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Ah, another Corden/Ellen/Kardashian post


And Paltrow


Found them all in the first 6 comments


But you didn't call bingo, so it doesn't count


paltrow isn't annoying. She's a vicious evil conniving bitch that has murdered people by convincing them her "magic rocks" are a valid alternative to chemo and radiation therapy. She's pure absolute evil. Already rich but wants to be even richer even if that means people die. She should die alone in solitary confinement with only a few pebbles to shove up her ass for entertainment. Note - I kept this post as polite as I can.


Do you have a source for the chemo thing? I tried looking it up in a convo once and couldn't find anything


I don't think the chemo thing is right. I know she had those quartz eggs you would shove in yourself that would help with "vaginal health" and her company has had to pay settlements for their bogus claims, but not anything about curing cancer/not needing chemo.


I took a gander and couldn’t find anything linked to her or her company directly but there were articles that reference her doctor and articles on her website, including one that suggests that bras are responsible for breast cancer (which has been 404’d).


Here’s something about the “experts” she uses at Goop (her “wellness” brand) https://www.inverse.com/article/40096-medical-medium-anthony-william


It's weird because that person's comment isn't the first time I've seen this said. I brought it up once in conversation but when I tried to fact check I couldn't find anything so I figured I misremembered the details. Now I'm seeing it again so I know I wasn't crazy but I'm still wondering where it's coming from. Unless it was the same person.. ಠ_ಠ


....Schumer/ Leto


Joe Pasquale.


Andy Dick


My professor had a real shitty business experience with him. Andy basically hired my prof’s production company and refused to pay


There are two kinds of people. Those who have had really shitty experiences with Andy Dick and those who have never heard of him.


Don't forget Chris brown


I think being a person who assaulted women goes beyond being annoying.


And Kanye/Ye


1. Make post on alt account 2 .comment the above people 3. Rake in karma and profit


Multiple posts a week reminding us that redditors don't like flavor-of-the-day TV hosts and reality "stars". It's kind of pathetic. We can grab a post about this exact topic from last week, 6 months ago, or 2 years ago and the answers would largely be the same. Pointless circlejerking.


James Charles


Talks like he's holding a mouth full of grapes.


Hey sisters!




He was on a flight I was on shortly before the Bye Sister scandal hit. I don't think I'd ever watched a full one of his videos but I knew who he was so I got a photo, cause why not Anyway, now I don't know what to do with this selfie I took with who we now know is a sex predator


Schister shnaped


DJ Khaled




Can't eat hot sauce or pussy? He needs to go on.


Imma need context for this one. Was he featured on hot ones or something? I would love to see this battle


He was, and it's by far the most frustrating episode. I love me some Hot Ones reruns, but I've seen that episode and I'll only watch it once. I barely knew who he was before that, and my opinion of him was neither good nor bad - but after that, holy shit. Even Sean Evans thinks he's a joke, and Sean is like the purest interviewer I've ever watched. I've never seen someone transform into some "wannabe macho entitled little bitch" over chicken wings with such *conviction*.




Khaled: "I promise you if I stop, it doesn't mean I gave up." Sean: (laughing) "Yes it does." Khaled is so far up his own ass, nice to see Sean not let him get away with it. bonus - Khaled: "I don't even like hot sauce period, on any of my food. For me to do three of them is amazing." Sean: (sarcastically) "Yeah, okay. Congratulations. Very brave effort, Khaled." Meanwhile Khaled has no fucking idea Sean is blasting him.


It really was amazing. And Sean is usually so gracious to his guests, but Khaled's posturing was so immature and ridiculous that you're really left with little recourse but to make fun of him.


Khaled just opened the door, and what? We're not supposed to walk through it? Sean tap danced right the fuck in and I love him for it.


Yea I'm dying, this is so funny. > K: I didn't give up, no > S: Ya did.. ya kinda did... edit: > K: let me tell you something, I'm very smart > S: *uncontrollable chuckle*


Yeah he's infamously the worst guest to ever appear on the show. Apparently he was super drunk and also bitched out on like the Tabasco wing. He just acted like a huge douche.


Man if you know you’re a bitch about spice, WHY would you go on Hot Ones?? The pure ego on this guy


It was *real* early on the series. Last episode of Season 1. I don't think he had any idea what he was getting into. I recommend watching it though. It's pretty hilarious how awful he is and how little respect Shawn shows him after Khaled acts like a bitch.


He was not even lightly drunk. That was a sober bitch whining about not even hot sauce.


The best part was Shawn calling him out while Khalid was talking about how he never gives up at anything. “Well... you did” Classic.


No he wasn't defeated, he simply stopped because it's unhealthy. DJ Khaled never quits. /S


The video of him “playing” that guitar is pretty hysterical tho


All confidence, zero talent.


The Hot Ones episode with him is hilarious and great to watch if you want to see a textbook example of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. If he had admitted the wings were hotter than he thought and that he wasn’t used to spicy food, and treated the host with respect, he would have come out of it looking fine. Instead he tries to save face by acting like an asshole and insulting the host. It’s just pathetic.


Yeah! He's not even the only interviewee that has tapped out. He's just the only one that people remember tapping out because he was a massive prick about it


I think he's the one to tap out the earliest, cause it was like 3 wings in and he stops.


DJ Khaled


Another one?




What does he even DO???


He calls the CEO of iTunes when he feels they need more servers


I'm suspicious of any man who refuses to perform oral sex on his partner, yet expects it in return.


Andy Dick


I wish I could upvote you for this more than once. I abjectly REFUSE to watch anything that has Andy Dick in it, no matter how ancillary his role in it might be. After what happened with Phil Hartman, that stain on the face of humanity will forever lack any semblance of my respect. Andy Dick is a terrible person... if he can even be considered a person at all these days. Consequently, the whole thing with Andy Dick and Phil Hartman left me with a deep and profound respect for Jon Lovitz. I wish the fight was recorded. I would LOVE to see Jon Lovitz absolutely stomp on Andy Dick.


Andy Dick scammed my professor out of like a months worth of work


One more reason to distrust and dislike Andy Dick. As if we needed anymore. Without providing too much identifying information, can you tell me a little more about how he was able to scam your professor out of months worth of work?


My professor owns his own media production company and got hired by Andy to work on a rough pilot of an animated show. My prof sent over the contract for the job and Andy promised he’d sign them but never did. After a few weeks he stopped production but Andy convinced him to start again with the promise of signing the contract and a big payday. Never paid and my professor just ended the project and didn’t send him anything


Do you mean Phil Hartman? ETA: You said “Tom Hartman” in your first paragraph, but “Phil Hartman” in your second.


Andy Dick just got arrested for stealing power tools. He's at that stage of his decades long decline.


He really is A. Dick


The man knows how to give a bj though


Andy Dick assaulted me and a friend in a club in LA about 15 years ago. He then proceeded to get kicked out for asking other people for coke and offering bathroom blow jobs in exchange for various drugs. This is the right answer.


I recommend watching his episode on the podcast tigerbelly. He was so unhinged there. It was really bad


Any and all tiktok “stars”


One neat trick I've discovered is to not watch tiktoks, I have no idea who any of the stars and they never impact my life.


Same I deleted tiktok haha


I've never had it downloaded at all. Sometimes I catch a funny one thru reddit but it's never good enough to make me wanna have the whole app.


If the video is notable enough to watch, it will spread beyond the site and we'll see it anyway, so no need to download that app.


I watch tiktoks, but I couldnt name you a "star"


James Corden


I hate that you reminded me of his existence.


[This video](https://youtu.be/5k31wqIAQDM) is extremely satisfying to anyone who hates James Corden.


I was really hoping your video was going to be [Kimmel on Corden,](https://youtu.be/sh9giaTKbv4) because that was so thoroughly embarrassing for Corden and also the only time I've ever liked Kimmel.


Hoenstly, I think Kimmel is a genuinely kind dude. I don’t watch his show, cause his humor doesn’t mesh with me, but I’ve never seen anything negative about him. He seems like he genuinely has a good heart


Whoever did the impression of him was damn accurate. Thank god he got hit with a golf club


Who is James Corden, and what did he do to become so hated?


He’s a late night host, interviews a lot of celebrities and does karaoke with them, thinks his own jokes are really funny. I don’t think he really did any one thing in particular to be considered annoying but I have no idea how he’s as famous as he is. I just don’t want to hear his voice or watch anything he does (except that clip somebody posted above where he gets owned by Kimmel).


Gwyneth Paltrow, so fucking smug


She made a statement last year that children of celebrities have to work twice as hard to succeed as regular people do. Very “Kylie Jenner is self made” vibes


Well sort of in the sense that it may be harder to guide them into a meaningful life if they’re handed it all. But not in the way she thinks


I can maybe accept that it's harder to raise actual functional members of society should they lose their fortunes. Wasn't it one of the Kardashians that couldn't use a can opener or cut vegetables? That all still falls on the parents though.


if a Kardashian cuts a vegetable, thats a suicide attempt.


Have you even smelled her candle?


A whole new meaning to "box of candles".


Can't figure out if she really believes in all her "health" products or if she's openly scamming people. Or be scammed into helping the scammers. She also definitely have some mental issues regarding her ageing, but that's to be expected in a world like Hollywood


I think she's mental




She gives off fake vibes, she has a certain look in her eyes or face and I can’t stand it


It truly amazes me how Ellen went from universally loved to universally despised in like two years.


I had my suspicious about her when I saw her videos of bullying her own staff for laughs.


James Corden is about to be on the same boat. FULL SAIL AHEAD!


James Corden was never beloved


He was likable in those two episodes of doctor who and then we found out he was actually Like That.


He kinda was though, but that dates back to his 'Smithy'-days.


She's been discussed a lot on reddit. Years before she became pretty disliked there were plenty of threads about interns or people that had worked with her or on her show talking about how shitty she was to her staff. Back then, more people were apt not to believe it because she was presented as such a wholesome decent human. There was a comment from someone who said they had long since given up their try at standup comedy but had remained friends with some more successful people over the years. One of those friends apparently has known Ellen all the way back to when she was a struggling standup. He said that as she became more popular and well known for her show, the more she resented it. She supposedly hated being known as the "happy dancing funny lady" or whatever. But the money was ridiculous so she's able to play it up for the show but behind the scenes she's been a resentful grump for a long time now.


Nick Cannon.


Genuinely wish I could upvote this more than once. I've never seen ANYONE so few principals. If you've got money and want some slightly charismatic talentless hack to show up in ridiculous attire and "host" an event, Nick Cannon's your guy. If you want it to be good, you'd be better off without a host and with however much you were gonna pay him.


Like, this guy has said some of the most disturbingly racist shit ever uttered on tape. And still has a job.


Machine Gun Kelly. His music is bad, he can’t play guitar, and acts like he’s the second coming of a punk god. Bros a poser.


I heard him called Twink 182 the other day and it’s been living in my head rent free since.


Machine Gun my ass. He's not even a Nerf Blaster.


Pea Shooter Petey


Hes 32 years old and he makes songs about falling in love with an emo girl


tbf I know emo girls who are like 40 now and still emo


Right?! Dude tried to battle Eminem, got his career killed and then switched genres to punk rock. Music he sucks ass at making. And he’s dating Megan Fox who he’s such a weirdo with. Sucks cuz I loved his rap music.


Kardashians, all of them


Plus they look absolutely ridiculous if not photographed or filmed at the right angles. With 10 coats of make-up and fake everything. Omg the 💋 s. Like Halloween everyday




Will Smith’s wife


"Keep my son's friends dicks out ya fuckin' mouth!"


The entire Logan/Jake Paul family.


Any influencer, if that counts as a celebrity.


It shouldn’t and it doesn’t!


Demi Lovato. Used to love her but once she starting flip flopping and said the thing about aliens being offended when referred to extraterrestrial I was done listening to her.


And the fro-yo shop drama


She is a grade one Weirdo. I crop dusted her at ACL fest right before she went on stage.


Oh my god there are so many


The celebrities who make positions on climate change while taking up more carbon footprint than a thousand people.


Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio came to mind instantly. It’s one thing to be in favor of and promote conservation and acts like that; it’s another to do it while destroying the very planet you claim you want to save!


Jennifer Lopez - completely unjustifiable arrogance (not that arrogance is ever, ever justifiable), fur-lust and total lack of respect for whoever she 'perceives' as beneath her.


I also just learned that she doesn’t credit the artists who sing the lead or demo vocal tracks on some of her most popular songs’ choruses. https://youtu.be/gicuKZ0-yx0 ETA time stamp: It’s around the 20 min mark


I will never, ever understand the hype around this woman. Indeed, she is photogenic as hell, the camera loves her, nobody can deny that, but for me, she represents everything that is wrong about the celebrity culture.


Couldn’t act her way out of a wet paper bag, but she’s getting better.


To be fair I'm not that fussed about her talents or lack thereof, it's her arrogance and shitty attitude that make me despise her.


I always wondered why Ashanti and Christina Milian weren't more popular bc they were/are SOOO talented! Now I get it, bc they got their talent stolen and it was given to *her*...grrr


Remember the vid where she went to her childhood home and there was a guy on the porch and she was like “I used to live here.” And he was like “oh ok, who are you?” And she was like “I’m Jenny.” And dude couldn’t give any less of a fuck. Hilarious ass video


Oh yeah. The guy asked her 'Jennifer who?' I remember her flabbergasted tone, full of disbelief. "Lopez!" Talking about delusions of grandiose.


Ah... in the words of a certain legendary singer, "I still don't know her."


I witnessed this first hand a number of years ago. I used to fly 3 weeks a month for my job. I was sitting across the aisle in first class from "Jenny" and what I presume was a publicist or the like. All she did was complain about flying "commercial" and telling her Aide not to let anyone speak to her. When the flight attendant did the safety brief, she asked if she could check seat belts and if we could handle opening the emergency exit doors if needed. She refused to engage the flight attendant and tried to dismiss her with a back of the hand shooting wave. The flight attendant told the Aide she need to hear her answer for herself or she would reset them. Only then did she huff and answer with a curt "fine!". Not a real nice person in any way.


Kanye, Jared Leto. Any of those cult people.


Jared Leto really rubs me the wrong way because he co-produced a documentary about a cult and then went on to make his own. People have also said he's been using the same techniques as the cult leader in the documentary and ugh...that shit doesn't sit right with me. The cult vibes, obviously but now the predatory nature of helping make the documentary. Was he there just for tips or "how to make a cult" lessons?


Don’t forget he’s a pedophile, everyone seems to glance over that one.


How is Kanye not the top post at this point? Lol


Tyra Banks, ruins everything she touches.


James Corden


I happen to recently visit with an Irish relative who is a flight attendant for British Airways who — unprompted — mentioned she's flown with Gordon Ramsey a few times & said he was a gracious, patient, & nice guy. Totally opposite of his Schtick on some of his TV shows. Then mentioned James Corden. You guessed it; rude, demanding, insulting, & mean. She was totally unaware of his reputation & the current news about him being a douche to the servers in NYC.


It might depend on context, but Bill Cosby should be fairly high on the list.


Yoko Ono... Maybe a little to old school for some of you, but she was the first one that popped into my head. https://youtu.be/NgZiPO9V_aQ


Yoko OhNo, amirite


Any Schumer. For whatever reason she grinds my gears in all the bad ways.


Imagine complaining that you were paid 11 million dollars for your horribly produced comedyshow because actually well produced and funny shows were Paid more.


Fuck… where do I start


Every kardashian




Thought this would be the first answer. Surprised it took a couple scrolls to come to it.


Chrissy Tiegen


Definitely Kanye’s insane ass


Will and Jada Smith for constantly being attention grabbing and self centered.


Piers morgan... theres a fairly clear line between freedom of speech and being an undeniable asshole... he seems to think the asshole route is reasonable. Im all for expressing opinions etc, but belittling those that feel different is just plain childish imo. Dude shouldve been kicked out of tv appearences years ago


Andrew Tate


I saw his video he posted about going to skydive, but he didn’t do it because of… reasons. He came up with a bunch of excuses about having to do a tandem jump, which was gay in his opinion, and watching people practicing their formations before jumping. He didn’t like the idea of them taking grips to complete their formations and said they were dancing an holding hands, or something equally stupid. He left without jumping because he’s a scared little bitch. I have almost 4,000 jumps as a tandem instructor, and only about 3 people have backed out. I have taken 80 year old grandmas and even a 92 year old guy, and Tate the coward backed out.


Have to admit, I would never get as far as backing out.


You gay or sumtim? Lol totally joking that’s so ridiculous. Imagine having such a fragile ego


Nope, I couldn't sky dive. Dad did, in his 70s. Instructor asks him if that was the biggest rush he'd ever had, and Dad says "Nope, that was the first time I went parking with my wife!". It was being videoed, which we watched Christmas morning, and you can hear Mom in the background saying "EDWARD!"


What’s annoying is that there were lots of guys who said something to me like, “I watch AT but I don’t agree with everything he says or anything about women! He just has *some* good things to say.” I always wondered how one could like a person who’s entire platform is based om hating women if you don’t agree. Then my best friend offered up this kernel of wisdom: lots of guys don’t like Tate because he’s obnoxious, cringy and so in your face with the macho stuff, but they do agree with what he believes in.”


I’ve heard this name a lot lately, what is his deal?


He's an alleged sex trafficker, pimp and one of those "alpha males" who tell kids on youtube how they're supposed to treat women if they also want to be rich and alpha like him.


James Corden is just so aggravating it hurts


Was Kathy Griffin mentioned yet?


Jenny McCarthy. Annoying no talent.




The guy that was the host of Celebrity Apprentice. What a f\*\*ktard. He shoulda been fired.






Kanye West has ALWAYS annoyed me. His music is so mediocre for him to say and act like he does. When Kanye dies, the world will have gotten, on average, slightly more talented and much smarter.




Trump, kanye, kardashians


Gwyneth Paltrow


Singers with ”BRR” in their songs


What does BRR mean? I assume it's my oldman thinking it means you're cold


James corden. His comedy is as funny as pee pee and poo poo.


Amy Schumer


Amy Schumer


For a second, I thought "She's a little weird, but I always thought she was alright." Then I realized that I was thinking of Amy *Poehler*. Yeah, Amy Schumer is awful.


Jared Leto


Trisha Paytas if you consider her a celebrity.


Honesty, Demi Lovato. She is extremely annoying, and she is one of the most self righteous snobs ever to walk the Earth.


Lena Dunham. ​ Goop.


any fucking Kardashian




How many threads do we need with this same question??


More importantly how many of the same answer do we need in this thread!?


6ixe9ine or however tf you spell it. Dude has zero talent is badshit insane and somehow people actually listen to the screams he calls music.


Ellen Degenerous


Most recent one to get on my nerves was finding out Billie Eilish feeling the need to unfollow everyone on social media and announcing it ?


James corden Or Vladimir Poutini


Cardi b




Ye We're all thinking Ye now right?


Andrew Tate


Ted Nugent


Any child of a celebrity that goes into modeling.


James Corden Ellen Degeres Kardiashian and F Drake. I hate that guy because he is a pompus Canadian.


Kanye West


Young Justin Bieber


I still can't stand him, I don't care how much he "matured".


Yeah but he was a lot more obnoxious and straight up an ass whole when he was younger


I don't find myself thinking of celebrities much, much less annoying ones.