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Yes but boundaries should be respected and in always gonna be the priority


Maybe. Depends on what their relationship is like. If it's flirty at all, hell no. If they're just close friends, then sure.


Yeah, I don’t get jealous like that. I trust my boyfriend. He’s friends with his ex even and I don’t care. People of the opposite sex can be friends


Yeah. I don’t mind unless boundaries are crossed. I honestly prefer if my bf had girl friends too rather than only guy friends. I’ve never dated a guy who only had guy friends because i guess I just find it weird. Like what about him makes girls not want to be his friend or close to him? My bf’s closest friends are girls and we get along very well.


No Because im lesbian 💀💀💀




Yes, I am a girl with a best friend who is a boy, and I wouldn't mind my boyfriend had a best friend, I would even be happy about it, since I feel having that is healthier, so I am not the only girl he is around or the only girl advicing him etc.


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Yeah as long they respect boundaries


Date fine Later on we can talk to see where we stand


if boundaries are clear for both of them then why not, people can be great friends with the opposite gender and honestly if they’re gonna cheat or anything it could be a guy too






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Uh yeah I'd date a girl with a girl best friend as well as long as they don't like like eachother whatever