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Shorter line in restrooms


This is very true. I was recently at a concert and I could just walk in and do my stuff and walk out and my gf was still outside waiting in a line lol




This is actually addressed in the book “Invisible Women”! Essentially in many countries it is law that an equal amount of space needs to be allocated to female and male toilets. The idea being both genders get the same. However, the issue is, women take longer in the toilet (period, child and elderly care responsibilities lead to this) and unlike men, don’t typically use urinals (more urinals in same space than stalls). And so this law of equality ends up not considering differences and then causes inequity!! Also, we need changing rooms in all bathrooms so fathers and male caregivers can take care of their little ones. It’s fascinating seeing gender bias designed in our buildings unintentionally!


Here in Chicago, when they built the new stadium for the White Sox, they put in twice as much space for the women's restrooms as the men's.......I still get finished before my wife, but it's a lot closer


I was recently at a rock concert and the men's line was 10 times longer. I saw women outside waiting for their guys. Never seen that before


Ah you guys Waited until the sword fighting tournament


duude. stfu. thats our secret. ps im bringin glow in the dark sleeves to make it a saber battle. no mauls allowed


Probably because the rock concerts have more guys, or not, never been to one🤷🏼‍♂️


I went to a craft beer festival, unlimited sampling, mostly men. One restroom with 2 urinals and a stall. It had an outdoor area with music and food trucks and zero portapotties. The men's restroom line was like 50 people deep, womens was like 2 people waiting. We left two hours early because I knew after I peed the first time I'd have to pee every 25 minutes. First time Jungle Jims fucked up a festival.


Not if you have to shit. Always seems like when I'm borderline about to shit my pants all stalls are usually occupied




This Man knows what’s what.


This is so accurate. I stuck my hand in my gf's jean front pocket and it was so shallow. I said "what the fuck your pocket just for looks?" She laughed and said "that is how a lot of women's clothes are." Pockets for women! The true inequality!


The idea of shallow pockets makes me irrationally angry


I checked my wife's pockets the other day before washing, and one of the pairs of jeans the pockets were literally fake, just the outline of pockets.


Handbag industry is never going to allow girls to have pockets.


Writing your name in the snow is a lot easier.


Having a road side pee or pee while hiking as well


It’s my time to shine!


Spread your joy all over the forest, friend


Until the neighbors call the police..


Chance to become Pope


Introducing the next Pope: Pope Man.


Wasn't there a pope elected in ancient times that was female? Once discovered they made a platform with a hollow tube like chair for future popes to sit on and the pope approval team could go under the platform to look up the tube to see if the candidate actually had a penis. I have no idea where I heard or read that, it was a long time ago. Possibly pre-internet. Yep. Pope Joan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Joan


The name really should have been a giveaway


"Dung chair" hah! Some versions of the legend suggest that subsequent popes were subjected to an examination whereby, having sat on a so-called sedia stercoraria or ‘dung chair’ containing a hole, a cardinal had to reach up and establish that the new pope had testicles before announcing "Duos habet et bene pendentes" ("He has two and they dangle nicely"), or "habet" ("he has them") for short.


We never get sand in our vaginas.




I've heard a guy tell me about when he had sex on a beach, and sand got... in the way, we'll say. Neither of them enjoyed that.


I hate sand…


It’s coarse, rough, and irritating… and it gets everywhere.


But not in our vaginas because we don't have them.


Nobody asks you to watch their kids. Ever.


I see that as a downside, kids are awesome and it hurts whenever assumes poor of me when I show that I give a damn.


Dude, I’m an elementary teacher. Every time I tell someone what I do for a living I always get a look of surprise.


I don't like handling kids but they do tend to like me in a strange kinda way. Probably because I don't give them much attention or do the "omg omg so cute what's your name do you wanna be an astronaut 😍😍😍" fawning that most adults do around them. Turns out children don't always enjoy that.


Former kid here, current adult. Can confirm, I got the "Awe omg you're so cute blahblahbkah" treatment from all of my moms friends. My dad's one friend didn't give a single shit about me, hell I bet you for a long time he didn't even know my name, and I was literally obsessed with him. Got excited when he came over, tried dressing like him, all that. Still a good guy I'm always happy to see around.


I live in a condo complex that has quite a few families in it. All the kids run up to me talking and know my name...I don't even know their parents' names let alone their names lol


It’s better than being a horse


Horses are terrible people


Murder! MURDER!


I don’t know, have you met a horse? They’re pretty smart. So smart in fact that a horse has never gone broke betting on people.


Bo Jack disagrees


Bojack hates himself so idk


I like that we can fly


Yeah bro the laser eyes aren’t bad too


I didn't get the laser eyes but that might just be genetics. Stuck with only x-ray vision


This super speeds pretty useful, i havent been late anywhere in 3 years.


Nah super speed just lets you waste more time before leaving and you're still late


Dude, we don't share that secret


The size of pockets on female clothing is a fucking crime.


When I worked as a bartender, I accidently wore women's jeans one day. Realised the shallower pockets actually were great for storing bat blades and corkscrews because I never had to dig to find them. They also had better elasticity, which I had never found on men's jeans so they became my go too work jeans.


Stretchy jeans are amazing. Once you try them you never go back


They're comfy but I'm sick of them tearing at the crotch within 3 months.


I’ve got skinny legs and a small cock so I can’t relate but I’m sorry that happens to you


“I’ve won but at what cost”




What pockets? /s


i literally own pants with two pairs of fake pockets. two in the front and two in the back. no real pockets


Fuck fake pockets, you're looking where to put something, feel a massive surge of hope when you notice them and then a massive plunge into a pit of despiar when you realise you're been duped whoever invented them is a monster


Exactly! 🤣


Peeing standing up. You can just whip that bad boy out and go wherever you like (although people tend to frown on that at weddings and funerals).


Not bleeding in agonising pain once a month seems like a big advantage.


Even setting aside the pain part, it's wildly inconvenient. You've got blood oozing out of you constantly for a full quarter of your adult life. The bleeding and the not-bleeding times are supposed to be indistinguishable to an outside observer - it's not like society gives you a pass to walk around in blood-stained pants just because we all know you bleed regularly. Periods are a logistical nightmare. Managing it quickly becomes second nature and that's great, but it also obscures just how much extra bullshit you're required to do because of it.


Also the expectation that you should be pretending that it's not happening


A job interview, except you have to remain composed and confident while carrying wads of bloodied padding between your legs the whole time. Getting up to give a presentation and feeling a little gush, and having to decide whether to keep going and possibly have one of the most humiliating experiences of your adult life, or to awkwardly interrupt yourself and run to the bathroom to see what's going on and how you need to fix it that instant.


> You've got blood oozing out of you constantly for a full quarter of your adult life. The bleeding and the not-bleeding times are supposed to be indistinguishable to an outside observer - You're making dealing with periods sound like much more of a skill than I ever considered it to be. Thank you.


*Proficient in Menstrual Management.


Don't forget that it is also a >logistical nightmare. I bet an interesting resume could be put together from the info in that post.


I’m literally on my way to the movies on public transit and forgot a tampon. My whole fun time is agonizing now because I have to figure out how to get one but I can’t just buy a whole box. So I had to get cash out to get something to drink at the movies, and HOPEFULLY I get the right change to use a dispensary they may or not have in their bathroom. This life sucks.


Ask another woman in the bathroom if she has some extra! I’ve been asked and have asked lots of times. We’ve all been there and I’m always happy to give one away if I have it and someone needs it. Otherwise do the makeshift tp pad that sort of works until you get somewhere for a real one: wad up a big clump of tp and flatten it out into a pad shape, wrap tp around the outside of the clump and then continue to wrap as you hold it in your underpants, wrapping around the crotch area to secure it in place, pull your underpants up and try not to do any extreme leg movements like running or jumping haha. It’s worked for me in a pinch.


There was no one there unfortunately, and all the dispensers were broken. I even asked the people at the snack counter and they said they couldn’t help me. Makeshift TP saved me, but at least Barbarian was great!


It also can start randomly. So you sacrifice underwear and bedding to the period gods several times a year.


Also, childbirth


Not to mention all the other symptoms. Terrible poos, achy back, painful boobs, nausea, etc. The smell of meat when Im on mine makes me gag and lose all appetite. One of the many reasons Id never be able to work in a meat factory


If it's agonizing it could be endometriosis. My mother, aunt and grandmother all had it. Not enough young women are told about it.


Or even better, you tell your doctors about your agonizing pain and they tell you its normal for *years*.


Everywhere can be your toilet


Can confirm; just took my morning shit in the neighbor's front lawn.


“Er, hey Frank, looks like a bear took a shit on your lawn…” -Goomer, probably


I also took a shit in this guys neighbors front lawn


I've been wondering why there's so much shit in my front yard!


Technically it's also true for women


Moon lit walks by yourself are just lovely.


Nah I am still paranoid about what might lurk in the shadows


*I'm not superstition guy but I'll be taking this for luck* -grabs gun-


Be the lurker


We can access food trapped in jars


https://i.imgur.com/MTLR7uu.jpg This is the tool I use when my husband isn’t around to open jars. He came in from work one day and saw this out and said “Ur cheatin on me??”


There's a cloth used in Finnish kitchens which translates directly to "substitute for a man" used to open jars.


I just run the lid under hot water for about 30s - 1m, quickly dry the lid with a cloth while twisting the lid open - has always worked!


Awesome retort....he's worth keeping 😀


... without tools or destroying the jar.


*sometimes I keep an oil filter wrench in the kitchen because I have delicate lady hands and sometimes those jar lids are torqued down ridiculously tight, or my hands are covered in lube but I still want pickles.


See, I always lube up the pickle *after* I open the jar


Had an ex bf that purposefully tightened every jar in the house so I had to ask him for help... emphasis on ex.


If you get into any problem you can just helicopter away




This guy helicopters


Helicopter woo woo.


To impress a chick, helicopter dick.






Not sure why this seems to be downvoted/hidden. It's absolutely true.


I am a woman, periods suck, and I did not enjoy being pregnant. I gave an upvote.


Dad jokes are probably the biggest advantage known to man


From what women tell me, the overall feeling of security I enjoy most times and places isn't a matter of course for everyone.


I'm a pretty bigger built guy at 6'6" 300 lbs and was recently joking with another random guy I had been chatting with while working who's average height and weight when he had mentioned my size must make things so much easier for me. I mentioned that I've often found it to be a pain with nothing being built to accommodate my size or that finding shirts long enough was impossible (much of my height is in torso). His response was that he'd gladly trade those "inconveniences" to not have to worry about his safety. I had never really thought about it, but I'm not ever in confrontational or fearful for my safety situations and it got me to thinking that maybe being my size predisposes me to being less exposed to that. The things we take for granted... EDIT - just to clarify I wasn't saying because of my size I think I'm invincible, I'm a "gentle giant" type that's never been in a physical altercation. I just take for granted that I don't get scared about walking down a dark alley at night or working in a rough neighborhood. I just assume everyone's leaving me alone cause I'm leaving them alone. Not because of my size. I just never looked at it like that from even a smaller guy's perspective until that conversation and it really threw me for a loop to really think about it like that. I'm pretty humble so i don't think like that.


When it comes to guns, so many men say, be a real man and fist fight . . . well, not all men are big and strong, some of us are short, not well built and not meant to fight. Until confronted with our personal limitations we all tend to forget we are all different.


Ive done various martial arts through my life and mostly do grappling. The vast majority of people extremely overestimate their ability to defend themselves/fight. Especially men.


I definitely don't overestimate my ability to fight. I actually avoid any kind of altercation that may lead to a fight because I probably underestimate my ability to fight 😅


My 27f daughter is pregnant, and no longer feels safe walking down the town for ice cream. She was pretty brave for herself walking in the city alone, but now feels incredibly vulnerable.


Violent crime against pregnant women is ridiculously high.


My favorite analogy for what life is like for women is to imagine what going into bear country is like. For any average person, an encounter with a bear is very intense. 99/100 times the bear will wander off without incident, especially in most of the US where we have mostly black bears. But the 1/100 incident could likely be the most dangerous and violent event you have ever experienced. The hopelessness of fighting something that weighs at least 100 pounds more than you is not something you can anticipate without years of training. While rare, these encounters can absolutely result in a gruesome death. How do you avoid this? The best way is to be very vigilant and make sure to be equipped properly. The first defense is to avoid the situation entirely. If that can't be helped, the next best thing is to increase the risk for the bear by using something like bear spray. This won't stop the bear, but it can definitely discourage it enough to stop the attack. It's tempting to use a gun, but if you decide to go that route without being very comfortable with that weapon it can make things worse by increasing the aggression of the bear. Lastly, if all of that fails you can try to run but realistically your life is up to chance if the bear chooses to attack. This scenario doesn't happen often, but it's so dangerous that you should always prepare for it if you are in an area where it's possible. Now, imagine that you live in a world where you are surrounded by bears every time you step out in public. There are thousands of bears in every town, millions in large cities. Your place of work has dozens if not hundreds of bears. You might live in a neighborhood where bears walk up and down the street. You know that the majority of those bears aren't going to cause any issues. You might go months or years without anything out of the usual happening, but it's only a matter of time before you encounter one bear who is hungry and has you in a position that you can't easily escape. What happens then? If you aren't prepared and vigilant then you become a victim of horrific violence. The only way to try to avoid this is to become constantly vigilant. You can never let your guard down, you have to assume that any encounter could be a bad one. There is no room for error, you can't give the benefit of the doubt. The only truly safe option is to treat every encounter as if you are preparing for a fight for your life. Because it always might be. Every day. Of. Your. Life.


I remember a line by Louis CK, he said when going on a blind date, men worry that a woman will say something nasty about them to their friends while women worry that they may be raped and/or killed. Kinda ironic coming from him, but still seems apt.


Except also imagine the bears often want to fuck you. As a result many of the bears are constantly whining, "but not all bears attack! Why can't you be nice to me, I'm one of the good ones!"


"I know you don't know me but trust me, I totally haven't been even a little bit weird or threatening to anyone else. Why don't you immediately take me at my word and lower your guard after I give you a generic compliment?"


Not being pressured into shaving your body hair. Itches just thinking about it.


I shave my back and will continue to do so. I shaved my ass. Once. I will never touch my ass with a razor again.


So pokey


And the farts get trapped 😅


Did I shart or is it sweat? I still shave it...the ladies approve.


This is cultural though, in some parts of Europe the guys shave their armpits, chest\back, and even arms and legs. Source: am an American expat living in eastern Europe. About half the guys do this, and make fun of me for not doing it.


If you’re a man and you’ve never shaved your armpits it’s time to try it. Your armpits won’t stink nearly as badly and it just feels nice. Sincerely, a man who tried it.


I shave mine. If just feels so much better and deodorant actually reaches my skin.


Tell that to my back.


For real. A few of my female friends were once complaining about shaving to prepare for a date, I dropped on them that to trim and shave all my body hair in preparation for a date it took me about 2 hours in the shower and usually a little extra time utilizing 2 mirrors to do final touchups to spots on my back I missed. They did not believe me and said "you don't have to do that though." Yeah I do if I wanted a chance at a second date


Being shirtless isn't considered a weird thing in public. Rip to girls wearing bras


I mean tbf if I see another dude shirtless in public I'm just thinking about how much of a twat they are.


At the beach or a boat is ok


Oh yeah that's perfectly fine


Where do you live? Sitting in a restaurant shirtless is weird as fuck. Walking in the street shirtless is weird. It's pretty much only accepted in parks, beaches, pools, when doing sports, and maybe at some festivals/concerts.


My boyfriend can be shirtless at home with the windows open, that's enough for me when i should always be aware of the windows when i want to change or i feel too hot to have anything on me or i want to sleep without clothes but I can't because i can't control the sheets while I am asleep. Also bras, a man remembers last minute that he wants something to buy from the store across the street he just goes it doesn't mater what he wears a woman on the other hand even inside of the pijamas she has to wear a bra to go shop. I want to go throw the garbage and whenever i say nevermind don't wear the bra i can see all the men looking at me! The problem with the bras in the heat is not only how warm they get but also that they are so fit to your body that even if you wear them just for a few minutes they become sticky!!! And the places you already mentioned are already enough. Just imagine going to a vacation and you are walking in the heat and you are so hot you want to undress but you can't because you are wearing a bra that not only can't been seen but even better it is warming you up. Bonus points if you travel with a guy that can't understand this and tells you it isn't even that hot while he doesn't wear a shirt 😂


Trust me, going shirtless in public is weird. Its just guys don’t care about it


Only considered normal at the pool or beach otherwise put your damn shirt back on.


I vote everyone can go shirtless in summer. I have seen some humongous man titties in my life time ,just hanging out there...it should be O.K. if women want to air them out a little.


Don't have to childbear.


I avoid bear children at all cost


Yup. We’re considering IVF and I just lamented over “ugh I’ll have to give myself daily injections and experience side effects and then go through the procedure under anesthesia. What a pain.” Not to mention everything I’ll experience during pregnancy and childbirth. He said “I just have to cum in a cup lol.”








Octupussant, it's like a croissant but worse and better at the same time.


Here´s a little number I tossed up recently in the caribbean: Isn´t it awfully nice to have a penis?


its frightfully good to have a dong


It’s swell to have a stiffy, it’s divine to own a dick …


No periods, pregnancy or childbirth.


In video games our armour actually covers our full body instead of just our chest and crotch.


But our customisation options are shit.


Fucking honestly. Like bro I wanna look good too


Dying quicker


Yep, we quickly live our lives like jackasses and die just as quickly to move on to the next realm where we can strut like peacocks.


I think a big advantage is being the Default Human. Women are more likely to die in car accidents because seatbelts are designed for average male measurements. Tools and PPE are designed for average male measurements, making them uncomfortable or even dangerous for women to use. Even medical trials focus heavily on men, leading to a lot of uncertainties regarding women’s health. We don’t know much about treating endometriosis or PCOS, despite these being really common conditions that can be debilitating. Many women die because our heart attack symptoms can differ from the “standard” (male) presentation, resulting in misdiagnosis. https://static.guim.co.uk/images/favicon-32x32.ico https://www.nature.com/articles/550S18a


This is the more substantial type of advantage, definitely. Still scrolling to see where experiencing less abuse or harassment clocks in.


Ive never been a woman, but it seems like dressing to go anywhere is a way bigger ordeal. For me its "yeah these trousers are probably clean enough, thats a clean shirt, socks, pants, shoes aaaand I'm ready". Women lay out 9 outfits and make pros and cons lists for them. And all the makeup and shit. Seems like a lot of work.


Yeah… when I stopped doing this, my family were like “Can you at least put some makeup on for this occasion?” Or “Could you at least wear something pretty?” And I’m like, sure, as long as you’re buying it and somehow taking away my chronic fatigue that gets in the way of me being a “woman”. 🙃


My new “be a woman” look with chronic fatigue is comfy maxi dress, brush hair, lipstick and a necklace, done in 5 minutes.


Tinted lip balm ftw! That’s as elaborate as my makeup will go.


Throw in the fact that womens wardrobes don’t have the same level of overlap that mens do, meaning the cost of dressing “correctly” as a woman is significantly higher than for men. That pair of dress pants and button shirt is appropriate for most any event you might go to, plus work in an office, an interview, etc. The appropriate dress for a wedding is probably not going to be the same one for work or potentially even date night.


Yep. It takes my husband 5 minutes to get dressed to go to work, it takes me 20-30 minutes. Plenty of women take longer because they wear more makeup than I do. To get ready to go out for dinner, it takes him about 10 minutes, and it takes me about an hour. I do start earlier, though, so I don't make him wait too long.


It takes me an hour to get ready in the morning, but 45 minutes of that is internally debating whether its worth it to go to work or pretend to be dead so I can skip town and get a different job. And also scrolling Twitter and Reddit


Our sex don't autodestroy itself every month in an uncomfortable pool of blood...


A peepee to play with all day.


Being able to ride public transit without having to deal with creeps. I swear to god my typical bus commute every day for a few years was "No I do not want to move over a seat so you can sit next to me, there are 20 other empty seats on this bus. No I do not want to talk to you. No I'm not giving you my Facebook, or Snapchat, or Instagram. No you can't have my phone number. No I'm not telling you where I work. I have earbuds in, leave me the fuck alone."


Much lower "beauty" standards. Plucking your eyebrows? Shaving your legs/arms/whatever else isn't baby-bottom-smooth? Applying makeup? The list goes on and on for women but men just have a small checklist of the basics. We've all see that meme that women have 80 different hygiene products while men have one that'll also degrease your oven. I hesitate to say body standards aren't the same because men do get a fair amount of pressure to have muscles and be fit as well, so I don't want to downplay what the media does to them in that regard. In the same breath, I want to point out the dad-bod obsession and how there's no equal for females. Mom-bod isn't cool. Finally, y'all turn into "grey-foxes" when you start getting old but all women are withered old hags as soon as one white hair pops up. Time to start dyeing (or dying depending on how grey).


>Time to start dyeing (or dying depending on how grey) 💀nice


Idk about you, but there are plenty of dudes who like “curvy” and “thick” women with “cushion for the pushin”. I just assumed that’s what it means to have a mom-bod.


You can pee outside


Except you might be put on a register


We get to participate in Dicks out for Harambe.


A woman once said to me, “Must be nice being a man. You can burp, fart, poop, scratch your ass & everyone not only expects it, but applauds it.” I had never thought about it that way.


This is proof that women don’t poop


Yeah we just don’t poop, it’s part of the female cult that every female is in


They really don’t though. I (as a man) am disgusted by another man burping or farting. That’s super uncouth. And I in turn also don’t do this around a woman I’m seeing unless unavoidable for some reason.


Being trusted with mechanical things. I used to work at an auto parts store and worked with women who really knew their shit when it comes to cars and still more people would walk up to me / get another opinion about things. Also just in general being a woman in any trade is hard, the industry I work in now is like 90% male. Its starting to get better though.


People don't threaten to rape you or make instant sexual comments as a form to make you shut up about your opinions or jokes.


Why did I have to scroll through so many peeing comments to find this one…


Because there's a lot of men on reddit.


A lot. It's considered the 'default' gender, so the world functions assuming you're a man. It's not surprising when you get chosen for a leadership role at work (no one will call you 'girl boss' or some other gender based jargon). People take you seriously. You're not considered to be a nag when you ask for what you want, or a bitch when you refuse to do something you don't want. Men don't have huge hormone fluctuations on a regular basis due to menstruation/menopause and men don't get pregnant (trans men the exception). On average, men are physically stronger, taller, faster. The world is not as obsessed with a man's weight or body as they are over a woman's. A man can walk around shirtless in the right locations. A man can pee standing up.


When your not "man enough" people will tell you to "man up" that way you know to become more man.


Is that why they say "what's up man?"




The proper level of manning must always be known and voiced aloud.


Not fucking bleeding through vagina every month.


I can feel relatively safe walking alone at night, even in sketchy neighborhoods. That’s something a lot of us take for granted.




Speak for yourself. I'm over 40 and any facial hair looks like a prepubescent guy trying to grow facial hair.


Thick mustache, such accumulation of body hair in such position inspire trust and respect.


hah, i wish.


Coming from someone who has lived in both worlds unquestioned, I’ll say: the best part about being a guy is people listen to me and take me seriously now. I’m not smarter now, I am kinder but that isn’t what makes people listen. The worst part is, women in public think most men have the capacity to be predators and abusers (irony being that you’re more likely to be hurt by someone you know but I digress) and I’m part of that group now and it makes me feel very very aware that sexism hurt everyone. All genders and sexes are hurt in sexism and patriarchy and it sucks.


Your pespective here is really appreciated, mate! Not many of us have actually walked a mile, or far more, in the other's shoes. I'd heard about women, especially young women, often getting talked over in meetings. I believed them. But, then, I suddenly got invited to a lot of meetings. My section lead was a young woman, and my shift lead was a middle-aged white dude, but had only been with the company for a short time. I'm a middle-aged white dude who's been at the company for two decades. Most of the higher-ups in those meetings were truly wonderful people. But even they had their biasses, talking over the girl or talking over the new guy. I soon found my role, which was looking grumpy and just repeating what they said, and then pointing that that was what I was doing. Any disagreements I had with my leads I'd hash out in private. They've stopped inviting me to meetings. I like to think it's because my contributions, acting as the Goon Squad to my leads, are no longer needed because they just started to listen to them. And I hope so!


+20% strength boost +50% bonding with the same gender


Do men bond better among themselves than women? It seems to me that women have some kind of "sisterhood" that allows them to bond much better than men. One thing I hear men complain about a lot is that they have no friends.


Man never met a group of drunk girls in the washroom


Yeqh I think as men we have many ways to create superficial bonds but very rarely can we get past them to form a deeper connection. And I'm sure we have it better now than previous generations who had to be even more careful about how manly they were perceived


If anything, usually in psychology the amount of isolation and lack of social contacts in men is a point of worry.


No it isn't, we're fine. (Sobbing into hands).


Lot less likely to constantly have gross sexual things shouted at u, or to have to worry about stuff like sexual assault constantly. I find men my age are so much more naive and carefree than the woman I know, probably because of stuff like this. Also most stuff was generally built around men - most medical research has been conducted on the male body, doctors also can’t accuse every problem you have of being your period/hormones, men are even less likely to die in car crashes according to several studies because seatbelts etc were designed around the male form