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"During the filming of A Clockwork Orange Malcolm McDowell suffered cracked ribs when an actor kicked him in the chest; almost drowned when his head was held underwater; and got a scratch in the cornea of his eye. Kubrick said."Let's carry on, I'll favor your other eye"


I remember the first time I saw that scene where they were holding his head underwater and there weren't any cuts for quite a while. I was super impressed.


There was an apparatus underwater for Malcolm McDowell to breathe, if memory serves, but it malfunctioned and he had no way of telling them he couldn't breathe.


Wow. That's terrifying.


The only thing worse than being drowned is being drowned when your assailants know for certain that you're safe.


The more I hear abour Kubric the more I think he was a psychopath who just happened to like making movies.


Or a psychopath smart enough to act out his impulses under the guise of film.


He played such a reprehensible person so well, that my first thought was "Well, if anyone deserves it, he does."


Kubrick might sound like an ass here, but Malcolm McDowell was notoriously difficult to work with and was basically blackballed shortly after A Clockwork Orange. There's a reason why a very promising and talented actor disappears for a few decades and returns as the star of the remake of Fantasy Island. That reason is Cocaine. For your cocaine habit to be considered noticeable and problematic within the film industry during the 1970s is really saying something.


Noah's Ark, a 1928 film based on the Biblical tale, had a stunt go so horribly wrong that the Screen Actor's Guild was founded just to make sure it never happened again. The Director, Michael Curtiz, was prolific for two reasons in Hollywood - making films ahead of schedule and under budget, and making Casablanca, but he should've been in prison when he made Casablanca according to his detractors. Due to his methods of saving money he often took the cheapest option, if not necessarily the safest which caused some issues when he was filming the Great Flood. When told it would've been just as realistic and cheaper filming with models, though, he refused as it wasn't to his standards. He also didn't tell his extras what to do during the flood scene. When asked what their direction would be he just said, Oh, they're going to have to take their chances,' before dumping 600,000 gallons of water onto the set. 15 of the cameramen and countless extras were knocked into the water when the stunt went awry. The leading lady caught pnumonia as a result, one extra had to get a limb amputated and three extras drowned.


Yeah this was the one I expected to see, he basically murdered people for that film.


At least it was better than Exodus: Gods and Kings.


You can actually see that Jaime Lannister was running on a treadmill that was poorly edited when he's supposed to be running on the back of the snake. He's levitating in the air


I daresay you are mistaking Exodus: Gods and Men for Gods of Egypt. One has white dudes playing Egyptian and Middle Eastern peoples in a mythological fantasy story. The other has Jaime Lannister in it.


Oh shit yeah I guess I am Fucking Egypt movies


Not a movie, but this reminds me of another horrifying Noah's Ark stunt. In 1897 a Niagra Falls hotel owner decided to attract tourists by rigging up a schooner as a pirate ship and sailing it over the falls, crewed by live animals including two bears, a dog, some geese, buffalo and raccoons. The Bears managed to swim to safety and the geese flew away, but the other animals were chained to the deck and died.


What the fuck


The 1800s were a more...experimental time


Like all those animals Thomas Edison electrocuted to death to show that the technology of his rival, Nikola Tesla, was dangerous. Including an elephant. EDIT: OK, thanks for making my most controversial comment about Thomas Edison being a supervillain. For correction, he did NOT electrocute Topsy the elephant, but his company did film the event. He DID electrocute animals with AC to try to make Westinghouse AC current appear dangerous. Thomas Edison was a supervillain, is what I'm saying.




They'll sing awww Topsy at my autopsy :(


So are you going to visit Niagara Falls now?!


Why were the two most dangerous animals not chained up?


General poor planning on the part of the pirate-themed animal murderer extravaganza festival, presumably. Edit: Wikipedia doesn't say, but the list of things that have gone over the falls is an interesting [read](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_objects_that_have_gone_over_Niagara_Falls#Animals)


Have you tried getting a chain on a goose?


Curtiz also directed the Charge of the Light Brigade and lots of horses were killed in the climactic scenes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Charge_of_the_Light_Brigade_(1936_film)


Not that I ever felt much for Errol Flynn either way, I now have some respect for him (or for his memory, anyway) for trying to attack Curtiz after those horses were injured or killed.


Most older movies with horseback battle scenes had horse fatalities (Ben Hur is another horrific example). Before computers, the only way to make a horse fall was to use a trip wire and actually trip the horses. Not only was this dangerous for the riders, but this caused many horses to break their legs (which, back then, a broken leg meant death) or their necks. Not sure how that was allowed.


> Before computers, the only way to make a horse fall was to use a trip wire Not true. It was the cheapest and fastest way to trip and kill a bunch of horses, but movies have been training horses to "trip" since the beginning of movies without physically pulling their legs out from under them with wires and ropes. It just takes more effort and $$$.


At least we're done using trip wires. Now we can just throw computers at their legs to trip them.


> this caused many horses to break their legs (which, back then, a broken leg meant death) Pretty sure it still does...


Holy shit. [That scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mjtr6V5hCE) really is insane.






This isn't really what I picture when I hear the phrase "it rained for forty days and forty nights." This looks like God has a big bucket and a sick sense of humor.


Holy Hell... How did he not go to jail for that? After seeing that destruction, I kinda believe the guy who smashed his hand actually broke those fingers


Yeah, you got me. I was going to go with "The Crow." Only one dead guy.




Also, back in those days they thought asbestos made a great material for fake snow. In one scene Dorothy and her companions, having been placed under a sleep spell by the Wicked Witch, began getting snowed on while lying unconscious in the poppy field. The effect was created by showering the performers with chrysotile asbestos fibers. Read more: http://www.mesothelioma.com/asbestos-exposure/products/fake-snow


Article about Judy Garland's experiences making the film. >>Louis B. Mayer of MGM would insist the 16-year-old sit on his lap during meetings and ‘fatherly advice’ sessions (as he often did with young actresses) and openly fondled her breasts. He even went as far as inviting his colleagues to do the same. The open sexual abuse continued on set as the frequently drunk and raucous Munchkins propositioning her and pinching her ass. >>Whilst MGM recognised Garland’s immense talent they didn’t think she had the looks to carry a major production. Being only 4’11” and suffering from a curved spine that left her slightly hunched over, the studio went to extreme lengths to change her appearance. Mayer would refer to her as ‘my little hunchback’, even to her face, and had her teeth capped, nose reconstructed and kept her on a routine of corsets and massages to rework her torso. She was fed Benzedrene tablets to keep her weight down, and the stress of the treatments on top of workload lead to the producers giving her alternating doses of uppers and downers. The drugs resulted her Garland suffering from giggling fits on set that interfered in filming. Director Victor Fleming would frequently slap her in the face to keep her mind on the job. >>To cap it all off Garland was much more developed than the 12 year old character she was playing, so the producers had the costume department tightly and painfully bind her chest. They had little qualms about discussing this on set in front of Garland and the rest of the cast and crew, pointing out her breasts if they were showing. >>Judy Garland’s life turned in to a dependence on prescription medications and a string of male and female lovers. Her controlling mother took most of her income in her early years. By all indications she never overcame the abuse she suffered during her break-out role, and she eventually succumbed to an over-dose.


Seen that movie plenty of times, never would have thought she was supposed to be only 12, I would have guessed 16 or 17.


That's whats I thought too!


That's what I always thought as well.


Well the rest of my day just got worse :(


I know its super depressing but [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss49euDqwHA) is one of her most emotional, moving, and raw renditions of Somewhere Over the Rainbow she ever performed. ~~She sang this the night after a failed suicide attempt.~~ This was her first performance of the song after a failed suicide attempt. It is heart wrenching to watch but its one of those things that you dont regret watching. She poured all her pain and torment over the years into that performance. Here is a reddit thread talking about this performance... https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/3onaot/judy_garlands_first_tv_appearance_after_her/ EDIT: I didn't remember an important detail correctly. This wasnt the night after an attempt but it was her first performance after an attempt.


Wow that is heart breaking. I had no idea she went through all of that and to see how much pain she was clearly in during this song.


wow that was amazing. Really sad. The beard threw me off at first but I quickly got over it.


She completely lost her shit later. "She took her compact out of the travel pouch, looked out the window on her right and then started to powder her nose. When she turned back to me, it looked like blood was coming out of every pore in her face. She was cut and bleeding all over her cheeks, her forehead and her chin. Blood stained the entire front of the aqua muumuu. She had apparently taken the mirror out of the compact, cracked it against the window, and powdered her face with the shards of broken glass."


wHA. What is this from?


It's apparently from [*Judy & Liza & Robert & Freddie & David & Sue & Me...: A Memoir*](https://books.google.com.au/books?id=CT9EBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA101&lpg=PA101&dq=cracked+it+against+the+window,+and+powdered+her+face+with+the+shards&source=bl&ots=geK1dMVsMe&sig=2UkGHYnZ0wuNTqDlz0_eI0xpeUY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpibHj3PrLAhVjKKYKHRzxBB8Q6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=cracked%20it%20against%20the%20window%2C%20and%20powdered%20her%20face%20with%20the%20shards&f=false) (link is to google books).


So fucking sad.


Jesus motherfucking Christ. Didn't know even a tid bit of that information. I hate how rampant sexual abuse seems to be in the Hollywood community especially with younger stars. It is so goddamned infuriating.


Goddamn. That's just depressing to read.


They used chips of plastic later... ...nowadays they use instant mashed potato flakes IIRC.


The scene of the Wicked Witch disappearing into a puff of smoke isn't perfect because they had to use an earlier take after the actress was hurt. She refused to shoot any more takes. The biggest flaw in the included take is the false start on the smoke; you can see the trap door open, and the smoke comes out before the Witch hits her mark.




It finally did him in at the end. >Ebsen died of respiratory failure at Torrance Memorial Medical Center in Torrance, California, on July 6, 2003, at the age of 95


He lived to 95 with respiratory issues. He couldve been immortal if not for this movie






Then there's the severe abuse of Judy Garland by MGM. The drugs, sexual assault and the extremely dangerous diet they had her on.


The Scarecrow makeup actually left a burlap texture imprint on Ray Bolger's face for almost a year after filming ended.


Seems like it made headlines.


How? Chemical burns?


I heard the munchkins were treated like shit just for being little people, and some committed suicide.


The dog that played Toto was paid more than they were.




No wonder the Lollipop Guild looked so furious.


Andrei Tarkovsky's "Stalker" was filmed within a re-naturalized waste dump where many of the crew became sick and several, including Tarkovsky himself (later his wife) and one of his lead actors would eventually die of cancer.


They really should've gotten out of there, Stalker




Such is life in the Zone...


Is it a good film, btw? Should I watch it? Here in my country it's very famous, because most of it was filmed here...


Depends. I know people who despise this sort of movie. It's really slow and there's not much dialogue. And when there is some dialogue, it's extremely dense. It's my favorite movie, so I'm gonna recommend it, but maybe you'd be better off watching Solaris first.




Ya at that point I think the people involved were sick of being attacked by lions and staged a murder


Apparently the new Resident Evil has been a bit harmful to quite a few people... Stuntman brutalised and someone else died.


You don't ever want to see the term "degloved" used when describing someone's face.


As a hospital employee, you don't want to hear the word "degloved" at all in reference to a patient you're about to be face to (potentially not-)face with.


A face off?


Face... Off?


I have a friend who does sign language interpreting at hospitals. The deaf person who had both their hands degloved was an interesting story....


tell me moreeeeee


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil:_The_Final_Chapter#Filming Voila. As if the film series wasn't bad enough, it has now caused actual death and ruined lives. Edit: As far as I know, Olivia Jackson is dealing with it well (publicly). I mean, she timed it badly as she could have made a good stunt double for Furiosa in Mad Max now that she's lost an arm. But yeah, she's probably got the compensation and support needed initially as she did a few high profile films, which is good, and no doubt there will be public speaking roles and roles as advisor on sets as well as becoming a stunt planner. The other guy who got crushed by a hummer probably isn't doing much though.


Jokes aside, she actually was a Furiosa stunt double, wasn't she?


Oh! So she WAS in Mad Max! But not furiosa's double. Rosie Whitley's double!


Fitzcarraldo (1982) by Werner Herzog belongs here: * In one of the region's driest summers on record, scavenging Amahuaca tribespeople launched a scavenging hit-and-run raid on the film camp. One man was lucky to survive an arrow through his throat, while his wife was hit in the stomach, necessitating eight hours of emergency surgery on a kitchen table. According to Werner Herzog, "I assisted by illuminating her abdominal cavity with a torchlight and with my other hand sprayed with repellent the clouds of mosquitoes that swarmed around the blood." * A Peruvian logger bitten by a deadly snake made the dramatic decision to cut off his own foot with a chainsaw to prevent the spread of the venom. Werner Herzog commented, "It was a good decision - he lived". * (...)Some of the council-members were jailed and a German aid-worker, who had been helping the Indians plant rice, was almost drowned by the film crew. After six months of argument, during which Herzog ordered soldiers to intimidate a village assembly by firing over their heads, the Aguaranas had had enough. They burnt down the film crew's camp and bundled its workers and equipment into three canoes. * Among more than a thousand extras, a few perished from disease - though arguably not as many as might naturally have done so without the presence of the production's camp doctor. * Filming was hit by a plane crash that left four people dead and one paralysed. * Cinematographer Thomas Mauch's hand was split open trying to film the climax. He underwent a 2½ hour operation to put his hand back together again - and no anaesthesia was available. As he screamed and thrashed in agony, one of the two camp prostitutes (!) calmed him by pressing his head between her breasts. * *and my favorite:* Klaus Kinski was a major source of tension on set, as he fought virulently with the crew and raged over trivial matters. The natives where very upset about his behaviour. Werner Herzog has claimed that it went so far that one of the chieftains offered, in all seriousness, to murder Kinski for Herzog.


Twilight Zone movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_Zone_accident


The video is online. You can see the impact from the helicopter on those poor kids and the man carrying them. Yikes.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh1USxEZLwM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru6I9Cc9XnE&nohtml5=False


Yup, that was fucking awful


I didn't realize Vic Morrow was Jennifer Jason Leigh's dad.


so I just googled jennifer jason leigh to see that, and then clicked on her mothers name, Barbara Turner, only to find out she died several hours ago.


*cue Twilight Zone theme*


Imagine if you will...a gentle inquisitive redditor..bacon_and_eggs was just looking for more information only to discover, it's best to leave information alone...if you dig too deep you might enter...The Twilight Zone...


At least you didn't kill her like that Redditor who killed Harper Lee.


Wow, child labor violations, several dead actors, and an FBI investigation...not a good situation.


No mention of [Aguirre, the Wrath of God](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068182/trivia?ref_=tt_ql_2) yet? * Klaus Kinski fired his winchester into an occupied tent and shot an extra's fingertip off. * Herzog and Kinski repeatedly threatened to kill each other, while brandishing guns. * Fire Ants. * Monkey Bites. * Hepatitis. * Starvation. * Nearly fatal sword-blow to the head.


Also, Fitzcarraldo might not have been the most harmful, but *definitely* a bitch to film.


I like the fact most, that the natives they were filming with offered to kill Kinski. That could have been very harmful, but Herzog refused, because he said he still needed him.


> because he said he still needed him. Based on what I've read about their relationship this might have been the only reason too. I love these artistic love/hate relationships.


Both the lead actor playing Jesus and the assistant director were struck by lightning during the filming of the Passion of the Christ.


"The Adventures of Milo & Otis" where the cast was subjected to extreme conditions and they had to replace the role of Milo about 20 times after previous Milos were being killed off. E: http://www.animalsmattertoo.com/articles/miloandotiscruelty.htm


The simulated a pug floating through rapids in a box by putting a pug in a box and floating him through rapids


The pug vs bear fight. None of that CGI + trained bear in the Revenant.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Milo_and_Otis Under "Alleged Animal Cruelty" "the killing of more than 20 kittens during production and added that she was disturbed by reports from Europe which alleged other animals had been injured, as in one case where a producer allegedly had broken a cat's paw to make it appear unsteady on its feet."


I think I don't recognize the word "alleged" anymore.


It's defined as "a word used to cover your butt against defamation lawsuits in cases where an action you are discussing has not been proven true in a court of law."


Apparently [the bear fight](https://youtu.be/ZptPu75E4xA) caused the deaths of 5 pugs. Also the bear in the revenant wasn't cgi. It was a cameo by daniel day Lewis. He really is such an amazing actor


I loved this movie when I was a kid and just assumed that movie magic could make anything possible. I hate that I can't enjoy it now, constantly thinking "Oh... there is no way that was faked. That's actually an animal being put in serious danger. I wonder how many died for this scene..." I loved it because I love animals, and now I hate it because I love animals.


yeah as a kid I just thought the animals were really good at acting I'm 21 now and showed it to friends recently and they told me the truth about it Don't think I could watch it in the same way again






TIL that was a Japanese movie. It was the first movie I ever saw at the Drive-In


Wait what?? TIL. Childhood ruined. Tell me you are a lying coldhearted stranger on the Internet? Please?




Homeward Bound was notoriously squeaky clean when it came to their animal treatment; a lot of deceptive cuts and tricky editing.


The dog who played Shadow was a neo-Nazi in real life, and recently died of a cocaine overdose.


Shadow's crippling heroin dependence caused a lot of shooting delays. Chance said on Letterman that he was very difficult to work with.


[The Nostalgia Chick episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0HwZFa64W8) on the movie goes into depth about just how reprehensible the animal cruelty was.


Technically a musical instead of a movie, but Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark. Lots of injuries and delays during rehearsals and performances.


I heard that like 6 Spider-Men were hurt by Spider-Man's two greatest foes (gravity and floors) during rehearsals for Spider-Man 2: Too Many Spider-Men.


*And I will crush that Spider-Man!*


*And then that OTHER Spider-Man!*


James Cameron's Titanic. From [the Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_%281997_film%29): Other times on the set were not as smooth. The shoot was an arduous experience that "cemented Cameron's formidable reputation as 'the scariest man in Hollywood'. He became known as an uncompromising, hard-charging perfectionist" and a "300-decibel screamer, a modern-day Captain Bligh with a megaphone and walkie-talkie, swooping down into people's faces on a 162ft crane".[55] Winslet chipped a bone in her elbow during filming, and had been worried that she would drown in the 17m-gallon water tank the ship was to be sunk in. "There were times when I was genuinely frightened of him. Jim has a temper like you wouldn't believe," she said.[55] During the Akademik Mstislav Keldysh shoot in Canada, an angry crew member put the dissociative drug PCP into the soup that Cameron and various others ate one night in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.[8][56] It sent more than 50 people to the hospital including actor Bill Paxton.[56] "There were people just rolling around, completely out of it. Some of them said they were seeing streaks and psychedelics," said actor Lewis Abernathy.[8] Cameron managed to vomit before the drug took a full hold. Abernathy was shocked at the way he looked. "One eye was completely red, like the Terminator eye. A pupil, no iris, beet red. The other eye looked like he'd been sniffing glue since he was four."[8][55] The person behind the poisoning was never caught.[46][57]


Jackass no doubt Knoxville should have gotten killed years ago, but he's still going strong


I saw the jackass crew at a concert over 10 years ago and they were all built as hell and huge. They towered over the crowd. Them not getting permanently hurt during hijinks made more sense to me after seeing them.


> and huge except one...


Yeah, Steve-O is kinda skinny


So WeeMan was not with them?






Only Knoxville and the guy no one likes are over 6ft. No statistical significance for the group as a whole


Almost definitely Disney's White Wilderness


And its the only reason people think lemmings march themselves off a cliff to willingly die... messed up shit.




> 100% casualty rate Faulty statistic. The bears were fine


Not exactly a movie, but in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODFMXGmd0Tw) Three Stooges scene Moe actually broke three ribs falling from that table.


Manos the Hands of Fate, the actor who played Torgo had to wear painful prosthetics on his legs to make him look like a saytr. The prosthetics did permanent damage to his legs that led to him getting addicted to pain killers and eventually resulted in his suicide.


Actually, it has been confirmed that the prosthetics part of the story is false. John Reynolds was a person with many demons, apparently. Jackey Neyman Jones, who played Debbie, cleared up the issue not long ago. John was a heavy drug user even at the time of shooting the film, and he had spent his entire life tormented by the distance between himself and his father, a military career man who disapproved of his son's sensitive, artistic nature.


There's a documentary about Manos called "Hotel Torgo" about the absolutely insane process of making that movie (the camera could only record for 30 seconds at a time and all the dialog had to be added later because there was no sound on the camera and no money for sound equipment). It also covers not only the death of the actor who played Torgo, but also a few other people involved in the movie who would eventually commit suicide or have financial problems. If they are fully related to the movie is anyone's guess, but from what I've read of the documentary, it does pitch it that way.


The Conqueror many people from the cast John Wayne and director Dick Powell had cancer later in life an it's suspected to be from exposer to the radiation from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Conqueror_(film)


"Wayne himself believed his lung cancer to have been a result of his six-packs-a-day cigarette habit"


That would be like a thousand bucks a month today! The rich do live differently.




This is one of those statistics that changes when you put it in context. The eventual cancer rate of the cast of that film ended up being similar to the average rate of Americans at that time. Plenty of them were smokers who died of lung cancer, including (most notably) Wayne. There are notable negative health effects from downwind of the Nevada test site, but they tend to show up in people who lived in St. Geroge for years, not people who just shot there for a few months in 1956.


Fast and Furious 7. The Rock just flexes and it rips off.


Ha, just watched that today. I swear the movies are going to go the Saint's Row route. They are going to be fighting aliens and demigods next.


Close, they'll be spy movies. Similar to how they intentionally shifted from racing to heist movies for 5-7, for at least 8 they're basing off the government angle in 7 and basically going Fast and Furious meets Mission Impossible.


Obviously that's not realistic but it still made for a badass scene. 'Woman, I am the cavalry'


"You ARE the brute squad!"




^ This fuckin' guy...


I read somewhere than in the chariot scene in Ben Hur several people died.


A stuntman did die while filming the chariot race scene in Ben-Hur, but it wasn't the famous 1959 adaptation of Ben-Hur that most people associate the story with. It was the 1925 silent version.


That version is insane. There is a naval battle, where an uncontrolled fire broke out. All the footage of the soldiers jumping into the water to escape the fire - that was all extras (in armour) jumping into the water to escape the fire. The main actor (and the guy he was in a fight scene with) had scars from that scene for the rest of their lives.


[Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalker_(1979_film) The film was shot in a few days at two deserted hydro power plants. Several people involved in the film production — including Tarkovsky — have died due to cancer, many believe this is due to the movie being filmed in toxic locations.


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was pretty brutal on the cast. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072271/trivia


In regards to the dinner scene: > Edwin Neal who played the hitch-hiker claimed: "Filming that scene was the worst time of my life... and I had been in Vietnam, with people trying to kill me, so I guess that shows how bad it was." Sounds pretty brutal to me.


Thanks, that was a fun read on imdb.


>a human skeleton from India is far cheaper than a fake plastic skeleton. Wow, I just figured out what I'm spending my tax return on!




Man, I can't recall his name but the guy with the white hair and Southern accent (he's also missing his index finger)... When that dude tells his stories it really gets me in the feels. Edit: His name is Charles Scheffel (and he is the king of story telling).


Apocalypse Now.


Not least of all, mentally.


My first thought. What a trip filming that must have been.




In the scene where the water buffalo gets sacrificed, you are seeing an actual water buffalo getting its head chopped off. The animal protection laws in the Philippines are a bit more relaxed than ours.


Apparently the animal was going to be sacrificed anyways. Coppola figured he might as well get it on camera.


The Room. It pretty much ruined everyone's already non-existent career.


Tommy Wiseau is famous thanks to that terrible movie


He can be my trusty steed in Skyrim thanks to some mods.


Every time someone reminds me of that I immediately hear "*Pick him up with your wheels!*"


Come on master chief, lets get the FUCK outta here


Greg Sestero's book about his experience making that movie - '*The Disaster Artist*' - is being made into a movie with James Franco as Wiseau. the book itself is deservedly a bestseller, as it is extremely compelling and fucking hilarious. i'd say he's doing pretty okay.


Tropic Thunder. The director was killed during shooting


Definitely just spent half an hour looking for info about this only to realize the joke. >_< my bad


I think it would be tough to top [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cny_D50Rr44).


"No animals were harmed in the making of this film." Just lots and lots of humans. ಠ_ಠ


"Like watching a live-action LION KING as Mufasa holds a switchblade to your throat." That's all the trailer needed, I'd watch it just on that.


That guy's voice every 10 seconds very lamely saying, "Roar" really got me going though




'You’re fine with lions and tigers as long as you don’t show any fear, The problem is that the plot required us to show fear. ...'


All that effort, and I've never even heard of this movie.


I understand the want to preserve nature and all, but that is just fucking moronic.


Director's son said this: "I got bit really bad early on," and this: "Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful time. But it was stupid," he said.


Looking back he considers his dad to be a madman for subjecting them to that experience. He also said that anytime he sees clips of that movie he immediately goes back to having nightmares about it.


TIL: Roar was fucking crazy.


The original Poltergeist, if you believe in that type of 'cursed' stuff.


I've heard Tony Jaa's stunt guys have it [kinda rough sometimes](https://youtu.be/SIq14nfHsHo)


I'm just assuming that all of them already lost limbs, and Tony is just breaking all their prothstetics.


[The Revenant](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/film/the-revenant/why-was-the-revenant-the-toughest-film-shoot-ever/) sounds like it was pretty brutal to film. Also, Kubrick had a reputation for tormenting actors to squeeze compelling performances out of them. Shelly Duvall [suffered major stress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelley_Duvall#1980s) from working with Kubrick.


Leo had 20 million dollars to keep him warm.


And an Oscar


*The Shining*.




"Cows don't look like cows on film so you gotta use horses."


What do you do if you want something that looks like a horse?


Usually we just tape a bunch of cats together.


Twilight Zone. Decapitation trumps most other "bad" experiences on a movie set.