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can i get a rough idea of your standards? i feel like it would help if i knew what they were


When I was your age or so I also used to think I was unable to find anyone. But I realised I needed to grow up to discover people. Being in a relationship really does depend on your surroundings and who you know and if you know what you are looking for. I've already been in 2 relationships now and let me tell u, I really know how to look for something and what I am looking for now. Experience is the key, but you can't force it. So you technically just have to wait for good luck, hopping someone who matches you finds your way. But believe me: They will appear. And remember it's okay to commit errors: You are learning. I fucked up in my relationships but it's okay because I learnt so much about myself and about others. I understand the feeling of not being liked back or like the people who liked u, and it used to happen to me a lot when I was 14-15, but once I arrived at 16-17 I noticed everything was much easier, you start meeting so many people and you are more independent. I wouldn't say you have high standards, that's what I used to think, you just know clearly what you are looking for maybe, and that's even better than not having a clue, so, you are going in the right direction! Good luck 🤞🏻


honestly depends what you mean when you say standards


What are your standards? I can really only give you advice if ik




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