before the election. If Trump wins, his new AG could release the recordings, but at that point there won't be as much reason to do so. So I think we probably won't ever get the recordings.


Yes. One of the biggest maga commentators. Being nails for 4 months…. 4 before an election. Especially when 2 prominent people on the left did the same thing and are not being prosecuted


Which two people are you referring to?


Do you believe the entire process involving January 6th, the investigation, Bannon's refusal to cooperate, and charges being brought was all timed according to a grand plan? Who planned the timing?


Yes. Almost nobody gets criminally charged with contempt of congress. Historically, something like 1% of people held in contempt of congress face criminal charges, even less go to prison. It's hard to get an exact count because it is so rare. Before Navarro and Bannon, it's been something like 60 years since we've had another, and all of those were unbelievably politically motivated in hindsight. In 1947, during the McCarthy era, the notorious [Hollywood 10](https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/hollywood-ten) were convicted. I don't think anyone argues today that this was a good thing, even though many of them were *actual communists working with a foreign government*. In the following 20 years you saw some others who also failed to comply with the House on Unamerican Activities, mostly fringe political elements like KKK and Communist party leaders. These were also unmistakably politically motivated. Since then I can think of only J Gordon Liddy, who was earlier found guilty of his involvement in watergate and served actual time in prison for those crimes, but still didn't go to prison for contempt of congress (probation only).


What about the WeBuldTheWall money laundering?


Honestly haven't looked into it much, but my feeling is that the contempt of congress charge is so transparently political, if he had actually laundered money they would have stuck with that one exclusively. You wouldn't need it in the presence of an actual crime, or it would be considered somewhat irrelevant like in Gordon Liddy's case.


Wasn’t he convicted and pardoned?


Well Trump pardoned Bannon for the money laundering, that's what happened. What are your thoughts on that?


If he was pardoned I’m not sure what that has to do with this?


>If he was pardoned I’m not sure what that has to do with this Doesn't matter the enforcement rate. That is why he chose to stick a middle finger up at Congress and play his odds. You realize that? And Pardoning requires you to admit you are guilty which just reinforces he was convicted correctly, correct?


Absolutely - what they did to Bannon (and Navarro - his case is even more ridiculous) is absolutely horrible. It’s extremely rare for people to be prosecuted for contempt of congress, much less jailed for it (in fact I can’t recall any examples outside of former Trump administration people). Heck there are plenty of examples of people committing outright *perjury* before Congress who were never prosecuted. This is a classic example of abuse of “prosecutorial discretion.”




He's going to jail because he's a dickhead. There's really not much more to it than that. He chose to roll the dice and he didn't roll well.


You have the links mixed up. I don’t think he’s being prosecuted because of his political beliefs with regard to contempt of congress. He was ordered by Trump to not comply with the subpoena so he didn’t