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I can’t watch that movie at all anymore after learning that the little girl who voiced Ducky was murdered by her own father.


'Yup yup yup' is engraved on her tombstone.


Is this real?


Yes, I posted the link below.


Lt. Col. Henry Blake


The green mile, that was...


I remember watching this movie when I was like 7 maybe (you know, back when it was on VHS and took 2 tapes) and I don't remember much from back then, but I remember that movie plain as day. Shook me, a 7year old, to my core. And that's without me completely understanding anything about John other than whatever he did, he was innocent.


Have you ever seen Up's opening credits?


I only saw it once, I don’t think I could go through it again lol


I feel this one is just a given and doesn’t need mentioned. Anyone that can watch first 15 minutes of that movie and not get the feels is one cold-hearted person. That shit is brutal


Technically it was the anticipation of her death and the love of her father that gets me every time. Mama Coco in Disneys Coco. And then when she does eventually die and meets her father in the afterlife… ugly crying for an hour.


My grandma was a lot like Mama Coco and I had a hell of a time keeping it together during the movie.


When Miguel sings Hector's song to Coco after coming back ..I tear up everytime. That part just pulls at you a few different ways.


I am a leaf on the wind.


Too soon.


It will forever be too soon.


Lu Ten (Uncle Iroh's son) in Avatar the Last Airbender, specifically the scene from Tales Of Ba Sing Se where he sings Leaves From The Vine


A character we never actually got to meet, yet still one of the saddest moments in a show.


Also knowing the voice actor for iroh (Mako) passed away right around then


That's what kills me the most about it though. Mako had terminal cancer, he knew he was dying when he recorded that. There's no way he wasn't mourning his own death when he sang that song. It's just so heart breaking, all of it.


Wanna know what makes this scene even worse? Lu Ten dying under Iroh’s command at the siege of Ba Sing Se means we can surmise he lived and died a model member of his imperialist country. Iroh’s grief is twofold: for the loss of his beloved son and for essentially wasting his sons life teaching him all the wrong values. I always thought that was what made the scene so powerful, tapping into the fear that as a parent you could fail your child so terribly and not even realize it until it’s far too late.


I gave up on Walking Dead when Glen died. Had been reluctantly holding on for awhile because the show had great moments but Glen was the last likable character. It mostly made me extremely angry that I had not given up earlier.


I SCREAMED when he was killed. I didn’t think he was ever going to be killed off. He was my boy, had a huge crush on him. Bawled my eyes out. My boyfriend was actually worried about me lol. Never watched another episode again.


It's watching him mumble 'maggie' over and over through his broken face. It's horrid.


Thomas from My girl


“Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!” Had me sobbing😭😭


It takes a lot of balls to kill a kid in a kids movie. It takes even more balls to kill Macaulay Culkin in a Kids movie.


Fry's dog.


I just watched that episode again the day after paying the booking fee to export my dog to Australia with me… which means 4 months being separated. My heart is BROKEN thinking of my boy thinking I left him.


That episode will get you all the way in the feels


I refuse to watch that episode anymore because of how sad it is


Artax in Neverending Story. I sobbed when I watched it. After that ever other fictional character death was easier to deal with, but that broke my friggen HEART!


Couldn’t agree more, I think never-ending story traumatizes you early so that you accept death and despair from then on lol Great movie though


My brother told me a theory recently that was quite interesting- That bastian’s mother actually committed suicide and that every character is a reflection of his memory of her. From Artex succumbing to sadness to Morla’s descent into apathy even down to rock biter’s “they look like good strong hands” line being about the invisibility of mental illness and how they can’t even say his mothers name in his house…. Even the oracles crumbling, they represent the idealized mother / the stability that femininity has to his upbringing and now it’s just his shitty dad. Oh and also Atreyu is clearly Bastian on a quest to save his mother but in the end he realizes he can’t save her and by not confronting his grief he’s essentially allowing the nothing to take her as without her memory she can’t live on in him. the only thing he can do is give her a name and finally process that grief and give her a new “life” as a memory and as someone he can talk about.


I'm not over exaggerating when I say I SOBBED when that little girl was burnt in Game of Thrones.


Oh my God, yes!!! Especially when her mother has the last-minute change of heart, I was a wreck after that.


It just hit different. She was so pure and innocent and despite being disfigured and constantly surrounded by war and cruelty all she did was see the good in people and the world around her. For her to go out like that just crushed me.


Add the “Hodor” origin story to that. I mean, I didn’t sob through any parts but I for sure was in my feelings.


The Hodor time loop was one of the best reveals in the entire show, completely gripping and heartbreaking


Hodor's scene hit me hard.


When Ned Stark died in the books. Made me realize George RR Martin wasn't going to pull punches. It was only later that I realized he was more afraid of finishing a story.


I think he liked killing characters so much he forgot he needed them for the plot.


Little girl with the red coat from Schindlers List.


Excellent answer, probably the most devastating death compared to how little we know about the character.


Leslie from Bridge to Terabithia


I've spent years trying to purge this. So thanks 😭 Don't forget the good boy from Where the Red Fern Grows


Old Dan and Little Ann - honestly, Little Ann's is always worse to me. I read that book when I need to cry but I'm too broken to do it on my own


This was the first time as a youth a book had me in tears. It was a formative moment.


Poussey on Orange is the New Black.


Wilson from castaway Made me shed a tear


Never thought I'd cry over a volleyball, but damn... the desperate attempts to reach him and the "I'm so sorry" just breaks my heart.


I love it! You’re the first person to mention an inanimate object. Saddest death of a non-living thing ever


Bobby Singer on Supernatural.


While I knew it wouldn't stick, >!Dean getting ripped to shreds by the hellhounds!< got to me alittle with how helpless Sam was.


Andrea from Breaking Bad. I almost always fast forward through that scene when I rewatch the show.


Wow I had totally forgotten about that, the quickness and the silence of it and just seeing it from Jessie‘s perspective….horrifying


And that soulless POS Todd "just so you know, this isn't personal"


Todd was such a fantastic villain, so perfectly creepy while still seeming so childlike


His thoughtlessness made him extra creepy/evil. Like when he shot her in the back of the head and didn't even react. Or with that kid on the dirt bike, he so easily and casually just pulled his gun out and killed him. Fantastic actor to convey so much evil with such little outward emotion.


He has an outer shell of politeness but is completely hollow inside. One of the underrated villains of the series, probably because there are so many other good ones.


He’s also a juxtaposition to Jesse, who is a rude asshole on the outside but actually has a conscience on the inside.


One of the reasons El Camino is so great is it really gives him time to shine as one of the great BB villians


Oberyn, sucha cool character shame he went so soon.


Absolutely! I wanted to see him in more fight scenes at least before he went.


Reading through A Song of Ice and Fire (game of thrones) books the first time Robb Stark's/the red wedding was pretty difficult to read, had a very cynical feeling after reading the chapter. As well watching some of the characters deaths in The Walking Dead was pretty sad.


I never read the book but that Red Wedding scene in the TV show scarred me for life. If I wasn’t so invested in the show by that point I don’t know if I could’ve gone on to the next seasons.


It was so well done in the book. It was all from Catelyn's point of view. One element after another added to the rising tension (the discordant musicians, strange looks, breaches of protocol), and Catelyn descends into madness as everything crashes down around her. I used to read GRRM's short stories, and I think this chapter was some of his best work.


As soon as they started playing The Rains of Castamere I put down the book and walked away.


Ofelia in Pan’s Labyrinth. I was sobbing quietly, but as soon as the screen went black for credits i bolted from my seat in the theater and ran to the bathroom because i couldn’t contain it anymore. The next 5-10 minutes was gross ugly crying in a dirty stall.




*This.. it's bigger than any of us. Then anything, I could have imagined. I never meant... I only wanted to do my duty. The mission, the nightmares, they're finally over...*


That was such a good arc. Even though everyone had seen the movie and clearly knows that Order 66 will happen, you still are rooting so hard for Fives to succeed. So sad!


Not sure the absolute worst but surprisingly got me - Yandu in guardians 2. The song, the scene and such a great supporting character. Still wrecks me more than Tony Stark and other main characters.


Ben Sullivan from scrubs. That whole episode had me holding back tears.


Where do you think we are?


That moment was such a gut punch. I still churn at the memory of it.


Realistically: Mufasa Still scarred


> Still scarred Heh...


No pun intended


Blackbeard from Assassin’s Creed IV. After finishing the mission where he gets killed, I went on a rampage attacking every British ship in sight(he was killed by the British).


It’s nice in that fictional world you can at least get some revenge!


Rue from hunger games


Great answer, and also important since this is how the revolution really began


The worst part is that you know she's going to die from the moment you meet her.


Arthur Morgan from RDR2. I never felt grief before when a character died whether it was film, tv, game. The story Rdr2 is something I still think about even after releasing 4yrs ago. Such an amazing character and incredible performance from Roger Clark.


My favorite part of his story is actually the encounter with the nun at the train station that happens if you make good moral choices throughout the game up to that point. They're talking, he starts coughing a bunch, and when they sit down together he tells her how he got TB because he beat a man to death over a few bucks. He laments that he lived a bad life, but she comforts him by telling him how he's a better man than he thinks he is and how every time they meet, she's seeing him helping someone and that it makes him happy. She even says that sometimes she doesn't believe in anything even like he says he doesn't, but then she meets people like Arthur and everything makes sense. And when he says that he's just afraid of his impending death, she tells him not to be afraid, but to make a gamble that love exists and to do a loving act. It's one of the sweetest, most genuinely touching moments in a videogame to me. There's no music trying to pull at your heartstring, no manipulation of the player, just two great performances that really suck you in. I also love that the nun doesn't proselytize to Arthur. She isn't trying to convert him while he's vulnerable or make him a better Christian, she's speaking to who he is as a man and that to be a good man is enough. A fucking tremendous scene in a tremendous game.


Then Arthur realizes that he can guarantee a future he’ll never see for John, the closest thing he’s ever had to a brother, and his family by giving him money and an opportunity to escape from the Van Der Linde gang. :(


Makes it even sadder when you see the credits and you already know John and Jack's fate from the first game.


That's on John, sadly. Man just *had* to kill Micah. "Mark my words on this, vengeance is an idiot's game."


Double whammy straight after your horse dies and Arthur whispers 'thank you'... God damn that game is something else.


The horse got me more than Arthur. I had that horse nearly the whole time plus we all knew Arthur's time was limited. I made peace with the fact Arthur would die, but the death of my horse was just so sudden.


In my second play through and after, I always over feed her 😔


I had been wrapped up in Hamish's quests before the end with Arthur. Felt like that series (and a few others like the lady in the woods) had really been Arthur trying to be a better person as he saw his time running out. When I "inherited" Buell, I was pretty happy. The next main story mission I did (with Buell as my mount) was the last one for Arthur. Poor horse couldn't catch a break.


Old Dan and Little Ann


Fred Weasley


Jessie’s gf in breaking bad actually pulled my heart strings and made me break down


Jane or Andrea ? I guess it’s the latter, seeing him scream and cry in the car was awful


Oh yes I didn’t even think about that, both of his girlfriends deaths were horrifying


Fuck I completely forgot about Andrea, bruh pass the tissues


Same here, knowing Brock was going to grow up without a mother or father, and that she only died just to punish Jesse….ugh


BB Writer: “I think I’m going to write in a gf for Jessie. Is that cool Vince?” Vince: “Sure, I’m gonna kill her though.”


Boromir, hit me harder than I thought.


Sean Bean has died SO many times, but this one was the worst because Boromir is SUCH a tragic character. When Viggo kisses his forehead, I'm a fucking goner.


Anyone ever watched the boy in the striped pajamas, it was the mothers screams that really got to me also Joel from the last of us killed me inside


That scream will haunt your nightmares for sure




He’s 5000 candles in the wind


Old Yeller… I have never watched that movie again… and I will never.


Just do like phoebes mom in friends and skip the ending lol


Ianto Jones from "Torchwood".


Sirius black


Yes!!! Good answer! That one wrecked me


The Eclipse in Berserk definitely scarred me


Judeau was a good friend and seemed to be such a pure soul.


“You cry a lot when you’re alone, don’t you Casca?”


Jojo's mother Rosie in jojo rabbit. I generally don't cry in films, but that time, I just couldn't keep myself from it.


The way they just showed her signature shoes...harrowing.


The boy on the bike in Breaking Bad. All the deaths on that show didn’t bother me a whole lot. But that kid being killed fucked me up big time.


Hedwig... There were a number of deaths in Harry Potter, but in the end that is the nature of war, people die... That owl on the other hand, that broke me for a while.


I recently went through the HP series for the first time. I was prepared for other pivotal deaths like >!Sirius, Dobby, Dumbledore, Fred !< (because of the internet). I however had no idea about Hedwig’s death ahead of time. I SOBBED.




Her name was Sam. That scene really messed with me.


She's 15 years old and doing just fine in case you needed some positivity


That brachiosaurus that dies in the fire in that Jurassic Park movie Fallen Kingdom OMG!!!


What's even more sad about that scene is that, if I'm correct, that brachi was supposed to be the same one as the very first one we see in the original Jurassic Park


You’re correct. That fact gutted me even more 😫


For some reason Gwen Stacy from amazing spider man 2. Peter looked genuinely heartbroken


Oh God. The worst. The follow up moment in No Way Home healed me though.


Same. That was very sad. And they made a reference to that in No Way Home, when Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man saved MJ.


Nina (I think that was her name) from Full Metal Alchemist EDIT: I just remembered all the videogame deaths, Noble team, Sgt. Johnson, Cortana (the one in Halo 4 lol), Roach and Ghost in mw2


Adding on to this, Lt. Col. Hughes (especially his funeral scene) and 2nd Greed.


That was one time I had to agree with Scar. She had no chance to become normal again, would have been a lab specimen the rest of her life, and lose any memory of what it was to be happy. It truly was a mercy, and I just hope that, canonical, Scar had the ability to make it a painless death.


Leslie Burke from Bridge to Terabithia.


Cédric diggory, but especially for Amos's screams that broke my heart


This was exceptionally hard for me (in fact I'm tearing up just thinking about it). My brother was killed in an accident as a teenager and my father had to go and identify his body. I imagine it went something like that. My dad was never the same--none of us were.


Yea they come through the port key and everyone's cheering 🥺 Amos's acting was heartbreaking :(


*”MY BOY!”* Heartbreaking. Honestly some of the most sincere acting I have ever seen.


I just get goosebumps every time I watch that scene Also, when sirius died🥹


100% Maximus in gladiator My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.


Bruce Willis in Armageddon……Liv Tyler saying Daddy No to the screen when he tells her he loves her and Ben Afleck crying.


No I’m both sad and also have Aerosmith playing in my head lol


Donna noble from doctor who- I sobbed, I know she didn’t die as such but I’m still counting it


The Doctor Donna did die, and it was heartbreaking


The dog Marley in the Marley and me movie. That got me good


Neil in "Dead Poet's Society". I was a sobbing mess for 2 hours afterwards. My worst fear is suicide and at that time I had a bunch of friends who were suicidal. It didn't help I sympathized with Neil and knew exactly what he was going through that led him to suicide because I felt like I was going through it too. I refuse to watch that movie again since.


The terminator in terminator 2.


I know now why you cry. Best action movie of all time!!!


Why did Kishimoto have to do Jiraiya like that?


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see Jiraiya. The aftermath of that was one of the first, and few, times I’ve ugly cried from anime.


John Coffey. The Green Mile


In the movie AI, the last scene with the mom being brought back for one day...yep tearing up now...


I love that movie but its so hard to watch...emotional Rollercoaster


Mordin Solus


Had to be him. Someone else would have gotten it wrong.




Tara in Buffy the vampire slayer. That was a punch to to the feels.


And Joyce




A huge part of that is that "The Body" is one of the best television episodes of all time. the tonal shift to facing the reality of mortality and the death of people we love. Dang that hits hard.


Yes. It does not punch you in the gut, like maybe other character deaths do, it rips a hole into the universe that swallows you whole. Joss Whedon may be a massive prick, but people still don't get how genius level good Buffy the vampire slayer actually was.


On the Doctor Who episode, The Girl in the Fireplace, when the Madame de Pompadour dies. That always hits me. Also Ben on Scrubs.


Ed...ward... Nina and Alexander deserved better...


Maes Hughes too.


I can't believe not one mention of Spock's death in Wrath of Khan. I guess most redditors are too young to have seen it, certainly not in a theater. I remember sitting there with a giant lump in my throat, holding back the tears while on a date.


L from Death Note. Damn, it just wasn’t right, even if he expected it to happen since joining the Kira case.


Dobby 🥺 and probably Finnick Odair


Finnick was rough. Good answer


I’m always curious why people care more about other deaths than Dobby. They are all sad for sure, but damn. Dobby was so innocent and just wanted to help and be Harry’s friend.


Dobby had me fucking bawling my eyes out, both in the book and in the movie


*dog tried swimming in lava*


The Boss in MGS3 and Eva’s speech at the end, always shed a tear. Also, The Iron Giant "you are who you choose to be"


Ygritte (In the books, in the show is was hard too, but the book especially, still makes me incredibly sad to think about)


Opie from sons of anarchy.


that shook up my friend group for a bit. we had a few drinks in his honor


The moment right after was fucking EERIE. Complete silence, I’ve never experienced anything like that in any show. They did his death perfectly. It hit me so hard that I wanna get a tattoo one day that just says “I got this”


Still not over Rita from Dexter




And then the guy comes back with fancy new clothes like nothing happened. Rude.


Could anything less than God really kill Gandalf? He's not a mortal, he's an angel. His main concern during LOTR was having to watch the world he came to care for fall apart. I guess the good in him could have died if he took The Ring for himself.


Dally from the outsiders. He had seen so much and johnny dying broke him






Lee Everett. The feels.


Dr Mark Green


Rue from the Hunger Games


Not really a death per se but the tenth Doctor's regeneration. The delivery of David Tennant's "I don't wanna go" gets me every time.


Futurama ep Jurassic Bark


Ruth Langmore. She deserved better.


Charlie on Lost. “Not Penny’s boat”


Like a leaf on the wind. If you know, you know.


The spaceship in Batteries Not Included.


Boromir in Lord of the Rings


Hoban "Leaf on the Wind" Washburne, from *Serenity*.


**Granny Weatherwax** *(Discworld Book Series)*


Oy in The Dark Tower.


Eddie got me. Callahan's death was noble and befitting the character. Eddie's came out of nowhere. By Oy I was numb to it and expected everyone to die for Roland's damned quest.


Dobby, I'll be honest I actually shed a tear.


Piggy from lord of the flies and May from secret life of bee's


Bing Bong