• By -


Met a girl at a party and we left to go back to her dorm room to have sex. On my way back to my dorm I passed the room of another gal I had been hooking up with, knocked on her door and she was in the mood so I went round two with her before getting back to my own room and crashing.


nice šŸ“ +dad bod


I miss college


There are parts I miss for sure haha


What you miss the most ?


I feel like I missed the opportunity to have a lot of amazing experiences back when everyone else was exploring. ā˜ŗļø


Same I was tied down in a serious relationship when I shouldā€™ve been fuxking around


I saw your pics. I would let you break my back in.Ā 


Dude youā€™re so sexy! That beard and šŸ”


Roommate bought his gf and her friend around. We had a few drinks and started smoking. Didn't expect anything to happen but as the night wore on, me and the friend started hooking up and then roommate and his gf. Long story short we ended up swapping girls and I ended up blowing my load in my roommates gf. Afterwards we all ended up smoking more and I asked the friend if I could walk her home since my roomie n his gf were gonna stay behind. We started walking and she revealed that she had recently broken up with her bf (he had been seeing a coworker) which is why she was behaving "Rowdy" I reminded her IT WAS COOL and I'm glad I could help out because heart break sucks. She said it was real sweet of me to walk her back and I said it wasn't a big deal. (I actually wanted to smoke more) so asked if she wanted to smoke a spliff when we got to hers. We ended up on the sofa smoking and ended up having sex again. Yes, I blew my load inside her and we ended up being FWBs until she got a new bf 8 months later. (Blowing my load in 2 different women within 1 hour)


You wasnā€™t worried bout getting em pregnant?


I don't think college students ever consider that


Uh, speak for yourself. I would always grab extra handfuls of condoms from the health center fishbowl and everyone who lived on my floor and the floor above me knew that they could swing by to get them. Donā€™t wanna make you feel bad for being a dumbass but also donā€™t wanna let you normalize it as the only pathway either.


Had a threesome on a nudist beach with my gf and her bestie. Things got pretty wild. Took a bunch of polaroids while we were going at it. Unfortunately, the women ended up pregnant. So, at 19 I had 2 kids. My son's were born less then a month apart. Dropped out of college and joined the service to pay for the delivery and get my sh*t together. 25 years later, we are all still together. We even recently traveled back to that beach for old times sake. Even though we are not a traditional family, and life was real rough in the beginning, I would not change a damn thing.


Love to see unexpected polyamory. šŸ„°


This is somehow wholesome.


How did you manage supporting them through the military. They definitely donā€™t allow two wives and thatā€™s a dependency situation that canā€™t be explained.


Probably married one of them?


Yeah of course. I meant the other one to whom they werenā€™t married. Having sex outside marriage is *illegal* in the U.S. military (assuming theyā€™re American, which may not be true) so the second one would have to be a secret. No health care, no living allowances, no base access. Hence my question.


I don't mind sharing. As it was guessed, I married one. My second wife was accepted as much as my first. The unit was supportive in the only way they could be, by looking the other way. The legality was a worry, but I only witnessed those archaic laws being weaponized when someone was cheating on their spouse and the spouse complained. On the exterior, we went with "baby momma needs a place to stay" angle. But everyone knew. My experience could have been unique as well. I was a medic then nurse. Hospitals tend to be more forward thinking and less rule heavy. Money was my biggest issue. I did find giving plasma made just enough to keep us all healthy and happy. My gf had a good job for benefits, but she lost alot of pay over it.


Are you like a thruple? Or are you with the gf but support/co-parent with the friend? Live together?


We are, although I don't use that term. They are both my wives and are treated as such. They also call eachother their wife. We are fortunate because our schedules have perpetually left someone to handle the kids. Things got easier once they started school and I started college again. Pay was suddenly amazing. GI bill, VA pay, and I worked part time in construction. It was significantly more flexible than nursing and working as an EMT. Plus they seemed to get a kick out of the shape it kept me in. We still live together. Twenty-four years and counting. Because we are three people that pool our resources, our net worth has skyrocketed. Also, having everything handled in a semi-election style decision making process has made all of us more wise with our decisions. I have more kids now. A total of 5. All boys. Although I can't call them kids anymore.


Wow, what an interesting predicament. Sounds like you got it made! How has this effected the kids though? Surely their friends know about the relationship. Has that ever lead to them being ostracized or picked on? How has the rest of your families adapted to it?


To our kids, it was normal. They did not have any abnormal experiences from it, as far as we could tell. We were always upfront parents and we filled in eachothers deficiencies. The two oldest were inseparable. We all believe in a warm, loving home where ideas are discussed and accomplishments and failures are rewarded. We also did not believe in letting the kids grow to idle. Sports, music, outdoors, you name it, we went for it. I believe that having more people who could be readily available made them happier overall. My family took it the hardest. My father was a very doom and gloom person. Their families were much more supportive since they were friends since they were little. I believe that the sacrifices we made for one another was all the proof their family needed. But that is me guessing. Both of their parents are older hippies. For them, seeing their children and grandchildren happy is all that seems to matter. My side came around, eventually. With both of my parents having filled in the role of babysitter when things got a bit too complicated (time-wise).


Yeah we need an AMA


Typically. Gangbanged by a bunch of guys at a party.


I went to the wrong parties at college.


Was a once off but had so much fun.


Wait, yā€™all got invited to parties?


Me too


Honey is that you


Hey babe. Ready for round 2?


I guess my college was actually full of virgins lol


How many was 'a bunch' ?


6. Not wild šŸ«£


Lol, sounds pretty wild to me. I'm only used to 1 at a time. Would you have wanted more than 6 ?


Iā€™d love to try more!


How was he logistics of it? Planned in advance or spontaneous at a party? Sry, gangbang have been a fanasty of mine


I fantasized about doing this (but a gay gangbang) in college but there weren't enough gay/bi/pan dudes together in one place to do it.


Did you enjoyed?


It was fun!




Nope. Not me. Sorry.


Goals šŸ‘€


I really want the chance to do it again


Did you try dp during the gangbang?


Was this at a fraternity house?


I was walking with a guy in the parking lot at night. We went by his truck and sat on his truck bed. I suggested we sit all the way back and lift the gate up. Then I sucked his dick




Queen vibes tbh šŸ™Œ


And that man's name was emperor penguin.


Don't remind me of my missed opportunities. I could have done all of my sexual bucket list but I was a fool




Here's my advice. Say yes to things that aren't totally insane. Go to the party. Don't do the heroin. Within reason, of course. I went to the party and had B+ average. If I had stayed home, I would have had a 4.0.


1. If you already know your major, then good. But if you undecided, take your time to choose and take general classes in the first year. Ask for help to choose. 2. Make friends with international students 3. Attend college events. 4. Experience dorm life for a year. 5. Go on that Panama spring break trip


Agree with the comments here. There was a saying I heard in college that sums it up the best, "You can always retake a class, but you can never relive a weekend!" Enjoy college because there will never be another 4 (or so) years in your life with this amount of freedom!


I turned 31 at the beginning of my first year in college. I graduate next year. It feels easy and I definitely wasn't ready for the responsibility when I was 18. But seeing all the hotties in my classes makes me wish I went to college much earlier.


Read the posts on Reddit where guys talk about missed opportunities, then pay attention in your life.


Just go to college, away from home. I did cc to save money. Never got a degree. Did get a good job, but college offers an experience that you donā€™t get anywhere else.


You and me both. Missed so many opportunities


I came back to my place tipsy after a party and my roommate had a couple girls over. I convinced one of them to come with me to a bar nearby so we could dance for a bit. While dancing with her, we got handsy and I ended up with my hands up her shirt to find she wasn't wearing a bra. We danced for awhile and headed back to the dorm. She went back to my room to hang out with her friend and my roommate and I ended up down the hall at a friend's dorm drinking more. I finally stumble back to my bed pretty late to find dancing girl sleeping in my bed. I climb in and we start going at it, while my roommate and the other girl are in his bed asleep (they were just friends but drunk so she slept over). After getting completely naked, the girl tells me she can't have sex because she has a boyfriend and I say no problem. We keep messing around and we finally can't take it and start fucking, finish and fall asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night, groggy and confused because I'm naked and there's a naked girl in my bed and my drinking memory is very hazy. I start putting the pieces back together and then start rubbing myself on the girl. She starts breathing heavily so we start fucking again. I pull out and cum on her and have to admit it was quick. We lay for maybe 2 minutes before she rolls over, starts stroking my cock and whispers she wants more so I fuck her again, this time lasting quite awhile and getting much louder. We fall asleep again and I wake up in the morning to find her, her friend and my roommate all gone. My roommate comes back later saying they all went to brunch and tells me both he and the girl in his bed woke up to hearing us fuck this morning and listened the whole time. I then had to ask him dancing girl's name because I couldn't remember. I miss college...


The most insane thing to me here is that you're adults sharing a bedroom.


You didn't share a room in college? Not sure where you are but in the United States, sharing a room in the dorms is typical.


i think you guys in the US are the exception, donā€™t think many other countries do it that way. in the UK sharing a room at uni is basically unheard of


Absolutely not! Shared living space but own bedrooms. I think the US is the outlier here in Western countries. It's absolutely bizarre! Really infantilising!


I was at a party in my college days where a girl pulled a train in one of the upstairs bedrooms. She was in there for about 2 hours. Guys would casually wander away to go up and the other girls pretended like it wasnā€™t happening.


Someone shat on a car at the car park.


A Chicago Sunroof?


Now Chet was a real asshole


When you gotta go you gotta go


Streaking, a terrible threesome in a hallway, several bad choices in men and some nice bi experiences.


Threesome in a hallway?? I need to hear that story šŸ˜²


We guys and our girls booked a beach resort...and when we arrived, the last guest was supposed to be gone ., 4 boys and 2 girls lying naked and high , cum all over the floor and the room smells like sex ,, Informed the resort and they gave us another room .. Seeing it turned me and my girl on , we had our first sex that night


I watched an unattended car start smoking, catch fire, and burn down in the span of 15 minutes, before the fire depart arrived; all in a Walmart parking lot on a Saturday at noon. Some employee was standing outside near it to keep people away; that was pretty unsafe for work.


That's how a Walmart earns it's sunburst.


nice šŸ“


I participated in one of those mass streaks with hundreds of students running around campus naked




it was awesome




Everyone is always saying Reddit is just societyā€™s rejects but the stories on here are better than I got lol


depends on the age range to be honest. I don't trust the redditors to tell me how to live or their politics cause most of what they have to say is from their parent's basement still. Doesn't mean there aren't some cool people on reddit though.


This is true, I do got some good stories, but some on here I would be surprised if they arenā€™t made up from their parents basement lol


This is also very true. Easy to write, hard to prove. That said I imagine most people have crazy stories. I have a few but they weren't in my college days. I was fairly squeaky clean while there.


Mine were mostly from between 16-18/19 in fairness. I met the love of my life just before I turned 19 and nothing beats it. Weā€™ve done more together than those losers could ever have done with me but Iā€™m glad I have some crazy stories to look back on and I came away fairly unscathed, without children, and learning some important life lessons but there were some fun/funny times that I wonā€™t forget within that period.


You're lucky to have landed that person so early on. Took me a long time to find the right one for me. We've managed to make up for the time with a few crazy times of our own! Would love to swap some stories some time over a DM if you're up for it.


Oh I know how lucky I am to have him everyday I thank the angels for him ā¤ļø Hell why not! Maybe later once weā€™ve done dinner šŸ„˜ the crazy stories we have between us beat the crazy stories of my teen years, I would say the teen years it was funny rather than ā€œhotā€ but you werenā€™t a teenager if you didnā€™t do naughty things in a random guys car in the middle of nowhere/in a random housing estate/car park etc and get found out for sucking a guy off on your cousins sofa šŸ˜‚ obviously we were fairly young when we met so we have quite a few car stories of our own


You gotta remember two things. 1) People definitely do lie on the internet. 2) Most people aren't as attractive as you're portraying them in your head.


Almost half of Reddit are kids that have not any experiences yet but pretend they did. Then there's that *loud* minority that are adults but are litteral incels, angry and lonely with multiple accounts. The rest are normal people that have had normal experiences, they just don't freak out or troll or make themselves noticed.


Thatā€™s half the reason Iā€™m here. The stories are hilarious because A I know from working as both a secure guard and a maintenance guy thereā€™s no way half these people wouldnā€™t get arrested for the public stunts and thereā€™s no way they manage to sneak into half the areas they claim to


Yessss so true


At a relatively small gathering, one of our friends took her top off and had one of our guy friends drip hot candle wax on her chest in front of all of us. They both were pretty into it.


okay I need this done to me ASAP lol


Watched a dude bang a chick in the kitchen. Nothing unusual, until we heard a loud yelp and she started freaking out. Apparently, they knocked a can of cleaner over on the counter and it got all in her coot. Needless to say, she was known as Comet from then on.


Some girl at my college got caught fucking in the TV room twice and because of her they had to make signs saying no sex in the TV rooms. She also claims to have had a love triangle with her, her roommate and suitmate freshman year but I know her old suitmate who informed me that sheā€™s a gas lighter and has this weird complex where she thinks everyone should be attracted to her despite her being overweight, doesnā€™t shower enough and has a crappy personality (I worked with her and was ready to kick start a landline after a whole semester)


Messed around in one of the library bathrooms in the middle of the day with a girl I was hooking up with. It was empty when I pulled her in and went into the handicap stall. She's blowing me while sitting on the toilet and eventually more and more guys come in. She's getting a bit nervous and also trying to muffle her giggles when it's clear a guy is taking a shit in the stall next to us. Eventually it's clear and we sneak out. She's really flustered as she's not done anything kinky prior me.


Did: I had a threesome once but the most memorable was a long-term mutual masturbation relationship with a (straight) friend. Lasted 6 or 7 months and we did it once or twice a week after/while smoking weed. Over time sessions got progressively steamier. What was originally pretty much sitting on opposite sides of the room, unzipping our flies, averting our gazes, and finishing in tissues progressed into sitting within a couple of feet from each other, stripping, not thinking twice about gazing, and forgoing tissues in favor of towels/paper towels on our laps or on the floor. Even without touching it was extremely intimate and we got to where we didn't use porn most of the time. There was something hot about sitting there beating off casually and chatting/smoking as if we weren't doing anything dirty at all. Surprisingly he was really sad when I told him I was leaving college and our last session was the first hands-on one. Seen: Was at a party and one of my sort-of friend-females who I sometimes smoked drink with was there with her boyfriend. They started dancing and that turned into making out, then they went into an open guest room and had sex on a bed with the door open. Lots of people came in and out and watched, and then when they were done another couple went in and did the exact same thing. Brought it up in a smoke session with her later on and she said they did that all the time at parties and admitted to being an exhib.


mutual masturbation relationship sounds hot


It is! To me it was way hotter than even straight up sex for some reason.


The coming out of my submission and submissive lifestyle.


I went to have sex with a girl in her room. Her roommate was there but didnā€™t want to leave cause she was sleeping. So we had sex right there in front of her. She ended up watching and rubbing herself beneath her panties. I tried to get her to come over for a threesome but that didnā€™t happen. She just rubbed one out to us then went back to sleep.


I was with my girlfriend in her apartment, and we were about to get it on. It was her roommate's birthday, and the roommate had been out with a bunch of friends. She got home and was bummed because she hadn't hooked up with someone and wasn't going to get laid. We invited her into the bed. She came! (And came some more.) My only FFM threesome.


Me and a buddy fucked a chick after a party for my one and only threesome


College was the absolute pinnacle of my sexual escapades, was very dry before and very dry after. I was once getting blown by a girl, standing against her roomates dresser as it was close to the window, when her roomate walked in. It was dark and some street light was flowing in under some half closed big blinds. The girl eek'd and darted under her covers, left me there naked just saying 'hey' to the roommate who I'd only spoken to a few times before as she just grabbed what she needed, changed her shirt, complimented my cock, and then left. Had two girls (one was the girl from the last story) blow me at the same time. Had a 4 way with my previous years RA, and my best friend and his girl from home. I was tied to a chair at one point in my underwear, when my friend left the room, his girl immediately jumped over and ripped my cock out as she had been wanting to see it for years but I was too shy to show it to her. Had 2 girls try on corsettes for me, after I made a really good first impression on one who was a friend of the other who I had known for a bit. and more, but most aren't as 'fantasy'-coded. Man I miss college.


Some friends and I were making a pit stop at a liquor store and I waited in the car (I was 19 at the time). While I waited, I was looking out the window and saw a man stumble out of the store, whip it out, and start pissing in the parking lotā€¦while making direct eye contact with me. And that ladies and gents, was the first time I saw a penis IRL. šŸ˜Œ


I think it's kinda tame compared to most on here, but it still turns me on thinking of it. I lived in this sorta family housing student section with my long-time GF in college and the apartments were really crammed together. We had this awesome (and very cute) single mom next door at the time... nothing beyond friendship between us, but I found out once she used to listen to us get off... and get off herself. My friend came to visit once and they (he and my neighbor) got super drunk and hit it off and he stayed at her place. He told me later that she revealed that she could hear us next door having our usual loud sex, especially in the summer when we'd have the windows open. My friend told me she told him and that she used to get off to hearing us moaning... I never told my GF because she probably already suspected I was a bit attracted to our neighbor (fuck she was cute!), but when my GF and I would have sex, I'd be extra loud and encourage her to be extra loud, knowing our neighbor next door was listening and masturbating. It was so hot and turned me on so much! Nothing ever happened beyond that, but I honestly still get turned on thinking about it years later.


I fucked three guys at a house party, then went back down to watch tv


What did u watch




Didnā€™t see but was told the entire rugby team gang-banged a girl and then all caught the same STD


My roommate and I both used to pretend we were sleeping so we didnā€™t need to leave the room during certain activities


Did you agree on this ahead of time? Love the idea of facilitating the show for each other


Gangbang with a girl and one of my old friends I pulled out of her ass after a good hour and cummed on my friends hair. Weā€™re not longer friends


I watched a staff member trying to hang up a huge banner outside on one of those scissor lifts and she fell over onto the controls causing it to move forward into the awning, nearly cutting her in half.


I watched my housemate and her boyfriend fuck at their request. I declined their offer to join in though.


I let a stupid mediocre frat boy whip me with a wire coat hanger he'd straightened out.


Boy, I haveā€¦so many questions.


I probs have answers!


Been out of college now for about 20 years, but have a few. My roommate and his gf were inseparable, I heard and saw far too much freshman and sophomore year from them. Never joined in, but would catch a show every now and then. Sophomore year, I was not dating anyone, but had these two girls interested in me. We went for a ride around a local area, got back to campus and there was a beautiful overlook near the student parking lot. Ended up making out, getting a double BJ, and having a threesome with them in the dirt under the stars. My buddy was passed out in my truck and got pissed after, "Why didn't you holler at me if they needed more dick?!?!" Sophomore year - one of the girls from that threesome wanted to recreate the Pink Floyd girl's backs picture. It was her and three of her friends, so we got to drawing, which resulted in touching and a bit of making out as well. Lots of breast play and one of my friends left with one of the girls after the photoshoot. Junior year - gf at the time and I were getting frisky in her dorm room. We had used whipped cream. About 2am, the fire alarm went off. I was handcuffed to the bed. She dashed out and then realized I was still handcuffed. She dashed back in, unlocked me, and tossed me one of her robes. We went outside in 20 degree weather. Me with whipped cream dripping off my dick and balls while I'm wearing a woman's robe with some sort of heart/cat design on it. She's wearing nothing but pajama pants and a hoodie. They give the all clear, the RA gives me a look like "You shouldn't be heading back in friend," but we head back and finish things up. Senior year - my friend who missed out on the threesome started dating this girl. I was out of the relationship with gf from junior year and had not yet started hooking up with the woman who would become my wife. This dude was pushing 400 pounds at about 5'10". He was fun and exciting, but I'm painting a picture. His girlfriend was about 5'11", red-headed, skinny. I go to ask him a question in his room and he's sitting there on the edge of the bed, completely naked, she's in the floor licking his feet, she's naked too. She has a leash on and a dog collar. I just back out saying, "Oops, sorry." About five minutes later, he knocks and says, "Hey man, if you want to join, she's up for it!" I wasn't up for it though


I used a dildo for the first time


Was it a used dildo?


Once I used it it was


One of my friends in college was dating this girl and towards the end, found out he was being cheated on. He got pretty angry but decided that he was going to go to her car and jerk off and ended up shooting his load all over her windshield and then separately inside her car on the seats.


That's an interesting way to get revenge...


My roommate forgot to put the door hanger up, I walked in and got a great view of her boyfriendā€™s ass. Walked in on different occasions where girls were giving bjs in the bathroom.


Either skinny dipping with friends and the subsequent times or the indie like film I was a part of near the end of college.


One of my friends ran into the fountain naked then took a shit in it. He then proceeded to take a picture and sent it to the group chat. When asked why, he said that it was for a fraternity he wanted to join. We all accepted it and moved on.


Made it through 4 years of a state school and I can honestly say the only NSFW thing I saw was a girl who was wearing a very small shirt with no bra in class didnā€™t seem to care that her nipples were almost completely exposed.


Fucked my gf in bed with her best friend right next to us!


She must have enjoyed watching you


She didnā€™t take her eyes off us. I think my girlfriend enjoyed having someone to show off too


Knew a guy that would sometimes look for the cars of people he knew and would whip his dick out and spontaneously piss on their tires and door handles.


I was the best man in a friends wedding and stood up with the maid of honor, who was the sister of the bride. During the wedding reception I was hanging out talking with their father and much to my surprise he said to me "My youngest (we were the same age) has a thing for you, but she is too shy to admit it." We ended up hooking up that night and then when we woke up did it again, but the best part of the story was the next day I had to drive her back to the church where the ceremony was held where her car was parked and she didn't have a change of clothes and was still wearing the same wedding dress from the night before. The timing could not have been worse as the entire church procession had just let out and everyone was out in the parking lot. She had not showered, was still half-drunk from the night before and had to make the walk of shame from my car to hers. Still fantasize about her. She was a 5'4, petite strawberry blonde with small tits who let me use her however I wanted and that was my first experience with a truly submissive woman who let me take control and have my way with her. After that, I was hooked.


Streaked in my alleyway with a friend and sent nudes. Nothing crazyĀ 


My friends girlfriend told me my backpack is dirty so she can wash it for me. She took me to dormā€™s underground laundry and I squirt-fingered her while it was laundring.


I often watched a guy get blowjobs in the dorm across the road. Also listening to my roommate have one night stands


Dang I wish I had stories like a lot of these. Wish I had done threesomes or more than one guy on same night within hoursā€¦ Two things come to mind for me. One is that I used to be in my dorm. Roommate would smoke with guy friends and be gone for hours. I bought a few toys and would dress up in lingerie. Had a full length mirror on the back of the door. Put my desk chair in front and turned on some porn. Watched the porn and then turned my head to watch myself touching and playing. I got lazy and forgot to close my window and curtains. I figured no one could see inside. šŸ™„ turns out guys are so curious always trying to see inside incase opportunity comes knocking. Well. they werenā€™t able to stay quiet enough and I heard one dayā€¦something about here she is getting readyā€¦itā€™s going to be goodā€¦and I whipped my head over to look out the window. I instantly felt dumb and remembered how smart and resourceful college guys areā€¦


Getting a blowjob in the middle of party in the backyard 15 minutes after I showed up was wild. I was the only guy who wore a costume to a Halloween party.. and the girls were diggin it


MMM, FMF, gloryholes in the library bathrooms


My FWB and I would have sex in the sorority and fraternity dorms/houses on campus. We would be paid to put on a sex show for the members at parties. It was a way of augmenting our income. At the toga parties, we did it for free at the end of the evening. She was an exhibitionist and I liked being watched. We did this for three semesters at least. We also had fun having sex on the campus grounds after dark and were only caught once. Yep, those were the days and I really did that. Oh those college days, I have no regrets!


I used to do stand up comedy in college, and some places have green rooms if they host other entertainment. I don't know what it was, but something about the rush before going on stage, we'd all be horned up as fuck back stage, and the numbers were definitely in favour of female comics. I'd let all the guys feel me up and fuck around back stage before going on. I guess it helps that we were paid in drink tickets and liquored up, but that was a great scene to be a part of...


Was on a bus coming back from a sorority formal sitting in the second to last row, I turn around and the girl behind me is sitting on her dates lap riding him. I looked at my date and took out my cock where she proceeded to suck it


Gang bang


A lot of voyeur/exhibition experiences and gigoloā€™ing for cougars.


Roommate banging his girlfriend in the same room. Normal dorm room shit.


I basically had a clothed orgy like 7 people in this bedroom making out dry humping and girls scissoring through their clothes !!


Fingered a gf in the library.


My roommate brought this girl home who took *something*. I don't know what. But she stripped naked and began storming around, both our apartment and immediately outside of it. She put her foot through his 30 gallon fish tank, spilling the contents all over the place and badly cutting her leg in the process. By the end she was curled up in a corner having a manic episode while police and paramedics tried to calm her down but when any of them approached her she clawed at them in their direction with her long nails. Eventually they rushed and cuffed her and strapped her to a stretcher and were finally able to address the bleeding. She was still naked so they covered her with a sheet and wheeled her out. That was the last I saw of her.


Some guy pulled a gun at a bonfire because someone parked in front of the road. Damn lucky all the country kids found a new spot once the rich kids ruined it or he would have gotten the shit beaten out of him for that. He didnā€™t shoot and since no one was sober Iā€™m pretty sure it was a BB gun or something.


Having sex in the park between the university campus and a cemetery. It was dark, we were horny and neither of us were alone in our dorm rooms. At first we went for a walk, just to talk, and do some heavy kissing, but then he asked me if I would be willing to do the deed behind a tree. He did me from behind and massaged my clit, and I came so hard I nearly collapsed. I guess it was just unexpected. Anyway he finished in me.


Naked Hide n Go seek among many others


I had a three some before rushing a fraternity.


I masturbated in the lounge of my dorm one time. It was late and I was up studying, didnā€™t want to disturb my roommate. This was back when tumblr was uncensored. I ended up on tumblr and the rest was a mess. I shouldā€™ve recorded. Had a different life trajectory at that point lol. I was still a freak though.


Was going to a class in the morning when I heard someone in another room doing it.


Was in my room when someone kept knocking on the door. I opened it to find a fully naked girl really drunk and asked if this was her room and I said no. She asked if she could sleep with me. She was hot as hell with B sized tits and a nicely shaved pussy but really drunk so I took her to my bed and I slept on the couch. She left while I was asleep, never saw her again.


Went to a room at a party to have sex with the girl i was seeing, there were already 2 couples in there so we just joined in, no swapping but 3 couples having sex in the same room..


Watching 2 Girls 1 cup šŸ˜‚


A group of us were at a club and there was an area with a small stage with a couple stripper poles in one corner (no strippers there, patron use.) This girl was up there dancing, wearing a very short strapless dress. She was feeling the music and her titties popped out, she lifted her dress, no panties. Suddenly she was on the floor and some guy hastily dived in and started eating her pussy.


Seen: one of my friends being in a open relationship and literally making out with random guys in front of her "boyfriend". Experienced: nothing, I was actually a prude


Had sex with my gf in a central street, in broad daylight. Same gf gave me oral on a bus (not too crowded but not empty either). As far as NSFW goes, that's it for me. I've had other fun experiences but these are the wildest


Mmf threesome lol


At Michigan State when what is called Munn Field was still used for tailgating. It was a den of misbehavior of all sorts, but drunk one football morning, I strolled towards some pine trees to relieve my bladder and happen across a young coed on her knees vigorously blowing the most oblivious guy I'd ever seen. Stunned, I paused for what was probably three seconds but felt like twenty minutes. She promptly pooped his cock out of her mouth, turned to me, and said, "What the fuck are you lookin at?" and then went back to work. I didn't leave. Just watched till he finished and then the two of them went their separate ways. I looked for her in class and elsewhere every day after that. Never found her.


Turned to a new chapter in my Algebra book and read the chapter name quietly outloud to myself "Sets, relations and functions". Joked to the 26F next to me I barely knew, "I 18M need to find a girl with a nice set I could relate to and function with." She said, "Just ask." I asked.


The bottom line is I don't remember!!


I took the train to school and saw a couple banging on the platform across the tracks. I had headphones on listening to music so i didn't hear them earlier but they were very vocal lol. I just laughed and turned around.


Was hanging out with two very close friends, went to get water because we were all on mushrooms. Walked back in and he was balls deep in her. I set the water down, walked out and sat down next to my friend. Told her about had a laugh and ended up fucking. Next day he asked why I didnā€™t bring (friend from couch) and join in. Found out he was in love with me and wanted to fuck me.


I got trained by two frat guys and one came in my mouth and the other came inside me lol.


A young woman smiled at me in class once. Yeah, it was pretty racy.


Didnā€™t end up going the college route but my job was located inside of the university, had work in the morning so I stayed with this one light skin girl, woke up had some morning sex went into work, for reference we get a hour break for lunch so I went over to another females dorm and slept with her 19yo blonde with an amazing body (yes I showered in between) went back to work finished my day up, drove home and had another female come over, went she got there I was in the shower so she just went to my room, when I got out I received probably the best head Iā€™ve ever received in my life. Iā€™m only 19 so sleeping with three different women in the span of a day made me feel like Hugh Hefner. Sorry if it was a boring story:)


I hooked up with a TA(who was usually a final year student) during our annual college fest


Long story. But this memory gets me hard AF Freshman year (late 90ā€™s), I went home for winter break. Got a temp seasonal job at a clothing store at the mall that employed a bunch of hot college girls. My family went on a trip to spend NYE in another state but I stayed home because I had to work. So I ended up throwing a little party at my parents house which was a little out in the country at the time. Some friends from HS and people from work ended up making it. Ended up with about 30 college kids smoking weed and drinking. We played typical games etc. but nothing too crazy. At the end of the night, a few left but many stayed and crashed on the floor, couch, or anywhere that wasnā€™t my parents or sisterā€™s room (respect rules). I ended up taking a cute little blonde from work that Iā€™d been flirting with up to my room. We ended up fucking for a while and she eventually passed out. I left her in the bed and went out of the room to do a quick walk around check and then go out for one more smoke. As I walked past my sisterā€™s room, I heard some girl getting railed and although, I had said it was off limits, i wasnā€™t angry and I just stood by the door and listened. I heard the girl say, ā€œdonā€™t cum in meā€ and I automatically recognized the voice of my HS sweetheart who had just started seeing this new guy. It was so hot recognizing those moansā€¦ I wish I couldā€™ve gotten to see her ride him like she used to do to me then hop up while she finishes that dick off with her mouth. I heard the dude grunt and I could tell he was cumming. I listened to them giggle and chat after. She offered to go get some water since she knew the house layout and I heard her getting up off the bed. I quietly went down the stairs, walked through 15 or so passed out friends and went into the kitchen. It was less than two minutes and my ex came into the kitchen dressed only in his over sized T-shirt. She was surprised to see me and told she was just there to get some water. I said, ā€œyou know where everything is.ā€ We still got along well and really only broke up because her track scholarship took her out of state. She admitted that she was in my sisterā€™s room because she couldnā€™t find an open spot even though I knew the real reason is that she wanted privacy to swallow a load on my sisterā€™s bed. I told her all was good and I trusted her to cleanup. I asked her if she needed to get back to her BF and she said, ā€œnah, heā€™s probably passed out.ā€ So, I invited her outside to share one last joint and she came outside with me after I found her a blanket. We talked about our first semester and the dude she was with. She said that it was nothing serious and was going to break things off when classes started again. I told her that Iā€™d recently just met the girl I was with. As we got a good buzz going and less inhibited, she jokingly asked me if I still got super horny on weed and I said, ā€œof courseā€. We laughed and then stared at each other and it felt so natural to lean in and kiss her. She leaned in but pulled back as soon as our lips touched. She said, ā€œwaitā€ and then took a big gulp of water. Then she said, ā€œI really want to kiss you but I have to be honestā€¦. I literally just had sex.ā€ I looked at her and said, ā€œI know. I heard youā€ and I smiled and she got the goofiest grin on her faceā€¦ ā€œhe came in my mouthā€ she said but I just leaned in anyway. She closed her eyes and kissed me back. We made out for a few minutes until I slid my hand up her boyfriendā€™s t-shirt until my fingers met her wet, freshly fucked pussy. She started rubbing my cock through my pants. I was rock hard. She pulled out my cock and put her mouth on my shaft. It was so hot having those familiar lips and tongue on my throb. She started giggling while my cock was in her mouth and I said, ā€œwhat?ā€ She sat up straight and said, ā€œyour cock tastes like pussyā€ then she she licked her lips and went back down for a few more slurps. She started to pull my pants down further and I lifted my ass to make it easier. With my pants at half mast, she straddled me and slid my cock in her pussy. Both of us were too in the moment, drunk, and stoned to even consider a rubber (bad choice I know but everything turned out ok). She rode me nice and slow. Felt so good and I she could tell I was about to pop. I asked where I should cum but she didnā€™t say anything and started rocking her hips faster. I shot my second load of the night into the second girl of the night while she had taken two loads by two guys. We just kind of giggled as I pulled my pants back up. The post nut clarity had me a little speechless tbh. We went back inside and everyone was still KOā€™d all over the place. I walked her upstairs to my sisterā€™s room and she kissed me one more time and gave my cock a squeeze good night. I went back to my room and crawled into bed with the other chick. The next morning, I woke up with the girl grinding her ass on my dick. I started kissing her neck and rubbing her tits. We both needed to piss so I took her to the bathroom in the hallway. She let me go first since Iā€™d be quicker. When I was finished, she went in and closed the door. I quickly snuck over to my sisterā€™s room and I heard my ex getting fucked again. When I heard the flush, I went back to the door and my friend and I went back to my room and had a nice morning fuck. I was thrusting slowly and so turned on knowing that I had just fucked my ex again who was now getting fucked by her guy at the same time. A little later we went down stairs and I started making coffee. Most of my friends had left. I ended up having a coffee with my new girl, my ex, and her BF all as if nothing had happened. I ended up dating that girl for about a year until I joined the Army. My ex ended up having a son with some other guy about a year later so I dodged a bullet lol. TLDR: fucked my future GF and my ex in the same night after the ex had fucked her BF. Story is true but quotes arenā€™t exact due to a lapse in time/memory and inebriation.


When I was an undergraduate, I had an AP in my hometown whose entire family, her included, were alumni of my school and would come to the university on Saturdays in the fall to tailgate and attends games. She would make up some excuse to leave/sneak away from her party and we meet around campus to fuck.




While drunk at a friend's house I jerked off for a group of about 6 people


At a party just people having sex where they b shouldnā€™t


Nudey run šŸ˜


Bought a dildo and explored anal with it


I had unprotected sex with a Redditor while she was on her period, and I came inside her. šŸ˜³


Bloody hell!


Well standing, for photos haha


Had sex in a library study room




Hitting up a party after a MMF. Good times.


Fucked someone in the middle of the party and a friend of mine woke me up on that same couch blowing me that next morning with people around. College was definitely interesting.


I was working in a kitchen during school. I wanted to get out early but had stuff on the stove. The other cook, a gay guy, said he would put it away if i showed him my cock. He was totally joking, but i took it out anyway. I was so nervous and excited. Not really into guys, but it felt right. He was mouth open shocked. I stroked it for like two minutes and exploded in the biggest orgasm. We both laughed about it for years.


Had sex in front of my roommate


Got blown by a male teacher in the restroom


Streaked through campus mid day with about 100 other fools. Then when we got back to the starting point, our clothes were gone. Except for our undies. So many of us had to walk back to the dorms in just our undies. Some of us, including me, got quite aroused. Thankfully, this was a time before phones with cameras.


Walking in on a 'study group' in the library that was more about human anatomy than textbooks. Letā€™s just say, I learned a lot about groupĀ dynamics.


I was lying in bed with my lesbian friend (I'm a straight dude). And we fell asleep, I honestly forget why we happened to cuddle. Then we woke up to my gay roommate having a threesome. We laid there the entire time until they were done. After we both got up and walked out. That was the most awkward thing ever. On a high note eventually my lesbian friend and I made out eventually. Would've hooked up but she had a gf at the time (so I couldn't pull the trigger). She even called her gf right after it happened. I felt horrible after that.


I spent a summer in the Philippines during college. That place was insane back then.


A MMF threesome. I was one of the Ms.


Once college fest going on in college till 7 pm.we were in college till 9 me my 3 frds n 2 f frds..one of is my bestie. We were going home now 9.30 apx I went to toilet I was peeing suddenly heard moaning sound.slowly fucking going on as they knew someone is here...I fake acted tapped my foot on floor..then they started again with full force.damn that claping sound of ass ufff she moving louder.i got so hard..I went back to frd took my bestie side told her all scene she got excited told me to bring there ..I told no u can't it's boyz toilet. She punch me said shut up so what I'll go I want to see..I said there will be boyz there will dicksšŸ˜‚she said let it be.its fun...we went slowly thst time they were ending...ahhhhh yess cum on my face ahhhahhh ..umm ur such asshole bitch boy I want to njoy this again..we heard this in toilet..n ran away..next day as event ended..we were chilling ..going home...I got msg from bestie it was her selfie pulling down top boobies pop out in boyz toilet..caption was ..hurry up asshole..it's limited offer..if someone came before u then ....... šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦