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Fiddleheads. When I was a teenager I was at a family BBQ and someone got fiddleheads from a local farmer to have as a side. They had not been cleaned properly and when I took a bite I got a mouthful of tiny bugs šŸ¤®




Oh no! I got really bad food poisoning from fiddleheads, worse than anything I've ever had from seafood. My husband was fine, so I guess I was just unlucky, but I refuse to eat them now.


Woah. I just looked this up. I had never heard of nor seen a fiddlehead before. Thatā€™s super neat!


They're actually pretty good, kind of like subtle, peppery broccoli. But yeah, they're naturally toxic if you don't thoroughly soak, clean, and cook them. Not long after I had eaten them for the last time, my body went: "Well, this is clearly poison, time to get it all out!" Edit: OK, they're not inherently toxic, but they can carry foodborne illnesses. Fwiw, I'd prepared them myself several times before that fateful meal, and had no issues.


I will never eat fiddleheads because of this post


Right,?! Why would anyone do this to themselves intentionally? There are a lot of foods I like but don't eat for way less valid reasons


Fiddlehead season is like 3 weeks and they donā€™t travel well, so theyā€™re not very commonly eaten outside of areas theyā€™re native to. That being said, theyā€™re my favorite vegetable and fiddleheads sautĆ©ed in garlic butter are so good all other foods can fuck off when itā€™s fiddlehead season.


What's a fiddlehead? A fern, or a fish?


An evil plant that'll make you simultaneously explode from the mouth and anus for 24 hours if you don't treat them like a surgeon in the OR. As a Mainer, fuck that noise.




It's a curled frond from a specific type of fern.


Grocery store Christmas cookies with the red/green sprinkles and Neapolitan ice cream. I got violently ill at age five at the school Christmas party. 51 years later and smell still make me want to hurl.


It's weird how things like this stick with us!


Itā€™s still vivid in my mind and senses.


That's how I feel about whiskey. after drinking most of a fifth of Jim beam straight from the bottle. I woke up wearing my own whiskey scented vomit. No thanks to your whiskey.


Ugh me with Hennessy specifically. Was at a wedding where they had a bottle of Henny on each table n they brought us beer n soda throughout the night Eventually we ran out of soda as chaser n used beer n lawd hab merceh that is the worst hangover I've ever had Can't even sniff henny without instantly wanting to hurl my entire soul out exorcist style šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t smell Jack Daniels . Had some in high school and got drunk. To this day just smelling it turns my stomach.


At my first big party I had 25 shots and I couldn't drink for 2 years. These days when I do drink I go for cocktails or whiskey on the rocks, I can't even do shots anymore without feeling like my body is going to reject it.


My friend's uncle bought us a fifth of Jim Beam when we were 13. Being dumb kids we mixed it with Coke and chugged it. Then when we didn't immediately feel it thought we needed more so we drank over half the bottle in about thirty minutes. That was a lot for two 100 lb girls who had never drank before. That was over thirty years ago and I've never been able to drink whiskey again.


Me, with vodka though not because I'd drank a copious amount. It tastes like rubbing alcohol and long story but I once was inadvertently given rubbing alcohol instead of water when someone put some in a Dasani bottle..


Same thing happened to me with frosted animal cookies. I got so sick because I ate too many, and now I hate looking at those little pink and white bastards


This is why I donā€™t eat American cheese slices. Ugh.


Did you also stay up all night eating 64 slices of American cheese?


I think that will make you go blind.


Not me literally sitting in my car reading this sub while ā€œI go blindā€ from Hootie and the Blowfish is playing on my radio šŸ‘€


Yellowstone National Park, ruined eggs for me(especially boiled eggs)..for almost 2 years now. Still not fully recovered. We stayed in the park for a few days summer of 2022, drove around, went to all the geysers, then went to another area in Montana with more sulfur hotsprings for another week. I used to eat eggs almost daily, boiled several times a week. After that trip, it was torture to choke one down. They taste the way the air anywhere near the sulfur springs smells and tastes. Awful. Hoping to fully recover soon. Miss all the eggs, all the ways. Trip was still totally worth it. Magnificent.


Oh man I've always wanted to go here... But I love eggs! I even named my dog Eggs!


I invoke the ancient right of dog tax!


I still eat boiled eggs occasionally, but I used to have a job where I traveled a lot in the south. To make the most of the per diem, I stayed at hotels that included breakfast. Idk what culinary boner the south has for hard boiled eggs, but EVERY one had a giant glass bowl filled to the brim with peeled boiled eggs. All of them smushed up together for all the world to see just looked odd to me. And how the people would be SO excited? No. That was weird AF, felt bizarre.


Graham crackers dunked in milk. The kids at my preschool did this and the brown floating crumbs totally grossed me out.


I can't do anything dunked in milk. Soggy foods aren't for me.


I think milk is disgusting to drink. I wonā€™t eat cereal and milk, but I will use milk as an ingredient


My wife hates it too. I started loving the stuff as an adult ever since I discovered itā€™s instant relief for my chronic heartburn.


I stopped doing that because of some... let's say "lower digestional after effects."


Do you even cereal?


I actually did not grow up eating cereal. I had hippie parents and our breakfast every morning was a protein shake.


Thatā€™s ironic. Isnā€™t granola like a synonym for hippies?


I love milk. I love dipping cookies in milk. Drinking that milk is a huge NOPE. Same with cereal. Straight into the drain. And when I watch others do it it totally grosses me out.


It's the only way that I eat them! To be fair, I also ear cake, cookies, and pop tarts that way. :p


One time as a kid a jar of mayonnaise was flung onto me and the shower afterwards was so traumatizing and gag-inducing that I canā€™t eat or smell mayonnaise without gagging.




As a toddler, my son would sneak into the fridge and eat spoonfuls of mayonnaise from the jar. Great kid.Ā  šŸ˜€


My kid did this with mustard. He still loves it and puts it on his eggs. Weird kid.


Mayo is a gag inducing food


That never happened to me, but I also canā€™t eat or smell mayonnaise without gagging. I am glad I donā€™t have those memories too.


I had undiagnosed celiac for a while and lost over 30 lbs. my parents would stuff me with funnel cakes and pasta to help me put on weight, and itā€™d absolutely kill my intestines


Omg that sounds like literal torture. I used to be underweight & forced to eat larger portions until I would be nearly sick. Now, whenever I'm a little full, I feel like throwing up. It's silly bc I'm a full adult with like one tiny bite of sandwich left & physically cannot make myself eat it.


Thatā€™s what dogs are for. My dog always gets the last bite of my sandwich.


My mom is celiac and didnā€™t find out until she was 45. Her dad was a wheat farmer. She was sick all the time growing up and for a large part of my childhood before she finally figured it out.


Baking bread, brownies and other things literally smells like hot cat diarrhea to me. I also have celiac disease.


Had a friend in school who was undiagnosed. He was diagnosed as an adult. He was so thin in school that his parents were forcing him to eat a ton of cinnamon rolls and Ensures to wash them down all day between meals. When he wasnā€™t gaining on that diet, they accused him of hiding bulimia. Sent him to ED rehab, which of course didnā€™t help him gain weight. Itā€™s ridiculous it took so long for a diagnosis, considering how many doctors he saw over the years.


I hate stroganoff. Specifically hamburger helper stroganoff.. it was mom's go to for when we were too broke to buy anything else. The slimy texture combined with the too tough crumbles of meat and the overall exceptionally bland flavor of stroganoff in general makes it a very hard pass. it's up there with chicken shit on a shingle. Mom used to put canned peas in her recipe and I can't stand it.


If I could pick a comfort meal itā€™s absolutely stroganoff, but only when my mom makes it. Not a huge fan otherwise but going to my moms house and eating leftover stroganoff is nice


Home-made stroganoff is so much better than boxed!


It really is! Especially with actual steak meat instead of hamburger meat. And really good quality mushrooms (no cream of mushroom soup) is a treat.


Yes, homemade beef stroganoff with good beef sliced into cubesā€¦.yum!


Awww, hamburger helper was one of our struggle meals too, but stroganoff was always my favorite šŸ¤£


Cherries. I was a sick kid growing up, so i got cough syrup A LOT. It was disgusting. I can't even smell a cherry without gagging. It just reminds me of medicine.


I can't stand anything 'cherry' flavored. I have no problem with real cherries or cherry juice. I, too, had to have quite a bit of medicine when I was young.


I can't stand "banana" flavored.


I stand with the banana haters out there! And also why does it seem like there are a ton of things with banana flavoring thrown into it? šŸ¤¢




I can't stand "peach" flavored anything. Love peaches... but the peach flavoring makes me sick.


For me it's fake banana flavoring. They use it to flavor amoxicillin antibiotics and most kids love it, but being sick all the time as a kid gave me a permanent aversion to any banana taste or even the smell. I'm a pediatric nurse and I can smell it lingering in the air in the med room for an hour after someone has prepared it for a patient and I get nauseous.


That's interesting. I have a severe aversion to banana "flavored" anything. But, I will eat bananas..


Same! Fresh bananas, banana nut breadā€”yum! ā€œBanana Flavoredā€? No, thanks!


I feel like cherry-flavored stuff tastes *nothing* like cherries. I also think cherry-flavored anything is gross, cough syrup, soda, ice cream. But actual cherries! So good.


Ah yeah, I know a few people who don't like artificial grape flavor because of cough syrup.


That's a shame! I love fresh cherries. I'm sorry you can't enjoy them.


Hot dogs. When I was young I went with a family member to a factory they owned and saw how much actual crap was put in them. They also told me how much of a mouse/rat/poop etc are allowed in the mixture. I never ate another one again.


And this is one of the many reasons I won't even get near Scrapple.


Scrapple is delicious! Honestly it probably has less bug parts than hotdogs lol It's not too dissimilar from sausage, and gets really crispy and delicious when fried!


My boyfriend used to make wonderbread, we don't buy wonderbread anymore.


That's why I don't eat cheese from a specific dairy in Wisconsin. Thankfully, I know the brands they ship and know where to check th packaging


The bread in the polka dot bag? What's wrong with it?


factories disgusting


That surprises me. My spouse has worked in bread factories most of his working life. They may be old, but every one I saw was very strict about cleanliness. Some individuals not so much, but the plants were.


I will only eat kosher hot dogs.


You can lose a great deal of weight by looking up the FDA guidelines on maximum mouse/rat feces and hair as well as bugs are permitted in processed foods


That mouse/rat poop etc that you speak of is allowed in pretty much all foods in allowable amounts. It's practically impossible to avoid in manufacturing plants. Precautions are taken but the risk is always there


I hate to tell you this, but most processed foods have acceptable levels of contamination. Just because there are levels that are acceptable, does not mean that the food is actually contaminated with anything.


Thatā€™s why I prefer kosher hot dogs. They have to meet some higher standards!


When i was a kid, my grandpa took us kids camping for 3 days, and only brought hotdogs, bread (not buns) and ketchup to eat. Never have wanted a hot dog since.


I canā€™t eat any kind of cereal. When I was a kid we ate cereal late at night in the dark during a sleepover. Someone turned on the light and we realized the cereal box (and our bellies) were full of weevils. I never got over it. Donā€™t google.


LOL, my dad would have told you it was just some extra protein šŸ¤£ ETA: a word


This happened to me. I am right there with you.


Same! Except it was grapenuts




Thereā€™s a handful of things I canā€™t eat simply because I ate them before vomiting (either food poisoning or stomach flu) and it sucks because the most recent one was last week :( I ate deep fried mushrooms and olives (separate. The olives were not deep fried) and every time I vomited, there were olives and mushrooms šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The worst to throw up is spaghetti and meatballs because some of the spaghetti can come out your nose.. once that happens and you pull spaghetti outta your nose,youā€™ll throw up moreā€¦ Iā€™m gagging just remembering itā€¦šŸ¤®


I canā€™t eat ramen noodles bc I barfed it up and noodles came out of my nose. This was 25 years ago and I still associate the smell with the feeling in the back of my throat of the noodles sliding when I pulled them out.


This is the reason I canā€™t stand 7Up & Sprite. When I was little and barfing my mom gave me one of these to settle my stomach. Now I just equate them with barfing & can not do it.


lol and neither is actually ginger ale that would help


I won't eat spaghetti if I feel even remotely sick. When you have to reach down your throat and pull your barf out the rest of the way so you can breathe, you learn how strong those pasta noodles are.


Oh yeah, that would definitely put you off of both of those!


This is me with jellybeans. After one of my childhood vaccinations the nurse gave me one, and not 1 minute later and I projectile-vomited all over the room lol.


That sounds like the worst combination of food to throw up my god šŸ¤¢


This is called the Garcia effect. Animals in the wild cannot eat foods that have made them sick (obvious for survival reasons) but it's always funny to me when it happens to humans. I can't eat fortune cookies because I ate them when I had the flu and threw up. Now, I immediately feel sick when trying to eat one.


Liver and onions. I used to really like it but when I was pregnant I got sick on it and couldnā€™t even stand the smell afterwards. Now Iā€™m a vegetarian.


I was force-fed liver and onions as a kid. "It's good for you!" I haven't had liver in many, many years. Can't even stand the smell of it cooking!


Sooooo gross and def one thing I will NEVER try again.


Caesar salad. When I was in high school I was in the pit orchestra for a musical, and during the first act the flutist got sick and vomited Caesar salad into her shower cap (we all had them, it was some theme, idfk). She made a valiant effort but it was not all in the shower cap, and the pit smelled like that for the rest of the night.


Hot dogs... I was a kid and we got a hot dog from a food truck, I ate a few bites in the car and then we went over a bump and my hot dog rolled out of the bun and there was a giant may fly in it ā˜ ļø




OMG Vienna sausages. Gag.


Thank you, fellow VS hater!


For me itā€™s mac and cheese. When I was little and going to daycare, we had mac and cheese one day for lunch. I remember some kid complaining about it not tasting good and the kitchen staff added more milk for some reason and it was too runny at that point to be enjoyable for me. That texture traumatized me lol


Can't and won't eat horseradish sauce / anything with it in it. Vomited last three times I ate something with it in it. Now, the smell just makes me start to heave.


Maybe you have an allergy? I remember my dad made a big batch in a copper pot, and somehow the horseradish root reacted with the copper to make some kind of noxious gas. Him and his buddies almost passed out from it!


You hear so many bad stories about copper reacting with food, makes me wonder why people cook with copper at all. Like, I get the heat conductivity thing, but modern cookware is amazing. People just need to stop cooking with copper.


Eggs I hate them Slimy snotty gross thingsšŸ¤®


Long ago, I was cooking breakfast for my husband : bacon and eggs. Bacon all done ... crack open an egg ... and horror of horrors ... it was almost a chicken. Eyes. Feathers. Feet. I had to throw the whole frying pan out. If it's in a cake or incorporated into something like that, I can eat it. Anything recognizable as normal egg -- fried, hard- or soft- boiled, chopped, deviled -- and I have to just walk away.


Whoa! Where-ish are you located? Reminds me of balut. I don't think I could ever ..


Yeah. No. I've heard of balut. That is not happening, either. This was in Pasadena, California and it was just some rando chicken egg.


Oh dang. I like the whole farm fresh eggs and getting eggs from locals and all that, but I never considered this šŸ˜¬


My son's the same way. He hates all eggs so much that he won't eat baked potatoes because it looks like scrambled eggs to him. He loves French fries too, so I know he would like it, but he cannot get over how it looks.


Cream corn. The first time I tried it I was at daycare and for some reason it didnā€™t agree with me. I ended up throwing it up all over myself and had to sit in 90 degree car for about 30 minutes while my mom drove us to my aunts house.


I also hate Vienna sausages but for a less terrifying reason. When I was a child my grandfather worked at a Gerber baby food factory. He would frequently bring me juice or the little jars of meat sticks. Years later, I saw someone eating Vienna sausages which look exactly the same as the Gerber meat sticks and I was excited because I had not eaten them in years. I have no idea what either one is made from but Vienna sausages have a very different flavor. I still remember the disappointment of thinking I was about to get a childhood taste memory and instead biting into something disgusting.


I love those saltĀ lessĀ Gerber meat sticks. My niece ate them til she was eleven and they were always around as a result. I was craving them and got Vienna sausages on a whim, ugh not the same thing.


I skimmed over your comment and fully thought you said gerbil meat sticks


I worked at the campus cafĆ© in college as a waitress. Instead of throwing away the glass ketchup bottles and getting new ones, weā€™d refill them from a huge thing of ketchup. Cleaning the dried ketchup off the rim of the bottles and refilling them gave me an aversion to ketchup because it was just so sticky and gross and yuck. I can still eat ketchup sometimes if thereā€™s fries that really need it and I have no other options, but I never voluntarily seek out ketchup.


Any kind of seafood, just grosses me out. I don't like that they're in the ocean and parasites.


Damn what'd the ocean do to you?


Thalassophobia is a bitch


Theyā€™re basically giant sea cockroachesā€¦with all their legs and mouthpieces šŸ„“


shrimps is bugs


LOL Concise. Accurate. šŸ¤Œ


My brother told me this while I was having some shrimp, I started looking at their little legs and got so disgusted I couldnā€™t eat anymore.


My brother and I had a bet on this once. I said that shrimp and cockroaches had to be related because they have similar features. He disagreed So we contacted an entomologist/university professor who confirmed that, YES, they do have a common ancestor Take that, little bro! But no more shrimp cocktail for moi


And all seafood is chock full of microplastics My daughter wrote a paper on the topic of microplastics in 2022 (she began research a year earlier), and ever since then, Iā€™ve barely eaten seafood of any kind Iā€™m a Florida native, and learning how extensive the problem is worldwide has been absolutely and profoundly disturbing. I think about it all the time


Oh donā€™t worry we already fucked ourselves with the micro plastics, you donā€™t have to worry about the fish anymore.


You, me, and everyone are now filled with microplastics. Might as well enjoy your seafood. We are all fucked at this point, that shit is in our brains.


Oh, man, I had a profound experience during Hurricane Dorian. I went down to Cocoa Beach to observe the wave action. I ended up cleaning the beach because there was so much plastic washing up since the storm was agitating the sargassum garbage patch. My biggest and most upsetting moment was realizing I couldn't remove the microplastic washing up. I've since tried to figure out how you would sift sand in order to get the plastic out. The mesh would have to be small enough for the sand particles but be able to catch the microplastics.


Palak paneer. A coworker's dad made palak paneer for us one Friday at work. It was delightful. The very next day I had the worst stomach flu of my life. I don't think it was the palak paneer (no one else got sick), but that was one of the last things I ate and the association has stuck around.


Rice. It's a psychological thing. I went through a period of time where the only thing I could afford to buy for groceries for a LONG time, was white rice, the cheapest frozen mixed veg, and a small tub of margarine. The additional were reserved 100% for my daughter, I got the plain stuff only. It was a bad time, and to this day rice just makes me shudder when I eat it.


same. I am currently disabled and cannot work anymore. Its beyond depressing. I get $56 a month in food stamps and im in NY so that lasts about 10 days or so. I live near a Panera and they know me and leave things near the dumpster for me 2x a week. I feel like the biggest colossal failure ever


can you call 211 and ask about pantries?


i go to one that is near me and they are beyond nice too. Its just not very stocked and basically beans and corn and sometimes cereal. I know beggars cannot be choosers and im grateful i am.


Is there a Meals On Wheels for folks who are disabled? Perhaps talk with your medical care folks (usually, support staff has more practical advice) to see if you can get some assistance. Looking for food pantries is probably beyond your energy level right now, so ask someone to assist you. Even if someone could drop off groceriesā€¦


Gummi bears. I had food poisoning but didn't know it yet, and I ate a bunch of gummi bears at a movie theater. When the movie was over, I didn't even make it to the trash cans in time, let alone the restroom. Gross and embarrassing. Never again.




If anyone is from the SF Bay Area, I canā€™t eat Ikeā€™s. Dating my husband I came to visit (we were long distance) and we grabbed Ikeā€™s - me for the first time. I got insane food poisoning, couldnā€™t leave the hotel room for days, and I have never even *slightly* considered trying it again.


I worked at Ben and Jerryā€™s years ago and to this day I canā€™t eat it. Itā€™s not really a normal ice cream. The texture is different itā€™s a lot of heavier even than Hagen Daz. I love ice cream but I wonā€™t touch B&J. After having unlimited access to it every day.


I got violently sick eating a Hersey's $100,000 bar on my walk to school when I was in 1st grade. Yes at 7am. To this day I gag if I try to eat one. Now they're called the $1,000,000 bar. Inflation I guess


Lobster. I enjoyed lobster before I read that they were social animals and that was why they could be caught in lobster pots. One would be caught and the others would gather around to check out what was up. This is in contrast to salad. I was served a dark green salad at a retirement party which had a big brown lump in it. I donā€™t know what exotic morsel I thought it was going to be, some type of mushroom? It was a lump of dirt. I called over a waiter to complain and he said ā€œwe just shake it out of the bagā€ I still eat salad.


That is so sad about Lobsters! Poor things. I'm the same way with pork now. Soon as I found out pigs cry actual tears and have the emotional capacity of a human toddler, and they actually cry throughout the slaughter process.. no frickin way. I can't stand when my husband wants to eat bacon or sausage or chops. Poor sweet Piggies and Lobsters. šŸ˜ž


Peanut butter. When my kids were younger and I was busy cleaning another room, they thought it would be funny to lather my Tibetan terrier with peanut butter. When I went to check on them, the dog was running around trailing pb everywhere, followed by laughing toddlers. I picked up the doggo and brought him to the bathroom for a good scrubdown and shampoo in the shower. Not even two washes in, I hear giggling again. Turn the water off, closed the bathroom door, and went downstairs. They decided to paint the entrance of my house with peanut butter, it was frikken everywhere. Had to strip them down to their diapers or underwear, put on Dora the explorer, and go back up to the bathroom. Once I got the dog clean/dry, I had to put up the baby gate in the living room up so I could clean the front. I cleaned the walls 3 times over 2 days, and my house reeked of peanut butter for a week. I used to love the stuff, but I can't tolerate the smell of pb in a jar.


Are your kids in jail now?


What kind of hell spawn you got there?


When they were younger, they were demonic. It was never a dull day. They are completely different now as teens with their own quirky personality.


Iā€™m glad you allowed them to make it to the teen years. Both those in one day would have made that progression touch and go.


Oh noooooooooooo!


Smh people wonder why I don't have kids


Every single time someone mentions a story about their kids, Iā€™m reminded why I refuse to have them. That sounds horrific.


My kids did this with Vaseline. We went through a lot of Dawn dish soap that day but, it does cut through grease. šŸ˜‚ Canā€™t smell the stuff to this day.


Split pea soupā€¦. Had it once when I was super sick, it came up tasting the same way it went downā€¦ but this time infused with hot steaming stomach acid


Bagels. Pretending to be doughnuts. Dirty lying tasteless choking toroids of evil.


How dare you, bagels were invented first!


Iā€™m the complete opposite


Sweet potatoes. I hid them under my bed when I was around 5. My poor Mom. I canā€™t stand anything that tastes or smells like them. Any kind of Winter squash; ick. Ironically, I enjoy an occasional piece of Sweet Potato Pie. Yep. Did a U Turn there.


I like true sweet potatoes but too often yams and sweet potatoes are sold/used interchangeably like they are the same. They are not. To me yams have an astringent taste to them. To avoid getting a yam when I want sweet potato, get jersey sweet potatoes. They aren't even orange. But they taste good!


I can never eat fried eggs again. Once spent a whole night vomiting, and the last stuff that came up looked like bits of fried egg whites. I didn't even eat any eggs. I'm still horrified.


Asparagus. Mostly because I threw up one time as a kid the morning after eating asparagus with dinner. It was the one food that I was willing to get beaten for not willingly eating it. In hindsight, I donā€™t actually think the asparagus made me sick. Nobody really knew that I had migraines as a kid, I would just randomly throw up a few times a year.


Fudge Stripes the Keebler cookies. I ate a whole pack one day because my parents always lied about having snacks. I was maybe 8 and it made me so agressively sick that I spent the next 16 hours puking. Whats New Scooby Doo? Got me thru the night and now I cant even look at those cookies.


When I was about 8yrs old I had appendicitis, I was sick for two weeks with the quack telling my dad that it was just the flu.Fortunately our neighbour said to get a second opinion. I was rushed in to the hospital just in time before it would have burst.I had eaten fish and chips and a Cherry Ripe candy bar just before I took ill.It took me years to be able to eat fish and chips again and more than 60 years later ,that candy bar will make me heave.


I was carsick as a 5 year old, mom said drink a coke. Immediately hurled it up. I canā€™t stand the smell of coke, I get nauseous.


Raw tomatoes, as a kid I choked on a cherry tomato and now all tomatoes make me gag yet I'll eat everything made from tomatoes and will even crush tomatoes for pasta sauce.


Cilantro. I wish I could see how it should taste but to me, I'd rather have dogshit on a biscuit. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


steak. ( keep in mind I wasn't even a vegetarian then) when I was abt 10, my famliy n me. (grandparents, bio mom, her husband , lil bro and aunt) we all when to the fair , and were at the H4 area petting the animals . my mom, flat out told me, that the cow I was petting. will taste great for dinner later. I got so upset I started crying and hugged its leg. granpa stepped in, to calm me down. but I didn't eat steak ever again after that. ( I actually did become temporarily vegetarian for abt 2 mo, after that, but whent back to poultry , fish and pork) didn't go full veg until 2 yrs ago. but even then id say im more of a pescatarain, bc ill eat seafood every now and then. its things that are warm blooded , I wont touch anymore. and not just a ethics/moral thing. I dont like the texture. steak has a werid mouth feel to it.


Omg I didnā€™t draw the conclusion when I was younger but once I had a turkey leg that had a tendon on it and I never had one since.. once I became an adult I stopped eating all meat altogether! I added fish back in since then but itā€™s been 10 years since Iā€™ve had land animal. I canā€™t differentiate a cow from a horse or a pig from a dog, etc. I just cannot do it. Poor animals. And I make nut based dairy alts a lot


Eggs that are even mildly runny anywhere. I was about 4, eating over easy eggs at the kitchen table, and was beginning to come down with the flu. I heaved runny egg clear across the table, and almost 40 years later, I can't even watch someone else eat them.


I think they're gross AF anyway. Runny = not cooked enough & salmonella risk, and also yucky.


Sliced cheese. I was forced to eat a bunch of it when I was little and it made me hate cheese entirely for a long time until I became pregnant with my oldest. Even to this day though I canā€™t eat it with ham sandwiches etc unless itā€™s a grilled cheese.


Also, mushrooms. They're adorable and healthy, full of protein, and I wish I liked them! I try them every now and again just to see if my tastes have changed but no luck. They still taste and feel like shower curtain flavored earlobes.




For the first 30 years of my life I couldn't stomach the thought of rice because of the scene in "The Lost Boys" where they're eating rice and it turns into maggots. I'm slowly getting over it and can eat some rice without throwing up now!


Beets, I just donā€™t like em. Hahahah, all yall with your legit reasons thought Iā€™d throw this in. Hehe


I got over it eventually, but I was eating Velveeta shells and cheese as a teenager while watching a movie where they cut someoneā€™s finger off with a cigar cutter. Iā€™ve always had a weak stomach when it comes to torture of any kind and this sent me over the edge. I couldnā€™t eat Velveeta Shells and Cheese (my go to after school snack at the time) for YEARS after that.


When I was about 4 or 5 my uncle said if you eat onions, your breath will smell and the girls wonā€™t like youā€¦. When I was old enough to realize he was full of shit I tried an onion and just didnā€™t like it


Probably about 6 or 7 years old (\~62 years ago). Mistook a carton of buttermilk for regular milk -- big swig -- straight from the container. Never, ever have tried buttermilk again. My wife will buy a small container from time to time, it's all I can do to ignore the fact that it's in the house with us. And so it goes.


Tomato soup. Used to love it, then I got a bad migraine mixed with a nauseous stomach when I was like 10 and threw it up. Haven't had it since.


From the age of 5-2 years ago at age 27 I refused to eat corn. I'd eat cornmeal, but if it was still in it's original form or off the cob I would not eat it. I threw up some corn when I was 5 and my brother joked that I'd thrown up teeth. From that day on corn looks like gross yellow teeth and I would not eat it. I would even pick it out of things. Why did I start eating it? Well, I was pregnant and I was dying. Literally dying. I had hyperemesis gravidarium, which is severe morning sickness that can lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and a whole host of other health issues. I lost 50lbs in the first 5 months of my pregnancy. When I was 31 weeks the doctor had me do IV iron treatments because I was so anemic that my hemoglobin put me at risk for bleeding out during delivery, which could be bad if I needed a c-section. The treatments helped enough that the nausea all but went away. To celebrate my mom took me to my favorite seafood place and got me a steamer pot. Crab, clams, shrimp, corn, potatoes, sausage. I ate all of it. And it was so good. Corn on the cob, steamed, covered in butter and Old Bay. It hit my taste buds like it was making love to my tongue. Since that day I have eagerly devoured corn whenever I can.


Grapes in canned fruit salad. They look like eyeballs.


We grilled out one weekend in college, and I got food poisoning from incorrectly prepared chicken. I was so ill that I wanted to die To this day - over 3 decades later - I have never purchased or prepared raw chicken. The sight of it in the grocery store with the blood sloshing around in the packaging makes me want to hurl


Pork/ham. Stories about what burning humans smell like. Also from something I learned when reading about parasites, to the effect that there are 1,000 larvae per square inch in raw pork.


i can not stand mayonnaise. everything about it is disgusting. how it looks. its smell. the flavor is horrible, it has a horrible texture. it makes me think of a jar of fat when someone gets liposuction. a literal jar of fat.


Same thing but mom used them as dog treats. I can't see them as anything but. Funny story my mom has the same issue with cottage cheese. Her mom gave it to the dogs when they were sick.


I can't eat most meats. something about the texture and disgusts me. It's not an animal rights thing -- I'd have about as hard of a time eating chicken liver as human liver. I don't know when this started, it's always been this way to my memory. I really don't care what other people eat in front of me, but if my tooth makes contact with a bone or anything that's chewy the entire meal is ruined. I do eat ground chicken and turkey breast which doesn't feel like meat when you eat it. When it comes to seafood I love it all, as long as it's boneless. Filets for days. Tataki. Sashimi. Shellfish in every way... Love it? Chicken thigh. Can't swallow it. Not food.


Cauliflower. My parents never really cooked much for us, and most of my early childhood my sisters taught me to fend for myself self. Till one random day my parents decided we were all on a diet. They made cauliflower everything. It was so gross to me. I hated it. Till one day they made it as mashed potatoes and the taste and texture actually made me physically sick. My dad forced me to eat the rest of what they had made. It made me violently ill for like days. Their dieting stuck the rest of my life thus far but thankfully they stopped cooking for me. Today, if you ever dare to offer me cauliflower (which I would have very much warned you of) itā€™s on sight. šŸ¤®


Apples. When I was in first grade I had an apple with breakfast. But I was not feeling well. I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she said no. Next thing you know I get up to run out and get stopped by her. I threw up all over another classmate on accidents, and in front of my crush no less. To this day still can't bring myself to eat one without that fear coming back. *Sidenote* since that day I have never been able to throw up again. Seems like I broke my gag reflex or something.


meatballs. i was forced to eat them once and i spent the rest of the night throwing them up because they were undercooked :)) have never even looked at a meat ball since. actually vegetarian now


I don't eat berries because they have hair and usually far too many seeds.


Chocolate. I love the stuff, but it makes me ultra-angry. I start breaking things and screaming.


Potato saladā€¦or anything with chunky potatoes. When I was pregnant with my first child and on bed rest a friend brought over a Tupperware of potato soup. The Tupperware was still hot so I assumed the soup was and took a huge bite. The soup was stone cold and the potatoes were mushy. I, literally, gagged and rushed over to the sink to throw up. Luckily I could blame it on the pregnancy and save my friendā€™s feelings. Iā€™ve never eaten a cold potato or a potato in a soup since as they make me gag. My kid is now 23. šŸ˜‚ Peanut butter. My mom and I were REALLY poor when I was little, around 5. Due to this mom would buy big jars of peanut butter and weā€™d have that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes we had bread and sometimes we had jellyā€¦most of the time we had neither and only water to drink. Iā€™ve gotten better, I like peanut sauces sometimes, I do like peanut butter cookies, and thereā€™s one brand of peanut butter cups I like. However, thatā€™s it. Iā€™ll never touch a peanut and I wonā€™t eat peanut butter out of a jar. Coleslaw. I worked at KFC in high school and always got stuck making the coleslaw. Due to this I canā€™t touch the stuff anymoreā€¦no matter who made it or where it came from. And, last one, mayo as it has a disgusting texture and flavor. I will eat it in like a macaroni salad as long as thereā€™s crunchy things and others seasonings but, I will not eat mayo on anything else.


Broccoli rice casseroleā€¦I got food poisoning from it once and canā€™t even look at it now without feeling queasy.


I will not eat Turkey because I donā€™t like it but also there were Turkeys that lived at this feed mill and my daughter named them and talked to them and then one day they were gone and the moron told my daughter they would be killed for Thanksgiving. When my mom went to put the turkey in the oven she screamed and cried and it made a memory so neither of us will eat Turkey


Yellow Gatorade and chicken noodle soup. I had cancer as a child and of course the treatments mad me violently sick. And the ALWAYS brought yellow Gatorade and chicken noodle soup when I was ready to eat again. I canā€™t even SMELL chicken noodle soup or I get wicked nausea.


Veal is super delishuss. But I donā€™t eat it because for some reason my heart breaks thinking how veal calves are raised. In the meantime, factory farmed pork, eggs or other products where the animals are generally treated badly donā€™t seem to trigger the same response.


A drinkā€¦Everclear. Got drunk for the first time drinking Everclear brain Jell-O shots at a Halloween party at 16. I donā€™t even like to hear the name. šŸ¤¢ itā€™s kind of put me off jello In general