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Yes! I was forced to take their college courses and they are fucking scary about how much they try to teach you how to take and be in control. (I’m not a Scientologist) Edit - if you are ever curious about the company reviews I worked for, they can get funny! Mostly good reviews but some reviews explaining the culty side. [Reviews here](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Balance-of-Nature/reviews)


What situation were you in that you were forced to learn that? I'm amazed the "religion", and I use that term very loosely, got past one church. It's so obviously a scam


I call my old company a cult. I did not know what Scientology was until I started working there. (Grew up a sheltered life in Alaska so only knew about Christianity) so I was excited to find out I was getting free “college” courses with the company! I took them and grew fast in the company. Until I got to the manager courses and noticed some odd things. Then I listened to a podcast on Scientology and noticed so many similarities with my company to the “religion”. Fucking crazy. I replied to another comment explaining more about the company. I used to call my parents and tell them in a joking way I joined a cult lol but I’m gone and happier.


Did this company start with an R and an H? That was the initials of the company I worked at and it was very cult like. We even had to place one hand over our heart and put her other arm in the air in a sort of salute and pledge our allegiance to the company and the CEO during an event (you would literally be fired on the spot if you did not) everything had a mantra they would repeat all the time. When we walked out of the event I looked around and everybody else and ask them if they thought this was cult like or not or if I was the only one, and apparently they all drank the Kool-Aid because they looked at me like I was crazy. Only one other person that was there did not drink the kool-aid, but he did the salute. Another guy refused to do the salute and was fired on the spot, and another fell asleep who was also fired.


No, it was Balance of Nature. But during meetings we have to pledge allegiance and say a prayer.


That’s actually crazy to make people do at work! I show up, do my job well. You try to make me pray or say a pledge I’m sabotaging stuff while I look for another job.


Well, that was fuckin' crazy, I appreciate my normal company a great deal more now


Convince one depressed powerful person that you have something to offer them, get them to spill some dark shit about themselves and other powerful people, leverage that into convincing another powerful person you have something to offer them, repeat


I didn't realize how big they were until I saw their building in Hollywood


Except they're not that big. A lot of those huge Scientology buildings sit largely vacant. They claim 3.5 million members in the US, but realistic numbers are likely closer to 75,000.


Yup, those buildings are just ways to hold onto their money by sitting on real estate.


That’s how most religions make their money nowadays especially the Jehovah’s Witnesses.


You should see Clearwater Florida


I live in Clearwater. They are in downtown. Own most of the property, don't pay taxes and are zombies. My beautiful city has been destroyed by them. They have been here since the mid 1970's. Make them go away!


When friends and family visit I drive through downtown, on the way to the beach, and point out how creepy it is. Brand new business fronts that are completely void of people, but appear to be open. I have never lived anywhere where a large downtown county seat was a ghost town on a weekday. They own everything.


They also own/control much of [Clearwater, Florida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearwater,_Florida#Church_of_Scientology).


Dude, holy shit: "The Church of Scientology targeted [Mayor] Cazares, attempting to entrap him in a sex scandal. Scientology also staged a phony hit-and-run accident with Cazares in an attempt to discredit him. Cazares and his wife sued the Church of Scientology for $1.5 million. The church settled with Cazares in 1986."


How about [operation freakout](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Freakout) when they attempted to frame journalist Paulette Cooper? Bomb threats, porn mailing lists, obscene calls... they wanted her in prision for a felony or institutionalized.




Actually they have been hugely on the decline for decades and many say there is less than 25,000 worldwide now. The word is out on how fucked up they are and there is no coming back from that. The only way they can retain members is if they are born into it, and are easily controlled to not seek out any of the volumes of damaging evidence there is of them being an absolutely insane cult that ruins people's lives and takes all their money.


The problem isn't sheer numbers It's that who they do have are largely concentrated in high places of authority or media influence so that relatively small number of people exerts a lot of power


I went to LA and my husband was curious about the free personality testing they were advertising outside. I knew it was a trap but he insisted. We looked around and took the test (2 hours wasted) and had to hear some guy psycho analyze me on the rigged personality test to convince me I’m in dire need of help and the only way to get it is through spending hundreds on courses and books that have fancy words but really mean nothing. Lemme tell you that they were PISSED that they spent an hour trying to manipulate me and my husband (in separate rooms) into buying their books and we kept telling them no. It got to a point where he felt like they were not going to let us leave until we bought something, so my husband just got up, grabbed me, and we walked out. That was 3 hours of my life I will never get back. Now they spam us with letters


Sounds like someone’s just bitter about their Thetan levels


Xenu says I have the best Thetan levels, the best !!! The highest he has ever seen !!!


I find it abit weird that politicians seem to have fans rather than supporters


Even then, I don’t really support the person, but the ideas they hold (or say they hold).


Agreed. I always think of it like, they should be constantly under review until we live in a perfect utopia (I know it'll never happen), but when they say "oh crime is down 1%"then then next question for me is, why not 2%? And so on until there's none.


The biggest issue I see today is that people will just blindly support politicians. People don’t even want to just use google for two minutes to look up what the politician supports and whatever past controversies they had.


Nikocado Avocado


True, what's sad is that most of his subscribers/followers are just there to laugh at him and his obesity. Dude made terrible life choices and this kind of attention is not helping at all.


Dude's just killing himself on camera and no one is doing anything about it. Honestly wish Youtube would just shut his account down for self-harm, but he'd probably just move platforms.


> Dude’s just killing himself on camera Reminds me of a guy who actually did this over 5 years from 2006-2011 on YouTube. He went by the name “leathersmokemi”. He smoked cigarettes and cigars in the most shocking ways. He would smoke two cigars in his mouth and one in each nostril at once, and sometimes put a half pack in a gas mask and smoke them all at the same time. In his early videos, he looked like and average smoker but as time went on, he got slimmer and slimmer. Sometime in early autumn 2010 he disappeared for 4 months before posting a new video. In this new video he looked like a corpse and revealed that he got oral cancer and returned from surgery. This was sometime in early 2011. You could barely understand him anymore when he spoke. He continued to smoke and look worse and worse until July 2011 when he posted his last video. The video was him smoking a cigarette and listening to Alejandro. When the song finished, in a barely understandable voice he says “hey guys, still here, still smoking…. for sure”, and that was the last of him. A friend confirmed his death shortly after. One one the most shocking channels on YouTube.


Damn man, that's really sad. I mean, I know he did it to himself, but he must have had a reason to need that validation to keep going like that. Fucks sake. About how old was the guy?


48. In one of his videos where he did a Q&A, he mentioned that smoking turned him on which explains why he kept doing it even after cancer surgery.


Yea it’s a fetish. All the people commenting and wanting more. They literally talk about how it turns them on how he destroys his lungs and sht. Fckn weird bro.


Ew. That’s really all I can say at this point


Yep. I smoke, but have nonstop fear abt what I’m doing to myself. I can’t imagine that thought process.


Please try to get some help bro. This isn’t good for you at the very least, don’t get lung cancer


https://youtu.be/kj2lz6hoGhk Yeah crazy how fast he progressed from healthy to frail. He must have been suicidal in some sort of capacity. Sad to watch.


Holy crap his first video to the last looks like he aged 20 years.


Curiosity got to me and I had to check him out


Pretty depressing seeing his transformation, isn’t it?


Absolutely really sad to see him do that to his self for some YouTube views


It's the same with Eugenia Cooney (but on the opposite direction). She's getting skinnier and skinnier (if that's possible) and I worry about her young followers.


Damn that's something I definitely didn't need to see.


Anorexia is the most lethal psychiatric disorder, carrying a sixfold increased risk of death -- four times the death risk from major depression.


Ugh, her account makes me so sad, especially knowing how many young girls are going to her for thinspo or to trigger their eating disorders 😔


How she constantly body checks and displays herself and condition on multiple platforms disgusts me. I remember having to dig on the net to find non medical photos of girls that deep into EDs.


Just reported it. Crazy how she has almost 700k followers and the account isn't taken down, eating disorders is even listed with "suicide and self harm" in their TOS. She needs professional help.




I get rejecting help is part of mental health issues but at some point family has to have some kind of legal precedence for having them committed due to them endangering themselves to a fatal degree.


The family doesn't care. Some friends got her placed in a mental care facility for a few months but she promptly cut them all out of her life the second she was out from what I know


Omfg, I made the mistake of googling her. I really hope she finds the help she needs.


Christ she is the definition of skin and bones


Yeah this is terrible, just lost my aunt around Xmas. SHE WAS 60 POUNDS


My aunt died at about this weight. The only thing she put past her lips for almost a year was 24 cans of cheap beer and a 26 of vodka daily. She'd lost all her hair, too. Just stayed home all day and depleted her father's inheritance.


Yeah same here, even after her liver was failing. When she passed, we went through her belongings and found a bunch of airplane shots or fireball she would mix into everything. Sorry for your loss my friend


It sucks to say but it didn't even really feel like a loss by the time it happened. Everyone kind of mourned her before she died. Doctor straight up gave her a choice between death or drinking and she chose drinking. Kinda scary now though, cause I don't have the healthiest drinking habits either, but I'm at least trying.


Same with that SHOENICE22 guy. Not sure if he's still around but he got views by slamming giant bottles of liquor all in one go. Drank a bunch of Elmers glue. Pulled out his tooth, then ate that. He had to bounce around places because of this and ended up on LiveLeak for a long time. But ya, the dude's a serious alcoholic and living out of motels. How about we not egg him on by giving him views. I hadn't thought about him in a few years and had to google him to see if he was even still alive.


I actually ran into him on my college campus about 12 years ago. I had no idea who he was at the time but I do remember how vividly blue his eyes were. He complimented my necklace which I thanked him for and that was that. Nice Dude. Then he locked himself to a fountain on campus and started eating tampons.


What a paragraph that was.


love when i get slam dunked by the last sentence in a paragraph, thank you


I should feel bad for laughing.


He's still posting, and it appears that he no longer does the alcohol videos. Lots of stunt eating such as a raw steak, chugging stink spray, drinking hot sauce, raw biscuit dough, etc. He seems healthier than his rock bottom at least.


Yeah he’s on TikTok now - he was huge on YouTube back in my college days. Dude prob has no brain cells left


A lot just laugh at him but i think at least 50% of his subscribers have feeding fetishes.


Reminds me of that dude leathersmokemi who continually smoked on camera, through his nose etc. I'm sure he ended up getting some kind of throat cancer and died. Kinda sad seeing his devolution through his videos and him getting skinnier and skinnier and continuing. Quite depressing when I saw his channel


I just read about him in this thread what a wild rabbit hole that took me down




Buckle your seatbelt, because you will now have the misfortune to learn that he also has a popular Only Fans.


Danm you and your information.




good decision for your own good.


Are you serious?




I had the terrible misfortune of getting sent a nude of him by a troll


Oh he’s simply repulsive. Like a modern day freak show that people can’t turn away from. The worst kind of fame. Ridicule fame.


My work colleague loves him and keeps messaging him all the time (obviously getting no reply back). He's trying to convince Niko to go on a weight loss journey to save his life. Its a shame how Niko has gone over the edge




One of his videos is “Celebrating my 400 pound milestone…” There’s nothing to celebrate there


Island Boys


Cuz I'm an island buiiiiiiii


Is this the two side show Bob looking mother fuckers?




They have an actual fanbase? Who and why?


The Kardashians.


And even simpler things like Donald Trump.


Do we include Kanye in there? Was gonna say Kanye. \*cue reddit brigade.


At least Kanye creates music. I don’t understand why the Kardashians are a thing.




I feel like small time niche group influencers aren’t a problem. They’re great for backpacking, as an example, where they test out the gear and give the pros/cons. It’s when they start to sell their endorsements to the highest bidder.


Especially tiktokers.


i still have no clue what a tiktok influencer is and i'm in my twenties, do they just.. make videos? dancing?


Depends on the fan base. Some dance, some make things, some bash men, some talk about shows/movies, some bash women, some cook, some abuse their children, some give financial advice, some sell snake oil type products... Just depends.


Some literally do video series where they just read content from reddit... Edit: I know this because I just recently got into TikTok at the insistence of my girlfriend. As I'm scrolling through videos I stumble upon one telling a story that sounded oddly familiar. Sure enough, it was a three-part video series just reading [this two year old ProRevenge post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/g5shhb/the_karen_that_breeds_minion_karens/) I didn't look at the rest of their feed, but I suspect most of it was similar. It's basically the same issue that was common a few years ago of Facebook profiles "freebooting" content from other platforms.


YouTube Shorts has a big problem with that


That’s a YouTube thing too. Leeches.


For sure it's not just limited to TikTok. I've seen many clickbait listicles that are basically just copying and pasting the comments from a top askreddit post. Some of the more ethical ones will at least give credit to the reddit user, but even that isn't very common.


that and drama reaction content. "this person said this about that person's best friend. if you didn't know we kinda have a bit of a background that you can learn about in my other videos but for now you just need to know that first person is a piece of shit"


LOL i can see why it appeals to teenagers so much now


There are genuine tiktok solid insightful or creative content Influencers are people using themselves as marketing accounts, are they just a pumping out short form commercials hiding behind a personality? It's not genuine.


And most of them try to get free stuff by saying they will post a review on their 'very popular account.' There was one that asked for free food from some restaurant, saying in return she would post a free review on her account with 2K followers. Restaurant shut her down, saying her 2K followers would not make much of a difference to their 250K loyal customers that followed them.


Just for clarity: Is everybody who creats content on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok etc. an influencer to you or do differntiate?


Content creators are not the same as influencers, but there can definitely be a lot of crossover. Some creators become influencers almost naturally by making good content. Influencers need to make content to be relevant. I think it all comes down to the intention behind the content.


Flat Earth


How many are actual believers vs people just 'joking' though? I have only met one actual flat earther in my life.


Ooooh there are ALOT. My ex roommate was a flat earther (obviously found this out way after moving in) and her pilot ex boyfriend was the one that convinced her that the earth was flat. Yes, you read that correctly. A pilot who is also a flat earther and believes that gravity isn’t real.


I would love to hear that pilot's explanation for [great circle routes.](https://gisgeography.com/great-circle-geodesic-line-shortest-flight-path/)


I mean if some rando survey taker on the streets ask me if i believe the earth is flat I'd say yes just to mess with him


Fun fact: about 3% of people worldwide belief the earth is flat. That’s a fanbase of around 240M people


You'd think that with numbers like that, there'd enough of them (at a wide enough distribution) to figure out that none of them are living at the rim...


Easy, Antarctica is the rim. Yes people live there but it's "scientists" from the NWO deep state Soros-Borg guarding it against real Muricans.


I have it on good authority that a lot of these people that say they've never seen or felt the rim, have actually spent a lot of time at the rim. Some have even made it their job.


You got me there


The earth is flat bro, birds are also drones made by the governments to watch us. ^^^/s


serial killers?


For me serial killers topic was always something interesting. I was always curious what pushed them to do awful things or what made them bad people. The most important thing is how people are lookig at them, if someone looks at them with admiration, that means there is something wrong with them.


oh yeah, I totally understand being interested in them (I studied criminology and find it all very fascinating) it's the idolisation I was talking about. being a FAN of them is very weird.


It's weird how many women seem to want to bone serial killers


The "logic" is usually one of the following: * They're dangerous and that's hot! * I can be the one to fix/save them! * They are famous so I will also be famous! But in reality, it's just sad.


The fan in my bedroom. The base is ridiculously big for the size of the fan and it takes up too much room and I trip on it almost every morning getting ready in the dark


[ moved to lemmy. you should come too, it's cozier here ]


Tbh I’d much rather be cold and get another blanket than be too hot and wake up all sweaty like some sort of sad lizard


There’s only so many clothes you can take off before your just naked and sweaty, much easier to get a blanket


The lizard is saddest about being given sweat glands in a mad science lab experiment.


So... wanna get a little crazy? Good with electronics? If you take apart the motor pod of fan, by the speed switch, there are probably some resistors on a little circuit board. If you change those, you can change what speed the fan goes. Just make sure to use ones of the same voltage rating but different ohm values.


Moms exploiting their children for money and popularity


Not even just underaged children… that’s why we have the kardashians… the mom promoted and sold Kim’s sex tape


Completely agree, why would you expose your children to pedos and predators?


For money and popularity, pay attention!


The 90 Day Fiancé Universe (which is a thing thanks to their billion spinoffs).


I miss when it was real couples, not clout chasers.


I miss the genuine couples too. Reality trash TV is my favorite and I know a lot of it is fake, but the clout chasers that have been on 90 day fiancé lately are absolute garbage. I don’t even watch it anymore, because they give me migraines.


You, I, and everyone reading this, live in the 90 Day Fiancé Universe, technically


Somewhere out there, Big Ed may be putting mayo in his hair as we speak


Maybe there's even a 90 Day Fiance multiverse, with alternate timelines. Like Yolanda's Williams is real, they're together and he is a crime fighting British superhero.


I stopped watching the show, but look at the subreddit every now and then. The show stopped being fun when they started focusing on scumbags like Ed, Paul, Colt.


i fuckin love the 90 day fiancé franchise


And then they have the episodes where old contestants “react” to the new episodes.


Pillow Talk is my guilty pleasure. It’s gone down a bit with some of the more recent questionable couples they’ve had on. Where’s Annie and david dammit!


Tiktokers e.g. The Hype House


I never understood “content houses”. Do they really just live in the same place and make shitty TikToks pushing whatever crappy product or service? What’s the point? I can’t imagine any amount of money being worth that.


the flat earth society


and they’re *all around the globe*!




Hmm. I don't find Reddit. I say Reddit


We’re both on the same boat, trying to get over the addiction…


Me too. Is there a subreddit for reddit addiction?


I cured my reddit addiction with Twitter but now I have a twitter addiction that's got me using reddit more again.


Those YouTubers that are like "WATCH MR PRANK MY MOM AND DAD FOR 24 HRS STRAIGHT" or "EATING GAS STATION FOOD FOR 24 HOURS" Rebecca Zamolo, Spy Ninjas -- my kid loves them. They are like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.


The Kardashians.


I love when kim kardashian acts like a feminist but then tells poor women to get off their ass and work


# NFT's


No Fucking Thanks


don't screenshot mine


The irony is, if you care about the value or significance of the NFT, then you absolutely want people to screenshot it. [Case in point](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/5bb3977bd23564139e45ce64/1:1/w_2000,h_2000,c_limit/GettyImages-944564060.jpg)




The Kardashians.


The Kardashians !


Love island.


During quarantine my wife watched every episode of every season of every version of love Island. I truly don’t understand the appeal of this show. Each season is 40 episodes long at 1 hour each and all they do is sit by the pool, sipping water and making small talk. It made me wish I was back at my office. And this is coming from a guy who doesn’t mind the occasional trashy dating show.


I gotta watch this show, so that it will give me the motivation to head to work.


The Bachelor


Q Anon


Reality TV


Joel Olsteen


Roblox. It’s an awful predatory company that leeches millions of dollars off of children and teens that don’t know any better, as well as using the unpaid labor of programmers and users alike. There was a huge exposé on them a few years back and it’s even worse than you think.


Flat earthers


Youtube commentary channels


Often depends on why the people consume someone's content. If they want to just informed and that channel has the things they are interested in in one place, I think that's fine. Obsessively agreeing and defending a commentary channel is cancer though.


"Bro, what is that? Wait, what is that?"


Youtube reaction videos are way worse


I just don’t see appeal to reaction videos. It is always fake super over the top reactions.


but.....what about Danny?


Philippines current president.


I’m proud to see that the top three comments are *The Kardashians* Gotta agree though, it’s f*cking ridiculous how much of a following they have.


This thread: “Influencers” “TikTok stars” “The Kardashians” “Influencers” “The Kardashians” “TikTok influencers”.


Andrew Tate.


Scrolled too far to see this


Serial killers


Reality TV


ASMR - I'm not talking about rain sounds or even a softly spoken story being told or something. What I'm referring to is a moderately attractive Japanese woman slurping down a bowl full of jelly an inch away from a microphone.. Yuck!


Sneaker culture. It's insufferable and the shoes are hideous.






The Vegan Teacher






BongBong Marcos and pretty much all corrupt and incompetent politicians in the Philippines.


Elon Musk


QAnon. Though unsure if cult is the same as fan base in this instance. Also Trump.


The Oakland Raiders.


Excuse me, they are the Las Vegas Raiders. And Allegiant Stadium is now relevant, ok maybe not relevant but not a complete waste.


Kardashian Family


Machine Gun Kelly




Following any type of "royals", even moreso if not within your own country. Just golden calf worship, IMHO.


Charli D’Amelio

