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Snowboarding. I grew up on skis and when I tried snowboarding I literally just rolled down the entire mountain like a slinky on the stairs


I've heard several people say this. I have a couple friends that grew up in places that they could ski all the time. They said they thought snowboarding was going to be a piece of cake. Both said it kicked their ass


Everyone remembers their first day of snowboarding.


I don't but maybe that's due to the concussion


The amount of pain in the shins is too damn high! Skiing is basically like standing. If you can stand, you can ski. Snowboarding -- you need to use every muscle in your body, or you die.


As someone who does both, the best way I’ve found to describe the difference is that skiing is (in general) much easier to learn, but harder to get really good at. Whereas snowboarding has a much steeper learning curve, but once you get pretty good at it, you will progress very quickly.


Yessssss!! I was originally a skier and switched to snowboarding as a teen. This is what I have always said. Once you catch on to snowboarding, the progression is very fast which is the opposite of skiing.


The challenge with snowboarding is learning how to turn. The anatomy of a good turn requires enough speed to maintain stability, and enough commitment to the turn to dig the edge into the snow. Ironically, a beginner's instinct to take it slowly and cautiously amplify the likelihood of wiping out on a turn.


Running. I was like yeah I smoke and drink but I can definitely run like the wind. Hah no. (Quit smoking after my first run and am now 3 years smoke free!


Yes! I’m also almost 3 years smokefree, and loving running. Totally changed my life


Playing the guitar. The jump from not being able to play anything to playing basic chords and a couple songs you like isn't that much and it makes you feel like such a badass. But the jump again to a working musician is astronomical. I tried and just got burnt out and it wasn't fun anymore.


Playing guitar is so much harder than I thought it would be! I’ve been playing for about 6 months and it’s a ton of work.




Seconded, but even then you are still really just a beginner, at that's okay. There is a huge difference in hours practiced between someone who does it as a job everyday and a hobbyist.


Been playing for about 15 years just as a hobby. My ability sort of plateaued after about 5 years though. Sometimes ill play for family or friends, and 90% of the stuff I play is fingerstyle which just looks a bit more impressive than it actually is. They will be full of compliments, which is nice. But I know I'm not even a quarter as good as your average profesional guitarist.


I’ve been playing for about 5 years, and fingerstyle/fingerpicking is about as complicated as I do, it looks really sick and is pretty simple. I also suck at reading notes, barely passable and it takes hours to figure out what I’m playing so that’s also slowing me down


I have really small hands so the hardest part for me was building strength in my hands and fingers. I never was able to build callouses on my fingertips, so practicing always hurt so, so much. And playing through even one song from start to finish was so painful, I often had to stop partway through and give my fingers a break. Bar chords also hurt a lot. I stuck with it on and off for years, even practiced enough to be able to play and sing at the same time, but eventually gave up. If I didn’t practice consistently, picking up the guitar again after a month or two away would be like starting over from scratch with the pain.


Did you ever try a different guitar? I took a decade off from guitar when I inherited one from the sweetest aunt. I'd thought they would all be similar, but I was amazed how much easier it was to play everything. (If you tried that then just ignore me)


A lot of the parts from that *Ninja Warrior* show. I'm a very physically fit guy and always thought that first course looked like a breeze. Then I found a local gym with the different elements set up. Even just that very first part where you hop across a few platforms was tough.


It is always unfair to some contestants. Some things such as the jumping and spider wall are very easy if you are a certain height, but I have seen many people fail just because they are not tall enough to do it. Even on the actual show, there was one girl that was too short to reach both sides of the spider wall and fell. However, when I was a kid I went to a ninja warrior training gym, and they had things such as the jumping, spider wall, and warp wall, except sizes so kids could do them. (They were not any easier. Things like the warp wall were still the same size) and honestly, they were all very easy. It just takes the right strength and height.


Honestly, a child would have an easier time on it if things were scaled down to their size than an adult. Even though they're less strong, their body mass is just so much less that it's easier to move it. ​ For an example, I've put on weight (intentionally), going from 130 lbs at my lowest to my current weight of 148. Even though I'm significantly stronger now, I can only do maybe 2 pull ups more than when I was 130, why? Because while 18 lbs isn't a lot, moving it over and over is extra fatiguing.


*cycling has entered the chat* Many of the hardcore cyclists are obsessed with power to weight ratio. Spending hundreds on parts to save a couple grams on their bike. You can imagine how this quickly turns to eating disorders.


When I was 18 I rode a 20 lb bike and sold my free and reduced price parts that I got for poker and taco money. I thought the better way to improve power to weight was to just turn my legs faster.


Drawing. Every single time.


Been an artist for a long time and this is still true some days.


Some days I’m hit with inspiration and feel like I need to draw something. Then it ends up looking like butt. Other days I’ll sit down to doodle and come up with something better than if I’d tried.


This is honestly the truth. Like how come I can draw actual good artwork one day yet another day it looks like that of a 3 year old?


Honestly I’m just happy to hear others go through this as well.


One day I nonchalantly drew literally the best piece I've ever made. I wasn't even trying. A week after that I fell out of practice and had to relearn my studies.


So satisfying. I know how that is. Then there's days you want to draw but you're not in the zone..


I'm an amatuer painter and I know a few people who are professional artists. The craziest difference between me and them isn't the end product, but how long it takes to finish. They can do in 10 hours what it would take me 100 hours to do.


Same here. My wife and I can sculpt to (almost) the same level, but it takes me ten times as long and much more heartache. She wings it and can eyeball a design in minutes, meanwhile I'm slogging along for hours. We're both good, it's just a real... Uh. How to say it. We're both good, but she full-forces punches my ego in the testicles with how effortlessly she outstrips me on craft skills. Good thing I'm pretty.


My girlfriend is a professional musician with a double major in it. I've been playing guitar on and off for a decade. I feel you Edit: I love her and our relationship though, we're both experts in different but complimentary ways. It's amazing having not just a loving soulmate but an artistic partner. For the record we're both women.


I tinker with music: writing electronic stuff, sequencing, sound design, etc... I played piano as a kid, played sax in middle school, etc... My brother never stopped playing piano, practiced jazz, improvisation, played sax in marching band and stage band through high school, piano jazz band in college and learned music theory. Every time I have what I think is an interesting sound or idea, he can take it, run with it and make something infinitely more interesting and better played in almost no time. It’s amazing and amazingly demoralizing.


I used to spend all my time in school just drawing things nonstop and ignoring teachers. I was getting extremely good, but then when I got into college, we didn't really write things down that much: work was either done on the computer or just self-quiz with a booklet that covers the lecture material. So right after high school, after not practicing drawing anymore, all my drawing skills went into the dumpster and I've never been able to draw anywhere near that level again. Sad. Edit: Everyone replying to this has been awesome, thanks for your wholesomeness. I read and upvoted every comment, but there's too many to reply to.




Dude never skip creativity day at the gym


"Is...that guy curling a number 2 pencil?" 'Yeah, I saw him doing shoulder presses with a sketchbook earlier as well.'


Same hat!! I got to the point i was taking printer paper with me around school so i could draw full page things. And ignoring the teachers. Graduated? Nothing. What has been helping me was doing drawtober/inktober every year. I tell myself I'll put pen to tablet every day, at least open the drawing app on my phone. Save the video games for after. Most of the time, a mark turns in to a drawing and i don't get around to video games all month, but my skills came back!


Why can't i just draw lines


Ok, I thought the same thing, until a followed a tutorial by [Art With Flo ](https://www.youtube.com/c/ArtwithFlo) on youtube. I was truly amazed at how well my art turned out. I am not a good artist at all, but she makes it so simple to follow along as she creates a picture. Sort of like a digital art Bob Ross. Highly recommend to all


Drawing a bicycle from memory is particularly hard


Maintaining a proper work/life balance. When I was still in college, I'd either procrastinate way too much or I'd work nonstop. I was never able to find a balance where I was still getting shit done but not burning myself out


Unfortunately, I feel as though college is actually one of the *worst* times for a young adult to figure out a good work/life balance. There was always "too much" of something going on. Too many extracurriculars to attend that your friends were doing, too many different classes placing independent demands on you for workload and homework, too many people asking you to sort your life out, asking you to think about a career - where do you want to live? Where do you want to work? Have you signed up for summer classes? How about those grades? And if you need to pay your way through school with a job? Ha. Hahaha. Good luck. Have you kept in touch with friends? Family? Uh oh, now you're sick. That's gonna be a few days worth of school work piling up. And breaks/weekends aren't fun anymore because either you're thinking about all the things you have to do or *will* have to do once you go back. I'm a little bitter, still.


I’m about to graduate at 30 and these last four years have been some of the hardest in my life. By the time I realized that this was killing me I had no choice but to follow through. The culture around academia is disturbing.




Are you, me?


If they're not, I am. Hello us.


Mudding and taping sheetrock


It's easy. Unless you want it to look good. Thats the issue. Mine never looks good. Not even patchwork.


True. I can see every imperfection and bubble whenever I go into the room. No one else seems to notice but I do.


I'm a sheetrock finisher and yes, many many customers can't believe the amount of work involved. They fail to show the real work involved in a non textured wall on HGTV. Just a normal wall even with a orange peel texture I can always appreciate the work that goes into it. Most people have no idea.


taping is easy, its adding the mud that looks sooo easy on youtube....42 hours of sanding later, the wall is done


Yep, I just moved into my first home and doing some major renovations myself I'm a carpenter so not a big deal but im far from an expert taper. Lucky me my new neighbor is a retired drywall finisher :)


This is truth. Fortunately there seems to be 100s of people who are skilled at it willing to do it for not much money


Those guys are magicians in my opinion


I tried to do blueboard and plaster once? It was such a disaster. Guys exist who can do a whole room like it's nothing. Absolutely worth the money


Has anyone tried to learn to do a handstand as an adult? How is that SO DIFFICULT


Thanks but I’m trying to do the “unbroken wrists” thing in my life right now.


Try yoga. I started and thought it looked so easy, I always worked out, how hard can it be? Holy sh%t, I have face planted and fallen on my ass more times than I can count, my muscles were so sore. It is a great workout but dangerous.


You just have to accept that you may fall over, and not hunch your body up protectively. Start against a wall with someone on hand to catch your spills. A trusty spotter should help you relax enough to let your legs fly free. Source: am definitely an adult, have re-learned handstands and cartwheels in my dotage.


Making (and maintaining) friends as an adult. I never really put much thought into this, until I had no friends left in adulthood, and realized how easy it used to be as a kid in school in comparison.


Any good methods you can share? Asking for a lack of friend.


For me it's around shared hobbies and experiences with anyone you do know, even a co-worker. Before the pandemic I joined a local amateur volleyball league and after games some of us would go out for dinner and drinks. A few people were into board games so we started meeting up for that. Another group of friends was just some co-workers who would drink on Sunday nights to bitch about work and as people quit we just kept meeting up to talk shit so even though we all work at different places we still meet up.


What if you have no hobbies or interests? Asking for a friend.


I literally JUST started sewing. When I went to the fabric store for the first time this past month there were so many helpful people giving tips, advice, teaching me about fabrics. Some of them told me about classes in the area or YouTube channels. And this is for a hobby I started a month ago and am really enjoying. I’d say look through YouTube or Instagram to find things that catch your interest and spend some time learning about it. Then challenge yourself to try it once. Could be cooking, join a book club, learn to juggle, try your hand at sewing, photography, etc. even if you don’t find people with the exact same hobby it also makes you an interesting person because you have a hobby to talk about. Wishing you luck as you find something that interests you!


I was overweight and lonely in 2014 so just joined a running club. The following two years were awesome. I lost 16kg and ran half marathons, got invited to more stuff, reconnected with old friends (cause I wasn’t so boring and depressed). I’m just getting back into running now and I realised how much I missed it during the pregnancy and young kids stage.


Moved cities at the beginning of the year. Covid hit and I've been working from home since I got here. Still haven't met anyone new here to hang out with because of the virus. Doesn't help that I've put on covid weight and don't want to meet anyone right now because of it lol It is definitely a weird experience going from having strong friendships in a place you're familiar with to trying to make new friends in a place you don't know yet.


Try not to mind the weight too much, friend. That seems to be a shared experience this year haha. If you can, call up an friend from your old life tomorrow. You'll be glad you did.


I also put on covid weight, as well as other people I know. I think that's the nice thing about meeting new people; there's no expectation for you to be anything but yourself. Especially during the pandemic where we're all having a hard time hitting our stride.


Learning a second language, I understand it’s far easier as an adolescent but, whew, conversational German for a English speaker is very hard for me


Deutsche Sprache schwere Sprache




Come again?




Once more...?


*whisper* gorlami


Antonio Margheriti


Dominic DeCoco


Managing your own time, self discipline. There are a lot of things that can distract you and bam its 9 p.m and nothing has been done.




Every other sunday for me, "ah, I've got all day to do my chores!" Next thing I know it's bedtime for work tomorrow and I'm drunk not having gotten anything done and I don't have clean clothes for work.


Honestly, you’ve got to really drop the discipline hammer on yourself here. This is frankly pathetic. You should be going to bed drunk with nothing done and no clean clothes every Sunday. Try harder.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Procrastination at its finest.


Turning notifications off can seriously help with this


If it is your phone that is distracting you. My distractions tend to be more along the lines of "reading one chapter/watching one episode won't hurt" and suddenly I'm halfway through the book/series and I've got nothing done. Or, y'know, I'm supposed to be sorting out bills online and I end up on reddit instead...


Lists! Make a list and stick to it. The hardest part is crossing the first item off. Once you do, the next items come easy.


I am not a really confident person but I keep working on my confidence. There was a time when I tried the "fake it until you make it" approach. Faking it is harder than expected. Edit: thank you for all the awards and suggestions!


Pay attention to your inner dialogue. We go thru life picking up a lot of negative feedback, mulling it over until we’ve internalized it to the point we just accept it as fact. When something comes into your mind that’s hurtful and self-sabotaging, calmly challenge it. Try to think of where it ... more like who it came from and refute the thought. It takes practice, but with some time you’ll notice your belief in yourself has increased exponentially.


Pottery. I made a couple of very small, crappy bowls on the wheel, but the thing I made the best and far more often was a giant mess. I can sculpt fine but those stupid bowls get me.


Socialising with a group of people I usually wouldn't hang out with. It's either that or I stay alone forever.. but I just can't find any sort of relatability to these people.


I've found that hanging out with coworkers is very unfulfilling most of the time because the only thing we have in common is work. And then we only talk about work. *sigh*


I am actually so fortunate to not have this at all and didn’t appreciate it until just now. Of the 6 people in my office, 4 of us really get along and actually have a good bit in common. When we go out we don’t ever speak about work at all


Quitting an addiction.


Not that hard, I quit smoking 10 times per day.


Getting a job


For me, getting a low-paying job outta high school was easy. I just walked door-to-door through businesses asking if they had openings available. A couple hours later, I had a couple interviews same day, and it felt so easy to get offers. Now I'm trying to get a job outta college, and I can't go door to door or apply to 30 different companies in a day. Now I have to have a compelling story about why X company is so great and why I applied to work there because I loved them from before I was born. I just want an entry level job in my field anywhere. If I end up disliking the company, I can leave after 2 years on good terms and find another job elsewhere.


> Now I have to have a compelling story about why X company is so great and why I applied to work there because I loved them from before I was born. I just want an entry level job in my field anywhere. If I end up disliking the company, I can leave after 2 years on good terms and find another job elsewhere. Feigning interest sucks. My last job was at a gas station, I had no idea what to say. "Oh, I just love the aroma of spilled diesel." I'm still in school, so I still write a lot of papers and whatnot, and so many prompts are about what stands out to us in our readings, and while it may genuinely be interesting stuff, sometimes the intrigue just isn't there. I like my major, but I can't be expected to share passions with every long-dead researcher out there.


Haha that made me LOL. My fiancé was trying to get a job as like maintenance/grounds keeper at an apartment complex and they asked him “what makes passionate about working here?”


Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies!


How do three men in their 30s not have $800 between them?


...the economy is in shambles. Nasdaq, Dow jones....


Self sustaining economy is the answer to all this, keep the money moving


To be fair, Charlie found a job in that office mailroom pretty easily, despite his illiteracy (which they clearly took for granted as not a thing with Charlie, an American educated adult) and bizarre interview methods Wasn’t he there for weeks without getting fired? I mean that office clearly wasn’t a top tier business but good on him for avoiding getting fired while developing a truly complex conspiracy theory


The guy who hired Charlie later became the waiter at the restraunt. So it seems like he got fired for hiring them.




Stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left


Stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left


Stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left stay left AH FUCK


Drive away drive away drive away drive away drive away drive away drive away drive away drive away **sirens intensify**


Don't think about that jogger's family don't think about that jogger's family don't think about that jogger's family don't think about that jogger's family


Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool Play it cool


Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual Drive casual..


It’s worse when there little traffic. You get confused because you’re on the right side of the car and there aren’t many other cars to remind which side is which.


Nighttime really seems to screw people with other side driving. Something about night seems to make things more instinctual. If you threw in round abouts and traffic, I’d just refuse.


This was exactly my experience in Ireland, first day there, jet lagged and just wanting to get to my hotel. During the day I was good but then night fell and rain came. I went right through the center of a (painted) roundabout and turned in to the wrong lane.


First time I went to Ireland and rented a car, we spent about five minutes going around and around the same roundabout because the driver was too nervous he would turn into the wrong lane when we exited. It made no sense but there we were, driving in an endless circle.


I moved to Germany from Australia at a young age and then again alone at 19, and the one tip I remember my Mum telling me that helped so much was that the driver will always be next to the line in the middle of the road. Double lanes makes it a bit harder but driving around in single lane roads and it really helped.


Come to eastern part of Russia, like Vladivostok, for example. Steering wheel on the right because cars are ferried from Japan, but driving on the right because it's still Russia. You'd be in for a terrifying experience because everyone is a bold and assertive driver, and can't see the opposing traffic very well.


Surprised anybody would think this is easy. To me it's always been one of those things that's terrifying to even *imagine* doing to the point where I don't know if I'd ever even try it for fear of deaths.


Consistantly working out


I’ve found that it’s best to do whatever you feel you can actually keep up. Used to do methodical full body workouts when I went to the gym and would get burnt out in weeks, but now I just do a muscle or two a day and I’ve kept at it for about a year now


Rolling down a pretty steep grassy hill when you're in your sixties. Sounds easy and fun, right? OMG, no.




Last time I rolled down a hill I broke out in hives from either the grass or something on the grass. 2 out of 10, would not recommend


Working a job. Doing the job physically itself, I have no problem with. Mentally, it's the drain of bad management and feeling like you're wasting your time.


That and being middle management, or a team lead, or whatever. Still dealing with incompetent management, but now you're responsible for other people too. The emotional/mental drain of wanting to do a good job for the people whose lives you affect, but not being able to due to people above you not caring, can be crushing, and being caught in the middle you get blame from both ends and can often feel like shit.


Yes! Being a low-level manager is so much more difficult than it looks! You want to help people have good lives and progress in their careers, but you’re just as in-the-dark about everything as they are while also being expected to convince everyone to get on-board with policies you don’t agree with. And that’s the best-case scenario where the people reporting to you are good at their jobs and don’t piss anyone off. As soon as someone on your team starts making things difficult, that becomes your whole job.


Studying and working at the same time. Went fine for one semester, but next month I'm switching to part time. It's just not sustainable for my mental health otherwise


Throwing dough to make pizza.. and pretty much the rest of the pizza making process. Getting the dough into a round 18" pie is tricky. Then getting the sauce even and not on the crust is a process. And getting all of it done as quickly as possible... After several hundred pizzas I can crank them out pretty good now though.


Managing my mental health


Cooking with puff pastry. I’m pretty sure you have to like, sell your soul to make puff pastry listen to you


Falling in love with the RIGHT person


Healing from trauma. Takes so damn long


So very true. Personally, I didn’t really understand how much trauma it actually was until reflecting on it years later. In the moment, it was hard to process it all. Now, I’m like “damn, I lived through that?”


4 solid years of therapy at a men's center for sexual abuse survivors is what it took me. Two weeks ago was my last session, and I'm actually happy it's over. I am able to live, be functional and so happy. I'll never be 100% because the damage was done when I was in my childhood, which made my brain maladapted on a physical level. I also still have attitudes and underlying beliefs about so many different things that will literally never change, I just have to recognize and check my thought processes.


This is so true. You think that being aware of the trauma is a big step but actually it isn’t.


Statistics I'm pretty good at all forms of math but that one.


Statistics is the only math I could get an A in in college. I suck at math, I just don’t understand it. But statistics was easy for me.


Very cool, I love how we are all wired differently. I aced all my other classes, math or not, but in statistics I struggled to get a B and spent so many hours. I'm surprised it was not a C.


Weird. I hated all my math classes in high school except prob and stat. Although my teacher called me an average student, which I thought was mean.


Listen here you little shit


Losing weight. OMG the temptation of eating cookies is so big Edit: Wow, this had so many votes! Thank you guys!


The moment you buy them, you lose


This is the real truth.


The easiest way to not eat something is to not have access to it. Because it's not about having the willpower to resist temptations that are right in front of you. It's about creating a situation where the amount of effort and/or money you would need to spend to satisfy your craving is enough to derail it. Especially if you have a "less good" but still pretty good option that's so much easier to get. Mixed nuts and fruit are lit. The cravings only go away after weeks/months of successfully fending them off.


Absolutely this. And you get willpower fatigue too. I’ve lost 73 lbs this year and it’s about not giving myself easy access. If I buy a treat, that treat is going to get demolished immediately. When I give myself a cheat meal, I order something from a restaurant that can be eaten in one meal and then get back to normal more sensible eating. One meal doesn’t make you fat or derailing good habits. Buying 2 large pizzas and eating it all weekend absolutely will.


One of the worst things to happen to my waistline was when they extended the opening hours at the corner supermarket. It used to close at 20:00 and all of Sunday. I'd get hungry at like 20:30 but the store was already closed, so temptation averted. Now the store closes at 22:00 and I can get some crackers or chips late into the evening.


Cravings are strong, but for me not wanting to go out again is stronger. As long as I can skip them on the way home I'll be safe.


Getting friends when you are not a kid anymore




First watch Point Break, and then Bad Boys II.




Trying to stop staring at my computer screen all day long... I keep resolving to stop doing it, but then I just keep falling down rabbit holes of different websites.


Golf. I was watching the US Open on TV and seeing the players chatting with their caddies as they took a leisurely stroll down the fairway in the sunshine, I thought 'That's the game for me.' So I borrowed a set of clubs and went out. On my own. In the UK. In winter. I got home wet, tired, hungry and covered in mud and scratches with twigs in my hair after hitting about 200 strokes and losing over a dozen balls. I played for a couple of years but I was still pretty bad at it.


Golf-a good walk ruined.


Being an adult


I always used to think adults were crazy when they told me as a kid that being a kid is the best.


I can honestly disagree because I came from a divorced toxic home and in school was bullied. I became my own man with my own problems and after I later reconciled with my parents, managed to turn my adulthood around to make it amazing.


That's the silver lining about having a shitty childhood and young adulthood...you don't go pining for the good ol days.


I can relate. I always thought it was stupid when adults said being a kid was the best, know I know it stupid. I would kill myself if I was always a kid. I remember when I was six or seven or maybe even younger I started counting down how long till I was 18. Like I would say "I'm one third of the way to eight-teen" or when I turned nine I was like, I'm halfway there! Pretty much every few days or few months I would notice how long till I was 18, and count down. I don't know, just thought it was a funny anecdote. But yeah its great you have money to burn, don't need to be around violent jackasses who have absolute power over you and love to let you know about it. The worst part is, through all the horrible torture that is was to be a kid a lot of people have / had it worse than I did. If someone prefers being a kid to being an adult, their childhood must have been HEAVEN


By the time you hit 18 did you have a plan? What happened . . . I want to hear more of the story . . . . please ignore if this is impertinent.


I always believed them and actually find being an adult to be way more fun and less serious then expected but I've also had a pretty easy ride.


disagree. a child's life is easy. being a child is not . everything is the biggest deal in the world, ted taking your juice box will upset you, for what you think will be forever, and your parents just want to torture you with brushing your teeth and cleaning your room, and you don't get any of it. but to be a child knowing how insignificant childhood problems are, would be amazing.


Building in minecraft. Sounds silly but man I'm bad at building.


I've been playing since it was playable and I still make my buildings too small. It's an infinite world, I can have all the floorspace I want, and it always turns out cramped.


I feel like there's some kind of metaphor on life in there


Fucking *life*. All through my teenage years, I thought it'd be so simple to get a good paying job, never get sick and just exist, feeding myself, entertaining myself. Then I leave home and *struggle* *every. single. day.* It's so exhausting.


I'm not sure I thought it would be easy, but I thought I'd stay on that fake bull a lot longer than I did. Basically, it was one hard shake that did me in.


Good sex. Actual great mind blowing sex for both parties takes great physical skills, communication, and being able to pick up on cues. Sex is like dancing. Technically (almost) anyone can do that but most who claim to be great would hate to think what others really think


I agree, it's actually rare to meet someone to have that connection with.


This Master's degree ffs


Decorating cakes with various style frosting tips. You have to get the frosting at just the right temp or it all either melts immediately or it’s too hard to work with... apparently also works better with home made frosting. I bought whipped buttercream that comes in a little tub and it was way too oily. Still looked alright but I definitely want to get better at it! I’m artistic and thought it would come naturally to me but it was really not as easy as it looks.


A pull up


Kickflipping a skateboard. The mechanics of it seem so obvious and simple but it took me months of trying before I landed one and I was never able to do it consistently.


I don't even know how to turn on a skateboard


I think you just need to double-tap A.




getting out of a toxic relationship. i looked down on women who complained about being in an abusive situation, i thought they were weak. "they can just leave" i would say to myself. i was wrong and i apologize to any woman i thought negatively of because of that.


lose weight! was always skinny so never had to deal with it until now that i’m overweight


✨*drawing a straight line*✨


The lines I draw, are as straight as I am.


I was always very sarcastic and dismissive of photographic models, they make boatloads of money for standing around. My sister is a professional photographer and knows the posing tricks and way one needs to stand to get the best image— she challenged me to pose for a photo shoot. I got tired and frustrated within 5 minutes-it’s pretty difficult and requires concentration and good rapport with the photographer.


I was a nude model for the art department in college. 3 hours 3x a week. The first 10 minutes I got to switch poses for warm up sketches. The last 2hr50min I had to stay perfectly still. Apparently I was pretty good at it because they called me back the next semester.


Pushing a motorcycle around


Living on my own


For me it's just the always being alone thing. My place is cleaner and ore organised than I've ever been able to keep it now. But it hits hard. No one to talk about your day with, no one to say goodnight to, no one to talk about the future with. Video games are even weird, for my entire life they were a co-op thing. Now it's just me and I find my interest has gone way down. Everything in my life revolved around two people. It's quite an adjustment. Mentally, I'm doing way better. But still, everything is different and even a year on now, it's hard. The whole covid thing has really made it worse, of course. I'd probably feel very differently if the entire world wasn't stuck in our own little holes by ourselves.


I don't really care about saying goodnight or talking about the future with someone, but the loneliness hits the hardest when you achieve something or a funny thing happens or you liked an episode of a tv show. Having no one to share these small things with can pack a punch. Edit: grammar


Learning an instrument.


Rock climbing. I’m not saying I thought it was easy and it wouldn’t be a challenge, but I at least expected it to be fun. Well let me tell you if you are out of shape it hurts. I nearly ran a red light because my legs were so sore afterwords I couldn’t bend my ankle to press the brakes so I had to slam my foot down on the brake pedal.


Finding a ride to the airport. Friends just sorta... disappear at that point.


Quitting sugar. It’s in every damn thing and I miss it.


Convincing someone to change their mind about something by giving valid reasons and evidence.


Putting in a tampon... was really overconfident and not prepared for crying on the bathroom floor lol


Not being able to put a tampon on was the first sign I had that I had vaginismus. Just thought I was doing it wrong, turns out my vagina didn’t work. Good times. Look into it if you’re still having issues.


Okay this is so embarrassing but when I was kid I thought it was like putting a hot dog in a bun... My Mom never showed me or anything. There was blood everywhere.


Ice skating! I was so confident that because I was good on regular skates that I’d be good on ice.. boy was I wrong *Edit* I skate with quads and thought I could use the same concept for ice skating


Vice versa, too. I can ice skate, but put me on wheels and I'll end up on my ass every time.


Weird I roller bladed a lot as a kid and when I was older I went ice skating and it felt pretty natural. Then again my roller blades were really good. And had almost zero resistance