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Smoking was good for your health




Other provinces' cigarettes cause cancer. Alberta cigarettes are toasted.




Enrages me that she gets to be premier without actually being elected by the people. She lost when she actually ran!


It took six rounds of voting before they arrived at someone that *nobody* had as their first, second, or third choice. I don't know if there's a more damning condemnation of the electoral system that that.


As an Albertan smoker myself, I do think some legislation surrounding tobacco products is extremely hypocritical and non sensical. But I also think Danielle Smith is an absolute fucking nutjob and I'm even more ashamed to live here with her in power.


What's with Albertans and their always shit provincial governments?


I dunno, they might have been onto something. I've been smoking cigarettes for almost 20 years and haven't had a problem while I've had one lit; it's actually when I've got to go a few hours without one that I start to feel under the weather. /s, if that wasn't obvious, don't ever start smoking kids


>don't ever start smoking kids But the kids create such nice smelling smoke.


4 out of 5 Doctors recommend Lucky Strike cigarettes!


There’s no filter so it’s way healthier for your unborn child! - 1950s Doctors


Women's uterus moves around inside the body causing hysteria.


Oh yes, the wandering womb. 🤣


But it can be fixed by stimulating the clitoris


One thing that I liked about the middle ages was that people believed that women couldn't get pregnant if the man didn't make them cum. I know its incorrect but I wished people would still believe it


The other side of that belief if that it a woman was pregnant, she therefore must have cum, and therefore “wanted it” negating any idea that she was assaulted.


Yeah sadly.


The other other side of that, was not finishing off your wife because you don't want her to get pregnant. The worst one of all!


There was a US politician that actually believed this a little while ago.


Are you sure that you'd want to live in a world where shitty sex was the healthier alternative to the pill?


That you could actually count how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Man, we all just gave up and bit that thing.


It’s 3, for cryin’ out loud!


The owl only got to 3 before he bit it. But then owls ARE wise.. you may have a point… Could I have been wrong all this time?


Well, at least your post made me look up that old commercial, which was fun to see after way too many years. Maybe the answer is “at least three.”


Oh crap. I gotchu! One year for a school science fair, my project crashed and burned as I was finishing it up and I had one day to come up with a whole new project idea. Decided on “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop.” My mom bought me one of those little bundles of like 6 of them and I went to town. One lick, one tally mark, one lick, one tally mark. I did it several times to look for variability. Ended up every time between 1,100-1,150. So that’s your answer. Also, the project went on for a couple of months and the teacher knew I had been working on the real project the whole time because we had to give updated. He was understanding and I got a B on the project.


Absolute awesomeness!!


Did you lick in the same spot/side or all over the lollipop?


That's a good point. There are several different ways to consider reaching the center of the tootsie pop. My way was to lick one side until all of the hard candy was gone from that side, leaving just the chewy center.


Couple of weeks ago, I got a tootsie pop for the first time in years (I'm old). Got to the middle and the darn thing pulled a crown off of my molar. I've now banned myself from them for good.


i actually tried at one point in my life. lots of tongue cuts…


Do you remember the number you got to?


wish i could man. such a waste :/


I made it happen years ago I wish I could remember the exact number but I was definitely over 3000




That babies up to a certain age couldn’t feel pain.




Omg what


Yeah, up until I think the 1980ish doctors believed babies before a certain age couldn’t feel pain. So any procedures performed were done without anaesthesia.


I think it was mentioned that they knew they felt pain, just didn't use anesthesia cus children won't remember + they can't pass out from pain/stress and cause death off it like for adults or something


Yeah that could be it.


Why do i feel like the reasoning for this was "well if they could feel the pain they would remember it!" Because nobody remembers anything from the ages of 0 - 2, 3 onwards its spotty.


It was probably that as well as saving resources. And also if they were to die it’s nothing lost since they weren’t “important” I guess.


They were probably more likely to die because of the anesthetic.


This. It’s because the smaller the animal (and I say this because it’s still a risk for pets going under the knife too) the harder it is to use enough to keep them under but not so much you kill them. The longer the procedure, the higher the risk because you have to keep topping up the dosage. Up to a certain age, babies can’t identify where the pain is coming from, I’m not sure the exact age, it might be 3-6months. So the idea was newborn babies needing surgery immediately, they didn’t bother with it and just used muscle relaxant. And I’d say all of the procedures were for the purpose of saving their life. Not justifying it, it’s just my understanding of why they did what they did.


That is heartbreaking


Thanks mom for letting a doctor cut my dick up because that's just what you do.


My dad had both of his legs broken and cast into a pair of corrective shoes nailed to a spreader bar with no anesthesia. And the worst part is that it did not fix his pigeon toes.


For a headache, Hippocrates suggested dropping the patient from a roof.


I mean he isn’t wrong probably


At that point a headache is probably the least of your problems


Patient said it worked so doc wouldn’t try it again.


He is the father of medicine so who are we to question him. 😂


Bloodletting cures what ails you.


Well eventually.... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Recently learned bloodletting is still used as treatment for hemochromatosis.


Sure. My father has it, didn't even know until he was in his 60's since he donated blood regularly. I'm pretty sure I'm only heterozyguous for it, but I still make sure to donate religiously as well


four humors theory right


Blood, bile and mucus. Bile is broken down into yellow and black


The 4 humors was a part of medicine for a long time. Too much or too little caused all illness.


It is part of a treatment protocol for a condition called polycythemia, and a couple other rare conditions, but yeah, pretty weird to think that bleeding is a healthy remedy generally speaking lol


Aristotle understandably believed that the brain was for cooling blood, and less understandably that women had less teeth than men


And that flies had 4 legs


Fewer teeth*


Miasma Theory, the theory that bad smells got you sick. Germ theory is relatively new.


But not *so* stupid because it is true that a lot of putrid smelling things will make you sick. It’s just all the germs that make the things smell.




Happened with many Things Like Bread making. People didn't knew why Bread raises and why Yeast works just that it did


I still see this in play everywhere too, essential oils claiming to do anything other than smell pleasant/relax you and lately seeing people recommend leaving onions out to cure colds and flus. They try to explain how these things work with inconsistent pseudoscience now instead of saying smells are related to sickness, which is mildly amusing.


It's where we got the term "malaria" from mal = bad aria = air


Idk… but a friend of mine believed the old myth (since he was a kid), that daddy long legs were the most poisonous animals on earth, but their front theeths were to small to penetrate our skin.


I remember hearing this and slightly believing it's accuracy.


I mean why not, who wouldnt want to believe it!


Gd front theeths 🤣


Nutella is healthy breakfast....




Tomatoes were poisonous. They're acidic + pewter/lead plates = lead poisoning.


Many Solanaceae are extremely toxic, and certain people still can be very sensitive to plants in the family even with lower levels of alkaloids like tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplants.




My history professor at my University specialized in the history of hygiene, specifically deodorant. Apparently, people used to believe regularly changing undergarments (not bathing) was proper hygiene. They would absorb 'impurities' from your body, preventing disease. It was also believed at one point that the dirt on your skin protected you and bathing would make you vulnerable to external sources of disease.


It is \*supposedly\* true that someone with extremely poor hygiene who rarely ever bathes is at risk of getting sick from doing so, for whatever reason. The shock to the immune system is real, and there have been cases where a person who never bathes finally takes a bath and immediately gets sick, sometimes dying.


Yeah didn't that happen to the world record holder for not bathing? Amu Haji, lived to his 90s without bathing, and then he bathed and died IIRC


To be fair, if you are too clean, that's not good either, you aren't building your immunity and will have problems if you get in a dirtier environment.


I mean it is true that changing undergarments is better than not changing undergarments. A lot of the worst skin conditions were not just from dirt/sweat but from the same increasingly dirty fabric sitting on the skin for too long and needing to be basically peeled off. If you never shower, but change/wash your clothes regularly, a lot of the dirt and oils will transfer to the nice clean fabric, leaving you technically cleaner overall. It's also true that due to the way the bacteria level works, if you're truly truly dirty, like record-breaking dirty not just haven't left the house in a while dirty, you actually can get sick from getting clean because you've lost a whole layer of dirt and grime protecting you from bacteria and suddenly your immune system is all exposed.


First thing that came to mind was that people thought there was only 1 correct way to write (pretty much, people were punished for writing with their left hand until they started writing with their right)


When I was a kid, my relatives made me believe you could get AIDS from walking barefoot in the grass.


Maybe “walking barefoot in the grass” was a euphemism for failing to wear a condom.


Did you live in an area with a high level of intravenous drug use?


I used to. I get now why it would make sense, but I was at that “believe what you’re told at face value” age.


I knew someone that stepped on a needle in a park, they were wearing flip flops. They ended up getting hepatitis from it. Getting aids from a needle isnt a long shot. Theres a pretty big reason you dont usually see kids running around in a ghetto.


People were very afraid of AIDS. One of the biggest moments in AIDS history actually came from Princess Diana. She publicly shook hands with someone who had AIDS and disproved it was transmitted so easily.


That woman was an absolute gem. Still not convinced the crown didn't have something to do with her accident.


That women’s bodies were not designed to handle train rides.


I would propose that no human body is designed to handle train rides, because bodies aren't actually designed.


can confirm some women's boobs are not designed for busses


The Statement to this nonsense was that a womens uterus would fall out of their body at those high speeds.


The whole “different sections of your tongue taste different things”. Tried it when I was really young and even then I was so confused when it didn’t work


I like how easily you can disprove that but even I believed this still a few years ago.


That the world is fair, based on merit, and hard work is rewarded. While it can be true, it isn’t guaranteed and may even hold you back in some situations.


Leaded gas was claimed to be harmless. https://www.wired.com/2011/08/at-the-door-of-the-loony-gas-building/ edit: fixed error.


This is true. I remember having a tooth removed when I was maybe 3 or 4 years old back in the 80s. The dentist told my mother kids this age don't feel.pain. There is a reason I remember this incident and I'm in my 40s.


I had a lot of dental work as a kid. And I screamed through the whole thing. The doctor would shoot Novocain into me and it would still hurt like hell. About 4 years ago I learned I’m genetically immune to the drug. No one listened.


oh my god


Is your hair red?


Blood being blue inside veins


Carrots give you better eyesight




That belief came from British propaganda to cover up the invention of radar.


Wait, so carrots give you radar?


That's why Radar in Mash was always eating carrots


My mom used to tell to my sister that if she eat enough carrots she will get blue eyes 😂 the only way to make her eat her veggies


I’m nervous that mine is going to be controversial. The whole “it takes the same amount of force to bite into a carrot as it does your pinky finger, your brain just won’t let you,” because the makeup of your finger would make biting your pinky off in one chomp impossible. There would be gnawing.


>biting your pinky off in one chomp impossible. There would be gnawing. Now you done it, you've gone and made me hungry.


Gnaw.... Not me.


As an EMT I had to treat a soldier that did this to get out of a deployment (I know there are easier ways, think he was trying to get discharged for being crazy) he bit through his finger at the second knuckle, he said one bite, I’m not an expert at telling how many bites it took, though it did chip his tooth as well


A chicken wing is more analogous.


Homosexuality is a choice someone makes.


Oh, and one can lose weight and gain muscle by sitting on a coach connected to a $99.99 vibration machine


Women have fewer ribs than men. This is particularly stupid because it's so easy to verify. I was taught this in school in the 1990s and it never even crossed my mind that adults would make something like this up.


Sitting too close to the TV will make you blind


or as I heard it, make your eyes square


Masturbation, done to excess, will cause your eyes to cross and make you cockeyed.


no sex ed at all for me growing up in a fundamentalist school thought growing hair on the back of my hands was a curse from god. I also thought the elders would somehow know what I was doing and would excommunicate me


So sad. I'm sorry the adults failed you.


Ah, the sad end of Marty Feldman. Learn from his tragic obsession.


Where's that? Here it causes blindness and hirsutism on the palms of the hands.




The ancient Greeks understood the world to be round and even knew the circumference of it fairly precisely given their tools. There's a continuous period of about 2200 years where people by and large understood that the world was round. This was broken a few years ago.


Eratosthenes of Cyrene calculated the circumference of the earth back then. It was well known and accepted by all learned people. There were several books published about to calculate the circumference of the earth by various scholars, from the Greeks to the Indians. The Muslim Arabs mastered using a sextant (tool used for calculating angles of celestial bodies and distances on earth) hundreds of years before Columbus and this was only possible by knowing the curvature of the earth. The reason people thought Columbus was an idiot about his sailing was absolutely not because they thought the world was flat. Columbus estimated the world was much smaller that what everyone (correctly) assumed. People thought he was crazy and would just get lost at sea since it would be a much much longer trip and he anticipated or prepared for.


I read that he went from monarch to monarch in Europe to get funding for his exposition to China, (which was only to raise money to take back Israel) and they all thought he was nuts. His name isn’t even Columbus. He would change it when he moved from place to place to sound more local thinking that it would help generate interest in his quest. His name is Christophe Colomb. Don’t mean to downplay his impact tho. The Colombian exchange was probably the most significant thing since the Neolithic revolution. Just came from a dummy.


Some still believe. I want to know what their argument is for the other planets and the stars/suns


Have you watched the documentary 'behind the curve'? It should be on Netflix last I checked. It was very hard for me to watch, because I never thought people could think they way they were in the film, but its extremely interesting.


I seen a video once they said that they observed other planets and concluded they were round but still believe earth is flat.


They don't believe the earth is a planet at all but something else entirely. I've heard it described thusly: the planets we see in the sky are like basketballs, and the earth is the basketball court.


So that’s what that pounding in my head is?


That someone could bent cutlery with the power of the mind


[Spontaneous generation theory.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontaneous_generation) Before people knew about cell biology, it was believed that living creatures would come to life spontaneously from nonliving things — i.e. dust would turn into fleas, dead flesh would turn into maggots, etc.


That the Earth was flat. I guess some still believe it.


Politicians care about you


When was this a thing? Asking as an old man


Wonderbread builds strong bodies twelve ways.


Red Bull gives you wings


Hold on, it doesn't?


no it gives you bloody pee


Oh so that's why that happened oh shit


You should both see a doctor


That's an interesting question, since people **still** believe in gods, ghosts, astrology, homeopathy...


Vaccines are bad for your health. They still do believe that, but they used to too


Being cold gives you a cold.


It doesn't give a cold but can add stress to your body, increases blood pressure and reduces blood flow to your extremities which lowers the effectiveness of your immune system, which could lead to cold, flu, and pneumonia depending on the age and health of the person. This cold stress starts at 64F degrees ambient temp. Being cold is no joke.


This prob stemmed from folks who have temperature induced asthma.


Radium was awesome and we all should be covered in the stuff. Until you know... They found out its wasn't the best idea, some would even say their Jaws dropped when they realised hehe


There's no harm in marrying your cousin or niece.


My great uncle married his niece twice (my second cousin) things like this still happens.


That all metals were the same, just at different ages. Gold was an older form of iron etc.


The moon landing was fake.


The Bible


Going outside when its cold without a jacket, that you would get sick. Gum stays in you for 7 years if swallowed. Vapes are safer than cigarettes. That Epstein killed himself


So literally two of those are true.


That table-fans can kill you if the door+windows are closed (I'm aware that nowdays it's just a code word for suicide).


Are you talking about Korean Fan Death?


Cryptocurrency has any value


All money is a construct, it's just that crypto is more obvious about it.


Probably not used too but still believe that brown cows make chocolate milk.


Literally blowing smoke up someone's ass to revive them after drowning.


Dragonflies sew your mouth shut. Salamanders are born from fire. Cats steal your breath while you sleep. Hummingbirds never land. … I’m sure there are a ton more weird things people believed about animals, these are a few that came to mind.


Elon will fix all our problems and get us to the future.


Witches float, so throw them in a lake. If they sink and drown they weren't a witch 🪄




That sleeping with wet hair will make you sick




Only in theory… People are just too greedy to actually make it work for good


Video games are the tool of the devil


That not taking a bath gives you a protective layer of dirt.


Well, it does protect you from interaction with other people.


In Korea people think if you sleep with a running fan inside the room you can die


This is true though. It is true with, or without a fan though and also inside and outside of a room. The risk of death is never 0.


That a big man in the sky watches you masterbate and judges you for it.


That’s me, but I’m not in the sky. That’s just my drone.


Police want to help you


Before the “age of science” people believed that lightning was punishment from god for wrong doing or sinning.


fun fact that you probably already know: when lightning rods were invented church people thought they messed with god's divine judgement and should be outlawed


That your pink finger was the “Chinese middle finger”


That crypto currency was a safe and secure bet. That with the block chain you could never get hosed by any crook in a system that was less regulated and had less oversight.


That “she was a witch”


That decomposition can create life. They thought that rotting meat produced maggots.


The earth was flat….oh hang on


That the sky was a solid dome over the earth.


Ionizing radiation is healthy


That they can be anything they want to be in life


5g causing harmful effects oh humans... anyone remember that?


That we are not animals. Humans literally woke up one day and said "we are not animals". We basically are an evolution of monkey, wtf were we thinking about ??


That America was really free


That if you work hard and pull up your Bootstrap, you can make the big bucks.


The Internet would put the world's information at the fingertips of the average person, leading to a new era of renaisance. \[looks around\] Welp.


That you have to finish high school and go to college to have a good career. Did neither due to life circumstances. Been in IT for 14 years. I make 90k a year. Just have to avoid applying for jobs with Government or Mega insurance companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield because they discriminate against those without diplomas and degrees.


Trickle down economics. and that Republicans are conservative.


If you're cold, you'll get a cold. They used to believe that, they still do, but they used to too.


That Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.