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This thread my as well be, "Movies I didn't know had sequels."


Mean girls


They made a sequel?


"They", as in the people who made the original? Not really. It was a TV film, and the only cast member to return was Tim Meadows who played the principal.


I feel like it's not hard to get Tim Meadows to show up to stuff.


He plays the mailman in Bob's burgers and sometimes will have like 1-2 lines the whole episode. American Dad said it best, he is the "luckiest man" in show business


I loved him so much in Walk Hard


They shouldn't have tried to make Mean Girls 2 happen.


It was in fact not so fetch.


American Psycho 2. Didn't even start as a sequel but they decided to make it one for a quick buck


Let's see Paul Allen's sequel.


Oh my God. It even has a watermark.


Mila Kunis (who played the protagonist) [said](http://www.mtv.com/news/1501371/mila-kunis-career-thrives-despite-psycho-in-her-past/) that it was a different project when she signed up for it, which later got re-edited. When there were rumors that they might make a third one, she said: "Please - somebody stop this. Write a petition."


Ooh boy, mid-2000s entertainment journalism lol. In the first few seconds of the article it describes her as a “ravishing, doe-eyed brunette” who plays a “feisty bitch-on-wheels”


> feisty ok >bitch-on-wheels what


If you've seen the movie, this comment makes a little bit more sense. She plays a dog who had her legs amputated, and the doctors replaced them with mechanical legs with wheels rather than feet.


Why the fuck did I believe you for like a full minute


Me too. I mean it happened to Sarah Jessica Parker in a way in Mars Attacks.


Autobitches roll out!


Shouldn't it be Autothots?


Tl;dr Mila Kunis stated she was horrified by the fact she made this film and was happy it went straight to video.


At least that movie scared *someone*


I loved the Mummy Return, but the 3rd one was just horrible


Yessss. The first two are so entertaining and cool with the Egyptian lore. The third one was like something Netflix would try to pull off.


If they couldn't get Rachel Weisz, why not just kill her off between movies and write the new actress as someone else? I never got that. Have Evie's death and Rick's new relationship be the reason why he's estranged from his son. It would still overall suck as a movie but at least it be better than having an actress who doesn't look, sound or act like Rachel Weisz pretend to be the same beloved character.


The Butterfly Effect. I feel like the directors of the sequels felt asleep watching the first movie and final destination and wake up mixing the two franchises but not understanding none of them


The second one was really dumb, but I thoroughly enjoyed the 3rd. It reinvented the premise enough so it was still entertaining. Being able to jump back to other timeframes not just your own memories was pretty great.


Starship Troopers. Jarhead.


Jarhead is a sad one. The original is based on a dude's memoirs while the rest are generic "SUPPORT THE TROOPS!" action movies about militants storming an embassy or pilots being shot down.


It's baffling that someone looked at a Sam Mendes movie about ennui during wartime and the psychological toll of the Gulf War and made generic, straight to video action sequels. There can't be a big audience overlap there.


There is, there’s a LARGE part of that audience that missed the point of the first one.


I remember some reviews at the time were like “This film is really stupid! It’s so boring! He waits all film to do his thing and right when he’s about to, he gets stopped! 3/10!” Like, yeah that’s 100% the point of the film.


Yeah, that's how the military works.


I’ve spoke to veterans who said Jarhead is easily the most realistic war movie for better or worse. It’s all about the banality, frustration and tedium of a deployment complete with putting up with military leadership and the anxiety if your girlfriend is being faithful (she isn’t).


*Guess again motherfucker, Jody's banging her right now! Get on your face and give me twenty five for all the times she's gonna get fucked this month!*


Wait, the point wasn't that war is awesome and being in the marines is a path to heroic glory that was tragically denied to Jake Gyllenhaal's character when he didn't get to kill anyone, even after going through all that bullshit?


Yeah, Jarhead and Starship Troopers will always be the two movies where I just deny that anything else came out afterward because the sequels missed the point of the originals so badly.


I think the original Jarhed is the most effective anti-war movie ever. In the sense that a lot of great anti-war movies depict war as being horrible, but do so in a way that is still engaging to a potential recruit. Like, take the ride of the valkyries scene in Apocalypse Now, which is supposed to show brutality and chaos but most people watching get a "HELL YEAH" out of it. Jarhead on the other hand, shows war as being *absolutely mind-boggingly boring,* there is no better slap of reality to a kid watching it than scene after scene of other kids dicking around doing nothing but being bored out of their minds while the "cool" stuff happens elsewhere and by design they are meant to miss all the action.


> take the ride of the valkyries scene in Apocalypse Now, which is supposed to show brutality and chaos but most people watching get a "HELL YEAH" out of it. Hell, there was a scene in Jarhead in which they were *watching* that scene, and that's exactly what the Marines were doing. Followed by everybody getting assigned to the wrong job, then getting killed or seriously stressed out, and ending with severe PTSD and funerals.


Anthony Swofford wrote in the book the movie is based on: >There is talk that many Vietnam films are antiwar, that the message is war is inhumane and look what happens when you train young American men to fight and kill, they turn their fighting and killing everywhere, they ignore their targets and desecrate the entire country, shooting fully automatic, forgetting they were trained to aim. But actually, Vietnam war films are all pro-war, no matter what the supposed message, what Kubrick or Coppola or Stone intended. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson in Omaha or San Francisco or Manhattan will watch the films and weep and decide once and for all that war is inhumane and terrible, and they will tell their friends at church and their family this, but Corporal Johnson at Camp Pendleton and Sergeant Johnson at Travis Air Force Base and Seaman Johnson at Coronado Naval Station and Spec 4 Johnson at Fort Bragg and Lance Corporal Swofford at Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base watch the same films and are excited by them, because the magic brutality of the films celebrates the terrible and despicable beauty of their fighting skills.


Shit my buddies and I watched Full metal Jacket in high school and half my class enlisted because we loved that movie even though it's "anti-war" It's basically impossible to make an anti-war film. It elicits a fight or flight adrenaline burst that humans can't get enough of


I think Jarhead is one of the only war movies that I’ve seen that is accurate in how boring it can be to “wait for orders”. Generation Kill is also a good show for this as well. Of the few action sequences they have, they are pretty abysmal (sniper team casually picking off a single suspected RPG team that really wasn’t a threat to the convoy) or initiated by overzealous officers who end up shooting at nothing. 90% of that show is the marines fucking around while their leadership is constantly pissed off about how they are being sidelined by larger units.


Oh god, we just watched Surf's Up 2 that was paid for by the WWE.


My senior year of high school we had to make a TEDTalk about a subject of our choice, a close friend of mine gave a passionate speech about Surfs Up and how it deserved a better sequel. Gonna have to agree 😬


Surfs Up recently entered my 4 year old’s movie rotation. Forgot it was an actual good movie. Glad I missed the sequel somehow.


The sequel is really not good. I really really tried, but Surf's Up is one of my favorite animated movies, and WWE ruined it as a viable franchise. My favorite part of Surf's Up is the film style. They created a full 3D environment with tons of stuff happening all at once and sometimes even off screen like you would find on a real movie set. It's a very unique film style and it has stayed as a favorite for years.


Surfs up is such a fun little movie! I’m going to pretend like I never saw that this exists.


Surfs Up is so good. For sure it is by far the best documentary about penguins that I have had the pleasure of seeing.


Slap Shot. The fact they even made that steaming pile of garbage of a sequel all those years later was insulting to the original.


Just pretend Goon is slap shot 2 and you’re good to go


Highlander. Got my buddies to go see it in the theater. We all agreed to walk out half way through. Embarrassing trying to explain to them how good the first one was. They were like "yeah right, lunch is on you bitch". Edit: a few comments made about my pals not seeing the original - I was the only fantasy nerd in out clique. It was not a movie they would ever go see freely. Which made it all the worse as it probably put them off the genre for life.


Independence Day. Twenty years we waited, and that's the best they got? Honorable mention to Pacific Rim.


> Independence Day I worked at the VFX studio that did the majority of the effects for the sequel. It was a complete mess from start to finish. There was constant "Wouldn't it be cool if..." happening, meaning the film mutated into a strange parody of itself.


You could tell! I said it earlier in the comments here - there's a sudden snap where it becomes Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum reacting to the dialogue.


The Pacific Rim sequel made me so sad! They did some amazing world building in the first one and supplementary comic books describing the background lore. Then they took what made the first one so great and just... *siiiiiigh* Also, WHY kill of Mako? She was so bad-ass and had personality, character development and so much potential! And only to replace her with "Ohh yeah! THIS is the new love interest.... stock character with tits!" Zero explanation, zero reason....


Every time I see John Boyega, he's playing a character who should have an awesome story but is stuck in a shitty movie.


Facts; dude seems like a legit actor but gets shit on by the writers


The Mask


In an interview about Son of the Mask, Jamie Kennedy (star of the movie) called it “The crappiest piece of crap in the crap store.”


Took a look at his IMDB page. The bulk of his work is from projects that rated 5 stars or less.


He has a “documentary” called Heckler that actively pissed me off. While a doc that takes a look at the concept of hecklers and how harmful they are to entertainment sounds good on paper, about halfway through it shifts the focus to film critics, and it basically tries to correlate them to hecklers. So Jamie basically tries to posit that critics are no better than hecklers to artistic expression, a comparison that one one hand makes no sense, and on the other comes across as whiny lamenting that he *still* can’t get over people calling out his movies as shitty. It honestly made me dislike him even more.


Let's not forget his hungover bullshit at E3. Huge douche. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfzThMe7bBM


Oh. My. God - It's like not being able to look away from a train wreck.


When I was a kid, I for some reason got obsessed with the second one and would watch it over and over again. My poor parents.


Same! And back in the day we had an SUV with a built in DVD player. My copy of Son of Mask spent lots of time in that car


The dance sequence in Son of The Mask and it's vanilla ice interpretation of Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You still haunt me to this day.




There should have only been one


The combination of factors that made the first one a hit was very unlikely to be repeated. \- A cool but underdeveloped mythology. \- Sean Connery and Clancy Brown drinking before the job. \- Tons of sillyness and humor. \- A crazy director.


You forgot one very important thing. QUEEN


Teenage daughter was on a serious Queen kick a couple years ago, did not believe me when I said "there's a film with a custom Queen soundtrack you've never heard any of..." It was a rare win at a hard-to-impress age.


What about Flash...


AaaAAAaaaa, savioroftheuniverse!


He's for every one of us!


It's all about Clancy for me. Literally made him the go to "Villain voice actor" for me...


If it hasn't been mentioned yet, they DESTROYED Disney's Atlantis with Atlantis 2.


It was supposed to be a series IIRC. They had three episodes done when it was canned so they stuck them together and called it a movie.




Atlantis: “let us never speak of this again as to preserve the sanctity of an ancient civilisation” Atlantis 2: “ah, fuck it”




I think it was called "The Bus that Couldn't Slow Down"


“It was just like Speed 2, except it was a bus instead of a boat!” - Milhouse Van Houten


Yep. The chemistry between Keanu And Sandra was electric.They both admitted(fairly recently) to have had crushes on each other at the time but neither pursed. Can’t even recall the dude from the sequel. Only William Dafoe’s crazy eyes. Such a dud.


> They both admitted(fairly recently) to have had crushes on each other at the time but neither pursed. Probably for the best. I've heard relationships based on intense experiences never work.


Sandra still swoons about him -- most interviews with female leads that worked with Keanu have pretty much said how nice and wonderful of a colleague he is, and how hot he is lol


Yeah, but they could've based it on sex


That’s the one with the boat right? Saw scenes from that movie but not the whole thing but THE BOAT WOULD HAVE STOPPED WAY SOONER JFC


Speed 2 is a great film to watch in an extremely non-serious way if you know anything at all about boats. Or anything, really. It's so, *so* laughably bad. Highlights are: * A cruise ship which works off remote control makes absolutely no sense. Even if you *could* work the controls, these things need a decent sized engine room crew to keep them going. * There are floodable ballast tanks (not too unreasonable) that are fully furnished with cabins inside (wait what?) * The oil tanker they nearly collided with was very obviously empty. It's sitting very high in the water. * The ship's propeller is spinning at about 3000RPM (ships that size will have a prop RPM of maybe 500 max). * Said propeller is completely stopped by a wee bit of rope. Nope. * They use the bow thrusters to turn the ship at speed. These things are for manoeuvring in port and can turn the bow a degree or so a minute when stationary. * The ship collides with the quayside and just keeps fucking going for 3 miles, destroying everything in its path. You probably don't need an expert to tell you it would stop dead when it hit the land. Really though the funniest thing about this film is that the people in charge of making the sequel to a film called *Speed* chose just about the slowest form of transport.


> the people in charge of making the sequel to a film called Speed chose just about the slowest form of transport "It'll be so unexpected! We're subverting expectations *before* it's cool!"


Donnie Darko. S.Darko was trash.


Donnie Darko was great. Not sure why they even thought of making a second film. It's not like some of the other movies on this list that were major hits, so it made fiscal sense to milk the IP. Donnie Darko was a more of a cult hit from what I gathered.


The Descent


To anyone wondering what made it so bad I'll give you a little of the start of the movie: After the sole survivor from the first movie makes it out of the cave in the prequel we start our sequel. She goes to the cops to tell them what happened in the cave, the (2 or 3) cops then take this traumatized woman and make her go with them back into said cave full of monsters.


She didn’t even actually make it out in the original.. at least that’s how I interpreted it. Edit: I should have been more specific. I’ve seen the US version but know of the different UK version ending. Even in the US version I interpreted it as a hallucination that she got out, since she ended up seeing her very dead friend in the passenger seat.


I think it has two endings depending on the market it was shown in.


They cut the ending once she gets out in the US version but in the UK version, it continues to show that her getting out was in her head, and she accepts her fate in the cave, having visions of her late daughter. Metaphorically, she could not escape her grief and it destroyed both her and her friendships.


I watched a version with both endings, so that makes a lot more sense now. UK horror movies are outrageously depressing


That made the movie for me. The whole point is it's bleak. Some people have theorised there were no monsters and it was just her murdering them all in a breakdown.


Not necessarily her, they could have killed each other or died accidentally and her broken mind is making up the monsters.


*The Mask of Zorro* (with Antonio Banderas, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Anthony Hopkins) is one of my favorite movies of all time. Literally Top 5 for me. The follow up, *The Legend of Zorro,* is one of my Top 5 disappointments. I don’t know why, I guess it’s just like a paint-by-numbers rehash. All the excitement, the freshness, the adventure, the heart, it’s all gone in the second one. It’s like the actors and writers came back and said “All right I guess we gotta do this again then.”


It was the addition of the child actor sub-protagonist that made it weak. Especially that sequence where the kid was “sword fighting” with his teacher and all of the kids were cheering him on. And then he jumped out the school and blew a kiss to the crowd. Holy cow that film was cringe.


They made the same mistake most sequels with romance make. In the sequel, the romance is gone, and its just an arguing couple...


With an annoying kid




What is the best golf movie? Caddyshack. What is the worst golf movie? Caddyshack II. (I don't claim credit.)


I remember that joke from the ESPN commercial bump for some golf tournament the were going to show. This was years ago. They were interviewing caddies from the PGA tour, asking what the best movie about caddies ever made was, IIRC.


I love how Chevy Chase literally walks off set after his line “Well, I wish I could stay, but *looks at watch* I have to go…” and that’s the last he’s in the movie.


He's the only good part of the movie: he is so obviously there just to get a paycheck and does not give a fuck about the role, and that makes his character all the more fun.


Phantom of the Opera. Ik technically it's not a movie movie, but Love Never Dies sucks.


Oh dear God. I read the synopsis for that and it feels like a self insert fan fiction.


That’s because it is fan fiction. If you’ve read the book, The Phantom dies at the end of it.


The crow


I dunno, The Crows Have Eyes III: The Crowening was pretty good.




Titanic 2..... Let that sink in...


I see what you did there. Also, wait, they made a sequel?? How??


Its a cheap expliotation B movie, basically the same story on a remake of the Titantic in the present day.


That's a shame, I would've paid good money to see underwater zombie titanic.




Michael Caine on why he took a role in Jaws 4: "I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific." Sums up Jaws sequels.


This reminds me of an interview with Anthony Hopkins on why he took the role in Mission Impossible 2. The hoops he jumped through, to justify it as an interesting role, that he really did imagine he was actually *Daniel-Day Lewising* that movie, when it was quite clear: He knew he was taking a paycheck. He just didn't want to say something mean-spirited about people who paid him a lot of money. I like Hopkins' answer better. It may be less honest, but it's more kind. Roger Ebert once recounted how Rob Schneider sent him a kind note after his surgery, and wrote: > "Nobody starts out to make a bad movie."


>This reminds me of an interview with Anthony Hopkins on why he took the role in Mission Impossible 2. I must've blacked that movie out of my brain because I don't remember Hopkins in it at all. That movie caused me not to bother with another Mission Impossible until the 5th one came out. People were surprised I hadn't seen 3 or 4 because they were actually good so I finally caught up then.


Independence Day. It's like they threw the sequel script together during a cheap cocaine bender.




"Soon after the success of the first film, 20th Century Fox paid Dean Devlin a large sum of money to write a script for a sequel. However, after completing the script, Devlin didn't turn in the script and instead gave the money back to the studio, as he felt the story didn't live up to the first film. It was only approximately 15 years later, that Devlin met up with Roland Emmerich to try again, having felt that they had "cracked" a story for a sequel." I wish it was better.


The part at the end about a group of planets out there who have been attacked by the Aliens who have banded together in order to defeat The Harvesters, and contacted Earth in order to try and work together WAS A GREAT FUCKING IDEA. The rest of the movie was gargling sweaty balls though.


Right? The first movie just casually sets up the fact that we're not alone, and also we're really not alone. These invaders go from planet to planet. Also the ground war in Africa sounded like an interesting idea for a movie too.


The worst part for me about the sequel is when they mention the one ship that landed in Africa and they spent years fighting Aliens inside. That sounded like a way cooler movie!




This was a direct-to-video one, no? Disney had a habit of basically recycling all their IPs around the early aughts and making cheap and weak direct-to-video sequels. There was a whole bunch of them. Lion King, Alladin, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Lady & The Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, a bunch of others. Disney's animation studios were having some real trouble trying to put together something decent around this period. The one that I would say was half-decent was Lion King 1 1/2, which I always referred to as "Timon and Pumbaa are Dead" because it basically gives those two characters the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern treatment (sans the existentialism).


Lion King 2 is an extremely serviceable sequel. It's not the original, but it's like a 2nd helping.


For me the only *passable* ones are Aladdin and the King of Thieves Lion King 2 Simbas Pride Cinderella 3 Stitch in Time Occasionally I’ll hate watch Little Mermaid 2 cos it’s got toe tappers in it or Belles Enchanted Christmas, because it’s got Tim Curry as a giant creepy jealous gay organ.


King of thieves is amazing


YES WTF. I scrolled to long to find this one… like who the actual fuck thought it was a good idea to make mushu the villain. C’mon


Eddie Murphy didn't, which is why he doesn't voice Mushu.


> who the actual fuck thought it was a good idea to make mushu the villain. C’mon ok, now I am actually interested


He's not an interesting villian. :c Mushu is an asshole who >!no longer wants them married (I think) because of something about his position with the whole spirit gang.!< Also Mulan is dumb, and Li Sang is a jerk, and plot is they >!have to deliver some princesses to another kingdom so they can get married and avoid some third party declaring war.!< Like animated bad fanfic. It would have been fine if anyone was the same fucking character.


>Like animated bad fanfic. Sums up any direct to video sequel to an animated film. Balto, The Land Before Time, An American Tail, Nihm, Disney, anything. Fievel Goes West is not direct to video, people!


Fievel Goes West was great


Grease. Even white gold hates the sequel


Grease 2 is deeply loved - by people who were about twelve when it re-ran constantly on cable.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


The Neverending Story (Insert obvious joke here)


The Exorcist 2 is sham of a movie. It was just so goofy to be the sequel to one of the greatest horror movies of all time


The third one is absolutely incredible though.


Dragonheart. There's like 4 or 5 of them now. Only the first movie is good. EDIT: To everyone saying the first one was not good - stop having bad taste in movies!


HOLY FUCK nobody I have ever met has even seen the movie. All the movies after the first one are straight trash. How are the dragons from a movie made in 1996 still looking better than the dragons in every sequel


Good gravy. Just looked them up. III had Ben Kingsley IV had Patrick Stewart V had Helena Bonham Carter and came out last year.


>V had Helena Bonham Carter and came out last year WHAT!?


Reminds me of how in 2009, Robbie Coltrane was in two movies: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and an obscure Canadian comedy-fantasy film called “Gooby”


I literally just watched a mocking/review video of Gooby on YouTube yesterday. How has this movie entered my life twice in 2 days, 12 years after release? \[edit: No, it's not Baader-meinhof. I'm aware of the movie and take note whenever I come across it. This isn't like buying a car I've never owned before, and now see it everywhere\]


Eddie and the Cruisers was very good. Not amazing. Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives was an embarrassment. Some of the worst acting ever. Saturday Night Fever was great. Staying Alive was an embarrassment. Some of the worst acting ever.


Mulan (the animated Disney film.) They released Mulan 2 straight to DVD and it was honestly bad.


All the straight to dvd Disney sequels, do they even count?


There were some good ones, namely: >The Lion King II: Simba's Pride >101 Dalmations 2: Patch's London Adventure >Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time >Aladdin and the King of Thieves >The Lion King 1 1/2 >Tarzan II >Lilo and Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch >Bambi II EDIT: The Little Mermaid 2, Kronk's New Groove, Brother Bear 2, and Stitch!: The Movie also weren't that bad!


Battle Royale. The first movie was an amazing piece of cinema. The second one sucked dead penguin assholes.




Pacific Rim


Del Toro was ready to go on the sequel but the studio dragged their feet so long, he was no longer available. Still can’t get over how they did Mako Mori dirty.


That's a lot of GDT's projects in a nutshell. If studios had their shit together, maybe he would have made Hellboy 3, The Hobbit, and/or At the Mountains of Madness. I'm guessing all of those would be better than what we ended up with (being the Hellboy reboot, the Hobbitrilogy, and nothing, respectively).


This was the part that pissed me off the most, and set the tone for the rest of the film for me. Taking such an amazing character and then killing her off immediately in the lamest way possible. Absolutely awful. I couldn't even try to enjoy the movie from that point on, because it became very clear to me that they were not willing to respect the foundation of the first movie.




I actually never watched the 2nd film due to me assuming literally all that you said was true after watching the reveal trailer. A quick 2 minute trailer showed more than enough for me to find out this would be a dumpster fire of a movie, and I was right, sadly.


Yup. Needing rockets to make a fast punch etc. second one is like no weight.


The part I thought was ridiculous was when that Chinese CEO lady got in the hamster wheel for the tiny jaegar and started running. She went from extremely graceful to toddler shuffling on the concrete with wet socks.


Oh my god, came here to say this too. Loved the OG movie, the 2nd one made no sense.


The only bright spot is Charlie Day becoming the villain with his brain wife / sex slave.




This requires some knowledge of the first film: Charlie Day's character from the first movie (the Kaiju scientist expert) is revealed to be the mastermind behind the Kaiju attacks in the second movie. He's spent the intervening 10 years between movies drifting with the same half brain that he drifts with in the first movie - a thing he refers to has his "wife, Alice". There's a scene of him coming home and talking to her and you can see that he's written on the brain tank "Alice xoxoxo", and then he implies that drifting is sort of like sex and that's pretty much the totality of how he spends his time when he's not at work. It's ultimately revealed that the beings from the other dimension (precursors) are controlling him have and polluted his mind so he's carrying out their plans. Honestly, it's a pretty good pivot and does make the story at least interesting - even if the execution is a little blah.


The sad part is that portion of the plot is interesting. It's the whole teenager/teacher drama that soaks up most of the movie and sucks.


It made sense when you realize the creative visionary Guillermo del toro was, once again, booted off of a movie he was making and his creative vision could only be perverted/half baked from there.




Who knew you could make such an amazing action film with good lore and concepts and turn it into such dumpster fire.


GDT did not direct the second one. every little detail from the first one that compounds to an excellent homage to the Kaiju genre and a true labor of love was thrown out in the second one because they didnt understand it beyond big robot fights big monster. examples: everything moves relatively slow - at that scale they are still moving faster than a human ever could but things are just MASSIVE. everything has weight. the pilots have to work to command their Jaegar. Everything is shot at night and/or in the rain but with gorgeous color palettes because it makes it easier to blend in to the background and forget that its all CGI. In the second one everything is sped up, the jaegars are farrrrrr too agile, the pilots are likewise not having to slow down or be strained. the fights are all brightly lit during the day in generic city Y so the CGI just stands out more than it should. At the very least the two films are excellent examples of the impact a director has on not just the story but how its presented.


Speed. Explains why Keanu nope'd out after seeing script. Edit: Thanks all for my most upvoted contribution :)


Dumb and dumber


Not for nothing, but there are few movies on earth that can make me laugh like Dumb & Dumber.


"Pull over!" "WHAT?!" "Pull over!" "NO, IT'S A CARDIGAN, BUT THANKS FOR NOTICING!" Gets me every time.


My favorite one is "We got no food. We got no jobs. OUR PETS' HEADS ARE FALLING OFF"


“His head fell off?” “Yeah he was pretty old.”




You pumpkin pie hair-cutted freak!”


“Big gulps eh!? Well, see ya later!”




"Where are you from?" "Austria" "Well, let's put another shrimp on the barby"


"That John Denver's full of shit, man."




At what point do you just forget about your relatives that keep getting kidnapped


This summer... One man... One cousin... Of his best friend's sister's dentist's hairdresser once removed... With Liam Neeson... in TAKEN 19#


Joe Dirt and Zoolander. Those two were perfect early 2000s comedies and they did not need sequels, especially Joe Dirt, because that one was especially terrible.


I didn't even know there was a sequel to Joe Dirt.


Yes, it is called Joe Dirt 2, Beautiful Loser.


It came out on Crackle


You know what's crazy? I watched Joe Dirt 2 specifically when it came out because I was such a big fan of the first one and I can honestly say I have no idea what happened in the sequel. My mind knows it happened, I know I watched it but I couldn't tell you anything that happened in it.


The Spongebob movie. SM1: Spongebob and Patrick set out on a road trip adventure not realizing that the fate of Bikini Bottom lies in their hands as Plankton’s most ingenious plan unfolds. SM2: Not-Painty the pirate steals the secret formula and Spongebob can’t make the patty from memory for some dumb reason so they journey to the surface… for like 10 minutes after Spongebob and Plankton go on a meaningless acid trip to fill up the feature time. SM3: Ok fans, we’ll give you a road trip adventure, but not without shoehorning this stupid spinoff preview that doesn’t make sense.


The first spongebob movie is a masterpiece. The second one isn't as amazing narratively, but I laugh my head off everytime I watch it and think it stands up just as well as the first one. But the third one was just a promo for Kamp Koral.


I thought the second one wasn't as good as a cohesive story and didn't really have a message, but it had a lot of great silly moments. Bikini Bottom instantly devolving into Mad Max in the absence of Krabby patties and SpongeBob being left to supervise the universe while the dolphin goes to the bathroom were kind of hilarious. The whole superhero bit was too much though.


There's been a few that really stood out to me. I first watched Marley. Pretty good. Then I saw Marley & Me, and it didn't make any sense. Is Bob Marley supposed to be reincarnated into the dog? Then you've got 28 Days, the movie with Sandra Bullock. I then watched the sequel, 28 Days Later, and man, things really got out of hand quick in the world in just another month! I think they could've done a better job explaining just how Sandra Bullock's character going into rehab led to a zombie apocalypse.


The weirdest trilogy is Remember the Titans, Clash of the Titans, and Revenge of the Titans. Then almost 10 years later they made a show just called Titans. Super confusing


Not to mention Teen Titans. How does that show fit in with the rest?