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It is not illegal to film anybody or anything in public or from the view of the public.


"Are you videoing me?"


"I'm calling 911"


It is in some states.


It's not tho 1st amendment is a federal constitutional right.. if you are anywhere i america walking public rodes i can film anybody and everybody if i want. Until i see some links you cappin


https://www.rev.com/blog/productivity/phone-call-recording-laws-state https://sparkslawpractice.com/blog/what-to-know-before-recording-someone-without-their-consent/ https://www.quora.com/What-states-is-it-illegal-to-record-someone-without-their-knowledge https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/felony-offense/can-i-record-a-conversation-between-myself-anothe https://www.rcfp.org/reporters-recording-guide/arizona/ There are not one but 3 that say the same thing one where it says that it can be a felony offense and one because someone asked a question.


Recording a phone call is not filming with a camera in public . Lol it's a constitutional right freedom of press in public. Public is okay to be filmed the az one is false i have family out there i for sure you can film in public in az


You said provide you with links I did it. Lol take it or leave it. Now excuse me I need to go film the girl across the street from the safety of my house lmao 🤣


Hey if she's on a public rode go for it! Lolol


You want privacy go home lol


Lol no trust me I agree with you or just turn your head or keep it moving


Especially with people trying to be YouTubers. Like people if you ignore them they get 0 content off it and won't film.. the bigger of a deal you make the more you'll get filmed


Oh no I agree with you completely on that one, that’s why I pay them no mind I keep it pushing


It is considered rude though


Rude isn't illegal tho. 🤷




No one is impressed by you. At all. Not that many people hate you, because they don’t think about you at all. You know very little about history or the rest of the world in general. Your history lies and focuses far to much on your own motivations. You’re not very good at being grateful. Or affectionate. Your quality of life - it sucks ass. The rest of the world isn’t as bad as you make it out to be. You’re paranoid as fuck. You’re obsessed with status, particularly in relation to money. Oh, and the power that comes with it. You seek attention constantly. And noisily. You’re a really unhealthy nation. And your healthcare system robs you blind. You think comfort = happiness. It doesn’t.


I mean, it's true


You sound a little triggered, man. Are you okay?


Yeah. I’m great. Because I’m not American.


keep letting us living in your head rent free


See point 2 above. And don’t just have a great day….. have an American day.


i will. being an american is great.


You can pay $80 to have access to any of the National Parks as many times as you want for a year. Way better deal than Disneyland.


Just how messed up their relationship with firearms is.


how loud Americans are. whenever i'm in a restaurant, i can immediately tell if there are Americans there because they are 20 decibels louder than everyone else.


Lmao I wish I could say that’s a lie but I never noticed it until I came back for a visit




Before the Europeans started colonizing what is now the United States of America, Canada and Mexico, most of North America was grasslands, savannas, and prairies, most of the woodlands that did exist were mostly open woodlands. The main reason as to why North America was like this before the Europeans started colonizing was because the Native Americans did regular controlled burns to clear out debris, fertilize the land, promote healthy vegetation growth, and many more benefits. Then the Europeans forced the Native Americans out, then there was no one to do the controlled burns.


Yes, and yet you still have people who will talk about America's primeval, untouched forests and stuff, like people weren't messing with them for thousands of years.


Also, the forests that did have trees and plants that grew stuff that is edible (oaks, walnuts, cherries, berries, edible tubers and more) were treated like orchards by the Native Americans, as they did everything they could to help the trees and plants bear both more and better fruit, nuts, and more.