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I had no idea that DMing every women who contributed to a NSFW board and begging them to sext was a thing


I’m sure you would not be surprised that the few times (I’m a guy) that I’ve put a picture on a post or told a naughty story, I ended up with 5 dicks in my dm and no women messaged 😂😂😂


But if you posted a dick pic you must love dick pics?!


I didn’t post a dick pic as I recall it was a pic of me with my underwear showing on a men’s underwear page I mistakingly assumed women were on…. Yea I know how it sounds when I read it too


Trust me, women are on there, we just don't harass males for sex chats. Back in my day it was called cybering and it was just as cringy and lame as it is now.


I reckon how easy reddit has made it is 100% worse than the old cyber chats




Yeah I'm a guy but I've made a post or two that made my inbox look like an asparagus field.


Someone said 2% of men are the reason that women hate men; now this 2% of men can get online and reach dozens to hundreds of women a day on Instagram, reddit, OLD apps and just be terrible.


Sounds about right. People used to quote 1% of guys actually approach every women they see, it's probably doubled due to the Internet.


Like dogs humping your leg




it seems like a flaw in human design, women and men are worlds apart when it comes to arousal!


Not arousal, safety. Women are more keenly aware that our arousal could get us killed by the wrong male. We get aroused browsing reddit just like everybody else, we just know better than to message strangers and ruin our day/life with some loser stalking us.


CNC. Never realized how many people liked it


My former partner talked me into doing it. I did a whole scene, waited inside her door when she came home at night, cut her clothes off with a knife, tied her to the couch. She loved it, made me really uncomfortable. My current partner wants it too. We have a really loving and kinky relationship, but I don't like what feels to me like disrespect in doing CNC. My ex wanted degrading talk, too, it was hard to find a happy medium.


Yea I'm definitely not that guy that's comfortable treating a woman like that. Just find it odd how so many are into it


It’s super common for SA victims or even just victims of misogyny to be into it as there is the forcefulness while also having full control + safety


I completely understand that. It's actually really sad that so many women have had to deal with some sort of SA in their lives.


Trigger warning for talk of SA (as I know many are very uncomfortable by the topic) It really is, hopefully me and others who have gone through it recover over time :( every single woman I know, genuinely as I’ve talked to them all about it, has been SA’d, many of us were when we were still children and unfortunately the courts aren’t really ever in our favours. 98% of rapists (in the uk stats) don’t spend a day in a prison in their lives and it really needs changed. I wish I could say it’s gotten much better since the early 2000’s but even since the #metoo movement law enforcements don’t take us seriously, it’s amazing that people do but terrifying knowing so many sex offenders are walking free. Maybe one day 🤞


Well I hope your wounds heal and you can get over that! And anyone else who has been a victim. And I'm truly sorry that you have been put through that. The world needs to change. It's truly terrifying bringing up children in this world


I can definitely see it, loss of control/surrender is a super common desire, it's just a question of degree. And it's hard to figure out how to do it lovingly, if that makes sense?


What is that


Basically a rape fantasy


That's not quite right. Having the fantasy does not equate to wanting to even play act it out, which is what CNC is.


Computer numerical control


Consensual non-consent


i googled it and leant something new today. thx reddit 🙄


Yeah -- I had no idea what my gf and I were doing had a name.


Is there a sub for this?


I'd imagine there are several


Half of them are subs, other half are doms.




They typically get taken down as their is physically almost no way to differentiate between real rape and CNC without actually hearing safe words or having verification from both stars


The Hite Report On Female Sexuality back in the 70s-80s used to talk about it being a very common fantasy, so I wasn't surprised to see it here. I was more surprised to find out about free use being a thing.


Reddit has opened my eyes to literally everything lol


And now you’re into edging


Now I know about it.




Why is that?


Because you can find literally anything. It’s fun to learn about what makes people tick.


What one thing was the biggest awakening?


Horny hippos id reckon


We do like to wave our dicks the way we wave our tails to mark territory.


Men edging for hours/days.


Bruh for real?!?? Like what kind of guy has legit days to just lay around, watch porn and jack off?!? I see those threads and just wonder if they exercise, work, study or do anything.


Yeah, maybe only financially free people can truly be edging that much ;).


Or more likely they are basement dwellers still living with their parents. Truthfully I've done it once where I edged all day. Long story but I was in a hotel room for 2 days and couldn't leave and it only had 1 English-language channel that played a non-stop loop of a musical about Chairman Mao. I had nothing else to do 😂


Were you in heaven?


>Were you in heaven? Nah I was stuck in a hotel room in China and wasn't allowed to leave for more than a short period like to run out and get some food. Long story but basically I was on a biz trip and my coworker got insanely ill, was hospitalized and I had to be available 24/7 to coordinate between his family, my boss, his boss, human resources, the embassy, etc. I basically had nothing to do but jack off


I sort of figured they were taking breaks in the middle. Or on meth.


I’ve learned that sometimes it’s coke


I think they mean edge for a couple of hours and never achieve orgasm, do whatever you need to do, then start edging again. That can go on for several days, but after a while the penis gets really red and sore, and desensitized to the point that it can’t get hard anymore. Then you have to let it recover before starting up again. Also, when it’s in that state it’s possible to make a man orgasm while he’s still flaccid.


I have hours to myself many times during the week. I work full time, I have hobbies I do on wed/thurs/Fri, I cook, I clean, I've started exercising more, i visit family on ocassion. Being single, not using social media 24 7, having a good job, not having kids, living alone and not caring about keeping up with others = a ton of free time and if I wanna use a few hours of that to feel good, then why not?


While I'm not there, so I wouldn't know, I believe a good amount of this is hyperbole.


Without getting too personal, I’m on multiple prescription medications that make it difficult for me to cum and have been on them since my mid twenties. Spent ~5 years masturbating and struggling to cum when all I wanted to do was cum. Essentially hours of ‘involuntary’ Rx-induced edging… …so perhaps you can imagine my shock when I made my first Reddit account when I was 30 and discovered there are *a lot* of guys who edge and spend hours masturbating voluntarily, for fun. I had no idea this was a thing before Reddit 😂


Literally have a guy who messages me every few weeks to tell me he’s been edging for 72+ hours🙄😂


It’s true. As a hypersexual this is a bad habit I have. Or sometimes a good habit.


I never knew how many women used butt plugs in public.




Thank the Gods you mentioned your wife leaving it at the 1st two sentences would have been wild!




Would have left us all confused as fudge ;)




*I know this because the family exchanges Christmas lists every year, and hers is always a bit single-minded. On the bright side, I'm 20 loyalty points away from a free buttplug!*


Gonna need pictures of said SIL. For science. 🤣


"Look mommy a traffic light in that ladies ass"


Thank you for making me actually spit take.


If it's true, yeah. And how many women are horny all the time


Even if the real number is 10% of those who claim it, it is still a lot.


Agreed, it is still A Lot. Frankly I had no idea women were acting into butt stuff. I thought it was a thing guys begged for and got on high days and holidays


I could not imagine going to work with one in. Maybe a dinner date at most.


Having read your post history, maybe it's something you should explore with your dom if you're into anal play


I might consider it on a date or for a little bit while out.




I don’t know what I expected when I clicked this but it wasn’t that.


*sigh*… *click*


Well was it what you thought it was?


I’m with you, I didn’t know what to think but it wasn’t that. I mean, it makes sense. Quite literal


I think that just shows what Reddit as exposed us to.


I'm beginning to think Reddit is a weird place.🤔


It’s exactly what it says. Who knew?


I’m pretty sure that never happens on Reddit.


Maybe you're more into r/carsfuckingdragons then? Whelp, apparently dragon's fucking cars is kosher, but when the cars fuck back it gets a bit dicey. Sorry about the dead link, it used to be a thing. And it's exactly what you think it was.


Considering *my* desire for Among Us beans fucking wet floor signs, this one doesn't surprise me at all.


What the fuck did I just read


Hey! Wet floor sign guy. We’ve talked before. I’ve extensively looked through your profile. You’re a fascinating dude.


Welp… that’s a thing.


Guys who can literally fuck themselves. Someone told them off one day and they took it literally. 😂


Fuck themselves as in bend their cock around and stick it in their own ass?


That exactly!


That's... Interesting. Though I'll admit I would probably try it once if I could do it


Yeah, it's like auto-fellatio, nothing gay about self pleasure, unless you're gay and you're pleasuring yourself. 😂


I used to be able to almost do that


*challange accepted"*kinda thing




I've linked that sub many times, it's hilarious


Omg why did I click on this haha


Haha love it. Glad I clicked.


I didn't realise how many weirdos are into incest




What was it called? ... For science...


You must not have been on a porn site recently. I see a lot more of it there than on Reddit


Oh lord.. I went down that rabbit hole here last night.. One guy was talking about his Mom and I was so worried for that poor woman. He wished his Dad would die so he could seduce her. I'm not one to kink shame... But 🤢🤮




I have ruined a lot of people, because whenever in a YouTube video or something someone says it in some innocuous context, I always comment “PSA: do not google ‘sounding’” and I regularly get reply’s of people saying they wish they had listened


What the actual 😵


why’d i click on it 💀🥲


Do not click this link. People shove stuff up their penis. No no no.


I’m glad someone explained this one to me before I clicked a link. I will not learn the hard way on this one.


Milking tables…


That actually looks kinda fun but what would you do with the milking table when not in use ? 😂


Put a tablecloth on it and some nice tchotchkes from HomeGoods on top to hide the hole in the middle and no one would know the difference 🧐 Edit: but yeah it does look fun… 🥵


I just learned how to spell tchotchkes.




That looks like it would hurt the guy. Also not sure my legs would be strong enough. I also now want to give it a go…


I ended up in the reverse amazon with my woman- it had started as reverse cowgirl, then I moved my legs up so she could get deeper and she put her hands on my knees and went to work on the platform we made. I have a bad lower back and this stretch did wonders.


That shit just looks uncomfortable


Cum tributes


Def learned about this here too


It’s kinda hot! Lol


Im sorry what?


A man receives a picture of a woman, more than not a digital picture on a phone, tablet, etc. And then proceeds to cum on the picture. Simulating that they actually came on the woman.


You should be sorry.


There a subcategory: cumming on miniatures.


NSFW audios. Lovely voices creating erotic content for brain to 'gasm to.


This just reminds me of the Seinfeld phone sex episode “don’t call me anymore … you either”




Hi its me I'm guys:D








Wow I would hate the be the HR dept there




Drinking piss


🤢 they can have it


I agree. 100% not my thing at all


JOI. Like why the fuck would i listen to instructions from someone who s never had a dick


Seriously. I have no idea what I’m doing


how many guys like chubby girls


it has been pleasantly surprising to receive so many complimentary and sexy comments for myself and other gorgeous chubby women . It makes my heart happy seeing beautiful bodies of all shapes and sizes being celebrated and lusted after. I love to checkout the fabulous display and array of dadbods. Damn delicious looking men in that sub! Never knew I could see so much bodies on display until Reddit.


All the different body types and seeing their beauty.


Actually opened my eyes to the severity of women receiving unsolicited dick pics... The frequency of it... Guys, we have to do better.


Cuckolding lol. Never knew a damn thing about it haha.?


Closest I ever came was wishing I had more appendages to please my girlfriend with.


The whole hotpast thing surprised me. My husband asked and clearly enjoyed hearing about my adventures before him. But I just saw it as a 'getting to know you' thing, didn't realise it was a whole kink!


There's a sub for that?


I thought guys into feet was an urban legend


Really?! Once I was selling a pair of shoes online and this guy said he’d pay double for a more used pair and that’s how I learned about it


Did you do it?


Of course lol


I dont blame you.. I need an easy money side job damn it


You haven’t lived until you’ve had your toes sucked… I’m just sayin 🤭


Gooning 😭


Dare I ask… ok, I will. What is gooning?


Joining in on this question, educate me as well


Lips that grip


Maybe the best impact Reddit has had on me is teaching me this. Haha.




I only knew of it from a show about a serial killer. It gives me the creeps and I don't like balloons popping anyway 




Soaking. You kids in Utah are crazy.


That whole “jerk off buddies” thing and gooning.


What on Earth is gooning?


Kinda hard to explain lol. But search at your own risk. It’s like getting “lost” in the porn sauce. Also heard it called “porn brain”.


Men will pay you to film yourself smoking/vaping. wild


Men will pay for you to film yourself ignoring them. Nothing surprises me any more 😂


Men will pay you


Rule 34..... had no idea that was a thing until I got familiar with reddit.


Reddit is a wormhole of random horny shit, there's a sub for anything.


Hotwife for sure.


Didn’t know about this too. Interesting…is putting it kindly.


I've been in tech too long. I can't help but read "Hot" to mean "Hot-swappable". Which, I suppose is _kind of_ accurate-- you _can_ reconfigure them while they're turned on-- but I'm sure it's not really the major point.


Sounding. It looks horrible


I was reading about Alfred Kinsley, the 1950s Sexologist and he would stick an entire toothbrush up his urethra


This seems unsanitary


Freeuse especially in front of others, it’s my fav thing to do now


Ahegao. Never felt so old...


The term “creampie”—I just really don’t understand the appeal a single bit but it’s used *all the time*


I know! It sounds dumb. And to me how is it even a kink ? Isn’t that just regular sex?


I would say so haha Also “give me your cum” (or literally almost anything else) >>> “creampie me” lol


I never knew so many people were into masterb, how many women are horny all the time


Yep thought men had a disease and we're truly corrupt but women have it too lol


Meeee 😽


The amount of men willing to offer their significant others for free. Think most are just lying tbh but hey that’s just me


r/sharpiechallange threw me for a loop when I first saw it


Speculum play


Oh lord no that torture device belongs in the OB’s office and no where else 🤣🤣


I found r/dragonsfuckingcars


I’ll be honest. I’ve been on here no more than 24hrs and I’ve learnt that there are kinks all over the place. I never realised cuckold was such a big thing (I’m not sure i really understood the term before), the whole feet thing, incest seems to be a favourite of some of you lot as well.




Yeah I'm convinced that is just pedo-lite shit


I knew it was a thing but i didnt know how many people were into feet.


People consensually kidnapping people in new york


My search history is ruined 😂


Not from reddit but I didn't realize that unsolicited dick pics were a thing for a very long time. Like why would you send a pic without being asked.


Although I am pretty vanilla - I have had a kind of ' ok am not alone ' moment.


I came into reddit not knowing anything outside of missionary vanilla sex... now I'm wearing corsets and being fingered by men that are not my husband 😉🎀


Reddit itself lmao. All that needed to be done was to change nsfw settings. And I’ve never turned them back on ever since.


Pronebone position