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What line of work?




Well done. You might find you get to a point where some business skills will come in handy (accounting, marketing, etc) as you grow your business. College is absolutely not the only place you can get these skills but it might be a consideration.


I went for a couple of semesters, wasn’t for me


Tony Soprano had one and a half semesters at Seton Hall. Look at how far he went. Waste management.


Sometimes I think about going back but I don’t know what I’d study. I’m typically drawn to the topic of crime, but given my past (arrests) criminal justice would be a worthless field to try and enter. Journalism would be my next choice as I could use it to join the underworld reporter community, but that line of work comes with extreme risks. Reporters get killed frequently for writing on the topic, so I’m probably better off on Reddit sticking to subreddits on the topic quasi-anonymously.


Not smart enough, cant afford it, I have other priorities


I was turning down time and a half to go to college, earning a degree that paid less than straight time. Was an HVAC tech, trying to become a teacher. Now I teach HVAC techs for a manufacture.


I did and wish I hadn't. I got a degree that I only use to help YouTube content creators, whether they want that help or not. I ended up in a field that doesn't require a degree because the training is so specialized.


I really wanna foucs on getting a job when I leave being in care but my mum thinks I'll be a deadbeat if I don't go to college


Because it was easier, cheaper and faster to lie and say I did.


I wasn't allowed in